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The Bloom at Ruyi Pavilion 如意芳霏 [2020]

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10 minutes ago, SnT said:

hope this is about the theme of u can change ur destiny if u hv the will. But i read some comment. The story book was saying she had a second chance to live her life (so those are her prev lifes) but the drama makes it into premonition dreams of predictions. So we r alk confused. One thing for sure after LoY. No 0ne wants a open ending or sad emding for this two. The scriptwriter n director better take note haha.... Serious warming here. 😉😉😜😜

Oh Gosh , the writer better not give us that ending for YunXi . Lol! She should know better. I was so annoyed- it didn’t make sense . But is it true they cut this show (Ruyi) from 48 to 40 episodes? 

I am not so fond of the arc that those were her previous lives for some reason. It would be better like you said about how one doesn’t have to be subjects to one’s  fate . Plus I do think the writer has an interesting message / theme going on here . The folks then believed that the solar eclipse was a bad omen. The common folk didn’t understand it then that it was just an eclipse. Whatever bad thing that happened in Jichang city wasn’t punishment by the heavens but it was the doing of Ahn. So I think the point the writer is going for is that everything that happens is a consequence of human actions not something mystical decided by the deities 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteMyes totally agree with u. Yes good point about human actions. In life the action taken is the matter. Heavens can only show u the possibilities. If the premonition in her dreams are unchangeable, we all can stop watching d. Cause its already lousy ending. But i still hv hope. The shoes are gone d, burnt by princess bratty. She is not going to marry him in that pair of shoes right. 


An wan / xp i really start to dislike him a lot. Zero sympathy. He is a liar n he says he loves FR but in all the dangers, he never spontaneously go to her sides unlike XJ. He always stopped n considered what is the best to help her yet revenge him.. Actually I look at it as he lost her because he hang on too tightly to his so called wrong things ppl done to him. If had let go, n put his heart to go after her, he has more time n opportunity to get her. He is after all a relaxed n rich prince, less contention to the throne. More freedom n he he has a strong history w her. Unlike XJ who is a throne contender n need to face so many enemies, problems n he has a job too as a bureau head. FR doesnt even like him to start n thinks he jinxed her. What a bad start to chasing after a gal. In the end, i guess the intention (good or bad) seals the deal. XJ can throw everything else out whenever FR is involved.


Btw anyone knows why is FR made secondary consort in this 'life'. Because he is obviously in love w her n not married to start or hv a primary consort. In dreams he is already married n she is his secondary consort. A bit weird.


N who is the one that says 'if u feel sad when she is unhappy, u feel joy when she is happy, then u know u hv given your heart away.' he was recalling a womam voice saying that on the rooftop when he knew she was sad about the bracelet. Very weird. Bad editing?!! 

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Okay... I'm back... I'll give you the exact wording as best as I can... @abs-oluteM I'll put it under spoiler tags.




0:02 Receive the imperial edict

0:04 Within the emperor's royal decree


0:08 I am already a dead person

0:10 How can a dead person receive an edict?

0:12 Be that as it may

0:16 Your highness, prepare for your journey (to the afterlife)

0:21 Impudent!

0:22 What are you doing?

0:24 My Lady, my Lady

0:25 Xu Jin, you get up! Don't be like this! (My lady!) Tell them!

0:27 From the moment I entered the mansion until now you have deceived me

0:30 A married couple deeply in love? What deep love?

0:37 Not sharing the same quilt (We won't be husband and wife for life) Why do we have to die in the same pit?

0:40 What are you all doing? 

0:42 Xu Jin! I hate you! In every life time to come I refuse to have anything to do with you. Let go! Get up!

0:48 Take her away!

0:49 Let me go! My lady!

0:50 Let me out of here... (3x)



It's a crazy tradition apparently that wives have to be buried alive alongside their husbands when they go first. But if you ask me, there's much more than meets the eye. As I've said previously, we need to take these dream moments with a large pinch of salt. We don't really know the full picture. Xu Jin might not be dead. He might be trying to pull off some kind of fake death scheme without her knowledge. Remember, that all we see is a coffin and not a corpse. Even if we see a corpse, I've seen enough C dramas to know that death can be easily faked. 


