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The Veil 검은 태양 [2021]


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15 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Dunno to laugh or cry....

Cry 😭

After 10 episodes, we learn the reason for the memory wipe which is nonsense! Come on! And the ultimate villain is Baek Mosa who wants to bring down the NIS for revenge? His story is underdeveloped!


After @ktcjdrama mentioned it, I realised too that it’s true, a lot of the reveals are by narration. This is really not a very good script.


I’m definitely not watching the 2 extra episodes. Will try to struggle through the last 2 just to finish it. I think I will rank this on the level of Sisyphus 🙄


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Lmao. To me after watching this two episode..my only thoughts was like. OK so his two mates listened to two different people then what about Ji hyuk? Who does he listen to? It feels like there are more unanswered stuff I guess. Now that we know there is the actual great boss running around and is also controlling baek mosa. I wonder who. 


Also DW Said that Ji hyuk is a reserved man..not sure if this is important or not. 


Anyways regarding the two episodes. I don't think I will watch it either. 😅

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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3 Villainous Entities That Complicate Namgoong Min’s Mission In “The Veil”

Oct 17, 2021 by S. P


Who is the true villain in MBC’s “The Veil”?


“The Veil” is a blockbuster spy drama starring Namgoong Min as Han Ji Hyuk, an elite field agent whose perfect record and skill at completing missions make him a legend at the NIS (National Intelligence Service). However, just when he seemed to have finally succeeded in driving an organized crime syndicate into a corner, Han Ji Hyuk suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth. After losing his memories and going missing for a year, he makes a bold return to the organization to find the traitor who attempted to kill his entire team.


From an illegal drug-smuggling ring and a secretive council made up of current and former NIS agents to the criminal Baek Mo Sa (Yoo Oh Sung), the villains in “The Veil” might seem simple at first glance. However, as their true identities and the power they hold is gradually being revealed, Han Ji Hyuk’s path to revenge appears to be growing more and more complicated.


Below is a look at three forces of evil that Han Ji Hyuk must take down in “The Veil.”


1. The main culprit behind the Shenyang case


Han Ji Hyuk discovered a lead regarding the Shenyang case in which his colleagues were killed in the “Brown Bear Project” that had been carried out two years ago. At the time, his boss Kim Dong Hwan (Im Chul Hyung) had been chasing an illegal Chinese drug ring when he was brutally murdered, and the “Brown Bear Project” was started in order to find the truth behind his death. Although Han Ji Hyuk interrogated Kim Dong Hwan’s informant and gang member Lee Choon Gil (Jang Sung Bum), the truth was hidden in a different place altogether.


While carrying out his mission in Shenyang, a gang member he had eliminated was the son of the drug ring’s leader Hwang Mo Sool (Sung No Jin), and Hwang Mo Sool was out to avenge his son’s death. However, the culprit who killed Han Ji Hyuk’s NIS colleagues turned out to not be Hwang Mo Sul, and the revelation of another mastermind behind the murders threw the case back into murky waters.





2. The council of NIS agents and the existence of the “Black Agent”


While Han Ji Hyuk’s partner Yoo Je Yi (Kim Ji Eun) had been investigating North Korean defector-turned-reporter Jung Gi Sun (Kim Ji Sung), a suspected spy, she realized that the records that proved her charges had been doctored by none other than the black agent Jang Chun Woo (Jung Moon Sung).


Jung Gi Sun had been receiving threats on her life after it was found out that she had a hand in the leaking of the list of participants in the private meeting of current and former NIS agents. Surprisingly, it turned out that Jang Chun Woo was the person who had tipped her off on the proceedings. It was also revealed that he had been trying to harm her after growing worried that the truth of his betrayal would be made known.


In the end, Seo Soo Yeon (Park Ha Sun), who orchestrated the spy operation, was murdered, along with Jang Chun Woo. It remains to be seen who the pivotal figure of the council could be.




3. The appearance of Baek Mo Sa, the “man behind the curtain”


The tension in the drama reached new heights with the appearance of Baek Mo Sa, the powerful villain who controls the border between China and North Korea. One year ago in Shenyang, Han Ji Hyuk and his colleagues were keeping watch on a meeting between Jang Chun Woo, Baek Mo Sa, and Ri Dong Chul (Kim Gwi Sun). Afterwards, the list of NIS agent names was leaked, and the “Bloody Friday” incident occurred as the agents whose names had been revealed were murdered. As Jang Chun Woo and Ri Dong Chul were among the slain, all eyes naturally turned to Baek Mo Sa.


Chasing the tail of Baek Mo Sa and figuring out the identity of the traitor who stabbed the back of the NIS and murdered Han Ji Hyuk’s colleagues are now of the utmost priority. As it has been suggested that the identity of Baek Mo Sa could be none other than Yoo Je Yi’s missing father, viewers are on the edges of their seats as they await the next episode.




