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Bossam: Steal the Fate 보쌈 - 운명을 훔치다 [2021]

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Episode 13 brief recaps


As per the pre-release clip, BW continued to shoot despite his wounded self. King returned to his room, ordered investigation (per preview). BW is under the care of KJJ. He woke up and asked where he is. KJJ asked if he didn't remember what happened. Flashback to KJJ calling him aside before the shot, and gave him a bullet proof vest to wear. He thanked him, but KJJ said thank the King. He got up and got out weakly and met DY. He told DY about his father.


BW returned home, where everyone been waiting for him. Mother welcomed him home, and Cha Dol too, but only SK noticed something is wrong with BW. After his greeting, he went into his room with CB, and told CB what happened. Evening time, BW bent down in pain and coughed a little. SK came in and asked if he's alright. He said he's fine. SK said something about being family. Not too sure about this part. She left asking him to rest. She went to talk with CB and Jo. 


WY let go of the criminal. DY saw it and asked why. King is angry when the ministers reported to him about the criminal being released. The ministers giving him some reasons. King became very emotional about this thing. Outside, Lee took the chance to sway the people again, which is why in the preview we saw that they're thinking of getting the Crown Prince to rule in King's stead. In his room, King took a medicine to calm himself.


SK helping BW to get dressed in his new uniform. Then she asked him to be careful of her father. BW said don't worry. Outside, he also said good bye to his family and left. SK looking at him walking away rather worriedly. 


In front of the King, BW and DY just remaining quiet while he wrote something, but he got upset and ruined what he is writing, then he talked to them about DY's father. He asked what to do. BW suggested something, and King let him leave, only DY left in the room. King asked him why he isn't saying anything, has he given up on the Princess? More talk about "your father this, your father that", King also mentioned about the good relationship between DY and Princess in the past. DY then got up and leave. King said something to his main guy about not trusting people.


Outside, BW and DY run into each other. DY was very unfriendly towards BW, like upset about something.


CB and Jo came to see SK. SK asking something, which Jo replied if she is going to go there herself, that it's dangerous. Cut to SK and sister at the market looking at fabric. Sister very happy seeing all the fabric, but SK asked the seller about something, and he brought them elsewhere, but still more fabric. As they entered there, a man carrying lots of fabric saw them, but try to avoid being seen by them. I think it's sister's husband? Not sure.



Edited by ktcjdrama
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SK and sister got home with the fabric. Sister happily called out to her mother. Mother said all these thanks to your brother. Mother opened a cabinet and saw something missing. Sister took it. She being an immature brat again. 


