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La La Jun (Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook)

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On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

IKR, she's pretty good at countering his teasing and end it with similar note so it's fun in the end. So so glad we can always watch their Swoon and KBS interviews! 


Yes both LJW and GAR are so much fun in their teasing and also take it in such a cute way from each other. I'll never forget how they were in all their Swoon interviews/ KBS interviews. One thing I'm grateful for is that they got to do all their promotions without masks since it seemed to have been done during a period where covid was under control for Korea. :heart: A few of the KBS projects afterwards did their KBS games with masks....so in some ways DDSSLLS was lucky!


On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

I like PMY in Queen for Seven Days (I prefer her in historical drama somehow) and Healer. She tend to get a lot of good/popular male pairings actually but I wasn't too interested in her other works so far. I probably will watch clips of Weather is Fine for LJW. 


PMY's pairings are very popular, but I think I often don't like them because they're not the underdog pairings that pull at my heart :laugh: Healer and What's Wrong with Secretary Kim were both ok, but am fans of neither actor. But with that said I liked her and her pairing with SKJ in When the Weather in Fine though everyone knows that I really watched it because of LJW :hearties:


Yep, definitely watch his clips! LJW's character Jang Woo is pretty adorable and the romance is very minimal - and the whole thing is more comedic rather than sweet like DDSSLLS (haha she is teasingly mean to him) :heart:


On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

hahahaha...I hope he knows, from GAR's fan perspective, he's probably the only actor I think got the most kiss scenes with GAR and best chemistry on top of that! 


Haha, I feel like it's good from both fan's perspectives....as LJW's fan, it's definitely the most kisses and the best I've seen him do with an actress :wow::hearties:


On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

You're right, these 3 celebrities did say about her beauty specifically in interview/show and I think her friendship/connection with Henry is often talked about that I wish I could see them together in a show or project someday. With Artist Company, one step at a time with each project, GAR will always have a chance to keep getting better. I feel positive about it. :duckyes:


I love that they complimented her on her beauty...I think it's quite a nice thing for it to be said in an interview or game show when some of them were not doing promos with her. Quite heart warming....


But we should also never forget that LJW also said GAR was beautiful. This will warm my heart forever.




On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

Thanks for sharing these links! That Buam7 location is so beautiful and love how versatile that interior can be for filming and conduction classes! 


Buam actually posted another post of DDSSLLS behind the scenes...it's a video that was recorded from far away and some photos of Jun...I really love that they're still posting DDSSLLS behind the scenes since I don't think they've posted as many with other dramas that were filmed there 







On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

Yeah let's hope these two are not being dragged into this matter for GAR always care for her fans (even aware of her international fans) and LJW has shown his steady and seriousness in his craft more than needing to be everywhere for popularity sake. I hope them safe too. 


I can even endure both a GAR and LJW drought for their safety! :smile: I still check every single hashtage for DDSSLLS, GAR and LJW news...Also, I guess it's nice to catch up on their old projects etc. I've finished When the Weather is Fine which I think matched Miss Hammurabi in that they were both aesthetic and heart-warming dramas (both JTBC projects!)...And now I'm thinking of watching them both ruin their images in Reply 1994 and Memories of Alhambra :lenny::eeeee:


On 3/9/2021 at 5:36 PM, eNDe said:

Awesome! I've ordered mine recently too...patiently waiting now :hug: Such a nice gift from your flatmate! I was already thinking of screen printing my blank totes for DDSSLLS memories haha...if this happen, I'll let you all know! 



Ohhh yayyyy...please share a pic of your keychain when it comes. To be honest, it's one of the nicest real life merch we could get from this drama! :BulbaOWO::CharmanderYay:


On 3/9/2021 at 5:50 PM, eNDe said:

Here's what I think this letter in ep12 could also mean for LJW and GAR at this time as we await their project news:


That picture works so well in terms LJW and GAR working together again one day :Party01:

Also works well in terms of us awaiting their projects! :Party02:


On 3/9/2021 at 5:50 PM, eNDe said:

I wish we could see a bts for this date:


Well, at least I bought the keyring to remind me of this scene and drama hehe...


Me too! I felt like it would have been lovely to see all the behind the scenes of that date especially since I feel like LJW would have NG'ed and laughed at least once with them both feeding each other! :laugh: Even though I know the location of where they walk on that date, I also always wonder which cafe they ate in...I'm assuming it's on that street, but I don't think anyone found a definitely location! 


On 3/9/2021 at 5:50 PM, eNDe said:

And I've always wanted to imagine them wearing school uniform in a scene together...it could be like an entire different storyline like Sunja and Manbok: It could be them sorting out and deep in thoughts of how to be together too someday.


Thanks once again for curating these lovely shorts of them in their school days!!! :heart::hearties:

I always love your eye for discovering patterns and putting them together!!!! I'm glad we have you putting together these scenes and details for us to enjoy all over again!!! :MewHi:


These are so lovely and could be, as you say, an angsty teenage romance storyline where they are lonely and find each other only to be separated by timelines (Haha, kinda Extraordinary You style)


I think I also had a post of Lala and Jun in their school uniforms on my blog, but mainly just the official photoshoots and GAR's Instagram shots! It's fun that DDSSLLS put them in so many different genres/styles of stories :BulbaOWO::CharmanderYay:


On 3/11/2021 at 3:49 AM, multiloverss said:

LJW character is so warm....i really like his character as he is SNU student but choose to work at countryside. I like one of jangwoo lines in that drama as he said " People may said it mundane life, but working hard and living ordinary life is my happiness ".It look simple and had a deep meaning.


On 3/11/2021 at 11:39 PM, eNDe said:

Love the quote, thank you for sharing! Also why RaRa’s definition of dreams is meaningful too. Dreams and happiness should be our own definition. 


