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Tale of the Nine Tailed 구미호뎐 [S1-2020][S2-2023]

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Translation @abs-oluteM




LY: (to himself) We keep going around and around here, even though there is no time to be doing that. I wonder if Ji Ah is safe? A little longer.  Hold on just a little longer.
LR: (falling) Ow! (refusing LY’s hand up) Leave it.
LY: Is this the time to be thinking about your pride?
LR: If I don’t have my pride, then I’m just a corpse.
LY: In your state, you’re already as good as a corpse.

Imugi: You’ve heard of phantom pain?
Caretaker: Do you mean that condition where a soldier who has lost his leg in a war complains about how his leg is hurting him all night?
Imugi: In the moment that he feels pain in his leg even though he doesn’t have one, that’s when the true pain starts. As soon as that pain starts, the door has already vanished and is no longer there. That is exactly the world that this friend shows.
Juice Ajumma: (singing) Doorkeeper, doorkeeper, open the door. But there is no key.

LR: Ahh
LY: What is it?
LR: I can’t go any further. The poison got all into it, so my eye is throbbing. And, I’m sick and tired of walking on this leg as well.
LY: So? You’re just going to sit there and become food for ghouls?
LR: Just go to your woman. I’m not going to make it anyway.
LY: You’re the same as always. You’re just the same as when I first met you. You’re always giving up, and you’re always whining. What is so simple about living and dying for you?
LR: Because I don’t have anything that is precious to me. I don’t have a first love that I have to risk everything including my life to protect. And, I don’t have a family that I’m waiting for with all my might, like that woman either.




LR just breaks my heart a little every time I see him now, especially as I think of the lost little boy unwanted and left to die by his mother. And, how young LR just wanted to love and be loved, and his little puppy who was burned alive by the villagers that he put out of his misery.


I hope that the brothers can patch up their differences and that LR will recognize the love that is extended to him.

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3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

LR: Because I don’t have anything that is precious to me. I don’t have a first love that I have to risk everything including my life to protect. And, I don’t have a family that I’m waiting for with all my might, like that woman either.

I teared up here just reading this . Thanks for all the translations :wow:


It would make a lot of sense that Lee Yeon would go save LR first . Not because JA was any less precious to him, but simply because he knew the Imoogi would not end JA's life like that especially when he knows the Imoogi needs JA. 


New stills of Lee Yeon...he is really hurt



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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OST 4 is released, which also includes some of the gorgeous instrumental soundtracks!




The animation opening theme:



The poignant track when Yeon and A Eum parts for good:

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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Going through some spoiler cuts.

While LY, LR and JA were in these alternate universe or dreams, their bodies where found unconscious by those around them. This cut was so moving. LY and LR fought off the zombies and were looking for a way to escape. Throughout their time there, the brothers trashed things out.  LR began to realise that his brother had always cared for him . Of particular importance was when LY told LR that if he thinks back  properly -when he had come to punish him (LR) after LR killed the villagers, LY never even came close to slashing LR. He missed LR on purpose. Then back to the zombie forest as they came to a valley , LY got LR to jump across. LY stayed back to fight off the rest of the zombies. Then one of the zombies ( LR's mum) caught onto LR's legs. LY used all his might fought off the other zombies , jumped off to save LR by pulling zombie mum with him. So LR saw how LY sacrificed himself to save him . LR woke up in the present crying and wanted to go back through the cupboard to save LY.



Oh man , LDW looks extra cool & handsome here...anyway green juice lady came to check on LY who had fell at the bottom of the valley. He pretended to be weak & the ahjumma thought he was gonna die . As she walked off, LY got up and started talking to her & he knows that she was sent by the Immoogi. LY is actually a very powerful god & he managed to "find" Immoogi by talking through the lady. Later he killed the lady off



The 1st half of this video showed JA's side of the story. It was rather strange as she was stuck in this universe where she had grown up happy with her parents still alive. Then she receives a strange call from LY from a disconnected phone. She could not remember who he was but he asked her to try and recall. Slowly she did...and I think she needed to in order to bring his wondering soul back. In the present JA cries over his unconscious state , asking him to wake up . I think JA had to choose btwn staying on with her parents or save him by waking up from her dream. So she chose him

And finally he did get up and we get a kiss scene here ...she told him she had been waiting for him

Preview eps 10

@stroppyse if you have time , please translate. Thanks loads


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Preview translation @abs-oluteM




JA: Pay back your debt, Lee Yeon.
LY: No, you can’t!
Imugi: Those were originally my positions. The position of being a mountain god. And, the position of being next to that woman.
LY: You slept late.
LR: I want to break this contract.
Taluipa: It’s not as if there isn’t a way. You have to return your brother yourself.
LR: I’ll do it.
Caretaker: Sacrifice the mountain god, then your parents will be returned.
Imugi: Lee Yeon, if you give me your body, then I’ll let everyone else live.



