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Happiness 해피니스 [2021]

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57 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Right?! Who knows there's antibodies in her saliva as well. Then Hyun is saved...


My thoughts exactly 😂


I was quite surprised when the youtuber son volunteered to go with SB and YH to the generator room. But of course, he was not that selfless. On one hand, he looked like he has sombered down and I was glad that he would rather take the risk to leave rather than to participate in the ridiculous schemes against SB & YH. On the other hand, did he not care about his parents at all? 🤔


In addition to the unrealistic parts mentioned by @Dhakra and @mademoiselle, the friction between TS and SB is also too contrived by the script.

  • Firstly, TS's motivation is only to save his wife and baby. He is a practical man and I don't think he would insist that SB must save the whole world - as will be shown when he agrees to the exchange proposed by SB. To make the plasma, it seems they only need to draw blood from SB, like what they have done previously to make the first dose. This could have been done even outside the apartment, or just a quick trip to TS's HQ.
  • I would have thought that TS would be the first to understand SB's need to rescue YH. He is astute and knew their closeness and that YH would do anything for SB (based on how he guessed that YH was infected in an earlier episode). Yet, he treated SB and YH's relationship as less significant than his and his wife's.

I would have preferred to watch TS and SB/HY working together from the start.


EP 9 & 10 BTS


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12 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

I would have thought that TS would be the first to understand SB's need to rescue YH. He is astute and knew their closeness and that YH would do anything for SB (based on how he guessed that YH was infected in an earlier episode). Yet, he treated SB and YH's relationship as less significant than his and his wife's.

Same thoughts here. When he asked SB whether Hyun will still alive by then, I answered "Of course, your wife is alive... why won't Hyun be? As long as you don't shoot him"


Teared up again when SB was watching the recorded video clip by Hyun... Please let them be reunited. I am excited though that in the preview we see SB going back inside in her uniform to rescue Hyun. And also not surprising that those vultures were finishing off each other :pandarage: 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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The great finale is todaaaaay :pandapopcorn:


8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:




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She so cute :pandablush: Han Da Sol. I need to remember this name. My favorite zombie. 


6 hours ago, Chocolate said:


  • I would have thought that TS would be the first to understand SB's need to rescue YH. He is astute and knew their closeness and that YH would do anything for SB (based on how he guessed that YH was infected in an earlier episode). Yet, he treated SB and YH's relationship as less significant than his and his wife's.


I think he was genuinely surprised. He knows YH would do anything for SB and that he loves her to death. He always thought that was a one-sided affair. So hearing these words out of her mouth were surprising. He didn't know SB began to have these kind of feelings for YH aswell. He thought SB just took advantage of YH to get the apartment. How could he know that SB developed true, romantic feelings for YH.

So after her confession, he realizes that Sae Bom is a caring, loving "wife", so he introduced her to his wife, because they are equals now and he knows she can relate.  



5 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Waaah! I'm traveling still, so won't be able to catch up and watch the final episodes until tomorrow! I'm planning on barricading myself with a box of tissues, and binge watch! Can't wait.


Tissues and popcorn! Episode 11 is a banger! :pandaxmas:

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Episode 11


Finally watched it and damnnnn that was a good episode! That confession was so sweet :BulbaOWO::heart: Hahaha, maybe it was just the translations I had on my video, but when he said that his heart beats faster and he feels thirsty seeing her and she said same for her, I felt like that used the other definition of thirsty :laugh: I loved how she finally confessed and she said it before he said it. There's nothing like the pressure of a zombie apocalyse to make you appreciate your loved ones. But the ending was so sad with the video he made telling her he wanted to properly propose to her...I don't normally wish this in zombie films, but yeahhhh, this needs a kiss :MewHi:


I'm so happy most of the good people got to escape by the way! I felt it was such a relief that Jung Guk didn't get killed by the murderer. Also poor truamatised Se Yoon - glad she didn't end up having her illness get to her. Loved that Sae Bom offered decent people like the lawyer's wife and supermarket girl the opportunity to leave. Sae Bom & Yi Hyun are so generous and kind and brave when it comes to dealing with the decent zombies. :BulbaOWO:


I kind of thought Andrew turning out to just be a psycho rather than a mega zombie was kind of lame though, since there's psychos in just about every second Korean drama. It would have been cooler to have him be a new kind of evil....I don't think it even made sense for him to make those marks on his victim's necks since it wasn't really a big deal with everyone suspecting someone was infected? But then I suppose it would be harder to take him down in that scenario. At least Yi Hyun got his moment of revenge when he turned. And yeah, even though it probably didn't make him feel good to kill someone...at least he took down a serial killer who deserved it. :lenny:


As much as the residents annoy me, I also enjoy how unhinged they are. There are some real great horror like moments - not scary, but crazy, like the apartment rep hacking down the door, which made this episode fun. I also enjoy seeing who is truly soulless and who is struggling to hang onto their humanity as well as those who have never wavered. I've always liked the writer, though she didn't have a lot of agency, I liked that she tried to speak up. I'm so glad they helped the lawyer's wife escape and she dumped her loser husband. . :smile:


A few inconsistencies? I just think the fact that Jung Guk was bleeding all straight down his leg would have warranted a greater struggle for Yi Hyun, supermarket girl and attracted more zombies when they were leaving. I mean, at one point Yi Hyun had Jung Guk's bloody hand next to him. I know you can will yourself not to attack people with lots of self control...but it didn't quite seem like they even needed any self control? I didn't see the point of the social media guy going to his car. Like surely he would be too chicken to go outside...and how is it better going outside dealing with 100 zombies compared to going home and maybe having 1 zombie to deal with? And I agree with everyone about the smoke bomb on the roof and the drama timing. Drama and Anime timing is sometimes hilariously distorted. I was was panicking about Yi Hyun being stabbed in the back multiple times while talking to Sae Bom, but it turns out I didn't need to worry because Andrew is super slow :laugh: BUT I still enjoyed this episode despite these things. 


Next episode will be fun since it seems like all the crazy residents will either turn or be killed by one another. It'll be the hunters being hunted especially since they all don't trust each other and are all selfish. I knew the cleaners were down for a punishment, since they hadn't been touched yet, but I'm glad they decided to all full chaos since some dramas don't punish the evil ones enough! Huamsn truly are evil. The only character I worry for is the writer, but I feel like Yi Hyun and her brother will try to protect her as zombies should there be some conflict! :MewHi:


Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Yoon Sae-bom went to Han Tae-seok (Jo Woo-jin), who had a cure, and asked about Kang Eun-ji. Han Tae-seok, who was next to his infected wife, said coldly, "I have endured until now to see my daughter."


Then, showing the treatment, he said, "It is made with the blood of your blood. Antibodies in you body are decreasing. This is the last injection that has a therapeutic effect. It is only possible to develop a treatment by amplifying and researching this."

Han Tae-seok handed her the serum and said, "The commander has come. I'm going to take it to the treatment laboratory with Yoon Sae-bom."


After that, Yoon Sae-bom followed Han Tae-seok. Tae Sook had secretly wanted to help her to go to the back door on the first floor. When Han Tae-seok said, "If you go out the back door, there will be a car," Yoon Sae-bom said, "Is this okay? I thought they were greedy people."


However, Yoon Sae-bom injected the drug into Seo-yoon's mother, Kang Eun-ji, not Jeong Yi-hyun.


When Lee Ji-soo (Park Joo-hee) asked why, Yoon Sae-bom replied, "I'm not the only  special person. There will be more people with antibodies." Hyun needs me to be there, but Seo-yoon doesn't have anyone. Until then, Hyun just needs me to stay by his side." .


When Han Tae-seok was reprimanded for stealing the serum for Yoon Sae-bom, he said, "I got enough blood on my hands. I only saw people in terms of  efficiency and numbers. But when I saw Yoon Sae-bom and knew there were other ways."

Upon arriving at the apartment, Yoon Sae-bom asked Na Hyun-kyung (Park Hee-bon), "Is Lee Hyun-i safe? Is he alive?" Then the scene from the day before was revealed:


Jeong Yi-hyeon bled profusely and insisted on talking Na Hyun-kyung, "I bit Andrew (Lee Joo-seung). It's even more dangerous if the killer is infected. If he's alive, we have to catch him."