Yes! I finished the last episode yesterday and I really loved that LJW's Jang Woo said this quote. It was lovely and I think an important lesson I could learn myself too....he's so cool when he says that...like someone who really knows himself and knows that happiness is about living simply and honestly and gratefully rather than pretending to be rich and chasing the impossible rat race dreams. :SquirtleSquadCool: Definitely matches Lala's quote for sure! :pandablush:


On 3/11/2021 at 11:39 PM, eNDe said:

I like this theory better than say, something happened between the writer and kbs that they want to change the ending abruptly.

But sadly how many Korean viewers actually would have notice the ending being based on a Korean fairytale or legend...they would have leave obvious reviews for us international viewers to make sense of it earlier on. So to the writer, I hope your next project has a clearer ending.


Haha, I don't know which theory I like or believe better...all I know is that the ending never really made as much sense as it should, so I just came up with all possible ways to explain what was a very unsatisfying ending until I could get over it....now I only live in the nostalgia of GAR and LJW having fun together in Mokpo and Lala and Jun being madly in love in Eunpo :heart::heiboi:


As for the likeness to the Korean legends, I think it's possible the writers could have made it alike to the pattern/flow of traditional legends/ fairytales, but still not in a way that was particularly obvious or particularly loved by the Korean audiences... as the girl from When the Weather was Fine said in those screenshots in my last post, she thought that legend had too many plot twists and she wasn't sure it'd have a happy ending....It kind of reminds me of the first time I learnt the true ending of the Han Christian Andersson version of The Little Mermaid...I was horrified that she turned into sea foam and did not get the prince...some Western books or films that have drawn from old fairytales/ legends have also shocked me at times with a bittersweet or non-sensical endings...and it sometimes takes me awhile to realise it drew from those traditional stories....All I really want is the fun, feel-good Disney version of things though :idk::laugh: 


Anyway, just another theory (whether true or not) that I was reminded of in another LJW drama!


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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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3 hours ago, JenL said:

It's fun that DDSSLLS put them in so many different genres/styles of stories

we got many version of rarajun....i like manbok and sunja scene.they look so innocent.


3 hours ago, JenL said:

Yes! I finished the last episode yesterday and I really loved that LJW's Jang Woo said this quote. It was lovely and I think an important lesson I could learn myself too....he's so cool when he says that...like someone who really knows himself and knows that happiness is about living simply and honestly and gratefully rather than pretending to be rich and chasing the impossible rat race dreams. :SquirtleSquadCool: Definitely matches Lala's quote for sure! 

That line become my favourite quote right now as its match my situation....we doesn't need to be like others in order to be happy. As long as we happy, it okay and its match with rara quote " dream doesn't need to be grand"

I would be fun to get pairing like rara character and jangwoo character.It would be havoc as both of them talktative.:wow:

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On 3/11/2021 at 11:39 PM, eNDe said:

I haven’t rewatch the xmas scene and I remember we discussed about it before, I also think it’s such a cruel scene as it ruined the mood for the viewers especially. I don’t celebrate xmas but it’s an important celebration for those who do and I would never want to hurt my characters and viewers if I’m writing a story in the similar vein of DDSSLLS. I would have want to keep the main point the main point. 


Hahaha, I'm the same...cannot re-watch that xmas scene at all. It was very cruel since I do celebrate xmas...and last year's xmas was already super tiring because of covid - it would have been nice to have a fond memory of xmas...but no :letalQQ: In all my drama watching years, I don't think I've ever seen a drama have such a sad xmas?? I have no idea how they thought it would be appealing in any way...even if it was going to go down exactly the same way...Jun should have come back on xmas and it was would have been nice for him to reunite with all of Eunpo (and for the TWD aunties to smack him for faking his death)  :lenny:


On 3/11/2021 at 11:39 PM, eNDe said:

Thankfully, really, thankfully, we have more of the good things to rave about the drama and rewatch the scenes for. :hearties:


On 3/12/2021 at 2:26 AM, multiloverss said:


how come other drama got happy ending with wedding scene but DDSSLLS got 5 last minutes of main lead to get together.:mad:


Haha, when I've been sad about this drama (ie. The ending, the DVD and lack of Awards reunion), these are the things that other drama don't (necessarily) have that I'm always grateful we had with this drama and LJW + GAR:


1. Lots of cute co-star selfies on GAR's Instagram (more than most co-stars) :heart: I feel like a lot of K-drama stars don't post selfies with their co-star. Even (or maybe especially) the very popular stars. For example, Moon Ga Young only posted 1 photo with her and Cha Eun Woo for True Beauty. I really like how many selfies GAR took with LJW...and even though LJW is a not much of a poster with co-stars (apparently he only posts if the co-star has a birthday), Go Ara posted a lot and multiple shots often to do with the BTS of the sweeter moments. Also, even though LJW doesn't post himself, I love that he was happy to take dorky shots with GAR, probably knowing they would one day be online forever :laugh:




2. Lots of Swoon Games/ KBS Games videos (more than most pairings) :CharmanderYay: They played much more games than other drama pairings and their chemistry was sooo good. And also they didn't have to wear masks in the KBS games (due to covid restrictions, some of the actors in following dramas had to wear masks for their interviews/ KBS games...good for safety, but you don't get to see their true interaction)





3. That first meeting picture where they look super close (rare that K-dramas release first meeting photos) :wow: Every time I look at it and think of cute, clingy LJW, I'm like...well, that beautiful moment has been captured forever. Also, damn, they both just look so good together. And I hope one day some other casting agent sees it and asks them for some really good project! (Haha, I can dreammmm)




4. Lots of sweet scenes in the drama & BTS videos :hearties:  Even in romances, I don't think pairings are always given that many sweet scenes...nor do they always pull it off that well. They did so well in all their scenes.




