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True Beauty 여신강림 [2020-2021]

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Episode 14

-Watching the kids accept JK was comforting. I did find her friend SA's behaviour weird though. I mean even if she was sad/ mad about not being told the truth, why would she subject her friend to the silent treatment while she was being bullied?! :ChikoWTF: Even her boyfriend was being nice to JK. I actually quite like that dorky guy!

-But it was great that SA stood up for her against SJin and then they were soooo cute once they made up and she was pinching JK's cheeks and telling her that her skin would get better for sure one day :BulbaOWO:

-Ohhh mannn every SLS sufferer died a little when SJ brushed her hair away and looked lovingly into the bare face of sleeping JK :heart::hearties:

-I really loved that she threw a corndog at the bully's face :laugh: Revenge is best served with a corndog! Actually everything about that fight scene was so amazing. I like that the girls finally stood off with their former tormenters and it was shown as a Tekken battle. Also thought it was sweet that SJ's lackey came to finish off the bullies :SquirtleSquadCool: And then the girls bonding as friends over Kpop...Bless! :duckhearts:

-LOL SH's dream that JK runs away with SJ because he's too clingy was hilarious :laugh:

-The bit I loved most about this episode though was HIY covering Flowerpot by Loveholic when SH encourages him to sing :heart::BulbaOWO::CharmanderYay: Honestly, it is just one of the most beautiful and sad songs about one sided love...and from the first Kdrama I ever watched! I think I've listened to it on repeat so many times since watching this episode...



-Hahaha Mr Grapefruit spending the night at JK's house because of the sister picking him up was so funny and cute. Love that the family embrace him so easily...and call him Grapefruit :eeeee:

-SJin's character is at breaking point. I feel sorry for her, though I think she's a terrible person. It's all because of her bad daddy issues. Actually there's a song I really like called "Daddy Issues" by a band called The Neighbourhood and it's very popular for fan edits at the moment...it's been used for both SJ x JK and SH x SJin edits :idk:




-This episode was super painful for SLS fans....Good thing I like both guys! :laugh: But mannnn, that scene with SJ and JK talking about the girl he liked was like stabs to my heart!! Tteokbokki date ft painnnn...But SJ had the most adorable reactions of amusements to JK's cluelessness...and sometimes I hate when the main girl is not aware...but MGY's portrayal was so adorable and caring that I couldn't even be mad! :heart:

-SH and JK's date was also really adorable by the beach....a lot of people have said it looked very similar to DO and BK's date by the beach form EY! But yes, all their sun drappled frolicking in matching scarves...can't believe they're going down the webtoon route though with their separation! I feel like they won't actually have JK and SJ date though with only 2 episodes to go. It'll just be a tease and reference to the webtoon's stories I think...otherwise there'll be lots of hate from some fans if SJ and JK date and then break up?? :thinking:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 1/28/2021 at 8:37 PM, ktcjdrama said:

Love the home room teacher for giving his class a lecture on caring for fellow student. 


Yesss, That homeroom teacher is the best. I thought his speech was so fitting and I hope kids that do suffer through bullying have someone of authority watch out for them in that way :letalQQ::heart:


On 1/29/2021 at 11:02 PM, mademoiselle said:

I like both of this week's episodes. It's like a 180° difference to that camping episode. 


Hahaha I agree...last week's episodes were the best so far. As mentioned iabove ...I pretty much loved all the developments except for the potty humour with SJ seeing his friend in the toilet! :SquirtleSquadCool:


On 1/29/2021 at 11:02 PM, mademoiselle said:

Absolutely loved Seo Joon's resignation here, hahaha.


Ahhh, that sequence where SJ told JK that he liked a girl with a boyfriend just killed me. So much. Partially because HIY looked so adorable and amused that she was giving him that advice about herself...but partially also because he was bowing out out of respect for his friend and for her feelings :letalQQ: Damn it got me deep. Just look at his every facial expression!! :heart:






On 2/1/2021 at 6:21 PM, mademoiselle said:

It's partly the responsibility of the culture of the entertainment industry because the Asian celebrities sell fantasies/dreams to fans, hence the celebs had to be or look "perfect" on the surface. They can't belong to anyone because they belong to the fans. Once the young fans had matured and married themselves then they became more acceptance of their biases seeking their happiness. On the contrary, Western celebs don't have this kind of issue. They date, marry, divorce, marry again.