I personally don't feel that these dream sequences make or break the show for me. They may or may not be pointing to a real future or a possible future. It's like what @SnT says, it's possible in this universe that the future can be changed and these are just warnings. On the other hand, we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle (and that's all they are at the moment) so we don't know the circumstances surrounding these events or will lead to these events. 


Despite a sense of foreboding looming in the air I tend to think that the show is gong for a happy ending. Why? Because this is a relationship that Xu Jin really wants. He knows that he likes her and he's relatively free to do so. He trusts her completely. He doesn't have some deep dark life and death secret he's keeping from her. Or some big plan he's hatching to take down some seriously bad guy. At worst he gets demoted and be sent to the border. He's not particularly ambitious. For him the stakes aren't as high. In Yunxi, LFY was forced to marry YX then he fell in love with her despite his initial mistrust of her,  in spite of his mission, his misgivings about his ability to survive the zombie poison. Here XJ falls in love with FR  first and chooses to be with her even when it puts him at odds with the status quo. He doesn't have some big plan to overthrow the present regime but his role here is to flush out or keep the bad guys in check. While XJ has responsibilities, he doesn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders like LFY does. The emperor, his father, is a decent enough ruler who is doing his best trying to juggle the realities of being a sovereign with the politics of his royal court. But I still think he uses his sons to maintain some balance of power in his administration probably aware that the third prince, Xu Mao or his mother are not wholly reliable.


The show is doing what appears to be a complete reversal of the relationship dynamics in LoYX. In YX, FY saw himself dying young and without intervention he would have. He was some who made preparations for the future... a future he thought he would never be a part of. But he survived due to the sacrifice of the woman he loved. She has a magic bracelet which could have helped her come back from the dead although that's never properly explained. In effect she may or may not have "faked" her death. Who's to say that's not in operation here on some level?


We're dealing with a completely different person living under a completely different set of circumstances. The show assures us of that partly in how XJ is written but also in ZZH's performance. 


However it's true that they are also being targeted by all kinds of people by nature of their association with others. 


I have to say though that I'm not really that disappointed that Xu Ping is such a totally ridiculous character but it is not an accident that he has the same kind of mummy issues that Merxat's character in LoYX did. Ultimately he did everything he did so he could give his mother a proper send-off. But for some reason... perhaps his schemes don't involve large swathes of commoners... he wasn't that disliked. In fact some even had SLS. Not me of course. :smug:


I suppose we're meant to see the corruption of Xu Ping through his schemes. I was really struck by how despicably low he had sunk when he went to visit Fu Rong at the detention cell. He took credit for things done by Xu Jin and said nothing to disabuse her of that opinion. Notice too how he woke her up to make sure she knew he was there when it was obvious that sleep was what she needed. On the surface it's not a big deal and I'm sure Xu Jin doesn't care but it speaks volumes about Xu Ping's deceitful character and where he's at present. Unless he does an about face down the track, I don't want him near any woman much less FR. But what also hit me was how eager he was to get a hold of Ruyi Pavilion's seal. The irony is that I have no doubt that the bracelet is the seal and FR is the intended successor. Heh. 


Maybe he does love Fu Rong but in his current state of mind he's going to drag her into his machinations sooner or later. My view is that he is too absorbed about a dead woman to be wholly dedicated to a living one. His priorities aren't with FR whatever his feelings are. And people are ultimately led by their priorities not their likes.


In contrast Wu Baiqi and Xu Jin have been pretty swoony of late. Obviously I loved the fan confession scene... this is one of those times I love the Chinese language for the sheer poetry of being compress so much in so little. It's such a beautiful scene and Xu Jin looks so earnest as he declares that just as there's only one fan, he has only one heart. It's a declaration of single-minded love. There's a nice balance of humour and sweetness emanating from the two of them. The "elopement" scene was funny too. It reminded me of a similar situation in Heavenly Sword and Dragon-slaying Sabre (2009). Hahaha... hint hint... they looked like lovers on the run more than siblings. 

Two cuties...



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"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@40somethingahjummai love ur insight on XJ n LFY characters. LFY is certainly darker n have more baggage n YX is a drop onto his lap. Whereas FR is XJ choice. He has no baggage to not love FR. Fingers crossed our scriptwriter dont try anything funny here. I think i cant even accept a hanging ending.


