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Flower of Evil 악의 꽃 [2020]

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I'm going full on rant in here cause im so disappointed at people for doubting Jiwon and Hyunsoo's love, understanding, loyalty & trust with each other.


We're on episode 13 and they still dont know how the writer and pd works. 


1st, the writer really did a beautiful job at how well written her characters are, esp with the main characters. And these are not some weak characters I tell you, they are badass, smart and full of love, but they do have their moments of weakness just like any other human, they would get scared, feel hurt and pain but those moments made them grow further. And after building their characters for 12 episodes, would the writer suddenly pull them back to zero? I dont think so.


Do they really not know Jiwon's principles? She's a police officer and she has a duty to uphold, that doesnt mean she doubts hyunsoo. She's smart, she knew something was off when they went to Baek's house the night before, she asked them to check on Heeseong when the power went out, she didnt want hyunsoo to go and check out the helper, she already had a bad feeling about it right from the start. And Ive said this on my live recap last night, that she knew the murder case would be pinned on her husband when they started to investigate. What Baek fam did was a classic frame up, I know her team would immediately pick this one up, esp Jaeseop sunbae. And its better for her to do the arrest than the other officers that would obviously not believe in him. Props again to the writer, as Jiwon was so careful with her words in explaining why she needs to arrest hyunsoo, that he's a murder suspect (not all suspect are guilty), she said she'll make sure he doesnt get punished for what he did not do. These are reassuring words for me that she trust and believes in him, i dont get why everyone is questioning Jiwon. ALSO, the way she explained every detail of the case, the deaf helper who takes care of a person in coma that works for Baek Man Woo, i didnt catch this at first, but I think its her way of leaving clues for her team, cause what she explained are things that hyunsoo already know. THOSE ARE BIG CLUES FOR THE POLICE THO, BAEK MAN WOO, DEAF HELPER, PERSON IN COMA. 


Preview is already a give away, but after rewatching ep 13, Im pretty convinced that the last scene is just an act, 1st, are there any victims who runs away with the suspect hand in hand? LOL.  I think apart from leaving clues, they are buying time. Hyunsoo cant be arrested because the planted evidences are strong, he needs proof of his innocence, and needs to find the accomplice. Also Jung Misook.  And they both know there's a CCTV on hyunsoo's shop lol, I found it odd that he asked Jiwon to pull the plugs after that knife in his wife's neck stunt. He could have turned it off before all of those, you see the mixed order here? There's actually no need for it to be turned off after that if you ask me, they were just about to run. So why? They both looked straight at the camera too as if signaling something. Also another reason for the 'act' is to protect Jiwon, Hyunsoo cant just let everyone think she's in on it, he needs them to think Jiwon is a victim here. 


Hyunsoo switching to the "monster" as what they call it, yes it might be similar to the basement scene, might be the trauma. But still, why now? When he was soo willing to be arrested by Choi Jaeseop and so adamant that he was the one who killed the village foreman. All his walls already crumbled when he knew that Jiwon knows the truth, Im very sure he was partly healed when Jiwon didnt leave him despite it all. So again, why now?


They said, "Jiwon's betrayal/doubt might be the trigger" to hyunsoo suddenly seeing his father again.


Again, this is what the writer and pd wants you to think. Now that Ive rewatched it, I dont even think he saw his father, they never showed Do Minseok. We only saw a memory. You see, this is a trick, the writer and pd loves this trick. We've seen them play this since ep 1. Hyunsoo could just be looking at the cctv monitor. 


UGH. Okay this rant is too long. Haha. Bye! Feel free to prove me wrong. 







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My brain is all mush at the moment. Have to try to remember what I saw for the last two episodes – having been distracted by Brahms and swooning with Havenites everywhere in this forums. Haha.


Ok, first off – the real Baek Hee Sung in the beginning of ep12 is so creepy and freaky. Credit has to be given to how he was being filmed. That part of the execution is pure 👏🏻. He continues to be creepy in ep13. I have been seeing people swoon at him on my TL and question why because I can't filter out that scary feeling he gave me to swoon at his good looks. I suppose this means this actor did an eggcellent performance.


That said, I find myself less attached/curious about the drama now that it had showed its card on who BAD BOSS is. The initial suspense/mystery and the main pull was actually on who the killer was. Now it's more of the battle of wit, and the real Hee Sung is definitely an intelligent psychopath. He was ahead of Hyun Soo for everything. The real mastermind of all the serial killing had to be Hee Sung, not Do Min Seok. Or, in the beginning, Do Min Seok taught him and Hee Sung outsmarted Do Min Seok and killed him.


