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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. "Who is the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol?"

    • Jun
    • Dr. Cha
    • Grandpa
    • Stalker
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  2. 2. "What will be the Rara reaction after finding Jun is highscooler?"

    • Felt guilty and in debt to Jun and suggest a breakup
    • Will act like noona to Jun
    • Pretend nothing happened and go on with their relationship
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  3. 3. Ending of the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol will be:

    • Start with wedding, end with wedding of Jun & Rara
    • Time jump before the happy ending of Jun & Rara
    • Ambiguous ending
    • Separation ending
    • Others, you can share more in thread

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20 hours ago, Tofu said:

"It's not your fault" -- That's something Jun needed to hear since he continued to blame himself for Ji Hun's death. I'm glad that LaLa was able to tell him that it was a situation he couldn't predict, therefore it could not be his fault. 


I loved that Lala knew exactly the right thing to say to Jun here. She showed him that he had also saved her life and that I felt was such a lovely way to re-frame his feelings of guilt and have him remember something brave and selfless he did :hearties:


20 hours ago, Tofu said:

The TWD ladies are my absolute favorite! Their wild imagination of what they will do if Jun's mom is rude to LaLa had me dying in laughter. Haha! All of them, especially the hairdresser have really developed a liking toward LaLa. I loved that the hairdresser said that she would fight Jun's mom like LaLa's mom would, alluding to her seeing LaLa as her daughter or part of her family. I also loved that all three of them gained up on Seung Ki's mom when she said she wouldn't accept LaLa as her daughter-in-law if she was in the same situation. 


YESSS!!! That scene was hilarious! I love the hairdresser pretty much adopting Lala as another daughter. She's not only protective of Lala before the talk, she's so heartbroken and sympathetic for Lala afterwards too :letalQQ::heart: I was so touched at how teary they both were. Also yes, those TWD ladies taking Lala's side even against one of their own was so precious!! I love how much they have become her family knowing she has one no else.


20 hours ago, Tofu said:

The humanize version of Jun's mom was nice to see.  I really think we saw her vulnerability in this episode and I wish we will see more in the future. Can we also get a scene where she stands up to her husband and just tells him off too?! Haha! 


I hope it happens! Maybe those TWD ladies will inspire her to do it. I feel like they are a good 'bad' influence :laugh::1000:


20 hours ago, Just_Me said:

Since Jun said he can't wait until winter so they can officially date we can expect for more time jumps


I agree with this! I say there will be a few more time jumps. I normally hate them...but this story is using them in an interesting way...not in the final episode to cause angst....so why not, I guess? I think I dislike them when they're used as lazy story telling in the last episode, but this drama is using it to age up Jun and to skip to the interesting parts of their lives, so I don't mind :popcorn:


18 hours ago, Tofu said:

This was showed after Jun asked if there was something going on and LaLa told him she just wanted to go on a date. The difference in how LaLa gave Jun her hand (compared to before when she would interlace her fingers) was enough to foreshadow that the next scene was going to be something sad. 


This was such a good observation! I was really charmed by this detail. Thanks for pointing it out! :BulbaOWO:


9 hours ago, Just_Me said:

Rara finally has a chance to thank him for save her from the stalker and also to hear Jun explanation. Even not everything yet. Their conversation is heartwarming. I think Jun at least feel relieved after told Rara about Ji Hoon.

To think that Ji Hoon is the only one he cherish from his past life and then he lost him that way. Jun must feel so depressed and not to mention his family never try to comfort him properly. His dad want him to deal with his grieves like an adult but they treat him like a kid. And his friends are the worst. I understand why he cherish Rara so much and don't want to let her go.


This is so true!! I'd forgotten they hadn't spoken since the stalker rescue. I loved that they included that as a detail in the conversation :wow: I also felt so lonely for Jun. He really had no one left. All the emptiness and grief, but no support. Also everyone in his world was so negative and petty on status...whereas Lala never has cared for that even with her privileged upbringing. She just wants everyone to be happy and cared for. 


9 hours ago, Just_Me said:

Jun Mom and Rara meeting was out of my expectation actually. I thought she will thread and throw money at Rara or something like that. But she came as a mother who cherish her son much. Even TWD ladies are all touched while hearing her even though they came ready to fight. Because they're parents themselves so they understand Jun Mom at this point. Rara really show her adult side here. She's so thoughtful and understanding about situation, even she hurt inside but she reassuring Jun Mom knowing her worries. We got to see other sides of Jun Mom and it seems Jun Mom also see other side of Rara. I hope she will find her courage to face her husband and fight for Jun happiness. 


Agreed. This conversation was one of the best (future) mother-in-law and (future) daughter-in-law negotiations I've ever seen. In my re-watch, I noticed Jun's mum actually softened before Lala actually said that much. Sometime tells me that Jun is exactly like her when he says something, but feels something else. She was feeling sorry for and liking Lala more and more while talking :heart: Also who could hate Lala when she does those sad eyes at them :PiplupCry: And it's true that she was so mature even though the decision was heartbreaking!


9 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

Hi! If you will look at the banner of Jaemin's competition, it's written there 2020. 9. 19. So Rara's abduction happened at September and when she got separated with Jun. Their reunion happened a month later in October and their break up happened sometime in late November or early Dec (look at Jun's phone when he was texting Harabuji and it said there Nov. 28., it was also the day that Jun rushed to Rara because of the bike accident). Then the time jump to the fake wedding 6 months later which is early May of 2021. By then Jun should be a legal adult in Korea like Hayoung and Seunggi when they said that they're adults to their mothers when they presented their business plan. Koreans all age one year on Jan. 1 and they just celebrate their bday but as far as age goes, Jun is considered legal adult as of Jan of 2021. In Ep. 11, Jun's mother said that he has to take the GED in spring and sit for his university exams in autumn, usually univ results come out at winter time. I guess Jun is waiting to be admitted to college so he can date rara freely. I hope this helps;) I am really enjoying DDSSLLS like you.


