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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. "Who is the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol?"

    • Jun
    • Dr. Cha
    • Grandpa
    • Stalker
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  2. 2. "What will be the Rara reaction after finding Jun is highscooler?"

    • Felt guilty and in debt to Jun and suggest a breakup
    • Will act like noona to Jun
    • Pretend nothing happened and go on with their relationship
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  3. 3. Ending of the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol will be:

    • Start with wedding, end with wedding of Jun & Rara
    • Time jump before the happy ending of Jun & Rara
    • Ambiguous ending
    • Separation ending
    • Others, you can share more in thread

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KBS also just dropped this and a few more, so updated post: 




KBS caption is something about hoping viewers are comforted by this and remember grandpa's words. LOL, I trust in Jun, I don't trust in drama writers thoughhhh. Grandpa never said anything about the drama writers.






Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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14 hours ago, stroppyse said:

No, this is a k-drama rom-com, so I was expecting a separation of some kind, but this is still blech. Have I mentioned that Koreans seem to think that every drama has to have angst in it, which for rom-com's translates into separation angst? In her drama Shopping King Louis, there was a separation of the OTP there as well which lasted a couple of episodes. The only good thing about having the separation in ep 14 is that it shouldn't last too long since we're nearing the end.


We had better get at least one episode of extreme sweetness after this, plus a scene of LL kicking some sense back into Jun!


Ahhhh, whhyyyyyy Korean writers..whyyyyy?? A rom-com should not have this level of angst!! :letalQQ: That is not the definition of rom-com at all!! I was wondering @stroppyse since I haven't seen Shopping King Louie, did it have the same level of angst? And without spoilers since I might want to watch it, was the ending fairly good?


14 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I don’t mind separation if there is a clear reason and it makes sense to the character and storyline. When Jun and Lala first separated due to him being a runaway, that completely made sense to me and I felt was the right course of action. If they had to do yet ANOTHER separation, why go about it like this? Him holding the other girls hand?! Like what?! What was the purpose of that? Kind of cheapens Juns love for LL. Again, I hope the show will show us that the picture is not all that is depicted.  I just feel like the Jun being shown to us in ep 14 is not the Jun we’ve come to know and love from episode 1-13. 


I totally agree with you. If a story has been logically set up to be sad, I will be totally satisfied - in fact, love - a sad ending. For example, Hotel Del Luna  had a good ending in my eyes because it wouldn't have made sense otherwise. :BulbaOWO:


I totally agree with you about separation @Mapleoaks5!! I'm pretty tolerant and even technically don't have an issue with angst . But it only had it's place if the following is included:

a) Logic: It's logical to the story progression 

b) Pacing: It doesn't drag for too long and the angst is being worked through as it's presented

c) Genre: The angst style needs to work with the feel of the drama


In this case, I feel hurt by the angst mainly because without any explanation, it's not logical. I know they're going to fill us in, but with the way it was carried out, they've set the bar for the explanation to be high now. For the hurt given, it better be a really good explanation!!  :PiplupCry: The main thing that bothers me is pacing :mad: I am very very picky with pacing - with 2 episodes to go, I feel like bringing in this angst and not working to resolve it, but keeping it a secret and following up on unimportant story lines (Eg. Dr Cha's pills) is wasting time when this precious time could be used for more OTP time. As for genre, the angst has not been proportional to the feel of the quirky rom com genre or style :pandarage2::pandarage2::pandarage2:


Gotta do some shopping now, be back to read the rest later!

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL there was some angst in shopping king Louis, but it didn’t delve into something like ddsslls. It gets resolved fairly quickly and the ending is good! I think my issue with ddsslls is that the hurt Jun is inflicting is pretty high. I still can’t get over the picture of him holding hands with her, he could have just broken up with her, why go so far to stage that hand holding scene? I don’t know how the writers are going to address all this commotion Jun has created, where we as viewers will say “ oh that totally makes sense, jun! What you did was the right thing” 

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30 minutes ago, JenL said:

@stroppyse since I haven't seen Shopping King Louie, did it have the same level of angst? And without spoilers since I might want to watch it, was the ending fairly good?


No, there wasn't the same level of angst even though there is a separation, just as @Mapleoaks5 says.


I really like SKL a lot. I wrote a review of the drama here, but it has spoilers, so don't read it if you want to go into it without spoilers. I thought the ending of SKL was really satisfying. It's actually on the strength of that drama that I started watching DDSSLLS despite having some reservations about it before I started watching. You should totally watch it! There are some familiar elements in SKL as in DDSSLLS, though overall, DDSSLLS is a more polished a production than SKL. The humor in SKL is even more overt in SKL than in DDSSLLS. And, I loved the OTP there. Seo In Guk and Nam Ji Hyun played the OTP and they are both very accomplished actors with loads of charisma and a good chemistry with each other.


19 minutes ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I think my issue with ddsslls is that the hurt Jun is inflicting is pretty high. I still can’t get over the picture of him holding hands with her, he could have just broken up with her, why go so far to stage that hand holding scene? I don’t know how the writers are going to address all this commotion Jun has created, where we as viewers will say “ oh that totally makes sense, jun! What you did was the right thing” 


I totally agree! Did he really have to go out of his way to break LL's heart so thoroughly and make her cry? I honestly don't know if he'll be able to get as much love from me, even with a good explanation. Too mad at him still, and just want LL to learn how to beat people up from Min Su so that she could give Jun the good kicking that he needs. I really don't see how I'm going to think that what Jun did was the right thing, especially the way he did it.


Hey, maybe episode 14 will turn out to just all be a dream sequence? Just saying.


3 hours ago, JenL said:

Grandpa never said anything about the drama writers.


LOL. So true!

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3 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


I totally agree! Did he really have to go out of his way to break LL's heart so thoroughly and make her cry? I honestly don't know if he'll be able to get as much love from me, even with a good explanation. Too mad at him still, and just want LL to learn how to beat people up from Min Su so that she could give Jun the good kicking that he needs. I really don't see how I'm going to think that what Jun did was the right thing, especially the way he did it.


Hey, maybe episode 14 will turn out to just all be a dream sequence? Just saying.


