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Hospital Playlist Season 2 / 슬기로운 의사생활 2 [2021]

Anticipations for Season 2  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Based on the second teaser, the doctors in Yulje seem to be excitedly talking about something “hot”. What do you think it is?

    • A new doctor couple in Yulje
    • Hong Do and Yun Bok’s choice of departments for their internships
    • The identity of Daddy Long Legs
    • Bong Salon is open for business
  2. 2. Among the hidden characters (mentioned but not seen) in season 1, who are you looking forward to the most in season 2?

    • Jang Mane (Woo Joo gf)
    • Yoon Shin Hye (Seok Hyeong ex wife)
    • Song Hwa’s 3 brothers
    • Jun Wan’s sisters
    • Other Lacking 5 parents.
  3. 3. Which of the stories left untold in Season 1 would you like to see in Season 2?

    • What happened in Hawaii?
    • How did the Lacking 5 choose their majors?
    • Where did Dr Ahn Chi Hong and Dr Bae go?
    • How did Dr Bong meet the Lacking 5?
  4. 4. How many new GS residents do you think there will be?

  5. 5. The couple whose story you are most interested in for Season 2

    • IkSong
    • WinterGarden
    • Bidulgi
    • GomGom
    • Any other couples (could be romantic or friend-ships)

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  • Poll closed on 09/22/2021 at 01:43 PM

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Episode 7 was actually rather sad all the way around for me. Of course, there are the stories of the patients. However, the look on IJ's face after SHwa's goes into her tent while they are out camping, Rosa's panic at her memory loss, JWan hearing that IS was back in SK and at IJ's place, JWon being left alone with his ringbox while GW goes to her mother. It was just all so sad and so every day life in a way, all the little hurts that we suffer by ourselves.


The only bright spot now is being certain that MH and SHyeong are going to end up being a couple. SHyeong is going to have to stand up from MH against his mother to get the woman he loves.

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I'm not sure how I feel about this week's episode given that I had to wait 2 weeks for it. Too much stress build-up over multiple characters in a single episode doesn't seem a good way to go. Yes, life is full of ups and downs and things can come crashing down in the most unexpected of ways. But for almost all of them at the same time? Seems a bit much, or maybe I'm the only one feeling so.


Gyeoul's personality, I sorta get. We all have that friend who doesn't want to say much, even in the most difficult of times, because they don't want to appear burdensome, or they feel what is personal and private to them is just that - personal and private. And I respect that and in many ways, need to learn that myself - there is an issue with being to ready to tell and share too. However, Jeongwon is someone she was so in love with with for so long, and someone who I would like to think she wants to share her life with. Now she has a crisis at home and she doesn't tell him? She's causing him unnecessary worry and stress. That's just annoying and frustrating to watch, although I must say, their apparent problem free relationship to date has also seemed a tad unreal.


Junwan, poor Junwan... I still think Iksun has been terribly irresponsible in the relationship and as much as I feel for Junwan, I'm not sure this relationship will work. Iksun needs to mature a bit more. Besides, it's been over a year and she seems alright emotionally. She's probably moved on and so should Junwan. He's certainly better off with Jaehak who loves him unconditionally. :lol: And I also need to say this. I'm a bit disappointed too that Ikjun said nothing to comfort Junwan. I would've thought that ride in the car would've been the right time for him to let Junwan know that he's aware of what's causing his buddy's hurt all this while. Or is that a call of a friend who really knows his childhood buddy so well to know he shouldn't speak of it?


And Jeongwon! Like issues with Gyeoul isn't enough, now it would seem his mother could be struggling with possible Alzheimer's... :nervous:


Finally, Seokhyeong's mum. Oh goodness me. She's an over privileged one, isn't she? So different from Jeongwon's mum and their family of priests and nuns. Clearly also a privileged family, but see how humbly they live vs Seokhyeong's family. Poor Minha! That's going to be another drama waiting to unfold.

Uri Fab Five are in for a difficult time!!


Edited by gilaswan
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Amidst of the dark clouds roaming around the main casts, is it bad of me to laugh out loud at Woo Joo's relationship with girlfriend is at the verge of ending? I just find it extremely hilarious. It didn't help either with Woo Joo 's expression :laugh:


Rosa's condition had me worried for a couple of episodes now. I think it seems almost certain that she has dementia :cry: I can imagine just how scary it is to not remembering the passcode and unable to get into the house.