I totally agree your points about them being dream sellers. Heh, I also think we Asians are a sucker for perfectionism. It's like seeing something considered 'unperfect' about these supposedly 'perfect' people really unsettles some fans, which is silly considering they're just doing their jobs and putting on an act as an entertainer :idk: 


I think also there's also the idea that life is tough in Asia, especially in the aspect of making money...since celebrities make their keep from fan's support, I think the fans do feel like they essentially 'own' the celebrities since they're pouring their (or their parent's) hard earned money into supporting the artist with purchases. I think it's fair to expect good behaviour from stars :heiboi:...but not fair to expect them to be super single for your fantasies :lenny: :lol:


On 2/1/2021 at 6:21 PM, mademoiselle said:

Lucky you! I would love to unsee Heirs! :laugh:Choi Young Do (Kim Woo Bin) was a combination of Baek Kyung and Goo Ja Sung in 18 Again. Like them, he has family issues. Young Do is violent & bad tempered like Baek Kyung. A bully like Ja Sung. IMO, he's worse because he intentionally tripped the FL and also pushed her into the swimming pool. Even though after he fell in love with the FL and treated her better, it doesn't excuse him from his past actions because at the end of the day, if he hadn't fallen for the FL, it means he'd still be mean.


Hahaha, Ok, I'm glad I never watched Heirs! It sounds like I didn't miss out on much and saved myself from viewing an abusive guy being horrible. Haha to be honest Baek Kyung and Ja Sung toe that line...but luckily they have excuses: BK technically didn't have a choice in his actions until he started getting an Ego (EY was always such am existential story with the writer being a determining 'God'...in a weird way the story is almost like The Matrix :laugh:) and JS technically wasn't mean to the girl, but to her brother (although which girl who like a guy who bullied her brother??) :idk:


Also, on that note, I think when I was a kid and watched Boys over flowers I liked Lee Min Ho...but then after the series ended I flipped around completely and now I can't stand him. Have not watched a single series since then. And BOF repulses me :laugh: (Sorry LMH fans!)


On 2/1/2021 at 6:21 PM, mademoiselle said:

As for Sunbae, second lead is a cheater. That itself is an unexcusable act.


Ahhh, this would be a 'bad' second male lead for sure. I think perhaps this is weirdly equivalent to the scheming rejected female lead - they tend to paint a male character only as being really bad if they are a cheater. I feel like I have seen a number of cheaters throughout my drama watching years, but can't think of which dramas specifically. :thinking:


On 2/1/2021 at 6:21 PM, mademoiselle said:

Ohhh have you seen Temperature of Love? I think this one both male & female second leads are "bad". I mean Kim Jae Wook was good before and likable but the writer had to ruin it all and become illogical with his character. But like you said, female seem to get the worse of it all. And I wonder if it is because SK is sexist and traditional. Or women are just naturally more petty? LOL. The irony is that the scripts are mostly written by females, so literally the females are condeming their own sex.


Never seen Temperature of love, but have heard things about the second female lead...it's interesting when both second leads are not nice though! Yeah, I think it is probably that backwards culture of being sexist and traditional and thinking females act a specific way when slighted....yeah I think sexism is interesting - it definitely doesn't just come from men, women do it too...it's because women are always told that men are "better" and so they just accept it without thinking of how damaging that is to themselves...and they spoil their sons and accept double standards for their daughters etc. But I see do like that a lot of Korean dramas and movies are starting to tackle the subject and educate women who may not have thought about this before :CharmanderOK:


On 2/3/2021 at 5:29 PM, Tofu said:

I can't be watching Hwang In Seop not get the girl so I'll just continue to watch his clips. Haha! He did in Nokdu but I didn't realized he was the one playing that character until recently. :eeeee:


Hahaha, I love that it's actually a thing that people can't watch their favourites get hurt :BulbaOWO: It's cute that you still watch his clips a lot of Youtube!


