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Reborn Rich 재벌집 막내아들 [2022]

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2 hours ago, ssteph said:

Reborn Rich #3


Though I love Reborn Rich, I'm so sad CLOY is now 4th 😭😂 Looks like it may surpass Sky Castle!


So sad that grandpa is gone now, although somewhat relieved they didn't show more of how his health deteriorated. I'm sure we are all going to miss seeing him in the last 3 episodes - hopefully, they show some flashbacks with him in it.


Any ideas why Do Joon was left nothing? Or is Mr Lee going to be the fishy one 🤔 I hope not. I hope it is some grand plan.


That said, even if grandpa had left everything to Do Joon, the family would likely try to invalidate the will, just like how Do Joon's father tried to do (he is not so mild afterall... tsk tsk tsk.) Even if grandma doesn't say anything, Hyeon Min knows...


That scene of Do Joon by grandpa's beside, his hand twitching, I was screaming, hold his hand! But alas... 😢



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Totally didn't expect Jin Yang Chul to be gone in this episode but I know he'll be back in flashback!


I kept wondering if Jin Yang Chul changed his will to protect Do Joon. He knew it was his wife that tried to kill them. That said, everything that happened after his death seems to put Do Joon in even greater danger, in the sense that now all of the children know Grandma tried to kill Do Joon and their father but fail. It feels like it might put bad ideas in their head (Grandma, you sure set a good example), and will possibly unite and plot against him. And he keeps standing in the front taking the bullet to protect Min Young from Grandma.


But then the preview threw me off a little because Secretary Lee said to someone, "do you think the video was really deleted?" (which I assume it was the video of Jin Yang Chul in the hospital) and then the "gift envelope" Jin Yang Chul left for Do Joon. Did Jin Yang Chul predicted Do Joon would take care of that 17% shares Grandma held under borrowed names? Curious curious. The old man might be suffering from delirium but when he's in a good state, I'm sure he can still scheme very well and initiate preventive actions against his family.


I wonder if Soonyang's Apollo is an adaptation of the real Korean's brand motors? Hyundai? Kia??

20 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

That said, even if grandpa had left everything to Do Joon, the family would likely try to invalidate the will, just like how Do Joon's father tried to do (he is not so mild afterall... tsk tsk tsk.) Even if grandma doesn't say anything, Hyeon Min knows...

I think that is maybe why he didn't leave anything to Do Joon. I must say I was disappointed at Yoon Ki. I supposed we shouldn't forget after Do Joon's death, he and wife divorced and he was seen with the Jin family in episode 1. I see that as him choosing money over his family in the end.


Hyun Min always knows! It's so annoying. She's like a super spy! But I don't really see her doing much to help Seong Joon succeed. The "you know I'm the only one by you side" statement is getting redundant. Show me something new.


And the long awaited girl cousin has finally appeared. What damage will she do? Is she smart enough against Do Joon?

12 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Though I love Reborn Rich, I'm so sad CLOY is now 4th 😭😂 Looks like it may surpass Sky Castle!

Bahahahahaha I think Reborn Rich should surpass everything else! Ok, maybe not R88... but since it's already surpassed so...

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7 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I wonder if Soonyang's Apollo is an adaptation of the real Korean's brand motors? Hyundai? Kia??


The amazing thing to me is I lived through this "era".


From when people buy korean-made things because it was cheap to now, when Samsung or LG TVs are the preferred brands. And that Hyundai Avante is quite sleek looking! In school, when I was considering taking a 3rd language, my dad would say take Japanese, because Japan was booming then and the language would be useful in future. (Rats, does that give away my age...)


Although many people love to travel to both countries (perhaps Japan still wins in this), you can really see how fast Korea developed in just the last 20-30 years, whereas Japan, who was the leader in electronics, is now... nowhere. I don't look for a Toshiba or Panasonic fridge now. Or a Sony TV or camera anymore. But this could also be like losing weight - a person who weighs 100kg would be able to lose 20kg much faster than someone who was 60kg... 😂



14 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


Omg @Chocolate @ktcjdrama @abs-oluteM and everyone! Prepare tissues for tonight! I just bawled my eyes out watching this pre-release and sobbing too (LOL!). Now we know why Do Joon didn't get anything!


Me too! 😭😭😭😭😭


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@Chocolate LOL, I was going to ask you who lived through this era what's that blue desktop PC Do Joon use in his office. But then I decided to Google first and turns out to be quite easy to find, LOL! It was the first ever iMac! For the past two weeks I've been wondering (coz I have seen this before) but it's been so long I've forgotten what brand it was.