I'm not sure what I feel but when Min Ha got on Seok Hyung's mother's side, I was all :nou:. Sighssss.


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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Amidst of the dark clouds roaming around the main casts, is it bad of me to laugh out loud at Woo Joo's relationship with girlfriend is at the verge of ending? I just find it extremely hilarious. It didn't help either with Woo Joo 's expression

true :laugh: too bad he is in lot of thinking, so we can't have many scenes three of them enjoying the nature to its max aah but it is so cuteeeeee.


Most of all, I love ep 7 wise hospital life point where the POV dynamics are:

doctors are human too, also

patients are human too..


The issue is worth to highlight indeed. We often find it in hospital.

Patients get panic and adding more burdens to the doctor when they already know it.

From the one that asked to send capable nurse, and like showing trust issues to the doctor handles it.. The patients are desperate. I love how they handle it.

When resident Yunbok said now when she wears the scrub she forgot about that and really sorry.. Aah it strikes.

Doctors need try the best to understand because they can be the only hope in desperation. But still, mutual understanding is beautiful. Doctors are humans too. Beautifully conveyed.


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This episode is a stark reminder about aging for me . hahahaah Ya thinking about my knees now and how I can also be forgetful . :lmao2:. Joking aside, it really hit home for me when Mama Rosa started forgetting stuff. My folks are around that age and I sometimes worry when the day comes when I will have to deal with this.  (By the way Navillera and The Light in Your Eyes are two  lovely dramas that gave a thoughtful treatment about aging, if you're looking for something to watch). I know this will add some angst to the WG arc , not to mention what happened to Gyeol's mum,  but for some reason I am quite confident it will be resolved quite nicely. If anything I think it's part of the couple's growth process and  I am hopeful they would not do "Bildulgi" on this love line. I think we have speculated before that Gyeol's parents may not have such a great marriage ( dad possibly abusive ?)  so I think it takes time for her to reveal this painful bit to JWon, hence she mentioned she would tell him later. Think that is fair. No matter how sweet they are together , it is still the honeymoon phase and I know it takes time for couples to open up to each other. 


Also I feel in this episode , more than the ones before , the show depicted the less glamourous side of the profession. The loss of sleep, night shifts, the yelling from patients' families and all sorts of expectations.  That was clearly shown when Ik Jun, Gyeol & team when they did the transplant. But it was great that they showed the  patient's POV too through the intern's tears ( forgot her name) . When your life or the life of your loved one hangs in the balance, who else can you cry for help to? 


The camping bit was very nice - and it really felt like a very happy family scene. Among the 5, Ik Jun and SH have a special bond . They spend way more time then most couples do and confide in each other the most. Is it perhaps that SH is not ready to rock the boat and lose this comfort level she has with him ? Ik Jun's wistful look at the end after she went to sleep did make me feel sorry for him.


And finally Jun Wan - what can I say. I am wondering though how long the show intends to stretch this arc. The loneliness in JW is amplified in every episode. Can they let him move on ? I am not sure now if I would want them to reconcile - this sort of one sided call to end a relationship can be very damaging and creates a lot of insecurities . The one thing that Jun Wan should be asking himself is why Ik Jun didn't press him further about who his ex is. Given Ik Jun's personality, it would be weird that he doesn't want to find out more. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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You know the scenes where Ik Jun was sleeping on the sofa in the hospital...? I thought there are room with beds for doctors to sleep? Why didn't he just go there?


Oh yay! GIFs are out!






 :lmao2: so cute! I'm also curious of what could it be with the "He has a lot on his mind right now". What is a kid at his age be thinking (from an adult who never had a bf at his age)? :lmao2:

Edited by mademoiselle
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tvn official page updates some characters after ep 7 aired.


The rough translations for those updates


Jeong Won characters update


And that's how the relationship that started in winter, they spent the first spring together and welcoming a new spring with a deeper relationship. As much as he is happy about this unexpected change and cherish it, he wants to take one more step to the next level beyond a lover. 
Together with Gyeo Ul, he wants to make another dream of life comes true


Jun Wan's characters update


Even if they were apart, he thought it would be fine as long as their heart stayed the same. Being on the other side of the world, it means that it's difficult to share each other's daily life, so he didn't realize that he has to match their different timing. 
And then there was the sudden break-up announcement from Ik Sun. And that's how their relationship ended.
Maybe the ring that was sent back at that time, has foreseen the future of the two of them...