I must have a high pain tolerance because I just keep watching and collecting Oppas from the second lead pool even though it's like stabs to the heart when the lead girl ignores all their efforts. :lettalKWA: 

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Episode 15


I couldn't take Suho's Dad being sick seriously in the beginning because the guy had perfect hairstyle even when he was sick! Hairspray PPL there, LOL.


Hee Kyung & Joon Woo's scenes remain the funniest of them all. I just love the reversal male/female trope for the scene where Hee Kyung apologises and Joon Woo asks "What are you sorry about?" and Hee Kyung has no idea. xD


I cannot say I like the drama stretches out Seo Joon's loveline with Joo Kyung fully knowing which OTP is the end game. Seems pointless. However, I'll turn a blind eye because Hwang In Seop is so charming and soooo cute when he was at the gym seeking advice from his friend. The first time when he said "Be My Girlfriend" - the tone of his voice was really sexy.

Maybe you guys can convert "Be My Girlfriend" to ringtone :GrowDerp:


Ok, now on to Suho. Sighhh. I don't like this break up trope because it is likely that most viewers will criticise this as "noble idiocy". However, unlike MTF when one of them ask to break up which I thought was silly, in this instances, I actually can relate to Suho's reasoning behind the break up. Joo Kyung was in her 3rd year high school so big exams is coming up. She was staying up late till 3 am to talk on the phone with him. His dad's condition isn't getting any better and not knowing the future was disheartening and difficult. Most importantly it is believed the last draw was because Joo Kyung got sick, which pushes Suho to make that decision.


I quite like the scene when they met again on Namsam Tower. Eun Woo's crying scene was really natural there and so was Ga Young's. Also I thought it was funny that Joo Kyung always have something humiliating happens to her and it is in front of Suho. LOL. Other than that I think the next day rather than stalking Joo Kyung everywhere, Suho should sincerely apologise and grovel. It just seems more sincere that way than making excuses up as "coincidence".


Looks like Rowoon will be the only one who won't appear in True Beauty :pandasadspoon: and Kim Young Dae's cameo is so short. I'd kill to see Rowoon reprise Haru again. Sigh... I guess I just have to let go that EY has ended. Sniff. Sniff.


I just hope the last episode will wrap up nicely.


@abs-oluteM Looks like both my no. 1 & 2 Face Genius are buffing themselves up!




Edited by mademoiselle
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Episode 15


-I'm going to say I do consider SH's actions noble idiocy @mademoiselle but also not at the worst end of the spectrum compared to all the noble idiocy scenarios I've seen over the years....Also, it's worse in the webtoons...From memory, in the webtoons, he just stops contacting her and SJ for 2-3 years (?) and she never knows what happened to him :letalQQ:....But maybe it's because they never officially got together? They only confessed their feelings when he was leaving at the airport.

-In any case, at least SH broke up with her clearly....But I do think it's kind of tough love for SH not to give JK a say in the situation, since a relationship is a 2 way street. It'd be different if he was stressed and actually needed to break up with her...but doing it for her sake doesn't make sense as it would have probably stressed her out (increased tummy issues), rather than less, having to deal with a break up! :psweatduck:... I remember helping a kid I know with her final year exams while she was going through a breakup...it was so hard because all they would do was focus on the ex-boyfriend!

-I'm not a fan of the storyline where they knew each other as kids. Childhood romances can sometimes work...but mostly I find them to be sooo cliche! And also this one was not in the webtoon so adding it just felt cheesy and unnecessary to me :ChikoWTF: 




-The reunion of their high school friends was fun. It's sad that SA and her boyfriend break up (though realistically this does happen!) I thought it was funny that SJ's friend and JK's friend who always got bullied are now an item (I forget their names!) :laugh: And the way SJ looked at JK was soooo precious :BulbaOWO:



-Drunk JK was hilarious with her grabbing an octopus out of the tank! And that almost kiss....it was a real kiss in the webtoon and the beginning of their relationship :letalQQ: Even though it didn't happen in the drama it was prettily shot :heart:




-Hahaha Thanks for sharing that gym scene...Hwang In Yeop's "confession" voice is super hot and I wouldn't mind making it my wake up call :laugh:

