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Amidst a Snowstorm of Love 在暴雪时分 [2024]


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I caught the first 2 episodes ...wasn't bad. In fact I enjoyed  it because their interactions felt pretty realistic. Like how there's instant attraction but yet there's this awkwardness. Their conversations are very cute where she's shy, and he's quietly sweet. They are trying to read each other. It doesn't follow the usual bickering tropes or opposites attract, that sort of thing. Which makes it kind of different from most romances of late. 


The leads meet each other within the first 5 minutes of eps 1, and the show already started to develop the love line quite a bit especially since this is a 36- episode show. So I am guessing that we will see them coming together quickly but this will be followed by angsty bits in the middle. He's a bit of mystery and has some sort emotional baggage that has been hinted at. 


Hahahaha I love this scene...how introverts start off in a relationship 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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11 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

hahahaha gosh this is good.....its cute and had me smiling ear to ear....they are sitting right next to ea other however they still communicate thru texting hahha


It really is and I love it. It was the bit where he asked her if she had a bf and if she realised that he was pursuing her. He was pretty much laying his heart and intentions out ...something I appreciated because it was just the right timing. I know she was speechless since it caught her by surprise but both have been sending out very positive signals and vibes. It was a matter of time. So when she gathered herself and asked him out for a meal - that was all that he needed to hear. 


The thing about this romance is that it really is very akin to real life. It isn't sizzling hot or filled with sexual tension but there's something very sweet about it.  I am finding myself giggling as we watch these two awkward cuties feel each other out, exchange texts , go for meals and pretty much respond very positively to one another.  These giddy feelings of early love is really well done and carried out nicely by the leads. 


Am not looking forward to the drama that will ensue when her brother  comes to see her. But meanwhile I will just enjoy their awkward but sweet moments .





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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Am not looking forward to the drama that will ensue when her brother  comes to see her.

Very surprised how things turned out with the brother ( her cousin bro to exact). I was expecting some big drama but it turned out, bro has much respect for LYY and regrets that LYY gave up his pro career. In fact the bro somewhat gave his blessings for her to "marry" the man . LOL. He just wants LYY to return and compete.


Anyway @mademoiselle @Chocolate LYY give off Ling Buyi's vibes for sure. Not only a conversational killer but shows his affections with deeds more than words. BUT man,  he is so intense!!!  On one hand those stares can be seen as very romantic but it could also be borderline creepy :laugh:. Fortunately , she likes him. So those hearts shooting out from his eyes are seen in such positive light. Not sure which episode you guys are at, but all their close encounters are also cute, awkward , intense - I don't even know how to put it in words. All I know is that Yin Guo is a sweet and reserved girl , so she's completely giddy. Haahahah how is she ever gonna concentrate on her competition :D ? 

  • Haha 3

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Oh no! I might be in the minority with this drama. :psweatduck:


I think the acting is great. Wu Lei is captivating with the way he looks at her and she's so cute. They truly capture that awkward stage of when two people are trying to get to know each other. It's even cuter to watch because they are introverts who are a bit shy. 


With that said, @mademoiselle mentioned that it's a bit mundane and that's exactly how I'm feeling about this drama. I've only watched the first four episodes, so things could have picked up, but so far I feel like all I'm watching is them eating at different times of the day.


There are some questionable things happening that I can't follow. For example, the brother and roommate went out to see a show and just didn't come home that night. Where did they sleep? Did they even sleep? Wu Lei said that he was going to go out with the roommate and brother the next day to go do something, but it was suddenly canceled because the boys didn't come home. Now suddenly, they are going out to eat again. The food just came to the table and the next thing we know, the boys are saying they're leaving. Did they even eat? I am so confused. :BulbaConfused::laugh:



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30 minutes ago, Mizv said:

on the scenery. Where was this filmed?  Beautiful snow but too realistic chilly.  

Finland ! 