5. DDSSLLS drama sets still remaining :MewHi: Well, this is definitely a perk. Not all dramas have specific sets built for them. And not all sets are kept either. So I love that at least the city of Mokpo loved the drama enough to keep it there as a tourist destination. It's literally the space that GAR and LJW spent months together in :) And it looks like it'll be there for a long time to come (if the other drama set in Mokpo is proof)




It's nothing new...but when you think about all these things which some other dramas don't have, I guess it evens out with some of the things we had to miss out on... I just try to focus on these since I can't change anything :idk:


On 3/12/2021 at 2:26 AM, multiloverss said:

Many review i read about this drama like jangwoo character and i would prefer his character compare to male lead.


Haha I didn't mind the lead, but Jang Woo was definitely so much sweeter and cuter in his dorky way. I was so charmed...and I like how passionate he was about his job, making things better for the town's folk and he invites PMY's character to the book club even though she's kind of aloof at first :heart:

It's Jun's lovely gaze on Jang Woo :laugh: Why is he always so pretty?



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

I also wish we could see a BTS of this very short date. I really love this scene especially the slow-mo part wherein Rara is looking at Jun then Jun looked back at her with the shy vibe look. Lol!!!.... they really look good together 🥰

how i really wish the making DVD will still be released :cry: (im sorry for reminding you guys again)


That date was adorable and I feel like LJW and GAR would have laughed and NG heaps during this date in the BTS...if only they would show it! :letalQQ: I always think of the Making DVD that should have been made but wasn't...


However, I did feel a little better when I stumbled across a person on Kdrama reddit saying a lot of Kdrama Making/ Blue Ray/ Director's cut DVDs are not made because the whole process is a lot of work especially negotiating with the companies creating the DVDs and it makes very little money for the production teams (Read the first reply to reddit link below)...I actually think even True Beauty which was super popular didn't get it's DVD made (though the fan cafe had 3000 members and that drama had heaps of idols? One of the fans said it was cancelled on Instagram apparently. Haven't seen a post for 2-3 weeks about it too) But oddly enough Run On was successful - apparently the actors did their commentary recording recently. That drama was like a sleeper hit. Haha, ever since DDSSLLS's DVD fiasco, I feel like I have to check out other dramas (even though I don't plan to buy their DVDs) to see if they get their DVDs get rejected so I don't feel so bad! :idk:



Haha...I also found a gif of LJW laughing at the hairdressers on Twitter which I remember you saying you wanted to see the BTS footage for....I wish I knew why he was laughing :thinking:



Some good news though...I found someone who had tweeted more of those videos/gifs from that deleted DDSSLLS account! Yay, some of her work lives on! Her account was so good...I'm always confused why she deleted it :idk:



On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Also saw a video of LJW with Extraordinary you cast, he was pretty drunk in the video 😆, but yeah,, youre right with being a young 20-something-yr-old😄

i hope he's always drunk when he hangs out with GAR sunbaenim so he's always clingy LOL!!:laugh: and GAR does think he's cute being drunk 😉



Haha, I've seen that drunk LJW video too...I think it was his live at the Extraordinary You wrap up party. It was very cute though...I think he actually mentioned being drunk :laugh: Haha, yes, let hope they go out for a drink together and he gets into clingy mode again :lenny:


On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Thats what i thought too!!! Bad karma for not handling DDSSLLS right and i guess the drama gods heard us again this time and gave KBS a little piece of our hate to the network 😅

(Not that im happy with how things are turning out)


I know what you mean...I would prefer the drama Gods avenged us by releasing that Making DVD instead :laugh: KBS got the full bad karma huh. But I hope everything is calming down. I imagine it's hard to keep filming dramas when there's so much disruption? 

On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Woah!!! Thats awesome!! Its really like DDSSLLS! Thank you for sharing  @JenL

Maybe the writer of DDSSLLS read the same book. I love the comment "the legend has too many plot twist" :laugh:exactly like DDSSLLS!


Haha, the reaction of the girls from When the Weather is Fine listening to that legend and talking about the too many plot twists just made me think of every DDSSLLS viewer being taken on a wild, wild ride... :smile:


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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 3/15/2021 at 9:12 PM, JenL said:

That first meeting picture where they look super close (rare that K-dramas release first meeting photos)

this picture is so cute....i suprised to see how close they are during first meeting


On 3/15/2021 at 9:12 PM, JenL said:

 Lots of Swoon Games/ KBS Games videos (more than most pairings) :CharmanderYay: They played much more games than other drama pairings and their chemistry was sooo good. And also they didn't have to wear masks in the KBS games (due to covid restrictions, some of the actors in following dramas had to wear masks for their interviews/ KBS games...good for safety, but you don't get to see their true interaction)

even we did not get to see more of bts from this drama...but still we got their real interaction and i'm happy to repeat for many times. KBS interview and swoon games really precious for rarajun shipper. our delulu mood ON....:wow:

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Something weird is going on with Lee Jae Wook...all the LJW fans on twitter have noticed that VAST has stopped promoting him - he's been taken off their artist list and all his photos and stuff on Naver and Vastree playing have been deleted! :lettalKWA: I think they've also stopped following him... Have any of you heard anything? @eNDe @multiloverss @CINNABOM @twinkler0415 @purplefin @Unnie0110


Well he's also unfollowed VAST and Vast tree playing. Wonder what is happening??? :shocked2:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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21 minutes ago, JenL said:

Something weird is going on with Lee Jae Wook though...all the LJW fans on twitter have noticed that VAST has stopped promoting him - he's been taken off their artist list and all his photos and stuff on Naver and Vastree playing have been deleted! :lettalKWA: I think they've also stopped following him... Have any of you heard anything? @eNDe @multiloverss @CINNABOM @twinkler0415 @purplefin @Unnie0110


Well he's also unfollowed VAST and Vast tree playing. Wonder what is happening??? :shocked2:


I'll get back to the other posts later, busy balancing work and Uni 🥴

I was wondering about it too as it seems pretty quiet and other actors were getting projects left and right...