Four seasons passed and the spring has come again. A lot has changed but Ik Sun is still in the corner of Jun Wan's heart.

Seok Hyeong's characters update


Because he didn't want to bring anyone into his life, he refused softly but firmly against Shin Hye's heart who is approaching him while showing her regrets.


And at some point, Min Ha began to knock on the door of his heart which he was sure would never open again. 
She hovered around him by asking to eat or drink some coffee...
And now she even said she wants to confess her love. Not once but five times!
Min Ha's bold confession is absurd, however he can't contain his smile to leak out.


Somehow, a year has passed and another spring has come. Looking at Min Ha who is courageous despite his several rejections, he couldn't help but smile naturally. 
Without Seok Hyeong realize, a warm spring energy seems to have bloomed in his heart which was like an ice field.

Min Ha's characters update


In the blink of eye, a year has passed and Min Ha has become the chief resident. However the hospital work is still hard and difficult due to the increased sense of responsibility and burden as the years of her years of experience in the hospital go by. 


In her difficult hospital life, Min Ha's endorphins are Seok Hyeong. 
Of course if she takes one step closer with a confession, there are some painful days because of Seok Hyeong who rejected her and she has to take a step back. But to be able spend a lot of time with Seok Hyeong... She has no complain.


There are still chances for her confession, so she's going to forget her frustration and won't be giving up!
Just like Min Ha. Just being herself! 
If she comes closer, won't Seok Hyeong's heart get moved someday?
And today, she's going to snoop around Seok Hyeong's office with some hope


Making scenes of ep 7 that I have been waiting for! And I'm not complaining because I'm going to adapt the last 2 minutes of that camping stills as if the real part of the dramas :P




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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Everyone prepare your drinks, make your seat comfortable and make sure that you are having the time to watch because ep 8 is more or less 110 minutes long! 


The longest episode that I have watched so far. It usually a movie, not a drama. Wow the scale. 


Err my mind is in jumble so I think I'll be back with more coherent posts later. 


Quick summary for important things (not in order) happened in ep 8

- Rosa didn't have a dementia. There's fluid in her hydrocephalus and she has the surgery and recovering well. Her sickness definitely give a scare to Jeong Su, Jeong Won and herself. She thought she might have dementia but after check up and consultation with Song Hwa. It's not dementia. Later after she got discharged she join the band for bsnd session because Seok Hyeong got emergency news at hospital. Song and OST of ep 8 is really beautiful. One of my favourites. 


Original singer and song Toy (singer Kim Yeon Woo) Still beautiful. OST ep 8 will be sung by members of boyband seventeen



- Song Hwa's mom results is out and she has Parkinson. Song Hwa is devastated to hear it but pretend to be strong when she call her mother. She might regret all the time she brushed off her mom when she wants to talk longer on phone by saying she's busy. At the night after the result came out, she tried to calm her mom and hold back her tears. Ik Jun visits her right after and she shares the news. He just silently offers to drive her to her parent's house and she accepts. More about IkSong will be shared on the shipper thread (yes I'm sneaky and any of you who interested to join us at the thread)


- Jun Wan and Ik Sun finally met! On the way to Chang Won, he asked Ik Jun help to book the tickets because he can't do it himself. I think cupid Ik Jun is on the move because he choose the same bus that Ik Sun rides. 


- The emergency at the hospital for Seok Hyeong? Min Ha is sick and collapsed. Hong Do accidentally shared the news to whole Obgyn chatting room where all professors are included. When he's cleaning the basement, he got the notification. At first he ignored it and seconds later he left and wait by Min Ha bedside. The only professor who came and visit her. Min Ha at first couldn't believe her eyes and once she realised he's real she cried. She asks him to not look at her because she has no make up and look awful. Hahahaha


- Gyeo Ul let Jeong Won know about her mom general conditions and ask him to not worry. She will take some holiday to be with her mother. Jeong Won is worried but understand. And the night before Gyeo Ul is back to work, she visits Rosa before her surgery schedule. Rosa is delighted to see her. Everything still looks alright but Jeong Won keeps asking and making sure if there is anything that she wants to share with him. 