Oh Yeon-ok (Bae Hae-seon) shouted, "Andrew is dead. Lee-hyun Jeong bit and killed him." when Jeong Yi-hyun asked about Andrew. But there was no body on the roof.



Jeong Yi-hyeon, who had been missing Yoon Sae-bom, fell into despair as she muttered, “Bom, how are you? I miss you.” For a while, suffering from the appearance of his infected self, he rolled up his arms in the commotion of the apartment. But soon after seeing his terribly changed appearance, he hurried to the house and put a blanket over himself.

Just then, Sae-Bom Yoon arrived. Yoon Sae-bom said, "Hyun-ah. I'm here. I heard what you said. I know that home is important. But who you're with is more important. I want to be with you in the future. Just stay with me. Whatever you do, it's all right," and patted Jeong Yi-hyun and kissed him.



Later on, the apartment quarantine  has been lifted and hope came. Upon hearing that there was another  antibody holder, Han Tae-seok ordered Lee Ji-soo (Park Joo-hee) to "Take Yoon Sae-bom and Jeong Yi-hyun to the dormitory."


So a cure was found! And life resumed

Sae-Bom Yoon and Yi-Hyeon Jeong held hands and walked through the apartment where peace was restored. When Yoon Sae-bom asked, "Are you happy?", Jeong Yi-hyun showed affection by saying, "Of course , if I am with you."




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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LA GRANDE FINALE :pandasipsip::pandapopcorn:


Episode 12


  • So cute how SB watches YH video over and over again. :pandasadspoon:
  • So according to Seo Yoon's Mom, her husband, SY father, is dead? Oh man, that's a bummer. It also sounds like she is so sick, there isn't any hope for her to get a cure. 
  • Seo Yoon is such a smart little girl. She always has been throughout the drama. 
  • Funny thing is, SB is in luck, TS is the probably the only person who can understand her to the fulliest why it is more important to safe a single person rather than an entity of people. They are alike and doing the same thing. Saving the one they love. 
  • Sae Bom using the cure on Seo Yoon's mom is probably the most selflessness thing I have ever seen in a drama. Her argueing makes sense though, YH will be able to get cured by her somehow. 
  • Kinda glad Ji Soo helps out SB aswell, they almost seem to be friends now. 
    But the scene was so, SO funny. How can they do something so funny in the last episode? :laugh:First the hugging, then they bantering where SB should hit her. I completely lost it when she said "NOT THE FACE!"
  • When TS meant he had a gift for SB, I honestly expected something more.......deadly. Like Weapons and stuff. She walks in there completely unarmed. Next to the walkie-talkie was enough room for a pistol or at least a handfull of flashbangs. 
  • 1201 looked like she had a strange satisfaction at the end while smashing Andrew's brain out. Gosh, these people are all animals. The writer and So Yoon look like the only decent people in the whole complex.
  • And this was the moment Dong Hyun became an adult and tried to be the best son of all time for the rest of his life. He sure has a lot to do to redeem himself. 
  • How they all turn on each other and try to kill themselves. It's almost funny how this turns out into an all out war where everyone tries to kill someone. 
  • 1201 looks like a living apartment representative zombie. Every scene with her is like a zombie movie. 
  • I laughed tears when 601 was trying to....."transform" and Sae Bom just kicked him in the nuts with all force. :laugh: He totally deserved it. So funny. :laugh: Omg so hilarious. 
  • Spoiler



    And she initiated it! WHOOHOOO! Both of them! The second was even a longer. Yaaaaaay! 

