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La La Jun (Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook)

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On 4/13/2021 at 6:43 PM, twinkler0415 said:

I also like to think of it that way 😄 you can even see LJW smile a little 🥰



I see it too :heart::hearties:


On 4/13/2021 at 6:43 PM, twinkler0415 said:

She is indeed :smile: thank you also @JenL

I love all her wishlist 😀 


Thank you all! I have enjoyed reading all your comments and wishlists as well! :wow:


On 4/13/2021 at 6:43 PM, twinkler0415 said:

I kinda feel bad for Seo Ye Ji. How did they even find their conversation?  🤨 


Don't know what to think of SYJ's personality. It was a private conversation so maybe it was a joke...but it seems very cold. But she was never on my favourites list, so... :idk: But in terms of Dispatch, it is evil (and probably illegal) that they hack or phone tap. I always hope that my favourites LJW and GAR and others are not targeted by Dispatch in this way. Sneaky photos, ok...but phone hacking? Invasion of privacy! :lettalKWA:


On 4/13/2021 at 6:43 PM, twinkler0415 said:

Nice! We all count on you @JenL for saving ALLLLLL DDSSLLS videos and gif😆. I hope the trauma and curse about this drama stop already. LOL! Hope we can have good news from now on (starting with LJW joining Artist Company, lets all dream together)


Hahaha since DDSSLLS, I have been quite traumatised since things can just disappear without notice. Honestly so many things were taken away:

-DVD not made

-KBS Awards robbed

-Monster Union took down BTS videos

-Director made their instagram with BTS photos private

-Do.do.sol.sol.la.la.sol fan account went away

-VAST removed all LJW/Jun's BTS content


That's why I gotta celebrate every little win for DDSSLLS and preserve and translate everything: 

-Well, I now have all the BTS videos and we've translated most of them (also the fan clubs have this)

-The fan Clubs saved all LJW's BTS pictures and videos between them

- Sasim still sells those keyrings from their date

- One Cloudy Day continues to post and still have her gif blog. Do.do.sol.sol.la.la.sol account returned with all her pretty edits too.

- They're still one of the drama couples with the most games/ content on The Swoon & KBS Games

- They preserved the DDSSLLS sets in Mokpo and every picture of people visiting the locations warms my heart by proving it's still there. Thank you Mokpo!


In fact they even have posters around Mokpo showing how far it it to walk to the DDSSLLS sets! I like that visitors to Mokpo would be introduced to the drama :wow: Gotta update these on my blog.






On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

Omg thanks for the discovery from our great DDSSLLS content 🕵🏻‍♀️ ! Haha. 
These are so awesome and GAR is so funny walking/standing with that cast hanging over her shoulders between takes. Any bts scenes of them is my happy pill. 😜



Hahaha no worries! I was also very pleasantly surprised by my own discovery...a lot can be found from stalking LJW's Korean fan accounts! Sometimes I'm just absentmindly scrolling to see if an account is worth following on Twitter and then BAM! New (old) behind the scenes pics! They're my happy pills also, especially when you can clearly see them together :love:


On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

Yeah! And maybe from GAR too haha since they sometimes post around the same time coincidentally, looking at recent ones. Hehe. 


True! Haha...come on GAR you can be social on Instagram and wish LJW a happy birthday. Let's not be shy :laugh:


On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

I don’t know if I’m moving on from DDSSLLS or it’s just that DDSSLLS will always have a very special place and meaning for me.


For me, it's that DDSSLLS will always have a very special place and meaning in my heart. I've actually completed 8 other dramas since finishing DDSSLLS - some romance, some thriller/crime dramas, so I guess I am able to watch other things and even really look forward to them like Uncanny Counter and now Taxi Driver (Now I know who Lee Je Hoon is and I'm massively crushing on him, so move over LJW! :laugh:) But there's hasn't been a new romance that has hooked me anywhere as deeply as DDSSSLLS. Also, I think I don't ever want to get over it - the beautiful memories of this series and it's warmth will just live on forever in my mind, even if I like other things going forward...


On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

Yeah getting back my energy slowly and waiting for that instincts to pick up a new drama although I do have a rough list but I never follow anyway. Haha. 


Glad you hear you're on the mend @eNDe! Hope it'll be a smooth ride back to full health. The irony is now I'm sick! I'm trying to keep warm and drinking lots of lemon honey though and not going into work! :MewHi: Haha, I always have a list too...but it's a slow process to catch up up since there's good stuff coming out all the time too.


On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

How’s catching up on GAR and LJW’s past work? I haven’t watch some of GAR’s older films like Papa and Pacemaker. 😌



Haha to be honest, I got distracted and watched A Piece of Your Mind instead of either GAR or LJW's projects :idk: Actually I got distracted by A Piece of Your Mind because of DDSSLLS - others on this forum recommended it since I liked When the Weather is Fine so much and I watched the first episode and one of the main piano pieces played in the drama is Je Te Veux  - the 'I Want You' song which Lala casually uses on Jun, causing the poor boy's heart to stop! :laugh: The other reason I watched this drama is because I really love the female lead Chae Soon Bin - she's very cute, warm and has a wholesome feel and I'd also add her on the list for actresses I wouldn't mind LJW being paired with. In terms of the drama,  A Piece of Your Mind has a bit of a draggy story and the storytelling logic and character motives go south towards the end? But a bit like DDSSLLS the main pair were cute. 


But I'll get back into my LJW/GAR catch up soon since I want to have seen all LJW's works before a new one comes out and GAR has lots of interesting projects that people refer to all the time. :heart:


On 4/13/2021 at 11:59 PM, eNDe said:

And instead of the Run On kdrama that turned out so-so for me. 


It was only so-so for me too. I actually can't believe the drama was popular enough for it to get the DVD made with cast commentary! I saw fan instagram photos of them sending flowers to the cast while they did commentary recording and I thought, This should have been DDSSLLS :letalQQ:

But sometimes life just gives you lemons. Let's hope that fate will bring our faves together again some day...They just look so good together :)



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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26 minutes ago, JenL said:

In fact they even have posters around Mokpo showing how far it it to walk to the DDSSLLS sets! I like that visitors to Mokpo would be introduced to the drama :wow: Gotta update these on my blog.

These posters are a lovely touch. Normally I would hate it if things are over advertised and making a wall look messy but these posters look great around Mokpo beautiful homes and buildings. I think the drama itself is such a welcome so it’s fitting for its set to be kept to welcome visitors. 🥳


32 minutes ago, JenL said:

Uncanny Counter and now Taxi Driver (Now I know who Lee Je Hoon is and I'm massively crushing on him, so move over LJW! :laugh:)

I finally finished watching the last two episodes of Uncanny Counter...seriously I can’t seem to hold my tears for this counter family. The genre and story appeals to me right from its trailer when I first en-counter-ed it (haha) so I’m still a little curious what really nailed it for the mass viewers making it popular and got its second season. 

Yay, I’m glad you know Le Je-Hoon and now watching his work. I love the way he speaks from the moment I went to check him out after a viewer mentioned how her mum likes the way he speaks. Haha. Yeah what a way I got to know about him. At the time, I was watching his first drama after his military service which was Secret Door. I caught a glimpse of it but not sure I wanted to watch another drama based on Crown Prince Sado’s life hence I read viewer’s episode review.

So I think around that time, he was going to film Phantom Detective with Go Ara and that film and his following drama Signal are my favourite of his until now. Maybe because it highlights the way he speaks 😆 I’m planning to watch more of his recent works too✌🏼As usual, I’ve avoided his romance work so far as I prefer him in detective/crime/action genre. 

