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Bossam: Steal the Fate 보쌈 - 운명을 훔치다 [2021]

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Historical References of Bossam Steal the Fate


Back to episode 10, Sookyung finally became the person behind the books that circulated uncontrollably which I was amazed on how her ability to draw + mentioning of Hong Gil Dong was an impressive correlation to history at the same time her participation herself could be the representation of the historical figure Heo Gyun . And even if she was the mastermind of those books--it is Ba Woo who is publicly tried instead. The writer really had been detailed about this , since during that time no way a woman (considering the caste system during Joseon ) specially a princess will do such a thing.





What is more interesting on this historical references is when Sookyung mentioned about Hong Gil Dong, which became a popular literary figure from King Seonjo to King Gwanghae's reign. Said publication is written by a renowned scholar Heo Gyun, which circled his political connections with King Gwanghae and Yi Cheom. Heo Gyun, was also tried for treason, something that also plotted by Yi Cheom eventually.



 Also when Bawoo stole the letter to the eunuch of Ming, was a brilliant story line development. Even if the letter did not consist of the request of King Gwanghae, his goal to make up with the Queen did not materialize thanks to the greedy Yi Cheom who is instigating another treason.


This is because if we refer this part of the story to historical events, the restoration of the Queen Dowager Inmok after she was deposed did not happen during King Gwanghae's reign. While in the story King Gwanghae attempted to reclaim her position, it was until the reign of his nephew King Injo that the Queen's confinement ended and later on honored as Grand Queen Dowager Inmok. *(source)


There was a scene when the Yi Cheom's son, Won Hyeop trading with the merchants from Ming.  Apart from the letter, boxes of silver were also given to them. During this timeline, around 1621-1655:



Philip IV of Spain (r. 1621–1665) began cracking down on illegal smuggling of silver from New Spain and Peru across the Pacific through the Philippines towards China, in favor of shipping American-mined silver through Spanish ports. In 1639 the new Tokugawa regime of Japan shut down most of its foreign trade with European powers, cutting off another source of silver coming into China. These events occurring at roughly the same time caused a dramatic spike in the value of silver and made paying taxes nearly impossible for most provinces. People began hoarding precious silver as there was progressively less of it, forcing the ratio of the value of copper to silver into a steep decline. In the 1630s a string of one thousand copper coins equaled an ounce of silver; by 1640 that sum could fetch half an ounce; and, by 1643 only one-third of an ounce.For peasants this meant economic disaster, since they paid taxes in silver while conducting local trade and crop sales in copper. Recent historians have debated the validity of the theory that silver shortages caused the downfall of the Ming dynasty.[wiki]


I am now curious on how the writer will fuse the story of Kim Jenam's family knowing that there are only few accounts related to them, being only a part of the royal family of Queen Inmok.







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Let me share some of the important dialogues now that subs is out for me.


At the beginning, BW was questioned by Kim Ja Jeom (the astrologer from Western faction. I got his name wrong previously as KJB) if it was true that he was hired by the dead bookstore owner to draw. He confessed to everything. He was also asked about the log book, whether it's true. BW said yes it's the correct one but there's one more book. WY denied it saying that he's questioned the owner and that's the only one. KJJ brought out another book and read out the names. King inspected it. Later on, as Lee walked out, another minister told him that people are gathered for a meeting. He said he'll be there soon.


The rest in spoiler because it's a bit long.



~ BW brought to the King. King asked him is he not upset with him. Does he know why he was brought there. BW replied that he must be of a use to the King, that he could be used as King's sword, just that he's not a sharpened sword yet. King asked about him and princess, then King told him if he wants to be sharpened, pass the selection test and be in his service.

~ The suicide was someone from the Left State Council. He left a will confessing to everything. Lee made him the scapegoat to bear all the crimes.

~ King used the fact that name of Lee's wife in the book to pressure him into agreeing that they needed to appease the Western faction, something big, like restoring one of the families, ie. BW's family.

~ King lowered the grade of WY by one level due to his mistake in dealing with the banned book issue, then reinstated BW's family name.

