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Deluxe Taxi / Taxi Driver 모범택시 [ S1- 2021] [S2 - 2023] [S3 -TBD]


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@abs-oluteM, a translation of the scene for you.

KHN: Where is Jo Dae Chul? You took him after all. Why are criminals kidnapping him?
KHN: Tell Me. i’m asking because I’m really curious. Are you by chance taking them and punishing them? Do you also have a system (of punishment)? You think what you’re doing is justice, don’t you?
KHN: Don’t fool yourself. There is no difference between you and them. You are all criminals.
KDG: So why don’t you arrest me? When I’m a criminal?
KHN: Just wait. I’ll find the evidence.
KDG: You haven’t even found any evidence, but you’re here talking your mouth off? Whenever will you find the evidence? Will you just ask us for the evidence when it's all over?
KHN: What?
KDG: This is why guys like me find the the law to be laughable. You know who the criminals are and you’re sure of the crimes they’ve committed, but you have to let them go because you don’t have evidence. Isn’t that your constant situation?
KHN: We’re just trying to ensure that we don’t mistakenly make another person a victim is all. Even if we end up letting a 100 criminals free.
KDG: Then what about the people who are hurt by those 100? You asked what the point of kidnapping Jo Dae Chul was? Who knows? If it were me, he would finish paying for his crimes.
KHN: What right do you have to do that?
KDG: Then what about you? You have the right, but why couldn’t you make it happen? The sentence for that guy was only 10 years, but he didn’t even do that before he was free. Because it was his first crime, his sentence was reduced. Because he wasn’t feeling well and because he showed remorse, his sentence was reduced! But do you know what?
KDG: His victims don’t care about any of that. Things have already happened to them, and they can’t live as they had before.
KHN: Still, what you’re doing is wrong. If all people were like you, then the world would be an unlawful hell.
KDG: Isn’t it already an unlawful hell? And that’s why, there are guys like me.
KHN: I suppose it could seem that way to you. To a person like you who lost his family to criminals.
KDG: What?
KHN: Did you know that the criminal who killed your mother committed suicide in jail? In lieu of your own revenge, aren’t you getting revenge for other people?
KDG: Don’t make assumptions about things you don’t know.
KHN: Then why does it seem to me as if you’re taking it out on those people?



@abs-oluteM, your version of the tweet had the scene in 2 parts. I'm not sure why I can't get the scene tweet in my post to show both parts as in your post. You're welcome to edit my post to include both parts of the video since I translated both parts that were in your post.

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7 Steps To Seducing A Gangster As Told By Episodes 9-10 Of “Taxi Driver”

May 14, 2021 by alice


Episodes 9-10 of “Taxi Driver” had us rolling on the floor laughing! The zany chapter was a welcome breather after the tremendously intense episodes 7-8 and let us fully appreciate Lee Je Hoon’s versatility from yet another new side. Thanks to Kim Do Gi (Lee Je Hoon)’s many transformations, the highly talented actor is basically showing us his full acting spectrum through “Taxi Driver,” much to our delight.




This time, Kim Do Gi tries a seducing tactic on the villain Rainbow Taxi aims to bring down. Here are seven steps with which he managed to create a most tragic and utterly hilarious love story in the latest episodes.


Warning: spoilers for episodes 9-10 ahead.



Dress accordingly

When Rainbow Taxi’s engineer Choi Kyung Goo (Jang Hyuk Jin) personally falls victim to voice phishing, the team realizes the seriousness of this type of crime as well as the stigma the victims have to endure. Given that the police rarely manage to get the victims their money back, Rainbow Taxi decides to take matters into their own hands. They track down the head of the criminal organization and find her in a Chinese gangster lady who goes by the name Madam Lim (played by Shim So Young). In order to get the passcode to her bank account, Kim Do Gi poses as a gangster-ish businessman and lets his seductive charms play.




One’s outer appearance is a good way to quickly grab someone’s attention, so Do Gi goes for a flamboyant outfit to complement his fine looks, and Lee Je Hoon rocks it! Of course, lots of bling-bling is also necessary to bring the gangster look to perfection.


On a side note, it’s about time that Lee Je Hoon gets a glasses endorsement deal, isn’t it?


