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Move to Heaven 무브 투 헤븐 [2021]


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Not sure if someone posted this before, but Elle Taiwan showed some behind the scenes! :heart:


Roughly translated what LJW said (from chinese subs) below...I'm learning Korean, but at baby level so sorry if anything is lost in translation since it's Korean -> Chinese -> English :idk:



LJW: It's a drama about human behaviour. Inside this drama, you can feel what is seen as the very many meanings of life and death. 


LJW as SC: "You saved me"

LJW as SC: "So you have to be responsible for me"


LJW: When I was reading the script, I also felt it was quite meaningful/ interesting. Hope everyone can also enjoy the pleasures of life among this. 

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 hour ago, mayicoryn said:

I want to watch Taxi Driver too but I am afraid that after a few eps I will move it into my on hold list. Even if I enjoy it I will put it into this list cause I have mood swings :D I kinda binged Move to heaven too. 5 eps on each day. I prefer dramas with under 16 eps. But I can watch C-Dramas with 30+ episodes. Lol my logic :D


Haha ! It’s true for k dramas , especially these days , I find shorter dramas (12 eps or so ) the best length! You can bookmark Taxi Driver for a rainy day  - it’s been pretty good so far . 
As to c dramas , maybe cuz you’re having the Ren Jia Lun frenzy . @SilverMoonTea told me that she can watch him non - stop  :MewWave:


Thanks @JenL for the translations. 

haha I like all these Uncle series posted in Swoon’s IG




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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25 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Taxi Driver for a rainy day  - it’s been pretty good so far . 

It's raining right now :lenny: (But no. Maybe next time when it rains again)


28 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

As to c dramas , maybe cuz you’re having the Ren Jia Lun frenzy .

:PsyWhat: Maybe.... the thing is I really wanted to watch a drama with Ren Jia Lun in it. Bc I heard that he was a good actor. And well I am not dissapointed :GrowDerp: 

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Episode 4 , Geu Ru plays Moonlight Sonata as he cleans the room of the murdered teacher. 



Further readings about Moonlight Sonata , i would cling on the idea that the production had chosen this song as the theme for this episode. I came across on this article that describes about this piece. 


2. What inspired Beethoven in case of the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

According to Edwin Fischer, in a library in Vienna he found notes written by Beethoven, supporting the theory that the first movement was inspired by Mozart’s Don Giovanni‘s murder scene. If so, the first movement is a death scene.


- As mentioned by Geu Ru, they have dealt with crime scenes before, and the murder of the teacher is just like the others whom they made a send off. 


4. What is unique about Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata?

This piano sonata has a unique atmosphere, something never heard before. It has a mesmerizing and heartbroken mood, at the same time.


This describes how Geu Ru perceived the love of Teacher Seon Yeong 's students to her thru the scribbles made for her, which he highlighted when he confronted the murder/stalker. 


9. What is special about the last movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

According to Charles Rosen, the first movement is too delicate for modern instruments and the last is too massive for the contemporary. The first movement has an unspeakable mystery and tragedy, which finally results in rage and fury in the last movement.


- Fully describes the death of the teacher, but then unraveled after the discovery of the cctv installed in her home. It may also describe the crime of passion committed by the perpetrator. 


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I finished ep.5!! :eeeee:So far no buckets needed. :laugh:A bit tearing at ep.1 and 2, I think? Other than that, it was just okay.... Haven't had a chance to back read and make comments. Planning to finish all episodes first. It's a quick watch because only around 45-50 minutes each episode.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Thanks @bluepebbles this explains why I always find Moonlight Sonata so gloomy.


Oh yay @ktcjdrama is here. Are you FF-ing though? :lenny:

@Thong Thin Even you!! Woot. Anyway I finished last week so I'm just reading some thoughts here and there, hahaha. BUT, 1 June Racket Boys is starting on Netflix, so do check it out! If you like Geu Ru, the actor is in this one and I think it'll be a fun watch - written by the writer of Prison Playbook!