3 more episodes to go, I have no doubt Hyun Soo and Ji Won will get their happy ending. I hope no one actually has doubts that is not the case. I think Omma will play a big part in bringing down the real Hee Sung. She just has to let go of "her demon baby" and do the right thing.

7 minutes ago, Darkarcana said:

im waiting to see if anyone knows where to get a HD photo of this scene...I want it for my desktop

I can screenshot it for you but which "scene" exactly from that gif?

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11 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

I can screenshot it for you but which "scene" exactly from that gif?

This but with the Title logo.




They released some photos

I wanted the photos like these^


So I wanted to ask if anyone saw that photo that I posted. Haha


Edit....Nevermind..they don’t have it:shocked2:how could they not give us!


I searched it^ they only have those three :(

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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I have 2 favorite scenes so far:

  • The Dish-washing Scene where Wifey told him that she has fell out of love. I was marveling at the level of acting skills LSG gave while feeling the knots in my guts over his agitation because of his inability to grasps what's going on.  His heart was crushed by her words but he can't understand what and why he feels that way. He felt the choked of fears of losing her but he just can't get it what kind of feeling is that and what he must do to ever come it. His body was trembling, his throat was dry and he had to choked out the words to asked her what she wanted him to do to makes her falls back into love again. LSG delivered magnificently in that scene....We can see clearly how he is a man who loves his woman more than anything (he is the only person in the world who think he doesn't loves her...#EyesRoll) and desperately grasping straws in order not to loses her.
  • The Breakdown Scene on the bridge after DHS realised that Wifey knew all along that he is not BHS. Again, LSG delivered the heart wrenching perfectly. One more time the fears and desperation of losing her was choking and stabbing his whole being and one more time he can't understand it. His brain can't processed the facts that Wifey knew but chose to stayed. His brain and his heart hurt like hell but he didn't know why. His cried that he wanna go home while hugging Wifey successfully crushed my heart into dust.

It's obvious that we have a solid OTP here. There is no way they will be separate by any stumbling block.


The Real BHS is a full pledged Psycho but it's obvious that he loves and worships Mommy while Mommy is feeling guilty over his psycho-ness. I am agree that most likely Mommy will be his downfall especially if BHS decides to goes after EunHa. Dad is a positively a BIG FAT A-hole who only thinking about his reputation.

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So after watching Ep 12-13..In someway I feel like what he is doing at the end, it’s him trying to use this tactic to get closes to the accomplice. (It might not necessary be real or fake) At this point, he doesn’t have a choice and so he chose it...but as to his wife...I don’t fully want to say that she is faking it. I believe that she does have the idea that Hyun Su could be the one that killed the woman (Like she honestly think so). Since she believes in evidences & law...


Regards to when he saw his father, in someway there is a similarity (That the story is trying to tell) when compared to Hyun Su & his father. Like what Hyun Su states, he is going to be like his father in ep 12. The biggest similarity is His father getting betrayed by his wife. It’s reflecting on Hyun Su as well...let’s hope that Hyun Su can keep his cool if it really happens. 

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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ᴱᴾᴵˢᴼᴰᴱ 12 ᴹᴬᴰ ᶜᴬᴾ

a.k.a my incoherent summary :GengarCool:


Baek Monster 


This episode revealed how Heesung went into coma while Hyun Soo survived and living fine instead. There were medical questions regarding the severity of Heesung's wounds in order for him to be in comatose state. Stab wounds on abdomen may not be enough.  But maybe the director/writer deliberately omitted that justification for the fact that : (1)Baek Man Woo is a reputable hospital director who carries the credibility of being a good doctor (remember on earlier episodes that he is Heesung's attending physician, at the same time some comments from persons in  medical field mentioned how the procedure he conducted to feed Heesung was detailed and flawlessly done); (2) There was a scene when he woke up asking his dad why he did not answer the phone. When Heesung went home to bury Hyunsoo, Minja's hysterical reaction may have delayed the rescue more. She can't think clearly enough to ask for help. 


Here comes the variable--Heesung woke up. So what now? Apparently, he doesn't trust the housekeeper at all. At the same time , here comes the frames in succession suggesting that Minja is not to be trusted either. She could again betray her son .