I don't have any idea.  I just checked VAST ig, LJW not there. Is it because he dropped that drama? I didn't hear any news... but this is a bit shocking 😱😱😱

Edited by purplefin
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14 minutes ago, purplefin said:


I'll get back to the other posts later, busy balancing work and Uni 🥴

I was wondering about it too as it seems pretty quiet and other actors were getting projects left and right...

I don't have any idea.  I just checked VAST ig, LJW not there. Is it because he dropped that drama? I didn't hear any news... but this is a bit shocking 😱😱😱


Hahaha no pressure to get back to me or anything btw...I just tend to write all my thoughts and fan girl here when I have time. 


Nah, VAST haven't promoted him since Lunar New Year...his whole agency did lunar new year greeting videos, but he didn't. At the time I thought he just wanted a break and wasn't required to do it. I'm not sure if he didn't take the project because he was planning on moving agencies? Or maybe VAST discouraged him from taking it if he was not going to continue with them? 


What's weird is that celebrities often announce they've joined somewhere new first before all this removals happen....there's been no announcements yet. But they have literally deleted him from the agency today - I was still looking up his photos today because I was printing them out for a project...but they've all been deleted now :lettalKWA::letalQQ:


If he did part ways with VAST, I'd hope it was

A) Not because of a scandal

B) The split was on good terms, not because there was a fight

C) He's being picked up by a better agency, not being left stranded :psweatduck:

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  • Shocked 1

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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3 hours ago, JenL said:

Something weird is going on with Lee Jae Wook though...all the LJW fans on twitter have noticed that VAST has stopped promoting him - he's been taken off their artist list and all his photos and stuff on Naver and Vastree playing have been deleted

i'm just realised about  this  things after i scroll ig....i came here  because i want to know either anyone here know about that. That why its weird when LJW suddenly lost from radar.i thought he want some rest but i things something had happen....i just hope its not anything serious and maybe he just move to another agencies.


2 hours ago, JenL said:

If he did part ways with VAST, I'd hope it was

A) Not because of a scandal

B) The split was on good terms, not because there was a fight

C) He's being picked up by a better agency, not being left stranded

just hope its not about scandal....:duckpout:

Edited by multiloverss
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1 hour ago, multiloverss said:

i'm just realised things after i scroll ig....i can here want to know either anyone here know about that. That why its weird when LJW suddenly lost from radar.i thought he want some rest but i things something had happen....i just hope its not anything serious and maybe he just move to another agencies.


Yeah it's definitely weird! I feel like normally they announce a change in agency before they delete the content and unfriend. I hope it's just a weird misunderstanding and he is just swapping agencies? :psweatduck::heart:


1 hour ago, multiloverss said:

just hope its not about scandal....:duckpout:


Yeah, I realllllly hope he's in the clear. Currently actors in their 20's all have to undergo background checks as a rule in Korea. Also I think if they get accused for bullying and it's proven true they also have to cover the costs of damages like re-filming.


I hope his background check was fine :pandascared:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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2 hours ago, JenL said:

Something weird is going on with Lee Jae Wook though...all the LJW fans on twitter have noticed that VAST has stopped promoting him - he's been taken off their artist list and all his photos and stuff on Naver and Vastree playing have been deleted! :lettalKWA: I think they've also stopped following him... Have any of you heard anything? @eNDe @multiloverss @CINNABOM @twinkler0415 @purplefin @Unnie0110


Well he's also unfollowed VAST and Vast tree playing. Wonder what is happening??? :shocked2:

Oh my, I didn’t see this happening at all! 
I’ve only got an example from GAR’s similar past experience which is, fans got to know that she didn’t renew contract with SM and she didn’t announced her new agency until 1-2 months later (dont remember accurately but definitely after she left SM). She then deleted her IG account (at least LJW ig is still around) so imagine how much original content with her past co-stars lost, she created a new ig account (as what we see today) with the announcement of her new agency (Artist Company) as her first post, but after her new agency officially announced her joining and the official news of new agency. This time around, it’s mentioned she signed for 2 years in 2017 and then recently got fans wondering if she’s renewing after 2019, which eventually she did. During this time, I noticed even a good actress, doing well, in the same agency as her, didn’t renew her contract with Artist Company. This actress, Ko Ah-Sung, went on to sign with KeyEast which I recognised this agency with good range of current and past actors/actresses. And so I guess ultimately it’s how they each approach their career through the years. 

So positively, I’m thinking LJW’s contract expired recently and has expressed to go to a different agency. The only thing I noticed about LJW’s ig account is his most recently followed account is Ahn Hyo-seop, who is in Starhaus Entertainment, so is that because they are really friends or just became friends or what? Haha. 

Another positive outlook is if LJW decides to finish his studies or even do military, although uncommon paths, I do come across certain actor profiles (if only I can remember at the back of my mind now) who took unconventional routes in their career and still able to get good projects years later. 

I certainly hope it’s nothing negative. LJW also still follow GAR’s ig and his other DDSSLLS co-stars so I’m taking this a positive note. Hee.

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4 hours ago, eNDe said:

So positively, I’m thinking LJW’s contract expired recently and has expressed to go to a different agency.

i really hope his contract was expired....he one of arising actor that caught my eyes with his acting ability. Hope for the best for LJW.


4 hours ago, eNDe said:

The only thing I noticed about LJW’s ig account is his most recently followed account is Ahn Hyo-seop, who is in Starhaus Entertainment, so is that because they are really friends or just became friends or what

regarding ahn hyo seop, i think they getting close thru rowoon as rowoon that introduced both of them if i not mistaken. I think i had read some interview regarding their friendship.

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11 minutes ago, eNDe said:

Oh my, I didn’t see this happening at all! 
I’ve only got an example from GAR’s similar past experience which is, fans got to know that she didn’t renew contract with SM and she didn’t announced her new agency until 1-2 months later (dont remember accurately but definitely after she left SM). She then deleted her IG account (at least LJW ig is still around) so imagine how much original content with her past co-stars lost, she created a new ig account (as what we see today) with the announcement of her new agency (Artist Company) as her first post, but after her new agency officially announced her joining and the official news of new agency. This time around, it’s mentioned she signed for 2 years in 2017 and then recently got fans wondering if she’s renewing after 2019, which eventually she did.