@Tofu story wise I don’t think there will be a lot going for it. Frankly I’m just enjoying the pairing but I’m not sure if this will charm me for 36 episodes. However this style of storytelling reminds me of Bright Eyes in The Dark -  the romance is set first & the leads come together quickly but all the challenges & conflict will surface later . 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@Tofu You have seen episode 5 then coz that is when he made her join them for lunch. Then he fed her ice cream and an expensive glass of wine (from the year she's born). Fed her with coffee again before he leaves. 😂 She's going to be fat dating him!


Very mundane in episode 5 as well, even when she enters the apartment with a bunch of people. So much awkwardness and it drags out longer, and that was it. The next episode is them meeting up in the laundry room - Episode 5 didn't urge me to want to watch more, so I didn't continue.

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I can't remember which episode now but even she wondered why all they did was eat :laugh:. But then in a separate scene, he kind of talked to his friend about it. The reason why he constantly took her out for meals was because growing up poor ( he's an orphan & his younger bro has been adopted ) , eating well was a luxury. So I do think that these constant dates with food was intentional. 


My likely issue with this show is that the storyline doesn't justify 36 episodes. The romance as I suspected will be that which brings him back to the world where he once belonged in.  I am at the point where the ship has sailed and she is about to go for her competition. But this also means that they will be separated & have to continue long distance once her competition is done. I am guessing that he will return to China. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I listened to episode 6 and only paid attention watching episode 7 when her cousin and Yi Yang started playing against each other. 😅 I had previously seen the cut where the cousin gave his blessing to them (Yin Guo), but thought it's too fast for him to want her to marry him. I mean... they haven't seen each other for so long, Yi Yang might have changed for that we know.


1 minute ago, abs-oluteM said:

I can't remember which episode now but even she wondered why all they did was eat :laugh:. But then in a separate scene, he kind of talked to his friend about it and the reason why he constantly took her out for meals was because growing up poor ( his an orphan & his younger bro has been adopted ) , eating well was a luxury. So I do think that these constant dates with food was intentional.


Yes, this is in the earlier episode. I don't mind he takes her out to eat nice meals. Just that audiences don't need to keep seeing it. It becomes draggy. It's not the same if we're watching a drama about food.


3 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

My likely issue with this show is that the storyline doesn't justify 36 episodes . I am at the point where the ship has sailed and she is about to go for her competition. But this also means that they will be separated & have to continue long distance once her competition is done. I am guessing that he will return to China.


Is it still 36? @Tofu told me it has cut down to 32. Even so, still too long...

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8 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

s it still 36? @Tofu told me it has cut down to 32. Even so, still too long...

Yeah...too long. 24 would probably be perfect. But I have persevered through Wu Lei's tennis drama hahaahha ...so I am sure I will have the capacity to finish this :laugh:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I'm pretty sure it's 32 episodes, but there are so many reports about it being 36, 30, and 24 episodes too. Tencent did not release the full airing schedule. It only has the airing schedule up to this week. It hasn't updated the airing schedule after episode 16. I don't know why. Maybe they plan to change the schedule. Right now, it's airing everyday and sometimes they will change it to just a few days a week. 


This is funny. Haha! 



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17 minutes ago, Tofu said:

Because it's cringey?

Yeah, why does C-dramas make me cringe so much with their dialogues. I don't even cringe for romantic K-dramas! Is it because of the languages? @NiteWalker what do you think?


This drama didn't make me fall asleep, but it did make me sleepy after watching a couple. It's not a good sign, huh? Too mundane and soothing. Hahaha!


Yeah @Chocolate. Where are you up to with this? It's your Lei Lei! We wanna know. 

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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Yeah, why does C-dramas make me cringe so much with their dialogues. I don't even cringe for romantic K-dramas! Is it because of the languages? @NiteWalker what do you think?



hahaha it might be the way they say it...and the way they love to love deeply into each other and the way the shot happen....also maybe because you understand the language better? lols

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