“The Veil” airs every Friday and Saturday at 9:50 p.m. KST.



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I really like this show and what it's doing with the players in the espionage business -- from the top to the foot soldiers. On some level it seems reprehensible that the department heads and directors have got these agendas and are using their subordinates to carry them out with little thought of the jeopardy that they're putting them in. While I can understand Lee In-hwan's perspective on some level, he's become a law unto himself. I don't doubt that the organization and his department in particular have become political tools for the incumbent governments but he's been accountable to no one and on top of that, he's now manipulating public opinion via Big Tech. In that regard the show's very topical. 


Of course Lee In-hwan was overconfident and he was looking at possible threats from the Foreign Intelligence bureau and forgot to look elsewhere. He seriously miscalculated and paid the ultimate price. On hindsight threatening his boss and undermining his authority was not his smartest move. By moving ahead aggressively and getting ahead of himself, he offended/upset a lot of key people. And they retaliated. I can't say I feel sorry for him although it's clear that the problem goes much deeper than him.


The NIS is in dire need of rebuilding. The abuse of power has been horrific and done serious damage. Baek Mo-sa is the result of all the political antics of bureaucrats, politicians and field agents. He's the resulting cancer but the organization has been suffering an autoimmune condition for some time. 


The fact that Ji-hyuk had a part in the deaths of his colleague doesn't come as any great surprise. The possibility that he was hiding something explosive made sense. But ultimate responsibility rests on the shoulders of those who were playing cat and mouse back home in Seoul. He was very much a pawn in a chess game that he had no idea was being played. It is interesting that he's being contrasted with Baek Mo-sa. There are parallels however both men chose different paths to dig out the mole. Both want revenge and yet there was something within Ji-hyuk that believed there was some good left within the organization that he didn't feel the need to gut it. 


It's become clearer too what Je-yi's role in all of has been. She's some kind of lifeline to a man drowning in grief. He couldn't trust anyone but he learned to trust her. 


It only just occurred to me while watching the last 3 episodes that Agent O Kyung-seok is Won Tak in Dali and the Cocky Prince. Quite a different role for him. :D

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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I am finally all caught up. After watching ep 10 with subs , I think  understand now why Ji Hyuk chose to erase his memories. Just like how he blocked off the memories of his parents' murder scene because he thought he killed his dad, he did it again because he felt bad that he shot Dong Wook. And considering that he was having PTSD, I believe taking the drug to erase those memories was not done in his right mind. The videos he made to the admission of killing DW , was just his way of blaming himself because he felt guilty that he made such a mistake. 


So at the end of the day Baek Mo Sa has been the one that was responsible for the problems in Shenyang. He was taking revenge on Ri Dong Chul who had sold him out 10 years ago. He had planted Lee Ih Hwan's most trusted assistant as his mole. He started the Sungmohoe (?) .BMS knowing that there are factions & distrust among the top guns in the  NIS, took advantage of this to execute his plans.


My conclusion is that Ji Hyuk ,  BMS and all the other agents (and former agents ) that died are collateral damage to the power grab within the NIS. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

So, is BMS Je Yi’s father? 

I watched up to the 43rd minute of eps 11 before I had to stop for class.


Dep Commisioner Do is back working for the team. Director Kang has recovered ( he & Do put aside their differences ) . So they (NIS) were going to go after BMS in an operation - Ji Hyuk went into this abandoned warehouse with the team (Ye Ji  with Kang etc were monitoring the scene) . It was quite a fool-proof sort of plan but somehow BMS being the more cunning one, set a EMP bomb that will cut off all electronic stuff including the ability to start the vehicles etc.  But when the bomb went off, JY had to go in to check as no contact with JH was possible. BMS was about to shoot JH but Je Ye came in and she was quick to call him dad as per preview. He didn't confirm it but you can see there was a change in his expression. I think he also had PTSD when he was in NK or some sort of dissociative disorder. He then wanted to shoot her , but she shot him back. However he escaped as his men managed to fight of the NIS . 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Why the EMP bomb here is such a big deal is because unlike normal bombs that may cause immediate damage upon exploding, the EMP does things differently. The sort of damage it does can pretty much paralyse  the economic, structural & security system in the country 



EMP bombs do not cause casualties directly. The blast happens much too far away from people. Their power comes from interfering, disrupting, or damaging electronic equipment. That could mean power grids going down, cars and planes losing power, computer systems going berserk, and possibly even losing emergency backup power at facilities like hospitals. It sounds pretty scary, and EMP blasts are a significant threat, but the effects are largely untested and exaggerated through pop culture and inflammatory claims by politicians.