SK brought the fabric for BW to see. They talked about it, I think it's probably smuggled thing. BW and CB went to the shop, and BW saw the man, recognised him as sister's husband. CB caught him and both of them interrogated him. BW asked him to stop, but he didn't want to. I think he wants to be able to earn money. CB questioned him more, and then cut to BW and CB at a gambling den. They're winning and someone (the fabric seller) wants to borrow from them. So CB made him sign an agreement. Next day, CB went to collect. The man wanted to scare CB away with his men, but CB brought more men and successfully took the fabric that was made as payment. Cut to SK approaching that man and asking for certain kind of fabric. The man at first said no more but he will try to find ways. After that, SK went to BW who is waiting for her (as per preview). A little bit of sweet moment between them. Then they returned home, a bit running and tried not to be found out by Mother. SK immediately went to the kitchen and helped Jo who was already busy there. Just then, Mother came and urgh, scolded SK where has she been all morning. I hate the haughty attitude. SK was all humble and apologetic. CB saw what happened. Later, when Jo was sitting alone stewing about what SK had to endure, CB brought her some food. Jo then thought of something and asked CB to follow her. Inside, she talked about SK's mother, asking CB to help her establish connection. Later, CB managed to arrange a meeting with a court lady from the palace with Jo. She asked about SK's mother's condition. She's been weak and ill since the "death" of SK. Jo reported this to SK who can only let tears flow. Jo is asking if SK missed her mother. Oh no... what are you trying to do, Jo?? SK said it's dangerous, but later on she wrote a letter to her mother anyway. While crying, she apologised and wishes her well. Next day, Jo passed the letter to the court lady, telling her to only pass it to SK's mother and not anyone else. Haiya.... true enough, this girl brought the letter to Consort Kim instead, who opened up the letter and read it, but she still asked the court lady to hand the letter to SK's mother after she asked another court lady to summon KJJ. Letter reached SK's mother who read it with trembling hands. She quickly rushed out. Consort Kim was with KJJ and told him about the letter. Kim asked him to go check BW's house. She is sure SK is hiding there. Cut to KJJ arriving at BW's house. The guards stopped him from going in, just then, CB saw him and as per preview, CB told BW about the arrival of KJJ. Then he rushed to the kitchen where Jo and SK are, asking them to stay put and not go out. BW went to fetch KJJ into his room, while KJJ asking about who is in the other building. BW said his mother and sister, and KJJ wanted to say his greeting but BW quickly said they're out and led him another way. As they're seated, KJJ asked some things and then asked about where the Princess is. BW said he doesn't know where she is and rather raised his voice denying knowledge of her whereabouts. Cut to KJJ reporting to Kim about it. So Kim said something is definitely wrong in that house, but thought probably not Princess but Jo who is hiding there. 


SK's mother is with the King, face awash with tears, talking about the princess. King explained some stuff. Then my stream dies. Anyway, King gently told SK's mother to regard SK's safety. But mother is asking for please just let her see SK just one time. Cut to King seeing her off outside, and King told BW that she knew about SK being alive, asking him to arrange him for a meeting (I think).


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At home, sister is excited about something and told her mother and SK about it. SK volunteered to mother that she would teach sister. Mother is surprised. So it's about how to walk properly, like a noble. Then later, SK and mother and sister having a meal, both of them eating the common people way, SK saw them and reminded them the way to eat properly. It's quite funny here, who's the commoner now. Sis is upset about all the rules and stomped her way out of the room. Later, SK found her in the kitchen trying to find food. SK gently served her some food and reminded her of some things, also pertaining about her husband. 


Later BW and CB still about the fabric seller. BW reminded the husband of sister to be careful. Then BW managed to get hold of a letter which he brought to the King and later King called the big meeting, being upset and scolded WY, who was kneeling in the centre of the room, crying. Lee is for sure uncomfortable, while King is happy. Outside, Lee saw KJJ and BW, he approached them and after KJJ left, he warned BW that the King won't protect him every time. Lee went home and warned WY to lay low for the time being. Cut to WY throwing fits at a gisaeng house. Lee's main guy came to get him home. There, as WY walked out, BW brother in law accidentally knocked into the drunk WY. Main guy recognised the man as Kim Dae Suk's brother in law. When WY knew about it, he asked the main guy to catch that man, and off a quiet corner, he hit the man and slashed him with a sword, although the main guy tried to stop him. Urgh, this guy is stupid and crazy. At BW's home, as he was reaching the front door, someone's at the door informing Jo about the death. BW ran to the gisaeng house and there, people already crowding around the dead body. Someone official (from the military?) said that the man attacked WY? obviously WY made it up. But CB who was there said it's a lie, that WY killed the BIL. BW was angry and rushed at him but stopped by DY. They had a tense argument again. End of episode with the two of them staring at each other. 


Preview: Very tense. I can only catch that SK hugged BW and told him to come back alive.


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Thanks so much @ktcjdrama .

@bluepebbles What amazes me is that even with barely any skinship, the romance is so heart fluttering . 

preview. Looks like SK will sneak in to see her mother . And oh my , what happened to the king ? 