~ BW released with KJJ inviting him to meet with the Western leaders to celebrate his coming back. BW rejected saying that it's too overwhelming for him, that the day before he does't belong anywhere and suddenly everyone's welcoming him. He wants to see his family first. In his mind, he remembered what DY told him, that KJJ is the one who told Lee about BW's real identity.

~ King and DY. The words King wrote means getting the trust of the people. King asked DY to prove his allegiance to him and princess by passing the selection test and be his shield and sword. He also asked DY to report his father's every single move to him.

~ BW and SK at the beach. She said that now that his status is reinstated, she should watch the way she speaks to him. BW said just keep the same way. SK said there are customs and rules about speech. BW said he is not clear about those stuff. Besides, it will feel like they're strangers, he dislikes that very much. SK said the days that they can see each other face to face and talk is numbered anyway. Right then, he pulled her into a hug.

~ BW asked for SK's name. Her name translates literally as water mirror. SK asked why asking her birth name? He said, he doesn't want to remember her as princess. He apologised that he's the only one walking into the light by himself (reinstated) but he won't let her remain in the dark for too long. He thanked her for her help. She said it's nothing compared to how many times he's saved her. She is against him taking time to leave because the Left State Council people will have their eyes on him, so it's better to move into action asap. Don't worry about her if that's what holding him back. She's prepared herself to let go of everything when she heard his family's name is reinstated.

~ BW handed the letter to DY, saying that the letter that is written to kill people, should be able to save someone's life too, ie. DY's

~ King and SK's meeting. I think better wait for subs here. Quite a lot is said to reveal the state of their relationship. Basically King explained that as leader of the nation, he has to do what he could to keep the nation whole. He isn't asking for her understanding and forgiveness. Then they talked about her name SK which means water mirror, because when she was born, her fire element is very strong, so King gave this name hoping that it will balance out. Since young, SK is full of passion and like boys, she prefers archery and horseback riding. Flashback showed that she asked to be included in hunting activities. So they practiced the horseback riding. King promised her that he will protect her and not let her be harmed again.

~ BW went to look for SK. She told him that King will assign some men to guard the place where they live in. If BW didn't like that, she could reject the offer. That's when BW realised that SK could go with him. 

~ Aunt and Lee. She didn't say that DY is her child. Only saying "that child"... it's still not clear what's the big secret of DY. But basically Aunt knows and if she speaks, it's gonna be doom for the family.

~ After meeting with BW's mother, BW told CB and Jo that he doesn't want to hire helpers from outside, for fear of spies being planted. So he asked CB and Jo to please help out with domestic affairs instead. True enough, later on, Lee and WY trying to sneak people into the house but disappointed that they're not hiring. Lee suspects something must be going on inside the house, ie. princess being there.


Have to stop here. Will continue after lunch with my thoughts about BW's mother and sister. 

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3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

any chance the site you use has translated the preview ? 

Preview translation ~

King ordering Lee: Get the Ministry of Law Enforcement to question the criminal. Investigate properly if there's anyone behind who give instruction (I think with regards to the shooting)

Lee: Should we get the Crown Prince to administer the affairs of the state in place of ...(no subject mentioned)...? (I am not sure about this part)

Jo: The Left State Council? Are you going there by yourself?

SK: It must be coming through the smuggling boat.

BW: Why is that person coming out from there?

KJJ: To bring down Lee, there's no better tool than Princess Hwa In.

SK: Just like you have protected me, I will do anything in order to protect you.

Lee to BW: Don't think that the King will always protect you.

SK to BW: Be careful of my father.

CB to BW: Trouble, trouble... that guy is here.


ETA: I translated from within the episode which is the short version. The one you posted is the long version, so some dialogue is missing @abs-oluteM

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Regarding BW's mother and sister... I have to admit that I'm not liking the two of them for now. It seems that they're going to be a liability for him later on. I mean, for people who've gone through what they went through, I was very surprised that they're still regarding positions and status highly. The sister also appears to be quite immature and spoiled. I just cannot believe they're so prejudiced against SK. Urgh.


Below is the translations of their scenes. Please note that my translations could be off. I'm taking from two versions, some even translated quite harshly. 


After BW and SK greeted Mother.


Mother: How did you and the child's father meet? (not indicating that she knows Cha Dol is not SK's child, just the customary way of addressing someone using a child)

BW: I already told you that we just met by chance.