56 minutes ago, JenL said:

The irony is now I'm sick! I'm trying to keep warm and drinking lots of lemon honey though and not going into work! :MewHi: Haha, I always have a list too...but it's a slow process to catch up up since there's good stuff coming out all the time too.

Yes, please take care and take time to slow down. Keep yourself hydrated and sleep early! 👍🏼 


Precisely sometimes I just rather not keep

a list anymore haha. Usually I’ll take more notes on those that i can rewatch and I’ve enjoyed rewatching drama/film years later.

1 hour ago, JenL said:

A Piece of Your Mind has a bit of a draggy story and the storytelling logic and character motives go south towards the end? But a bit like DDSSLLS the main pair were cute. 

Hahaha...well you’re a seasoned viewer of such ending by now and understand DDSSLLS so well that the ending for A Piece of Your Mind is a piece of cake to swallow.👌🏼 

The one drama that I did watch after so many in this forum mentioned was The Good Detective. It was refreshing to watch the male lead actor as I’ve never heard or seen his work but he was great in the role. I expect no less from the rest of the cast as most are whom I’ve seen their work before. Overall a good story, pacing and well-written characters. Probably been a while since I felt like “why didn’t I know about this?!” 

1 hour ago, JenL said:

This should have been DDSSLLS :letalQQ:

But sometimes life just gives you lemons. Let's hope that fate will bring our faves together again some day...They just look so good together :)



Ikr...and they work well together as we’ve seen in bts and interviews. C’mon writers and directors, please cast them together again! 🙌🏼

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4 hours ago, JenL said:

Let's hope that fate will bring our faves together again some day...They just look so good together :)



Really like their looks in this era....

Hope to see more drama in this era in future and if LJW or GAR as leads, i would watching that for sure:love:


4 hours ago, JenL said:

For me, it's that DDSSLLS will always have a very special place and meaning in my heart.

same with me


4 hours ago, JenL said:

In terms of the drama,  A Piece of Your Mind has a bit of a draggy story and the storytelling logic and character motives go south towards the end? But a bit like DDSSLLS the main pair were cute. 

i'm would like to try watch this drama because i like this kind of drama eventhough i'm not the fans of both leads. Hope i can finish this one.


4 hours ago, JenL said:

Sneaky photos, ok...but phone hacking? Invasion of privacy! 

agree.its invasion of privacy but i'm quite shocked the.chat is real.


4 hours ago, JenL said:

Hahaha since DDSSLLS, I have been quite traumatised since things can just disappear without notice. Honestly so many things were taken away:

-DVD not made

-KBS Awards robbed

-Monster Union took down BTS videos

-Director made their instagram with BTS photos private

-Do.do.sol.sol.la.la.sol fan account went away

-VAST removed all LJW/Jun's BTS content

too many things happen after DDSSLLS finished. But i'm still glad that we had this forum to share a news about DDSDLLS , LJW and GAR here.:duckhearts:

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On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

I saw it on their ig page. I don't mind sharing it with the public as well.😊



Yay, I've left it on public for everyone :) Thanks so much for everyone's generosity :heart::CharmanderYay:


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:


@JenL  @Unnie0110

I love the wishlists :wow:, I want to include as I have said previously Lala proposing to Jun and Jun getting embarrased by it. And Jun making a proper proposal in the end. LOL And I want to see Jun fulfilling the career that he wants. Plus him and Rara having  adorable babies. 


This is a lovely wishlist idea! I always thought it would have been such a fitting and empowering scene to have Lala propose and really stand out amongst K-drama heroines since she would have been brave enough and cute enough to do it...and LJW would have pulled such a cute flustered reaction :wow: It would have been such a storybook ending the way the start of the story was!


I was thinking of my own wishlist and I believe it'd be the following:


1. Having a lovely, simple wedding (since Lala's weddings seem to get simpler each time)...one idea would be pretty much a cute elopement where they were both sitting somewhere under the stars and exchanging rings and telling each other how much they liked each other....And then maybe a really cute little Lalaland wedding with Eunpo folk.

2. A scene showing what a success Lala land had become with students of all ages - lots of kids and elderly people and no creeps! 

3. Jun graduating from school and doing what he wanted and his parents coming to visit and showing they liked Lala (even if awkwardly) and Jun's mother complaining with TWD ladies and Jun's father making friends with Dr Cha (since both doctors, right?)

4. Fast Forward to Lala and Jun both sitting at a piano with Mimi and their little toddler/s teaching them how to play songs on the piano in Lala Land. Jun smiles at Lala and their kids - he finally has a family life that isn't cold at all! It's a happy family moment with photos of their lives around Lala Land...the camera pans across all these memories...and then zooms out of that scene, to the title card, 'DDSSLLS: The End.'


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

*squeals* another BTS that we never saw before. I am terribly missing them now. 


Hehehe glad you liked these! I hope to find more but I think there'll be no more soon :letalQQ: oh well, I'll just look back fondly on these ones.


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

It's very hard to be a celebrity in S. Korea nowadays. They put you in a pedestal and any small wrong doing has such a high price to pay. 

 I think part that  GAR stayed very long in the industry because she is not in the limelight most of the time and did not have such scandals.  But its scary how dispatch got hold of SYJ and KHJ kakaotalk :shocked: . Don't they have privacy laws there?


This is so so true. I think they love you too much and if you mess up they will hate you a lot. I think it's fair for somethings like bullying because the celebrities have been acting like such likeable people and then it turns out it was all a façade and their victims have probably felt pained to see them everywhere. But for more private matters, like dating (especially where messages were obtained illegally), it's pretty unfair. :idk: Their laws seem pretty flawed to be honest!


I agree. I think GAR is humble and happy around her co-workers and shares a lot of her life while filming...But she also does well to avoid spending too much of her time trying to be the centre of attention...as it attracts bad attention too. And I think things like her candidness on social media makes her seem more open - like you know what she does without her covering up too much, so she seems more down to earth.


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

oh yes, his birthday is coming soon. I wonder if GAR will post.

Thank you very much @JenLfor this gif. It's like GAR was telling LJW come here and gave him a hug because he was cold. It seemed so natural. :love:


Hahaha, I try not to get my hopes up since I never really see GAR comment on people's posts often. Only Byeol's Live :laugh: But yes, that hug was cute and natural.


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:


Yep, I can download youtube vids. Thanks so muuuch. :heart:


Here are all the videos subbed by that instagrammer...I have them as unlisted. Let me know once you've downloaded them as I may take it down... just don't want to get in trouble since this Instagrammer is also a DDSSLLS friend and has helped with finding resources and subbing before.


She subbed 4 videos - the rest were done by another instagrammer - MyMonica60






On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

Anyone knows about the plot? Obviously it will be romance right?  Though I wish it isn't :laugh: .Though I love TVN, they are more open minded when it comes to their dramas. 

Is LJW doing freelance? Has he got an agency already? I haven't heard about the girl, I believe she's a rookie?


I believe it will be a Historical-Fantasy drama (Sageuk). Something involving a made-up world. I'm not a fan of historical, but I will watch if it's LJW. Not completely sure of the plot but someone on this forum told me that's what they had read.....oh and just found this on Twitter:"#Return is about the stories of young magicians dealing with heavenly spirits"


The writers, The Hong sisters, did Hotel Del Luna, Master's Sun, You're Beautiful and a number of others - they have had hits, but also misses, so we'll see how this goes. LJW hasn't announced an agency so maybe he's brave enough to freelance and negotiate his own terms :idk: The girl is a super new rookie who everyone says played a character (teacher?) in The School Nurse Files


Apparently LJW had no agent for his first drama and went to Spain by himself! How brave! :MewHi:




On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

 This thread will be nothing without you :love:.


