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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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@gracebkki watched bits of 41 n most of 42.



What a screw up woman madane xu is. Just like madame luo, other ppl lifes don matter.. Ur dil, the maids are treated like dirt. Their only reason for existence is to hv children, run household or use as part of consolidating their rule as main wife. N worst all in the name of the good of luo n xu family. Hate their high n mighty n arrogant way of doing the best for their family.. Gosh they r reallt hateful. 


 Madame xu for the good of xu sacrifice qiao (lingyi gave qiao a way out but his mum wanted him to take her anyway n her spoiling qiao n then ask her to behave like a concubine later really set her on the last crazy svheming spree ) n qin n dongching almost. Both ladies story n emdings are witnessed by her finally. those schemes exposed how her selfish action had create reactions from both ladies, who end up taking upon themselves to 'make' it. They r humsn beings they hv feelings, emotions. They cannot be puppet pulled n played as that old woman wish. N worst certain stubbornness can be even dangerous. Omg both scenes w qin n qiao were really heart wrenching for me. 


Madame luo lost yuanniang at the end after scarificing everyone else for yuanniang.. Tong is the exact duplicate of how qiao incident was played. Yuanniang did it again.. Hubby did nothing at all, but because she need to consolidate her own position, tong during yuanniang pregnancy n qiao before her death. All these are schemed w her mum n taught ny her mum. Both qiao n tong were victims of the mother n daughter scheme.. Having to say that Shiyi too just she end up more lucky than the other 2. No wonder houye says to yuanniang dont make me lost the last bit of my affection for u. She did it before n did it again n again. His words... Why cant u trust me just a bit more.. He says to yuanniang i never have any design on qiao. In fact it applies to all. He never need to sleep w another wonan during his wife pregnancy, he never want to hv qiao n thought of replacing her w qiao. He is saying trust me more n u wouldn't hv to do this.


Wen was an object of sacrifice by her own family. She never wanted to fight w another. Just hv her son n some cash. Again she never trust lingyi too. She diesnt trust lingyi wants the best for yuge, n he will make the necessary arrangements. 


Yuanniang took it upon herself to do all sort of things to consolidate her position n power.. Qin took it upin herself to take revenge to alleviate her pain, qiao took it upon herself to harm others just to get what she wants, wen took it upon herself to protect her famiky n son, tong was helpless n never voice her helplessness to him even when he asked. My heart aches n cry thinking of each n everyone of helplessness. Women of thst eta really felt the need to take it uoon themselves to survive???!!!! All these women took it upon themselves because none of them believe xulingyi as a husband whom they can go to n at least believe even if he doesn't love them, he is kind n will not leave them in such helplessness. In fact qin final words werw that... Yes u don love me but u r a good person,  . I cannot forgive u all but my actions were wrong too. So this life we don owe each other anymore 


In fact now i recall back at early episodes he was kind to shiyi too even when he doesnt like her. N shiyi also at one stage took it upon herslf to solve her own prob. But luckiky fifinally shiyi is the only one out of the lot whole trust him enough to handle it for her. It makes sense she says in the end of ep 42. These episodes emphasise a lot on how women of that era has no right to their own life but shiyi says many times through all my helplessness i m glad i hv houye who is willing to walk through it with me. With u here i can be brave. We all cannot choose our birth n our trials n we all felt helpless in this struggle. But you choose to struggle to make it the wrong way. 

This 6 episodes is a roller coaster of rich w emotions. All sad, angst, sweet mix in all over. N like everyone else i hope we hv a full good episode of them loving each other wo distress. 

Edited by SnT
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6 hours ago, Mouse said:


Ohhh! I didn't know that!



Me too! Subtle but sweet. I also love how in their bed scenes, Houye is always caressing Shiyi - touching her ears, her hair, her face... 




Welcome @SheepMoon! Glad to see you here! Go Ahead is also one my favourite dramas!



Nice to have you here @JennyKimWOP


I've only watched up to ep 30 since I'm waiting for subs but hope to catch up on all the episodes soon!!


Thank you for the welcome @Mouse!

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10 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:


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So Ou was not involved??? The real culprit was the solely the pirate??




ou was directly involved.....i mean QinNiang was at the scenes too.....just that she was already leaving once the bandit arrived......it was at the later part when both Ou and the bandit were talking that ShiYi's mom happen to eavesdrop on and she was quickly running away .... however they notice her and went after her......


she was stab by Ou


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One thing i hv to applaud the relationship between houye n shiyi is if u noticed. They not only trust each other. They trust each other ability n discernment. She discerned yiung ou is a guy w integrity n told houye. N houye even uncomfortable with young ou he trust his wife discernment n went ahead to trust young ou. It is a very broadminded n confident person to be able to do that. N luckily they did trust yiung ou. He din disappointed them. Hopefully he will be the next marquis of jingyuan. But for sure he is a good friend of the couple by now. 