Mother: How old are you? Where's your hometown? Are both of your parents alive and well? What about your family background?

BW: Why do you have so many things you're curious about? You can take your time to find out.

Mother: These are the usual questions when we have a new member coming into the family. You just stay out of this.

SK: I was born in (states the year) in Han Yang, with ancestry from Jeon Ju. I have no one to rely on since young, so I have no idea what my family background is like, Mother.

Mother: It must've been hard on you having no one to rely on since young.

SK: It's really nothing. Nothing compared to the hardships you and SIL gone through.

Mother: Let's not talk about that right now. You must have heard that our family is not a normal regular family. Since you're now the DIL of the family, please be careful of your words and actions from now on. Understand?

SK: Yes, I will remember your words and not bring any trouble to the family.


At night, in their room.


Sis: Aaa, I thought I would never had the chance of using quilt and pillow set in my life. It still feels like a dream. Mother, can I have another wedding ceremony? Let me hold another one. I want to wear the pearl crown, lipstick and powder, at a proper wedding hall. (this girl, is she even thinking about her husband's background at all?? How would he have felt?)

Mother: Just by her looks, it's obvious she is descendant of a noble family.

Sis: Who? SIL? Indeed... Maybe before coming here, Brother already specially taught her. She did a good job imitating the way of a yangban.

Mother: Even so, a cat cannot become a dog (meaning a person is not easily changed)

Sis: Indeed, we are in tune as mother and daughter. Actually, I also feel that she is not the same person outwardly and inwardly. Not likeable. (I think she means insincere or pretentious. Still she expressed a dislike)


Cut of BW and SK in their room. SK wanted to bid goodnight to Mother, but BW said no need, enough for today because they just met. SK still encouraged him to go.


Mother: How can I not worry? Like you said, when your brother is living in .... the people he met must've come from lower class as well. (because BW been living as lower class people)

Sis: Still, we can only accept it and live with it now. Cha Dol is already that big. What else can we do now that things have happened?

Mother: That's exactly why I'm so distressed, because of Cha Dol's sake.

Sis: What's wrong with Cha Dol? His mother's low class background will not be written on his face.

Mother: Don't you know that if the mother is of lower class, the child will never be able to take up an official post?

SIL: Ah, that's true. Cha Dol will never be an official.

Mother: Think about what kind of family we are. We cannot have someone low to carry on the family line. This is something that absolutely cannot happen.

SIL: Then Brother can just take another wife. 

BW barged in and yelled: Don't even dream about it! Who allow you to make me get another wife?

Mother: Who are you yelling at? Even if you've been living with people from lower class. (meaning he should still be respectful)

BW: Don't ever say such thing. No one is willing to be born in a poor family. Including the three of us, do you think it was our choice to be in a poor lower class that we become like that?

Sis: That's not it, but if SIL is from a low class family, Cha Dol status is then also of a low class.

BW: Be careful of your words. Cha Dol could hear it.

Mother: Son...

BW: Mother, don't ever think/dream about me getting another wife! (got up and left)

Sis: SIL must be such a beauty in his eyes (another version: SIL is really something). No matter how smitten he is, he should've known the limit. How could he raise his voice at Mother on the first day we meet?


Now tell me what you think...

Edited by ktcjdrama
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53 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Regarding BW's mother and sister... I have to admit that I'm not liking the two of them for now. It seems that they're going to be a liability for him later on. I mean, for people who've gone through what they went through, I was very surprised that they're still regarding positions and status highly. The sister also appears to be quite immature and spoiled. I just cannot believe they're so prejudiced against SK. Urgh.


Below is the translations of their scenes. Please note that my translations could be off. I'm taking from two versions, some even translated quite harshly. 


After BW and SK greeted Mother.

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Mother: How did you and the child's father meet? (not indicating that she knows Cha Dol is not SK's child, just the customary way of addressing someone using a child)

BW: I already told you that we just met by chance.

Mother: How old are you? Where's your hometown? Are both of your parents alive and well? What about your family background?

BW: Why do you have so many things you're curious about? You can take your time to find out.

Mother: These are the usual questions when we have a new member coming into the family. You just stay out of this.