Awww that's sweet of you to say...I just obsess about my favourite things for a looong time :laugh:


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

That drama was in my to watch list 'coz I saw some snippets and she was really good  in it. She's even nominated for a Baeksang. I checked the list, though I remember back in the day, most of the actresses were criticized in one way or another by k-netz for their acting skills. K-netz are very temperamental 😅. They are choosing which celebrity to pick on. Though I'm glad there wasn't much bashing with GAR in the comments (as far as I can see).


I've seen the whole of It's Ok to Not Be Ok - it's a well written drama with interesting characters and a focus on mental health. There's also a gothic fairytale element to it. And Dr Cha's character in it is great! A sleezy publisher agent :laugh: While I enjoyed it at the time, but it was also very dark and heavy at times, and so popular, that I eventually felt like it was overrated? It took me a long time to get to the end. So it's not in my favourites list, though I can see why others love it. You're right about K-netizens...they are temperamental and like to do the rounds with celebrities!


On 4/15/2021 at 3:18 AM, purplefin said:

I can totally imagine these 😍. I'd rather they stay in Eunpo as it is more laidback. Hehe. And Rara will be a world reknown piano teacher ☺. It would have been sweet to see an epilogue really, sighs. 


She would be the best piano teacher in Eunpo since she trained a student to play in Europe! Sad there was no Epilogue, but it's like we made our own with our wishlists! :wow:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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5 hours ago, JenL said:

Lala propose and really stand out amongst K-drama heroines since she would have been brave enough and cute enough to do it...and LJW would have pulled such a cute flustered reaction

i can imagine LJW flustered reaction with red cheeks:wow:

5 hours ago, JenL said:

. Fast Forward to Lala and Jun both sitting at a piano with Mimi and their little toddler/s teaching them how to play songs on the piano in Lala Land. Jun smiles at Lala and their kids - he finally has a family life that isn't cold at all! It's a happy family moment with photos of their lives around Lala Land...the camera pans across all these memories...and then zooms out of that scene, to the title card, 'DDSSLLS: The End.'

if we got the ending like this, it would be perfect....nothing else i would ask, but the writer screwed our fantasy😥


5 hours ago, JenL said:

The writers, The Hong sisters, did Hotel Del Luna, Master's Sun, You're Beautiful and a number of others - they have had hits, but also misses, so we'll see how this goes.

hope this drama has a good storyline eventhough i'm not too interested with fantasy but for LJW, i would like to give a try.


Still waiting for GAR ig updated....almost 1 month she stay silent, hope she prepared for new works

Edited by multiloverss
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On 4/15/2021 at 8:46 AM, eNDe said:

I think DDSSLLS can continue as a webtoon if a super talented fan make it happen based on many fans’ wish lists. 😆 And you guys have so much ideas that if I’m a film producer, I’ll use all of the combined writing talents here to make a DDSSLLS sequel as a movie. There might even be a trilogy 😂 So fun!


Omg yes! I feel like DDSSLLS could be an excellent webtoon either officially or as a fan drawn one. It could just be a slice of life dealing with every day little things like the drama or maybe tackle some of the loose ends of the story or even be done with a reboot to the end! I wish someone would do it for reals!


My sister is a good drawer so maybe when she's not so busy I could commission her to draw a better ending :MewHi: But she's not a drama watcher so there wouldn't be a long webtoon series :mine:


I have seen some really good fan art on Instagram, but usually just as a single scene from the drama as opposed to a comic story. I really like this artists' style: https://www.instagram.com/sooniistudio_/






This other artist is less consistent when she the draws the face of characters, but I thought she drew these scenes well: https://www.instagram.com/imnujdrawstudios/






On 4/15/2021 at 8:46 AM, eNDe said:

Now that I think of that...any of you feel like Jdrama could make a good remake/adaptation of DDSSLLS and who would you think make a good pairing to act as Rara and Jun? 🧐 


Haha, I have to say I don't watch J-dramas as much any more though I occasionally will pick up a series and love it dearly. But when I don't get into them, it's years before I do pick something up. I think Jdramas are often quite cute , but they are just so polite/formal and love to make their characters act  comic-like that it's often hard to display the same naturalness of Korean dramas.


In any case, I don't know if I'm familiar enough with the Japanese entertainment world to pick from the younger actors. My favourite Japanese actors/Entertainers are all like 35+ I think! Dean Fujioka, Wentz Eiji, Hiro Mizushima...haha so none would be young enough to play Jun! I did come across an actor called Taishi Nakagawa who is the same age as LJW and does give off the same vibes though I've never seen his projects before (Doesn't this picture remind you of LJW? :wow: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_Da2DB9B4/) . As for Lala, I really like Haruka Fukuhara...but she's only 22 too! https://asianwiki.com/Haruka_Fukuhara :idk:


On 4/15/2021 at 9:38 AM, eNDe said:

Yeah I would love to see their home environment together especially curious  Rara will reveal more of her deep relationship with her father that likely will affect how she would want to bring into her life with Jun.


Yes, it would be lovely to see them build a home together especially because you'd see the warmth of Lala's family life and it would have been nice to hear more little stories from her childhood through the things she picked for their house and the reasons why she picked them...Imagine an extension of the appliance shopping scene except this time, Jun could happily say that he was shopping with his real wife and they could walk home with their purchases like this again... :heart:




On 4/15/2021 at 9:38 AM, eNDe said:

I feel like there’s more life lessons; be it fun or loving ways, that Rara could share with the viewers once she’s settled with Jun because Jun is also that catalyst for her to do/say the next thing. (And as Jun say, she’s always right though) 


As they build a place together and much happenings in each of their daily lives, I love to imagine that they would have their own special way to meet each other halfway and reach their home. Yeah I’m still such a sucker for Rara playing that Welcome song for Jun each time he comes back. 😙



I love the life lessons from this show and I definitely think Lala would still have so much she would teach Jun (and the rest of us for sure). I would love to think Lala would continue to play the welcome song. And Jun would also ask Lala to play music for him as he cleaned the house. But they'd totally cook together like when they baked cookies and Lala made gimbap :wow:


On 4/15/2021 at 9:38 AM, eNDe said:

On another note, I certainly think Jun fits to have his own design studio, designing homes of course haha. 


Jun certainly does deserve his own design studio. He should be an architect!




On 4/15/2021 at 9:38 AM, eNDe said:

I like TVN and OCN the most for thats where I found most of the memorable dramas for me. So I’m looking forward to more details of it however if it’s romance, I’ll probably won’t be watching live. I’m hoping romance is just a supporting role ✌🏼

However I would love to check out Move To Heaven where he has a cameo 😊. There seem to be an airing schedule already : 14 May 2021 



Hard to decide which channel I like the most. Surprisingly, I think I like a lot of slice of life/ romance dramas from JTBC (When the Weather is Fine, 18 Again, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon) but TVN seem to carry the big name projects, so I don't mind. 


It looks like it'll be a fantasy romance. There's more info here and a link to this rookie actresses instagram. She looks quite artistic and maybe a bit of an alternative/ hipster/ arthouse type rather than super conventional. https://www.kdramastars.com/articles/120342/20210414/lee-jae-wook-park-hye-eun-star-new-drama-return.htm Don't know if I'm ready for a romance from LJW, but I'll probably watch live.