-I totally agree that JK's sister and Mr Grapefruit have the best scenes. Honestly, I laughed when she couldn't tell that he'd come out wearing the same suit. I love the gender reversals because it's honestly very refreshing and humorous and plays on gender in a fun way :BulbaOWO:

-Kim Young Dae!!! I never thought he was pretty during EY...but he is looking mighty fine these days. I have to admit I like his cameo even though it was short. I guess a short cameo made me feel better that LJW and KHY were not the only ones that had a short cameo. I also liked that like KHY, KYD did a cameo where he was dressed like one of the main characters...True Beauty has a lot of fun mirroring scenes! :wow:

-Hilariously embarrassing that JK and SH's first reunion involved a doctor talking about her bowel movements :lettalKWA::laugh:

-Ahhh, the ice-skating date. It was beautiful and hurt my feelings simultaneously. How is that possible?! :smile:  I thought it was cute that SJ was skating circles around her and making bets. Ahh, these two are cute. It's such a tease since they won't be together...but it's more airtime/ couple time for Hwang In Yeop, so what do I care? :eeeee:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Wrap Up Pictures! There are so many!!


Cha Eun Woo's IG & Fantagio's Naver Update







cr: CharmingEunWoo's Twitter


Hwang In Seop's IG & KeyEast Naver Update









Moon Ga Young & KeyEast Update


Im Se Mi's IG Update





Other Casts






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[News] “True Beauty” Cast Members Share Final Remarks Ahead Of Drama’s Last Episode


Ahead of the last episode, the “True Beauty” cast has shared their thoughts on the drama coming to a close.

Based on a hit webtoon, “True Beauty” is a romantic comedy about Lim Ju Gyeong (Moon Ga Young), who zealously uses makeup to hide her bare face and combat her insecurities about her looks. After she meets Lee Su Ho (Cha Eun Woo), a popular student who has his own emotional wounds, they share each other’s secrets and learn to heal through love.

Moon Ga Young shared, “Maybe because we filmed nonstop for almost seven months, but it has not hit me yet that ‘True Beauty’ is ending. As I met great senior actors, teachers, and friends, I was so happy and had an enjoyable time. It’s unfortunate that I have to prepare to say goodbye now.”


She continued, “Thank you for giving lots of love to our drama ‘True Beauty.’ I especially received lots of strength from the much love and support given to Ju Gyeong. I will work to greet you in the future with further improvement.”


Cha Eun Woo commented, “It feels like it has been a couple of days since I first met Su Ho last summer, but it is already time to say goodbye. I also grew and experienced a lot while living as Su Ho, and I had a happy time. So many people worked hard together from the summer to winter. I once again thank of course the director and writer but also all of the actors and staff. I was happy to work together with you.”

He added, “I express gratitude to the viewers who watched ‘True Beauty’ and loved Su Ho. I will continue to grow and work hard. Thank you!”



Hwang In Yeop starred in “True Beauty” as Han Seo Jun, who appears rebellious but has a surprisingly warm heart. He shared, “Thank you to the viewers who loved and related with Seo Jun. As you gave overwhelming love, I think this will become an unforgettable valuable memory. I think I will continue reminiscing about Seo Jun for quite a long time while he lingers with me for a while. As much as I also really liked the character Han Seo Jun and portrayed him sincerely, filming every day was happy and fun.”



He concluded, “Although ‘True Beauty’ has come to an end, I hope it is a drama that will still come to mind once in a while far in the future and be remembered as a drama with beautiful memories. I will do my best to continue impressing in the future, so please wait just a bit. Thank you once again for loving ‘True Beauty.'”


Park Yoo Na took on the role of Kang Su Jin, a “goddess” who hides her secrets behind a cool exterior. She remarked, “I sincerely thank the viewers who watched and supported ‘True Beauty’ until the end. I am also very thankful to the actors and all of the staff who I worked together on set with through three seasons from the heat of last summer to this chilly winter.”

She went on, “I don’t think I’ll forget the times of learning and growth I experienced while living as Su Jin in ‘True Beauty.’ It’s always sad saying goodbye, but I believe there will be another beginning and new relationships to be built, so I will work hard to greet you with further improvement in a new project.”