@stroppyse I’ve been seeing some comments of people being ardent Jun supporters. They’re saying we should trust Jun and that he always has been working for the good of Lala and that he’s so heartbroken and down this episode etcetc...And Yes, I totally 100% get that he’s doing all this to benefit Lala and eunpo folks, maybe he’s being watched so he’s acting etcetc...I just don’t agree with the way he’s doing things. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Jun. I just think he’s being a huge noble idiot. 


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I used to smile a lot and say awww whenever I see Jun because he's wearing his heart on his sleeves too much with Rara. Right now, whenever I see him at twitter and other DDSSLLS portals all I can say aloud that it's almost scandalous is "NAPPEUN NOM" :mad:

Rara should really take some classes from Hayoung and demand her teacup back! hahaha I'm trying my hardest to understand him with the following theories:


1. He's sick and thought that hurting your one true love is the best way for them not to be hurt with your impending death (clearly he's watched a lot of dramas!)

2. He's threatened by his evil father (in normal circumstances he would have ran away and elope with Rara but Eunpo folks are at stake too (Ms. Jin, Hayoung, Seunggi, Grandpa's garden and house) and Rara would not be happy leaving them in their woes (noble intentions, stupid execution, clearly shows his age) because of the purchase of the Eunpo building and the viral video

-Everything is staged (he asked help from his girl classmate, paid Mr. Detective to take their pictures for clearly he saw them already and talked with them it would have been stupid to continue taking pictures of them, his break-up speech, his airport antics) All of the benefit of his father and his henchmen.

I don't think mommy is involved for clearly when it was only them that knew about the purchase of the building, Jun was still acting the Jun that we know (he bought rings for them and was meeting up with Rara) and she cried with him at the end of the episode (I have a soft spot for Mom now)

3. One theory I saw in twitter is that everything was just a dream from the time he bought the Eunpo building (Jun's dreaming and will wake up in Ep. 15 to save the day (slow clap to the brilliant writers if this turns out to be true:thinking:

Anyway, I'm sure many of you have a lot of ideas how to make sense of the mess that is Ep. 14. Please do share so we can survive the next few days. Thank goodness, I found your community if not, I would have self-combust after I watched the latest episode.


We love Rara and Jun and we want a happy ending but boy do I want to see him suffer just a bit more than Rara to make me feel better. And if they do end up together, he'll have to do ALL the chores FOREVER and let Rara play the piano all the time. :cool:

now that's a perfect ending! :love:


Edited by Unnie0110
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12 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

@Unnie0110 you have a lot of faith in this drama and writer!!! I’ve been burned by too many dramas that have crashed and burned at the end, so I will cautiously be watching and really hoping what you say may be true, will be true. 


Hahaha, this is me too. I'm too jaded by all the dramas I've watched and wanted to fix! But I want to have faith too :PiplupCry:


11 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:


Yes, I will have hope until the final two episodes. We have been pleasantly surprised by this drama thus far so I hope and pray that they did not change the writer for the last 4 episodes and brought in a makjang expert!


I seriously suspect some dramas of bringing in a makjang experts ie.'marketing experts' :shocked: Like why do dramas just go off track like that? Because they think of ways to "make the viewer hooked" which I hate. Because I would have been hooked regardless and if the story was actually going well I would convince others to watch it. But I guess they think it works. See Episode 14 topped the ratings for that night because people were all anxious about Jun's actions:



But if drama writers/ TV station marketers and others involved support this style of writing, it really feels like a cheap way of getting viewers :pandarage2: People will tune in if the drama is naturally good anyway!!


11 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

hahaha I was reading on Naver about Ep. 14's scenes and knetizens were all expressing disappointment with Jun and the writer. :laugh: Otokke Junah?! Otokke LJW!?!


Good to know the Korean audiences are just as disappointed as we are....we're all just getting ripped off! :PiplupCry:


10 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Don't be thinking that just because you drop a little BTS of that sweet beach kiss scene that we're okay with where you left us this week, KBS! Not sure that I even want to translate any more BTS' of this drama right now. :GengarPout:Who wants to watch/read them anyways. Think I'll just sulk and watch older episodes. :Rip:


Doesn't help that this was a hard week in RL, and I was hoping to escape to a happy place watching LL and Jun. Instead... sorry for being grumpypuss about this.



I just want to give you a big virtual hug @stroppyse  :heart:  It sucks to have a tough week!! And then it sucks to have your Kdrama happiness taken away from you :letalQQ: Hope you feel better! I'm in a similar boat - it's been a tiring week, all I wanted was a cute reunion, or at least a less emo episode for my current favourites and now here I am, sadly drinking my tea and feeling really distracted. I probably will try to watch something else later (Haha, I feel like I've been up to Ep 6 of 18 Again for 2 weeks now!)..but I think I need to vent a bit more to get it out of my system first! 


Hehe, funny how we all cope in different ways- I'm the opposite! The positive BTS drops do work on me because I'm such a total trash for behind the scenes :laugh:They are my weird happy space because at least Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook are cute and funny together and I bet they're rolling their eyes at their character's actions. I always wondered why LJW said he was only 50% like his character in the promo interviews - he probably knew this was coming up! I just re-watched some of their Swoon games, and it had me grinning again because they're both such teases and the banter is sooooo good  :BulbaOWO: I recommend!


But as much as I'm ok with the BTS, I don't know if I can re-watch older episodes (tonight anyway) because I'll remember what was so good about the show compared to now  :PiplupCry:


9 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Whhhyyy? What is wrong with me? You all warned me. My instincts told me to skip it. But, nooooo. I couldn't do that. And, now I seriously feel even worse, if possible. I hated episode 14. I'm actually a ball of rage about it, and contemplating just dropping me this drama now. I don't think there is any explanation that the writer can give us that will take away the taste of bile in my mouth right now.


Jun made LL cry. The epilogue made me dislike Jun's actions even more. He did it deliberately, but I don't care how much he thought he was hurting.