We will get a teary hug tomorrow 


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12 hours ago, bluepebbles said:

The character development of this couple is very glaring--from neutral colors previously to soft, pastel color mix in their hanbok gliding with the cherry blossoms. Lovely

Let me just quickly share the subs of their conversation under the cherry blossoms. 


SK told BW that the fabric seller took the bait and will replenish his stock soon (this in relation to smuggling goods done by Lee's family, particularly LWY) BW thanked her and apologised that she had to do this, and to let him do the rest from now on. SK said it's nothing, just as he always protects her, she is also willing to do anything to protect him. Then BW smiled and gave her the gentlest gaze, she became shy and asked why is he looking at her that way.


BW: Because you're too pretty

SK: Now then you know?

BW: Looking at you more carefully now, your well-proportioned forehead is very pretty, your high nose is very pretty, your lips also... (then he took one step towards her, but dang, it's broad daylight outside, of course we cannot expect a kiss!!) In the whole Joseon, there is no one prettier than you. At least that's how it is in my eyes. 

SK: Mother must be waiting for us.

BW: Let's go together.





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3 minutes ago, bluepebbles said:

Awww thank you @ktcjdrama for the translation ! This couple is worthy to root for their happiness 😍

It was just a short scene, but sweetness overload that it's enough to feed me, hahaa... 


Anyway, I love that in the pre-released scene, BW was blaming himself for the death of his BIL, but SK remained firm, assured him it's not his fault but WY's the killer, and reminded him not to lose heart. This reflects the "behind every successful man, there is a great woman" :wow:


Also, I really really think DY is going to end up dead later on :nervous:

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A little bit more about what happened in ep.13


Because Lee tried to hurt BW, SK thought about a way to get back at the family. She remembered that they used to buy lots of imported silk, so she went to the market and get some of them. She showed BW and told him about the smuggled silk. BW at first is sceptical because there is no proof that the silk is smuggled in by Lee. SK is convinced so BW and CB went to investigate and saw the sister's husband there. They worked together to cheat the silk seller into getting more stock due to the potential buyer which is SK. The last part, BW managed to get the written order with WY's seal on it. He gave to the King and King stripped WY of his position, that's why he was crying at the big meeting. He got so upset when he found out that BW's BIL was the spy who worked in the silk seller shop, he killed him. In the end, the police present there told BW that the BIL got into a fight with a sword bearing person and that he will investigate further who that person is.


As for the BIL, he was redeemed from his slave status by sister with the house deed that she stole from mother's cabinet. He was supposed to go see her immediately but he felt ashamed and didn't want to go empty handed, which is why he worked at the silk store so as to earn some money before going to find her. This is what the guy told BW and CB when they were seated. BW at first didn't want him to be involved but CB thought he could help them get information about the silk seller. True enough, BIL told them he is addicted to gambling, which then followed by the gambling scene and making the seller sign an IOU of silk with CB. This is why in the pre-release clip, BW blamed himself for letting the BIL got involved with the scheme and got him murdered by WY.


Earlier in the episode, SK rushed into the room and worried about BW because of how he looks. BW asked if he really looked terrible? SK nodded. He said don't worry too much, it's nothing. SK: "I know you don't want family members to worry about you so you're hiding the pain. But sometimes, when you're at the end of it (when you're struggling), just say so, depend a little more on family, That is also being considerate for the family members. Have a rest. I will go prepare dinner.". Later, SK told CB and Jo that BW is still pretending that he is fine. Jo worried about who will change his wound dressing then, to which SK asked CB to help (there goes my hope for a little bit of TLC from SK towards BW) 


Interestingly, the sister's predicament is the same as SK now. She became a widow before her marriage is consummated. Maybe this is what will trigger the reveal of SK's true marriage status. I also wonder if the land deed that she used to redeem her husband will become a problem in the future or not. O, and when she was all very excited before the training by SK was because she dreamed of her husband coming over very soon. So she wants to prepare herself well. 


King is continuing to use DY's affection for SK to manipulate his cooperation. I don't think this will end well...