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Coffee Treat


Hyunsoo is very consistent , cold beverage for "let's make this conversation real quick".  Hilarious that Detective Choi sighed deeply, twice.:lol: He picked the message quickly though, and he went to verify his gut feeling is correct. Do Hyun Soo is innocent. I also like how he evaluated the evidences not just for fact finding--but also want answers on the motive. He did not get any concrete answer from Hyunsoo, but his intuition is indeed right. I am glad we have credible police/detectives in this show unlike the hackneyed crook police officers we usually see in dramas. 



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Detective Choi mentioned this, and we may able to know who when things go downhill.







It's the cutest thing in this episode. :hearties:






Hae Soo and Moo Jin 


Sigh, this couple. After 18 years they still did not reconcile. They need the Hyunsoo-Jiwon compass to do this. Their contrasting intentions make them grow apart. I am looking forward for Hae Soo to open up more to Moojin by not letting him sit in the dark about her worries and fears. Moojin at the same time need to become more patient if he wants to win Haesoo's trust once again. I get where Haesoo is coming from-she want to at least make up to his brother who took all the blame while she is free from the stigma of being the accomplice. She has her reasons, but how I wish she opens up to her brother too, if not to Moojin. Her decision alone will create domino effect not only to Hyunsoo but to his family as well--Jiwon and Eunha. 



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Plan A 


This IS the plan and it might still happen in future episodes based on the hinted photos of JG and his stunt double. A scary thought (Waves to cliff of doom). There were just the variables- Hyunsoo and Detective Choi did not know that Heesung woke up and Haesoo is turning herself in to the police.



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My Person --No matter what hardship comes his way, he has a wife who'll stand by his side. 


Ah, Jiwon-shi You're such a strong woman, even into admission that you're horrible. Like I said, I understand where Haesoo is coming from. But before she turns herself in, she could have seek his brother's thoughts  about this. There may be no absolute answer who suffered the most, but Hyun Soo's identity is for him to decide--of whether to have it exposed or not. Once, Hae Soo will admit that she was the one who killed the village chief, police will have to dig both of their history including Hyun Soo. And who is Hyunsoo now? 


Yet I am more to Jiwon's plea on this one. If the identity of Hyunsoo will be exposed before the emergence of the accomplice--Do Hyun Soo will be question either way because of stolen identity; The real Baek Heesung is married to Jiwon by paper, even has a daughter too. A complete chaos. 





And Jiwon is right, because when Moojin runs to Hyunsoo to tell about Haesoo's plan, he just calmly remarked that she is fine and he is sure nothing happened. This couple really.


Love Rain 


Hyunsoo has been a thoughtful husband to Jiwon even before they get married. Rain will always be a memory to Hyunsoo because this has been their very first date. It was raining that day. Jiwon complains about her dress, shoes and hairstyle being ruined because they were caught up by the rain .  From then, Hyunsoo will see to it that he will fetch Jiwon from work if it does. The pluviophile in me is squealing. For the first time, Hyunsoo is more open about his past . Jiwon also is more open about her feelings. Their trust and love rebooted .



Rise of the Monster


There was this scene in episode 8 when the housekeeper was fixing Heesung's foot strap. With the director being keen to details,dropping hints and there--the inevitable for housekeeper was about to happen in episode 12. This has been one among the strengths of director Kim Gyul Chu. He did not only showcase aesthetics in order to highlight one or two pivotal scenes in the show. It was like a blueprint was alreadycast out even before the series began its production. 





Then this happened. I think the scarf being a strong evidence to pinpoint Heesung, will be of use later on. Again, Mija's included in this frame. 





When we think that episode 12 will just be a filler, it is not. The show keeps on escalating the complications. Solving one conflict to another. The show is indeed one big puzzle piece for its audience to solve. 


Final rave, reasons why this couple is the new superstar couple in kdramas. They had been the yinyang represent. A trust and love combo despite of the absurdities they had. I am one among those who are rooting for them to live a peaceful , comfortable life after these hurdles. I rely on those lights behind them screaming for a happy ending. They deserve it so much, because they are continuously fighting for it no matter what are the odds.





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We are approaching ep 14 and I just finally decided to write my povs here. So sorry for joining you guys this late.. 

