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14 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

@JenL @SilverMoonTea I don't know if I can call Ji Soo my oppa the way I love Kim Seon Ho or Lee Joon Hyuk , but I do have a soft spot for him and was particularly enjoying his current drama . I am shocked about the news and I cannot imagine how painful it must be for all those he victimised over the years to see him on screen, in adverts etc. The sex allegations & videos he supposedly shot makes it worse . And I also pity the cast & crew of River Where The Moon Rises. He's the ML and they have filmed 18 out of 20 episodes. The damage is huge.


Yeah, fair enough, there's always some actors that you think are good and kinda like. It's sad that it turned out this way. You're right, it would have been so hard for his victims - like salt on wounds. I think it's the second lot of allegations which made me feel grossed out. And 18/20 episodes is so far into the drama...it'll be hard to decide what to do :psweatduck:


11 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Ya I think in JH not many of Jisoo die hard fans. But seems in twitter/ig quite plenty fans of him thats floored by the news. 


Yeah, I've seen both the sad fan comments and the crazy stan comments. I do feel bad for the ones who are sad, but realising this is happening...I guess some people have been following him for years and it would suck to find all this out after years.


15 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

maybe we will watch that 9 yrs later then :laugh:


Why 9 years? Why not a round 10 years? :thinking:


13 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Well no worries about losing oppas...my list is long and I also accumulate new ones all the time.


I never worry about you. All I have to do is go back to page 1 here and see your list and I know you will survive any scandal that happens :lenny:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL No not about the pace. I like the slow pace a lot. I put in spoiler. Maybe you can come back & open lil later ahahaha...



They slept together. And shes kind of seduced him ahahah. He's so pure, how could she ? :laugh:


Okay I'm weird, I like slowburn. So I totally shocked. He's like from small village, don't taint him please? Ahahaha... 


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1 minute ago, SilverMoonTea said:

@JenL No not about the pace. I like the slow pace a lot. I put in spoiler. Maybe you can come back & open lil later ahahaha...


  Reveal hidden contents

They slept together. And shes kind of seduced him ahahah. He's so pure, how could she ? :laugh:


Okay I'm weird, I like slowburn. So I totally shocked. He's like from small village, don't taint him please? Ahahaha... 



Hahahaha....noooo....now I'm am tempted to have a look :lettalKWA: Must...resist...finish drama first!!!

  • Haha 4

Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL Agree, there's something about Weather is Fine that I really like. I find it calming and soothing. I think it's a healing drama too. The closeness and friendliness of the community is also a bonus. There's a bit of mystery in it too so it's not all too boring. Overall I liked it.


@SilverMoonTea No way I'm watching Jade Lover! It'll look too outdated by then and I don't like Zheng Shuang even before her scandal broke out.




Re: Ji Soo

The latest update that he is stepping down from his role. KBS will look for someone to replace him. However it is not yet mentioned what will happen to all his scenes and whether or not it will be re-filmed.




I have all sort of thoughts running through my mind since last night. Because of them, I couldn't decide which direction I feel about this whole thing because I was seeing it from all perspectives (victims, KBS, Ji Soo and other casts).


I appreciated that Ji Soo came clean about this, regardless whether it is by peer pressure from the agency or because there was just too many evidences against him. I appreciated the fact that he did not lie to the public. I don't know what would become of him in the future, but K-netizens tend to be very forgetful (and more forgiving to male celebs), he might be able to bounce back after a couple of years.


KBS may appear to be most affected but I fear the production companies are suffering the biggest loss.

  • Come Back Home (Jo Byung Gyu was removed as MC)
  • Dear.M (postponed)
  • River(on air)
  • Homemade Love Story(on air)


SBS has cancelled Lee Na Eun from Deluxe Taxi from the promotional video and hadn't decided what to do with her role in the drama.


The biggest victims out of all this had to be the casts and crews. Fair enough that the bullied victims were traumatised and potentially had their lives ruined. It is also understandable they want justice. However they could have come out with it earlier than this, yet they didn't. Perhaps like Me Too Movement, they found the courage to speak up or simply because they saw the opportunity that it is now or never and seized it. Either way, what they chose to do now (the timing they picked) had inconvenient many others in all aspects. They wanted to punish/revenge on Ji Soo but they are taking all the innocent people down with it. That's what I find unfair and an inappropriate approach.

Edited by mademoiselle
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15 minutes ago, Alice Wonderland said:

You know I like WC modern style than the period one, he looks more trendy dandy and younger in that press conference shoot. 😁

Maybe one day we shall watch Mr Sunshine as already promoted by @movingwheelhaha...


I saw the trailer looks good, seems a bit like Before We Get Married? A bit obssesive the ML?



On Award :wow:


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8 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Wah he's really good at dancing like @Tofusaid



That was darn good. Was that some dance competition? I am waiting for you to either start his thread or put him in your signature :pandacool:

see this one on his weibo


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@SilverMoonTea @abs-oluteM - Yes! He's a great dancer. He was in Street Dance China S3 with Wang YiBo, Lay (EXO), and Jackson (Got7). He cried a lot on the show because his team kept getting low votes even though they would perform well. Each time they got the lowest votes, he would have to choose someone to leave the show. I love the part when they tried to convince the dancer to be on their team. They can only choose one at a time and he always made sure to go to the next person he wanted to choose to tell them he's coming back for them -- he would follow through on it too! Granted, not everyone choose to be on his team. Hahaha!!