Looking forward to Move to Heaven! Someone said LJW is gonna cameo in episode 10? Don't take my word on it though! :idk:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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9 hours ago, JenL said:


It looks like it'll be a fantasy romance. There's more info here and a link to this rookie actresses instagram. She looks quite artistic and maybe a bit of an alternative/ hipster/ arthouse type rather than super conventional. https://www.kdramastars.com/articles/120342/20210414/lee-jae-wook-park-hye-eun-star-new-drama-return.htm Don't know if I'm ready for a romance from LJW, but I'll probably watch live.

Thanks for this info! She reminds me of LJW’s own rise in the industry. Just like him, she debut and got recognised immediately for her potential and signed by an agency. She’s working on a lead role right on her second project! Quite an achievement and perhaps her other work experiences prior to debut gave her enough tools to make a mark on the tv drama screen. I like that she’s a fresh face rookie so pairing with LJW will also allow him to challenge himself to lead the show more especially if this time, the drama’s protagonist is LJW/male character. 


I’ve watched Master’s Sun and enjoyed it back then so knowing it’s the same writers as the recent Hotel Del Luna, now I’m not surprised it’s fantasy genre hehe. And adding romance however the spectrum, is usually the case in fantasy which I don’t mind at all. A lot of fantasy reads and watch I’ve done have different levels of romance even the likes of Lord of the Rings films. 

Getting the right pairing for a fantasy romance can be interesting to me because aside from chemistry, the actor needs to make me believe in that fantasy world he/she is in. It has to intrigue my imagination. 

So I might actually watch LJW’s next drama for its fantasy genre first and foremost 😊 Hope we get an official confirmation soon ✌🏼

9 hours ago, JenL said:

I think Jdramas are often quite cute , but they are just so polite/formal and love to make their characters act  comic-like that it's often hard to display the same naturalness of Korean dramas.


In any case, I don't know if I'm familiar enough with the Japanese entertainment world to pick from the younger actors. My favourite Japanese actors/Entertainers are all like 35+ I think! Dean Fujioka, Wentz Eiji, Hiro Mizushima...haha so none would be young enough to play Jun! I did come across an actor called Taishi Nakagawa who is the same age as LJW and does give off the same vibes though I've never seen his projects before (Doesn't this picture remind you of LJW? :wow: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_Da2DB9B4/) . As for Lala, I really like Haruka Fukuhara...but she's only 22 too! https://asianwiki.com/Haruka_Fukuhara 

True JDrama style of acting and writing is definitely not for some people’s liking haha. I recently found bts feature for one of my fave Jdramas and was quite disappointed at how little they give to showcase the chemistry and/or bloopers from the best scenes. 

Nevertheless because Jdrama is often with comic sense and can do kawaii like it’s in them already, I figure a show like DDSSLLS could be reimagined as a Jdrama with their own way of ending too. I think a character like RaRa would be interesting, relatable or even manga-like. I like your suggestions of actors and hey, they can always act “older” and “younger” as what LJW and GAR did. Haha.

Of the actors i’ve watched in Jdrama, I might choose these pairs who had a great chemistry in their film Hiroin Shikkaku where the actress, Mirei Kiritani, is good with facial expression like Rara and the actor, Kento Yamazaki, is good at acting cold but can give that elusive smile like Jun. The actress is also older (5yrs) than the actor in real life.

10 hours ago, JenL said:

have seen some really good fan art on Instagram, but usually just as a single scene from the drama as opposed to a comic story. I really like this artists' style: https://www.instagram.com/sooniistudio

Ooh...i like both of their styles, different yet still depicts DDSSLLS characters and scene nicely. This again reminds me why the drama can continue as webtoon haha. 

Please do give it a try with your sister! 😆 

You know well what scenes we would love to have extended and rewritten. 😂 

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On 4/15/2021 at 9:01 PM, eNDe said:

These posters are a lovely touch. Normally I would hate it if things are over advertised and making a wall look messy but these posters look great around Mokpo beautiful homes and buildings. I think the drama itself is such a welcome so it’s fitting for its set to be kept to welcome visitors. 🥳



Haha, I feel like these posters don't look messy because they're more like sign posts as opposed to advertising. Like sign posts for tourist attractions to Mokpo's famous drama filming sets (They also have it for the other two dramas/ films that were made there)! And since Mokpo is so colourful, it seem to match the buildings like you mentions :heart: I added all these photos to my Mokpo filming locations post  just to complete the experience!




On 4/15/2021 at 9:01 PM, eNDe said:

I finally finished watching the last two episodes of Uncanny Counter...seriously I can’t seem to hold my tears for this counter family. The genre and story appeals to me right from its trailer when I first en-counter-ed it (haha) so I’m still a little curious what really nailed it for the mass viewers making it popular and got its second season. 


Haha nice pun! I'm glad you liked it! I loved that series too and it still sits warmly in my heart as well. I liked that it showed a different kind of warm relationship - the relationship of a family you find for yourself :BulbaOWO: I think the masses loved it because of a combination of reasons; it already had a good webtoon story and following, the script was well written - warm, down to earth characters, on-point humour and no drag in the storyline/ sudden turns (*cough DDSSLLS cough* :laugh:), The actress for Ha-na (Sejeong) is a popular idol known for her variety show appearances...And the cast chemistry was really, really good - Already from the pre-show interviews, you could see the cast really bounce off each other. But unsure whether second season will go ahead since Jo Byeong Gyu's career is on halt due to bullying scandal :letalQQ:


Edit: Thought you would like this @eNDe...Also just to link UC to DDSSLLS...





On 4/15/2021 at 9:01 PM, eNDe said:

So I think around that time, he was going to film Phantom Detective with Go Ara and that film and his following drama Signal are my favourite of his until now. Maybe because it highlights the way he speaks 😆 I’m planning to watch more of his recent works too✌🏼As usual, I’ve avoided his romance work so far as I prefer him in detective/crime/action genre. 


I am LOVING Lee Je Hoon at the moment in Taxi Driver - it gives me similar vibes to Uncanny Counter, so if you loved that I'd highly recommend it. It's got humour/revenge/action on point! I guess I'll probably watching Phantom Detective to see him with GAR and also because I saw him and GAR do a variety show episode and it looked funny! https://www.instagram.com/p/CL67lF5pWC7/


On 4/15/2021 at 9:01 PM, eNDe said:

Yes, please take care and take time to slow down. Keep yourself hydrated and sleep early! 👍🏼 


Thanks for the well wishes! I got better over the weekend and I'm keeping well...also I've started Korean classes in the hopes of one day being able to translate drama related stuff and have conversations with actual Koreans :MewHi:  Haha, maybe if I get far enough I can translate GAR or LJW content in the future! But that might be thinking a bit too far ahead since I've only had 2 lessons so far :heiboi:


On 4/16/2021 at 12:34 AM, multiloverss said:

too many things happen after DDSSLLS finished. But i'm still glad that we had this forum to share a news about DDSDLLS , LJW and GAR here.:duckhearts:


Speaking of translations, I have a GAR and LJW related present for you guys that will hopefully be ready by next week in time for the 5 month anniversary since the ending of DDSSLLS! :Party01: 


Wow, have we really been obsessing about this drama for 5 months since it ended?! I guess that's how good it was! :laugh: Also I came across some more Mokpo DDSSLLS comparison photos...so I will have some more blog goodies then.




To add to the webtoon conversation about webtoons and people who can draw, I saw this Japanese fan drew this and posted it on instagram and I was so in love with her work. She previously drew Lala and Jun in a more manga type way too: https://www.instagram.com/p/CN1K_DOpy25/





Edited by JenL
  • Heart Eyes 3

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 4/17/2021 at 9:39 PM, JenL said:

Jun certainly does deserve his own design studio. He should be an architect

I really thought Jun was an architect in the beginning of the show! Lol! 