    @mademoiselle :pandaxmas::pandaxmas: Just open until you watched it. 
  • YH should think about a career as 'Taxi Driver' :pandapopcorn::pandasipsip: He took so many shots in the last two episodes and is still doing fine. Andrew shot him again and he can still defend Sae Bom. Very smart of Sae Bom though to shoot herself. Works everytime. 
  • Good last battle between the three though. Especially since it's an iconic ending. Sae Bom & YH always worked as a team, a true unit, they always protected each other. And this time they took turns. First YH tried to save SB by disarming Andrew, than SB shot herself to save YH, then YH shot Andrew in the back to save SB. 
    Perfectly done in the spirit of the drama. Together they are invincible. 
  • So, I was scared for a second YH died, but he is alive at the end. We don't know how, we don't know why, but I just go with it. Who cares, he is alive, that's what matters the most. 
  • The last two minutes though, I wished this section would have been a bit longer. Seeing them carefree, Sae Bom asking him when he started to like her, fooling around a little, being a real married couple. I would have loved to see more of this. Especially him telling her about his feelings like he promised in the clip on her phone. Also the promised proper proposal would have been nice. This two minutes of true "couple time" was way too short. That's a small bummer.
  • But isn't this the cutest look on SB's face ever? :pandablush:




Overall though, a great last episode. Loved every second, would have loved to know what happened to every resident. We don't even know what sentence 1201 and 601 got. Personally I missed a last scene with supermarket girl.

But in the end I am just happy a KDrama managed to end well and make me happy. 

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Oh no...I forgot I can't go on social media today...spoilers! Spoilers everywhere :scaredpanda2:


I won't be able to watch the last episode for another 9 hours or so :psweatduck:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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HHJ posted these on her IG

So what's the verdict? Are you guys happy like @Dhakra? Hv yet to watch with subs but I was very glad that they didn't kill of Hyun. My hubs is watching this too. He felt the story telling was a bit meh in the last few episodes though it started off quite nicely. He says some things didn't make sense.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 12 Finale


Overall I'd still say it's a good and enjoyable show. I told my sister about it so I hope she binged it and not another 10 years later. :PikachuFacePalm: With zombie films, I often find it boring because all they do is just bite people and we see people running away from them but I like that Happiness uses zombie to explore and depict human behaviours/nature, much like what Sweet Home did. I also like how relatable it is with the lockdown and/or what could have happened if a government take a more extreme action such as introducing martial law. I think what Happiness dealt with, apart from human behaviours and nature, is how lockdown could affect a pool of people. Although the residents were very annoying and hard to relate to, I like the exploration of each characters — the twists to some characters we thought irritating and how others remained irreversibly unsalvageable. A pandemic such as this could open our eyes to the people around us which we regard as friends and families too. For So Yoon, this experience helps her realise what an a-hole her lawyer husband is. For @abs-oluteM and I who love to watch a romance developed during a disaster, Happiness definitely satisfied us with Sae Bom and Yi Hyun's loveline.


I thought only Sae Bom and Yi Hyun are the two characters I like the most but I walked away last night becoming fond of the U401 siblings, especially the brother. It's a twist seeing how annoyed I was with him before until he turned into this:



:lmao2: Hahahahahahaha! I love the precautions they put in in case he turns. It was so adorable. I'm so glad Han Tae Seok and govt found another person with antibodies so that the pressure doesn't just fall on Sae Bom. Her antibodies are decreasing can only mean her body is almost complete in fighting the virus from the scratch. If Sae Bom was scratched or bitten again, her antibodies will kick it again. So it's just a matter of whether she's willing to risk it.


The siblings are definitely the residents I'd like to know what happened. Did perhaps the brother receive some help from the government for contributing his antibodies so that the sister could keep the apartment to herself and be at peace...?


I don't actually care what happens to Oh Joo Hyung and U1201 apartment representative. I'm happy with seeing them at court and so be it. Same goes to the cleaning couple, who were so ungrateful and greedy. As for the supermarket girl, I was hoping to see Yi Hyun and Sae Bom do their grocery shopping together and meet the supermarket girl at the checkout counter.


Thank you Sae Bom, for giving me a scene of this. I honestly crack up LOL. That felt extremely good since I hated this actors' roles for the last 3 dramas and none of the leads gave me the satisfaction Sae Bom did. :laugh: You go girl!



We have a kiss @Dhakra! Actually I already knew this before episode 11 because the finale was leaked. It was hard to keep quiet about it but I did it! My only gripe is why can't Show gives us ANOTHER kiss after Hyun is healed? :pandasad:


I think Happiness will go down as one of the good zombie shows I had seen, along with Kingdom S1 (but not S2 or Ashin). Although can't remember much anymore, I think I liked it better than Train to Busan too. It's also definitely better than #Alive.


