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The Bloom at Ruyi Pavilion 如意芳霏 [2020]

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58 minutes ago, SnT said:

Hahaha really like wp (ahnwan) here... So hilarous!!! Completely redeemed himself as her bestie. N wenxing, xu jia n mr ge are all back.. So cute. 


But can someone enlighten me.... Correct my understanding if i m wrong. So fr and everyone went through rebirths since he has photos of her even in republican era and her as a modern young gal. Whilst he is 1000++ yo. He din died. Is he like an ancient man??? Golly...that's so sad though.. I mean if he din die then he has to witness fr died in different lifetimes... Aikkksss... I m confused. Or is he also dreaming of past lives n searching for her every lifetime. 


In the end his lifeline is extended??


I mean i will love to see them in modern drama like this. W also fr xj love continuation through rebirths or reincarnation. I don know how far i can accept an ancient man theme. Why these two always hv extra ordinary storyline. Poison man, prophetic dreams n now..... 🤔🤔🤔

Or this is from his dream? I read from spin-off poison genius consort (legend of yunxi novel), the story is about him dreaming.. the title is “医见钟情” and this is the link of novel http://m.xiang5.com/bookinfo/24459.html


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I rewatched the hand lines like 3 x. Yeap... First was ep 41.. It only left a short middle part. Then at the hospital it got very faint. Then at the amusement park that is super clear.. Only left top left corner bit. Almost all gone. N then finally in the bed.. The line got extended again.


Cant believe they hv divorce theme again in modern drama... So true 2 dramas, 4 weddings n countless divorce. N one thing is for sure... Through yunxi, ruyi n now past is like dream, i noticed that he is always on the verge of dying.... N it is always through her, he lives on. In ruyi u ladies remember mr ge mentioned many times wangye body is abnormal.. What could hv brought most ppl down, he revovered amazingly fast. Ep 1 n ep 32 after qingfeng n coffin episode. But it is not nice to think that xj has to watch fr died n he never get old. I mean the wedding finale is good d. I m not sure i can accept that for fr xj. 


Besides i m not sure if I like that sort of ancient man live on theme. I watched two hk drama many years ago. One is w Lawrence wu, the guy just live on, loving one woman n having a daughter w her. She found out he is different but love him nonetheless n stayed by him. She ended up dying in an accident. He has to work around trying to meet his daughter back. Very interesting. The other is a ww2 police being frozen n he got up, his son n grandson all look older than him. Storyline like this usually not easy to hv a good ending. N many landmines of sad heartbreaking episodes. 


I think zzh new drama is a cop movie. He is a cop from 1980s being frozen in experiments. He got up n worked with a veteran cop. This is rather similar with the ancient man live on theme. 


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10 minutes ago, SnT said:

think zzh new drama is a cop movie. He is a cop from 1980s being frozen in experiments. He got up n worked with a veteran cop. This is rather similar with the ancient man live on theme. 

I am waiting for this. Will definitely catch it.


I was surprised that XJ never died and lived on to the modern era. Lol! I thought he was reincarnated - makes sense now why he had those photos of her . I am hoping if they reunite in third drama that it won't be fantasy genre - not easy to have happy logical ending at times.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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12 minutes ago, SnT said:

I rewatched the hand lines like 3 x. Yeap... First was ep 41.. It only left a short middle part. Then at the hospital it got very faint. Then at the amusement park that is super clear.. Only left top left corner bit. Almost all gone. N then finally in the bed.. The line got extended again.


Cant believe they hv divorce theme again in modern drama... So true 2 dramas, 4 weddings n countless divorce. N one thing is for sure... Through yunxi, ruyi n now past is like dream, i noticed that he is always on the verge of dying.... N it is always through her, he lives on. In ruyi u ladies remember mr ge mentioned many times wangye body is abnormal.. What could hv brought most ppl down, he revovered amazingly fast. Ep 1 n ep 32 after qingfeng n coffin episode. But it is not nice to think that xj has to watch fr died n he never get old. I mean the wedding finale is good d. I m not sure i can accept that for fr xj. 


Besides i m not sure if I like that sort of ancient man live on theme. I watched two hk drama many years ago. One is w Lawrence wu, the guy just live on, loving one woman n having a daughter w her. She found out he is different but love him nonetheless n stayed by him. She ended up dying in an accident. He has to work around trying to meet his daughter back. Very interesting. The other is a ww2 police being frozen n he got up, his son n grandson all look older than him. Storyline like this usually not easy to hv a good ending. N many landmines of sad heartbreaking episodes. 


I think zzh new drama is a cop movie. He is a cop from 1980s being frozen in experiments. He got up n worked with a veteran cop. This is rather similar with the ancient man live on theme. 


Thinking of that reminds me with captain america🤔 he is frozen and woked up in modern era

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31 minutes ago, Kana said:

The next drama might be republican haha cause they don't have that in the story line yet. And her second pic was definitely republican looking haha. 

Both will look gorgeous in republican style. But i totally agree i want something more normal for them. Ancient man theme is not easy to do a good script. It requires him to leave her at certain times. Most they hv will be 20 plus years together before it starts to look weird of why he never grows old while she starts to age. N it definitely involved her dying first. I actually feel this PD theme is not great. The actors n chemistry are so good but the story line is very mehhhhh....fantasy drama not easy to close up plot holes. That is why when it is well done, it is a hit like love m redemption, etc. Honestly true to my heart, i love the actors n rheir chemistry n ruyi is basically carried by them, not the story n its editing.

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I think if he is immortal n this is epilogue for yunxi i would totally accept n love it. After all lfy may be affected by poison zombie, n has her heart blood. It will make sense he din die right.. 