Kang Min Ah, who played Lim Ju Gyeong’s sweet and bubbly friend Choi Su A, said that it has not hit her yet that “True Beauty” is over and expressed gratitude for the viewers who adored her character.


“Thank you for being with ‘True Beauty’ until the end. I also enjoyed acting as Su A as I was able to show different sides of myself with bright energy. Although ‘True Beauty’ is over, I will work to impress more in diverse projects, so please look forward to it. Thank you so much for all the love and support,” she concluded.




Lim Ju Gyeong’s older sister Lim Hee Gyeong was played by Im Se Mi, and she also showed hilarious romance with Ju Gyeong’s teacher Han Jun Woo (Oh Eui Sik). She commented, “I was thankful to be the awesome eldest sister of a warm family and to be with ‘my grapefruit’ Han Jun Woo, and every moment was fun and happy. I think this drama will linger in my mind for a long time.”


She continued, “Whenever we experience moments of hesitation and frustration in life, I hope thinking of bold Lim Hee Gyeong will give the strength of feeling like anything is possible for myself and also for the viewers.”



Source (1) (2) (3) (4) via soompi

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On 2/4/2021 at 7:23 PM, JenL said:

I think also there's also the idea that life is tough in Asia, especially in the aspect of making money...since celebrities make their keep from fan's support, I think the fans do feel like they essentially 'own' the celebrities since they're pouring their (or their parent's) hard earned money into supporting the artist with purchases. I think it's fair to expect good behaviour from stars...but not fair to expect them to be super single for your fantasies

I'm sad it has come down to this to be honest. The agencies or the celebrities really take the opportunity to milk the fans as much as possible. However, I do believe both are accountable for their actions. I mean, doesn't mean my Oppa tells me to support him means I've to go out of my way and bankrupt myself to buy 100 copies of his album. A sincere heart should be more important than numbers (be it topping the chart & fattening up his bank account). Although I'm pretty sure businesses don't see it that way so the celebrities have their pressure too.


Celebrities are humans so I don't expect them to be perfect. They can make mistakes; they just need to be extra extra careful than commoners because they are public figures that people idolises. Doing anything bad would be magnified 1000x and easily scrutinised as being a bad influence to the youngsters. I can see both sides of the coins, and this really is a double edge sword (pros & cons).

On 2/4/2021 at 7:23 PM, JenL said:

Hahaha, Ok, I'm glad I never watched Heirs! It sounds like I didn't miss out on much and saved myself from viewing an abusive guy being horrible.


Also, on that note, I think when I was a kid and watched Boys over flowers I liked Lee Min Ho...but then after the series ended I flipped around completely and now I can't stand him. Have not watched a single series since then. And BOF repulses me :laugh: (Sorry LMH fans!)

I think Heirs is pretty out-dated now. I mean, would you still be interested in storyline like BOF even when it is remake? Heirs is basically a bunch of spoilt rich kids worrying about things that we, peasants (per Dan Ah's description), cannot comprehend. LOL LOL. I think Mi Joo would have rolled her eyes a million times over the plot.


But hey, who knows you like bad boys so you might actually fall for Young Do's charm xD Have to say Kim Woo Bin did pretty well in the portrayal and in another perspective, he's probably a more compelling character than Kim Tan.


LOL, I'm over BOF too. Watched too many versions. May I ask the reason why / how you flipped around completely?

21 hours ago, JenL said:

I'm going to say I do consider SH's actions noble idiocy @mademoiselle but also not at the worst end of the spectrum compared to all the noble idiocy scenarios I've seen over the years....Also, it's worse in the webtoons...From memory, in the webtoons, he just stops contacting her and SJ for 2-3 years (?) and she never knows what happened to him....But maybe it's because they never officially got together? They only confessed their feelings when he was leaving at the airport.

So why did Suho leave in the webtoon?

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Episode 16 Final


I don't think I have much to complain since the show basically wrap up the finale in a very nice big ribbon, even better than the finale of EY (Hmph, PD-nim :duckPHAT:).