On 4/16/2021 at 5:33 PM, JenL said:

4. Fast Forward to Lala and Jun both sitting at a piano with Mimi and their little toddler/s teaching them how to play songs on the piano in Lala Land. Jun smiles at Lala and their kids - he finally has a family life that isn't cold at all! It's a happy family moment with photos of their lives around Lala Land...the camera pans across all these memories...and then zooms out of that scene, to the title card, 'DDSSLLS: The End.'

I love this 🥰 i can picture every scene and it looks so lovely. Even the flustered look of Jun when Rara propose to him would be so lovely and funny at the same time :love: how i wish one of you guys were part of the writer's team :nervous:


On 4/16/2021 at 5:33 PM, JenL said:

But she also does well to avoid spending too much of her time trying to be the centre of attention...as it attracts bad attention too

Sooo true.. its better to be somewhere in the middle only


On 4/18/2021 at 8:22 AM, eNDe said:

Please do give it a try with your sister! 😆 

You know well what scenes we would love to have extended and rewritten

Yess!!! Do give it a try with your sister @JenL


1 hour ago, JenL said:

Wow, have we really been obsessing about this drama for 5 months since it ended

Woah!!! Now that you mentioned it, time flies so fast.... and I haven't watched a single new drama since DDSSLLS... This is a record for me 🤣


1 hour ago, JenL said:

, I saw this Japanese fan drew this and posted it on instagram and I was

Wow! She's really good! 



Our DDSSLLS  'person' from The Swoon is back again. 😁 They included DDSSLLS in the 'missed calls' and the 'post it' on instagram. But now i think that she is a fan of LJW.:thinking:

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On 4/16/2021 at 12:34 AM, multiloverss said:

Really like their looks in this era....

Hope to see more drama in this era in future and if LJW or GAR as leads, i would watching that for sure


Me too! I'm interested in seeing period dramas, but not the Joseon era sageuk type...more of the ones with this style. GAR and LJW made this style look pretty so would love to see a whole drama like that. Haha they should have done a Sanja- Manbok whole spin off :BulbaOWO:




On 4/16/2021 at 12:34 AM, multiloverss said:

i'm would like to try watch this drama because i like this kind of drama eventhough i'm not the fans of both leads. Hope i can finish this one.


Both the leads had cute chemistry together! I've always been a fan of Chae Soo Bin (the female lead), but it was my first time watching Jung Hae In - I think he's cute, but needs to pick better projects since all his dramas seem to be a bit draggy and mushy. A Piece of Your Mind is very aesthetic and pretty - lots of light, snow and plants and cut romance...but unlike DDSSLLS where you loved all the side characters (except that girl that was Jun's classmate), I found half of the side characters really annoying. But the female lead's housemates are likeable and funny :heiboi:


On 4/16/2021 at 12:34 AM, multiloverss said:

too many things happen after DDSSLLS finished. But i'm still glad that we had this forum to share a news about DDSDLLS , LJW and GAR here.:duckhearts:


Yes it was lovely to have this chat group of DDSSLLS / GAR & LJW lovers. Without you guys I'm not sure I would have gotten past the sad times of this drama :heart:  Also it's nice to share discoveries like behind the scenes pictures because no one in my real life would understand how exciting it is to find that stuff :laugh:


On 4/17/2021 at 1:10 AM, multiloverss said:

i can imagine LJW flustered reaction with red cheeks:wow:


Haha he's good at doing flustered. I think one of LJW 's strengths as an actor is that he's good at being empathetic and living inside his character's situations and feelings. He seems to know that too:


On 4/17/2021 at 1:10 AM, multiloverss said:


if we got the ending like this, it would be perfect....nothing else i would ask, but the writer screwed our fantasy😥



Oh well, we can only make do with all the things in the drama and just occasionally complain and mostly forget about the sad things :idk:


On 4/17/2021 at 1:10 AM, multiloverss said:

hope this drama has a good storyline eventhough i'm not too interested with fantasy but for LJW, i would like to give a try.


Still waiting for GAR ig updated....almost 1 month she stay silent, hope she prepared for new works


I saw more information about LJW's upcoming drama today:



I am also hoping to hear GAR's news too. She's been pretty quiet lately :heart:

  • Like 3

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 4/18/2021 at 10:22 AM, eNDe said:

Thanks for this info! She reminds me of LJW’s own rise in the industry. Just like him, she debut and got recognised immediately for her potential and signed by an agency. She’s working on a lead role right on her second project! Quite an achievement and perhaps her other work experiences prior to debut gave her enough tools to make a mark on the tv drama screen. I like that she’s a fresh face rookie so pairing with LJW will also allow him to challenge himself to lead the show more especially if this time, the drama’s protagonist is LJW/male character. 


Yeah she beat out all the other candidates for the offer so I think she definitely has talent I think. I'm also kinda glad he's being paired up with a rookie if not GAR because then she doesn't have many past projects that could taint what I think about her as an actress so far. She seems fresh and cool, so I don't mind this pairing and seeing how the drama pans out.


Of Course DDSSLLS will always be my favourite though! :heart:


Also since you liked Uncanny counter @eNDe did you know Yoo Jun Sung might be in this drama too? I'm liking this as a casting! Also put up a new Uncanny counter x Dodosolsolalasol meme up above :heart:


On 4/18/2021 at 10:22 AM, eNDe said:

Getting the right pairing for a fantasy romance can be interesting to me because aside from chemistry, the actor needs to make me believe in that fantasy world he/she is in. It has to intrigue my imagination. 

So I might actually watch LJW’s next drama for its fantasy genre first and foremost 😊 Hope we get an official confirmation soon ✌🏼


You make a good point - I think in a fantasy, the romance becomes a sub-genre. My only hope is that fantasy story won't be cheesy or non-sensical. I always found Goblin to make no sense whatsoever, so it was so popular :thinking: But Hotel Del Luna was quite well done in my opinion - not without flaws, but it was warm and funny and bittersweet in the right places, so if it's by the same writers, I hope they will go in that direction with LJW's new project rather than in the direction of some of their not-so-great projects!


On 4/18/2021 at 10:22 AM, eNDe said:

Nevertheless because Jdrama is often with comic sense and can do kawaii like it’s in them already, I figure a show like DDSSLLS could be reimagined as a Jdrama with their own way of ending too. I think a character like RaRa would be interesting, relatable or even manga-like. I like your suggestions of actors and hey, they can always act “older” and “younger” as what LJW and GAR did. Haha.


On 4/18/2021 at 10:22 AM, eNDe said:

Ooh...i like both of their styles, different yet still depicts DDSSLLS characters and scene nicely. This again reminds me why the drama can continue as webtoon haha. 

Please do give it a try with your sister! 😆 

You know well what scenes we would love to have extended and rewritten. 😂 


This is true - Lala has so much of the qualities that many manga heroines have. Even Jun does - that sort of tsundere side of him features in a lot of manga romance heroes. Haha, but I'm always sceptical of corss-cultural re-makes as I've never seen them capture the same essence as the original (though I guess they might please a whole new crowd). I think I'd love your idea of a webtoon though - since you put it in my mind I wish I could draw one myself...must be extra nice to my sister to see if she will try to make one :wow2:


Wow LJW's birthday signs have already been organised by his fans - probably done early to give him more chances to go take photos with the signs :heart:






Well I am preparing my DSSLLS 5 month anniversary goodies, so come back and visit on the 26th!!! :heart:


Missing them both :letalQQ:






Edited by JenL
  • Like 5

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 4/19/2021 at 10:15 PM, JenL said:

Edit: Thought you would like this @eNDe...Also just to link UC to DDSSLLS...