Play big



The right outer appearance alone isn’t enough, though. Therefore, Kim Do Gi’s next step is attracting attention through his actions. And what could be more appealing to a ruthless gangster lady than a real man who goes all out and doesn’t even blink an eye when someone attacks him with an axe? While in Madam Lim’s casino, Do Gi successfully presents himself as daring and fearless in front of her, and even makes some money in the process.




Be a gentleman

Even the toughest woman will go weak if an attractive man stands up for her and treats her with the respect a lady is due. Do Gi, who introduces himself as Mr. Wang from China to Madam Lim, behaves like a true gentleman towards her and thus brings out her feminine side – a part of her that must have slumbered for a long time in the ruthless world she lives in. And connecting on an emotional basis since they’re both from the same hometown certainly also helps evoke positive feelings towards Mr. Wang in her.




Do the dirty work in her stead

“A lady shouldn’t get her hands dirty” seems to be Mr. Wang’s motto, which brings the gentleman image Do Gi created to the next stage. When Park Jin Uhn (Bae Yoo Ram), who also goes undercover as a 20-year-old voice phishing trainee, is caught by Madam Lim’s men and the gangster lady is about to kill him, Mr. Wang readily jumps in and does it himself (or rather pretends to). The poor engineer has to suffer a lot this time as Do Gi kicks him into the sea and waves goodbye – a scene that is amusingly reminiscent of iconic noir films with its background music and dialogues.





Flirt with your eyes

A dinner date is the ideal chance for some alone time together that can make romantic feelings blossom. It is also at this occasion that Madam Lim finally lets her guard down in front of Mr. Wang. She’s definitely smitten by him, and we’re not surprised. Who could possibly withstand these gazes? At this point, Mr. Wang hasn’t only succeeded in seducing Madam Lim, but Lee Je Hoon has also succeeded in seducing us (if we weren’t already bewitched by him).






Tease her

Now that Madam Lim’s romantic interest in Mr. Wang is already awakened, the next step is to make her go totally crazy for him. Do Gi skillfully teases her by making her expect more from Mr. Wang, which leads her longing for him to grow even stronger. It’s clear by now that Madam Lim sees him as her man.




Express your feelings

Mr. Wang’s ways of blatantly expressing his feelings towards Madam Lim puts the icing on the cake. He sweet-talks her so much with hackneyed sayings that she can’t help but melt away. Do Gi must have accurately assessed that the gangster lady probably never heard such words in her life but secretly longed for them. As a result, Madam Lim is a goner for Mr. Wang, and their love story can take its hilariously tragic end.





With a few clever tricks the Rainbow Taxi team manages to find out the passcode to Madam Lim’s bank account and successfully retrieves the money. Kim Do Gi, though, makes her believe that her account was cleared out by the police and tells her to run. Madam Lim, who wholly trusts Mr. Wang by now, ends up going on board of a smuggling boat, where Do Gi eventually confronts her with the harsh reality and sends her far, far away.




Episode 10 ends with Kang Ha Na (Esom) taking a picture of Kim Do Gi on his way back home in his deluxe taxi. We can thus expect the next episodes to take a more serious turn again, and I’m looking forward to delving into the show’s main conflict: the vigilantes vs. the law.



Edited by Chocolate
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Thanks loads @stroppyse. Because the twitter handle has posted the videos on the same thread /conversation , need to copy the link for the 2nd video to paste. I have edited. 


New stills....hmmm the Naver article says there will an interesting alliance between the two




Working on the new case



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I think I need to watch this episode to cleanse my mind of all the S&M scenes of LJH in Move To Heaven . :pandawhat: Those of you not aware, we have a thread for that & the show has been released on NF . Very good so far .





