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Start-Up 스타트업 [2020]


FUN BET : Who will Dalmi end up with ?   

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will Dalmi will end up with? Now think carefully as this is a bet. Winners can use a profile picture of their OTP. But LOSERS will have to use the face of DoSan's cousin , Nam Cheon Ho

    • Do San
    • Ji Pyeong
    • No one
    • It doesn't matter to me ( specially for Mademoiselle :P)

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  • Poll closed on 12/08/2020 at 11:09 AM

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4 hours ago, gilaswan said:

I'm just looking at the part where KSH answers the question, "What would you do if you were in the same situation as Jipyeong?" And he answers, "I think I'd just be honest. If Jipyeong were honest with Dalmi, would he be by her side instead of Dosan? I don't think so. Dosan and Dalmi are meant to be together."


I don't think this reflects what the end game will be though. They can't give spoilers, right? #hopeful

Dunno la...I am also looking for a good picture of DoSan's cousin :cry:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Hmmmm, haven't written episode thoughts for like the last few episodes so I'm gonna do it now. I had a huge falling out with the ending of another drama that I loved and it set me back for a week while I processed how not to feel bitter and still like the series (I got there in the end and still like it for the good parts!) But I feel like that might be some people's feelings here and elsewhere if you really wanted JP to be with DM. I liked Start Up a lot for the story, but did not care for the romances....I just wanted JP to find happiness...so I've been spared the pain that some of you feel in relation to the romance not working out. :lenny:


But I do also feel deeply sad for JP as a character alone :letalQQ: I know 'second' leads often get it tough, but I do feel this writer took it a bit far with JP because they gave him as much air time and as developed a story line and character development as DS, so he is technically a main lead....but they've tested him the whole time and even at episode 15, have not given him another source of happiness or relief in his issues (They did briefly after the time jump, but that sits awkwardly unless him and DS become besties and him and DM get over the fact he use to like her. Not sure if that will happen in just one episode unless there's another time jump :thinking:). Usually, a second lead technically knows he will not get the girl by episode 15/16....but he also no longer has to rescue her anymore...sometimes he even gets over her, or there's hints that someone else could provide happiness. But because of the nature of JP being a business mentor and DS & DM both being part of the business, but both being a bit more naive in the business sense, it feels like even in the last episode, JP has to go and save them both...which is a bit unfair and also drives a knife into the heart of JP fans since he is once again self-sacrificing but won't get the pay off that he deserves :PiplupCry: :PiplupCry::PiplupCry: This is going to drive the shipping wars into max.


On the other hand, I do think if you're a fan of KSH, it's great that JP has this personality as a character. It's what has made him endearing and memorable and has increased KSH's fame tenfold this year - Playing this character has given KSH the chance to showcase his acting abilities by allowing him to portray this wonderful, self-sacrificing character in such a convincing and lovable way. :BulbaOWO::hearties:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL I can't help but wonder if Park Hye Ryun likes Han Ji Pyeong as a character herself. Much like Anne Rice who wrote the Vampire Chronicles, she started off with Interview with the Vampire where the main character was Louis, but her real love was Lestat. So in the end she wrote a series of sequels centering around Lestat.


Overall I really don't dislike Start-Up. I like that it wasn't too heavy in its angst. I didn't mind it lacks focus on the business side of things because I know Park Hye Ryun doesn't actually go too deep in exploring that side of things from her other works. I don't mind the romance and I know this is different to her other projects which all involved LJS. What I do wonder is "Han Ji Pyeong" the character. Like everyone, I too think he's such an interesting character and multi-facet that he can be the protagonist of his own story if given the chance.


I'm now hoping she'd write another drama solely based on Han Ji Pyeong, like how Chinese romance novels do. First the writer would write their first OTP and then use the side-characters for the next story and make them the main character in their own story. I'd so love to see that. :BulbaOWO:


P.S. Yong San with his anagram figured out "Apollo Artemis" so I Google. Apollo and Artemis are twins so this can only mean the twins are the hackers and before they exit Cheong Myung, they wanted to destroy and take away the IP they created so others won't have it. B***

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Wow, Haven't written since Episode 12....so the next couple of posts are me catching up, if you want recaps before the last episode :laugh: I don't usually write this much, but I just have a lot to say for this series because I think the story is deeper than just the romance that a lot of people have overly simplified the story to be about.