YESSS....LOVE IT! :hearties:


On 4/19/2021 at 10:15 PM, JenL said:

also I've started Korean classes in the hopes of one day being able to translate drama related stuff and have conversations with actual Koreans :MewHi:  Haha, maybe if I get far enough I can translate GAR or LJW content in the future!

You can use their content as your own exercises and at the same time, find joy in it. :yayaya:And especially GAR has many more content not translated haha. Suddenly I thought of her appearance in TVN's Live Talk Taxi Show back in 2015 and until now I hope to find a translated version for that episode. Only some episodes have Eng sub. I liked that the show reunited her with Song Dong-Il and the director of Reply 1994, had an interesting way of conversing with the guest through a mix of Taxi ride etc and even asked about all her male co-stars; at that time, Lee Je-Hoon was her latest co-star. 








On 4/19/2021 at 10:15 PM, JenL said:

Speaking of translations, I have a GAR and LJW related present for you guys that will hopefully be ready by next week in time for the 5 month anniversary since the ending of DDSSLLS! :Party01: 


Wow, have we really been obsessing about this drama for 5 months since it ended?! I guess that's how good it was! :laugh: Also I came across some more Mokpo DDSSLLS comparison photos...so I will have some more blog goodies then.

Wow! You're spoiling us again! haha. Every little bit of DDSSLLS / GAR / LJW content is very welcome indeed. :eeeee:

On 4/19/2021 at 10:53 PM, twinkler0415 said:

I really thought Jun was an architect in the beginning of the show! Lol! 

Haha I thought that too or a Math genius when I saw his exercise books then Seung-gi and Ha-Young trying to solve an equation he wrote on the white board and also didn't he wish Mimi can solve some equation too as part of her talent? Correct me if I'm wrong haha.


And I thought Jun is simply someone who needed to be alone to cope with grief, away from the pace of a city he once lived. That the focus will be more of him and the person he lost. So having wealthy parents and him being a student written into the plot can somewhat be a bummer for me as that's nothing really new in kdrama however LJW did a great job making me invested with Jun's mysterious yet light persona that I can enjoy watching. Since we all know there were some who just want to drop the drama once they know Jun's still a student. 


On 4/22/2021 at 10:19 PM, JenL said:

Also since you liked Uncanny counter @eNDe did you know Yoo Jun Sung might be in this drama too?

Now, this has become even harder to not notice the drama when it's out...I pushed the YES button when I saw him in UC trailer. hahaha... I really like his character in Falsify :YesHalCat:


On 4/22/2021 at 10:19 PM, JenL said:

Missing them both :letalQQ:



Same...and I'll feel a bit better once GAR update us on her next project too.

So I can cheer them both at the same time. :Party02:


Anyway I found this DDSSLLS inspired Korean Toast recipe for all the Twinkles here to try! I sure will!  :hearties:


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On 4/20/2021 at 8:33 PM, JenL said:

more information about LJW's upcoming drama today:

Oh no.... not romance... :letalQQ:



On 4/24/2021 at 11:25 AM, eNDe said:

Anyway I found this DDSSLLS inspired Korean Toast recipe for all the Twinkles here to try! I sure will

I also cooked one after watching the episode. Then made the kimbap then the kimchi pancake :laugh:


23 hours ago, JenL said:

meant to put up my goodies today, but recently a lot of things happened in my real life. I still plan to share DDSSLLS goodies this week

No worries @JenL. Just take your time 🙂

On 4/24/2021 at 11:25 AM, eNDe said:

thought of her appearance in TVN's Live Talk Taxi Show back in 2015 and until now I hope to find a translated version for that episode

I also want to find a translated version of this. I only tried a little google translate to understand better what the director thought of GAR bacause she became a bit teary eyed while the director was talking 🥰


I also want to see translated version of GAR guesting in three meals a day with Taecyon back in 2014. :heiboi: 

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On 4/26/2021 at 11:10 PM, JenL said:

So sorry! I meant to put up my goodies today, but recently a lot of things happened in my real life. I still plan to share DDSSLLS goodies this week :heart: I'll tag y'all

its okay....take your time. All of us would be patiently waiting for your goodies:love:

On 4/24/2021 at 11:25 AM, eNDe said:

Anyway I found this DDSSLLS inspired Korean Toast recipe for all the Twinkles here to try! I sure will!  

I'm already try this recipe


Its one month already both GAR and LJW did not updated their ig. Hope to see their updated later on.:heiboi:

GAR also did not had any updated regarding her upcoming works. She usually would had one works every year.

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Just saw the news, LJW already signed with    C-JES entertainment 

(A bit sad that its not with Artist Company 😅)

Hope we hear some news about GAR soon 



Out of topic.. I just saw the official Netflix trailer of Move to Heaven, I think I almost cried with only the trailer. 😆 i guess this will be the first drama I will be watching after DDSSLLS 😄

Edited by twinkler0415
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Sorry for the very late reply  Twinkles 😅🤣


On 4/14/2021 at 11:46 PM, eNDe said:


I remember a JDrama that had an interesting pairing but didn’t think they could expand them into a movie!


Hana Yori Dango ,(boys over flowers jap version) , had a season 2 and a special. They were very lucky. What I like jap dramas is because they are short, they are more keen in having sequels. Though some acting are a bit exagerrated (anime-like) but they still pull it nicely. I had only watched jdramas from  late 2000s to 2010s though 😅


I agree DDSSLLS will make a great webtoon, sadly not an artist. 🤣 I can imagine all the lovely colours from the drama. 


On 4/15/2021 at 12:38 AM, eNDe said:

would love to check out Move To Heaven where he has a cameo 😊.

 Me too, will try to squeeze it in my busy schedule 😅



Edited by purplefin
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On 4/17/2021 at 2:39 PM, JenL said:

Hiro Mizushima...haha

 Love him too. Hahaha 


On 4/22/2021 at 3:19 PM, JenL said:

Well I am preparing my DSSLLS 5 month anniversary goodies, so come back and visit on the 26th!!! :heart:

 Looking forward to this 🤩.


On 4/26/2021 at 4:10 PM, JenL said:

sorry! I meant to put up my goodies today, but recently a lot of things happened in my real life. I still plan to share DDSSLLS goodies this week :heart: I'll tag y'all :)

Aww, it's okay JenL take your time.. 🤗


On 4/24/2021 at 4:25 AM, eNDe said:

Anyway I found this DDSSLLS inspired Korean Toast recipe for all the Twinkles here to try! I sure will!  :hearties:

 Will do try this next time..hehehe

Thank you for sharing this and all the lovely posters and gifs. 🤩


3 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Just saw the news, LJW already signed with    C-JES entertainment 

 I just saw this news too.. hope he'll get more projects and nice roles that will showcase his talent.  All the best to LJW. Though I'm really curious why he left Vast 🤔

Any popular actors/actresses signed on Cjes? I only know some kpop/idol ones who are under this company 😅.


3 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

just saw the official Netflix trailer of Move to Heaven, I think I almost cried with only the trailer. 😆 i guess this will be the first drama I will be watching after DDSSLLS 😄

 I am curious what will be LJW's role. This will hit differently..I am not fan of heavy dramas but it looks like a slice of life/bittersweet type of drama. 

I haven't watched Le je Hoon's works. But he looks charming enough that I will watch Taxi driver and Move to heaven during my Uni break 😅.