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I loved episode 9! Frankly, I put it off because I wasn't ready to watch something with more tension, but I finally succumbed since things are quieting for the night anyway. And, I'm so glad that I did. So many reveals and a twist.


I loved LR and LY's reconciliation. LR confessing that what he feared the most was to be thrown away. In English, we would say it was "abandonment", but in Korean, the words are literally "to be thrown away". LR felt that his mother had thrown him away, and then LY had as well.  In response, LY says that ht's never thrown LR away, and finally revealing to his brother that he deliberately missed the sword cut that would have ended LR's life as punishment for destroying an entire village. LY telling LR that he has to want to live for himself as well. Such an emotional moment. And, then LR wakes up from his nightmare, though still with the demon poison in him.


SJ working to save LY and JA out of his love for LY. I'm afraid of the deal that he made with Taluipa, though we don't know what he has traded yet, for the red cloth to tie LY and JA together so that they could communicate in their dream states. And, then working to save LR because LR means so much to YR. I hope that SJ will mean as much to YR at some point, especially as YR really comes to understand what a good heart SJ has.


JA in her dream state with her parents was not as emotional for me, perhaps because I knew it was in her dream state, even if it's a dream state from which she might never wake up. I did like her connection to LY though.


But the bit I liked most was after both LR and JA had woken up, but LY didn't. I wondered why LY hadn't woken up. The rest of this thought in the spoiler.


By the rules of this drama world, they hadn't given a reason why LY couldn't or wouldn't wake up, and I had wondered about it. It was when it was revealed to be a trap for the Eoduokshini (Green Juice Ajumma aka a Bogeyman) and the Imugi who controlled her, that it became clear why LY had not come out of his nightmare dream state. He had set his trap and couldn't leave until he had dealt with the Eoduokshini and through her, delivered his message to the Imugi. It was a nice twist to a scene that had recalled similar scenes of desolation in other fantasy dramas that shall go unnamed.


I love that LY was able to get a hand on the Imugi, even ripping a button from his shirt, before he did away with the Eoduokshini. Even better is the way he casually taunted the Eoduokshini for being forgotten and thus dying away without human belief. And then there is his sword which never misses, but always does his will.


So, totally awesome!


I think LDW seems to become ever more comfortable with his role as Lee Yeon, the gumiho turned mountain god turned errand boy of the gods to pay for his sins. In addition to the foxy physical grace that he's brought to the role, there is also the conflict of a being trying to juggle his priorities and protect his loved ones, sometimes in spite of themselves, overlaid with the louche charm and the quips of the modern day superhero.


And, of course, I loved that JA was the one to physically run into LY's arms at the end. Plus, the kiss. Both LDW and JBA really know how to kiss tenderly and passionately. And set to the OST sung by Sung Shi Kyung which also played when they first met in the earlier time, it's evocative of their evolving relationship.


I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's episode. Though I realize that it wouldn't be a Korean drama without a conflict ripping (or trying to rip) the OTP apart. I hope we get some more sweet scenes of reunions and reconciliations, and possibly the gang finally coalescing into a superhero team to fight the Imugi.


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47 minutes ago, kimberlyamor said:

This scene between Lee Yeon and Shin Ju is really heartwarming. :letalQQ:

I love Shin Ju.  He is so loyal & he had no qualms trading in something precious to him to save his master. He saved LR  in spite of the latter beating him up before. In some ways it is not just that he likes YR that he helped LR. He empathises with YR because YR's life was saved by LR , the same way ShinJu was also saved by LY in the past. So he gets this whole loyalty thing.


2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

think LDW seems to become ever more comfortable with his role as Lee Yeon, the gumiho turned mountain god turned errand boy of the gods to pay for his sins. In addition to the foxy physical grace that he's brought to the role, there is also the conflict of a being trying to juggle his priorities and protect his loved ones, sometimes in spite of themselves, overlaid with the louche charm and the quips of the modern day superhero

So true..LDW is so perfect for this role. He gives this cool devil may care sort of vibe at the same time he can be vunerable where his feelings for JA/ Ah Eum  are concerned.