SK: I was born in (states the year) in Han Yang, with ancestry from Jeon Ju. I have no one to rely on since young, so I have no idea what my family background is like, Mother.

Mother: It must've been hard on you having no one to rely on since young.

SK: It's really nothing. Nothing compared to the hardships you and SIL gone through.

Mother: Let's not talk about that right now. You must have heard that our family is not a normal regular family. Since you're now the DIL of the family, please be careful of your words and actions from now on. Understand?

SK: Yes, I will remember your words and not bring any trouble to the family.


At night, in their room.

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Sis: Aaa, I thought I would never had the chance of using quilt and pillow set in my life. It still feels like a dream. Mother, can I have another wedding ceremony? Let me hold another one. I want to wear the pearl crown, lipstick and powder, at a proper wedding hall. (this girl, is she even thinking about her husband's background at all?? How would he have felt?)

Mother: Just by her looks, it's obvious she is descendant of a noble family.

Sis: Who? SIL? Indeed... Maybe before coming here, Brother already specially taught her. She did a good job imitating the way of a yangban.

Mother: Even so, a cat cannot become a dog (meaning a person is not easily changed)

Sis: Indeed, we are in tune as mother and daughter. Actually, I also feel that she is not the same person outwardly and inwardly. Not likeable. (I think she means insincere or pretentious. Still she expressed a dislike)


Cut of BW and SK in their room. SK wanted to bid goodnight to Mother, but BW said no need, enough for today because they just met. SK still encouraged him to go.


Mother: How can I not worry? Like you said, when your brother is living in .... the people he met must've come from lower class as well. (because BW been living as lower class people)

Sis: Still, we can only accept it and live with it now. Cha Dol is already that big. What else can we do now that things have happened?

Mother: That's exactly why I'm so distressed, because of Cha Dol's sake.

Sis: What's wrong with Cha Dol? His mother's low class background will not be written on his face.

Mother: Don't you know that if the mother is of lower class, the child will never be able to take up an official post?

SIL: Ah, that's true. Cha Dol will never be an official.

Mother: Think about what kind of family we are. We cannot have someone low to carry on the family line. This is something that absolutely cannot happen.

SIL: Then Brother can just take another wife. 

BW barged in and yelled: Don't even dream about it! Who allow you to make me get another wife?

Mother: Who are you yelling at? Even if you've been living with people from lower class. (meaning he should still be respectful)

BW: Don't ever say such thing. No one is willing to be born in a poor family. Including the three of us, do you think it was our choice to be in a poor lower class that we become like that?

Sis: That's not it, but if SIL is from a low class family, Cha Dol status is then also of a low class.

BW: Be careful of your words. Cha Dol could hear it.

Mother: Son...

BW: Mother, don't ever think/dream about me getting another wife! (got up and left)

Sis: SIL must be such a beauty in his eyes (another version: SIL is really something). No matter how smitten he is, he should've known the limit. How could he raise his voice at Mother on the first day we meet?


Now tell me what you think...

What the! Gosh I only see that Bawoo's angry not knowing what they talk about. Now that I know. Don't you think this family is no better than SooKyoung's former in laws? People who easily judge others are the worst. Weren't they living a hard life all this time? It's just that they should be more humble and friendly. The only thing they learn during their difficult time is that they should get back to where they are so they won't suffer. Tsk tsk. Poor our SooKyoung.

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Thanks so much @ktcjdrama.   @1217akkum4 I am so annoyed too at mother and sis. Haven't their hard life though them anything? Wonder were they this judgmental with BW's first wife -she left him for someone else , can't be that good of a person either. Oh my god , what if they bring the 1st wife back?



BTS including the crying jail scene


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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29 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Thanks so much @ktcjdrama.   @1217akkum4 I am so annoyed too at mother and sis. Haven't their hard life though them anything? Wonder were they this judgmental with BW's first wife -she left him for someone else , can't be that good of a person either. Oh my god , what if they bring the 1st wife back?