I recently finished Beyond Evil, and I think LJW can pull these kind of roles ( like Yeo jin Goo).  If you are a fan of psych thrillers, I highly recommend this drama. 


DDSSLLS will always have a special place in my heart as it gave me joy and hope amidst the pandemic and never ending lockdowns. 😅 


Hopefully, we will hear news from GAR's side too. 

Edited by purplefin
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23 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

I also want to find a translated version of this. I only tried a little google translate to understand better what the director thought of GAR bacause she became a bit teary eyed while the director was talking 🥰

Yeah any Reply 1994 cast and director interaction will make me invested hehe. 


23 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

I also want to see translated version of GAR guesting in three meals a day with Taecyon back in 2014. :heiboi:

I've watched the eng-sub version a while back and found one link for you to try :yayaya:



I love that rewatching just a bit of that Three Meals a Day episode reminded me of RaRa and Mimi. She bonded with the puppy the moment she entered the house. 



Also that LJW said about GAR during their Telepathy Korean version interview - she would prefer countryside...



There you go...because she loves spending time with her grandmother there.



Here LJW talks about GAR talking to animals as she loves animals:



Yeap, her first long conversations were with animals in this episode rather than the humans haha...





21 hours ago, multiloverss said:

GAR also did not had any updated regarding her upcoming works. She usually would had one works every year.

True, the only time she took a longer break was when she had the foot injury while filming Haechi (2019)...really want to hear some good news of project from her soon I hope. 


5 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Just saw the news, LJW already signed with    C-JES entertainment 

(A bit sad that its not with Artist Company 😅)

Hope we hear some news about GAR soon 

Thanks for the update! Yeah we were hoping so much with AC or another agency of his DDSSLLS co-stars haha. Nevertheless, it's good to know he has signed with an agency now. I recognised some of the senior actors in that agency so I'm liking his choice but whichever agency though, it's his decision and I hope to see more of his future projects! 


5 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Out of topic.. I just saw the official Netflix trailer of Move to Heaven, I think I almost cried with only the trailer. 😆 i guess this will be the first drama I will be watching after DDSSLLS 😄

I'm definitely watching this as LJW's next project (although a cameo role) and I find the storyline, together with the main characters very interesting plus there's gonna be Lee Je-Hoon in a non-romance genre. Loving it! haha. My kind of drama to get invested in. :brb:


2 hours ago, purplefin said:

 Me too, will try to squeeze it in my busy schedule 😅

Hehe, yeah certain dramas are worth squeezing into a busy schedule. Hope you get timely breaks and pause too amidst everything. 


2 hours ago, purplefin said:

Any popular actors/actresses signed on Cjes?

I didn't know they are known for Kpop idols haha but I do recognised actors like Hwang Jung-eum (She Was Pretty, Mystic Pop-up Bar), Ra Mi-ran (The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop), Park Sung-woong (Remember, Rugal) and Yoon Sang-Hyun (My Secret Teruis, 18 Again). 


2 hours ago, purplefin said:

I recently finished Beyond Evil, and I think LJW can pull these kind of roles ( like Yeo jin Goo).  If you are a fan of psych thrillers, I highly recommend this drama. 

I haven't watch this but definitely in my watch list! I agree, and was hoping LJW will take such roles soon! hehe. 


2 hours ago, purplefin said:

DDSSLLS will always have a special place in my heart as it gave me joy and hope amidst the pandemic and never ending lockdowns. 😅 

Whenever I need something light and healing, I can think of DDSSLLS and its many wonderful scenes and characters. :hearties:

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On 4/27/2021 at 8:51 PM, eNDe said:

No worries @JenL!! Please take care and do what you need first. 🙂


On 4/27/2021 at 11:47 PM, twinkler0415 said:

No worries @JenL. Just take your time 🙂



On 4/28/2021 at 2:18 AM, multiloverss said:

its okay....take your time. All of us would be patiently waiting for your goodies:love:


11 hours ago, purplefin said:

Aww, it's okay JenL take your time.. 🤗



Thanks for all your understanding! :heart: I'm still waiting on someone to deliver the translations to me (they said 2 days) and then I'll sub a few more little goodies for you...so Thanks once again for your patience!!!


14 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Just saw the news, LJW already signed with    C-JES entertainment 

(A bit sad that its not with Artist Company 😅)

Hope we hear some news about GAR soon 


Yes! I saw this too!!! I was hoping he'd sign with Artist Company or Salt (Dr Cha/ KJH's agency) both who I liked for the way they made additional content for the artists when they were doing DDSSLLS. I have to admit I didn't know much about this agency prior. But I see it's the agency for Lee Re (the teenager from Hello it's Me), Hwang Jung Eum (Mystic Pop Up Bar, She was Pretty, Kill Me Heal Me), Yoon Sang Hyun (18 Again, Shopping King Louis)...And it hosts a bunch of side actors like that actress who is the gangster boss lady in Taxi Driver...and well as the guy who is the con sidekick in Sell Your Haunted House (These are my current dramas!) :heart:


My thoughts about why LJW picked this agency: From what I've read it's home to a lot of veteran actors, so perhaps it allows for good ties to more well respected actors. At the same time, he's probably one of the more famous actors of his age group in this agency, so they'll probably look after him well. It's also a bigger agency also means more connections/friends/work mates on the whole since he seems like a social person. They probably offered him better pay and conditions (which I suppose is standard reason for a move to another agency). And he probably doesn't have to stand under the shadow of Hyun Bin...like it would be more freeing. :Party01:



14 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Out of topic.. I just saw the official Netflix trailer of Move to Heaven, I think I almost cried with only the trailer. 😆 i guess this will be the first drama I will be watching after DDSSLLS 😄


Yessss I can't wait for this. I'm already massive crushing on Lee Je Hoon for his character in Taxi Driver...Move to Heaven looks to be an equally amazing project. He picks em real good :wow: Also looking forward to LJW's cameo of course!


On 4/24/2021 at 1:25 PM, eNDe said:

You can use their content as your own exercises and at the same time, find joy in it. :yayaya:And especially GAR has many more content not translated haha.



Yep I totally hope to practice my Korean language understanding by using GAR and LJW contents in the future...it would be so nice the day I could translate things with my own skills rather than rely on others (though I have appreciated everyone's generosity!) :MewHi:


On 4/24/2021 at 1:25 PM, eNDe said:

Every little bit of DDSSLLS / GAR / LJW content is very welcome indeed. :eeeee:


Hahaha trust me, I will squeeze every little behind the scenes content of this drama until there is no more and we know everything :laugh:


On 4/24/2021 at 1:25 PM, eNDe said:

Haha I thought that too or a Math genius when I saw his exercise books then Seung-gi and Ha-Young trying to solve an equation he wrote on the white board and also didn't he wish Mimi can solve some equation too as part of her talent? Correct me if I'm wrong haha.


And I thought Jun is simply someone who needed to be alone to cope with grief, away from the pace of a city he once lived. That the focus will be more of him and the person he lost. So having wealthy parents and him being a student written into the plot can somewhat be a bummer for me as that's nothing really new in kdrama however LJW did a great job making me invested with Jun's mysterious yet light persona that I can enjoy watching. Since we all know there were some who just want to drop the drama once they know Jun's still a student. 


I totally agree with what you said - I think it would have been much more interesting to have foregone the rich kid background and just have Jun's story being about the actual healing from trauma and looking at how he himself added value into the lives of those living in Mokpo...especially since the drama was sold to us all as a healing drama? :idk: And it would have made sense to explore what he really wanted to do since it seemed like he was multi-skilled and very talented but didn't exactly want to be a doctor...the storyline could have been so much more if they had gone down this path!