I loved eps 9 . By far one of the best and it had a lot of resolutions. We got to see the brothers trash things out and the rift between them can now be healed. Then I was so happy to see that JA chose to trust LY & of course the sweet kiss that followed. But I thought the highlight for me was seeing LY trick Imoogi. LY is clearly a powerful god - I understand why the Imoogi is hell bent on getting at LY. He is jealous of LY for his ability to command the respect of the inhabitants of the mountains , and also because of JA. I think the Imoogi likes JA . 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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LOL, you guys got me paying attention to Imoogi's lipstick instead! And regretfully I had to agree he's not as scary now that he's "grown". I can understand if he's pretending to be harmless etc., but when it is required, I would like to see him exude the aura of fear but I had not been able to see it from Lee Tae Ri. Unfortunately I can't tell whether it is the script, the actor or the PD. I'd think the PD would correct the acting. Hmm...


This drama reminds me of many different other shows I have seen. First it was HP, then when Lee Yeon was walking aimlessly in that deserted place I was reminded of Gong Yoo in Dokkaebi and when he confronted Spirit of Darkness it reminded me of Rise of the Guardians, The Bogeyman because The Bogeyman also feared being forgotten.


I'm quite surprised Yeon will be meeting Imoogi so soon. It is no where near the finale. Is that mean the big bad boss is another person?

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[Naver TV] 'Tale of the Nine-Tailed' Episode 9 Comments and Reactions\


Finally, the misunderstanding has been resolved! Kim Beom, who was about to give up, follows his brother Lee Dongwook like he did on that day in the past! 
1. [+541][-5] To Rang-ie, Yeon-ie's cold and harsh words must have hurt but once you realise that he said those words because he truly cared for his brother Rang-ie and hoped that he didn't continue on the path to his ruin, you realise those words were said to try and wake his brother up... Although it took 600 years, I'm relieved that he finally understood his older brother's real purpose ㅠㅠ
2. [+508][-5] He finally said it and now Rang-ie knows ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Of course, a mountain god would never miss the vulnerable spot ㅠㅠ Look at how cute he follows his older brother with teary eyes..💛
3. [+431][-5] Finally, the misunderstanding has been resolved.. Seriously, Lee Yeon is so cool and did everything. If he truly wished to kill Lee Rang, he wouldn't have missed and wouldn't have turned up now to save him. No, but look at how insane Lee Dongwook is at controlling the strength of his acting from strong to weak (shudder) 
4. [+329][-2] Anyways, this scene where Rang-ie leans onto Yeon-ie is insane,, They finally made up ㅠㅠㅠ It's safe for me to hope for their insane chemistry together, right..❤️
5. [+298][-2] Rang-ah, now you know... Yeon-ie thinks and cares about you so much...
At the end of fear, there's a door! Lee Dongwook free-falling with a hungry dead soul in order to save Kim Beom! 
1. [+489][-5] 'I have never abandoned you'!! Look at him petting his brother's hair ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Lee Yeon risked his life to save Lee Rang ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I hope Lee Yeon and his brother come back safely 🙏🙏
2. [+402][-2] I know that Lee Yeon can eventually come back but Lee Rang doesn't know (???) I nearly cried when the first thing he did when he woke up was to try and go to his older brother with his wounded body ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3. [+312][-2] Ah, I hope Yeon-Rang are only happy.. My heart hurt when Yeon-ie threw himself in order to save Rang-ieㅠㅠ They care and love each other so much,,, Writer-nim, please straighten out this tragedy.. please straighten it out properly with a steam iron... 
4. [+268][-3] As soon as he woke up, he said I need to go to my older brother fox 🦊 ㅠㅠ Rang-ie made my heart rip ㅠㅠ
5. [+221][-1] Lee Dongwook's acting is incredible
(T/N: 'Eo Dook Shi Ni' is a Korean folk-tale monster who eats off the darkness that's lying deep in people's minds but disappears if it gains no attention) 
1. [+1098][-4] Wow, this was so refreshing. The fact that all of this was his acting gave me goosebumps
2. [+1001][-4] Hella creepy but also refreshing. Of course, the ex-mountain god was hella strong
3. [+843][-6] When he changed the tone of his voice, shook it off, stood up and said, 'Of course I'd laugh, am I supposed to cry?' I thought my heart stopped
4. [+696][-7] Wow, Lee Yeon is seriously so cool ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah, I really want to sweep up all the grand prizes for writing, directing, best-couple, best male and best female for this drama, seriously ㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
5. [+638][-4] I seriously think I've been hypnotised by a fox. Lee Dongwook, you are seriously a FOX.. Why does it feel like my eyesight has majorly improved just by seeing the two-shot of Imugi and Yeon-ie. 
1. [+734][-16] The only thing I don't regret doing in 2020 = Watching 'Tale of the Nine-Tailed' right from episode 1...
2. [+528][-8] I wasn't even expecting a kiss scene ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm going to lie down here today. Writer-nim, where are you, please let me bow down to you🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
3. [+507][-6] The line, "I waited for you", came back like this.. ㅠㅠ
4. [+441][-9] Wow... the only thing I can say is that this scene is so beautiful...
5. [+350][-7] Seriously, this episode is legendary... The acting was insane ㅠㅠ So was the storyline ㅠ I cried when Jiah and Lee Yeon finally confirmed their feelings for each other ㅠㅠㅠ When she met her family ㅠㅠ Today's episode made me cry so much ㅠㅠ And ending with this kiss scene... Writer-nim, I love you... ♡♡
1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