Hahahaha nooooo temptation got to you! :pandaevil: Well, I would have been the same to be honest. No matter what others say, you just want to find out for yourself. Yeah, I was so mad after finishing the episode at 2:30am too... I was slapping Jun in the face mentally  :pandaheadstomp::pandaheadstomp::pandaheadstomp: as I tried to get some sleep and not think about how sad everything was. And then I was so listless today at work because of my lack of sleep and remembering what had happened. I feel like I went through a break up myself  :lol:


I think if they wanted to go down the noble idiocy route, they could have at least not had the part where Jun looked in her the eyes. That hurt so bad. Like he could have walked off and said, "No" or something less hurtful  :PikachuFacePalm: Also it just doesn't seem true to his personality. I've had 13 episodes to know the guy and he's just not like that!! :pandadisgusted: The Epilogue didn't bother me too much as he was sad, but that was not a surprise.... It was just so predictable, which is the opposite of what this show was!!


9 hours ago, stroppyse said:

LL was at the airport to meet her piano teacher coming back to Korea from Germany, and saw Jun and the other girl getting on the plane. If Jun actually left with the other girl, my guess is that we're going to be subjected to another time jump. The condition for Jun's parents to buy Grandpa's building was probably for Jun to go to school overseas. Which he probably does. The other girl getting on the same plane was probably a coincidence or because she insisted on tagging after him. I don't really care why. And, because Jun was going to have to go overseas for at least 4 years (the length of study for an undergraduate degree in an American university), he broke up with LL rather than having her wait for him. If this is the story line, then it's just stupid, and I take back every bit of praise I ever said for this writer.


Good spotting with the girl. I guess at least we don't have to worry about that? The girl's story line really annoyed me :JigglyAngry: Like what was the point? To make him seem like he wanted to be like his friend?? We've had 13 episodes to know that he wouldn't just ditch Lala for some girl. I feel like the purchase of the building and the American schooling sound like an obvious, but likely scenario and reason for a time gap. I'm not a fan, but if they're doing that, I hope it's quick and done by the first half of the episode so we can cut to the time gap to mend my broken heart :pandasad:


9 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Plus, there is some mention of LL remembering something that he had hoped she wouldn't. That last part infuriates me ever more. Why does he keep things from her??? Even now? Especially now?


Well the general consensus across all the drama socials (reddit, Twitter etc) now is that Jun is DDSSLLS - there's about as much agreement as the Dr Cha wedding being a business idea. It's like a version of Daddy Long Legs, except the guy is younger and does he secret looking after of Lala through social media. To be honest, if he's not DDSSLLS, I think there will be hell to pay since there's been so much angst. So the thing he probably wants her not to remember either has to do with him being DDSSLLS or if they go down a darker route, him having an illness. But I'm hoping no illness if he's studying abroad because I can't take any more makjang :NoHalCat:


8 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

Jun's face, a rainy window and Rara's hands on the piano. It made me think that maybe just maybe there's a logic in there somewhere for the secret tears were not of Rara's but Jun's. Anyway, I really hope Rara will smack him once for all of us :mad: once everything is clear and happy. I hope his grand reveal as the true DDSSLLS make us forget all about this dreadful Ep. 14. And they better show us one freaking awesome Ep 15 and 16! It will be a long wait till Wednesday but here's to Ep. 8 Jun who made a "hot" salad for Rara:laugh:


Haha, Thank you for making us all feel better @Unnie0110 - you have such a lovely way with words that it's hard not to feel charmed by what you've said...You have a Lala-like magic about you :BulbaOWO::CharmanderYay:


Yes, the tears refer to Jun's - I think he's crying really hard on the inside, but it's so uncharacteristic for him to not fight his parents or fight for Lala. The threat against Lala has to have been VERY BAD to cancel out what he did. Was his dad threatening to kill her or something if they didn't break up?? Hahaha I really miss episode 8 hot salad Jun :letalQQ:


8 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Actually, thank you to everyone on this thread for sharing your feelings, thoughts, and insights. It does make it hurt a little less to be able to read about your reactions and share my own. Otherwise, there would be a LOT more broken glass in my flat about now. :love:


Same sentiments!! Thanks everyone for being my "Dr Cha" and making me feel better through your ideas and vents!! Sorry if I have too much to say about all this...just had to process the feelings!! :MewGiggle:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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30 minutes ago, Just_Me said:

@JenL another BTS will be dropped tomorrow..KBS must feel bad for all Twinkles





It's was so funny that they have actually apologized on their official twitter because of yesterday's episode and said that may the stills from the beach scene calm the hearts of the viewers and even quoted Harabuji's words "those destined to meet will meet" ;) It was crazy in Naver, knetizens were literally up in arms about what happened to Jun and asking why do the show have to make such a lovable and bright person like Rara cry;) I'm just so glad that there are many of us who truly cared about this drama and its wonderful characters like Rara and (Jun) he's in a parenthesis until further logical explanation from Ep. 15;)

Edited by Unnie0110
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Finally back from work to read everyone's thoughts and ideas...THANK YOU for being here and taking your time to write...I was so pissed last night that I couldn't sleep well. I really wished I could erase my memory of ep 14. I couldn't even play any of its OST on the way to work today...not even my favourite track from ep 3...its title "I'll comfort you" makes me even angry at Jun or the way he was written now. So this is why LJW was saying it's not the end until the very end so he asked to keep watching till the end. I will for sure because I want to see RaRa give a piece of her mind too, in a more classy way. 


What irks me a lot about Jun in ep 14 is as @stroppyse mentioned, he seemed immature here, by not being honest. Knowing RaRa's character by now, I think she will be the wiser one in handling truths and whatever the situation that brought his final decision. What made me so mad at Jun is because how can he think RaRa will be okay without explanation just because he puts roof over her head and surrounds her with people that care about her. I just hate to see money still played a role to solve everyone's problems at one go. 


Being sad is different than heart being broken the way we witnessed in this episode. He once asked her feelings if he were to disappear one day so I think yeah if you did so without this dramatic ways, I believe she can move on or wait despite being sad. Similar to Sunja could have waited for Man Bok because she couldn't read the letter and was left unanswered due to the wrong information of a cafe name and mostly natural circumstances like the way of communication back then. In contrast, RaRa could hear his words clearly, watched his actions clearly in front of her eyes. What he did in this era, is just...lack of sensibility after building much trust with one another. Even if writer will try convince me otherwise in the next episode to redeem his character, I still say ep 14 is just so full of wrong turns for Jun's character. 


Sorry to side characters who tried to convince me to have faith in Jun. The only reason I can have faith in him still is because I want to believe a happy ending for both RaRa and him but mostly for RaRa at this point BUT if this was some other drama, and there wasn't RaRa who has been key in healing people around her, I will drop this drama. 