Hello @Unnie0110! Welcome to the thread :MewHi: And Thanks so much for this timeline! I really appreciate it because I'm terrible at figuring out dates and gluing them together! This has added a better layer of understanding for me :BulbaOWO:


6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I don't think Dr. Cha is Twinkle Twinkle, though not sure why he didn't refute LL when she told him that she knew he was Twinkle Twinkle.


I bet this is going to be one of those rehashed scenes where they show the other half of what *actually* happened in an epilogue or revealed as part of a memory or conversation in future.


6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Not to mention, when Jun grabs LL's hand and starts running with her (btw, anyone else think about the American movie The Graduate in that scene?), LL doesn't put up any protests, but runs with Jun. Her focus at that moment is on Jun and how upset he is, rather than worrying about anything else.


I do think the new girl in the preview is a set up by Jun's parents, though whether she seems to be someone Jun already knows. I'm not concerned at all about that though, given how constant Jun's feelings are. I do expect Jun and LL's relationship to get tested a little bit more though. I'm torn as to whether I want LL to feel jealous or not.


Haha, yep! That film did come to mind. I think every interrupted wedding with a bride-grab reminds me of that film :laugh: But I certainly hope this will be happier than The Graduate , which implied that the future was uncertain for them. I agree! Lala looked mortified at the thought of potentially hurting Jun or causing a big misunderstanding between them (This would be a huge one). I don't normally like jealousy anger scenes, but in this case I'm oddly looking forward to Jun's reaction, mainly because he's never been violent, it'll probably be abandoned-puppy-hurt-confusion-anger....nothing Lala can't fix :MewGiggle:


I was a bit meh on a new girl in the preview - not because I'm worried about Jun's love, but because it's a bit of a trope (It's the actress of the ghost girl from Hotel Del Luna btw!) I was hoping that they would go into Lala's backstory instead of introduce a new character (though maybe she will be connected to this in her own way since the rich families all knew Lala's family.) I think it'd be fun to see Lala jealous...but honestly, she'll probably just end up charming the girl in her Lala way :MewWave:


4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I shed a few tears in episode 12 for the scene between Jun's mum and Rara. In the past episodes, I always thought she was rude and overbearing, but once she said they had Jun really late and he was conceived through in vitro fertilisation... I cried, as it totally explained her behaviour and I could relate to her overprotectiveness and understand how precious he is to her. Plus, it helps that she actually soften up to Rara in that scene (Rara working her charm again). That whole scene up to the bit where hairdresser ahjumma hugs Rara and Rara's eyes were tearing up got the better of me emotionally.


Oh @mademoiselle! Same same! Hahaha, I just posted my write up before going back to read all your comments and I can see we had exactly the same feelings  :BulbaOWO: It felt so nice to see past her 'rich woman' facade and see her as a worried mother. Rara's charm is going to overpower her in the end, I feel, especially after Jun's health issues come to light. :hearties:


4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

.I don't know what others think, but I am positive about the show and the writing is heading towards the right path in terms of dealing with the OTP's age gap, as well as the illegal/legal age issue. Both are calm and clear minded. They know it well that the hardship/separation they face now is just temporary. Rather than being immature or elope, they acted responsibly and decided to work hard towards a future where they both can be together again. That's very positive and a good message to convey to the general public, no? ^ ^


I don't see there's one ounce of noble idiocy in their choices. It's a necessary approach.


Jun is well aware that his duty as a son is to do well in his studies, ensuring that his future/career is stable. Once he is financially independent, he is free. The rest can all be "negotiated" because at the end of the day, no parents can win against their children, especially him - the precious one & only, HA! Nice one, writernim.


Agree :1000: percent. I don't think there's any noble idiocy here. I think they also thought long and hard about their choices, knowing that they haven't let the other go, but the timing is just wrong. They are literally just on a break for the minimum amount of time until they sort out their lives. I feel like they are barely holding off their feelings as it is :heart: but they're acting responsibly. 

5 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Love the show occasionally referencing to Extraordinary You. This time we have "Eun Dan Oh" hahaha


Yes!! Noticed the Extraordinary You Easter Egg too. Funny Twitter/Insta post I saw: Someone said after Baek Kyung got his ego and learnt to be nice, his next story world was DDSSLLS where he was promoted to lead character :cool:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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7 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

One more thought, I really loved the part when Rara said that Jun's friend's death is not his fault, I felt sorry for Jun for it seemed that Rara was the only one who told him that. In that moment, I think that her mere words and comfort freed Jun from his past. It shows how intuitive and understanding Rara is especially to Jun. Kudos to Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook for portraying their roles so well and so heartfelt that I cannot but root for their characters every step of the way. Ah Wednesday, why so far away?;)


I agree that it was a lovely moment when LL tells Jun that his friend's death is not his fault. I also think that LL is the only one to tell Jun that, but I also think it's that Jun never told anyone else that he felt that way.


His parents knew about the death, but they told him to man up and get back to studying rather than even acknowledging his trauma. Okay, technically, that was his dad, but as much as his mom may love Jun, she's too busy both running interference on Jun's dad as well as trying to groom Jun to take his "rightful" place in society and the world. sigh.


Jun wouldn't have said anything to his friend's family really because of how much guilt that he felt, but it wouldn't be right to make it about his guilt when his friend's family was suffering already from his friend's death. And, Jun only had the one close friend with whom he shared everything.


So, I think that Jun only ever told LL about how he felt. It's another element of how open and understanding they are to each other. LL and Jun has a deep, intuitive bond already. It's far beyond just LL being comfortable with Jun and Jun having a crush on LL.