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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Went through some tweets that @LaLamade ( and realised she has just posted!) and I understand that Rosa has a growth in her brain and needs surgery. But think it is treatable. Seems like SH's mum is ill as well with Parkison's


WG remains okay - Gyeol tells JWon about her mum's injuries. And doesn't feel like there are any major problems . In fact...



I just love Ik Jun's response to SH telling him about her mother's condition. The offer to fetch her home is just the sort of practical way to show concern. Actually this is something I would also do.  I appreciate that it is always Ik Jun that SH tells all her greatest troubles to. IkSong , this is the best sort of crumb for you :D



And gom-gom....hey parallel scene to WG last season. This ship has positive direction today



And me ranting ...:heiboi:. Yes I know they gave the Dove couple some hope but if she is going to continue to be non-communicative , please let's have Jun Wan move on. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Wow, episode 8 was like watching an entire movie. I wasn't expecting it to be so long, especially given the overall down spirit of the episode. 


To be honest, episode 8 left me feeling rather sad and dispirited, despite the trying clearly trying to make it lighter at the ending of the episode and inject some hope into it all. Still, I'm not comforted or feeling any healing.


As for JWan, my heart still aches for him. I'm with @gilaswanin thinking that perhaps JWan does just need to move on which he clearly hasn't. I doubt that IS has truly moved on either, but she's still getting on with her life, whereas JWan seems to be in a bit of an arrested development, not being able to get over IS. IJ probably is at a loss as to how to handle it, especially without letting JWan know that he knows that JWan and IS had been dating. Though I agree with IJ that it's not his place to let JWan know that IS is back in Korea.


Well, I'm going to have to go watch the ending of Racket Boys again to try to cheer myself up.

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10 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I love this scene so much for so many reasons! It was one of the few scenes in episode 8 that had me laughing out loud. Plus, it used "Idol" by BTS as the backing track! Everybody dance now!

my hogwarts heart also going :laugh::laugh:

and this comment of swoon:

bbb.png :laugh:

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  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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just watched last night's episode.... Even I was kinda relieved to know that Rossa does not have Alzheimer's ... she is too cute to be written off like that.... her interaction with Gyeo-Ul was a major attraction for me.... I have absolutely loved every bit of it...


I kinda feel that Gyeo-Ul's mother is a victim of domestic abuse.... in earlier episodes , there was kind a hint about Gyeo-Ul's ultra ferocious behaviour in cases like domestic abuse...that may be stemming from it... i think drama will throw light on that gradually...let's see how things shape up...


Last but not the least , it was ik-jun and song hwa ..... ik jun is totally in protective boy friend mode... and going beyond capability to get that griller for her....!!! it was beyond cute...

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 K-Drama :  

 C-Drama :  Road Home


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I know I was in a negative mood after I watched episode 8, but actually there were moments that I liked. For instance, Harry Potter references set to BTS' "Idol", and it was a bit surprising that SHyeong jumped in to tease JWan as he did since he's usually not an instigator. However, it felt for one of the first times as if SHyeong and JWan were actually friends since SHyeong felt comfortable enough to tease him as he did.


Also, as @movingwheelpointed out, it was good that Rosa did not have Alzheimer's as she had feared, and it was a condition that could be operated on with a chance of success. JS taking care of RS was sweet, as was JWon telling his mother that even if someday she was not able to recognize them, that they would tell her every day that she was their mother. Best of all was GW visiting RS, of course, and RS' delighted reaction.


Also as @movingwheelpointed out, IJ standing outside of SHwa's door intercepting everyone so that SHwa could have a rest. It was appropriate that it was IJ because he is probably the only one who could actually help the various people seeking SHwa's help so that her work load was actually lightened rather than being pushed back. And then, of course, he came up with a piece of gear that they could use while camping. Even if SHwa isn't totally aware of it, she depends a lot on IJ, and I guess we're all waiting for the time when she realizes that romantically as well as in the friend zone.