While other characters and Jun still have plenty of people they are connected to, from family, social, work or school etc, RaRa is mostly alone. At worst, how many times RaRa was called lame, pathetic especially in front of Jun. My heart boils each time that happens.


Something more soothing for my heart was the scene of her and Ms Jin in the room where RaRa tried to understand how it feels to have a mother around then she searched the whole room for that CD to comfort both mother and daughter. Hence I shall anticipate next week's episode for the reunion with her piano teacher who has been an important role model in her life. I hope her piano teacher is the one who can comfort her through music again. I just want her to thrive now especially without Jun because it's about time those around Jun (exclude the Eunpo folks) know that RaRa isn't the problem in Jun's life. 


I can't and won't rewatch ep 14 for sure. Depending on how ep 15 & 16 unfold...ep 14 might be labelled as the never-to-speak-of episode. I can't even watch the earlier episodes at the moment. 


But I do feel so much better after reading everyone's thoughts, thank you once again. I think this is the only place I can be calm before the finale week. @JenL @stroppyse @Just_Me @Unnie0110 @Mapleoaks5 @Tofu


Also, did anyone of you just want to shut that girl up or kick her ass when she called out "Jun-ah..." before RaRa could. Oh no you don't! That was my last straw of my patience. I was throwing all the beautiful score sheets from this show at that moment. 








Edited by eNDe
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4 hours ago, JenL said:

Well the general consensus across all the drama socials (reddit, Twitter etc) now is that Jun is DDSSLLS - there's about as much agreement as the Dr Cha wedding being a business idea. It's like a version of Daddy Long Legs, except the guy is younger and does he secret looking after of Lala through social media. To be honest, if he's not DDSSLLS, I think there will be hell to pay since there's been so much angst. So the thing he probably wants her not to remember either has to do with him being DDSSLLS or if they go down a darker route, him having an illness. But I'm hoping no illness if he's studying abroad because I can't take any more makjang 


Ha! Well, I've always thought that Jun was DDSSLLS with a little piano purchase assist from Grandpa, so I'm in the consensus, I guess. And actually, since Jun knew who LL was even before the wedding and probably even before her graduation recital, he probably is a follower of her SNS and knew about the significance of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as well as her derailed wedding and loss of her father. So, I totally think Jun has been LL's secret protector, and he probably was intending to meet her at the cafe when he got sidetracked and couldn't make the meeting after all.


I hope the story isn't a serious injury. I know he had that nosebleed, but I thought that was an indication of how hard a time he was having between studying and thinking about LL rather than because he was ill in some way. A nosebleed is a Korean trope that indicates studying too intensely (or doing anything too intensely), though it's also been used to indicate possible illness, so we'll have to see, I guess.


4 hours ago, JenL said:

The girl's story line really annoyed me :JigglyAngry: Like what was the point? To make him seem like he wanted to be like his friend??


I find the actress' depiction of the character annoying, but actually, I don't mind the character herself, except she's really stupid.


Clearly, she had a crush on Jun when they were students in high school, however, she couldn't bring herself to just tell Jun that at the time, so she acted as if she was interested in Jun's best friend JH instead, probably hoping to draw Jun's attention. Which indicates that she knows nothing about Jun and his strong sense of loyalty and commitment! Jun would never make a move on a girl that he thought might even remotely have something to do with a friend. Plus, the girl used childish maneuvers to get Jun's attention. I mean, seriously, hitting him with a tennis ball? Is she in kindergarten or something, hitting the little boy whose attention she wants, but unable to express herself in any other way??


Plus, she knew Jun dropped out of school, so instead of making efforts to actually find him, she gets accepted into and enrolls at Stanford, an American university, because she remembered Jun and JH talking about wanting to go study there. Though, if JH wanted major in mathematics, why the heck would they go to Stanford? The Stanford Math Department isn't bad, but there are so many better institutions for studying Math, and Math isn't what Stanford is known for. I will agree that MIT's Math Department is pretty good. Also, Stanford and MIT are approximately 2,600 miles apart on opposite coasts of the US. So, the girl flipped a coin and chose one thinking she had a 50/50 chance of being at a university where Jun might be?


I'll stop banging on about the girl and her lack of practical intelligence. I think the point of the girl is that she's not tempting at all for Jun, never was and never will be. And perhaps Jun has always had a secret crush on LL and so was not interested in anyone else. LL was not only his friend JH's first love, but perhaps Jun's as well?


3 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:


It's was so funny that they have actually apologized on their official twitter because of yesterday's episode and said that may the stills from the beach scene calm the hearts of the viewers and even quoted Harabuji's words "those destined to meet will meet" ;) It was crazy in Naver, knetizens were literally up in arms about what happened to Jun and asking why do the show have to make such a lovable and bright person like Rara cry;) I'm just so glad that there are many of us who truly cared about this drama and its wonderful characters like Rara and (Jun) he's in a parenthesis until further logical explanation from Ep. 15;)


Glad that the Korean fans are as upset as we are! And, darn right that KBS should apologize for where the story went! Still no forgiveness until I see episode 15 and see if the story can truly make it right. If it does, then I will watch all of this writer's projects going forward. If not, I will just mourn what could have been.


(Jun) is in parentheses for me as well until we get further logical explanation.


2 hours ago, eNDe said:

Also, did anyone of you just want to shut that girl up or kick her ass when she called out "Jun-ah..." before RaRa could. Oh no you don't! That was my last straw of my patience. I was throwing all the beautiful score sheets from this show at that moment. 


Nope. I don't waste my time on stupid people or characters, so I'm just blanking her out right now as not worth my time.


2 hours ago, eNDe said:


Being sad is different than heart being broken the way we witnessed in this episode.


Yes! This! LL is heartbroken at Jun's actions. I almost don't care what the explanation is that Jun has to break LL's heart for some reason that he can't tell her about. He's either being totally immature or treating LL as being immature/fragile by withholding information from her when frankly, LL has demonstrated that she has a great deal of resiliency and resourcefulness.

