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You Are My Hero / You're My City & Fortress 你是我的城池营垒 [2021]

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Just read an interview with the writer of the drama, and would like to share a couple things she said, which I find interesting.


It took the writer four years to adapt the novel to the screen, and lots of changes have been made. In the original novel (same name, published in 2012), XKL is a soldier and MK is a military doctor. They kept the profession, but decided to make XKL a SWAT police and MK a normal doctor instead, to make it easier to design the plots. 


The XKL character in the novel is more experienced and shrewd in relationships. However, when doing field studies with actual SWAT police, she realized that they are very simple people and usually do not have much dating experiences. Hence, the writer decided to change XKL into the type of character we see now. I must say this definitely made the person much more cute and relatable. :-))))


As for MK, they think it is important for her to have her own career. She can be naive in love, but not simple minded. She needs to have a strong personality.


They also decided that they would not do love triangles just to make it dramatic. They are like: the audience knew from the beginning that the two leads will end up together, why toying with their emotions (AMEN!!!). They want the audience to be relaxed and happy when they watch the drama. :-)


The writer also talked about how the plot will move forward from now, and the focus will be on personal growth. She said that it will be about smaller things in life, which will be relatable to the audience, and it will make them grow individually and collectively in the relationship. 


Finally, the writer commented on the two leads and contributed lots of the success to them. She said that Bai Jingting has surprised them greatly - he would design lots of details and dimensions when he acted, while Sandra Ma suits the character well as MK needs to be stubborn while sharp at the same time. 


Here is the link to the original article for those who are interested: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5SFzwtg96rr9pX3zj0YpGQ


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You the best, @Xiaopz_pj! Thank you for sharing that. It's really nice to know how the differences between the novel and the drama as well as how much thought and planning was put into the drama script. I really appreciate the relationship between the leads and honestly wonder if I would be enjoying it this much if it wasn't for Bai Jingting and Ma Sichun too. They were the perfect pick for this drama. Their interactions are so natural, sometimes I wonder if it was part of the script or if they adlib it. 


I don't really have anything else to add but I do want to say that I agreed with everything all of you (@Xiaopz_pj, @40somethingahjumma, @Mouse, @Olivia Kate) have said about the drama, characters, and the actors. 



@NiteWalker - I agreed with what you've said too but we talk about You Are My Hero in sooooooo many chats that I know you know I agreed with you. :eeeee:


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2 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:

so if you guys want those badges, give her beep yea 

We are making you :pandatakeit: by posting in this thread! Haha! 


Yes, if you want a You Are My Hero badge and don't have enough points (it's 120), let @NiteWalker and me know. We will donate enough points to you to get a badge. :btsnamjoonlove:



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11 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

another day to wait ><


I'm in love with their love story so I really look forward to it.


They say time flies and it's true but in this case I wish I can fast forward the time so I can watch the upcoming episodes.




10 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

Collections of clips of Kelei bullying LiNian hehehe enjoy





Very nice compilation of their interactions!




7 hours ago, Xiaopz_pj said:

Just read an interview with the writer of the drama, and would like to share a couple things she said, which I find interesting.


Here is the link to the original article for those who are interested: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5SFzwtg96rr9pX3zj0YpGQ



I'm glad the writer chose that way. Dramas are exaggerations of things that happens IRL and it's nice to see one that is straightforward and simple. It's like a math problem, anyone can appreciate it no matter how complicated it is if the solution is presented in simple way. Complicated things doesn't always need a complicated solutions and in this time of covid where everyone's stress level is elevated, basic and simple things could not be more apt.

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8 hours ago, Xiaopz_pj said:

Just read an interview with the writer of the drama, and would like to share a couple things she said, which I find interesting.


thanks alot for this one....i do like the changes honestly.....


sometimes i find the books is good by itself however if we are to adapt the whole stories into the drama it wont really fit.....however the changes here and there actually make the drama even better....


i seen that happen in 'Under the Power' i love both the books and the drama hahaha....i might just pick up the book after it done airing or maybe as i wait for the drama during Mon-Wed?? hehehe


do you happen to have the book link?