P.S. Jo Woo Jin was awesome.


Happiness Couple's Progress:

Episode 1 - Marriage proposal

Episode 2 - Moving in + sleep together in same room

Episode 3 - Glad to see you hug

Episode 4 - Hand holding

Episode 5 - Comfort/thank you hug

Episode 6 - Giving her his jacket (anything else?)

Episode 7 - Feed each other + hand holding

Episode 8 - Rooftop confession + stare + near kiss

Episode 9 - Treating wound/care/feeling forehead + hand holding

Episdeo 10 - Taking care/worries of Yi Hyun?

Episode 11 - Hug + confession by both

Episode 12 - Kiss + Backhug + Hand-holding

Episode 13 - Happily Ever After :lol:


@abs-oluteM I think the finale could have been a bit better. It fell short in few aspects, like showing us what happened to the residents or give me more OTP times after that. I also thought the execution of Andrew was really meh. I get that this is a deliberate design to show us humans are the real monster without needing to be a zombie (much like in Sweet Home with the contrast between a normal looking paedophile vs a disfigured man vs monsters). Another thing is how come he turns so quickly and not U301's son? Stuff like that but I'm not going to really nitpick. P.S. Love those photos from Han Hyo Joo so that I could swoon a little bit more as there was so little of the OTP in the finale. There are more~!




:pandarage: zombie out!

Edited by mademoiselle
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2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

My hubs is watching this too. He felt the story telling was a bit meh in the last few episodes though it started off quite nicely. He says some things didn't make sense.


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

I think Happiness will go down as one of the good zombie shows I had seen, along with Kingdom S1 (but not S2 or Ashin). Although can't remember much anymore, I think I liked it better than Train to Busan too. It's also definitely better than #Alive.

Haha, I agree with your hubs @abs-oluteM. The beginning was quite good, but the second half was draggy. Also, where was Andrew shot that he died so quickly? I was expecting Andrew to get back up and an exciting fight to ensue. Yi Hyun was shot a few times and he remains alive and well.


I have to disagree with you @mademoiselle 😂 I wouldn’t classify this drama in the same category as Train to Busan, Kingdom, Alive or even Sweet Home. There were hardly any real zombie scenes. It is also barely even an apocalyptic drama.


This is really a romance. It starts that way and it ends the same, with Sae Bom and Yi Hyun. The zombies are a backdrop and they are really quite fluffy. There is some discussion on human nature. And that’s it. The show’s popular because the leads are well liked.

Edit: One good thing I would say is that I may go back to watch W 2 Worlds. I dropped it earlier because the 2 leads didn’t really appeal - but after seeing Han Hyo Joo here, I would try again.


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1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

Also, where was Andrew shot that he died so quickly?

Andrew was shot through the head. Zombies die too in other films when beheaded or shot through the head. Yi Hyun was shot on arm, leg and side abdomen.

1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

Edit: One good thing I would say is that I may go back to watch W 2 Worlds. I dropped it earlier because the 2 leads didn’t really appeal - but after seeing Han Hyo Joo here, I would try again.

:ChikoWTF: → this is me side-eyeing you.

1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

I have to disagree with you @mademoiselle 😂 I wouldn’t classify this drama in the same category as Train to Busan, Kingdom, Alive or even Sweet Home. There were hardly any real zombie scenes. It is also barely even an apocalyptic drama.

I disagree with your disagree :laugh:hahahaha. I am happy with less zombies since humans are the true monsters without being zombified. The zombies' screen time is decent... it isn't like they do anything else but chase after you and bite you. :idk: But agree that there isn't enough thrills to call this a thriller drama.

1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

This is really a romance. It starts that way and it ends the same, with Sae Bom and Yi Hyun. The zombies are a backdrop and they are really quite fluffy. There is some discussion on human nature. And that’s it. The show’s popular because the leads are well liked.

It's not fluffy lar. There are barely much romance in here. Leaving so much to desire actually.

Edited by mademoiselle
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I am not exactly satisfied with the ending. I feel like many questions were left unanswered, especially about the antibodies and the cure. What made SaeBom and the writer's brother develop the antibodies?