Episode 12

-All I know is that I felt quite angry at all the characters in this episode at least once, except JP and oddly IJ

-Was annoyed at DM's mother who I see as the most irritating character in the series because she was so useless she couldn't even put a face mask on properly :HaunterOK: I don't see how someone could have been so lazy and stupid and then yell her her first husband for not working hard enough, while she hypocritically found herself a cash cow second husband and did nothing for years.

-I kind of felt annoyed at Halmoni even, for taking in DM's mother. I know technically it's good not to hold grudges and Halmoni is the bigger person for being kind and sympathetic....but she's so useless and Halmoni is only tiring herself out!!! :poliWeird:

-DM has always annoyed me in this series because of her need to one-up her sister whenever she felt she was winning. I know her sister was very irritating at the start and said some inflammatory things...but she always needs to show off when she's even a tiny bit competent. Even when the fruits of her labour haven't come back yet. Hubris is like the worst character trait because it always comes back to bite you hard. I've like many drama female leads with confidence, or who stood up for themselves/ retaliated when they have been bullied....but DM  always needing to purposely seek her sister out to show off bugged me to no end. I've seen people say it's because she misses her sister and it's a sisterly thing....And I understand the look they're going for and have seen similar ideas about siblings in other dramas. But it didn't feel convincing. It just made DM look silly. :pandarage2:

-Ah, I was really mad at YS in this episode because of him stopping JP. Honestly, his grudge with JP was so unfounded. I guess I understand that grief makes people want to find a scapegoat for it. But to block someone who has had experience in the business sense and who is invested in helping your company (even if it's just because he loves your CEO LOL) was really stupid :pandascared:

-I was mad at DS too because of that big punch up taking everything out on JP. It was unfair, it was childish and it wasn't even about the business - it was about their tensions over DM, which was stupid. Then the begging for help after the punch up was irritating and I thought he really drove the knife when he then mentioned Halmoni's blindness :pandarage2: 

-I liked that IJ in turn did not march up to her sister's office and make fun of her when she knew DM's company had been dissolved. This is why I think IJ grew on me, whereas DM has faded a lot in my eyes :pandadisgusted:

-This was really JP's episode. Like he interaction with Halmoni and when he hugged Halmoni and cried - all of that sequence broke my heart! :letalQQ::letalQQ::letalQQ: I felt like he was self-blaming because he felt he hadn't fulfilled his own pressures of repaying his 'debt' and he was devastated that the person he cared about the most as a family was losing her own battles with her eyesight. What I like about JP is that even though he is defensive when accused, he takes on board criticisms and is self aware, although like most people, it's hard for him to fix the things that are lacking for him (ie. not being prickly). 

- But with that said, I was also sad for DS this episode too. People seem to take it that you can only like DS or JP. That one is not as good as the other, which is annoying due to the love triangle and DM. But I think these two characters are two sides of the same knife. They both have such strengths and weaknesses that they balance each other out in the story. They both also have more development than DM - changing a lot from the first episodes they appeared in. DS also suffered this week when DM dumped him rather heartless. For his own good, but still, it was harsh and pretty mean to do it on his birthday of all days. :PikachuFacePalm: Couldn't she have waited one day??

44 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

@JenL I can't help but wonder if Park Hye Ryun likes Han Ji Pyeong as a character herself. Much like Anne Rice who wrote the Vampire Chronicles, she started off with Interview with the Vampire where the main character was Louis, but her real love was Lestat. So in the end she wrote a series of sequels centering around Lestat.