I totally agree on how low XP stooped in the cell incident. So dishonest. She asked him... U send all these? N he outright lied. There is a lot of selfishness. When both men knew about FR imprisonment, their reaction cannot be more different. Xj literally gave up everything n mobilise his closest confidantes to save her. 100%. XP wanted to go to her, but stopped mid way n ask his confidante about the ruyi pavillion badge n ask him to look for it. Every move he made is too calculated. A guy like that doesnt deserve anyone. N he is hung over what a 12 yo XJ did as if he plotted the whole accident. I shuddered to think someone being so one track minded. Merxat was at least a good loser. N he truly loved YX. Merxat to be was kinda annoying sometimes but XP is Arrrggghhh ... I dread to think how much angst he will caused.. Unavoidable for the drama but i hope it is not too long n hard to watch. 


The elopement bit... When she called him xiang kung (hubby).. He answered up to niang zi (wifey).. Omg... His look is priceless.. That smile... Like he is totally enjoying it. Both male leads (XJ n WBQ) had such nice look when they looked at their ladies.. Swoon worthy. Its like they r all they could see. 


But i m still kinda annoyed he doesnt remembered kissing her n she saved him from the framing. Arrrggghhh... First kiss n the guy got knock out. Hope he recalled soon hahaha... 


All is good now.... More sweets n northward please. 

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Eps 17 clearly shows that Ahn is not only blinded by revenge , he is conniving & dishonest. I hated it that he took credit for the things that Xu Jin left for FR at the cell. Anyway if anyone still has SLS please be reminded that this man has no qualms endangering other people's lives & robbing them of their livelihoods & homes in order to push his own agenda. That smirk at the end when the King made him in charge of the Imperial Guards made me shudder. I do worry for XuJin as he has so many people against him. Things are only gonna get tougher given that he is now strip of his powers. As it is, I feel it is so unfair that he has always been seen as the black sheep. The only thing that gives me comfort is that he has the support of his two able assistants and Wu Bai Qi 


That prison break scene was somewhat dangerously romantic ? Lol! I love these words that Xu Jin said:

  I have made up my mind.  I will never regret it.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Love it he raise his brows n asked her if her hands are still strong. Then gave the ting guard a big slap woohooo.... Talking about a strong ML who has no qualms standing up for his lady. 


Yes its all out for him. N he even got a big whacking from his emperor dad for the whole prison act. I m 110% behind XJ. No SLS at all haha... But is it me, i find the FR a little bland in this romantic episode. She doesnt give me the feeling she is that into him yet. Or could it be jjy acting? So many days to go before new episodes... Sigh. 

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1 hour ago, SnT said:

But is it me, i find the FR a little bland in this romantic episode. She doesnt give me the feeling she is that into him yet. Or could it be jjy acting?

I can't tell if it is JJY's delivery.  I do agree there's something missing  on rewatching eps 18. On one hand I'd like to think it was because there are a lot of things troubling her - she's on the run for jail breaking , her master whom she loved dearly like her own mother has been murdered etc , so I suppose she may have been in a daze. On the other hand , I have not seen much cues on her part to show that she has fallen for him. The closest was  when they were in the 1st house while on the run when he asked her if she was concern about the female hair on his clothes.  I do see Xu Jin falling in love with her throughout the episodes, and I credit ZZH's acting . I have to say ZZH is doing a darn good job with all his  micro expressions. One good example was when we were shown Xu Jin smiling at Wu Bai Qi when he discovered the latter was attracted to Fu Xuan


For some reason , this couple is always having the most romantic moments in all these dangerous life & death situations. It was a pretty scene , and I do wish they'd have longer moments of sweetness. But with the depth of the plot & the quick pace that it is moving at , I will just have to be content with these sweet scenes





Hmm gals....tell me what is going on here...I dunno when this will be taken down. But this is the preview for eps 19 & 20. I am not liking this development. I bet Ahn fed her these lies about who killed her master.