And why I think this was used in this show was because of the NK connection - BMS after all was stranded in NK & built his base there

An extract from this article claims this


Multiple credible foreign sources including from South Korea, China, and Russia—including two of Russia’s foremost EMP weapons experts—allege the design for Russia’s Super-EMP nuclear weapon leaked or was transferred to North Korea and that North Korea has developed Super-EMP weapons.

So that is why I think this show got so much interest because the SK-NK continuous conflict is very real. Perhaps as international audiences, it is hard for us to appreciate the context to which this story is set. 



@ktcjdrama so in the later part of the eps , it was revealed that BMS could really have dissociative disorder. BMS had gone to a family priest ( whom Ye Ji is still in touch with ) and he did a confession. The priest recognised the voice. The story was that BMS was locked up with another person in NK , and that person was dying and begged BMS to kill him. BMS finally did , and used the guys rib bones by sharpening it against the stone floor,  and use it as a weapon to escape. So he was so traumatised that he can't really tell who he was and who he has become.  I think BMS is an alternative identity that he has become something like Lee Kyu Hyung's character in  Voice4. 


Anyway , when their 1st attempt to capture BMS at his hideout failed , the team managed to find out from a laptop they retrieved in that operation, that BMS maybe planning something to coincide with a memorial that will be held  near the Blue House . This was held in honour of navy personnel who died in the Battle Of Hancheong . Dep Commissioner Do's son was one of them. So she decided to take up the big boss' offer to give a speech to bait BMS. She initially refused because she was so angry that the politicians who usually don't bother coming in previous years, are gonna attend due election season. Anyway the team prepped for it . So after some digging from the laptop, they realised that one of the attendees is part of BMS's men. Ji Hyuk managed to spot him and shot him but on his body was a bomb about to explode. Ye Ji on the hand was tracking another truck and when she found it , it was another bomb that was also about to explode.


So from the preview , it can be seen that both JH and YJ are physically fine but of course the electromagnetic waves have been released and now there's alot of things that cannot be operated. The question now is how to take down BMS because the weapon he has is way too powerful. And being the meticulous planner that he is , he is always several steps ahead of everyone. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Why the EMP bomb here is such a big deal is because unlike normal bombs that may cause immediate damage upon exploding, the EMP does things differently. The sort of damage it does can pretty much paralyse  the economic, structural & security system in the country 

Interesting read. I personally think going analog on certain things is still the better wiser way to live. The digital/electronic advancement sure brought us a lot of conveniences, but I feel there are high risks as well. I for one, will never install the digital lock on my door, because it is quite easy for some (expert) people to "unlock" it. Even new cars with electronic features, I've heard of stories of how the engine can just stall while passing on top of train tracks due to some electromagnetic waves. 


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Finale - I read some stuff on Naver , and they did get BMS at the end of the day. It looked like a good ending with things properly wrapped up and everyone had to pay their dues - be it jail time or being suspended. Will write more after I watch with subs. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I'm not sure if I got the gist right, but here it is:


The reason Ji Hyuk erased his memories:


1 year ago, Ji Hyuk shot his colleague thinking he was the traitor. But he was wrong. He was traumatised by his error and went AWOL. He knew there was a rat in the NIS and wanted revenge but he didn't know who it was. As he sunk into lunacy, his childhood memories were revived. He thought he shot his father too. He broke and wanted to kill himself. That's when he thought, ah ha, if he can remove his memory, he can "kill" who he was. Then he can return to the NIS without his memory and find everyone who made him become like that and take revenge. (This still makes me 🙄.)


Who were the villians?

  • Sungmuhoe, made up of past and current NIS officers. Lee Ik Hwan was the chief villian from NIS. Their goal was to secure power.
  • Baek Mo Sa - Je Yi's father and his colleague were imprisoned in North Korea when they were betrayed by Lee Ik Hwan. The torture was so bad that Je Yi's father's colleague asked to be killed. Je Yi's father did him a favour and strangled him. Then he took out a bone from his colleague's body and escaped from prison. In his mind, he was sometimes Je Yi's father, and sometimes his dead colleague. His goal was to take revenge on the NIS and show the public that the NIS did not value the people.

At the end, Baek Mo Sa died but he did save his daughter/hostages. The traitors in NIS were supposedly cleaned out. No mention of the Sungmuhoe members but I assume the group is still there waiting.


This drama started out quite exciting and the action was good. Namgoong Min obviously made a lot of effort including bodybuilding to the extreme. The actress who played Yoo Je Yi was relatively convincing. But I felt the writing was all over the place. Too many things going on, too many characters and not enough depth. Good thing it was only 12 episodes.




20 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I for one, will never install the digital lock on my door, because it is quite easy for some (expert) people to "unlock" it.


I love my digital lock. When you have many bags to carry, you don't have to rummage your handbag for keys. A wonderful invention! 😂


Edited by Chocolate
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Namgoong Min And Kim Ji Eun Reveal Favorite Scenes And Say Farewell To “The Veil”

Oct 24, 2021 by S. P


Following the finale of MBC’s “The Veil,” stars Namgoong Min and Kim Ji Eun shared their final comments on the drama and also revealed their favorite scenes!