What is unbelievable to me is hupo? Its ok if she districts houye n believe what qin says abiut him, why can't she trust shiyi to tell her the truth. Why took it into her own hands? Tell us ww shouod never meddle into other ppl relationships n hold on the principles that if a couple can get married n stay married for a period of time, surely they hv similiitries n things going on for them that others will never understand. 

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27 minutes ago, SnT said:

What is unbelievable to me is hupo? Its ok if she districts houye n believe what qin says abiut him, why can't she trust shiyi to tell her the truth. Why took it into her own hands? Tell us ww shouod never meddle into other ppl relationships n hold on the principles that if a couple can get married n stay married for a period of time, surely they hv similiitries n things going on for them that others will never understand. 


same here... i was like this HuPo is really .... i dunno what to say about her...this is the 3rd times she betray ShiYi regardless of what reason....


i would have thought that she learn enough to trust in ShiYi to seek the correct justice for her sister, and there should be more than meet the eyes after all....i just couldnt take it that she took things into her own hands and let Wen Niang influence her what to do....not to mention she nearly destroy DongQing too.....


ShiYi should really just throw her out....i do not want such a person at my sides regardless of what....cause to me....u need to trust your master and if you have any doubt you should learn to talk to your master.


ShiYi had always open the door to both her maid....and treated them more like her sisters than maid after all

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On 3/22/2021 at 7:41 AM, abs-oluteM said:

Welcome aboard @SheepMoon

Yay ! Hou Ye day :Party01:


Tencent folks making me laugh with this video . This is subbed 



The first video clip makes me laugh so hard.. I definitely prefer the our couple Houye & Shiyi even tough they kissed 2000 years later:love: 
it gave so many feels🥰🥰🥰


BTW welcome aboard @JennyKimWOP  @SheepMoon


I haven’t watch the RAW because I’m refraining myself.. will it be many angsty happens this week?:scaredpanda2:

22 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:



This is olive green with black pattern/embroidery......Super dashing.....:love: 



He’s gorgeous with this colour.. 


I think Wallace Chung deserved the title Ming Dynasty male model catwalk with all the robes in this drama:wow: :smile: 

I love it especially when he walks with the red robes with TSY in the palace 



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35 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


same here... i was like this HuPo is really .... i dunno what to say about her...this is the 3rd times she betray ShiYi regardless of what reason....


i would have thought that she learn enough to trust in ShiYi to seek the correct justice for her sister, and there should be more than meet the eyes after all....i just couldnt take it that she took things into her own hands and let Wen Niang influence her what to do....not to mention she nearly destroy DongQing too.....


ShiYi should really just throw her out....i do not want such a person at my sides regardless of what....cause to me....u need to trust your master and if you have any doubt you should learn to talk to your master.


ShiYi had always open the door to both her maid....and treated them more like her sisters than maid after all

Exactly u bingo my thoughts. 3rd time u r right. I m glad houye makes that decision. He is so right n wise. A good maid is u think for ur master not think u can think like her. Such person will do it over n over when she deems necessary. U need absolute loyalty like linbo n dongching. Esp w the weave complexity of xu family. 


Please give some time to ding ching n linbo. Hope houye really tease linbo n arrange their wedding 

Edited by SnT
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50 minutes ago, SnT said:

Exactly u bingo my thoughts. 3rd time u r right. I m glad houye makes that decision. He is so right n wise. A good maid is u think for ur master not think u can think like her. Such person will do it over n over when she deems necessary. U need absolute loyalty like linbo n dongching. Esp w the weave complexity of xu family. 


Please give some time to ding ching n linbo. Hope houye really tease linbo n arrange their wedding 


i dont mean to belittle her....however she should have learn, she had been a maid in this kind of household....they went thru LianFang together.......and then WenNiang......


should she know there are more towards a person that suddenly came to your grace or your sides....


ShiYi had always treated her good regardless of the 2 times she sell off ShiYi or take things into her own hands.....the 2nd times wasnt that bad as she only wanted to be shoo off the house so that she wont betray ShiYi...however she dont have the resources or the correct resources....


ShiYi now have HouYe complete trust and support, she should approach ShiYi and asked for help....


anyway i really want to see more of LinBo and DongQing, they are so cute together

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9 minutes ago, AwkwarDerp said:

What did i say! I said Amber was definitely gonna betray! She’s too easily sway :mad:

I knew Amber was gonna do it cause she listen to other people so easily

Haha i cut her a slack though. She din betray but with her think she knows better style almost got shiyi n houye n ou to be killed. N cause shiyi n dongching too much heartache. I hate the way she coldly used dongching. Considering how close they all are. 