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteMyes i saw this trailer too. I wonder also. But how on earth did they make it to marry so fast. Ep 19 makes it a crazy far fetch pace when ep 18 just ckear her name. So far no trailer on iqiyi. So wondering on the accuracy of it. Then again with them on the run for few days n few nights, alone with one another n him holding her hands all the way...their rumours rampant in every corner of the city hehe... In those days terms, she will no chance at marriage market haha... Other than  to him. N who dare to touch a prince's prospect. W the prison break incident, her fate is sealed. Oops. My other theory would be she really marry him to get a chance to kill him. Which also is no logic. How did she get q proposal from him? The stabbing happened prob AW plant some poison thoughts to her. But so sad their wedding night has to be that way.


I saw this trailer as well which says ep 19 n 20 on you tube n there is this whole bunch of servants in Prince su manor, kneeling in the garden asking for punishment because FR has gone doing her naughty stuffs in boy's clothing = they havent look after her properly or something thing along that line. She is begging everyone to get up. N XJ addressed her as wangfei (princess consort) n carry her into the manor.  So sweet scenes. I guess they had sort out the misunderstanding bit right? Since stabbing is wedding night n the servants scene show she ia wangfei d meaning it is after wedding. Definitely not dark like the dreams. Haha.... 


I hope she is his primary consort as he address her wangfei. Not chefei (secondary consort). So far ZZH is one of the best wangye (prince) i hv seen. He could portray the elegance n air of royalty very well. N you r spot on about his micro expression, clear n clean n not overdoing . He did so well here. 

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Like how many times did Fu rong even got married. She and Xu Jin had different wedding attires in some clips haha. And was the bride he was carrying and gave to Duke An a different person(fire background) because like after that scene he was opening a coffin(bamboo forrest) and then duke an was watching from afar on the rain. 

On 10/30/2020 at 9:22 PM, abs-oluteM said:

Thanks loads for the BTS explanation @40somethingahjumma

I am glad that I can enjoy both sets of romances. So far I have not skipped any scenes for this drama. [I confess I do that sometimes with some of the c-dramas.} I do like the way the story is being developed - it flows well.


Eps 16 - wasn't surprise with the turn of events given that I had seen the preview. Poor FR - RuYi was not just her mentor but was like her mother. On top of being falsely accused of killing her master ,she's left with wondering what sort of person the latter  was. 


Bed scene BTS :smile:

what is this about? Most searched artist?

I like this new poster


Somebody translate the bts in the bed scene😊

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11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I can't tell if it is JJY's delivery.  I do agree there's something missing  on rewatching eps 18. On one hand I'd like to think it was because there are a lot of things troubling her - she's on the run for jail breaking , her master whom she loved dearly like her own mother has been murdered etc , so I suppose she may have been in a daze. On the other hand , I have not seen much cues on her part to show that she has fallen for him. The closest was  when they were in the 1st house while on the run when he asked her if she was concern about the female hair on his clothes.  I do see Xu Jin falling in love with her throughout the episodes, and I credit ZZH's acting . I have to say ZZH is doing a darn good job with all his  micro expressions. One good example was when we were shown Xu Jin smiling at Wu Bai Qi when he discovered the latter was attracted to Fu Xuan


For some reason , this couple is always having the most romantic moments in all these dangerous life & death situations. It was a pretty scene , and I do wish they'd have longer moments of sweetness. But with the depth of the plot & the quick pace that it is moving at , I will just have to be content with these sweet scenes




Hmm gals....tell me what is going on here...I dunno when this will be taken down. But this is the preview for eps 19 & 20. I am not liking this development. I bet Ahn fed her these lies about who killed her master.

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Ikr... And noticed some clis too. Lile he was holding a bride which he handed over to duke an... And then he waa opening a coffin somewhere in.a bamboo forrest. And then in another clip duke an was watching at them.in same forrest ubder the rain or whtever... Saw some clips pf cui wan in a wedding dress too, maybe she ended up being the primary.consort or whtever?she was about to be killed in some.cliff and furong and a.girl fr ruyi pavillion sort of helped her... And then we see xu jin and furong falling off frm that cloff leaving cui wn behind or whatver

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If there's some kind of significance in having those two scenes together in the preview, it seems to be about trust and the kind of foundations that's needed in every marriage. Of course I can't be certain but I'm not entirely surprised by the early marriage (probably "urged on" by the emperor because of the jail break incident and it's a highly amenable prospect for Xu Jin on so many fronts). Like LoYX they will have to learn to trust each other to get through the storms ahead. But unlike the LoYX she's the one with the trust issues. I also understand why that is... and why she's not as sure about him as he is about her. All the nightmares she's had regarding their married life is making her cautious. The irony has been that every time she's tried to avoid him, they somehow find their way to each other.