“The Veil” is a blockbuster spy drama starring Namgoong Min as Han Ji Hyuk, an elite field agent whose perfect record and skill at completing missions makes him a legend at the NIS (National Intelligence Service). However, just when he seemed to have finally succeeded in driving an organized crime syndicate into a corner, Han Ji Hyuk suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth. After losing his memories and going missing for a year, he makes a bold return to the organization to find the traitor who attempted to kill his entire team.


Namgoong Min selected a penthouse action scene from the second episode as one of his most memorable scenes. He commented, “I’ve done plenty of action scenes, but this one was memorable because it was my first time doing one that was so grueling and long. Although it took a toll on my body, my teamwork with the martial arts director was good so we discussed with each other and worked hard to create a good scene. I think that led to a decent result.”




The actor also pointed out his lines at the end of episode 9 as especially memorable. “When Han Ji Hyuk received a video of himself for the second time, it was a scene where he was anticipating that the wrongdoings of Lee In Hwan (Lee Kyung Young) would be revealed in front of everyone,” he explained. “But instead, the Han Ji Hyuk in the video said, ‘The person who killed your colleagues that day was you, Han Ji Hyuk.’ This remains strongly in my memory since it was those words that caused all the clues to be unlocked.”


Namgoong Min also shared his thoughts about the drama coming to an end. Sharing his fondness for the drama, he said, “Based on how I can still remember the specific dates of things like my meeting with the director and my first day of filming, this drama is one that remains vividly in my memory.”


He continued, “I had to do a lot of things simultaneously, such as practicing action and gun handling skills. I also lost about 14 kilograms (approximately 30.9 pounds), and keeping that weight off was a tough process itself, but I’m relieved that filming wrapped up safely. I was happy thanks to the director and all of the great staff, and my teamwork with the other cast members was also stellar. Everyone carried out their role to the fullest. I’m so grateful for being able to film ‘The Veil’ together with everyone.”




Kim Ji Eun starred as Han Ji Hyuk’s partner Yoo Je Yi. For her favorite scene, she chose a scene in the sixth episode where Yoo Je Yi treats Han Ji Hyuk. Kim Ji Eun shared the reason behind her selection as she said, “When Yoo Je Yi asks Han Ji Hyuk if shooting Seo Soo Yeon (Park Ha Sun) was the right thing to do, the line ‘I’m asking you, Han Ji Hyuk,’ left a deep impression on me. It’s memorable because it’s a scene where two people begin to believe and trust in each other in a situation where no one could trust anyone.”




The actress expressed her gratitude at being able to act in the drama, saying, “It was such an honor to be a part of ‘The Veil,’ and I was happy to have met Yoo Je Yi. Although preparing for the production was difficult and there were some tough times, I was always excited to head to the filming location. As it’s a production to which I gave my all, I’m very fond of it, and I think it’ll remain close to my heart for a long time. I’m thankful for everyone who worked together with me. I love you all.”


“The Veil” will be airing a two-episode spin-off titled “Möbius: The Veil,” which airs on October 29 and 30 at 10 p.m. KST.





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@Chocolate that was a great summary you wrote & pretty much captures what the drama was going for and how I understood it as well.


Not the perfect drama but overall I liked the angle that the story took. The last 3 episodes were pretty coherent to me & I was quite excited about the whole EMP thing as you can tell from my previous post. But that said,  my main grouse was that Park Ha Sun's role was cut short. It felt to me that in the 1st few episodes they were trying to build something with her character and I expected a stronger link with Ji Hyuk's arc , and when she got killed off it felt like an anti-climax. But once I somewhat accepted that she was really not coming back, the plot made sense to me. I am not sure if Ji Hyuk's trauma was a strong enough reason for him to wipe off his own memories but he was so heavily drugged and not of the right mind when he made that decision.


I came to like Je Yi's arc. What happened to her & her father  was pretty central to the story. I am happy that she was written to have common sense and that she became such an asset to Ji Hyuk. I teared up a little in the last scene for her & her dad. I would not mind seeing this actress in another show again. 


@Rina will definitely look forward to what NGM is going to take on next. He did a really good job here and though they were things I would have wanted to be different , this was sure better than Awaken. LOL! 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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4 hours ago, Chocolate said:

I love my digital lock. When you have many bags to carry, you don't have to rummage your handbag for keys. A wonderful invention! 😂

You haven't convinced me, haha... I would still rather put down the bags and find my keys.


So I tried to watch ep.10, and I actually enjoyed it, especially the first half when what happened one year ago was told through the flashback. I might continue with ep.11 and 12. 

  • Haha 2


Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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