It's just that for a 2 hour episode, the sweet, fun moments felt far and few between while the pain, sadness, and dreariness seemed to drag on. Plus, ending it with JWan and IS actually heightened the sadness for me since it's caused poor JWan so much pain. And, yes, I do emphasize more with JWan since we've seen a lot more of him than of IS and where her mind and heart is at.

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@stroppyse as everyone is pointing out , Ik-Sun is really irrational while breaking up with him. Even if its for her health issues , he deserves some explanation. and after that Jun-Wan looks quite broken actually. he is not the same fun loving Kim Jun-Wan anymore. plus , her condition was not that serious and when she can have fun with Uju while contemplating on her illness , she remained happy-g-lucky but such is not the case with him. 

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 Currently watching

 K-Drama :  

 C-Drama :  Road Home


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Rosa's big smile and happiness when Gyeol came to see her made my day. Gyeol is so fortunate that it is Rosa that could potentially be her MIL. Poor Min Ah - I kept thinking she already has such an uphill task trying to win over Seok Hyeong's heart . And when she finally wins him over, dear me, there's the 2nd hurdle of his mum. The potential MIL from hell.  LOL!  I was so happy for her when SH came to see her when she had her cramps. Her tears of happiness cracked me up.


For me, this was an episode of significant growth for some of our characters. For one, I love that we get to see WG's progress in this new relationship. A strong relationship is not just built on happy fluffy times; it is often grounded in how you handle the bad days too. In eps 8 both JWon and Gyeol had almost similar problems but neither immediately told the other which might seem strange. Especially when they have been in a relationship for a few months now. But it doesn't necessarily spell doom & gloom for the relationship. I liked that JWon understood that Gyeol needed some space to deal with whatever issues she could be facing . Sometimes,  people need time to process the tough things that they go through before they can open up. 


The other scene that left a deep impression on me was SH's emotional break down upon finding out about her mother's condition. For the 1st time , we got to see SH's more vulnerable side so to speak. For someone who has always been painted out to be perfect & fearless where nothing fazes her, we got to see that she was human too. Even when she had a breast cancer scare in S1, she was still very rational . But here the emotions hit different for me. And I loved that it was Ik Jun again that was by her side. His response to her was just exactly what she needed. No advice, no words of comfort , no hugs - because the truth is those aren't really necessary. His eyes said everything. He understood exactly how she felt at that moment and offered her the most important thing she needed - his quiet support and presence. Really well done scene.


I often see a parallel in IkSong with Rosa and Jung Su. Don't get me wrong - not writing off the romance for IkSong. If anything , I think there's plenty of hints for the romance to actually take off. But what I love  about Rosa/ Jung Su which we often see in IkSong is this bond & trust that goes beyond that of just friends . Something that even many married couples or partners don't have. Somewhat like soul mates. I just love the way Jung Su looks after Rosa and immediately know what is bothering her the way that Ik Jun looks after & understands  SHwa. Maybe cause I am older now that I feel this is even more precious than romance. Does that make sense? 


And finally Jun Wan. I confess I was not as ecstatic about that bus scene as some were. It was a painful reminder of a year wasted for two people who still obviously have not gotten over each other. For what good reason  did  this even need to happen? None. It annoys me that JW will have to beg her to talk in the preview.  And if she is going to continue to shut him off, JW needs to move on.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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15 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

And finally Jun Wan. I confess I was not as ecstatic about that bus scene as some were. It was a painful reminder of a year wasted for two people who still obviously have not gotten over each other. For what good reason  did  this even need to happen? None. It annoys me that JW will have to beg her to talk in the preview.  And if she is going to continue to shut him off, JW needs to move on.


I didn't realize that there were people ecstatic over the bus meet. I myself found it full of pain, much of it needless. So, I guess I'm more in line with you on this one. Right now, I want JWan to be able to move on as well since IS is okay with letting him go like that.

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5 hours ago, stroppyse said:


I didn't realize that there were people ecstatic over the bus meet. I myself found it full of pain, much of it needless. So, I guess I'm more in line with you on this one. Right now, I want JWan to be able to move on as well since IS is okay with letting him go like that.

I think it is because they think that there is hope now for them to reconcile given the scene - as fate has allowed them to meet. It also pains me that IS seems to be coping better than JWan. JWan always seems so sad when he is alone. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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