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Grotesque - Natsuo Kirino




The novel telling a story of girls who studied in prestigious university. Yuriko, her sister, Mitsuru and Kazue. Two of them ended up as prostitute and ended up dead. Yuriko portrayed as someone who possesed out of the world beauty, and her sister harbour a deep hatred and jealousy towards her.



The novel not intend to be a thriller mistery, eventhough the book cover give me chills and creeps. It's more like all the girls so troubled with being in Japanese class system hierarchy and trying to get ahead in it, but fail. 


All the characters are so negative and always being jealous to each others. There is no likeable characters here. 


 I give three stars, as eventhough the story so depressing, the author have a way with her words that make this novel easy to finish somehow.


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  • 2 weeks later...



The book cover is just so pretty, the way the writer described the sanatorium turned into hotel is pretty detailed and gave chilling and bring cold atmosphere into it. 


@mademoiselleLike RBB drama, I think a good book designer is indeed very important. I have to admit I often buy books just for the love of the cover 😅 Shallow I know 😂



The first few chapters are so boring, that I just quickly turned the pages to get into the storyline. 


In the middle it was pretty amusing, when the hotel staff and guest got murdered. 


However the ending, the murderer cliche reason to kill and some unsatisfying explanation on why she did it, left me with bitter feelings. It's like I'm wasting my time here. Not to say that half finished Epilogue. God! 


All the characters not so well developed, and you won't feel any attachment to them. It's like majority of people said in Goodreads, who care if they all get murdered 🤣


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46 minutes ago, Chocolate said:


I've also only read 2 (guess what one of them is hahaha) + the Bible.


50 shades of grey + bible ? 😝It's like confess your sin after that and feel better ? 🤣


I didn't read most of them too @Tofu. Da Vinci Code I remember it makes my head spinning, I barely remember what's that all about. I think I watched the movie too. 

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13 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

50 shades of grey + bible ? 😝It's like confess your sin after that and feel better ? 🤣


I didn't read most of them too @Tofu. Da Vinci Code I remember it makes my head spinning, I barely remember what's that all about. I think I watched the movie too. 


I also thought it was a bit blasphemous to mention that followed by bible hahaha.


Da Vinci Code, the book, was very good! Much better than the movie I thought. But that's true for most - the written word can describe so much more than watching it on a screen. So many parts gave me goosebumps, and it seemed so real that if one was not familiar with Christianity, you could believe all the clues to be real. Sadly, all his other books pale in comparison or maybe because after the success of Da Vinci Code, there were so many others writing the same theme.


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@Chocolate @SilverMoonTea I enjoyed the Da Vinci Code. I remembered reading it in a day because I was so into it. I've only watched clips of the movie. I thought that the book was written so well, I didn't want to tint it by watching the movie. 


The other one from the list I read is Harry Potter. I even went to the Warner Bros Studio in London to see all the props they used in the movies. Haha! 


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I have never read anything as tragic as this book. And its a real life story. I think everyone will know the famous poet Ted Hughes and his equally famous wife Sylvia Plath. Both of them have 2 kids, but he choose to have an affair with Germany/Russia/Israel thrice married lady named Assia Wevill. 


When he leave Sylvia for Assia, she decided to kill herself but spare her 2 kids life. Ted was shocked and this kind of putting a big shadow on his life with his mistress Assia. They will later one have girl called Shura, but Ted seems prefer the kids from Sylvia and kind of put Assia & Shura's life in misery. 


Assia waited Ted for 7 years to commit to her and hoping for marriage & house to live together. But as leopard never change it skin, he continue to add harem to his flock but still keeping her hope up. As you all might guess, she also followed Sylvia's path and this time she didn't spare her girl life and take her together to afterlife. 


Ted seems distraught for a while, but he keep continuing juggle with several ladies. He's poetry probably fueled by this double tragedy in his life. But I'm not sure if it did changed his nature as ladyman. 


It's a very sad story and a proof that love alone can kill people, in this case it's 2 beautiful women in love. The book is focusing more on the life of Assia Wevill, she's painted as seductive, very beautiful, Nazi immigrant that have been living across the globe and spoke 4 languages fluently. In the end she found her demise, not in Bergen Belsen camp but in handsome & broody young poet Ted Hughes. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


Can you believe I'm reading romance? Yes I am 😂 For a scenery changes from all the murdery books I normally read. This book is so famous, like everyone on my instagram feed all have it, so I just borrow it in my library. The pretext is about colleagues turn to fake bf gf in her sister Spanish's wedding. 


My verdict :


I should just back to my murdery book ASAP. 


@Chocolateread this one before? 

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Another romance book that is highly raved by everyone. 


And not by me... 


Starting of the novel was pretty good, the joke quite amusing. Then its escalating very fast to so many unrealistic scenes. She kissed random stranger to prove she's not into the same guy with her best friend? She's PhD and he's professor at that. Then her bestfriend forced them to kiss again, sit in his lap during conference (I'm like : "What, are you for real?") , and apply SPF on his muscles during picnic *still under academical setting* 😶 By this point, I already like bro I wanna out ! 


Tried to hang out a while and of course there is no western novel without steamy scenes can be called complete. And of course this one also not my taste as well. 


I don't know which one is worse Spanish Love Deception or this. The only romance novel I enjoyed is by Sheila O Flanagan and some Japanese novel that I can't remember the title nor the author name 😅 


I perhaps still want to try People We Meet On Vacation, as it seems this not as one dimensional as those two I mentioned. But not now lols, I need to washed off this over sugary feeling this with some bitter gruesome dark book 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...




@TofuI done three of them, except Hating Game, and won't even try it 😅 since all the three is a dissapointment. The worst is Spanish Deception, followed by Love Hypothesis and People We Meet on Vacation slightly better among them all. 


If anyone can recommend me good romance novel do let me know 🤣 I actually want to broaden up my genre, so far I'm like only doing crime thriller 😂 I want to look normal a bit and not like psycho for once a while 😆

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/20/2022 at 12:44 PM, SilverMoonTea said:



Another romance book that is highly raved by everyone. 


And not by me... 


Hahaha I keep seeing this one in the book stores! But is it written by a Tik Tok celebrity? It doesn't look like my cup of tea...


But I'm here because I'm reading again! I recently felt like buying books and got a copy of a not particularly new book but one that won a prize a few years back called All the Light We Cannot See ...it's a war story and so far it's quite beautiful. I have a feeling it's going to get real sad later on. Has anyone ever read it here? :yayaya:

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