4 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I always thought that Juns reaction to rara was too intense for seeing her for the first time and speculated that their connection goes further back than what We have been shown. someone else had pointed out that he shows up in the epilogue when rara loses her wallet and I went to go look back and in episode 9 it totally looks like Juns profile. @Just_Me further confirmed it when she posted


Hi @Mapleoaks5! So glad you're joining us here! And, yes! I also think that Jun had seen LL before the graduation recital. In ep 12, LL asks Jun why he had that expression on his face when he saw her at the recital. Jun responds by saying that it was because LL had said something so strange, that she was quitting piano now that she was graduating. However, the look on Jun's face was strange! He had recognized her from somewhere. Though, Jun also said that his head was so filled with thoughts of LL that it was going to burst. So now, I think that Jun saw LL somewhere else, was instantly smitten with her and had already been thinking of her, only to find out that she was his best friend's first love. So, we should get another reveal of the past. Thanks to you and @Just_Me for the epilogue point out!


4 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

also I usually hate noble idiocy and don’t think that is at all what is happening here. I’ve said that Jun needs to be able to face his current situation and stop running away. Part of that is taking the responsibility of finishing up school or his ged and becoming a “real adult” that can be truly independent and on his own. After this latest time jump im pretty sure Jun is of

legal age, so I see no obstacle for Jun and rara to be together now. Just love them!!


I'm also not a fan of time jumps, but think it works for this story here. While it is a bit shocking for Jun and LL to be together while he's still a minor. Once Jun is a legal adult and has his affairs in order, then it's no longer as shocking for Jun to have a warm, beautiful, talented girlfriend. So, Jun is now legally an adult, but he still has things to do. I agreed with LL that Jun has to pay attention to himself right now rather than racing to LL's side for any and every incident. Though, it's also not a true break up since they both love each other, and know that the other one loves them.


I don't think we'll see marriage though unless they go for another much longer time jump.  But, I'm happy enough to wait and see where this drama takes us.


It does make it a bit of a wait until Wednesday for the next episode, but it definitely helps that you all are posting your thoughts and giving me more to read and think about, so thank you, everyone!


Also, @JenL  @mademoiselleand @Just_Me, I love all of your posts! So many insights! And, of course, @Tofu is my partner in crime, so I'm glad that she has a little time to post as well.


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11 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I am usually a silent reader of threads for Kdramas but I really love DDSSLLS and can't help but join in the fun of your thread. Just want to point out that Jun is supposed to take his GED in spring of 2021 and I assumed it's over by the time he took Rara away from the fake wedding hahaha but he still need to take his CSAT in Nov of that year so I am assuming that we'll see more time leaps in the next episodes. I cannot wait until he is out of university and can freely date or marry Rara. He is a very mature and responsible 19 year old (despite the fact that he ran away from home because of a traumatic event in his life) and I am certain through his character traits and developments that he'll become a great adult. I hope Rara continues to grow as well so when they finally can be together, they can have a life that is worthy of their sacrifices. 


One more thought, I really loved the part when Rara said that Jun's friend's death is not his fault, I felt sorry for Jun for it seemed that Rara was the only one who told him that. In that moment, I think that her mere words and comfort freed Jun from his past. It shows how intuitive and understanding Rara is especially to Jun. Kudos to Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook for portraying their roles so well and so heartfelt that I cannot but root for their characters every step of the way. Ah Wednesday, why so far away?;)


Hehehe glad you decided to come out and join us, especially as you write such lovely and eloquent posts :BulbaOWO: We all love this drama, so it's a great place to share your thoughts and other content :heart:


Yes, from the voice clips in the trailer I suspected that Jun still had his exams to take when he 'rescued' Lala from her wedding. And even though it's still a bit of a trek in terms of timelines with all his studies, I'm looking forward to seeing their life together. No good love story comes without sacrifices and I think this one has quite a few big ones. But I'm glad they're working to build their life together in a way that will stand strong in the long run :CharmanderYay:


The mutual understanding and support was so lovely between these two in their heart to heart conversation. I agree about the intuitive nature of Lala and I think it goes the other way too- It's like they both know what the other needs at the moment.


8 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I know it’s a little late in the game, but can I join in this thread as well?!

ive been a long time drama watcher and have mostly been a silent reader, but something about ddsslls has captured my heart that I can’t help but want to post and share my love of this drama! I find the writing incredibly well written and I love how they seem to subvert some common tropes. I agree with everyone’s assessment that the weddings a fake out and it most likely has to do with HY and SG business proposal. 


Yes, please join us here @Mapleoaks5....Lovely to see you come over :wow:


I think DDSSLLS as a drama is as charming as Lala itself - maybe because it's a combination of so many cute and happy and feel-good things in life with a healing perspective of how we should enjoy the small things and deal in a lighthearted and persistent manner to the bad things. Isn't the writing so good? I agree - I love when common tropes are spoofed. It's quite clever because we all know those elements, but they've found a way to refresh them in either a funny or interesting way :MewHi:


8 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

I always thought that Juns reaction to rara was too intense for seeing her for the first time and speculated that their connection goes further back than what We have been shown. someone else had pointed out that he shows up in the epilogue when rara loses her wallet and I went to go look back and in episode 9 it totally looks like Juns profile. @Just_Me further confirmed it when she posted this https://www.instagram.com/p/CGwtckVBaR_/?igshid=1owvz6swug1it


I wonder if it was just a brief encounter or something more happened? 


Wooowwww. I wonder how far back we will go? I love that they're implying that their lives have been intertwined for so long that it was destiny for them to meet. If Jun saw Lala before, he probably liked Lala before his friend although and as a younger version of himself, maybe it was just confused interest :lol: I have to go back and rewatch Episode 9 now to see this myself. 