Thanks for sharing @eNDe! This weird non-announcement removal has been low-key anxiety inducing, so your story is quite comforting :hearties: I think most of the time it is just a change in agency, whether because contract is up or because of a disagreement, but it does still make you wonder what is going on. Everyone is a little tense I think also because of the scandals going on and because LJW's contract shouldn't be up yet since he only signed like 2 years ago? But maybe someone else has happened to allow for a move. :thinking:


Wow I didn't know GAR had a different Insta account before. That would have been horrible for fans. Though I hope her biggest fans had saved her stuff! :psweatduck:


36 minutes ago, eNDe said:

Another positive outlook is if LJW decides to finish his studies or even do military, although uncommon paths, I do come across certain actor profiles (if only I can remember at the back of my mind now) who took unconventional routes in their career and still able to get good projects years later. 


True  - he is young and I think he has a lot of options. He's done well in acting and I think people will always be keen to have him if he's willing to act. Also I guess he would have to do these things one day, so if this is the day, so be it :idk:


38 minutes ago, eNDe said:

I certainly hope it’s nothing negative. LJW also still follow GAR’s ig and his other DDSSLLS co-stars so I’m taking this a positive note. Hee.


Yes, I know right! I hate when stars don't follow anyone...so I'm hoping his account with all his DDSSLLS follows stay intact, even if he does move agencies! I want him to follow GAR forever :hearties:


But I don't trust actors to act the way I want them to :poliWeird:


30 minutes ago, multiloverss said:

regarding ahn hyo seop, i think they getting close thru rowoon as rowoon that introduced both of them if i not mistaken. I think i had read some interview regarding their friendship.


That would make sense! I feel like it'd be likely they all knew each other in some way or other. Rowoon also feels like he'd be a social person introducing everyone :BulbaOWO:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On a lighter note, here's my DDSSLLS merchandise that I bought and made for myself :brb:



Received the key rings on Monday then coincidently this week, I was already planning to have a screen printing day with my niece so waited for this to be done before I present my mini collection of DDSSLLS merch. haha. 



Brought out my DDSSLLS merch the following day! 



First test print then decided to paint a little star underneath for the tote.

To remind me that "dreams don't have to be grand. You can dream of whatever you want."  :hearties:



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Hello Guys!


I was very surprised when I saw your post @JenL about LJW. I was also wondering why he is so quiet these days. I've been hearing about castings left and right and he's nowhere in sight. I am also wondering why he left VAST Ent. when it's a great agency. It's very surprising that a newbie changes to another agency so soon. I just feel bad for his staff for it seemed that they really love LJW and now they can't work with him anymore since his staff is provided by the agency. I hope it's nothing serious. The Korean Entertainment has been in a chaos the past months because of bullying scandals. I hope LJW is not part of it.


Anyway, I hope we'll hear drama or movie castings for GAR and LJW soon;)

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Thank you for all of the updates on LJW! I tried to look at VAST ig and I do remember he has a picture with the "Day __", but I couldn't find it. 

Anyways, thank you @eNDe for the info regarding GAR's change of agency. That was some top secret move by her! 😅

Maybe LJW only signed 2 year contract with VAST. If we try to do the math, I searched memories of alhambra, it aired December 2018,  maybe he was signed around that time since filming did happen earlier....

my rational mind keeps on feeling anxious of this issue but my delulu mind keeps on hoping he signs with Artist Company!!! Hahaha :laugh:

As Rara did say "you can dream of whatever you want!"


2 hours ago, eNDe said:

lighter note, here's my DDSSLLS merchandise that I bought and made for myself :brb:



Received the key rings on Monday then coincidently this week, I was already planning to have a screen printing day with my niece so waited for this to be done before I present my mini collection of DDSSLLS merch. haha. 



Brought out my DDSSLLS merch the following day! 



First test print then decided to paint a little star underneath for the tote.

To remind me that "dreams don't have to be grand. You can dream of whatever you want

i love this!!! You did amazing! :wow:

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9 hours ago, JenL said:

Though I hope her biggest fans had saved her stuff! :psweatduck:

It’s only after she deleted her previous IG account that I understood why her big fan accounts repost her updates and often also repost her past projects. 


8 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I've been hearing about castings left and right and he's nowhere in sight.

This. I’m more surprised by this but now there’s a big reason for it if he’s really changing agency.

8 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

soon. I just feel bad for his staff for it seemed that they really love LJW and now they can't work with him anymore since his staff is provided by the agency.

Yeah, change of staffs/team to work with is also part of an actor’s growth. Only if his team is made up of freelancers/self-employed professionals, usually the case for experienced makeup artists and fashion stylists, can he likely keep the same people around him. 


7 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

love this!!! You did amazing

Thank you 😊 


7 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

my rational mind keeps on feeling anxious of this issue but my delulu mind keeps on hoping he signs with Artist Company!!! Hahaha :laugh:

As Rara did say "you can dream of whatever you want!"

Hahaha, I had a slight thought of the possibility too! I’m not even working for the agency but I’d be promoting it to him if I could. Even if it’s a 2yr-renewal based contract like GAR have with AC. I like that it has a good mix of talents from veteran, seniors, top/rising and newbie with cool founders/owners. If not for covid, very sure we could see more meetups of the actors/actresses of same agency supporting each other works in-person as they did. 

Edited by eNDe
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7 hours ago, eNDe said:

I’m more surprised by this but now there’s a big reason for it if he’s really changing agency.

but not official statement by vast regarding LJW. its quite weird for the agency to delete all the info regarding their actor or actress before any statement. I hope there are no bad things happen  between LJW and his agency.