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Thanks so much @ktcjdrama. You are a life saver. I wish the subs would come out faster.


So this is the peak rating scene of 10% :Party01:




However, at the end of the broadcast, another ordeal came before Bau. Won-yeop mercilessly killed Bau's brother-in-law in anger towards Bau. Due to Won-yeop's provocation, Bau lost his temper and rushed to Won-yeop. But at that moment, Dae-yeop (Shin Hyun-soo) blocked Bau. At the end of the tense confrontation, Bau vomited out with anger, saying, “Either  you or I must die for this bad relationship to end.” At the same time, the ending with Bau's eyes full of life was drawn and the tension soared.

This ending was a scene with great significance in Bau's twisted life history. This is because it contains Bau's warning to the Lee  family. The reason why Bau had been hiding as a bossam man, the reason why his romance with Soo-kyung (Kwon Yu-ri) was blocked, and the reason why Bau revealed himself to the world. At the center of Bau's tumultuous life history, there was a bad relationship with Lee Cheom. Therefore, Bau's wrathful fury touched viewers more intensely.

Jung Il-woo's passionate performance added a sense of immersion. Jung Il-woo raised the tension of the play by portraying Bau's anger with reddened tears, a sharp expression, and a line full of anger. As the conflict with the Lee Yi-cheom family is predicted to reach its peak in the future, I am more curious and looking forward to what kind of counter-attack Bau will unfold and the story of Bau that Jung Il-woo will draw.

On the other hand, the 13th episode of 'Bossam', in which Jung Il-woo completed with 'Angry Ending' scene,  recorded 8.7% nationwide and the highest 10%, breaking its own record. This is also the number corresponding to the highest ratings for MBN dramas. At the center of it, Jung Il-woo is drawing responses from viewers saying that he has renewed his life character by playing the role of a tough, manly man, Bau, highlighting the true value of 'a historical drama craftsman'. '

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Episode 14


BW and DY almost fought, but police stopped them. He told WY and main guy to leave. At home, Lee yelled at WY for provoking BW. WY suddenly realised his mistake and begged for forgiveness. DY was there too. He got scolded too by his father. Later, outside, DY was thinking about what BW said at the gisaeng house that like you have said, we're enemies after all, one of us will have to die to end this. Then it's the pre-release clip. Next day, WY apologised to his father and mentioned something. Lee asked is he still drunk and slapped him. He mentioned that the problem is the King.


At the palace, physician checking on King's health. When he returned to his place, Lee already waiting for him, they're in cohorts about the medicine that King has been taking. It won't be long, the physician said.

BW came to the King and King found out about the murder of his BIL. King was taking medicine again while talking to BW. Cut to BW at the gisaeng house talking to a man and a gisaeng. They gave him some information about some document/letter. So he went to search at the library. He found it and went to the King. Consort Kim was there too. She was giving some suggestion, but BW eyed her and told the King another way. King said he will consider it and asked them to leave. Outside, Kim asked to speak with BW. She asked about whether Princess is with BW and asked him to join hands with her. She mentioned KJJ and gave some reasoning, oh no, BW seemed to believe her. As he was leaving, BW saw Lee talking to a man, not clear who. 


In the evening, BW told SK about what Kim suggested. SK thought for a while and told him okay join hands with her but don't trust her. Then she shared some of her thoughts about the relationship of the King, Kim and KJJ. Man, she sounds like a good strategist. BW also smiled and complimented her. Later, she saw sister outside sitting alone sad. She invited her to come into her room and accompanied her.


Next day, BW went to Kim and told her that he will join hands with her, but on one condition. Please help the queen to meet with Princess. So the event was held with Queen as audience. Lee came over, Kim saw him. He asked DY who was standing to the side why the sudden event. DY said he doesn't know. As they were talking, Kim whispered something to the Queen. She then got up and went inside the building.