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I finished this the other day! But now I'm filling in my opinions since this was such a good watch and I watched at like 1:00am so didn't have time to writer afterwards :PikaRIP:


Episode 8


-Like Episode 7, this episode slayed me totally and hurt my heart sooooo badly when I first watched it. It's such a tragic backstory. Again, it's another mistake SG made that he can never go back on - his inability to forgive his brother/ hear his brother's explanation for his abandonment while his brother was still alive :letalQQ: I didn't cry for this episode, but my heart was quite bruised and sunken when I had finished!!

-When SG decides not to come home, I really loved HGR's reason to look for him: When a family member is missing we look for them. We don't move on. His father really taught him well :heart: I love that he even made posters for SG - they were very unflattering though both in photograph and personality description :laugh:

- Can't believe the evil Madame kidnapped HGR. That's just such a low way to threaten someone :pandarage2::pandarage2::pandarage2: And I was so sad when SG pretended not to care about HGR because he doesn't want to see him hurt again :letalQQ:

- You know, I can't get over how endearing Lee Je Hoon is as SG. LJH really has a way of being very cute and silly....also who hides behind a Pororo balloon?! :laugh: When SG followed HGR to the theme park and was like "Why is he just watching the rides and not going on them?" I was so touched. He's just such a softie for his nephew even though he pretends to be critical and annoyed all the time. I think he enjoys looking after another person and being the big brother figure (since he had a good big brother in the past). Also HGR fills the hole that the loss of both SC and his older brother left since HGR has elements of both characters. :heart:

-Another thing that made me laugh was how he handled those scary bullies who almost burnt HGR's eyes with a cigarette :lettalKWA: I loved that he came out of nowhere and trashed them. Like he diidn't even bash them up - he just hit them hard on the bottom since they were school kids and then made them kneel and relist the issues with smoking :laugh: very hypocritical since he smoked like a thousand cigarettes a day himself!

- I love themes parks myself anyway, but the scenes where they went on the rides were so beautiful and freeing. I think there's something about theme parks that makes you think about how wonderful and whimsical life can be since it brings out the inner child in you :wow:

-The actual story between the brothers was so so so tragic. I felt like life was so unfair to them. Horribly horribly unfair :PiplupCry: No one betrayed anyone and they both loved each other. But as a kid, especially one who grew up in an abusive household, SG would have been so hurt by his brother not turning up. Not to mention traumatised by having to survive by himself at a station for 3 days...and there were not mobile phones back in those days :psweatduck: 

-And his brother got hurt while trying to be a good brother :cry: And ironically, it  separated them for years and when he finally found SG as an adult, he was part of the reason SG reacted so badly in the fight with SC. It's so so so messed up!

- But I loved that SG's brother had an annual ritual for SG and even taught his son to do the same things. And of course HGR would follow his father's instructions to the dot! :heart: I also like that it wasn't all sad for the brother because he met his wife in hospital and was happy for many years with her :hearties:

-The Cabinet scene broke meeee :PiplupCry: my heart was smashed for SG at this point. I don't know if he would have felt better or worse remembering that he had requested shoes from a department store which is most likely why his brother ended up going and getting injured. Also, I don't know how you'd forgive yourself for having been so mistaken about someone you loved who loved you unconditionally :cry: By not giving his brother the chance to explain, he was never able to reconnect with him when he was alive. That realisation would have been so bitter and hit so hard...and reading all the notes and discovering that he was loved all these years would have been very very bittersweet. But it was probably also a release or catharsis from years of pent up hurt and anger and crying it all out probably was healing...and then he was also distracted by HGR's adoption! :idk:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

Not really. Almost not... 😉

For the record, fast forwarding and watch on higher speed is different, at least in my dictionary haha...