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19 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I rewatched it just now too because when I first watched it raw I forwarded through a lot to see if the preview was punking us. Second time fully watching it, my heart feels all twisted. Poor Lala, no matter what excuses/reasons Jun has, he did her dirty. He could have just been upfront about his reasons for breaking up, instead of doing this. I don’t know how the show will be able to redeem this and turn the ship around. It’ll have to be DANG good for them to fix this mess. 


Hahaha, you have a strong heart those ones who watched Ep 14 a second time. I love Lala and Jun and I can't bring myself to see them suffering again :letalQQ: Well, I guess in K-drama land a lot of break ups happen where the real reason is not given outright and saying harsh things, but it felt so inconsistent with Jun's character. Well they managed to get a lot of people back after the age reveal, but to pull a stunt like this towards the end is irritating because there's not heaps of time left to fix it all and make everything good again! The pacing has me so anxious since they're pulling a lot of fillers and wasting time :lettalKWA: 


21 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

 I’m like Lala though, still have a sweet spot for Jun and desperately want a happy ending for them. I know they will end up together, but again, they really need a dang good reason to clear up this past episode. There’s so much crap in 2020! This show was supposed to be our escape!!!


Me too! I guess to be fair, Jun's been a great character for 13 episodes and if he's what Lala wants for her happiness, who am I to deny her? :laugh: And there have been much worse break ups I've seen in all my many years - wayyy harsher words said....so since I've slept on it for a bit and I've calmed down a little, I'm going to try very very hard not to be mad and keep my perspective. I still love Jun and Lala and want a happy ending for them soooooo badly. And I want it to be decently shown. I'm a little scared that the happiness is only going to be the last half of episode 16 and I'm not liking that suspicion I have. 


I agree! This was meant to be my happy place to get through 2020. Man, you know 2020 has been all doom and gloom when it even gets to your dramas!

20 minutes ago, Just_Me said:


Popped it on YouTube:



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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16 hours ago, stroppyse said:


No, there wasn't the same level of angst even though there is a separation, just as @Mapleoaks5 says.


I really like SKL a lot. I wrote a review of the drama here, but it has spoilers, so don't read it if you want to go into it without spoilers. I thought the ending of SKL was really satisfying. It's actually on the strength of that drama that I started watching DDSSLLS despite having some reservations about it before I started watching. You should totally watch it! There are some familiar elements in SKL as in DDSSLLS, though overall, DDSSLLS is a more polished a production than SKL. The humor in SKL is even more overt in SKL than in DDSSLLS. And, I loved the OTP there. Seo In Guk and Nam Ji Hyun played the OTP and they are both very accomplished actors with loads of charisma and a good chemistry with each other.


Ahhh interesting.... Wonder why they decided to go the angst route this time :PiplupCry: 

I'm definitely interested and will check it out...I remember when it came out, but for some reason it didn't speak to me back then. Haha, I can't do spoilers, but I'll read your review when I'm done and would love to see what you had to say about it. I don't really know Seo In Guk, but I do like Nam Ji Hyun and have seen quite a few of her dramas/ movies....but I trust you if you say good chemistry :wow:


17 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

@JenL there was some angst in shopping king Louis, but it didn’t delve into something like ddsslls. It gets resolved fairly quickly and the ending is good! I think my issue with ddsslls is that the hurt Jun is inflicting is pretty high. I still can’t get over the picture of him holding hands with her, he could have just broken up with her, why go so far to stage that hand holding scene? I don’t know how the writers are going to address all this commotion Jun has created, where we as viewers will say “ oh that totally makes sense, jun! What you did was the right thing” 


Yep, I do agree. It was pretty hurtful :letalQQ: And considering Lala was following his parent's advice anyway and not letting him call or visit, surely, it wouldn't be necessary to push the breakup this hard?? :thinking: I'm sure it would have been fine just to say my dad is threatening me, you know my parents suck.:laugh:


16 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

@stroppyse I’ve been seeing some comments of people being ardent Jun supporters. They’re saying we should trust Jun and that he always has been working for the good of Lala and that he’s so heartbroken and down this episode etcetc...And Yes, I totally 100% get that he’s doing all this to benefit Lala and eunpo folks, maybe he’s being watched so he’s acting etcetc...I just don’t agree with the way he’s doing things. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Jun. I just think he’s being a huge noble idiot. 


I've been seeing this too and I agree with both sides. He has been a good character and hopefully thing turn back soon.  I'm more heartbroken for Lala, though still sad for him. I don't like the actions he took but I hope the explanation is something bigger. He's protecting Lala from actually being harmed/killed?? He's probably being monitored and followed?? 


13 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:


It's was so funny that they have actually apologized on their official twitter because of yesterday's episode and said that may the stills from the beach scene calm the hearts of the viewers and even quoted Harabuji's words "those destined to meet will meet" ;) It was crazy in Naver, knetizens were literally up in arms about what happened to Jun and asking why do the show have to make such a lovable and bright person like Rara cry;) I'm just so glad that there are many of us who truly cared about this drama and its wonderful characters like Rara and (Jun) he's in a parenthesis until further logical explanation from Ep. 15;)


I'm so glad it's not just like a cultural thing I'm not getting about a love for angst - everyone feels the same - it's just evil TV people and writers deciding it's fun to hurt all our feelings when it's close to the end :pandarage2: It make me feel a bit better that at least everyone is on the same page...


16 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

Anyway, I'm sure many of you have a lot of ideas how to make sense of the mess that is Ep. 14. Please do share so we can survive the next few days. Thank goodness, I found your community if not, I would have self-combust after I watched the latest episode.