I was not happy that SaeBom gave the cure to SY's mom. That was a huge gamble and Hyun could have died. It was a stroke of luck that the writer's brother developed antibodies.


I guess since he was bitten, he did display some zompire effects like being thirsty and smelling if the blood is infected or not while SB had no effect since she only got like 2 tiny scratches. 


I wish we had more romantic scenes between SaeHyun but since this show was not a romance, I am OK with what we got.*trying to convince myself LOL* Still I am a greedy fan so I wouldn't have said no to a wedding or post wedding scene.:laugh: Or even the scene where Hyun got his cure. I also would have LOVED a normal kiss. We got 2 tiny ones but Hyun was infected then.:laugh:

BTW I have been wondering about what Hyun and SaeBom meant with this? 



Was Hyun disappointed she chose SOU? What does SB mean with "I had no idea."? 


My interpretation is that Hyun would have followed any career option she chose but she picked SOU which I guess he couldn't follow with his injured knee so he chose the violent crime division in the police instead since both the departments working together had a chance?

Overall it was a good show. I always prefer a show that leaves you wanting instead of a show where the fans go "God! Enough! Just end already!":lol: *cough*PenthouseRidiculousPenthouse*cough*

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7 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

:lol: I thought you were already spoiled for the ending due to the leaks???


Hahaha, no! Did no one read my posts??? :shocked: I said I disapprove of leaks and would never watch them! :laugh:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

We have a kiss @Dhakra! Actually I already knew this before episode 11 because the finale was leaked. It was hard to keep quiet about it but I did it! My only gripe is why can't Show gives us ANOTHER kiss after Hyun is healed? :pandasad:


Oh, so sad for you to get spoiled by this. But I was happy with the two little kisses we had. They weren't the best ones, but at least we got them. 

Don't forget to add SB small confession she did with the walke-talkie when walking towards the apartment. Ep 12 was all about her love for YH.


I'M just wondering if her antibodies were used to heal him. So she would be his lifesaver again. 


8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@abs-oluteM I think the finale could have been a bit better. It fell short in few aspects,


I think this is the price the drama had to pay for only having 12 episodes. Some things weren't able to be wrapped up properly due to the small amount of episodes left. 

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4 hours ago, YourHighness said:

I was not happy that SaeBom gave the cure to SY's mom. That was a huge gamble and Hyun could have died. It was a stroke of luck that the writer's brother developed antibodies.


I think she felt that Yi Hyun had her and thus would be safe. He had managed to control turning. It is only when he was incited that he lost control. That's also the reason he sent 301 son back to his family although he was infected - they are safest with family.


Finally a reason for the title 😂



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1 hour ago, JenL said:

Hahaha, no! Did no one read my posts???  I said I disapprove of leaks and would never watch them!

I saw you mentioning it so I thought you were already spoiled.

6 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

Oh, so sad for you to get spoiled by this. But I was happy with the two little kisses we had. They weren't the best ones, but at least we got them.

Hahaha it was OK, at least I go in fully knowing Hyun will be fine and not fooled by him passing out after getting shot with Sae Bom crying her eyes out LOL!

8 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

Don't forget to add SB small confession she did with the walke-talkie when walking towards the apartment. Ep 12 was all about her love for YH.

Happiness Couple's Progress:

Episode 1 - Marriage proposal

Episode 2 - Moving in + sleep together in same room

Episode 3 - Glad to see you hug

Episode 4 - Hand holding

Episode 5 - Comfort/thank you hug

Episode 6 - Giving her his jacket (anything else?)

Episode 7 - Feed each other + hand holding

Episode 8 - Rooftop confession + stare + near kiss

Episode 9 - Treating wound/care/feeling forehead + hand holding

Episdeo 10 - Taking care/worries of Yi Hyun?

Episode 11 - Hug + confession by both

Episode 12 - Another confession (SB) + Kisses + Backhug + Hand-holding


Ok, updated.


9 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

I think this is the price the drama had to pay for only having 12 episodes. Some things weren't able to be wrapped up properly due to the small amount of episodes left. 

Bahahahahaha I doubt the others will welcome more episodes when they are already getting tired of the annoying residents 😂

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