Totally agree! I feel like she wrote the perfect character first...maybe felt he was so perfect that she felt his being the first lead wouldn't make as much of an impact and so wrote a story around his character where he would prove himself over and over again. I can't help but feel that this is what happened. JP has a strong story line of his own standing for sure. And that is what has irritated people about him not being first lead, I guess. :BulbaConfused:


48 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


P.S. Yong San with his anagram figured out "Apollo Artemis" so I Google. Apollo and Artemis are twins so this can only mean the twins are the hackers and before they exit Cheong Myung, they wanted to destroy and take away the IP they created so others won't have it. B***


I feel like this last arc with the hackers has been the weakest to an otherwise strong story because it was so obvious it was them in the first place! They said they jumped around and had no loyalty. Also their reactions to everything. Meh, wasn't much of a guess!  :pandaheadstomp:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Episode 13

- I liked that DM was finally put in a desperate enough situation to make amends wither her sister. Equally glad her sister has matured enough to forgive and accept her sister into the company as a CEO no less. Having these sister make up at least takes some of those annoying DM scenes out of the drama :CharmanderYay:

-Really liked the summary of events leading up to the time jump. It made sense logically in terms of the business world. I know this series isn't as businessy or techy as some people wanted. But honestly if it was any more than that I think everyone would be bored. A lot of dramas have the jobs as a source of tension and conflict and drama, but are not very factual, so I think it's the same in this drama. :lenny:

-I really liked the 3 year time jump to be honest. I don't always like time jumps, but this one felt alright. It was enough time for the characters to have gotten use to a new way of life. But also you could still be hung up over people in 3 years, so fair. 

-LOL I can't believe DS' cousin still got business. But hey, viral marketing works! :laugh:

-I did think JP's assistant talking on the phone with his friend and telling him to stop hitting on DM was kind of nice. Like he said giving up if the person is not interested and feels uncomfortable is a sign of good manners. Good on him for respecting her feelings! :BulbaOWO: (Doesn't apply to JP btw, as he was always respectful of DM's feelings making sure especially that she would not feel uncomfortable!)

-On the one hand I find it quite unbelievable that DM was not swayed by JP in the 3 years DS was away, especially if he spent time with her family a lot. On the other hand, I feel like it does make sense if she loved DS deeply and was hung over him - she wouldn't have noticed JP's attentions even if they were right in front of her face :PikachuFacePalm:  I've seen it happen to people in real life. 

-Those family scenes with JP, DM, Halmoni and the mother were soooo cute. I think I was just so charmed to see JP be happy in a pink apron! How cute. Also JP feeing Halmoni food...hahaha, there was always better chemistry between JP and Halmoni to be honest! :laugh: Though it was sweet to see DM tuck him in after he fell asleep on the couch. I feel like she thinks of him more like an older brother or kind and helpful mentor though, which is sad for him.

-Ahhhh, the necklace scene was a killer. Of course they had to have JP to take more action just as DS was coming back. And this is why there are shipping wars. The timing is savage in this series. I liked that DS and JP caught up and had one civil conversation at least. It was polite, but you knew things would not be so afterwards :psweatduck:

- I do like the Samsan tech guys a lot. And laughed at them spoofing the drama trope of coincidences with running into Saha. It was funny that they made a big deal of it and what are the chances?? Also from this point, I started rooting for the CS & SH romance more that the main love triangle! :laugh:

-I have to say DS looks better after the time jump. So much more suave but it makes sense after working at 2STO. I really liked that there was a sense of development to his character. He's no longer such a pushover, but someone who can stand on his own two feet, though he is still sore and sad from the breakup. I thought it was sweet that he dropped his pride and sadness to go help DM. I mean, that's why DS is a good character also. He puts DM above his hurt and he came to help her despite everything, knowing he would have the skills to solve the problem.:BulbaOWO: :hearties:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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31 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Han Ji Pyeong cloned... hahahaha

So cute. Will miss him. Look forward to his next drama.