 But honestly anyone like young ou like me. Even though he loves shiyi, he actually never purpose took advantage of any situations they r in any way. He is the kind that just do what is right. His philosophy on seaban lift was truly noble n wise too. N he truly understands shiyi n houye relationships. Till he can detect amber is not logical. He understands houye love for shiyi snd trust he would not hurt shiyi at all. He knows shiyi well enough that if she were to escape she will not ask ou to help as he knows she will never hurt houye like that. Its spot on!!! 


Ep 39 to 42 really tested the couple reaction to external forces. They r being torn apart by schemes aftee schemes but they stood firm and united. I actualky understand why old man ou never look favourable on his elder son. He isn't really that smart. This 0111 couple is always doing the trick on pretend to fall it to trap others. Yet he repeatedly fall for it. Even emperor also warn snake ou. He think he can make use of the emperor himself. Golly!!! That flogging still doesn't wake him. But Old man ou is the type that riluthless n once he moves i believe it is deadly. Lets see. 

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21 minutes ago, SnT said:

But honestly anyone like young ou like me. Even though he loves shiyi, he actually never purpose took advantage of any situations they r in any way. He is the kind that just do what is right. His philosophy on seaban lift was truly noble n wise too. N he truly understands shiyi n houye relationships. Till he can detect amber is not logical. He understands houye love for shiyi snd trust he would not hurt shiyi at all. He knows shiyi well enough that if she were to escape she will not ask ou to help as he knows she will never hurt houye like that. Its spot on!!!


he is smart and he is understanding....it does cross my minds if he had proceeded to pursue ShiYi fast enough....maybe ShiYi will be with him instead of HouYe


despite his snakes family....im glad that being outside mainly had help him to be a fair man he is.....i dont wish Hubo with him though....i do not think Hubo fit to be with him....


her lack of judgement is making dislikes her even though i can understand her motives...i still cant get past the facts that she doesnt trust ShiYi enough to believe in her and confess to ShiYi to avoid all those unnecessary heartache 

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2 hours ago, NiteWalker said:



her lack of judgement is making dislikes her even though i can understand her motives...i still cant get past the facts that she doesnt trust ShiYi enough to believe in her and confess to ShiYi to avoid all those unnecessary heartache 

Ya after those episodes, i don she deserve him. She is smart but too illogical n unstable when it comes to her weak link. If someone touch her soft spot she can drop her loyalty n integrity n those that is dear to her. 

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Thanks @panda-pop


4 hours ago, SnT said:

I actualky understand why old man ou never look favourable on his elder son. He isn't really that smart. This 0111 couple is always doing the trick on pretend to fall it to trap others. Yet he repeatedly fall for it.

Wasn't this part actually kind of hilarious? Like, they always trick him. But he always fall for it. I mean... Even the stupidest person should be able to recognize it after getting tricked again and again. Then again, Houye & Shiyi are great actors. Plus, no one would have realized that their trust & love for each other are bone-deep. 


Btw, aside from all the angst in ep 37-42, I was really happy to see Houye wearing so many other coloured robes! Super flattering & makes our Houye look so dashing! :wow:

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But i hv to agree madame xu about xianlingge. To her it is against tradition n create prob for xu family. But she has a point someone will use xianlingge. Qiao used it, Qin also use it w the bamboo incident. Snake ou also use it. Why so stubborn right. Just get out for a while. 


We know it is true that all those schemes root from the fact ppl want to get rid of houye n xu n shiyi is basically implicated because of it. Even as a modern woman, i would say if my husband is in such important political position, i will not go own a business so outright. It will be used against them. Conflict of interest does not necessary be real. If u are seem to be hsving that interest it is not good d. 


If her priority is houye n xu family, then just discharge her share holding from xianlingge but she still can visit n teach there. Houye def will support her teaching because he is sypoortive n open minded. So many times ppl r using xianlingge to bring her down to bring hiuye down. N this finale ep it is still xianlingge. N all this time it affects n endangers master jian too. Teaching n passing knowledge is her motive but it does not mean she need own xianlingge.. So i thought it is weird script to play xianlingge like that. 

Edited by SnT
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1 hour ago, SnT said:

We know it is true that all thwme schemes root from the fact ppl want to get rid of houye n xu n shiyi is basically implicated because of it. Even as a modern woman, i would say if my husband is in such important political position, i will not go own a business ao outright. It will be used against them. Conflict of interest does not necessary be real. If u are seem to be hsving that interest it is not good d. 


actually it true...conflict of interest even happen in the real world....and today world as well...


any company will be against husband & wife / GF and BF working in the same department / division or same company, one will be force to resign once they are official.....


which happen to my sister when she went official with her husband then bf 


So in this sense i agree with you @SnT that Madame Xu is correct that ShiYi need to let go of XianLingGe as this shop could be use to implicate HouYe and also create turbulence in their life that they cannot phantom at all just like what the 2nd SIL was worried about....


while her intention is clear her action is wrong.....