Again, my favourite scene is Hee Kyung and Joon Woo's wedding where Hee Kyung literally got married with her head stuck between the metal bars, LOLLLLL! I love her sass. :Niceu: It's hilarious and was fun. Do you guys think the scene where she slipped and fell was acting or real? It looks too real and candid.




I don't have much to say about the love triangle because it's not that unpredictable or surprising. It was pointless to drag out Seo Joon's unrequitted love for 2 years but I am just glad he didn't become Soo Jin v2 and continue to be a good person/friend. And in return, the show granted him a lot of screen time in the last 2 episodes. Like Kim Seon Ho and Lee Jae Wook, Hwang In Seop will rise to the male lead role in the next project - no doubt about that.


Side note: Hwang In Seop wears a lot of eye-shadows / eye-liners in this drama but it complimented his eyes.



As for Joo Kyung and Suho, they sure have a perfect happy ending (almost as perfect as Brahms couple's hahahaha. I am truly blessed). I like that Joo Kyung finally stood up to that bratty female idol (which I was annoyed that she gets more screen time than uri Oh Nam Joo, Kim Dae Young). I like the way they made up and talked it out. Everything worked out nicely for their career too. A bit too dreamy and smooth but it's a drama so I'm OK with a positive / hopeful ending. I really like the ending scene in the comic book store too...of them being kids to high school to adulthood. :duckhearts: I didn't mind the childhood trope (even though it's overused), I guess it is used to "strengthen" their entanglement / bond and making it more convincing that their love can stand the test of time.


Great performance from Moon Ga Young. Vast improvement from Eun Woo too. I find that he gets better as he gets to the near end of the drama, probably he's more immersed in this character than the beginning. Overall it is an entertaining, funny and positive drama.


Last but not least, a beautiful photo of Suho and Joo Kyung from the ending credit.



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I only watched the ending recently...Haha not sure why! I was busy I guess...Also I'm part way through Miss Hammurabi and was distracted by that...And although predictable, I was dreading the second lead pain. I mean when you see translations of what SJ was going to say in his confession....



Anyway I finally finished now.


Episode 16

-I agree with @mademoiselle the drama wrapped up pretty nicely in terms of all the bits and pieces with main story and side story.

-I actually think they did a good job with the changes they made to the webtoon since it's still running and very drawn out in it's comic form (At chapter 132, SH and JK have not started dating yet :idk:)...And I like the message of the series that people will still like you if you're confident and people who judge you on your looks are not worth being friends with anyway....It hasn't really come out as strong in the webtoons since she's never been outed/ revealed her true looks to others except to the guys. The webtoon reminds me more of a young adult novel which tries to take itself more seriously as a romance, so I can see why some fans of the series hated the drama...it's quite different. But I enjoyed the drama which had more warmth, even if it was silly at times! :heiboi:

- I loved that conversation between SJ and SH with the drinking. It was so sad but lovely that their friendship won't be broken up by a girl even though the girl is breaking one of their hearts! :letalQQ:

-The way SJ lied to JK to get her to realise her feelings for SH and let them reconcile was so sweet but heart breaking especially since he then goes to cry in the fire hydrant stairs and you get to see a montage of the times him and JK had bonded and supported each other over the 2 years SH was away. This was like a stab in the heart!


- One example of how much warmer JK feels in the drama is her crying because SH must have been lonely in the States by himself. Their car conversation was so cute and then the constipation talk made me laugh :laugh:

-Another talk that was done well was JK and SJ's talk when she rejects him...I liked the way JK at least acknowledged that she was sorry for not being able to give him back those feelings (sometimes the girl has no idea or doesn't acknowledge which hurts more!) And I like how SJ also just plays it off by being nonchalant about his feelings. At least you could see they'd be friends like they always were. :BulbaOWO:

-I also agree Cha Eun Woo's acting as improved and he seemed more like SH towards the end of the series particularly. I love that he knew JK's sister well enough to get her power tools as a wedding gift! :laugh:

-So many cute SH and JK moments like when she calls SH honey in public to make sure other girls know they're dating. And then JK rescuing a drunk SH ...and then that "Don't go...can't you stay scene" was pretty fluttery :wow: And they spent the night!