Main cast says goodbye . Autotranslated from here:



Bae Suzy X Nam Joo Hyuk of'Startup' "8 Months of Comfort, Happiness, and Thanks to Staff"




In tvN's Saturday-Sunday drama "Startup," Bae Soo-ji (Seo Dal-mi), Nam Joo-hyuk (Namhansan Station), Kim Sun-ho (Han Ji-pyeong Station), and Kang Han-na (Han In -jae Station) show the voyage of young people moving toward their respective dreams. The actors' extraordinary feelings ahead of the final episode on Dec. 6 have been revealed amid the growing history of the four main characters, who have overwhelmed their hearts and sometimes called for greater support for their heartbreaking failures.

First of all, Bae Soo-ji of Seo Dal-mi, who has been reborn as a professional CEO from her robust youth, said, "I think it's both happy and sad. "I've been very comforted and happy playing Dalmi for eight months, but it's a shame that the filming is over like this," he said. "And so many great staff have been working hard for eight months. So I was really honored because I think the great drama came out well. "I hope you will love'Startup' until the end," he thanked the production team and gave a loving greeting to the viewers.

Nam Joo-hyuk, who showed a thrilling romance and heartbreaking growth through the role of Nam Do-san, said, "The staff and actors worked so hard for the past eight months. Eight months felt very long, but now that it's over, It feels really short. Watching Dosan grow up in the character "Startup," I also learned a lot and grew up together. Thank you for loving'start-up' a lot in the meantime," he said in a sincere speech.

Not him, but Han Ji-pyeong, who created an unimaginable life character, also said Kim Sun-ho, "I was hot, happy and happy during the eight months that were long and short.Also, I think the time that I spent with many people will be very meaningful to me.Thank you to the director, writer, actors, all the staff, especially the viewers who loved our work.I think we made a good work together.Don't forget'start-up' and remember it. Once again, thank you," he said, expressing his affection.

Kang Han-na, who made an impact by showing her extraordinary presence as the role of Won-jae, also said, "I started filming with a heart of cheering for young people who have been challenging with talent for more than eight months from the beginning of the first shooting, and I hope that the viewers have gained positive power in the challenges and growth stories of all the characters, including the talent I was in charge of.Please enjoy the show until the last episode.Thank you from the bottom of my heart," he said, adding to the warmth.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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9 hours ago, JenL said:

Totally agree! I feel like she wrote the perfect character first...maybe felt he was so perfect that she felt his being the first lead wouldn't make as much of an impact and so wrote a story around his character where he would prove himself over and over again. I can't help but feel that this is what happened. JP has a strong story line of his own standing for sure. And that is what has irritated people about him not being first lead, I guess.

Nahhh, Ji Pyeong is not perfect. He's just really charming and a lot of this charm was contributed by Seon Ho's portrayal. Ji Pyeong is flawed but interesting. He's also a strong character in presence compared to when Do San was introduced which may be one of the reasons there's split opinions. His character is the typical male lead from kdramaland, don't you think? Prickly, can be a rude jerk, but really he's just a tsundere soft at heart and he has a trauma or some hurtful background. So yes, he is a male lead in his own story and can have a stand alone story if given the chance.


I didn't follow any news about this drama before I watch it so like everyone else I thought his character was the male lead purely because he was introduced first in the story-telling. If I had, it would have been crystal clear from the beginning. One of the things I learnt from kdrama watchers is paying attention to the wording in news articles. From the get-go off the news articles, NJH and Suzy were already reported being offered to play main leads when they were courted for Start-Up. In Hangul, there is a difference between actors cast as "Ju-in" (主演) and "Ju-in-gong" (主人公). In this article, NJH and Suzy were reported as "Ju-in-gong" whereas Seon Ho was "ju-in". All 4 of them are "Ju-in" but only Suzy and NJH are "Ju-in-gong" (original source / soompi).