LOL, you guys got me paying attention to Imoogi's lipstick instead! And regretfully I had to agree he's not as scary now that he's "grown". I can understand if he's pretending to be harmless etc., but when it is required, I would like to see him exude the aura of fear but I had not been able to see it from Lee Tae Ri. Unfortunately I can't tell whether it is the script, the actor or the PD. I'd think the PD would correct the acting. Hmm...

Agreed....no problems with an unscary Imoogi but it needed one that was a bit more charismatic.  A handsome devil sort of vibe. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Oh I forgot to mention, from that pre-released preview Shin Joo tells Lee Yeon that the deal he made with Granny is that when he dies, he'll be the rower that send dead people to the next world. I wonder if that's the real truth. Yeon seems to believe it. I don't.







7 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Agreed....no problems with an unscary Imoogi but it needed one that was a bit more charismatic.  A handsome devil sort of vibe. 

Yeah, either you be ugly like Voldemort or you be charismatic & handsome when "normal" and super evil... maybe like Lestat the vampire (not necessarily Tom Cruise's Lestat but the book Lestat). Otherwise someone like Lee Min (Park Bo Gum) & Lee Joon Young (Choi Won Young) in Hello Monster.


Edited by mademoiselle
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For me Imoogi is miscasted. He lacks charisma and stage presence to carries a menacing super villain Imoogi role. IF Wookie is Imoogi, that will be superb!! :wow: His villain role in Stranger From Hell is bone chilling. Mega charismatic actor like Wookie needs an opponent who can at least balance his charisma. KB is doing a great job with his love hate prodigal kind of little bro. KB can balances and goes along with Wookie's dynamic without being "buries" by him. I put JBA in the same category with lipsticked Imoogi.

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Translation of the preview for ep 11




Imugi: Your woman and her parents’ lives are all in my hands.
LY: Is there a way to remove that thing that is stuck in Ji Ah’s body…?
JA: I’m a little afraid.
LR: I want to kill him.
LR: What am I to you?
Caretaker: You’ve been thrown away again.
LR: I want to live. Speaking of that…
LR: Will you please die?
LY: This tiresome fight, I want to completely end it.

I'm going to assume that this preview is misleading. Even though it seems to show LR trying to kill LY, I feel that it's a set up to get JA freed from whatever is inhabiting her, with LR and LY working together. After their reconciliation, I refuse to believe that LR is still out for revenge against LY or the woman he loves. That would just not make any sense either in terms of their characters or the plot thus far.

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Thanks @stroppyse. The thing is that LR is bound by a contract to the Traitor President since in the past the latter gave him the cherry fruit to live after he got slashed by LY . And apparently according to Taluipa only death can break the contract like how it was in Ah Eum & LY's case. But Taluipa's husband said that all contracts are equivalent...now I am trying to figure out what that could mean. It seems like there is a way out for all this - unlike in the past where one life has to exchanged for the other. 

Last night's episode was an engaging watch. LY finally showed JA the circumstances that led to Ah Eum's death in the past. I thought it rather poignant in that LY says he will only look at her now - as in the person he is in love with is JA and not Ah Eum. This was significant to me as I had in earlier posts asked the philosophical question of whether our reincarnated selves and our past lives are one and the same. It is a complex question with no solid answers but it does feel like who JA was in the past is not relevant to who she is now. The person that LY wishes to protect is JA , not Ah Eum.