The wedding sequence tells me that she doesn't really know or understand the man she's married. I have no doubt that she's been hearing whispers from certain quarters and it's muddied the waters between them. There's a whole range of royal scumbags to choose from I'm sure but I have my No. 1 suspect.


When she said to him, "Tell me what really happened" what I thought was... "Maybe you should have asked him that question before you tried to stab him dear. That would be the logical thing to do." :smug:


I'm also quite certain that the reason why he hasn't told her what transpired between Liu Ruyi and him is because he is trying to protect Fu Rong from the knowledge of what Ruyi Pavilion behind the jewellery business is really about. Perhaps Liu Ruyi exacted a promise from hiim. Perhaps he's doing it out of a natural impulse to shield her from the bad stuff. 


My opinion of why he was really upset in the second clip in the preview is again that she doesn't understand him or why he wanted to marry her. He didn't marry her to whip her into a "wang fei" or a well-behaved consort. He married her because he likes her exactly the way she is -- the mischievous, playful, protective and courageous Fu Rong. She doesn't need to sneak off and dress as a man to enjoy a bit of freedom. He wants her to be free to be who she is. But she's been scolded and disciplined all her life for being herself that it never occurs to her that there might be someone who is willing to accept her as she is.


To me that's the reason why I find Xu Jin and Wu Baiqi swoony of late. They're smart men who know exactly what they want in a life partner and aren't afraid to show it and do things consistent with their loves. They are committed mind, body and soul. They're not stupid, they know what they're in for and they even like the challenge. 


Anyway that's just my 2 cents.


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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

If there's some kind of significance in having those two scenes together in the preview, it seems to be about trust and the kind of foundations that's needed in every marriage. Of course I can't be certain but I'm not entirely surprised by the early marriage (probably "urged on" by the emperor because of the jail break incident and it's a highly amenable prospect for Xu Jin on so many fronts). Like LoYX they will have to learn to trust each other to get through the storms ahead. But unlike the LoYX she's the one with the trust issues. I also understand why that is... and why she's not as sure about him as he is about her. All the nightmares she's had regarding their married life is making her cautious. The irony has been that every time she's tried to avoid him, they somehow find their way to each other.


The wedding sequence tells me that she doesn't really know or understand the man she's married. I have no doubt that she's been hearing whispers from certain quarters and it's muddied the waters between them. There's a whole range of royal scumbags to choose from I'm sure but I have my No. 1 suspect.


When she said to him, "Tell me what really happened" what I thought was... "Maybe you should have asked him that question before you tried to stab him dear. That would be the logical thing to do." :smug:


I'm also quite certain that the reason why he hasn't told her what transpired between Liu Ruyi and him is because he is trying to protect Fu Rong from the knowledge of what Ruyi Pavilion behind the jewellery business is really about. Perhaps Liu Ruyi exacted a promise from hiim. Perhaps he's doing it out of a natural impulse to shield her from the bad stuff. 


My opinion of why he was really upset in the second clip in the preview is again that she doesn't understand him or why he wanted to marry her. He didn't marry her to whip her into a "wang fei" or a well-behaved consort. He married her because he likes her exactly the way she is -- the mischievous, playful, protective and courageous Fu Rong. She doesn't need to sneak off and dress as a man to enjoy a bit of freedom. He wants her to be free to be who she is. But she's been scolded and disciplined all her life for being herself that it never occurs to her that there might be someone who is willing to accept her as she is.


To me that's the reason why I find Xu Jin and Wu Baiqi swoony of late. They're smart men who know exactly what they want in a life partner and aren't afraid to show it and do things consistent with their loves. They are committed mind, body and soul. They're not stupid, they know what they're in for and they even like the challenge. 


Anyway that's just my 2 cents.


I just love how you analyse this💜💜💜

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Hopefully in the coffin scene, it is not he saved her n hand her over an wan n she thought an wan save her. Aikksss... I really really hate that sort of musunderstandings. 