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In the room, Queen waiting anxiously. BW announced his arrival, opened the door and brought SK who was disguised and wearing a mask. Mother and daughter had their teary reunion, while BW stood guard outside. After they calmed down, SK asked for forgiveness. Queen said no, she is just thankful that she is alive. SK asked her to please take care of her health. Both promised each other tearily to meet again. Then BW is called inside. Queen thanked him for taking care of Princess and asked him to continue doing so. 


Outside, a minister ran towards Lee and asked him to save him. Lee and him went to see King but King refused saying he's not well. He was taking his medicine. Lee insisted and kept announcing his presence. King collapsed and everyone went inside. Lee smiled secretly seeing what happened. The soldiers came to where the event was held and told everyone to stay put, announcing that King collapsed. As BW is trying to return SK to the troupe, he saw there's a strict checking. They tried to avoid it, and while hiding, DY found them and updated them what happened. Lee found out that one member is missing from the troupe. Doors are closed everywhere in the palace. Cut to BW leading a palanquin, Lee stopped him, and he told Lee that it's Consort Kim inside. They checked and true enough, no one inside except Kim. Lee let them passed. Elsewhere where it is safe, SK came out of the palanquin. Kim asked if they're on the same side now. SK and Kim had their formal greetings. At BW's home, Jo welcomed them home but realised SK's worried face. BW told her what happened and asked Jo to please take care of SK.


In the palace, King is being treated with acupuncture, witnessed by Lee and the Crown Prince. Lee is eyeing the CP, looking smug. Outside, Kim came and asked Lee how the King is. Then she talked privately with King's main guy. She asked to see the medicine and suspected some thing. Cut to Lee begging the CP to take the King's place for the time being. CP agreed. Cut to the royal physician being killed, I think by King's main guy. Next morning, Lee found out about it from WY who reported it. Lee wondered out loud if it's Kim's doing. WY even had the gall to ask for reinstatement now that King is not presiding the meeting. At the big meeting, some discussion led by CP, with Lee suggesting some things, and KJJ opposing with some reasons. Anyway, I think CP reinstated WY. All this is reported to Consort Kim by BW and KJJ. Later, BW also told SK, and he took her hands comforting her that not to worry about King. Then another big meeting, more ping-pong-ing between the left state and right state. I think the CP is confused already haha... but there is an important decision that is made. Not in favour of BW or the west faction. At night, SK is against the idea and asked BW to find ways to avoid it. BW said he has no choice but to go. I think they're sent to fight some battles?  At Lee's house, he told DY that he's giving him one last chance, handing a letter to him. DY looked conflicted. Next day, BW all dressed up and SK is sending him off with a heavy heart. She even teared up and asked him to promise coming back alive, to no need worry about her. BW reminded her that as he promised before, he will not die. She hugged him very tightly. 


Before they leave, KJJ whispered something to BW. Then Lee came, and even asked BW to be careful of his life. Then to DY, to come back alive. There were only 3 people going on the trip with horses, DY, BW and another person. They were followed by the man who shot BW earlier, with WY voiceover asking him to shoot BW properly this time since he missed the last time.



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At home, SK has no appetite to eat. Jo tried to prepare something for her. Mother was coming out and smelled the food. She came over and scolded Jo for using expensive stuff to cook. Jo apologised and said she is the one who wants to eat. SK came by and apologised on Jo's behalf saying that she is the one who asked for it. Mother is angry and even told them to leave and go live by themselves because they're clearly not putting her in their eyes anymore. Wow, what's the big deal with the food? They had to beg for forgiveness. And the food ended up being burned as they chased for mother's forgiveness. Urgh! SK still ate the burnt chicken for Jo's hard work. Jo snatched it from her and fell so sad about it. As they were tearing up, Cha Dol came home from school. He was bragging certain stuff towards SK, then they started revising some of his school work. Mother passed by outside and heard SK teaching Cha Dol. She was surprised how SK knew all those. She panicky ran away, but bumped into Jo, knocking the stuff she was carrying all over the ground. Jo wondered what has she seen to make her like that. At night, SK sent some food over to mother and sister. Sister asked why the food. It’s for mother’s bladder condition. Earlier Jo commented that lately Mother been rushing to the toilet a lot. Mother at first didn't want to eat, but after the light is out, she tried to eat them. Sister heard her, and mother told her SK can read. They agreed that she is no ordinary person. In her room, SK is doing embroidery. Jo noticed that there is the word Dae. SK is obviously missing BW so much. 