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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 11


  • Maybe we shouldn't give up the idea of Kang Ha Na being involved with Deluxe Taxi yet. The Cold Case could be a door opener for her to see. The officer in charge repeated the same words as Do Ki and maybe she needs to be confronted with the relatives of the victims and helplessness of the law.
    I mean, even she can't deny that looking at a sister, crying in desperation in front of her, asking her brother to be revenged and finding those who killed him strains your heart. 
  • She is about to reach her limits with Gu Young Tae, she sees first hand how someone plays the law and is slipping through her fingers. 
  • And then there is the death of Mr.Wang. We said a couple of times in the thread already, that Ha Na won't join Rainbow Taxi because no one close to her died, so she is unable to feel the pain every employee of Rainbow Taxi has within them. She never felt the injustice before. Now with Mr.Wang's death, that may change and she will do down a darker path and eventually support the path of Rainbow Taxi, especially if they can't find the murderer or indict him.  
  • The twist that they are twins, was amazing! Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. But it made sense after seeing him being released from prison. Why should Baek's Right Hand be in prison?
    Her slapping him looked kinda cute though.
  • I also think that the case of the cannibal who killed 20 people with a hammer will also play a role in this. Maybe he will escape aswell and threated Ha Na. 
  • Isn't taking a potential cold case from the prosecution involving a father who seeks justice for his son, just after being searched by even those prosecutors, the most obvious bait ever? How can you even think about taking this job, knowing that Kang Ha Na is on your trail, just waiting for more evidence to show up?
  • Am I the only one who always things the commercial at the end with the dancing girl is so incredibly misplaced? Especially in this episode Ha Na mourns on the death of her co-worker and suddely there is a girl dancing next to it.
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I'm overdosed with LJH today, hahaha! I binged all of Move to Heaven and then watched E11 of Taxi Driver.


Episode 11


Rainbow Taxi is now officially going head-to-head with Madam Baek's gang. Baek's right hand man Gu Suk Tae has a twin brother and he is the target who both Rainbow Taxi and Kang Ha Na is after. I honestly am puzzled how the victim's girlfriend Hye Yeon can be "friends" with Gu Young Tae because he's bad news from the get-go. Hye Yeon was portrayed through Pastor Ko as a nice and kind young lady. I'm sorry for being prejudice however nice and kind lady don't befriend a gangster like Gu Young Tae. Even if he hides his real self, his demeaner just doesn't come across as friendly or trustworthy.


I'm afraid there will be no corpse can be found for this case. Judging from the smoke that came out through the door based on Sim Woo Sub's memory, the body must have been melted by chemicals. Sodium/Potassium Hydroxide or Liquid Nitrogen is my guess. Perhaps this is also what happened to Cho Young Chul's missing body.


The death of Investigator Wang came as a surprise. No doubt he died from protecting Sim Woo Sub. I quite like the acting from Esom when she saw Investigator Wang's body. Her portrayal of the shock looked convincing. With his death and now a real taste of how helpless the system is with the lack of evidence against the Gu twins, perhaps this will become the trigger that she'd be more than willing to work with Rainbow Taxi now.


Episode 13 Preview


Edited by mademoiselle
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The preview for eps 13 is not looking good. The association with Madam Baek has always been a source of concern , and it looks like she's going to give them trouble. She kidnapped all the baddies from private jail and it looks like her gang has discovered their hideout :pandawhat:




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 12


  • Mr.Wang is dead. Sad sad, but......I have a few questions. He attacked GYT upfront, why not call the police first or call them over? He knew he would endanger his own life. I mean he put up a good fight, I didn't expect him to have the upper hand and win, but after such a long fight, the police should have arrived in time if he had called them. Getting stabbed by his twin brother is very unfortunate though. Oh man, when I think about it, he pretty much got killed because the police DID arrive in time, because of this DK wasn't able to finish the fight. 
  • The rage of Kang Ha Na is probably what will drag her towards Deluxe Taxi and who knows.....maybe she will sit in the taxi of Do Ki soon. (okay she did.....but I was writing this before the scene....Sigh.....) But she definitely went there on her own behalf and not due to some prosecutor business. They arrested him, but her rampage sent a clear signal. 
  • What's kinda "interesting" to see is (I don't know how to phrase it differently), last episode Prosecutor Ha Na was kinda at the sideline watching someone cry in desperation in front of her. You were able to see that she didn't really know how to handle that kind of situation. This episode she is thrown in the same position as the desperate crying sister. 
  • Honestly, it was quite satisfying to see how Ha Na hit him in the face. I'm also sure, she will be the next target of the twin brother and potentially Baek.
  • I mean, as much as I love seeing Ha Na in the taxi and her playing the "Do you wanna get revenge"-game, it's pretty bold of DK to pretty much reveal everything to her. That's pretty much like a confession. They are so careless sometimes. It's a wonder they haven't been caught a long time ago, if they are slacking to hard to be cautious. 
  • But on the other hand, I love it SO MUCH to finally see Do Ki and Kang Ha Na working together. She is such a valueable asset aswell. I hope it stays like this. With this addition, I wouldn't mind a second season. :pandahehe:
  • So not even half an episode after Kang Ha Na hired Do Ki, she finally made some progress and actually managed to solve a case. Deluxe Taxi immediately provides results.
  • So Baek knew about everything. Her shocking reaction was a bait and Jang believed it. She knew what they were doing, knew about the organ trafficking and planned their escape.
  • She did say she never touched civilians, but in one of the first episode we saw her saying to someone who lend money off of her, he will pay with his eyes. He wasn't a criminal, but she took his organs aswell. 
  • I wonder if Prosecutor Ha Na will now stop chasing Deluxe Taxi and Do Ki and to some extent, appreciate the work they're doing. Her apology towards Do Ki kinda showed me that she understood Do Ki motive's and that he just helps victims, that cannot do anything themselves. 
  • It's kinda like she said during the interview we saw at the start of one of the episodes. Deluxe Taxi is immediate help, who can save and protect a life. The law is a long-term help. So maybe they will work hand-in-hand.
  • In the preview Do Ki said that he wants to find the criminal first, but Jang intervenes saying they don't have a prison anymore. I guess Do Ki will hand them over to Ha Na and give them a proper sentence. I don't know how it will turn out though if they did. 
    It's also unclear yet, if DK will tell Ha Na about all of this. 
  • War is on. Jang vs Baek. Baek vs Jang. She uses the captured criminals and puts them against Jang. She enters his home and abducts him. 
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11 hours ago, Dhakra said:

Am I the only one who always things the commercial at the end with the dancing girl is so incredibly misplaced?

Nope, you’re not the only one. Been feeling that way since very early on. But many here are watching through VIU so I guess that ads doesn’t appear at all. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Episode 13

Ha, Madam Baek had me believed her :PikachuFacePalm:  and this is a real slap to CEO Jang. He was so sure Madam Baek is not the kind of person he thought she is and turns out she orchestrated this whole thing.


With Madam Baek's betrayal, it is clear that Blue Bird/Rainbow Taxi will find another way of putting the criminals back in jail by working with Ha Na. With Investigator Wang's death, Ha Na gets to experience first hand what the victims felt so now she knows all the things she said before were baseless assumptions and her own arrogrance. I don't blame her for feeling righteous and wants to do things the "right" way. However she has to admit that her position/job is still pretty much bound by organisation's rules, policies, convictions and even corruptions.


I'm obviously hoping to see not only Ha Na but also her boss/Jang's friend could partner up and work with Rainbow Taxi in the future—potentially Do Ki them all will still work secretly but they will exchange information and tip her off where to arrest the criminals.


TBH, I still don't believe much in the system because sadly, the law still hasn't change much. I woke up to a news like this this morning:



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10 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Nope, you’re not the only one. Been feeling that way since very early on. But many here are watching through VIU so I guess that ads doesn’t appear at all. 


Thank you! :pandalove:


7 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

With Madam Baek's betrayal, it is clear that Blue Bird/Rainbow Taxi will find another way of putting the criminals back in jail by working with Ha Na. With Investigator Wang's death, Ha Na gets to experience first hand what the victims felt so now she knows all the things she said before were baseless assumptions and her own arrogrance. I don't blame her for feeling righteous and wants to do things the "right" way. However she has to admit that her position/job is still pretty much bound by organisation's rules, policies, convictions and even corruptions.


I'm obviously hoping to see not only Ha Na but also her boss/Jang's friend could partner up and work with Rainbow Taxi in the future—potentially Do Ki them all will still work secretly but they will exchange information and tip her off where to arrest the criminals.


Arrogance is a well chosen word for Kangs behavior.


I hope that Rainbox Taxi will be her immediate help in cases where the law is either too slow or powerless. Turning a blind eye on something that requires help right away. 