@40somethingahjummaur comments are so true. It is obvious she has a trust issue.. More so than him. Her trusts in ppl seems to be shaken after suspecting her master being up to no good. The dreams dont help either. Besides an wan is her childhood friend. She is 100% off guard about him. I believe when he feeds her with bad thoughts, it is easy to believe on her part. But the logic to doubt XJ is not strong either. He has saved her like countlesss time n if a guy throws away his career (including his princely title) , his reputation (obviously will be branded as a fugitive) n also possibility of his life away and tell u at life n death moment i make my choice, i will not regret, gal, u need to give him a chance to explain before pointing a knife at him. After all that he has done. My heart aches for him. Whereas XJ is a army man. He doesn't easily trusts ppl, n when he does, he does it wholeheartedly like to wbq n his other surbodinates. He know how to give his back to his buddy. The XJ character is written to be a good man.


Can we hv all the misunderstanding sorted ASAP n have the two intelligent ppl working to take down those bad corrupted guys instead of our leads trying to take each other throats. Trust, please. 

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1 hour ago, SnT said:

Hopefully in the coffin scene, it is not he saved her n hand her over an wan n she thought an wan save her. Aikksss... I really really hate that sort of musunderstandings. 


@40somethingahjummaur comments are so true. It is obvious she has a trust issue.. More so than him. Her trusts in ppl seems to be shaken after suspecting her master being up to no good. The dreams dont help either. Besides an wan is her childhood friend. She is 100% off guard about him. I believe when he feeds her with bad thoughts, it is easy to believe on her part. But the logic to doubt XJ is not strong either. He has saved her like countlesss time n if a guy throws away his career (including his princely title) , his reputation (obviously will be branded as a fugitive) n also possibility of his life away and tell u at life n death moment i make my choice, i will not regret, gal, u need to give him a chance to explain before pointing a knife at him. After all that he has done. My heart aches for him. Whereas XJ is a army man. He doesn't easily trusts ppl, n when he does, he does it wholeheartedly like to wbq n his other surbodinates. He know how to give his back to his buddy. The XJ character is written to be a good man.


Can we hv all the misunderstanding sorted ASAP n have the two intelligent ppl working to take down those bad corrupted guys instead of our leads trying to take each other throats. Trust, please. 


You make a good point about Xu PIng being someone she's known as a kid so perhaps she's naively believing that no one can change that much but the reality she hasn't seen him for years to be sure of his motives. And I agree that she really doesn't have solid evidence to say that he killed Liu Ruyi except that doubts can eat at a person and make them do irrational things. What she should do is voice her doubts directly to Xu Jing but like the snake in the Garden of Eden someone is giving her ideas and using her to deal with Xu Jin. Of course it's a stupid thing to do because there is no way she can overpower him. Just as she could never have overpowered Liu Ruyi. But it's all in the gesture. :P


On another related matter...

I can't say why other people watch these kinds of drama but I watch it for the politics and the intrigue as much as for the romance. I sometimes wonder why people watch these sorts dramas if they're afraid of conflict because as far as I'm concerned conflict is a necessary driver of the narrative. But more importantly conflict is a necessary part of how relationships are built and strengthened if there is good will on all sides. Conflict should never be completely avoided. A lot of people raved on about Maiden Holmes because of the chemistry between the leads and how they have a relatively conflict free relationship. But I honestly couldn't stand it after a while because it never rises above the level of a rom com and the male lead behaves like a chaebol heir rather than a prince with life and death threats on the line. It seems to me that when we've got two people with different backgrounds, status and life experiences, there should be problems and misunderstandings. It is normal. And it seems to me that the problems are compounded by the political context that they're in. 


If a story or characters are well written then conflict should be the means by which a couple grow and become stronger. Disagreement is not necessarily a bad thing if it allows both sides to look at things from different perspectives and have a much more balanced way of dealing with things. One of the issues I had with LFY in LoYX was that he took everything upon himself to solve. He believed it was all up to him. He was the one who made all the choices for everyone and had it all planned out. As a military strategist that's good but as a husband and a lover, he needed to learn to see things from YX's point of view. His entire noble idiocy was premised on that. This is what led to the push and pull. But ultimately he couldn't foresee everything and create a full-proof plan because life is unpredictable. Plus YX is as much a self-determining agency as he is. This is why I never had a problem with her self-sacrifice because there is something inherently heroic in that. At least from the way the show was set up from the start someone had to die. It seemed like a zero sum game to me. Besides there were much bigger issues at stake than just the two of them.