From what we had witnessed from ep 12- 13 it is the introduction of what exactly of a person the real BHS is, the writer finally decided to reveal who is the real evil. Remember at earlier episodes, we were all puzzled whether DHS is a psychopath or not? and it turns out he is not.

Back to ep 13 a scene when Jiwon is about to arrest him, a "memory" of his father appeared and not the "illusion" that he used to see and means that he is no longer the person who is haunted by his dark past.






About JiWon, I see people are starting to doubt her when she is about to arrest her husband, the writer intended to write it as it is, remember her character is someone who only believes what she wanted to believe, more of evidence based and not just by gut feeling. And the way each transitions worked, the scenes overlap about her husband going out at night, going to a place where the helper body was found, finger print are the evidences pointing her husband as the killer-- so, what is she supposed to do as police officer working on this case? Arrest him but it doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't believe him anymore, I mean what are those earlier episodes about her giving him forgiveness? :smug:

And I don't think it will just stop there, it will be pretty complicated if the situation just ended that way, I have mentioned this before at my tweets that once the police and the rest of the team learned about JiWon's husband whom aka the runaway killer, I don't think they will simply let her go away:

1. They will investigate her about hiding her husband

2. They can kicked her out as a police officer

3. She can be in jail too with DHS

and the rest follows, more importantly there will be a tiny chance of proving innocence of DHS if these all happens.


Going to the flashback memory of DHS about his dad talking about "trust". What if DHS acted that way giving hints to JiWon to "trust" him about his next step? hostage and kidnapping her? Those move are his way too focused on him instead and eliminate doubts about JiWon, well done by masquerading a scenario where he can send a message to the police via CCTVs.


Anyways.. I'll just stop here. hehe

Can't wait for the next episodes though I am still not ready to see the drama ends.:cry:





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Some photos that marks the end of production:SquirtleWonderfull:


Cr weibo

Just wanted to see how HS vs HS will be like..oh..just realised they also have the same initials. H.S:smile:...Whatever it is, I just hope that BHS will get the justice he deserves. As well as DHS, getting his name cleared. Before we can get this, just what will happen to the couple...hm...:thinking:...their kid...:cry:poor thing. 

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@Darkarcana Thanks for the photos. Ah I have mixed feelings, I remember being giddy in January about the casting news. And here we are, down to 3 more episodes to go !


I applaud the cohesive teamwork this production has. And the outcome is very well deserved. I hope the ratings will improve. This drama became a hit despite the late timeslot, and on a weekday.


Yes, Eunha got met worrried from the preview. The cutest eggtart must be protected at all cost !






Another article :


‘Flower of Evil’ puzzle slowly piecing together … rating peak at 5.7%

As tvN’s Wed/Thu drama ‘Flower of Evil’ sees its puzzle pieces gradually falling into place, the previous episode ends by signaling the calm before the stormy confrontation between Lee Joongi and Kim Jihoon.


Episode 12 (September 9) of ‘Flower of Evil’ averaged 5.2% and peaked at 5.7% in Seoul, while averaging 4.7% and peaking at 5.3% nationwide, beating its previous record. Among tvN’s target audience aged 20 to 49, the episode also averaged 2.8% and peaked at 3.2% in Seoul topping the ratings for both cable and general programming channels, while averaging 3.0% and peaking at 3.3% nationwide, topping the time slot across all channels. (Based on all paid platforms, including cable, IPTV, and satellite. Source: Nielsen Korea)




Episode 12 hooked viewers instantly by opening with Baek Heeseong’s hidden past. In her son’s room, Gong Mija finds the thumbnails and photos of the victims of the Yeonju serial murders. She is also shocked at the madness in Heeseong who tries to bury unconscious Do Hyunsoo alive. Afraid of her son’s out-of-control behavior, Mija stabs her own son.

The scene reveals Baek Heeseong is the same kind of person as serial killer Do Minseok, why he suddenly fell into a coma, and why Baek Manwoo has blamed Mija all these years.


The tension continues in the present-day encounter between Hyunsoo and Choi Jaesup, who drops by to arrest him. But Choi Jaesup has already intuited that Do Hyunsoo took the blame for his sister and it was a tragedy that happened to the siblings. He left behind the (Moojin’s) recorder that could have been used to threaten Hyunsoo. When reuniting with his daughter, Hyunsoo hugs her and breaks into sobs like a child himself. In this heartwarming scene, viewers felt the anxiety and relief he must have felt.