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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15 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Edit: Oh I forgot, love the part where Go Ara and Jae Wook played the young version of Haraboji & Halmoni. I especially love the bit where he was holding her hand and he caress her fingers. Just that little gesture conveys so much love and adoration for Halmoni. I also like that I don't actually see Ara and Jae Wook as Rara and Jun but imagining it to be Lee Soon Jae haraboji and halmoni... ♥

 Agree they give different vibe while acting as young version of Manbok and Sungja..


And I can't help with my own imagination..that Grandpa Lee Sung Jae and his wife actor play the older version of Jun and Rara when Jun give his argument about their 5years age gap:laugh:

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Thank you @JenL, I really did not expect to love this drama as much as do now. I was expecting an ordinary rom com and sadly I've been on a Kdrama slump the past months, many are so good and interesting but their plots are often predictable and reused by so many other previous kdramas. I only decided to watch DDSSLLS because of Go Ara whom I have liked as Najung in Reply 1994. The first two episodes of DDSSLLS made me laughed so much! I was expecting an irritating heroine in Gu Rara but was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be likeable, relatable and a ball of sunshine. Go Ara is playing Rara in a way that brightens one's heart during this time of uncertainty and gloom. I was expecting the normal hero in Sunwoo Jun- the handsome, rude and condescending type but was corrected again because Jun turned out to be hardworking, gentleman, kind, sweet (he said sorry to Rara right away when he got mad at her for touching his things in Ep 3, a rare sight in kdramaland!) and so hopelessly in love. Kudos to Lee Jae wook for playing him with such innocence and quiet strength. By the time, Jun is wiping Rara's tears, lending her money, feeding her, biking her around, renovating his room for her, etc, I was hooked, lined and sinkered with this drama. 

I also want to point out the genius of its writer for keeping us on our toes every episode for we cannot predict the outcome per episode! hahahah Until, we are in debate who the real DDSSLLS is, and certainly we did not expect a runaway bride Rara with Jun last episode.  Up until now, it's making me chuckle like Harabuji whenever I see the fake wedding clip. :cool:

I just thank the kdrama gods and the twinkling stars up above for Go Ara and Lee Jae wook pairing, it's a tandem we did not expect but it's a pairing we didn't know we needed. May the odds and stars be ever in Rara and Jun's  favor! On to Ep. 13;) 

Edited by Unnie0110
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47 minutes ago, Unnie0110 said:

Thank you @JenL, I really did not expect to love this drama as much as do now. I was expecting an ordinary rom com and sadly I've been on a Kdrama slump the past months, many are so good and interesting but their plots are often predictable and reused by so many other previous kdramas. I only decided to watch DDSSLLS because of Go Ara whom I have liked as Najung in Reply 1994. The first two episodes of DDSSLLS made me laughed so much! I was expecting an irritating heroine in Gu Rara but was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be likeable, relatable and a ball of sunshine. Go Ara is playing Rara in a way that brightens one's heart during this time of uncertainty and gloom. I was expecting the normal hero in Sunwoo Jun- the handsome, rude and condescending type but was corrected again because Jun turned out to be hardworking, gentleman, kind, sweet (he said sorry to Rara right away when he got mad at her for touching his things in Ep 3, a rare sight in kdramaland!) and so hopelessly in love. Kudos to Lee Jae wook for playing him with such innocence and quiet strength. By the time, Jun is wiping Rara's tears, lending her money, feeding her, biking her around, renovating his room for her, etc, I was hooked, lined and sinkered with this drama. 

I also want to point out the genius of its writer for keeping us on our toes every episode for we cannot predict the outcome per episode! hahahah Until, we are in debate who the real DDSSLLS is, and certainly we did not expect a runaway bride Rara with Jun last episode.  Up until now, it's making me chuckle like Harabuji whenever I see the fake wedding clip. 

I just thank the kdrama gods and the twinkling stars up above for Go Ara and Lee Jae wook pairing, it's a tandem we did not expect but it's a pairing we didn't know we needed. May the odds and stars be ever in Rara and Jun's  favor! On to Ep. 13;) 

You point out all the reasons why we all here falling in love with this drama:heart:. And oh, I love to how the all the characters written. They're all so lovable.. and the plot of course..even we know clues and spoilers here and there but we always been surprised by how the scenes or stories turn out


Oh, just saw this 






Edited by Just_Me
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4 hours ago, JenL said:

Wooowwww. I wonder how far back we will go? I love that they're implying that their lives have been intertwined for so long that it was destiny for them to meet. If Jun saw Lala before, he probably liked Lala before his friend although and as a younger version of himself, maybe it was just confused interest :lol: I have to go back and rewatch Episode 9 now to see this myself. 


You know, it wouldn't too much of a stretch for LL and Jun to have met as children even. They used to inhabit roughly the same social circles before LL's father went bankrupt and all.


What I'm still waiting for, though, is for more about LL's life. The father's secretary didn't feel as if it was a throwaway joke with the TWD ajummas speculating that he was actually a villain and then to cut to him lolling about on a pleasure yacht.


I do think that LL's father has passed away, but it's crossed my mind that he might be in a coma. LL didn't see the funeral, nor has she gone to his burial site or columbarium to pay her respects as yet. Though if her father is dead, I hope that Jun is by her side when she goes to visit her father's site.


Or perhaps LL's father is too busy trying to help an imugi take over the world by inhabiting a gumiho and stealing his girl to search for LL? :laugh:


It still feels as if there is so much to explore, as we head into the final stretch. It would be a bit of a payback with a twist if LL's father wakes up, reclaims his business which was not failing after all, and then school Jun's father in terms of the social pecking order. Just saying. Even if LL's father had gone into bankruptcy, it would be strange for someone who is that rich to just lose all his assets and become utterly penniless overnight.