In this show Fu Rong is written to be a much more naive, sheltered character. She also has premonitions of the future which have seemingly come to pass. Not always in the way she expects either. Despite her mischievous streak, she's loved by everyone in her circle. Then her world goes from being really small all the way to the emperor's attention. Inadvertently she gets embroiled with Xu Jin and then Xu Ping... because fundamentally she's a good-hearted kid who wants to save everybody. She's on a growing up trajectory learning about who she can trust and that there's a very big bad ugly world out there that don't play by the Marquis Queensbury rules.


Eventually they will become a team of sorts but they will have to go through the usual obstacles because there are external forces that constantly threaten to tear them apart. Moreover there's also her own lack of confidence.



Yeah... JJY wacks too hard on the gong and hurts herself in the arm. ZZH suggests that "mother" sends her to the hospital. Presumably the lady he was messing around with at the start of the video.


ZZH says that he has problems with the script. He needs time to memorize. JJY says she doesn't need more time at all because her memory is good. (I think the subtitle means that she has inherited outstanding genes)

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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31 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yeah... JJY wacks too hard on the gong and hurts herself in the arm. ZZH suggests that "mother" sends her to the hospital. Presumably the lady he was messing around with at the start of the video.


some how....i think ZZH is calling himself JJY mother lols....


cause when they were joking about the good genes, he meant his genes hahahaha


19 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

It's a crazy tradition apparently that wives have to be buried alive alongside their husbands when they go first. But if you ask me, there's much more than meets the eye. As I've said previously, we need to take these dream moments with a large pinch of salt. We don't really know the full picture. Xu Jin might not be dead. He might be trying to pull off some kind of fake death scheme without her knowledge. Remember, that all we see is a coffin and not a corpse. Even if we see a corpse, I've seen enough C dramas to know that death can be easily faked. 


hahaha u mean how the always ended up having the male / female lead being reborn again? hahaha


anyway i always wonder if the female need to be buried with the husband when the hubby past away....then wat about if the girl ended saying bye bye first....why they never buried the man with the girl instead?

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@40somethingahjummacant agree more that FR is sheltered, well loved. She has master, family esp her sister n mother who kinda spoilt her n get her out of trouble (that kind of make her very daring cause there is always a backup of some sort) and now XJ. So it can be difficult for her discern between truth n lies.


Your analysis is very logical. Really like. 

I really hope their relationship can grow stronger n stronger w each trials. I totally agree  problems will drive the drama, makes it more interesting n w highs n lows, otherwise it is flat. What i dislike most is one misunderstanding plot that drags for 10 episode, esp when it is like one word or one sentence or one question to ask n it can be resolved. Another one is men noble idea to protect their women n refuses to tell them amything, then drag it for 8 to 10 eps, like LOY even more.


I remembered in yunxi he keep sending her away from ep 29 or 30 till the end ep 44 or 45.  I mean yes situation is dangerous, n u will die, shouldnt u keep her around n not let other use her to get to u n while being noble, no need to be cruel n try to hurt not each other. Instead try to spend quality time w each other to create more memories to be treasured. At least to me that is more logical. As long as disagreement n misunderstanding are logical i can accept. 

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LOL @NiteWalker You could be right about ZZH calling himself "mother". Makes sense.


38 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:



hahaha u mean how the always ended up having the male / female lead being reborn again? hahaha


anyway i always wonder if the female need to be buried with the husband when the hubby past away....then wat about if the girl ended saying bye bye first....why they never buried the man with the girl instead?


I think it's just one of those patriarchal-patrimonial traditions. The Hindus on the sub-continent used to burn their widows to accompany their husbands to the afterlife. (Sati) When the British occupied the country they put a kibosh to that tradition.


It's egregious male chauvinism. But I'm sure you knew that.  :GengarCool: Like how men could have multiple wives and not the other way around. All before the west changed the world.



Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@NiteWalker  @abs-oluteM  @SnT


Were any of you confused by why Fu Rong was avoiding Xu Jin? Was it clear or unclear to you in the first couple of episodes that she was having bad dreams about him and knew about him being a jinx?

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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