I was finally glad that LY and Imoogi came face to face . The hide & seek game had to stop and the final arc which focuses on their confrontation will take off. I am certain LY will not believe that Imoogi  is gonna keep to his word and exchange the lives of JA, her parents & LR for his. You shouldn't trust the words of a serpent should you? 


And woot ...our Vet Fox and Russian Fox had their love lines sail in the most unusual way. I laughed my head off when he wanted the romance to progress step by step , and she just threw all that out of the window & asked him to sleep with her.  :lol:


Oh yes happy birthday to our hot fox. @OsmanthusTea Wookie exudes a lot charisma & charm in this role. Cool & smooth. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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11 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I'm going to assume that this preview is misleading. Even though it seems to show LR trying to kill LY, I feel that it's a set up to get JA freed from whatever is inhabiting her, with LR and LY working together. After their reconciliation, I refuse to believe that LR is still out for revenge against LY or the woman he loves. That would just not make any sense either in terms of their characters or the plot thus far.


Lady Hades' husband said LR-Imoogi's man agreement is quid pro quo (according to translation). Imoogi's man demands LR to delivers Yeon body in 2 days time. IMO, as long as LR "just" delivers Yeon to Imoogi, it means he fulfilled his vows. The moment Yeon delivered to Imoogi, LR is free from the agreement and he can always snatches Yeon back straight away without being considered breaking the vows. So for sure, your assumption is on the right path.....

Edited by OsmanthusTea
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The highlight of this week's episodes has to be Ep9. At last the long-awaited reconciliation and healing between the two brothers, which has me moved to tears and grinning from ear to ear at the same time. LDW and KB totally nailed the scenes they are in, and I am so so glad that they finally sorted out the misunderstandings that had festered between them all this while. Of course, all this would be way too easy, but now we know Rang is dying, and beholden to the caretaker to bring Yeon to Imoogi with seemingly no way out of the deal except death. Still, the cryptic words Taluipa's husband said seems to indicate a loophole, and I hope that whatever violent confrontation we see in the preview is Rang's ploy to fulfil his debt while keeping Yeon safe. Fingers crossed.


Good to see Ji A continuing to be resourceful while trapped within the idyllic dream-like state, finally reunited with the parents she waited so long for. The parting moment with her parents had me tearing up with them, and I hope that somehow, one day they will be reunited for real. Nonetheless, things do not look promising with the caretaker showing her items from her parents, indicating that they are somehow trapped by Imoogi, if not already killed. I cannot help but wish that these are just lies on their part, and the fireflies that were a part of Ji A's childhood would somehow a manifestation of her parents after all.


Can I just say how much I love Shin Ju, and the lengths he would go to, did go to for Yeon. Poor fellow, fated to ferry the dead to the Underworld, not realising he would still suffer seasickness after he is dead. Glad for him that his Russian fox finds him irresistible too now! Far more than the romance, the bromances in this drama just keeps me coming back for more and I hope that it won't break our hearts in the end. 


After all the unnecessary separation when Ji A saw her past life, it is just as conveniently swept aside by her conclusion that something extreme must have happened to have forced Yeon to turn his hand on A Eum. Still annoyed that the angst and noble idiocy happened in the first place, but good that we've moved on, though now with the choice of her parents vs Yeon, are we due for yet another bout of eye-rolling angst again?


Now to my main peeve. Terry the Intern. Really? Really? The almighty Imoogi decides to make his entrance in the world as a wide-eyed, Ivy League intern just to get near to Ji A, whose mind he couldn't read? Utterly, utterly incongruous and this could very well top the orange lipstick in ridiculousness as far as this character is concerned. I still am nowhere convinced by Imoogi nor the threat he presents, and cannot help but think that he is utterly miscast, and the character poorly written thus far. Please improve. 


How soon to Wednesday again?

Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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40 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Ooo looks like LR & YR would have a spin off story of their own 


Wait! Isn't YR supposed to have a love line with SJ? Or would this be the story of how LR saved YR, so be more of a back story than a forward looking story? Or maybe, it doesn't have to be a romance between LR and YR, just that they go around rescuing helpless, mistreated animals!


Anyway, I'm curious. LR and YR obviously do have a special relationship, though there is no hint of romance. Actually, YR's relationship to LR is very much the same as SJ's relationship to LY, I guess. KB and KYJ do look very cute together, though.


I still think crime fighter super-duo who rescues mistreated animals from stupid or evil jerks would be good!

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