Hahaha that is totally the same thing! I don't think I've ever FF'ed a drama before. I think if I'm curious but not committed I just watch clips on Youtube :heiboi:


7 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I jinxed myself... had to reach for the bucket for ep.6. So far the story that touched with me the most :cry:


The stories are so touching. Bring lots of tissues for episodes 7 and 8 for main character's tragic backstories! :letalQQ:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Episodes 9-10

- I liked that the story went back to another's story for episode 9 so that it still reminded you of their trauma cleaning business, but was also linked to HGR's situation. :BulbaOWO:

- Matthew Green's story was definitely not the first time I've heard about displaced adopted Korean-American stories - I once read an article about the real people who had gone through this. There were a few people who were adopted but their families changed their minds in America and they went into the foster system, some adoptees who just felt like they didn't fit in and tried to go back to Korea, but also didn't fit in due to language barriers and then others who were captured and forcefully deported as adults because their papers weren't filled in properly. It's really horrible that they were rejected by their adopted country, but also by the home country who would see them as foreigners :PiplupCry:

- His room with the blood stains was really shocking compared to most of the stories and I felt traumatised for his dog who was loyally whining by his body :lettalKWA:

- And it's also really sad that he mistook his mother to be the lady from the photograph and was too scared to tell her the truth. But in a way maybe it was better because the birth mother had refused to see him...so in this way, he thought he had seen his birth mother, even though she wasn't that and could have been a great parent figure to him :letalQQ: But I liked that the anchor woman covered the story and helped to honour him and spread awareness to the situation. She seemed so lovely especially as she cherished this baby enough to keep his possessions.

- It was so smart of HGR to think of the lights and calling his police contacts...but then again he was traumatised from his father's death and would do anything to keep his uncle alive! :heart: But just wondering what happened to the gangster woman? Sure she had no more money anymore...but she wasn't exactly punished either.

- So even though I didn't cry throughout this series...I did get a bit teary in episode 10. It's probably because it was the end of a good series, but also because HGR's story is also pretty tragic. :shocked: He was a premature baby almost left to die. And maybe that contributed to some of his disabilities. But his adopted father/ SG's brother was such a generous man and his wife, such a lovely and generous lady that of course they would raise a child with lots of love :wow: I loved their patience while finding ways to help him learn to talk.

-Also really loved that scene where HGR packs his father's belongings and find that comforting video his father recorded...he even left spaces for HGR to say the words he always says! :heart:

-Of course I was touched by all the scenes where HGR showed he had learnt to love and accept his uncle. The main scene being where he cooks a breakfast for uncle and even sets a place for him on the table. I loved how SG pretended he didn't care if he didn't get to stay with his nephew but was crying when the lawyer told him that was what HGR wanted. :hearties:

-The ending was confusing with Lee Ri's cameo? :thinking: It was like a half a story told. There could be a sequel in the works since it felt like an open ending. And it felt like HGR liked Lee Ri's character and there wasn't any room to explore it in the last episode....But I was pretty puzzled by that last case...it kind of sounded like a suicide? :cry:

-All in all, I loved this series so much! I found it so heartwarming. And all the acting was strong in this series. Tang Jun Sung really had to deliver so many lines all the time - he must have an amazing memory. Lee Je Hoon was so impressive playing a character like this - I really felt his emotions when he found out about his brother. I look forward to seeing more of Hong Seung Hee too - she's so cute and really likeable in this series as the protective neighbourhood kid. And of course Lee Jae wook played such an adorable puppy...and he really helped to being out that complicated dynamic and history between SC and SG. :heart::yayaya:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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You've finished @JenL! Did you cry in episode 8 when Sang Goo saw all of his belated birthday presents? Does this drama count into the dramas/shows that made you cry?


@ktcjdrama Hahahaha yeah I know. It didn't hit me that hard until I reached episode 8-10. And also in comparison to other dramas, I didn't really bawl my eyes out as much as I thought I would! I mean, I cried more for Navillera! :idk:


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56 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


@ktcjdrama Hahahaha yeah I know. It didn't hit me that hard until I reached episode 8-10. And also in comparison to other dramas, I didn't really bawl my eyes out as much as I thought I would! I mean, I cried more for Navillera!

