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Havenites Dabang

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On 1/24/2021 at 10:26 PM, abs-oluteM said:

@Jane I think twitter knows I am craving KFC....

We have this now in Msia


Damn, why are Malaysian fast food sets so much better than Australian ones??? :letalQQ:

I think it's because Malaysian care a lot about food...:laugh:


On 1/25/2021 at 12:49 PM, AwkwarDerp said:

Don't know how late it is, but a lot of programs you can hard sub. 


For mac: Avidemeux is the best for me, easiest to use, export fast and FREE, OR handbrake


For windows: VLC Player works 

If you need any future help, I would be glad to assist you


On 1/25/2021 at 2:05 PM, Darkarcana said:

@JenLhaha I do hard subs as well, but it’s not for dramas but for actual film projects for me. Haha. I normal would hard sub on my editing software. I use premiere, Final Cut Pro. Though I am retiring premiere very soon and falling back to final cut cause my school pass is gonna expire already haha


Ooooh Thank you both! I think I'll need to look up tutorials. All good, I'm just trying to find hobbies to do...even though we're not locked down anymore, I'm still wfh and it's driving me crazy since there's not that much to do for fun...all I got is my dramas...but feel like I should pick up a skill of some sort :lenny: Thanks for your help! 


On 1/25/2021 at 3:35 PM, Darkarcana said:

@abs-oluteM revival of my old flames hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha


LOL LSG is so funny. I should probably watch more of his variety shows!


4 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

Hotel EQ will never be the same again....i wonder is it that they just cease operation for a year or so......i dunno....cause some hotel is practicing that way.....and also there is a crazy amounts of hotel at Penang ><" 


sigh....not to mention guesthouses and some budget hotel.....just very crazy....and those guesthouses are always sold out during festive season....now it is so quiet....


Yeah it's the same here too. I don't know if things will be the same for a lot of tourism jobs. Malaysia relied pretty heavily on tourism :letalQQ: It's a worry now that the big 5 star hotels are going down. I assume this one is not an international brand though?

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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From what I am seeing...Sugar looks hella dry, probably because currently there is no syrup available...Salty looks rather moist cause there is nothing to be salty about other than the long wait...Hmmm...Drama...February please come fasterrrrrrr :cry: Come on! Give me my motivational pill aka dramas back! So that I can feel energised in doing work!

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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2 hours ago, JenL said:

ahaha I feel like you've been influenced by @TRaNz 



HAHAHAHAA...success !!!!!!



For all those who have now rejoiced in spiritual enlightenment in their daily lives by McDonalds and KFC or similar......you have been blessed gracefully. :heart:

Please continue to preach the great news to others and help then better their daily lives. :love:


I've slowly been going back to work in the office more since Australia is handling covid quite well.....which means that im eating 'blessed' food more often. (waiting for McDonalds and KFC to recognize me as a regular loyal customer for discounts hahaha)

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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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On 1/24/2021 at 3:19 AM, Darkarcana said:

@Dhakra mouse looks hella awesome just by its teaser hahahaha


I'm not much of a teaser watching person, but I really look forward to the first two episodes.


On 1/24/2021 at 9:55 AM, abs-oluteM said:

 At least of late KSJ has been getting into some good serious dramas.


About time! I remember the darker times where I had to drop here dramas because I couldn't bear how bad it was. 

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On 1/26/2021 at 1:04 PM, JenL said:

This is so sad but so true. Apparently no travel till 2022 for us. I feel pretty sad thinking about it. We're like an isolated island, which is good for protecting against covid but we're so isolated!  I hope we'll be able to do a travel bubble with Singapore someday soon


Our minister in charge of the Covid-19 taskforce just warned that the pandemic will take potentially 4-5 years to be resolved. So....:PiplupCry: And we are even smaller island, we will be going stir-crazy by the end of 2021!


On 1/24/2021 at 11:52 PM, Darkarcana said:

Fast food talks and I have a sudden craving for mala shaker fries though I haven't try it yet. Hahaha 


Sushi! Have you tried it? It's super good, GO GET IT QUICKLY!


On 1/26/2021 at 1:04 PM, JenL said:

Hahaha I feel like you've been influenced by @TRaNz :laugh:


Indeed I have. Also I have nothing else to talk about since I am not watching anything right now. I have been so busy this month! Hoping Feb will ease up a little and I can resume catching up on some dramas!