Mmm, 3rd language? So were the first two Malay and English or English and Chinese? Coz I would think your dad would suggest Chinese. My dad always nagged about learning Chinese.


I think what Korea did right was having the foresight of the influence of KPOP and K-culture and pushing this internationally through media. That's what Hollywood does to us as well and see how influential it still is. In terms of cars, I would still buy Japanese though, ahahahaha! Cosmetics, I trust both Japan and Korea's quality. White goods, I think Korean brands are easier to find these days due to availability. PC - I've got my eyes on Fujitsu's laptop coz via some research it has a model being the lightest laptop so far. Though I can't just walk into a store and get it so I am unlikely going to be able to buy it now.

15 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Me too! 😭😭😭😭😭

I can't with these two!!! :jinbtscry:

I re-watch the second time and then sobbed again 😅😭

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there were two scenes which stuck me in last two episodes -


1. when Jin Yang Cheol peed on pant. I did have a similar kind of scenario , it is so difficult to see the strongest of lot falling from grace... how I wished my father will stand up once and scold me incessantly..


2. When Jin Do jun got to know about Grand Scheme of The Grand Mother...how the phone slipped through his hand..


I think both grand father and grand son have a rare camaraderie between them...despite him wanting to take revenge , he was genuine towards his grand father...


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Wondering how engaging the remaining episodes will be with limited (or maybe close to none) screen time of Grandpa... 


The ugliness of siblings rivalry ~ even though still in the same group, but one would rather wish for the major failure of a product from the same group just so that the person responsible for it is deemed incompetent. Instead of supporting the product to be a success, it's more important to see the product failed in sales. Signs of the fall of the group. 


I'm not understanding MY's logic, but anyway, this couple does not communicate enough, I cannot root for them. She thought what she was doing (ie. investigating further about the car accident) is a way to protect DJ. But has she ever thought that maybe by doing so, it might put him in greater danger? Especially since DJ has already specifically asked her to stop. There must be a reason for him to request so. Oh well, no big deal for me...


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@Chocolate LOL, I was going to ask you who lived through this era what's that blue desktop PC Do Joon use in his office. But then I decided to Google first and turns out to be quite easy to find, LOL! It was the first ever iMac! For the past two weeks I've been wondering (coz I have seen this before) but it's been so long I've forgotten what brand it was.


I'm shocked. How young exactly are you? 🤣


But seriously, I wish I had kept all this equipment. They are probably going to be worth some $$$ in future. But where to find the space to keep for 10s of years?


6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Mmm, 3rd language? So were the first two Malay and English or English and Chinese? Coz I would think your dad would suggest Chinese. My dad always nagged about learning Chinese.


In Singapore, first language in school is English. 2nd language is usually based on your race - Chinese for me - but you can choose the language of another race (Chinese, Malay, Tamil) if you prefer. The 3rd language is purely extra-curricular. In the end I didn't take it too.


1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I'm not understanding MY's logic, but anyway, this couple does not communicate enough, I cannot root for them. She thought what she was doing (ie. investigating further about the car accident) is a way to protect DJ. But has she ever thought that maybe by doing so, it might put him in greater danger? Especially since DJ has already specifically asked her to stop. There must be a reason for him to request so. Oh well, no big deal for me...


It's that "righteousness" she has - just because you're rich, doesn't mean that a member of your family can get away with murder, blah blah blah... - I find it quite irritating as well. There are shows where such actions is meant to be and written well, but not here. Thus, it makes MY more unlikeable. DJ wanted to use this information as a threat over grandma so that grandpa will be protected - of course, DJ didn't and cannot tell her the details so we cannot blame her that she doesn't know but still.


I wonder why Shin Hyun Been took this role. It's a poor choice.


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Er... I'm confused. So did Lee Hang Jae embezzled or not? Or that was a set-up by Seong Joon? The fact that he passes that Micro Project document—slush fund overseas which literally was the cause of Hyun Woo's death—gives me the goosebumps! Can we trust Lee Hang Jae...? But then there's that part of me that thought the Micro Project couldn't have been Lee Hang Jae because there's no way Jin Yang Chul wouldn't know this. That mean old man said so himself that he trusts no one. I'm sure he would keep Lee Hang Jae in checks too.


Also the credit card crisis/issue... why are the people blaming the business? Because they were misled to get more card to pay off another and their debt just grew? Shouldn't this be the responsibility of the individual?


I swear I'm so surprised Hyun Min is pregnant! I thought they were just married in name and weren't going to consummate. LOL. But I guess to inherit Soonyang, she'd have to bore a son for him. Ugh.