My main theories are not much different from everyone else's, but here they are summarised:


Theory A: Father is threatening to physically harm Lala and/or townspeople

Jun needs to ask his father for money to buy Lalaland. Father is outraged that he still cares about Eunpo and says if he does it then he has to break up with Lala. Jun refuses and says he'll find the money another way. His father says if he does, he will personally destroy Lalaland/ Eunpo towns folk and hurt Lala. I still remember the scene where Jun missed the dinner with his tutor and his father said he would do something to "that woman" referring to Lala and Jun's mother looked scared. (Not sure if for herself or Lala). Father's threats involve hurting Lala, but he says he will not hurt her and even buy the building if he breaks up with Lala. And he wants it confirmed so he will monitor Jun. Jun was drugged by GY and taken home instead of being allowed to meet with Lala. Jun sees GY and Lala's interaction and worries Lala won't let him go and will endanger herself (also maybe GY reports things to his parents)...so Jun pretends to be in a relationship with GY to fool his dad and Lala, and breaks up with Lala in a way that looks realistic to his father. Jun's father then goes one step further and says they are moving away. Time jump. :letalQQ:


This theory explains: Drugged Coffee, why Jun was hurtful, why he was was pretending to have a girlfriend, the moving away


Theory B: Jun is seriously ill, combined with father's pressure

Jun was always kind of sick when he was younger, and maybe he was when he first met Lala too, but she offered him some comfort / positive outlook on life and that's why he liked her (haha, this is probably influenced by my knowing an IVF child who was sickly a lot). Anyway, it's not been a huge problem, but he's not been taking it seriously and skipping health checks. His mother is worried  because lately the nosebleeds/ other things have been worse. She gets GY to drug him and take him for a check up. They find out he's seriously sick now and they need to get him treated somewhere. This also juxtaposes with Dr Cha's medicine just being vitamins - one seemed healthy but was sick (Jun) , the other seemed sick but was healthy (Dr Cha). Jun is truly a noble idiot and doesn't want Lala to know how sick he is because he doesn't want her to worry about him and thinks she should forget about him because he might die, but also he's refusing to move away for treatment, so his father offers him a deal: break up with Lala, move away for treatment and I'll do something for you (buy Lala land). That done, he moves away. Time jump. :letalQQ:


This theory explains: Drugged coffee, the nosebleeds and health checks,  why he says there was something he hoped she wouldn't remember, why he was hurtful, the moving away


Before anyone tells me that it doesn't explain Jun's bad behaviour...I'm gonna say, it doesn't excuse his behaviour, but it would explain the behaviour  as a 'sense of desperation' to make sure Lala won't try to get back with him or find him either for her own safety or sadness :cry: Still makjang as hell though :pandaroar: I don't think my theories are correct since my last guesses were only 50% correct...sometimes I'm very wrong and sometimes I'm spot on :thinking:, but this is just what I have gone thought of since seeing the ep, reading everyone's thoughts and trying to piece things together. Of course, there's red herrings, potential twists and potentially missed clues/ withheld information. 


13 hours ago, eNDe said:

THANK YOU for being here and taking your time to write...I was so pissed last night that I couldn't sleep well. I really wished I could erase my memory of ep 14. I couldn't even play any of its OST on the way to work today...not even my favourite track from ep 3...its title "I'll comfort you" makes me even angry at Jun or the way he was written now. So this is why LJW was saying it's not the end until the very end so he asked to keep watching till the end.


Awww, Thank youuuu for all your thoughts and ideas and comments! Yes, if this drama ends well, I will erase episode 14 forever in my mind. Maybe I'll ask Netflix to delete it from the episode lists :laugh: I also couldn't listen to the OST while working yesterday. It was too sad! On the one hand LJW's words are comforting in the "it'll be ok sense," on the other hand I hope he doesn't mean it'll be ok in the last 10 minutes of the last episode :lettalKWA:


13 hours ago, eNDe said:

Similar to Sunja could have waited for Man Bok because she couldn't read the letter and was left unanswered due to the wrong information of a cafe name and mostly natural circumstances like the way of communication back then. In contrast, RaRa could hear his words clearly, watched his actions clearly in front of her eyes. What he did in this era, is just...lack of sensibility after building much trust with one another. Even if writer will try convince me otherwise in the next episode to redeem his character, I still say ep 14 is just so full of wrong turns for Jun's character. 


10 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Yes! This! LL is heartbroken at Jun's actions. I almost don't care what the explanation is that Jun has to break LL's heart for some reason that he can't tell her about. He's either being totally immature or treating LL as being immature/fragile by withholding information from her when frankly, LL has demonstrated that she has a great deal of resiliency and resourcefulness.



Yes, it was that one scene that hurt so, so bad. To Lala and to us. The only potential thing I could think of for this is is if it was done because he had no choice (ie. gun to head scenario). Is he being followed/ watched? I don't knowwwww :letalQQ::letalQQ::letalQQ:


10 hours ago, stroppyse said:

A nosebleed is a Korean trope that indicates studying too intensely (or doing anything too intensely), though it's also been used to indicate possible illness, so we'll have to see, I guess.


Haha, I always think of Japanese manga nosebleeds which are similar indicators of intensity! But I feel like it has been the start of cancer storylines also...

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Will come back later to read all of your posts but now just want to share that Another BTS will be dropped (again) tomorrow..




And this is clips from KBS Cool FM with Ara and JW as guests..I watch this to distract myself from overly thinking about ep.14..

Don't know much about what are they talking about since I use auto-translate haha..it's just nice to hear them talking and laughing...it's hilarious when someone ask them about their characters age and they got flustered..


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Hmmm, do you guys want the good speculative news first or bad confirmed news? I think I should start as positive as I can first...


Good news via fans guessing...looks like Jun might be able to give Lala the ring. Fans are speculating that this picture from Go Ara's Instagram has a ring similar to the one Jun bought. Go Ara is also posing here as if to show off the ring...and she makes a video where she waves very obviously with the ring,...I'll put the ring comparison photo below :lenny:




Ring that Jun bought for Lala:




Bad news confirmed by KBS's website Looks like next episode is pretty much set for angst central. According to the title and plot summary released by DDSSLLS website (translated): 


"Episode 15 #Chopin Etude Op.10-3, ‘Tristesse’ (a song of farewell) Lara reunites with Ms. Gong Mi-suk and is comforted by her sad heart. Another secret of Jun, which Lara has not yet known, is gradually revealed. The two are going to break up...":lettalKWA::letalQQ:


I am so annoyed :pandarage2: But also cannot deal with spoilers so I'll watch it....and then I'll be ultra depressed :cry: But if you can't stand the angst...I think wait till finale episode and watch both together. Looks like it's going to be rough. I'm going to hurt these writers for destroying our lovely drama :KittyGun: I'm starting to think there is some sort of illness involved :680695677_HalloweenChampion2020:



@Just_Me Not a full translation, but at least a brief summary of the radio show that you posted above that someone else wrote and I put the pictures together in one collected post. You might have read the summary already, but if not hope it helps!








Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I was expecting the Lala and Jun clip with Mimi first, but seems like they've dropped a mini teaser of a vlog of Lee Jae Wook signing for production crew on his last days of shooting. Maybe just to remind people how charming the actor is given everyone is disappointed in the character at the moment 


Also all these Korean drama watchers reactions have made me laugh. Literally voicing all my thoughts:


More here: https://netizenkore.blogspot.com/2020/11/naver-tv-do-do-sol-sol-la-la-sol_20.html


[Naver TV] 'Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol' Episode 14 : A teary breakup...Lee Jae Wook sternly announcing his departure
KNetz Comments and Reactions :
* Just...all that's left are sadness and anger...Writer-nim, our Rara is crying...She's crying, writer-nim... I get angry when our puppy-like female-lead cries...Please don't make her cry...
* The Joon-ie I know has disappeared...Please give our Joon-ie back 
* No but they've waited for 6 months and finally reunited but broke up again...It seems that Joon-ie is moving abroad against his will - they'll probably show a scene like 'in few years time' etc. and reunite at the end. I just think that will unnecessarily lengthen the painful time for Rara and Joon ㅜ
* No...You said this was a healing-drama...Please give back my daily dose of healing ㅜ
* Rara crying is breaking my heart ㅜㅜ This is too cruel to Rara-Joonㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
* "I don't like you anymore"...That line of expression...As soon as I saw it, I was really hurt and I cried ㅠ
* "Live well from now on." I keep turning this part around. Lee Jae Wook... The way he talks while holding back his emotions. He's so good at acting.
* Both of them are good at acting, I feel like I got dumped by Jun ㅠㅠ It's very realistic to say goodbye and live well, so I can't hold back tears and even Rara who seems like she can't believe it.
* Lara crying really hurts me so much ㅠㅠ I'm really sad right now... Writernim there must be a reason for you to do this.
* I don't think the reason is the building, but Jun’s nose keeps bleeding. Maybe he's sick I’m not sure.. What's wrong with you, writer? I liked this drama because there was no such thing as this
* Writer, what's wrong with you? Not this one ㅠㅠ I've been having a hard time getting myself together since Rara & Cha’s wedding..RaraJun, I'm going to wait a week comfortingly for you to be stronger, so please come out with a sweet face!
* Why are you like that Jun-ah, I'm so sad. When Rara cried, I cried too. Don't do that Jun-ah, you love her 😭
* Did he decide to break up with Rara in return for buying her a Lara Land building, so he went to the director's office.



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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22 hours ago, JenL said:

Go Ara is also posing here as if to show off the ring...and she makes a video where she waves very obviously with the ring,

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this ring that I saw a while back when she posted this! Again, I did think sometimes she is giving us clues. Haha. I remember seeing one of the dresses she wore and posted on IG...wondering why it looked unlike RaRa's style...turns out it was for her role as Sunja. 


Speaking of RaRa's costumes, I read some comments on IG that questioned why her styling became like old lady just because her character is going through sadder moments haha. I have to agree though and I think only because GA can pull off these transitions yet still look somewhat ok that I didn't think too much of it. 




22 hours ago, JenL said:

I am so annoyed :pandarage2: But also cannot deal with spoilers so I'll watch it....and then I'll be ultra depressed :cry: But if you can't stand the angst...I think wait till finale episode and watch both together.

Thanks for the heads up! I was 50/50 about whether to wait and watch both episodes together this time, staying away from checking updates too after what happened in ep 14. Now, I will definitely watch them together. Haha. 

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On 11/22/2020 at 4:19 PM, Just_Me said:


So cute! No matter how annoyed you are with the angst, I think you should watch it. Mimi is dooooo adorable!! :BulbaOWO::hearties:


Not to mention LJW tells Mimi to turn a circle and she does it :wow: And then climbs onto him a few times and he is just so charmed!


21 hours ago, eNDe said:

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this ring that I saw a while back when she posted this! Again, I did think sometimes she is giving us clues. Haha. I remember seeing one of the dresses she wore and posted on IG...wondering why it looked unlike RaRa's style...turns out it was for her role as Sunja. 


I think she's been doing it too! I feel like she knew people would be looking for Easter Eggs and hint, so she dropped some in a subtle way :wow2: Hahaha. This photo is very obviously about the ring though...whether it's the same ring, we're yet to find out.


21 hours ago, eNDe said:

Speaking of RaRa's costumes, I read some comments on IG that questioned why her styling became like old lady just because her character is going through sadder moments haha. I have to agree though and I think only because GA can pull off these transitions yet still look somewhat ok that I didn't think too much of it. 


Hahaha, I don't think it's that old! It's just not as crazy colourful and cutesy anymore. One thing I've learnt about from working with actors is that costumes are different to fashion - they always say something about the character's current state. I feel like it signifies her maturity - no longer naive and carefree, but more worldly and grown up. Kind of lovely, kind of sad as well though :letalQQ:

...Also it's been a year out of her rich lifestyle. Maybe it's just how commoners dress - no more designer gowns :laugh:

Some fans be crazy though with their social media comments. Literally just had to correct some people on Twitter who were "disappointed" in GA for apparently not knowing LJW's age from the TMI quiz when it was more that she probably couldn't calculate how old he was in a certain year (I definitely can't calculate anyone's age at any point in time so can relate!)....I doubt she wouldn't know their age difference since it's been mentioned so many times in interviews etc.