My latest fast food report: I had Shake Shack ystd! The cheeseburger and cheese fries is so so so good!


I think I need to do a workout this week, looking at the amount of junk I have been eating!

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9 hours ago, Jane said:


My latest fast food report: I had Shake Shack ystd! The cheeseburger and cheese fries is so so so good!


I think I need to do a workout this week, looking at the amount of junk I have been eating!


Hommggg Shake Shack sounndsss amazinggg...I dont think we got those here in Australia.....


Work out? honestly, you can go for wallks and runs, but dont join the gym....that money for membership is better spent on food. :laugh:


For me, first time in like 11 months ill be attempting to eat out at a proper restaurant tonight...gonna be scary weird hahaha

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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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4 hours ago, TRaNz said:

For me, first time in like 11 months ill be attempting to eat out at a proper restaurant tonight...gonna be scary weird hahaha


After a year of not dining out, huh? I feel ya, it really felt weird the first time we sat at Wendy's after so many months of eating at home.


Enjoy the fine dining tonight! 😉

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Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

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9 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Enjoy the fine dining tonight! 😉


.....how did you know?....LMFAO


It was amazing..now i need to dine out weekly to make up for lost times hahaha


Noms below.


I have no idea how to embed instagram apparently...LOL




Edited by TRaNz
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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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10 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

That looks delish @TRaNz ...I miss dining out in nice places. oooo I see your baby (car) on display on your IG. IG (and FB)  doesn't allow embedding anymore. They automatically disable it


Ah fair enough... no embeddings then hahaha.


Yess my baby aka money pit/after life of bank account hahahaha.


The want to dine out is sooo strong. its just a different better vibe than eating at home. LOL

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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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5 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


Ahahaha! You did say proper restaurant! :Ghastlel:




Oh...I see....I always thought a proper restaurant just meant sit down and eat with table service. hahaha


Now this morning...it rained...and i didnt want to get wet and go get McDonalds.....I am ashamed of myself. LOL

  • Haha 5

-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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5 hours ago, TRaNz said:

Oh...I see....I always thought a proper restaurant just meant sit down and eat with table service. hahaha


You also mentioned scary weird, hahaha! So I thought you won't be going to a restaurant you'll get meals quickly and be done in an hour,  but somewhere you'll stay for some time to savour all the nice foods. 😉 After a year of not doing that it would really feel weird! 😅



  • Haha 5


Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

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5 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


You also mentioned scary weird, hahaha! So I thought you won't be going to a restaurant you'll get meals quickly and be done in an hour,  but somewhere you'll stay for some time to savour all the nice foods. 😉 After a year of not doing that it would really feel weird! 😅


hahah you are very thorough. :smile:


yes, proper dining in, appetizers, entrees, mains, desserts and accompanying drinks with mood lit lighting, great table service, flavoursome food and plating.....mmmmmmm :love:


Coz im a scaredy cat with the whole covid thing, I was a bit worried about dining out for 3+ hours in one area with other people. LOL. But it seems ok so far....SO FAR.....HAHAHAAHA, im just super paranoid.

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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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On 1/28/2021 at 9:15 PM, TRaNz said:


Noms below.

  Hide contents

I have no idea how to embed instagram apparently...LOL





That looks so goooood! Drooling at the other food pics in your 'gram. You should be contributing to the food thread in the lounge!


On 1/29/2021 at 2:55 PM, NiteWalker said:

after 1 full year of not being around ppl....it does take some getting use again lols


I always get awkward meeting people. My thought process - To hug or not to hug for friends? To shake hands or not to shake hands with new people? But the elbow / fist bumb is so weird? Okay, I will just wave hi awkwardly. :MewHi:

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1 hour ago, Jane said:


That looks so goooood! Drooling at the other food pics in your 'gram. You should be contributing to the food thread in the lounge!



Yes!!!! I have contributed....since I have now been out to dine. I will continue to contribute in there hahaha


15 minutes ago, Tofu said:

Now that Wang YiBo is promoting KFC, I agreed with @TRaNz that everyone should go there often. :laugh:



HAHAHAHAHA thats itttt, all aboard the delicious nom nom trainnnnnn!!!

  • Haha 5
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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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