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Do You Like Brahms? 브람스를 좋아하세요 ? [2020]

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5 hours ago, Mouse said:

Even though they both held torches for someone else, I don't think they ever planned to do anything about it because both of them valued their friendships - Song Ah toward MS and JY toward HH. I think that is actually one of the things that SA and JY shared and could relate to. I think too that SA and JY saw each other beyond the music. SA didn't just see JY as the talented pianist.. she cared about how he felt. And as for JY, he also saw SA as a person - not just a struggling violinist. In an industry where they are seen according to their skill, they actually saw each other as persons.

I like your take on this and agree, particularly it seems no one ever asked Joon Young what he thinks/feels and Song Ah is the first. And in addition to that, Joon Young is at ease with Song Ah because there was no burden being friends with her compared to Jung Kyung.

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16 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

I like seeing a bit of all. They all have their own special meanings when done properly ;P


Yes, full spectrum of every affectionate gesture please. When I read the part you shared about hand-kiss, I just thought if JY brings up SA's hand to kiss it, my heart might explode from feels.


Aww, I love all the times they share a meal together and talk and like @Mouse find out more about each other's as persons rather than as musicians or be seen by how well they play.


Ahhh the preview is sweet! I can't find the original tweet right now, but someone pointed out that JY and SA now have matching hand phones or cases. And you can totally see that in this clip.

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1 hour ago, wallflowersforjane said:

When I read the part you shared about hand-kiss, I just thought if JY brings up SA's hand to kiss it, my heart might explode from feels.

I actually thought about this when I saw SBS IG post... the "what-ifs" Joon Young kisses Song Ah's hand when he held it! Kyaaaaaa. Heart would explode! 


SBS likes to release a combo of clips of the couple and I saw the latest, and yes, I agree I really liked the scene where Song Ah asked if she could sit with him and they appear to have a good time there.


Ahahaha yes, I notice they have same phones too. It was because Joon Young was holding the pink phone (that's why I noticed) and the scene cuts to Song Ah who was also holding a pink one. It is PPL again so I wouldn't read too much into this one; apologies in advance if I burst your bubble ;P But this should make it up! Hahahahaa





🤩 Holding hands againnnnn!

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Interview with writer!

I love how she even "made" it so nicely the translations. A ease / perfection to my OCD eyes! :1000:

Ok, that part she explained about Jung Kyung.. maybe because of the editing we didn't get much of Jung Kyung's narrative, but when the writer puts it like this, it really helped me understand Jung Kyung better.

Edited by mademoisellesia
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Live recaps

SA looking at her notes after seeing the practice btwn JK and JY.

Then she sat outside the hallway...

JY came ..saw her ...she looked down..asked if she was here all this while. She just seem to pretend like she's ok

JK and JY finished their practice. She did asked him to go for a drink. But he refused.


Then as JK was sitting in the pub alone, HH came . JK wondered how he knew she was there. [JY had called HH earlier to tell him that JK would need company.] HH tells her it is always where she'd come when she needed a drink . She drank a lot. HH took her home and put her to bed. She seems to be in tears after he went out of the room.


JY and SA go for a drink. He sensed something not so right about her , but she just seem to ask questions rather telling him how she felt. I don't understand enough, but I think she was asking some advice for her music and he did give some. He somewhat apologised for not being able to be of more help. Hmm he was like  telling her to chin up or something. 

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Mon-Tues: Nothing Uncovered  Wed-Thurs: Blood Free - Fri-Sat:  Chief Detective 1958  Sat-Sun: -  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - Will Love In Spring

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SA with her professor. Prof gave her some superficial praise about her playing.Prof was  like how can I have HH in my orchestra when he is dating JK...SA then said he has broken up with JK. That got her even more scolding by the professor for knowing this and not telling her. I hate her prof...she is really using SA to do her dirty work. SA looks at her phone thinking how she'll break the bad news to HH about not needing to be part of the orchestra. 
HH practising at home ...thinks back of their happy times - he and JK's - there was even a peck scene. They did really seem happy.


Finally SA calls to break the news to HH...HH says has this got to with JK..SA didn't know what to say and HH was like , it's ok ( he understands what is going on). Thanks her for her hard work


Scene of SA's and JK's professors in  the lift with another academic staff...a lot of snider type remarks from JK's prof to SA's prof.


SA in class..after class her classmates ask her about JY playing for JK and also her masterclass with JK. All this just makes SA feels more insecure. As she practises , she keeps thinking of JY playing for JK.