But, mostly, I'm waiting for Jun to grow up so that he can be with LL as she wants. Also, Jun wants to declare architecture as his major rather than medicine, so there will be a major confrontation about that with his father, though it's not clear whether we'll see that or it'll happen off-screen. As much sympathy as I may have for Jun's mother since she really does love Jun and wants what she considers to be the best for him, at some point, Jun has to take control over his own life as he's already started to do. There is a Korean saying that the parents can't win out against their child. I think it's so true, especially when the child is as determined and self-aware as Jun is. Not to mention that he's already demonstrated that he can live on his own without his father's money or anything at all really, even if it's not the life that his parents want him to lead.

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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

What I'm still waiting for, though, is for more about LL's life. The father's secretary didn't feel as if it was a throwaway joke with the TWD ajummas speculating that he was actually a villain and then to cut to him lolling about on a pleasure yacht.

In KBS website, description for preview Ep.13 written that Rara try to find Secretary Moon. So we can expect to see it on next episodes.


2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

LL didn't see the funeral, nor has she gone to his burial site or columbarium to pay her respects as yet. Though if her father is dead, I hope that Jun is by her side when she goes to visit her father's site.

Rara didn't attend the funeral but she did visit her parents grave right before went to Eunpo. But the grave could be faked as well. 


2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Not to mention that he's already demonstrated that he can live on his own without his father's money or anything at all really, even if it's not the life that his parents want him to lead.

I hope his parent start to see this in different light. Not just as a teenager rebellion acts. If they realize how well Jun taking care of himself on his runaway maybe they could trust his choices about his own life. 

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48 minutes ago, Just_Me said:

Rara didn't attend the funeral but she did visit her parents grave right before went to Eunpo. But the grave could be faked as well. 


Of course, you're right. After she loses her apartment and before she goes to EP, she lays at her parents' graves and wonders if she could just stay there for awhile.


33 minutes ago, Just_Me said:

I hope his parent start to see this in different light. Not just as a teenager rebellion acts. If they realize how well Jun taking care of himself on his runaway maybe they could trust his choices about his own life. 


I hope so, too. So far, they seem to be the kind of parents who think that their way is the only right way, but perhaps this drama will surprise us yet again.



Translation of the written preview for episode 13 from the KBS website:



Episode 13 Faure, ‘Romance Without Words’

Sharing a seaside romance, just the two of them, La La and Jun. Meanwhile, La La finds out the identity of the ‘Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol’ who had sent the piano to La La Land. And, because La La Land and Jin Hair are in danger of disappearing, La La goes to find Secretary Moon...



My interpretation of this preview.

Yay! LL and Jun will have another lovely day at the beach, so really looking forward to that!

And, it seems that there may be an issue with the two businesses? It can't be the building because Grandpa owns the building, so I wonder what the problem facing LL and the Hairdresser may be that could put them out of business? So, LL goes to find Secretary Moon to help them, but who knows what she'll find when she finally sees him again.



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15 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Jun wouldn't have said anything to his friend's family really because of how much guilt that he felt, but it wouldn't be right to make it about his guilt when his friend's family was suffering already from his friend's death. And, Jun only had the one close friend with whom he shared everything.


That's true. He was probably being eaten alive by guilt from how his friend died and he felt he was the one who caused it- he probably couldn't even face the friend's family.  :PiplupCry: 


As for other friends, seems like he didn't have any. I was thinking it's that normal k-drama trope - people were probably either intimidated by his status in society or were jealous/competitive with with him since he is also considered smart. His friend seemed to be that warm guy with a personality a bit like Lala's, who befriended him because he treats everyone well.


15 hours ago, stroppyse said:


However, the look on Jun's face was strange! He had recognized her from somewhere. Though, Jun also said that his head was so filled with thoughts of LL that it was going to burst. So now, I think that Jun saw LL somewhere else, was instantly smitten with her and had already been thinking of her, only to find out that she was his best friend's first love. So, we should get another reveal of the past. Thanks to you and @Just_Me for the epilogue point out!


Hahaha that look was intense...and Lala's contrasting look with fishy lips was so funny. Yes, I'm thinking he already saw her somewhere too and liked her first and didn't get a chance to find her or didn't get a chance to tell his friend. :MewHi: This is like some continuous unravelling or inception or something.


7 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

Thank you @JenL, I really did not expect to love this drama as much as do now. I was expecting an ordinary rom com and sadly I've been on a Kdrama slump the past months, many are so good and interesting but their plots are often predictable and reused by so many other previous kdramas. I only decided to watch DDSSLLS because of Go Ara whom I have liked as Najung in Reply 1994. The first two episodes of DDSSLLS made me laughed so much! I was expecting an irritating heroine in Gu Rara but was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be likeable, relatable and a ball of sunshine. 13;) 


Hahaha, me too - I was going to drop this drama after episode 1!  If you read the first comment I posted on page 1 or 2 of this thread, I was scathing of the first episode because like you, I thought maybe Lala was going to be an unlikable airhead. But then the show sucked me in by episode 3 :laugh: Kdrama slumps suck! It is weird - there are times you struggle to find anything you really like. Glad we found this drama :heart: As a long time drama watcher, I find I enjoy a lot of series, but very few of them give me so much joy when watching and get me hooked...Haha, this is one of them though :BulbaOWO:


7 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I was expecting the normal hero in Sunwoo Jun- the handsome, rude and condescending type but was corrected again because Jun turned out to be hardworking, gentleman, kind, sweet (he said sorry to Rara right away when he got mad at her for touching his things in Ep 3, a rare sight in kdramaland!) and so hopelessly in love. Kudos to Lee Jae wook for playing him with such innocence and quiet strength. By the time, Jun is wiping Rara's tears, lending her money, feeding her, biking her around, renovating his room for her, etc, I was hooked, lined and sinkered with this drama. 