15 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Maybe LJW only signed 2 year contract with VAST. If we try to do the math, I searched memories of alhambra, it aired December 2018,  maybe he was signed around that time since filming did happen earlier..

it quite reasonable but his korean fans still feel anvious because the agency seems to clean cut him from profile agency. LJW also unfollowed vast after vast unfollowed him on ig and delete all the LJW post in ig 

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Ugh, VAST still have not said anything, even though they have released a few new videos of Hyun Bin and others. It just seems very unsettling :psweatduck: But all we can do is wait :letalQQ:


Hahaha...of all the dramas I like, why does this one have to be cursed to the point where even the main actor is being erased? :pandascared:  But...trying to stay positive...I have some goodies below for everyone!


On 3/9/2021 at 5:50 PM, eNDe said:

I wish we could see a bts for this date:


On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

I also wish we could see a BTS of this very short date. I really love this scene especially the slow-mo part wherein Rara is looking at Jun then Jun looked back at her with the shy vibe look. Lol!!!.... they really look good together 🥰



So there's no BTS videos for the date, but I did recently find some BTS photos by coincidence of this scene that fans took! I don't think I've seen these before...have you guys?


They look like they're chatting behind the scenes? :BulbaOWO::hearties:






On 3/12/2021 at 2:44 AM, twinkler0415 said:

how i really wish the making DVD will still be released :cry: (im sorry for reminding you guys again)



On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

True that. I wished the bts dvd was made I want to see them banter playfully, oh well. Sorry for bringing it up ✌. I just remembered how nice it will be 🥺


Me too! I think it would have been so lovely to see their chemistry in multiple BTS scenes :letalQQ: They must have so much footage somewhere which we missed out on....But I comfort myself by looking through fan accounts and occasionally finding BTS stuff I missed :idk: 


On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

It only shows how versatile he can be,  which is a good thing 😄


Totally agree, he's one of the most versatile actors at such a young age! He's younger than so many actors even Yeo Jin Goo, Song Kang etc. :BulbaOWO:


On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

Hahaha. Yes, i do remember the BTS. I laughed out loud when he said that. Hahaha. They are in match with their cheekiness despite not doing good in the telepathy game 😂


This is so true. Watching them banter was so much fun...I think it actually would have been boring if they were a pair that matched on a lot of things, but didn't have that level of teasing they had between them :heart:


On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

Maybe... but I wish they were clear and executed perfectly. Or they could have just blatantly said that it's a modern day legend 😅.  What's done is done. We just have to enjoy the lovable scenes instead 😄. Like how could the writer ruin christmas. It was just too much. Maybe that was to pull the "alive and well" plot twist after though that was not done properly, 😅, almost left everyone confused and betrayed. And each of the side characters were more settled than the main ones. I was more salty because of that 😅😆


You have a good point about the side characters having a better ending. A lot of dramas do that actually which annoys me because they try to make it "different"...but actually, it's just another trope - not giving the main pair the best ending :pandadisgusted: Even then I wouldn't have minded because HY and SG were such sweet characters...but they made such a stark contrast between them and Lala and Jun that we ended up not caring as much for the side characters :idk:


On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

Hahaha. Was he clingy there too? 😅.

Yeah, a lot of drinking usually happens in the 20s 🤣. It's like a sense of freedom 😆


Hahaha, nah, but everyone watching the live thought he was very adorable...



On 3/13/2021 at 7:46 AM, purplefin said:

Hahaha. I loved it as there were BTS, especially the Sunja-Manbok one 😅😍.  They have way better behind the scenes kiss than the ones actually in the drama 😅😆


Hahaha I always wonder why they didn't use those better kissing footage! Was it because it as too hot for a family drama? :smug: I guess even though we didn't get a behind the scenes DVD at least they aired the kissing footage :heiboi:


On 3/13/2021 at 12:22 PM, eNDe said:

I think LJW has a better impression on me as GAR’s kissing/pairing partner because I prefer Jun’s character than Trash oppa. Haha. So I’ve sort of erased that actor from her pairing list of romantic partner in this case. 😉

Honestly I was always annoyed by his treatment of Najung although I know she really loves him and for good reasons. 


Whatttt....her pairing is a trash oppa in Reply 1994??? :lettalKWA: I haven't started it, but that's disappointing. But I guess Jun still holds up as the best guy then! :heiboi:


On 3/13/2021 at 12:22 PM, eNDe said:

And each of LJW’s kiss scenes in DDSSLLS has its own significance, to mark how far the characters have gone, grown knowing and understanding each other. Even in the case of Sunja-Manbok. So for me it speaks more than the count too. 🙂 (in case he had or will have more kiss scenes with other pairing that i’m unaware or won’t be watching haha) 

Thanks @JenL for sharing the kiss collection, I never thought I would care much. 😆



This is so beautifully put @eNDe - It's true, each kiss was the development of a new stage of their romance (or parallel story). And the sparks were enough to light up the screen each time (Hahaha, I like how you measure and justify this - I will think the same way so it doesn't matter how many past or future kiss scenes there will be. This pairing will always be best :BulbaOWO::hearties::MewHi:)


On 3/13/2021 at 12:22 PM, eNDe said:

And he didn’t expect that he could be seen as cute especially from his sunbaenim. Maybe he thought he’s good with drinking so just be his usual self in the first meeting and bam...that photo evidence. 😆 So glad GAR had the instinct to use her phone to take the photo that ended up being loved by director and publicly suggesting in the press conference to use that photo to promote the drama. 👍🏼



Hahaha...he always thought he could hold his drink eh? :heiboi: GAR is so smart to capture his cute drunkeness :heart: I do feel like she would have suggested taking the picture...a good keepsake as well as promotional material :lenny: I'm glad they released it, though I'm sure if KBS hadn't wanted it for their own marketing, GAR would have posted it anyway!