At the foundation , one of the staff was showing Cha some news about this violinist who was  playing for some Tchaikovsky competition - JY's name was mentioned . Cha I think told him about it. JY's mum called to- she was concerned about the news [ I suppose the news wasn't so positive]...


JK was at DY's place to fix her violin. DY tells her about HH being rejected by the orchestra. Anyway later JK sees a young violinist she knows getting scolded by her mum. She has coffee with them. The mother said some stuff before taking a call..


Cut to JY practising with his professor...the latter does not seem so pleased. Wonders what is bothering JY. Prof ask him a number of questions , JY says nothing, then prof was like work harder.


Back to JK - she was talking to the young violinist - she empathise with the young girl and gives her some advice / pep talk. The girl finally opens up. Ask JK back a question. In the car, JK remembers her parents arguing over her - maybe the dad didn't want the mum to push JK so hard. Dunno why, but the dad even got slapped.

SA's pianist was again exasperated with her ...what is wrong with you - she asked SA. Aigoo..SA was like gonna break into tears. SA says something to her , what I caught was that the pianist was saying that is not the most important thing


SA and JY have dinner - he wondered why she was so down - she said she was just tired .


MS and her friend was walking  in  uni ( missed this bit)


SA gets a call later from JY's manager...so she meets him . He was like I heard you are dating JY, this was the scene as per preview. Hmm he was like asking her about her violin skills . He was so bad..he was like time cannot improve talent ( to that effect) ..sorry to break that to you. Was he looking down at her , thinks she is not worthy to date JY ( piss me off)


Later the manager calls JY who was practising. JY was asking her why you approach my mum. He was like, I am your manager -I care for your welfare etc. Then later on I think he even tells JY he has met SA...JY was not pleased.


SA standing by the road side - she kept thinking of the time she was asked to leave the first performance. She thinks of JK , and the manager's words about how time cannot improve talent kept bugging her. 


JY saw her from afar ..calls out to her.


-1st half over -

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Mon-Tues: Nothing Uncovered  Wed-Thurs: Blood Free - Fri-Sat:  Chief Detective 1958  Sat-Sun: -  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - Will Love In Spring

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The OTP sits down...JY asked SA - the manager came to look for you right..she was like yes. She tells him about her dreams regarding playing the violin...she was losing confidence over her decision . Anyway JY takes her hand in his , does not say anything. And just holds it ...thought this was more comforting than any word he could say.:wow:


SA at home...she is still insecure over JY ...she thinks of the stuff JK tells her. ( gal, the guy loves you..come on)


SA with her professor...prof being her usual annoying self. She told SA to do something. SA not particularly happy.

Later SA text JY tells him she has to go to go to DaeJoong


He calls her and as he walks towards her in the bus stop -asked her why she had to to go to DJ. She was surprised to see him next to him. He was like this would be a long trip if you're going to go & come back. She remembers it was his hometown. She had to go there to do the prof's bidding. She told him not to worry. The bus came, she hopped on alone. ( JY - ah , are you not going?)

JK at home , some one came....she was like oh you're here


JY suddenly appear in the bus next to SA. He ran all the way to catch the bus. SA was so surprised to see him to her.


JK's visitor was the young girl she was talking to at the cafe. Think she empathise with the young girl and the young girl came to confide in her


Scene of JK's grandma putting flowers on her daughter's grave , she sits down and talks to the tombstone

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Mon-Tues: Nothing Uncovered  Wed-Thurs: Blood Free - Fri-Sat:  Chief Detective 1958  Sat-Sun: -  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - Will Love In Spring

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JK gets a message from JY that he can't make it for practice today. ( of course ..ahahhaha)...

SA sorts out the things she needs to do for her professor. Then she goes to meet JY..she was like you didn't buy a ticket back right ...he was like , no...then they both smiled ..he grabbed her hand as per preview...she was like are we not going back to Seoul. Then he takes her around his hometown . Took her to where he used to learn music. It was sweet.  A lot of handholding, giggling....

oooo JY's mum saw them from afar and calls them to them...(eh will we not get any extended alone time for these 2) 


Jk gets a call from her own professor - after the call she remembered what DY told her about HH being rejected from the orchestra.


SA and the mum greet each other. JY (whoooopeeeee) introduces her as his girlfriend. The mum was like why don't you stay for a meal at my restaurant. JY was like no , we have to catch the bus home. But SA was like - sure I would love too! Lol...JY's expression was like in shock. The mum was so happy . She served them and said it was such an honour. JY was like sorry if this is uncomfortable. SA teased him back saying he must have never brought anyone back before ...seems not. They then ate happily. 