I like that a lot of people started this drama for Go Ara. Haha, I started this drama for Lee Jae Wook, who I'd seen as a converted villain previously and really liked because I could see his acting strengths. (He's up for a rookie of the year actor's award btw!) I really love the characterisation of Jun who is such a gentle and kind soul :heart: My only complaint is that he's too perfect and puts me off real guys :laugh: 


6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

You know, it wouldn't too much of a stretch for LL and Jun to have met as children even. They used to inhabit roughly the same social circles before LL's father went bankrupt and all.


Yep possible. This series has already avoided the cliche of childhood friends so far, so I don't mind them maybe having run into each other as kids


6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I do think that LL's father has passed away, but it's crossed my mind that he might be in a coma. LL didn't see the funeral, nor has she gone to his burial site or columbarium to pay her respects as yet. Though if her father is dead, I hope that Jun is by her side when she goes to visit her father's site.


Or perhaps LL's father is too busy trying to help an imugi take over the world by inhabiting a gumiho and stealing his girl to search for LL? :laugh:


Ahaha, he's also wrecking havoc as the villain in Start Up - Another funny Twitter/ Instagram joke I saw: Someone who is obvious watching DDSSLLS & Start Up joked that Lala's dad had stolen all the funds from his cosmetics company, faked his death and was now using the funds to build Korea's Silicon Valley with an empire of start up businesses :laugh:


3 hours ago, Just_Me said:

II hope his parent start to see this in different light. Not just as a teenager rebellion acts. If they realize how well Jun taking care of himself on his runaway maybe they could trust his choices about his own life. 


Me too :BulbaOWO: His mum is more human now...but his dad is still a piece of work. Don't know how dangerous he can be :poliWeird:


3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Episode 13 Faure, ‘Romance Without Words’

Sharing a seaside romance, just the two of them, La La and Jun. Meanwhile, La La finds out the identity of the ‘Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol’ who had sent the piano to La La Land. And, because La La Land and Jin Hair are in danger of disappearing, La La goes to find Secretary Moon...


My interpretation of this preview.

Yay! LL and Jun will have another lovely day at the beach, so really looking forward to that!

And, it seems that there may be an issue with the two businesses? It can't be the building because Grandpa owns the building, so I wonder what the problem facing LL and the Hairdresser may be that could put them out of business? So, LL goes to find Secretary Moon to help them, but who knows what she'll find when she finally sees him again.


Thanks for this! I'm wondering if something happens to Grandpa if that is the case :lettalKWA: Hope nothing bad! Or maybe she goes to Secretary Moon because it's got something to do with a company they were connected to in the past?

It sounds like DDSSLS's identity is changing again!

I am also looking forward to their frolics on the beach. Is Jun at a better age yet? I'm just here for the flutters, you know!



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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New stills from the last episode :heart: refreshed my Jun Lala stills post: 



You can find the ones with Dr Cha on Facebook though :laugh: https://www.facebook.com/KBSdrama






Also I made a mimi costume post after finding some crew member's pictures of mimi in costumes!!









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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I'm sure KBS will release something exciting at some point in this week for DDSSLLS, but until then, I have a few goodies for everyone to get us through till then :laugh:


1. DDSSLLS Filming Locations

The one main (non-actor related) thing I'd been super interested in since the drama started was where the drama was filmed seeing as I read somewhere than Eunpo is a fictional city? Does anyone know if this is true? The place reminded me a lot of Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan, but it also didn't look the same...so I started looking at the all the stuff about the filming locations. The drama is filmed in Mokpo and it looks like a cute place to visit! I like travelling and with covid restrictions stopping that, planning future trips to new places has been my way of getting by. I also like going to filming locations as long as they're somewhere worth going to (ie. I'm not going to look for a location if it's just a wall or something, but if it's a museum or cafe or somewhere I'd go to or stay at as a tourist, I put it on a list of places to visit)...Anyway, if you're interested in the locations of DDSSLLS, I've written a filming locations travel guide: 




(Hahaha, you know the addiction is real now :lenny:)


Pavilion where Jun tells Lala he's thinking of leaving:



2. DDSSLLS Classical Music OST 


I've compiled all the classical music pieces released for this drama into one post:




I've included what scenes the music pieces were played in, but seeing as I have poor memory, I could only remember half of them. @Just_Me - I know you've re-watched the series more than once :MewGiggle: let me know if you know what scenes some of these instrumental pieces are from


For @eNDe I think you mentioned you were looking for the 'Welcome' piece Lala plays for Jun. It's 'Twenty Fingers' here:



3. DDSSLLS Comics

It seems like KBS make little comics out of some scenes, like the first kiss scene, so I just put it altogether. I think it's cute that they did that though. In come ways, DDSSLLS does remind me of a webtoon at times with it's fun lighthearted nature!







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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I've enjoyed reading everyone's insights and predictions. I found myself saying "Oh, I didn't think of that!" and "Good observation!" while reading as well as nodding along with everything I agreed with. If someone walked by, they would probably think something is wrong with my neck from all the nodding. :laugh: Welcome to our little DDSSLLS community here on JH, @Unnie0110 and @Mapleoaks5!! :pandahappy: 


@JenL that photo of MiMi is soooooooooo adorable! :pandalove:

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A translation of the Man Bok and Soon Ja kiss scene BTS.




Title: Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol, Man Bok and Soon Ja’s First Kiss(?) BTS (feat. The Unstoppable Dance Goddess, Dance Queen Goo La La)

caption: (G)I-DLE (DUMDi DUMDi), For the sake of the scene where they have to dance, showing a video, Suk Kyung.
LL: Does it start here?
caption: Shake shake, The fun is steadily rising~
caption: Yes, it’s the same dance! Practicing their dancing, Suk Kyung and Ha Young.
caption: Pop Music Program MC, Ha Young’s <DUMDi DUMDi> coaching time
SK: (definite hand) This is not my part.
caption: Student La La, Determinedly practicing the choreography, La La
LL: Oh, it’s like this.
HY: Yes
Staff: Shall we get ready for the next scene?
HY: Again. Here.
caption: Wait a second! If there is any bit of time, practice and more practice.
Staff: Rather than the next, next scene, we’ll get ready for the next scene~


The remainder is in the spoiler because of length.