On 4/24/2021 at 1:25 PM, eNDe said:

Same...and I'll feel a bit better once GAR update us on her next project too.

So I can cheer them both at the same time. :Party02:


yes! It would be so lovely to hear from her! It's been awhile since her last post. And she does seem to shoot at least one project a year, so hopefully she will update on a new project too...Also if both her and LJW have a project at the same time, please have them send each other food trucks :wow2:


On 4/24/2021 at 1:25 PM, eNDe said:

Anyway I found this DDSSLLS inspired Korean Toast recipe for all the Twinkles here to try! I sure will!  :hearties:


Thanks so much for sharing!!! I hadn't seen this video before and I plan to make it when I have some time. I forgot just how important food was to this series...there was always a mouth-watering scene n each episode that made me so hungry while watching :SquirtleNiceAhah::laugh:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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9 hours ago, JenL said:

Thanks for all your understanding! :heart: I'm still waiting on someone to deliver the translations to me (they said 2 days) and then I'll sub a few more little goodies for you...so Thanks once again for your patience!!!

:love:  curious to know about your little goodies!!

16 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Just saw the news, LJW already signed with    C-JES entertainment 

i'm glad he finally find his new home....now he can promote actively and accept his new drama offer. This agency had many veteran actor and they usually involved in film compare drama.Hope LJW would got another film offer to diversify his profile and got involved in genre like he wants,which is action.

16 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

I just saw the official Netflix trailer of Move to Heaven, I think I almost cried with only the trailer.

i think i would watch this drama....its look good and quite promising.

9 hours ago, JenL said:

And it hosts a bunch of side actors like that actress who is the gangster boss lady in Taxi Driver...and well as the guy who is the con sidekick in Sell Your Haunted House (These are my current dramas!) 

i also enjoyed sell your haunted house....i just watch to kill some time but it quite interesting to keep me watching. Still waiting for any drama that can ended my obsession to DDSSLLS.

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On 4/28/2021 at 8:57 PM, purplefin said:

Hana Yori Dango ,(boys over flowers jap version) , had a season 2 and a special. They were very lucky. What I like jap dramas is because they are short, they are more keen in having sequels.


This is totally true! They do like to do sequels. I always think of Good Morning Call and Good Morning Call 2. If only DDSSLLS could have had a sequel that was similar - looking at their lives living together! :wow:


On 4/28/2021 at 8:57 PM, purplefin said:

I agree DDSSLLS will make a great webtoon, sadly not an artist. 🤣 I can imagine all the lovely colours from the drama. 


Yes, it would be so beautiful as a webtoon! Haha, still working on my sister...but if she's too busy...I wonder if someone would do it for a commission :BulbaOWO:


On 4/28/2021 at 9:13 PM, purplefin said:

Looking forward to this 🤩.


Almost ready to share some goodies (just awaiting on one more correction so should be able to post it here tomorrow. Hurrah!)...I think I will split the release of these goodies between this late 5 month anniversary and the 6 month anniversary ....and then after that I'm not sure if there'll be anything more left to translate, but we will have the full set of content to look at forever when we miss DDSSLLS :heart:


While you all wait, have you seen these drama ending videos that are really popular on social media?? Everyone is compiling the endings of each episode of their favourite dramas. Someone did one for DDSSLLS and it's beautiful, though some episode endings remind you of the pain also! 



On 4/28/2021 at 9:13 PM, purplefin said:

I just saw this news too.. hope he'll get more projects and nice roles that will showcase his talent.  All the best to LJW. Though I'm really curious why he left Vast 🤔

Any popular actors/actresses signed on Cjes? I only know some kpop/idol ones who are under this company 😅.


I think he left VAST probably for all the reasons I listed above...mainly it would have been for better pay/ projects / opportunities...and probably to try out a bigger agency where he might be considered a good fit for the portfolio of artists they are trying to build. But it seems the agencies are not particularly friendly when artists choose to swap - when I think of what happened to Kim Jung Hyun's agency doing a smear campaign on him because he was checking out other agencies before his contract ended, I think LJW's approach of not having an agency for a month after his contract ended was wise so that they couldn't target him? Changing agencies sounds stressful! :psweatduck:


On 4/28/2021 at 9:13 PM, purplefin said:

I am curious what will be LJW's role. This will hit differently..I am not fan of heavy dramas but it looks like a slice of life/bittersweet type of drama. 

I haven't watched Le je Hoon's works. But he looks charming enough that I will watch Taxi driver and Move to heaven during my Uni break 😅.


Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing LJW in this drama! And I'm loving LJH's choices of dramas (Taxi Driver is really really good - highly recommend for laughs and satisfaction of revenge against baddies). He chooses a lot of really good non-romances. And I guess by doing a cameo in this project, technically at least one of LJW's projects after DDSSLLS was not a romance :idk: 


On 4/28/2021 at 9:13 PM, purplefin said:

I recently finished Beyond Evil, and I think LJW can pull these kind of roles ( like Yeo jin Goo).  If you are a fan of psych thrillers, I highly recommend this drama. 


Totally agree! Would love to see LJW in a crime/ psychological thriller type drama. I also really enjoyed Beyond Evil. It had great twists!


On 4/28/2021 at 9:13 PM, purplefin said:

DDSSLLS will always have a special place in my heart as it gave me joy and hope amidst the pandemic and never ending lockdowns. 😅 


This :heart::heart::heart:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Yayyyy!! This 5 month anniversary present has been a long time coming since I've been so busy lately, but hope you guys all enjoy it since we're getting down to the last of our DDSSLLS additional content. I've squeezed every last drop so I can know everything that happened on/ from that drama. I plan to do this for the 6 months too...but after that I think I'll have translated most things, haha!


Anyway Happy 5 months of obsessing since the end of DDSSLLS :Party01::Party01::Party01:


Here are my goodies! Enjoy @eNDe @purplefin @multiloverss @Unnie0110 @Just_Me @twinkler0415


1. Translations of the rest of the untranslated BTS videos (in this joined video)


A lot of the additional BTS videos (ie. Hospital scenes, Laundry scenes, height measuring scenes) from Monster Union didn't have clear audio, so it was hard finding someone who could understand it or was willing to translate it (even if paid). But I finally found someone who agreed to do it! She couldn't hear all the hospital scenes, but she did a pretty good job on the rest...also, I had to splice all the BTS videos and join them together since there's a number of videos only have a few seconds of dialogue...but I will also sub the original videos when I get a chance. These are soft subs, so turn on CC on Youtube.



Also this is like the shortest sub and not many words exchanged...in fact it's probably pretty obvious what was said, but at least now you definitely know what they were saying to each other...



2. Behind the Scenes of the Kool FM Radio Interview


Not sure if you guys ever saw these little side snippets of GAR and LJW before and after the Kool FM radio interview. There's also a snippet of GAR during the commercial break! I've put one gif here but there's a few others and a video on my blog. These are a credit to GAR's fan club, Go Ara Fighting (but her Instagram is Private now?)




3. More Comparison photos of Mokpo and Eunpo 


I like that this media company in Mokpo did a comparison of filming locations - the real location in Mokpo and the Eunpo scenes on screen...their pictures looked quite pretty so I made a blog posts with all their photos...




4. Updated some more random Behind the Scenes Shooting Photos


Every now and then I find photos of when they were shooting and spotted by fans etc. I've updated my mega post with a few new little things...




These are my main goodies! There are more little things I'd like to throw, but I think I'll either post it slowly or bundle it up for 6 months big anniversary (the 26th May) if I have more time around then :)

Edited by JenL
  • Like 1
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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