Yeah, I cried more for Haraboji too... same here, the floodgates opened at ep 8-10. I cannot stop my tears at the damaged shoebox scene. Then at the aquarium in Busan when GR reached out his hand but only grabbing thin air (tearing again as I write)

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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When Sang Goo realized that the "picnic once a year" Geu Ru and his dad went to was all the things he told his hyung he wanted to do for his birthday, I was tearing up. :letalQQ:


I finished all ten episodes the other day and I loved all of them. I can definitely see why Matthew Green was Tang Joon Sang's favorite story. It was such a sad one. Good for the drama to shed light on international adoptions/adoptions in general like that. 


I know they probably didn't have time, but I think it would be interesting to hear about Sang Goo's upbringing if they do a season two. By the way, did anyone have flashbacks of Just Between Lovers when they mentioned the mall collapsing? :thinking:




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Woke up this morning and my eyes still swollen 😅 Good thing it’s a Saturday and have no plans to go out.


The whole time while watching the show, I keep thinking what will go into my yellow box when I die... ~I am a pack rat and I keep too much things than necessary. It feels like I am on a never-ending decluttering journey 😆 But, I have controlled myself in not acquiring new things unnecessarily~ Back to the yellow box, I want to and will try to sum up my life in a box myself, but am also very curious what things will other people, like GeuRu, think should go into my box. 


3 hours ago, Tofu said:


I know they probably didn't have time, but I think it would be interesting to hear about Sang Goo's upbringing if they do a season two. By the way, did anyone have flashbacks of Just Between Lovers when they mentioned the mall collapsing?

I am all for a season 2. This is the kind of dramas that can go on and on with cases. I second the upbringing part for Season 2. Was quite surprised that GeuRu actually knows he is adopted, when Sang Goo was so careful not to reveal it 😆 And yes, the mall collapse definitely reminds me of Just Between Lovers. One of the dramas on my 10/10 list. 

I like this drama, but when compared with Navirella, I like that one so much more. Maybe because this one has the “darker” side of the gambling den. There is an “antagonist” in that madam who annoyed me so much and kinda reminds me of Baek in Taxi Driver. I didn’t enjoy the part of seeing Sang Goo being blackmailed/deceived into fighting, also Geu Ru being kidnapped. It must’ve been so unnerving for him, yet he can say the madam not a bad person? I wonder why.... 

Actor Tang Jun Sang did really well portraying Geu Ru. One of my cousins has Asperger Syndrome and their speaking manner are exactly the same, although my cousin never spouts out a string of scientific information. He is very fluent in English (not his mother tongue) since very young, like under 5 yo, despite never attending any lessons. In terms of gesture, my cousin is also not as “robotic” as Geu Ru. Just the way they speak is the same. 

Have to ask for @stroppyse help here about the names. Can you explain more why Geu Ru and Na Mu’s names are tied together? I know namu means wood, but what does geu ru means? 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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3 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Have to ask for @stroppyse help here about the names. Can you explain more why Geu Ru and Na Mu’s names are tied together? I know namu means wood, but what does geu ru means? 


Namu does mean tree. Geu-ru can also mean tree (or plant, or the trunk of a tree), and Han is a word that can mean 1, so that's why the subtitles for when NM's father talks about NB and GR being fated, Netflix translated "namu" as "tree" and "han geu-ru" as "one tree".



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4 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

 Actor Tang Jun Sang did really well portraying Geu Ru.


sorry to cut your post.


Yes, Tang Jun Sang is very good at portraying GR.


I am fascinated how he could visualise and put pieces together just by looking at those precious things he collected and  place inside the yellow box.


Sang Goo is trying to turn into a new leaf after what he did previously by landing him in jail, but the Barbie Girl lady (sorry to call her Barbie Girl)... is trying to get Sang Goo involved back to his previous job. 


Love reading all chingus views, current I am only at Ep 5.


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