1 hour ago, SnT said:

If her priority is houye n xu family, then just discharge her share holding from xianlingge but she still can visit n teach there. Houye def will support her teaching because he is sypoortive n open minded. So many times ppl r using xianlingge to bring her down to bring hiuye down. N this finale ep it is still xianlingge. N all this time it affects n endangers master jian too. Teaching n passing knowledge is her motive but it does not mean she need own xianlingge.. So i thought it is weird script to play xianlingge like that.


true if her passion is just for embroidery she can always do it out of interest and not out of pocket instead

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Aigooooo why IQIYI has not subbed any new episodes this week? :pandasad: On the other sites it is all raw from 31 till eps 42. I was under the impression that IQIYI should be subbing 31 to 36 this week. 


Welcome aboard @JennyKimWOP and @panda-pop.  Glad that Wallace Chung and his harem got you guys to come chat. :pandahappy:


10 hours ago, MorningDew said:

The first video clip makes me laugh so hard.. I definitely prefer the our couple Houye & Shiyi even tough they kissed 2000 years later:love:

Will there be more kisses to come? I want deep deep ones! :MewWave:


@Yanaglad to see you back here! Hope you're feeling better.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@NiteWalker is like why u put urself in that position when u know so many out there want to get ur hubby. Why must u be the weak link by owning thst business just to prove women can be independent n stand up for themselves. Unfortunately she is marquis yong ping wife n u really cannot hv ur cake n eat to top cherry n cream too. That is life. True she doesn't do it for pocket or status but she is jeopardising ppl around her.


Esp the finale showdown. Master jian was tortured, xu are framed n implicated n lingyi has to run away trying to prove her innocence. If she had given up earlier when madame xu asked her too. That hardship could hv been avoided. That bamboo incident akresdy tell everyone so. U can be careful w ur words n actions but hidden daggers r never meant to cut u only, it is ti destroy u. 


I thought this bit of the script is not well written. If something happen to him n she took the blame for him i think will make more sense. The framing of her w xianlingge is dumb. Cause any person with logic in that era or modern world woukd be able to tell u that keeping xianlingge just for a feel good ambition is childish n inconsiderate.. 


The last scene w qin is very memorable. So much emotion play out. So much suffering on her part. N no one to tell n talk to n as days passed by, she lost hope n continued to spiral down into an abyss.. She must be silently crying for help but nobody cares.


We can see the hatred is clearly directed at madane xu. Which is great. From dongching incident like lingyi point out, she is using an innocent gal life to push shiyi n is thst justified. Really justified with the sweeping statenent... all is for the good of xu. Is like u can do bad for ur family good. . U can tell she gave up because all her kids are against her m she knew lingyi is the head. But w qin, she sees it as her faul. I think she finakky realised she not only hurt a human being but put xu n her son in danger.


Sorry rant :

I really want to ask her. Xu got 4 boys (including wuye son n jiege) d n shiyi is so young, danyang is still so young. If ur sons n dils are happy n loving w one another, procreation will ensue. u forced  ur sons to sleep w different women just to sow seeds n end up no one is happy. Main wife will be too busy scheming to keep on top of things, concubine will be scheming to win the man love. How to procreate like that. I feel the men that era is treated like a baby machine too.  And what number of kids is enough. 8, 10, 15 grandsons???? Loads of poppycock!!! That is overly empress dowager style. Overbearing n meddling n not very intelligent too..sorry i rant about her.


N i personality feel she just bully shiyi because she is a shu daughter. Yuanniang did so many bad things, danyang cam be spoilt, qiao is so pretentious n she is so blind n so much less reprimanding n punitive w them. Sorry like madame luo, nothing in the next 3 episodes madane xu can do to make me like her. These two r the most horrendous characters in the innee courtyard. 

Edited by SnT
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23 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Aigooooo why IQIYI has not subbed any new episodes this week? :pandasad: On the other sites it is all raw from 31 till eps 42. I was under the impression that IQIYI should be subbing 31 to 36 this week. 


Welcome aboard @JennyKimWOP and @panda-pop.  Glad that Wallace Chung and his harem got you guys to come chat. :pandahappy:


Will there be more kisses to come? I want deep deep ones! :MewWave:


@Yanaglad to see you back here! Hope you're feeling better.

You should try wetv, it’s already subbed up to 34 

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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