-Yay the sister's wedding was fun. I found it weird that JK's like entire school was at the wedding, but meh, I guess Mr Grapefruit is their teacher and maybe he's ok since it was JK's class. I laughed at the sister's "necklace" - I love the actress who plays the sister...she is so candid as you've all said before :hearties:

-The ending for SJ was so bitter sweet! I can see why @Tofu didn't want to see HIY suffer! On the one hand he did his successful debut and sung Leo and friend's song...but on the other hand it was soooo sad when JK was doing his make up and it was a mirroring of the other scene :letalQQ::heart:






- But all in all it was a good wrap up. Quite happy that's for sure!


On 2/5/2021 at 9:38 PM, mademoiselle said:

I don't think I have much to complain since the show basically wrap up the finale in a very nice big ribbon, even better than the finale of EY (Hmph, PD-nim :duckPHAT:).


I liked the ending for Extraordinary You - or I felt like it made sense anyway for them not to be together in Secret. But it was a bit weird that the rest of DO's storyline wasn't really explained from memory (don't even really know what happened to BK either)...it's like they graduated but there wasn't anything else left. But I like that they met in a different story where they were free not to be DP and HR. :BulbaOWO:


On 2/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, mademoiselle said:

I'm sad it has come down to this to be honest. The agencies or the celebrities really take the opportunity to milk the fans as much as possible. However, I do believe both are accountable for their actions. I mean, doesn't mean my Oppa tells me to support him means I've to go out of my way and bankrupt myself to buy 100 copies of his album. A sincere heart should be more important than numbers (be it topping the chart & fattening up his bank account). Although I'm pretty sure businesses don't see it that way so the celebrities have their pressure too.


I feel it's sad too. I think it is both parties fault...I mean, sure, the agencies and celebrities advertise a lot and make the stars a bit too elusive so people are always trying to get more in touch with them...but there's a limit before you're too obsessed? I don't know how there are fan clubs that can buy so many copies of people's things or make their members do that. It also really commodifies the sense of loyalty - because I spend so much money on you, I am your biggest fan...and because of that I 'own' you. It's so weird. :PikachuFacePalm:


On 2/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, mademoiselle said:

Celebrities are humans so I don't expect them to be perfect. They can make mistakes; they just need to be extra extra careful than commoners because they are public figures that people idolises.


This is true, but I think there's definitely a difference between say making a mistake by accidentally saying the wrong thing in an interview/ revealing something maybe not popular about themselves (which is forgivable even though the public will kick up a fuss)...compared to doing something bad and trying to hide it :shocked2: (tax fraud, abusing women )...I think the first type of mistakes are totally forgivable...but the second type is what I expect them not to do. Heck, even for normal people around me, like my friends or workmates, I expect them to have morals and not to do things to hurt others I guess...


On 2/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, mademoiselle said:

But hey, who knows you like bad boys so you might actually fall for Young Do's charm xD H


Hahaha, not that kind of bad boy...I can't even stand Gu Jun-pyo anymore :lenny:


On 2/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, mademoiselle said:

LOL, I'm over BOF too. Watched too many versions. May I ask the reason why / how you flipped around completely?


I'm not sure what happened to make me dismiss LMH so much :laugh:

I think I really didn't enjoy Personal Taste which was the next LMH drama I watched and then he never picked a project I liked ever again? Also reflecting on BOF I thought his character was a jerk and then clingy, which I hate...and even at a shallow level, I'm just not charmed by LMH's looks (though I can see why others like him)....I guess when when I watched BOF I liked Kim Bum more and was a fan of the friend's storyline more than main pair. Meh,  he's too mainstream too and I felt at one point he was too much in my face? LOL half of these things could apply to other actors, but I still like them? I'm not sure...I'm just a bad person maybe :idk:



On 2/5/2021 at 9:08 PM, mademoiselle said:

So why did Suho leave in the webtoon?


Same reason - his dad is sick in Japan. But he cuts off contact from JK without reason. He ghosts her I guess which I think is sad after he told her he liked her before he left. So I guess it makes sense that JK ends up in a relationship with SJ in the webtoon...especially since they don't have that first snow agreement in the original story.

Edited by JenL
  • Haha 1

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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