Later, we see that the third person traveling with BW and DY is KJJ. They reached a place where villagers are on foot trying to leave to another place. Then they reached some place where at first it looked deserted, but then there were some soldiers attacking some villagers. BW saw it and tried to help them. The assassin was there and tried to shoot him, but because one soldier tried to attack BW, his shot was blocked by that person. Then DY and KJJ came by and three of them prepared to fight the soldiers.


King woke up to a dream, that his father was killed by Consort Kim. Coincidentally, Kim was by his side. Kim updated him about certain things, but King ordered her to leave. Lee got notified that King regained consciousness. He went to see King and asked King to give up on BW and gave his reason. Next we see BW and DY being imprisoned?? Why?? KJJ whispered some things through the prison door, while DY remained seated. After BW sat down, DY kinda scolded him for being a fool. 


Cut to next day. Jo served the guards outside some snacks. And a hand reached in to grab the snack. It's a woman. Cha Dol's omma!! Arggghhh..... rather arrogant person, but in preview we see Cha Dol choosing to hide behind SK's back. But also in preview we see BW on the execution chair again, with sword placed on his chest....  How to wait one week for next episode??


More about the preview. Cha Dol's omma made her official greetings to mother, and mother asked her if she is a yangban. 


Edited by ktcjdrama
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18 minutes ago, 1217akkum4 said:

I can't believe we get to see chadol's mom. I know sooner or later every puzzles piece should be put together but this? @SilverMoonTea your guess is correct but I can't applaud you, haha... I'm frustrated now

I mentioned what if Soo Kyung’s dead ex husband  to come back alive. Oh please don’t make this drama a Joseon version of Penthouse 😭

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Just now, bluepebbles said:

I mentioned Soo Kyung’s dead ex husband not to come back alive. Oh please don’t make this drama a Joseon version of Penthouse 😭

I think we won't have to worry about this part, because it was three years, and surely DY will say something if the brother is not truly dead. One contender from the Lee's family is enough, haha... but now I cannot move on to watch Mine while waiting for subs to come out. I'm like too shocked to see that other woman... :nervous:

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@ktcjdrama thanks so much.  I also can’t watch Mine now. I was so happy for this hug here . 


Ehh shall I laugh or cry. Dang . One love triangle not enough is it ???  I knew this will be a problem 
Ba Woo ex wife - technically still his wife right ? 

Preview:,Somebody smack this CD’s mum pls.  Gosh did our SK get kicked out? 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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18 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I think we won't have to worry about this part, because it was three years, and surely DY will say something if the brother is not truly dead. One contender from the Lee's family is enough, haha... but now I cannot move on to watch Mine while waiting for subs to come out. I'm like too shocked to see that other woman... :nervous:


Me too. I was just about to finish undercover but still angry at Bossam ending. I know the matter ain't that serious knowing we have Lee yicheom to worry about and our Chadol will surely take SooKyoung's side. Still, I can't see SooKyoung suffers more in that house. Having daeseok's mother is enough but the writer has to solve the mystery. We shouldn't be curious about chadol's mom at the first place.now we get the answer, haha..

17 minutes ago, bluepebbles said:

I mentioned what if Soo Kyung’s dead ex husband  to come back alive. Oh please don’t make this drama a Joseon version of Penthouse 😭

Oh God! Penthouse is depressing. It's illogical. But I still watch the drama. Kkk

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