But why ruyi need to hv a immortal man. They hv a grand wedding finale. If epilogue on life after marriage n Little Suwan n their lifes w family or even court affairs, i will be over the moon n esctatic.. If modern they rebirth n find each othet again, n love each other again would be perfect too. Immortal??!! Too cruel for our xj. I love him toi much to see him losing our fr all the lifetimes.. So cruel.  The scriptwriter regretted the happily ever after n reverse that for ruyi?!! I just want my happily ever after for our xj fr. 

Edited by SnT
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2 hours ago, gween97 said:

Thank you guys more than 1 months since this drama airing and chat with you guys, it's really nice to chat and sharing with all of you🤗

It was indeed! I really enjoyed this thread as much as I did the drama.

What dramas are you all watching now?


Finally found some BTS videos with subs. This one with ZZH ...love this man


even BTS , they have chemistry and have such playful banter






By the way please join us for our 100 DayS Event. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Okay, so I watched the modern day episodes which was pure fanservicing because little about it made sense. What the heck did any of that have to do with the price of tea in China? The whole thing felt like a high school production or a fanfic that a 12-year-old wrote. The most entertaining part of the whole thing was the kid that played Prince An. Definitely has a knack for comedy. He made up for his crappy character by being an adorkable one here. The glasses were gold. 


Xu Jin's not a zombie in this but a vampire apparently except that he wanders around in the daytime too. Apparently he's picked up a bit of English as well.


So we get bedtime cuddles... nice... cute... but where is the kiss? They owed us one. If they were going to... you know... fanservice, do a proper job of it! They're in the 21st century now... what's the excuse?!



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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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21 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Gals...it really is over ....:cry:..   @Olivia Kate I wanna petition for 3rd drama. I love this pair so much my all time fave -  cdrama pair. 


I'll sign up! I love them since LoY. Their reel and real scenes are love.


2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

They're in the 21st century now... what's the excuse?!



XJ was holding YR at the end and although it was kind of intimate it didn't change the fact that something vital is missing. Their collab is great, handsdown, but it will always be incomplete without a kissing scene. I am disappointed in a way but I love them both I will still watch their future projects.

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@40somethingahjumma oh boy, i honestly love ur rants..I really tried hard to not be rude about this epilogue thingy. I m so happy u sound ur heart content.. So I m not the only one who think so...... yeahhhhh... The script for this is totally off. This PD team or should i just say script, screenwriting  n editting (because costume/set, cinematography, directing are all good) is sooooo off for me. I really think if they cant do it properly then may as well stop at ep 40. At least that is a logical happily ever after. This epilogue honestly baffled me. If it is for yunxi it makes sense. For ruyi it is plain silly n illogical n reversing ep 40 ending. It only makes semse if fr died on that tower. N somehow that lightning had some scientific or magical impact.. I feel muddled even now. 


The whole value of the epilogue is seeing zzh jjy again. Like i say i only watch for zzh n jjy n their chemistry.. N for zzh one only million dollar smile in the whole epilogue. And of course that terrible one - not - on - lips kiss and the bed hugging is sweet if somewhat repeat ep 40. N ahnwan as a natural modern video game funny bestie was good. N I find jjy more natural in modern setting.


Yes i definitely petition for their drama 3 for whole team of actors.... (from zxh jjy to second leads to supporting like mr ge, wen xing, xujia, papa fu mama fu, lanxiang, guange everyone). But please  don waste time on this PD team (esp script n editing). From yunxi to ruyi n now this immortal 1000 year wait thing, i think the script n editing team are just very confused ppl or  has a very odd sense of romance n beautiful love story (which are both first n secind leads main selling point) n they cant decide whether they want to write romance cum comedy or sci fi or fantasy magical n end up doing a stir fry mixed veg all in one. Also From some of the bts i can hear jjy zzh complaining this n that makes no sense.

Edited by SnT
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On 11/29/2020 at 9:14 AM, Yana said:

Thanks @gween97 @SnT @NiteWalker @abs-oluteM @Beautifulthing...its nice to have discussion bout this drama.  :heart:


we have alot of other threads for C-drama and if there is one u want and not created u can give us a beep we can always create it :hug: or you can even create it, we are to help :cool:


we dont like goodbye hehehe


20 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

So we get bedtime cuddles... nice... cute... but where is the kiss? They owed us one. If they were going to... you know... fanservice, do a proper job of it! They're in the 21st century now... what's the excuse?!




u and @abs-oluteM hahaha.....and i can see that alot of others seems to be rooting for that too ROFL :niu:


On 11/28/2020 at 6:07 PM, abs-oluteM said:

I have voted too... I hope so. At least they can see how popular this couple is .

@NiteWalker how was the buzz on Weibo etc for these modern episodes?


not too sure...im kinda on a zombie state recently....lols been stuck to my bed, i check it out later and keep you posted about it

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3 hours ago, gween97 said:

it seems a good drama but still ongoing on wetv, so i will wait till this drama end because i don't want to wait for new ep comes out :laugh:

I tried like 8 episode. The fl is very pretty.. But i don get the click between the two leads. Somehow lack of the chemistry. I m kinda distracted when watching that meaning it hasn't capture me. 


Watching the historical with the dragon one now. All 24 episodes r uploaded. Not too bad. The fl a little annoying. The ml is from professional singles i heard... Not bad at at all. 


Modern one i m watching centimeters of love.. Family dramas. The ml is a very guy next door look, not handsome but fantastic chemistry between the leads. I really really like them. N To love... Kenny Lin gengxin as the ml. Oh boy, now that is one good looking dude. Love that cool capable handsomeness yet boyish character. The gal is very pretty too.. Long legged. Chemistry quite good. 

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