The above articles were reported in Nov 2019. Seon Ho's casting news came out in Jan 2020 (soompi - and you can check the 2 original sources from this article). Then in Aug 2020, the news article reported all 4 leads confirmed for the drama. Just as how Soompi translated it, the original article listed the characters in sequence by Dalmi, Do San, Ji Pyeong and In Jae (soompi / original source). And then there's the promotional videos/poster position where we see Suzy and NJH are in the front and Han Na and Seon Ho walk few steps behind them. All these combined tells us very clearly who the main leads are. Therefore I do wonder if this is just us, our perception and prejudice leading us to believe he is the main lead and not the writer's intention at all because there is nothing changed in terms of script and character line up. Because Park Hye Ryun's most famous 3 dramas were very well-known so naturally, viewers have high expectation of her writing and thought her writing style would be the same for Start-Up, which of course as we know, completely thrown everyone off. It's like the debate re: Hospital Playlist versus Reply series where Reply fans are so dead-set and sure that they know the writer's writing style so well that HP must follow that same format — which is clearly not the case this time.


To be fair to Park Hye Ryun, only 3 out of the 6 I've seen are the same style. Neither Dream High nor The Page Turner are the same theme or style as IHYV, Pinocchio and WYWS. Some writers can change writing style completely and I found that out after watching My Ahjussi (didn't know it was the same writer who wrote Oh Hae Young Again). There is no reason why she has to stick to the same writing format as IHYV et al.


Regardless of whether everyone thinks she screw up her own script, I liked the emotional scenes of Ji Pyeong. Watching Seon Ho emote and the acting is what I love and focus on even though everyone is crying for writer to stop hurting him. The sadist in me wanted more bwahahaha :pandaheadstomp: :laugh:


9 hours ago, JenL said:

I feel like this last arc with the hackers has been the weakest to an otherwise strong story because it was so obvious it was them in the first place! They said they jumped around and had no loyalty. Also their reactions to everything. Meh, wasn't much of a guess!

IKR! I was really hoping they are not! It's too predictable and don't tell me the twist Seon Ho mentioned is this! I do want to know why they did it. There was a scene from earlier episode that the guy twin approached Do San at Sand Box but Do San was too preoccupied by something that he completely ignore the guy twin, I had always been very curious about that small detail there—feels as if there's some backstory behind the twins with Samsan Tech or Do San.




Edited by mademoiselle
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Ep 15


Han Ji Pyeong 😔


"Hands" weigh more than memories. Lol. Just kidding. Or not. Hahaha


SaHa and & Chulsan moments save the day errr.. the episode!


Also, how can the techy guys, i.e. Yongsan &Chulsan, not know that there are tons of anagram solvers in the internet. My mom uses one of those when playing online scrabble. Tsk

Edited by -StrongTower-
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In the strong Tower, I take refuge.


So far my top 2020 K-Dramas are 1. Hospital Playlist 2. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season Two 3. CLOY 4. IONTBO

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44 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Nahhh, Ji Pyeong is not perfect. He's just really charming and a lot of this charm was contributed by Seon Ho's portrayal. Ji Pyeong is flawed but interesting. He's also a strong character in presence compared to when Do San was introduced which may be one of the reasons there's split opinions. His character is the typical male lead from kdramaland, don't you think? Prickly, can be a rude jerk, but really he's just a tsundere soft at heart and he has a trauma or some hurtful background. So yes, he is a male lead in his own story and can have a stand alone story if given the chance


Hahaha, @mademoiselle I think I didn't explain myself clearly as 'perfect' can have many connatations, but I'm pretty sure we are both seeing things from the same point of view. :laugh:


I don't think JP is perfect in the sense of being an exceptionally well-rounded character. When I said "perfect" I meant conventionally likeable and good at everything (because you mentioned Anne Rice and Lestat and I was thinking of Lestat who is considered one of those "perfect" versions of the vampire - good looking, good at everything and the ultimate tortured soul ), and if you think about it, JP is a stereotypical romantic hero. He's really the Mr Darcy, tsundere type (prickly on the outside, but secretly doing all he can for girl he likes in the inside). Except a lot of people are hurt by the writer's treatment of him because a) he's not going to get the payoff of getting the girl, which hurts because this character trope normally does and socially, we're use to seeing that in romance stories and b) even if this character type doesn't get the girl, he should at least not be so tortured in his loneliness, which feels like a punishment.  :letalQQ:


I was saying above that I think the writer came up with this very likeable character, JP, and then realised he's "too perfect" (in the sense of being too likeable, even to herself...and stereotypical as a lead)...that she decided it was going to look too much like every other drama, so she decided to develop a story around him, where he would not be considered the centre of the story (ie. the romance), but he would still prove himself again and again in a heroic way. :MewHi:  I think it's what a good writer would do to try to make her stories more original...but it's been a struggle for the audience, who are use to a certain type of character and charmed by the very heartfelt acting of Kim Seon Ho.