*Gasp* It never crossed my mind. And what if they do? Omo! I'm already angry but to think of that possibility is just. Arghhh! It may or may not happen since we still have 8 eps to go. However I doubt that the wife will gladly return knowing the in laws and it's she, the one who left. But again those who left ( in kdramas) usually the ones who want to come back. *Sigh


Anyway what do you mean his first wife? Keke... She's practically his only wife as SooKyoung is not yet to be his wife😁

Edited by 1217akkum4
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12 minutes ago, 1217akkum4 said:

Anyway what do you mean his first wife? Keke... She's practically his only wife as SooKyoung is not yet to be his wife😁

ahahaha you're right. Sub-consciously  I am already treating SK as his wife.


Yuri getting a lot of praises by the domestic press for her portrayal as SK


Kwon's colorful acting in 'Bossam - Stealing Destiny' is heating up the small screen.


In the MBN special drama 'Bossam - Stealing Destiny' (writer : Kim Ji-soo Park Chul, director Kwon Seok-jang), Kwon is getting a hot response by taking on the role of 'Soo-kyung', the Princess Hwa In , for the first time in a historical drama.


In the last broadcast, Soo-kyung was on the verge of breaking up with Bau (Jung Il-woo), whose identity was reinstated, but under the name of her father Gwang-hae-gun (Kim Tae-woo), the story of how she lived with Nae Geum-wi again drew attention.

In particular, Soo-kyung is a princess who has been interested in martial arts since childhood and has excellent archery skills, so she carefully teaches Bau the art of archery, who is preparing a special martial arts performance. Also, in the process, Soo-kyung reunited with Gwanghae-gun and looked at him with resentful eyes, and while he said that he would protect his daughter as a father, he could not bear the pain and wept and shed tears, making the viewers' hearts pounding.


Kwon Yu-ri, who plays the role of 'Soo-kyung', perfectly digests various aspects of the character, from the pitiful fate that comes with having  no choice but to hide her identity to the spirit of the princess, and is acclaimed as 'the rediscovery of Kwon Yu-ri'.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I'm also surprised by her acting. I like her as an idol but as an actress, I don't quite like it. Now it changes. Maybe Bossam is destined for Yuri. This role does give her a chance to show her good quality in acting. Her visual really suits SooKyoung. I'm glad she chose this drama. Also, she keeps asking for advices from her seniors and directors to improve her skill. I still remember when she took part in Defendant. She said that she even came to JiSung's house to practice. Finally her hard work has paid off.

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Thank you once again @ktcjdrama for highlighting these convos.


Imagine the shock on mother and daughter 's faces once they learned that Sookyung is the PRINCESS !

With the initial reaction of these two, I am not quite surprised. Being a family from the lower class of the society during that time posts stigma of being illiterate , no public recognition and just mere commoner. 


With the mother, I think now that they have recognized as Kim Jenam/ Queen Inmok descendants, that gave them the opportunity to 'seize' while they are on it. However, Mother should have known better. Her children suffered the most because they witness all the horrible events at very young age. Oh well.


Sookyung is right, the King will never be trusted because she alone had witnessed how her own father betrayed her own daughter in order to save his crown. 


Apart from the first wife dilemma, i hope the first son of Yi Cheom will not come back from the grave. That is too much for our dear Mildang couple to handle . 


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3 minutes ago, bluepebbles said:

Apart from the first wife dilemma, i hope the first son of Yi Cheom will not come back from the grave. That is too much for our dear Mildang couple to handle . 

What's with all the talk about exes? Hahaha I'm depressed. Well at least SooKyoung and her husband didn't love each other, plus they didn't have children. Why can't everyone leave them alone to their happy life. We finally get some sweet moments after 12 eps so it's just too much.


Anyway mildang couple have upgraded their appearances. They look more gorgeous after the reinstatement.😍

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:laugh: I was laughing at the talk about the ex-es too... I never thought about them coming back into their life. But I guess it is possible considering we still have 8 episodes, especially the birth mother of Cha Dol. She is a materialistic one since she left BW for a better man. Please no ex-es... we have enough problems as it is that's preventing our OTP to have a peaceful life. One stubborn DY is enough.


1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Wonder were they this judgmental with BW's first wife -

Don't think they know that BW has gotten married? Because sis was surprised to see Cha Dol. Anyway, BW's first marriage may not be registered anyway, since the wife could leave freely with another man. 