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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21 hours ago, eNDe said:

On a lighter note, here's my DDSSLLS merchandise that I bought and made for myself :brb:


Ahhhh!!! Your merch is so cute! I love how you did the same font and branded your own tote to attach your keychains. It all looks so soft and aesthetic and matches the feel of the drama  Love how you did it as a screen printing project with your niece too. :wow: :CharmanderYay: :hearties:


I also made some DDSSLLS merch to cheer myself up from all this waiting around in silence! These polaroid pictures came out so lovely for journaling,  that I made some spares to sell in my new KdramaPolaroids Etsy shop :heart: I really love GAR's pictures as Polaroids! 



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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41 minutes ago, JenL said:

These polaroid pictures came out so lovely for journaling,  that I made some spares to sell in my new KdramaPolaroids Etsy shop :heart: I really love GAR's pictures as Polaroids! 

These are lovely @JenL!! I’m so glad you’ve put justice with these DDSSLLS photos posted by GAR. Those photos in the cable car she posted are taken by LJW so makes it even more special. And of course, their characters’ real first meeting was hilarious and memorable! Great selection to make them into polaroids! :hearties:


49 minutes ago, JenL said:

same font and branded your own tote to attach your keychains. It all looks so soft and aesthetic and matches the feel of the drama  Love how you did it as a screen printing project with your niece too. 

I figured if I printed the drama’s stylised title, it could also be a fun realisation for those who might see it and think of DDSSLLS. Hope it doesn’t trigger what they feel about the ending though. 😂 


1 hour ago, JenL said:

 I'm glad they released it, though I'm sure if KBS hadn't wanted it for their own marketing, GAR would have posted it anyway!

And they have no courtesy of thanking her hard work yet she’s so giving. Oh wells, at least DDSSLLS fans know the story behind the photo hehe. 


1 hour ago, JenL said:

Whatttt....her pairing is a trash oppa in Reply 1994??? :lettalKWA: I haven't started it, but that's disappointing. But I guess Jun still holds up as the best guy then! :heiboi:

Yeah his nickname is Trash but it’s worth the watch to see GAR in such a different role, the second male lead and the supporting characters who are hilarious and fun. 

But yeah, Jun still the best pairing in many ways. :cuddle:


1 hour ago, JenL said:

So there's no BTS videos for the date, but I did recently find some BTS photos by coincidence of this scene that fans took! I don't think I've seen these before...have you guys?


They look like they're chatting behind the scenes? :BulbaOWO::hearties:

Omg yay! Thanks for finding and sharing these photos here! I’ve never seen these before and he’s holding her bag! Haha. 

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2 hours ago, JenL said:

...of all the dramas I like, why does this one have to be cursed to the point where even the main actor is being erased

OmG!!! Exactly how I feel :nervous: bad luck everywhere :laugh:


2 hours ago, JenL said:

So there's no BTS videos for the date, but I did recently find some BTS photos by coincidence of this scene that fans took! I don't think I've seen these before...have you guys?

Another OMG!!! I was really hoping to see a BTS of this scene even it was just some random fan's picture!!! Youre really a detective in you past life @JenL !!! Thank you finding this :wow: LJW is holding the purse for her!! So sweet!!! :love:

2 hours ago, JenL said:

Whatttt....her pairing is a trash oppa in Reply 1994?

Yahhh... everyone called him trash... had a hard time finishing reply 94 becauseI really dont like them together 😆 


2 hours ago, JenL said:

These polaroid pictures came out so lovely for journaling,  that I made some spares to sell in my new KdramaPolaroids Etsy shop :heart: I really love GAR's pictures as Polaroids

I love your Polaroids! :love:




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2 hours ago, JenL said:

Hahaha...of all the dramas I like, why does this one have to be cursed to the point where even the main actor is being erased?

feel the same here....we just barely had a content about them as we did not got bts dvd and we also did not get to see both of them at drama awards.Now, the main lead had problem with his agency ( hope its not serious matter)


3 hours ago, JenL said:

So there's no BTS videos for the date, but I did recently find some BTS photos by coincidence of this scene that fans took! I don't think I've seen these before...have you guys?


They look like they're chatting behind the scenes?

look at the pictures , the date scene supposedly has a longer version compared to what we got in drama.... I did not know what the director think, when she edited the date scene.We need a longer version of that scene:duckpout:

3 hours ago, JenL said:

GAR is so smart to capture his cute drunkeness

I really like their first encounter pictures....rarely we got this type of picture, thanks to GAR for captured this moment.


2 hours ago, JenL said:

These polaroid pictures came out so lovely for journaling,  that I made some spares to sell in my new KdramaPolaroids Etsy shop :heart: I really love GAR's pictures as Polaroids! 

The polaroids look very good....it came out well.


1 hour ago, twinkler0415 said:

LJW is holding the purse for her!! So sweet!!!


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On 3/15/2021 at 3:21 AM, multiloverss said:

That line become my favourite quote right now as its match my situation....we doesn't need to be like others in order to be happy. As long as we happy, it okay and its match with rara quote " dream doesn't need to be grand"

I would be fun to get pairing like rara character and jangwoo character.It would be havoc as both of them talktative.:wow:


I agree....That quote matches my life situation too :CharmanderYay: And I would love a Lala and Janwoo pairing...It would be hilarious because they would both be so super talkative. Everyone else would run away from both of them!


On 3/18/2021 at 11:03 PM, multiloverss said:

even we did not get to see more of bts from this drama...but still we got their real interaction and i'm happy to repeat for many times. KBS interview and swoon games really precious for rarajun shipper. our delulu mood ON....:wow:


Hahaha those videos are a big win compared to other things with this drama....I'm always happy we got them! :hearties:


On 3/20/2021 at 2:20 AM, Unnie0110 said:

I was very surprised when I saw your post @JenL about LJW. I was also wondering why he is so quiet these days. I've been hearing about castings left and right and he's nowhere in sight. I am also wondering why he left VAST Ent. when it's a great agency. It's very surprising that a newbie changes to another agency so soon. I just feel bad for his staff for it seemed that they really love LJW and now they can't work with him anymore since his staff is provided by the agency. I hope it's nothing serious. The Korean Entertainment has been in a chaos the past months because of bullying scandals. I hope LJW is not part of it.