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3 Different Sides Of The Dark Hero Lee Je Hoon In “Taxi Driver”

May 16, 2021 by S. P

Lee Je Hoon has been captivating viewers with his role in the SBS drama “Taxi Driver”!


Based on a webtoon of the same name, “Taxi Driver” is about a mysterious taxi service that takes revenge on behalf of victims who are unable to get justice from the law. Lee Je Hoon stars as Kim Do Gi, a former special forces officer who works as a driver and vigilante for the service.


Lee Je Hoon brings depth to his portrayal of Kim Do Gi by adapting his persona to the situation at hand, whether it be sympathizing with the pain of the victims or hunting down the villains.

Below are the three different sides of Lee Je Hoon as Kim Do Gi in “Taxi Driver.”



1. The warm human being who knows how to show empathy

Kim Do Gi is widely admired for his humanly nature. Although he shows no mercy to villains, he possesses a strong sense of empathy for the weak and those who unfairly became victims. This side of Kim Do Gi is reminiscent of that of a next-door neighbor. He reduces fares for tired riders and listens attentively to the stories of victims who desperately turned to his service for revenge.


Lee Je Hoon portrayed this part of Kim Do Gi’s personality through minute changes in emotions, easily conveying Kim Do Gi’s sympathetic side through his deep gaze and immersing viewers in the story of how Kim Do Gi came to be an anti-hero after leading a normal life. The way he balanced the emotions of fury, pain, and despair he felt while listening to the victims added even more depth to the story of the anti-hero.



2. The master of disguise who throws villains into confusion

Kim Do Gi’s various disguises have become the drama’s key point of interest. Lee Je Hoon showcases his versatile acting skills as he changes his job and personality for each mission in order to infiltrate enemy lines. Each time, the characters he transformed into enabled him to get revenge on the numerous villains who committed heinous crimes.


In a recent episode, Lee Je Hoon gifted viewers with plenty of laughter and a thrilling sense of catharsis with his “romantic macho homme fatale” mission to round up a phishing crime ring. In particular, the way in which he warned, “The countless number of people you scammed all trusted you. I hope you got even the smallest taste of the way they felt,” brought with it a euphoric sense of revenge.


Such impressive scenes were made possible because Lee Je Hoon utilized his voice, gaze, and stride to bring life to the various personas that Kim Do Gi used to stoop down to the villains’ levels and manipulate them.



3. The anti-hero with savage, beast-like instincts

Lee Je Hoon’s true abilities as an actor are put into the spotlight when Kim Do Gi hunts down the villains. Kim Do Gi takes the saying, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” to heart, giving villains a taste of their own medicine in a way that is not only detailed and precise, but also thrilling.


When facing off with U Data chairman Park Yang Jin (Baek Hyun Jin), he tapped into his beast-like instincts, snapping into a fit of rage to the delight of viewers. The way he overtakes his villains with his gaze alone is especially satisfying. Viewers are brought to laughter with the way Kim Do Gi corrals villains and are given catharsis when he suddenly transforms into a wild beast with ferocious eyes.


As Kim Do Gi continues to stand up for and take revenge on behalf of victims, viewers are left waiting on the edges of their seats to find out whose pent-up anger he will relieve next.


“Taxi Driver” airs every Friday and Saturday at 10 p.m. KST.




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23 hours ago, Dhakra said:


Arrogance is a well chosen word for Kangs behavior.



She did come across rather smug prior to Episode 12 despite not being able to prosecute the cases. But I don't want to start any kind war here over Ha-na just in case there are fans of hers who visit this forum. My own view and that's obviously open to debate is that one of the reasons why she went after the Rainbow Taxi crew so hard was because she resented the fact that they were able to efficiently deal with criminal elements that she couldn't. They went outside the system and succeeded in speedy fashion. She almost died in the Udata case and two of her whistleblowers almost went that way too. Rainbow Taxi walked in and cleaned things up. Not only that Do-ki saved lives on that occasion. 


From what she said to Do-ki  in Episode 11 I don't think it was just about them going outside of the law. Her manner and the way she was trying to push his buttons, there was no objectivity there. Just a presumption that she knew exactly what why is it they were doing what they were doing. Only in Episode 12 does she acknowledge that what they were doing was about the victims.