JK meets with her professor...cut to the chase..JK somewhat told the prof off ..she said something about misunderstanding her( not sure ..wait for recaps)


So after dinner and goodbyes with the mum ..the couple left. SA made a good impression with the mum.

Then JY says lets have tea somewhere. I think he tells her more about his background - mainly about how playing piano became the way for him to pay his father's debts . How he was indebted to JK's grandma etc. SA thanked him for opening up to her. He was like I should thank you for understanding. Then SA opens up to him about how she's doing this chamber thing but she really is not happy etc. It was nice ...they finally can be open  to  each other...

Oh damn , there goes my bed scene ..they took the night bus home. But very sweet as they hold hands all the way and she sleeps on his shoulder.


-eps ends-


- deals a lot with JK's problem ...the manager still bugs SA but OTP seems closer and stronger. [Glad they won't do those stupid angsty separation trope]



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Mon-Tues: Nothing Uncovered  Wed-Thurs: Blood Free - Fri-Sat:  Chief Detective 1958  Sat-Sun: -  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - Will Love In Spring

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New OST #11 by EXO's Baekhyun "Happy"



@abs-oluteM No staying overnight! Argh. But at least we get a LOT of sweet hand-holding scenes and I'm perfectly satisfied and smitten with the ending scene of them putting their heads together. The expression on Joon Young towards Song Ah with so much affection and love is just :wow::love::hearties: I AM DEADDDD HAPPY... 


I'm so happy too that Joon Young made the decision to ditch Jung Kyung for Song Ah. It helps, I hope, giving more security to Song Ah's wavering heart over that "15 years" she didn't have with Joon Young. OK, I haven't seen the whole thing with subs, so I'm improvising LOL. 

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What a sweet ending for the episode! The way he keeps smiling while holding the hand of sleeping SA :wow:  I cannot.....!

My giggling couple is back! I just love to see how they always smile and giggle whenever they talk and look at each other. Both are opening up more and more to each other, yay!!!!


That supposedly new manager of JY grates my nerves. I hope he will be thrown out by the company/agency so that he will not be so smug anymore. Telling SA she is not good enough for JY. Glad that JY will not have any of that. He always so proudly introduces SA as his girlfriend. 


Love how JK responded to Prof.Lee regarding HH’s position... geez, politicking exists everywhere *rolleyes


Anyway, no wonder that SA is feeling so insecure and no confidence at the end of the last episode. The piece she is playing is the same as JK’s piece. That surely can be a big blow to her confidence 


Does any of you notice our OTP usually/often wear same color clothes? The coordi must be having fun dressing them up in couple outfits. Hahaaa

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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That part on the bus was my favorite too!! I am so happy to see JY smiling to himself while holding (and caressing) SA’s hand, also enveloping her hand with both his hands. And I love seeing him in the preview holding out his hand to get SA under the same umbrella as him. Good thing we don’t have to wait a week to see it. 


It’s about time JY offered to play for SA. He doesn’t have to be her accompanist at the exam, but he can surely help her practice for it. And spend more time together :smile: 

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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8 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

That part on the bus was my favorite too!! I am so happy to see JY smiling to himself while holding (and caressing) SA’s hand, also enveloping her hand with both his hands. And I love seeing him in the preview holding out his hand to get SA under the same umbrella as him. Good thing we don’t have to wait a week to see it. 


It’s about time JY offered to play for SA. He doesn’t have to be her accompanist at the exam, but he can surely help her practice for it. And spend more time together 

It was the sweetest scene ever for Brahms I reckon. Very well done from Kim Min Jae's part too — depicting that affectionate look at his loved ones. Joon Young has changed so much since episode 1.


Agree! Will we finally see a duet albeit it is just practice? You know, both of them seems to not enjoy playing or not doing so well when they are practising by themselves, perhaps once they practice together, they might find joy in music playing. This is what I really wish to see. Like Chiaki learnt something he didn't have from Nodame and vice versa for Nodame that Chiaki teaches her about interpretation of music. Talent aside, I think they can still learn something off one another.


Apologies for always referencing Nodame but I sometimes see a little bit of Nodame's shadow in this drama, and I think the writer is a fan too. S


P.S. Still haven't seen ep11 so will come back to spazz more later (if any).

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