Hope that is clearer now in my meaning! Is this what you were thinking too? 

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Have you guys watched Itaewon Class? Park Bo Gum appeared on the last ep marking Sooah's possible partner & love interest. Cameo.


Hopefully someone appears too for Han Jip Yeong. To console the broken hearts of all team HJP out there. Hahaha. Randomly read in my newsfeed IU's name. Lol

Edited by -StrongTower-
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In the strong Tower, I take refuge.


So far my top 2020 K-Dramas are 1. Hospital Playlist 2. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season Two 3. CLOY 4. IONTBO

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Hahahaha @JenL I think we are on the same wavelength. I definitely did get confused by the word "perfect". :pandaheadstomp: Thanks for explaining, hahaha.... I'm now laughing at myself :laugh:

19 minutes ago, -StrongTower- said:

Hopefully someone appears too for Han Jip Yeong. To console the broken hearts of all team HJP out there.

It's definitely possible.... and then we have a spin off drama starring the main male lead Han Ji Pyeong with her leading lady...dun dun dun....



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29 minutes ago, -StrongTower- said:

Have you guys watched Itaewon Class? Park Bo Gum appeared on the last ep marking Sooah's possible partner & love interest. Cameo.


Hopefully someone appears too for Han Jip Yeong. To console the broken hearts of all team HJP out there. Hahaha. Randomly read in my newsfeed IU's name. Lol


This happened in my Taiwanese drama too!!! (For those who watch, this was Lost Romance) where the second lead was really good and the drama was split pretty badly between the two male leads. Even though I technically didn't like the drama all that much, I was pretty heavily invested in and charmed by the second lead. And like @-StrongTower- said about Itaewon class, they solved the problem by having a a famous and well liked actress (Puff Kuo) play a cameo as the second lead's new love interest (well, first love that he thought he had lost). It worked for me because I really liked that actress, even more than the main actress, and felt it was a better ending.


Wondering if they will pull that for JP...but somehow I don't think know how they would weave it into this story to make sense in the last episode. Possibly he does business at the end and meets someone new while mentoring a start up? 

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

Hahahaha @JenL I think we are on the same wavelength. I definitely did get confused by the word "perfect". :pandaheadstomp: Thanks for explaining, hahaha.... I'm now laughing at myself :laugh:

It's definitely possible.... and then we have a spin off drama starring the main male lead Han Ji Pyeong with her leading lady...dun dun dun....

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My dear if that was the case there would be no tension & conflict in the story. Cause I will not commit noble idiocy or be confused at all about my feelings. Can't apply all the k drama tropes cause I will be running into oppa's arms :pandalove:

MV with HJP 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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5 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

My dear if that was the case there would be no tension & conflict in the story. Cause I will not commit noble idiocy or be confused at all about my feelings. Can't apply all the k drama tropes cause I will be running into oppa's arms

That's why you're his main leading lady in his life in that spin-off. Get dress and put on some make-up, will ya? You need to appear SEXY for him later in the night! I expect to see you on Netflix! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

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10 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Hahahaha @JenL I think we are on the same wavelength. I definitely did get confused by the word "perfect". :pandaheadstomp: Thanks for explaining, hahaha.... I'm now laughing at myself :laugh:



Yay, I thought we were looking at it the same way! :cool:  Haha, all good, I think I wrote my response quickly as I was getting a lot of things off my chest, so probably wasn't very clear. And yea, that word is confusing because weirdly enough perfect can have many connotations, not all of them actually meaning perfect. :laugh:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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