La La: The very pretty choreography of <DUMDi DUMDi> ,
La La: I don’t want to mess it up.
La La: In the script, La La has this set up.
La La: Bad dancer, bad dancer, there is no bad dancer like her is what the writer had written,
La La: And, I’m an actor who loyally follows the script.
caption: (G)I-DLE, and everyone. I apologize in advance…

caption: Passionate and lively. The only way to get through it is to practice a lot!!
Ha Young: But, La La unnie dances too well.
Ha Young: The concept is that she’s supposed to be a bad dancer though.
La La: I wasn’t dancing right now.
HY: No! She was really dancing well a little while ago.
caption: La La is embarrassed at Ha Young’s compliments
LL: No
caption: Show us once?!
LL: I’m going to dance really well today! (captioned)
LL: La La Style
caption: Bad Dancer FLEX, La La Style

caption: Matching really well. Effort won’t be betrayed!!
caption: Finished practicing? Don’t they seem like a 3 member idol group?!
caption: Can’t cope!! Frantic La La’s fun
SK: This. After I do this, then I do this, right?
HY: Yes
caption: Focused on her mood. Fun-wealthy La La’s intense stage!!

caption: Impromptu dancing master, Miss Goo La La
La La: Ah. Why is that whatever I do, it looks as if I’m dancing well?? This just won’t do.

caption: Enchanting look in her eyes and bad dancing.
LL: I have moves, don’t I?
caption: Tension that won’t lessen. An explosion of fun, La La’s <DUMDI DUMDI>
caption: Get ready and shoot~  Her filming starts!
captIon: Are you sure that this is really a bad dancer concept? She’s dancing too well?
caption: She’s turned Suk Kyung’s house upside down
caption: Subdued Ha Young. Even making the Pop Song Program MC take a back seat, La La.
SK: What are you doing?
caption: Once La La gets started. No one can stop her!!
caption: Ultimately… Suk Kyung’s house has become a dance hall…


caption: A scene from the past! Jun who has turned into Man Bok
Jun: Please
Jun: The feeling is a little like a flower seller, isn’t it?
caption: Light voice mimicry.
Jun: Go to the flower seller.
Jun: This is not a gymnasium.

Owner Unnie: Who are you?
caption: Starting rehearsal
Jun: Hello. My name is Kim Man Bok.
Staff: (failure to stay quiet) laughing ha ha
caption: Our staff should leave for a little while. Jun who is still a little awkward as Man Bok.
Jun: Just go out for a moment. Hyung should go out, too.

Owner Unnie: (sharply) Who is it?
caption: First time meeting the owner unnie. Man Bok who has come to see Soon Ja-sshi
MB: Hello. My name is Man Bok. I was hoping to see Soon Ja-sshi for a minute.

Jun: Who is it?
Jun: You’re supposed to be very sharp (in tone of voice). It’s a lot of fun.

caption: Surely not a boyfriend?! The Owner Unnie unable to believe that Soon Ja has a boyfriend.
caption: Man Bok who is asking her to take his letter to Soon Ja.
caption: Very unhappy. Unable to receive, so having to accept the letter.
Owner Unnie: (adlib) Mom!
caption: At the unexpected adlib. Bursting out in laughter, Man Bok and Owner Unnie.


caption: Should we do it as if we were doing ssae-ssae-ssae?  La La and Jun who are acting as Soon Ja and Man Bok. (me: ssae-ssae-ssae is a hand game that children play)
LL: No, I guess that isn’t it.
La La: I like the sound of the piano so much
LL: And, unnie is so pretty as she’s playing.
caption: A memory with Soon Ja. What the piano means to Man Bok.
LL: Every time unnie plays the piano, I deliberately take a rag into the room.
La La: Man Bok has to gather up his courage and kiss Soon Ja.
caption: Soon Ja is shy and embarrassed.
LL: Man Bok has to gather his courage, and does Soon Ja want it, too?? (captioned)
Jun: Of course she wants it. k k
Soon Ja: (method acting) Hello. I’m Goo Soon Ja.
Soon Ja: Since this is my debut project, I’m very nervous.
Man Bok: (Jun is also in character) Hello. I’m Kim Man Bok.
Soon Ja: Because I’ve met Man Bok-sshi for the first time,
Soon Ja: and we were able to do this project together, it was very welcome and a great honor.
Soon Ja: And because I was able to make my debut with this project, I’m very happy.
Man Bok: I am also very nervous,
Man Bok: but I’ll try to do it well.
Soon Ja: This has been Goo Soon Ja.
Man Bok: This has been Kim Man Bok.
caption: La La Jun. Completely in character.

caption: Soon Ja is returning from having gone on a date with Man Bok.
SJ: It’s late. The bean buns that unnie wanted are going to get cold.
MB: Let’s just listen to this song before you go.
caption: Let’s just listen to this song before you go in! The lovers not wanting to part.
Soon Ja: Should we do that?
Man Bok: Soon Ja-sshi…
caption: Man Bok and Soon Ja’s First Kiss Scene (?)
caption: A different feel from La La Jun, an adult kiss scene.
Director: Cut!

caption: KBS 2TV 9:30 pm <Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol> We hope a lot of viewers will watch us.


I know that the characters aren't LL and Jun who are kissing, but rather SJ and MB, but that kiss is pretty hot, requiring both actors to get way into it, more so than in LL and Jun's cable car kiss. As shy as LL is in the BTS over this kiss, I wonder if it was actually made a little easier because it's not GA's first time kissing LJW. He definitely seemed more comfortable with it, which I'm sure is partly acting in the MB character versus the Jun character, but he seemed more comfortable in this BTS than in the cable car BTS as well.