Rabid fans always never fail to amuse me :pandahehe:

(but then I must set them straight in an emotionally neutral way because extreme fanaticism really bugs me and I encourage more open-minded and objective thinking in this world :laugh:)

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Translation of the BTS with MiMi. KBS is trying to seduce us back with the cuteness that is Jun and MiMi. It may be working. Still mad at Jun, but willing to watch the videos and translate.



caption: fluff fluff
GA: So cute I could die
caption: do do do do do do (referring to her little tail wagging)
caption: I’ll let you take pictures
caption: That is one. Excited (heart) (heart) tail
caption: Delusion
GA: That means she likes me, right? (captioned)

caption: Obsessive Fan Camera. Do Do Sol TV
GA: Byeol, here.
caption: A walking cutie cotton ball
caption: A dog wanting to know if you have anything to eat
MM-reaction VO: Nope
caption: A dog leaving if you don’t have anything
caption: kung kung
caption: kung kung
caption: This smell is. Jae Wook oppa?
caption: Tending to do this every time.
caption: Eye contact
LJW: Turn around!
caption: Acknowledged Genius
GA: She listens so well to you.
caption: From his eyes. Drops and drops of honey.
caption: So cute he’s dying
GA: See, she’s coming back to me.
caption: She’s off -
GA: Why did she just look at me and take off.

caption: (important real estate)
caption: Pretending to be a doll, MiMi
caption: MiMi’s real name
LJW: Byeol! (captioned)
LJW: When oppa calls, she’s a dog who runs over immediately
caption: Pick me up
caption: wah ang (supposed to be onomatopoeic sounds of affection)

caption: Working on their lines together, La La Jun
GA: Superficially, it’s unbelievable, but she thinks she knows how Jun is feeling
caption: Superficially -
GA: it’s unbelievable, but I think I know
LJW: What?
caption: joker joker
GA: I’m just joking
GA: Okay. We’re done with understanding.
GA: Shoot! Okay, let’s go do the next scene.

caption:  A dog who has been watching over everything.
GA: Byeol~
caption: Cutie cotton ball. Immediately reacting tail.
GA: Were you watching us? How well we were doing?

caption: MiMi spending a lot of quality time with Jun
caption: Just the two of them. In the middle of a serious discussion.

caption: (piercing)
Jun: From now on. Without getting my permission first, don’t pay me back!
caption: passionate passionate
Jun: You don’t let me contact you and told me not to call, so I have to have something to hold onto.
Jun: If I don’t at least have that, I’ll be anxious.
Jun: If I don’t at least have that~ (captioned)
caption: OK. It’s perfect.

caption: (transparent)
caption: Fixing La La’s hair, Sweet Jun
caption: adjust adjust
LL: I will wait, Mr. Loaner
Jun: Yes, Ms. Debtor
LL: This is delicious~
PD: That’s an OK.

caption: KBS 2TV. Wed-Thurs night 9:30 pm broadcast



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Okay, MiMi's BTS softened me up, so here is a translation of LJW's vlog clip posted earlier by @JenL. I'm mad at the character, not the actor after all.



LJW: Sign?!
Sunwoo Jun played by Lee Jae Wook: Should I sign a script for you or on an autograph paper?
Staff: I brought some autograph paper.
SJ/LJW: Since it’s the final filming, I’m signing autographs for the staff
SJ/LJW: a little at a time
caption: (Feeling of being embraced by Jun) (referring to the camera being held at that angle and distance)
SJ/LJW: Just a second
SJ/LJW: Before I sign, I’ll adjust the settings a bit.
caption: (Joking smile)
LJW: The name?
caption: Suddenly changing his voice or not?
LJW: Your girlfriend’s name?
caption: (My) girlfriend’s name…? (lit)
LJW caption: uh huh
LJW caption: K~  (meaning he’s laughing)
LJW caption: Ahem!
Staff: Get in line~
Staff: You have to stand in line
LJW: Mr. Customer
LJW: Mr. Customer
LJW: How many of you are there?
Staff: Aren’t there any female customers?
LJW: Wow
caption: Jun is surprised at the autograph paper that had been prepared for him to sign
Staff: Jun should sign in the middle
LJW: Here? Sign here?
caption: (In the middle of feeling very moved)
SJ/LJW: It’s really okay for me to sign in the middle?
caption: (deftly finishing up and leaving)
SJ/LJW: Anyway, the part where I sign things will probably be heavily edited.
caption: Correct answer!
SJ/LJW: “But this is what happens on a shooting set” is
SJ/LJW: something that there might be curiosity about.
SJ/LJW: But, is it coming out well?
caption: Jun is wondering whether…



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Darn these BTS' for softening me up! I wondered if I was being unfair in my watching of episode 14, since when I watched it on the day, I just kept getting more and more upset. So, I just upset myself all over again by watching it again!


Having said that, HY and SK finally becoming a couple was very cute. Dr. Cha not actually being sick after the red herring about him taking so many pills was a subverted trope that I might have otherwise enjoyed.


But, no, it was all too much for me still. Jun deliberately hurting LL.


Given that Jun was drugged to keep him from meeting LL, and then he went to visit his father at the hospital, Jun has clearly struck some deal with his father to protect La La and his friends at Eun Pyo. Jun's mother may not be entirely happy with the way things are turning out as she sees how miserable Jun is, but we'll see if she plays a factor in allowing Jun to come to his senses and be where he wants to be.



I'm including my translation of the ep. 14 preview, so that I can talk to it.


Teacher to LL: It’s hard to believe that you started a piano academy all by yourself.
LL to her teacher: Someone helped me a lot.
Teacher to LL: Our La La, you’ve had a very hard time all this time.
LL: Actually, staying at La La Land which is so filled with memories of Jun, I’m not sure that I can do that.
Dr. Cha to LL: I thought long and hard about whether I should tell you this or not. The La La Land building was actually bought by Jun.
Dr. Cha to LL: Surely, there must be another reason that we don’t know about.
Jun: I had hoped that you would never realize it, but you’ve ultimately remembered it after all.
LL: The time I spent together with you, that was me. So, I could never just throw them away.
Jun: I don’t think that I’ll be able to forget this place. It’s the place that gave me so many twinkling gifts. The people that I met here, and La La.
Jun: LaLa. Please take good care of her.



When LL says the line "The time I spent together with you, that was me." , this echos back to a previous conversation between LL and Jun where she talks about how she had played the piano for 20 years and so she wanted to find herself, and Jun had said that in her memories of the piano, that there were memories of LL's self as well. LL had taken a lot of comfort from that, and now she is echoing the words back except Jun has become what's important for her rather than the piano.


Also, I think that Jun is probably having that final conversation where he asks someone to watch over LL with Dr. Cha, it feels like, since Dr. Cha is also not native to Eun Pyo. It's this last line that makes me think that there will be another, longer time jump before Jun will be able to fully stand up for himself against his father.


However, I still hate Jun for deliberately hurting LL and leaving her in the dark.


I am now going to go and watch more videos of BTS (the group) instead so that I can get some happy energy. Bangtan Bangan!

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