Yeah, still no news so far, though keeping eyes out :MonkaTang: 

It's hard to know whether he wanted to leave VAST or whether something happened and VAST wanted a departure? I feel like LJW's been bringing them lots of positive attention, so this all seems very strange...It's probably sad for his staffers, but hopefully he gets new ones he likes? His manager has stayed with him through this and I guess will follow him wherever he goes - the manager also took VAST Entertainment description off from his Instagram bio, but it looks like he's still Instagram friends with VAST? :thinking: I reallllllllly hope it's not scandal related too! 


On 3/20/2021 at 3:01 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Thank you for all of the updates on LJW! I tried to look at VAST ig and I do remember he has a picture with the "Day __", but I couldn't find it. 


18 hours ago, multiloverss said:

but not official statement by vast regarding LJW. its quite weird for the agency to delete all the info regarding their actor or actress before any statement. I hope there are no bad things happen  between LJW and his agency.


They deleted every single photo and took down his video playlist and stories :letalQQ: It's like he was never part of the agency...I also think it's normally the announcement first before they delete things. It's very weird like just fading LJW out after his first lead role? It's worrying because no one wants him to be in a scandal, but without explanation, it's hard for people not to speculate. 


People are mad at VAST, but I would hate for it to be a situation where they did this to protect LJW from something. I would hope he is the person we'd all like him to be.


19 hours ago, multiloverss said:

it quite reasonable but his korean fans still feel anvious because the agency seems to clean cut him from profile agency. LJW also unfollowed vast after vast unfollowed him on ig and delete all the LJW post in ig 


Yeah, also the thing is even if LJW's  agency didn't announce him leaving, usually the new agency announces that an actor will join them? :thinking: 


But I'm just going to keep positive and think about how his account is still there following his past co-stars, but minus VAST actors/ agency people. 


On 3/20/2021 at 3:01 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Maybe LJW only signed 2 year contract with VAST. If we try to do the math, I searched memories of alhambra, it aired December 2018,  maybe he was signed around that time since filming did happen earlier....


This is possible....I don't really know how long contracts go for in K-Ent? :idk:


On 3/20/2021 at 3:01 AM, twinkler0415 said:

my rational mind keeps on feeling anxious of this issue but my delulu mind keeps on hoping he signs with Artist Company!!! Hahaha :laugh:

As Rara did say "you can dream of whatever you want!"


Hahahaha, we all got to use the 'logic' of delu mind :lenny::laugh:


On 3/20/2021 at 10:14 AM, eNDe said:

It’s only after she deleted her previous IG account that I understood why her big fan accounts repost her updates and often also repost her past projects. 



Yep, after following DDSSLLS and these guys for this past half year, I'm starting to understand why the big fan accounts all repost the pictures and you end up seeing everything 100 times....it's probably because they know things can be deleted or taken down without notice at any time! I think VAST not announcing anything had made people mad because a lot of people didn't get to save LJW's videos etc. :psweatduck:


On 3/20/2021 at 10:14 AM, eNDe said:

Yeah, change of staffs/team to work with is also part of an actor’s growth. Only if his team is made up of freelancers/self-employed professionals, usually the case for experienced makeup artists and fashion stylists, can he likely keep the same people around him. 


This is true! And I think sometimes it can be nice because some new excited staffers might post more BTS content than previous ones (more different insights into their lives!) :lenny:


On 3/20/2021 at 10:14 AM, eNDe said:

Hahaha, I had a slight thought of the possibility too! I’m not even working for the agency but I’d be promoting it to him if I could. Even if it’s a 2yr-renewal based contract like GAR have with AC. I like that it has a good mix of talents from veteran, seniors, top/rising and newbie with cool founders/owners. If not for covid, very sure we could see more meetups of the actors/actresses of same agency supporting each other works in-person as they did. 


If VAST don't want him, he should totally go to AC :wow: It would be a total DDSSLLS reunion! And I think they would be charmed with the new talent...also they've done good things for their stars like Park So Dam.

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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18 hours ago, multiloverss said:

. I did not know what the director think, when she edited the date scene.We need a longer version of that scene:duckpout:

Agree. The kind of conversations I would love to listen to although it’s a common kdrama scene. 

I appreciate those scenes when they get to talk to each other about their thoughts. Like the time Jun shared about his friend’s death and much later when RaRa able to properly thanked him for saving her. It’s when they shared these vulnerable moments that I’m reminded why this pair is great for each other and I didn’t think I’m watching a standard rom-com or a forced buildup to romance. 

@JenL I finally watched Run On (skipped scenes a lot at the later eps), not sure if anyone else watch it already, and even though the characters’ conversations are indeed somewhat refreshing from reviews since they all speak exactly what they think...after a while I got somewhat tired of their style of talking. Haha. 

The main point is, I still enjoy RaRa and Jun’s way of talking to each other and also when they each interact with others. So any scenes of them, deserve a longer version anytime. 😝 


7 hours ago, JenL said:

They deleted every single photo and took down his video playlist and stories :letalQQ: It's like he was never part of the agency...

This is weird indeed. I went on to check Artist Company Instagram account and they still keep posts of the actress who left after her contract expired even though they didn’t announced her leaving. Fans just commented in a post that they noticed no news of her. Then an official news written by media said she signed on with another agency. She’s still friends and even co-star with an actress from AC. 


Let’s hope for the best outcome. 🙂


7 hours ago, JenL said:

also they've done good things for their stars like Park So Dam.

Yeah and before Parasite, I already love PSD’s work so I was happy to find out she signed with AC too! She even hung out with GAR before and GAR posted on her ig account hence why I like AC so far where they seem more like family, also when they get to work on the same project like Yoon Jong-Bin (Seung-gi) in DDSSLLS. So I’m always hoping for a time GAR will work with PSD in a film or drama hehe. 

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