2 minutes ago, Tofu said:

The English subs of the previews for this week’s episodes.


i want episode 30 preview!!!!!!!!!!


they purposely show us KeLei tearing into Mika on the trailer for Ep 29 then they stop!!! they refuse to release Ep 30 trailer!!!!

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30 minutes ago, Tofu said:

@Olivia Kate - The badges are in the members shop! I donated some points to you so you have enough to get yourself one too. :smile:


Bless your generous heart! I did get one! Yay!


I got the "darker" one because it exudes more mystery. I just fancy it that way.




4 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:

i want episode 30 preview!!!!!!!!!!


they purposely show us KeLei tearing into Mika on the trailer for Ep 29 then they stop!!! they refuse to release Ep 30 trailer!!!!


The eagerness to see future episodes is killing me. They really know how to timed their thing and although I understand because it's marketing strategy - it's torture at its finest!


So, if anyone can donate or send some patience my way, I would really appreciate it. 

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Thank you @Xiaopz_pj for the novel vs drama comparison! I’m so glad they decided to focus on character growth instead of going the usual love triangle which is unnecessary especially for such great and well-written characters as Xing Kelei and Mi Ka. 

And thank you @Tofu for the previews with subtitles!! Cannot wait!! :love:

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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Based off the English subs for the preview, Kelei has pituitary adenoma. I looked it up on John Hopkins's and the Mayo Clinic's website, and this is what they said about it:



Pituitary tumors are abnormal growths that develop in your pituitary gland. Some pituitary tumors result in too much of the hormones that regulate important functions of your body. Some pituitary tumors can cause your pituitary gland to produce lower levels of hormones. 


Most pituitary tumors are noncancerous (benign) growths (adenomas). Adenomas remain in your pituitary gland or surrounding tissues and don't spread to other parts of your body. 


Signs and symptoms of pressure from a pituitary tumor may include:

  • Headache
  • Vision loss, particularly loss of peripheral vision


Since Kelei is going to have surgery, this what they say about it:

Surgical removal of a pituitary tumor usually is necessary if the tumor is pressing on the optic nerves or if the tumor is overproducing certain hormones. The success of surgery depends on the tumor type, its location, its size and whether the tumor has invaded surrounding tissues. The two main surgical techniques for treating pituitary tumors are:

  • Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal approach. This usually enables your doctor to remove the tumor through your nose and sinuses without an external incision. No other part of your brain is affected, and there's no visible scar. Large tumors may be difficult to remove this way, especially if a tumor has invaded nearby nerves or brain tissue.
  • Transcranial approach (craniotomy). The tumor is removed through the upper part of your skull via an incision in your scalp. It's easier to reach large or more-complicated tumors using this procedure.

Credit: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pituitary-tumors/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350553



These are new photos released today:










And the cartoons of Mi Ka and Kelei








By the way, this is Bai Jingting from yesterday's live stream. Can you believe THIS is the same guy we're all in love with as Xing Kelei? :eeeee:


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17 minutes ago, Tofu said:

By the way, this is Bai Jingting from yesterday's live stream. Can you believe THIS is the same guy we're all in love with as Xing Kelei? :eeeee:


yes totally....


i knew of him thru Variety - Who is the Murderer first....


he is very very very cute there and he got the brain behind it too.....however there are times he is very goofy too lols


17 minutes ago, Tofu said:

Based off the English subs for the preview, Kelei has pituitary adenoma. I looked it up on John Hopkins's and the Mayo Clinic's website, and this is what they said about it:


thanks for this.... i guess this one is thru the first option listed where they doing it thru the nose....as i didnt see any visible scar on KeLei....and he still has his hair....:wow2:

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I just finished a few more episodes, but not fully caught up, i think the earthquake episode? 

Does Yan Shan have a fear of blood? I noticed whenever blood squirt on her, she goes into this shock phase and froze. Similar to the elevator incident too. 

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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1 hour ago, NiteWalker said:


im from Asia sides.....so its GMT +8 for me....what about you?


and by the way do you want the hero badges from the shop? i can donate you some points to buy it from the shop


I figured that most of you are in Asia. I am in Europe - GMT+1. 


Yes - I would love to have some badges. Thank you!!!!! :heart: 

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