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Awwww, Thanks for sharing the special @Just_Me


Also Thank you soooooo much for the translations @stroppyse :wow::hearties::MewHi: I'm gonna sub this for sure :heart:


2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I know that the characters aren't LL and Jun who are kissing, but rather SJ and MB, but that kiss is pretty hot, requiring both actors to get way into it, more so than in LL and Jun's cable car kiss. As shy as LL is in the BTS over this kiss, I wonder if it was actually made a little easier because it's not GA's first time kissing LJW. He definitely seemed more comfortable with it, which I'm sure is partly acting in the MB character versus the Jun character, but he seemed more comfortable in this BTS than in the cable car BTS as well.


Haha, this kiss was way hotter :heart: I think actors are sometimes given a brief with things like kisses, and I think they had to be careful with Jun's age not to make it look too much for the first kiss on screen. But agree! GA and LJW both look more comfortable here probably because they've done gotten over that 'first kiss barrier' (you know, getting to know their style, also knowing you're not going to make a fool of yourself by bumping into them etc etc.) and they seem to have pretty good chemistry on the whole, but have gotten to know each other for even longer by the time this episode was filmed. 


@Tofu and @stroppyse Glad you enjoyed the Mimi post! She is so so so adorable :wow: Actually Mimi did a live today on Instagram and it was quite funny because I was spazzing over Mimi and then I noticed the emoji above mine was Go Ara spazzing over Mimi :lol:  She posted quite a few comments :heart: She must miss her now that they've finished filming!







Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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23 hours ago, JenL said:

For @eNDe I think you mentioned you were looking for the 'Welcome' piece Lala plays for Jun. It's 'Twenty Fingers' here:

Thank you! :hearties: 


Finally back to read the collective thoughts for episode 12 and what DDSSLLS has done to us hahaha. I feel like this show has different sets of content I could compartmentalise, rewatch and enjoy over and over again when it's over besides the main story - there's Grandpa's love story, every characters's scenes (even Mimi and the thug), all the piano scenes, listening to the OST (both pop and classical) on my Spotify, even the interviews and bts. And each time I rewatch it, I feel like there's another detail to look into yet still enjoy the episodes. 


Thanks everyone for extensive thoughts and discussions of DDSSLLS...really appreciate it especially while waiting for next episode. :taebtsthanks:


23 hours ago, JenL said:

3. DDSSLLS Comics

It seems like KBS make little comics out of some scenes, like the first kiss scene, so I just put it altogether. I think it's cute that they did that though. In come ways, DDSSLLS does remind me of a webtoon at times with it's fun lighthearted nature!

Good point, one could mistakenly think this is based on a webtoon. I think the idea of this continue to have its ongoing series of short fun scenes as a webtoon in the future rather than a second season drama is possible too. I've encountered western dramas turning into web comic when they didn't get approved for renewal. 


4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I know that the characters aren't LL and Jun who are kissing, but rather SJ and MB, but that kiss is pretty hot, requiring both actors to get way into it, more so than in LL and Jun's cable car kiss. As shy as LL is in the BTS over this kiss, I wonder if it was actually made a little easier because it's not GA's first time kissing LJW. He definitely seemed more comfortable with it, which I'm sure is partly acting in the MB character versus the Jun character, but he seemed more comfortable in this BTS than in the cable car BTS as well.

I wonder if LJW will ever watch the Reply Series and in particular GA's Najung character in Reply 1994! Because she did a drunk Najung approaching her male co-star for an unconventional "kiss" and I think that's gotta be hard to film haha. I applaud her portraying the character's strengths and vulnerability when it comes to interacting with the two male leads who likes Najung.


So I'm glad her chemistry with LJW is evident in DDSSLLS the way I felt like they had such good company of actors and crew filming which I'm also glad for LJW for his first lead role. They carry the show well as leads here that the rest of actors/characters were able to shine as well. 


As for the upcoming episodes...I just badly need to know more about RaRa's whole story with the company, the dad and the secretary please! It feels one-sided if RaRa doesn't get some proper closure (remembering how she was rushed to leave) while we get to see now how Jun has to face his family issue after running away. When I saw a new girl character in the preview, I thought she better be some clip scene cameo because I don't have time for her with 4 episodes left. Haha. 



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Random thought because this song came on the radio.


You know what else this wedding scene reminds me of aside from The Graduate? 


Mariah Carey's 'We Belong Together' music video where she ditches old, rich Eric Roberts for her much younger lover :laugh:


Now that we've had almost a week to process this, I think I even like this runaway wedding scene provided it's a fake. 




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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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10 minutes ago, Just_Me said:

This web provide translated lyrics for all released Dodosol OST





Awesome! Thank you for sharing this! I'm loving the lyrics for Elaine's I'll Be Your Comfort as much as I've already love the song the moment I heard it on ep 3! I like to think this is the song that also represent Jun & RaRa at the end of each day, everyday and when we can celebrate their growth and love when the show ends, knowing this is the way they are to each other :hearties:  

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14 hours ago, JenL said:

@Tofu and @stroppyse Glad you enjoyed the Mimi post! She is so so so adorable :wow: Actually Mimi did a live today on Instagram and it was quite funny because I was spazzing over Mimi and then I noticed the emoji above mine was Go Ara spazzing over Mimi :lol:  She posted quite a few comments :heart: She must miss her now that they've finished filming!


I'm thinking that maybe I'll have to follow Byul's instagram as well! So cute!


I actually prefer bigger outdoor dogs, but there is something so sassy about MiMi's attitude and her expressions are definitely precious!


Go Ara definitely misses her. Her comment in the final insta that you posted said "Miss you(heart) I'll go later to see Byul (heart)" Sweet.


And, I also rather love that scene of Jun and LL running out of the wedding! Especially if they're running straight to have their beach date. :hearties:


Is it Wednesday yet?????

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