Hyunsoo and Jiwon find their return to everyday life to be a little awkward, but they reaffirm love for each other by holding hands tightly. After pretending everything is okay, Jiwon reveals her worries, making viewers relate to the heartbreaking situation the couple are in.


Haesoo decides to turn herself in to clear Hyunsoo’s name, and Moojin confesses his long-cherished love for her, but there still seems some distance between them.


The search for the accomplice continues. Baek Manwoo is singled out as the accomplice because he is the one who’s aware of Hyunsoo’s plan to work with the police and get the traffickers under arrest, and has tried to cause harm to Hyunsoo. Hyunsoo called Manwoo up to say he is going to use a cottage alone, and Yeom Sangchul starts heading off to the cottage as instructed by Manwoo.


Baek Heeseong commits another murder to shut up the maid who knows about the family’s secrets. The scene where, after being wheelchair-bound, he rises to his feet and grabs hold of the maid gave viewers chills. Mija becomes terrified, and Manwoo puts the body into a bag and hides it in the trunk of his car.


Just then, Hyunsoo, who should have been at the cottage, visits Manwoo with Jiwon, ramping up the tension. It is the calm before the stormy confrontation between the real accomplice Baek Heeseog and Baek Manwoo who tries to conceal the truth on one side, and Hyunsoo and Jiwon, who show up convinced about the accomplice’s identity, on the other. Viewers wonder if Hyunsoo and Jiwon can reveal the truth and catch the accomplice.





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ᴱᴾᴵˢᴼᴰᴱ 13 ᴹᴬᴰ ᶜᴬᴾ

Episode 13 is Baek Hee Sung 's episode to finally conclude how the serial killing has been done. His design on how to plant the evidences are of that of an expert, of which there will be a possibility that he also framed Do Min Seok 's death. 




His methods to conceal are almost similar with Do Hyun Soo,which this will be a battle of wits from episode 14 onwards. 


Again, Minja not crossing the frames of Heesung and Manwoo. 





Minja spent fourteen years with Do Hyun Soo as proxy son , even if Minja denies it, I am sure there is a bond between the two of them.  A longing of son who did not grow with a mother; and a mother who has a comatose son. I guess this is one among the variables that will hinder Heesung's perfect murder. 




Hyunsoo 's words could be harsh, but at least he is being honest with his pseudo-mom. 


Holding hands with you is like a promise that, if even for a brief moment or a few hours, we don’t have to face the world alone.


This couple love to HOLD.HANDS.  The show built this couple's signature since the first episode. It displayed how their lives entangled thru the symbolic holding of hands. Ironically, the curtain scene ended with Jiwon handcuffing Hyunsoo's hands. 






Doubting Jiwon 's intention--It was on the succeeding scenes that the turning off of CCTV is planned by Hyunsoo. She want Hyun Soo to being arrested because the evidences say it was him, but not necessarily that he is the suspect. Jiwon was very consistent with her character since. 


The magic question:





Theories : 

1. Hyunsoo needs to see Jung Mi Seok,the variable on this case which was missed by Heesung. 

2. Minja will be betraying her son and husband. --re: scarf 





3. I don't underestimate Detective Choi, he know's something is off. Same with Jiwon and the rest of the elite team. 

4. All i know , this is staged. Hyunsoo is signalling Detective Choi. It is a smart move for Hyunsoo not to disclose his plan to Jiwon before removing the CCTV in order not to fake Jiwon's reaction. 






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Yay! I finally caught up.


Are they airing the finale episode separately next week? I hope they just do a 2hr eps this Thursday....if it's not too much to ask. Hihihi


The actor playing BHS is great in portraying a psychokiller. He's very creepy and crazy. 


Jung Mi Sook being alive----- I didn't see this coming tbh. Maybe the "court scene" would involve her being a vital witness for Hyun Soo's innocence. And BHS eomma's confession as well.


Re: HyunSoo "kidnapping" Ji Won --- can this be the real plan or secret HyunSoo had with Detective Choi ? Or was it the one with the Gapyeong vacation house?


And yes to Jiwon-Hyun Soo's happy ending, as well as for ReportinMooJin & Hae Su!

Edited by -StrongTower-
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In the strong Tower, I take refuge.


So far my top 2020 K-Dramas are 1. Hospital Playlist 2. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season Two 3. CLOY 4. IONTBO

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