56 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Yuri getting a lot of praises by the domestic press for her portrayal as SK

She is so good in saguek. I love her! I really like the way she speaks and carries herself. She needs to do more saguek in the future.

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1 hour ago, 1217akkum4 said:



Anyway mildang couple have upgraded their appearances. They look more gorgeous after the reinstatement.😍

wonderful edits by silvertree


Initially I got curious on the first still cut of Ilwoo when he has this scruffy look in the beginning. It looks different from what I used to see from him in his previous sageuks. But man he looks good with the mustache *coughs* @SilverMoonTea.


He looks divine here





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On 6/7/2021 at 9:11 PM, bluepebbles said:

But man he looks good with the mustache *coughs* @SilverMoonTea.

I admitted in ep 1, I can't wait for him to shave clean his mustache lols. But as the eps goes, I love BaWoo as he is. Tbh I kind of miss his rufian & haggard look, now that he's already cleaned up 😅 


Btw, we all talk in Twitter, about what kind of kiss that we want, I was asking for passionate kiss lols. But not sure if I even can handle that? Haha... Even their hand holding send me nuts already. Maybe I should just go for *Chadol* rate 🤣 @abs-oluteM


I think ex wifey will make appearance @1217akkum4. Perhaps seeing the upgraded BaWoo now, she want him back? I think she will use Chadol as bargaining point too?  As in Lets Eat & Go, they do asked will the ex wife make a return? So I think she will. 


I actually still think Gwanghae King won't be that bad? The real figure in history do have achievement with restoring palace into its glory. And he will comply to Manchu, as their military not strong yet to go against them. It's just during his reign, too many coup d etat happening. The east & west wings, both will rebel against him. <Result of sitting watched 50 eps of Hwajung -->Seo Kang Joon, was on it 😆, Gwanghae King was played by Cha Seung Won>



@Ameera@Thong Thin do u watch this? 


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11 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Btw, we all talk in Twitter, about what kind of kiss that we want, I was asking for passionate kiss lols. But not sure if I even can handle that? Haha... Even their hand holding send me nuts already. Maybe I should just go for *Chadol* rate 🤣

Ah.... That poll. I also participated. I want a peck or angsty one but now that they're being lovey dovey I guess a passionate one will do. Haha

14 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

I think ex wifey will make appearance @1217akkum4. Perhaps seeing the upgraded BaWoo now, she want him back? I think she will use Chadol as bargaining point too?  

Do you think so @SilverMoonTea? Hmm SooKyoung's life in the fake in laws seems hard already. Can't imagine such problem occurs. Though it's maybe cute to see jealous SooKyoung. Keke.. it could be first wife or new wife according to Bawoo's mom. I'll believe in Chadol. He has fallen for our princess at the first sight so to choose a mother who left him will be difficult though of course she's still his biological mom.

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29 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:


I actually still think Gwanghae King won't be that bad? The real figure in history do have achievement with restoring palace into its glory. And he will comply to Manchu, as their military not strong yet to go against them. It's just during his reign, too many coup d etat happening. The east & west wings, both will rebel against him. <Result of sitting watching Hwajung -->Seo Kang Joon, was on it 😆, Gwanghae King was played by Cha Seung Won>

Wow, you actually paid attention to the palace politics? I never bothered. Never like History in school anyway 😂 I know I would do better in Law School. Even going into museum, I would just look at the art and don’t really bother reading the description unless the piece really intrigued me. 

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Finally had time to read the translations by @ktcjdrama of the dialogue between the mother and daughter and wow...how can they think of things in this way after all that they've been through?! Did they forget that they lived as commoners for many years?! I knew when the sister took a bite of the rice ball that she was going to be nothing but bad news. :niu:


All of these talks about exs coming back and dead people coming back alive....I hope Bossam writer(s) do not take any inspiration from Penthouse. I don't think I can handle another ex, Dae Yeop is enough. But I would not be surprised if they do bring back Cha Dol's mother. Now that Ba Woo's status has been reinstated, she might be running back to him. :jiminbtssigh:


Glad to see Yuri getting praises for her acting! She definitely deserves it, she's been sensational as Princess Sookyung! For Jung Il Woo, my favorite drama of his is The Return of Iljimae. Look at how young he was! 








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