This is what I think went through her mind: The law failed with regards to these "too hard" cases. And she's devoted herself to upholding it. She's a true believer judging from the fact that she kept going back to interviews. Even among her colleagues she's a bit of a renegade but she still works within the law to a large extent. So it must be galling that a group of people who have no official sanction can achieve what she can't. However, they succeeded because they "cheated"... went outside the law... to do what the system failed to do. Moreover what I don't like about the prosecutor's office is the attitude of going for the "easy cases" and letting those sitting in the "too hard" basket become cold cases as a result.


I have no doubt that her role (and the chief prosecutor's) in this drama is to highlight the inadequacies of the legal system as it stands. They are lawyers first and foremost rather than crime fighters. The law limits what they can do when dealing with hard core criminal elements. That's inherently unfair. Because it means someone with a good lawyer and/or a lot of money can buck the system.


Again I don't have issues with Ha-na trying to do her job but there are instances in which she can't do it well. Also what she didn't understand was the fact that the criminal justice system is not only about prosecuting bad guys but also to do right by the victims and their loved ones. This is the key issue.  Nabbing the baddies is just one step in the grieving process for them and to restore balance and harmony to the social fabric.


The presumption of innocence is an important foundational principle in the legal system of civilized societies. I'm certainly not advocating its removal and neither is the show. But that doesn't mean the cops and prosecutors should just give up.


I hate losing Wang Min-ho and the man did have a close call in the Udata case but I suppose this was the wake-up call that was needed to push Ha-na in a particular direction. The fact that she needed that kind of wake-up call is tragic. It goes to show that she didn't learn a whole lot from the Udata case. She was so fixated on the villain that she put so little consideration into safety. Passion and zeal have their place but so does prudence.


Baek Sung-mi turning into the villain to catch can't be any great surprise. There were rumblings of that since the beginning that Director Jang's association with her would lead to problems. Plus she's also just tool for some rich, powerful people in terms of providing organs. Obviously the show can't condone Dir Jang's relationship with Sung-mi so it's not surprising that they chosen to go down this rabbit trail. 


Finally the legal eagles and the vigilantes are working together... but it was a hard lesson to learn.



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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@Tofu so ep 11 and 12 were written by the new writer already? 


I just want to point out that I really like how they varied the places they got to choose yes or no for revenge...mostly done through the old video game thingy but also karaoke :laugh: 

And how they matched the cartoons to the evil person they're going to dish out the revenge on gahahahhahaha 


After having watched Ha Na in the first 11 episodes.... I actually grew to dislike her. Ep 12 showed a change in her character but I'm not sure whether the rest of the drama will be able to change my perception of her. And so i'm not sure whether i want the 2nd half of the show to 'be led by Kang Ha Na' as @abs-oluteM quoted from twitter post. 


If the drama insists on upholding the law...then i think at the end of all of these...all the Rainbow Taxi members should be jailed or punished accordingly (i hope not though...:pandahehe:)

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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4 Things We Loved & 2 Things We Hated About Episodes 11-12 Of “Taxi Driver”

May 21, 2021 by alice

Isn’t time flying too fast? It’s hard to believe that there are only four episodes of “Taxi Driver” left right now. The drama has been so much fun that six weeks went by in the blink of an eye! As we’re nearing the finale, episodes 11-12 of “Taxi Driver” delivered turning points and major reveals. There’s not much to laugh about in these episodes, which are really intense and emotional, but we get plenty of food for thought instead. Let’s take a closer look at four things we loved and two things we hated about episodes 11-12.


Warning: spoilers for episodes 11-12 ahead.



LOVED: Kim Do Gi reflecting on his actions

Although highly cathartic, Rainbow Taxi blowing up Park Yang Jin (Baek Hyun Jin)’s data center in episode 8 was a questionable act since it put people’s lives in danger, so I’m relieved that the drama addressed this issue in episode 11. The lines between a vigilante and a major criminal are blurry, and it doesn’t take much to cross over to the dark side. Kim Do Gi (Lee Je Hoon), though, proves that he won’t let himself be overcome by evil as he’s reflecting on his actions and setting himself some boundaries. It’s great to see Kim Do Gi has realized that he was blinded by his thirst for revenge and is regretting what he did.