@mademoiselle - Yeah, I agreed. It's really hard to choose one side because you can understand all perspectives. I just hope the drama production cast and crew can overcome this. I'm assuming they will have to re-shoot lots of scenes. Also curious who will replace him too. I almost feel like they have to choose a big name actor otherwise I worried that the drama might not make a comeback from this. Or as I mentioned in the thread, they can just bring Kang Ha Neul back to life and tell the story from that angle. LOL!! 



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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@JenL Agree, there's something about Weather is Fine that I really like. I find it calming and soothing. I think it's a healing drama too. The closeness and friendliness of the community is also a bonus. There's a bit of mystery in it too so it's not all too boring. Overall I liked it.


Yayyy, I'm glad someone really likes it too. I am really calmed and soothed by it...everything feels so soft and pleasant...and yeah, I was surprised by how fast the episodes fly by for a drama that people told me was slow :laugh:


3 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

The latest update about him is that he is stepping down from his role. KBS will look for someone to replace him. However it is not yet mentioned what will happen to all his scenes and whether or not it will be re-filmed.


The only fix I can see is if they change the storyline a bit and kill off his character and have a new character come in and maybe leave an open ending if it's a romance...perhaps that means they'd only have to re-film a few episodes? :thinking: 


13 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I appreciated that Ji Soo came clean about this, regardless whether it is by peer pressure from the agency or because there was just too many evidences against him. I appreciated the fact that he did not lie to the public. I don't know what would become of him in the future, but K-netizens tend to be very forgetful (and more forgiving to male celebs), he might be able to bounce back after a couple of years.


Many years working in Arts & Entertainment makes me speculate that Ji Soo probably had little choice in how he'd handle this matter. His agency would have killed him (especially if they really had no idea about it) and then they would have investigated and then dictated the best PR course for him to follow....an apology only looks good if you have no way out since it is, by default, an admission of guilt. It's actually a horrible thought that the evidence probably is pretty damning. 


I totally agree that the Korean public can be like a total outraged mob, but then develop amnesia after awhile...it's not the greatest, but one would hope if JS is responsible he'd at least he gets a taste of his own medicine even if delayed and temporary. However if the evidence is strong, I wonder if it will lead to a criminal investigation :thinking:


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Fair enough that the bullied victims were traumatised and potentially had their lives ruined. It is also understandable they want justice. However they could have come out with it earlier than this, yet they didn't. Perhaps like Me Too Movement, they found the courage to speak up or simply because they saw the opportunity that it is now or never and seized it. Either way, what they chose to do now (the timing they picked) had inconvenient many others in all aspects. They wanted to punish/revenge on Ji Soo but they are taking all the innocent people down with it. That's what I find unfair and an inappropriate approach.


I was talking to a friend about this today because she was upset about the victim blaming in this case on Instagram. It's apparently really hard to officially raise a complaint about bullying and sexual assault in Korea (Well anywhere really to be honest). It seems like JS use to be well known for sports at a national level in his youth? So he was probably seen as "important" in society and then people feared him during high school to report him. Then time would have passed and the claims would not have been taken seriously (Why didn't you report earlier if this was a real situation?)  :letalQQ: I guess we don't know if the victims also tried online before since there's also zealous fan clubs.


So it makes sense that if they were still angry and the opportunity arose (ie. this momentum) they would take it, especially if they had tried to complain before. If they were being unheard/ ignored when they had tried to complain reasonably, then maybe they had no choice but to be disruptive to make their point. :idk: It's like when people protest on the streets - it clogs traffic, maybe people get hurt, buildings get vandalised, but it brings the issue to the attention of the public. I mean the silver lining is it does serve as a reminder not just to JS but across the board that bad behaviour comes back to bite you.


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

The biggest victims out of all this had to be the casts and crews. 


Assuming they still get paid, they're not fired and their reputation is not damaged from being linked to him, I think it's definitely disappointing, stressful and frustrating...but I don't know if I'd personally put it into the same basket of suffering? :idk: I guess I just think most people have experienced a crisis with work or a setback in a large professional project before and bounced back, but people are effected by trauma differently. But yes, it does totally suck when you did not cause the problem and your project is cancelled or you have to do more work.


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

KBS may appear to be most affected but I fear the production companies are suffering the biggest loss.


This is true - KBS is just the face of it all, but production companies are the ones that put everything together. It's also been an especially tough year with covid and I think all of this will be really terrible for them combined :letalQQ:


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

SBS has cancelled Lee Na Eun from Deluxe Taxi from the promotional video and hadn't decided what to do with her role in the drama.


Wow, really? I did not hear about her removal from trailer, though I know this is about her band's scandal with ex-member. Band drama is always complicated :psweatduck:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

so nice to see him back on the runway. He looks good...

This runway was in partnership with the variety show, I Live Alone. The hosts called all the celebrities that participated in the show before to see if any of them would be interested in walking the runway. They were so shocked when he agreed. Haha! Since he was the only male celebrity who has a modeling background, all the male celebrities asked him for advice. The following is one of my favorite scene -- basically all the male celebrities were waiting around until he was done with hair/makeup so they can ask him to teach them how to walk. :laugh:


I should really watch Hello, it's Me! because I watch Kim Young Kwang in all his other projects, even his variety show appearances. Haha!

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:


Yes!! I saw his baby photos and thought they were adorable....haha he's so round :laugh:

He definitely looks the same :heart:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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