LOVED: Kang Ha Na and Kim Do Gi’s confrontation

The drama is finally delving into the main conflict we’ve been waiting for ever since Prosecutor Kang Ha Na (Esom) became suspicious of the mysterious deluxe taxi. While Kang Ha Na represents the law, Kim Do Gi and his team stand for the lawless, so the clash was inevitable. During the tense face-off, both defend their respective standpoints with highly provocative remarks that hurt. Nonetheless, there’s some truth in their words, which is why they each ponder on their intentions and convictions after separating.




But the confrontation wasn’t only rewarding for Kim Do Gi and Kang Ha Na, it also made us viewers think a lot. Whose version of justice is correct? Is there even such a thing as a correct version? What would be the best punishment for criminals and how could one achieve it?


To lift up the heavy mood, here’s a GIF from the drama’s latest behind-the-scenes clip that shows Lee Je Hoon stroking Esom’s hair after filming their face-off. It’s simply too beautiful and cute to not mention!



HATED: Wang Min Ho’s death

Kang Ha Na is put on a murder case without a body, and while the culprit is known, they can’t convict him due to lack of evidence. Ha Na thus makes a deal with an acquaintance of the culprit and asks him to find out how the victim’s body disappeared. The acquaintance succeeds and calls Ha Na, but suddenly finds himself in a dire situation and has to run for his life. Therefore, Ha Na and her assistant, Inspector Wang Min Ho (Lee Yoo Joon), rush over to the scene. Wang Min Ho arrives first, and when Ha Na arrives as well, she discovers her assistant’s body.




Inspector Wang’s death took me by surprise, and it was utterly heartbreaking to see Kang Ha Na so devastated. But on a positive note, Esom really got her moment to shine, and this scene proves that she’s a top actress with her immersive performance.

LOVED: Kang Ha Na hiring Rainbow Taxi

Together with Wang Min Ho, Kang Ha Na’s pride and belief in the law also dies. It’s really sad that it had to come to this for her to give in to Kim Do Gi and his version of justice, but at least we can say that her assistant’s death wasn’t in vain as it marks a major turning point for the prosecutor. She isn’t hostile towards Kim Do Gi anymore and is now open to truly listen to him.




Once again, the culprit is known, but there’s no evidence, so Ha Na’s hands as a prosecutor are tied. Due to her hopeless situation, she ultimately turns to Kim Do Gi and asks Rainbow Taxi to avenge Wang Min Ho’s death in her stead.



LOVED: Kang Ha Na apologizing to Kim Do Gi

Kang Ha Na, who had to learn the hard way how to truly empathize with crime victims, comes to realize what a deeply empathetic person Kim Do Gi is and thus apologizes for her hurtful words during their previous face-off. Through this, she shows real character strength, for she isn’t afraid to admit to her faults. I’m really curious about the destination her character development will lead her to. Will she enter a long-time cooperation with Rainbow Taxi and maybe even join them for good? Or will she take action to improve the judicial system?



HATED: Baek Sung Mi’s betrayal

The culprit of the murder case without a body turns out to be none other than the twin brother of Loan Shark Baek Sung Mi (Cha Ji Yeon)’s right-hand man, Goo Seok Tae (Lee Ho Chul). When Rainbow Taxi finds out the cruel truth behind the missing body and discovers the hideout of the twins’ organ trafficking ring, Rainbow Taxi’s boss Jang Sung Chul (Kim Eui Sung) confronts the loan shark lady about the situation. Baek Sung Mi seems utterly shocked about her assistant killing civilians for organ harvesting and vows to take revenge with Rainbow Taxi’s help. But the end of episode 12 reveals her as the true mastermind behind everything as she tricks Rainbow Taxi and flees, taking all the criminals from her private prison with her.




Baek Sung Mi’s laughter when she tells Jang Sung Chul the truth through the phone is truly spine-chilling and makes one really anxious about Rainbow Taxi’s fate since she’s a real threat to them. The loan shark lady is without a doubt a very strong antagonist, and it will be really interesting to see how Rainbow Taxi will bring her down in the coming episodes.


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