At this point I wish there is no more Min Young's scenes. Her character is annoying. Was Do Joon thinking of proposing to her?




@Chocolate Hahaha, maybe it's the opposite! Maybe it's because I got too old that I couldn't remember that was the first iMac. But in my defense, I've never used any Apple PC. The only Apple product I've used was iPad and that was a gift. Though I was determined never to go back to Apple again. Too expensive and I like having my plug and play function. I wouldn't have bought a Samsung either if the marketplace isn't monopolised by Apple and Samsung, and all other brands declined in production!


Ohhh. I didn't know Tamil is more dominant than Malay. How long did you learn Chinese? As you have to learn Chinese since young, I thought you would be fluent in reading, writing and listening. But based on our exchange, I remember you said you would struggle reading Chinese books.




Ahahahahahahaha! You guys really put Lee Sung Min as a badge!

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On 12/18/2022 at 2:56 PM, mademoiselle said:

Omg @Chocolate @ktcjdrama @abs-oluteM and everyone! Prepare tissues for tonight! I just bawled my eyes out watching this pre-release and sobbing too (LOL!). Now we know why Do Joon didn't get anything!

This was definitely the highlight scene for me. 


In fact I think the complex relationship between the two men - how it developed over the years anchors the show, What began as animosity , distrust  and vengeance (especially from DJ's point of view) evolved into respect and affection. That for me is the biggest plot twist here. I would have never imagined that DJ who started out with wanting to find his killer & seek revenge would end up shedding tears for the man indirectly responsible for the bad things that happened to his "real" family. This is some amazing writing here. 



Folks don't forget to check out special badges to celebrate the success of this show. Though we put Lee SM's badge at @movingwheel's request, I wanted it too because LSM's acting is just next level here. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Also the credit card crisis/issue... why are the people blaming the business? Because they were misled to get more card to pay off another and their debt just grew? Shouldn't this be the responsibility of the individual?

I find it quite funny that there is a parallel going on with the United States.


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Ohhhh remember JinYoung's cameo? Is he actually the son of Seong Jun and Hyeon Min. Hahah...he was maybe hiding his real identity?

Whatever it is it HM made sure she bore him children. She may not truly love her husband but she wants to be the queen..and the queen must bear children. She's practical that way. 



I just realise Seong Jun was played by this guy in Sweet Home. This actor's performance is very nuanced too. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


I just realise Seong Jun was played by this guy in Sweet Home.

Hahahaa, I just realized it a couple of days ago. When you mentioned GYJ being in Sweet Home, I went to check which character and lo and behold, I saw this actor, who made me bawled ugly in ep.8 ~ yes, I even remember which episode 😄

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Guys, I really miss grandpa! :letalQQ:

17 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Er... I'm confused. So did Lee Hang Jae embezzled or not? Or that was a set-up by Seong Joon? The fact that he passes that Micro Project document—slush fund overseas which literally was the cause of Hyun Woo's death—gives me the goosebumps! Can we trust Lee Hang Jae...? But then there's that part of me that thought the Micro Project couldn't have been Lee Hang Jae because there's no way Jin Yang Chul wouldn't know this. That mean old man said so himself that he trusts no one. I'm sure he would keep Lee Hang Jae in checks too.


My understanding is Manager Lee did embezzle money from an account that he oversaw for grandpa. Re: the slush fund from the Micro Project, I also understood that it belongs to grandpa as well. Since Manager Lee got betrayed and burned by Sung Joon, I can't imagine him wanting to continue to harm Do Jun at this point, but he would want to help him defeat the other family members. But...you're right, grandpa did say to trust no one.


Do you guys think Do Jun will use the slush fund to acquire SY? I hope not. Instead, I would prefer that this gift from grandpa helps him solve who murdered him (Hyun Woo). Perhaps use it as bait to catch that person. I want to see Do Jun obtain SY through his own means and intelligence.


14 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Folks don't forget to check out special badges to celebrate the success of this show. Though we put Lee SM's badge at @movingwheel's request, I wanted it too because LSM's acting is just next level here. 



Oh, I need to look into how to get this badge!

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7 hours ago, peperomia said:

My understanding is Manager Lee did embezzle money from an account that he oversaw for grandpa. Re: the slush fund from the Micro Project, I also understood that it belongs to grandpa as well. Since Manager Lee got betrayed and burned by Sung Joon, I can't imagine him wanting to continue to harm Do Jun at this point, but he would want to help him defeat the other family members. But...you're right, grandpa did say to trust no one.

If Micro Project slush fund belongs to Jin Yang Chul, that means the suspect is Seong Joon and the girl cousin. The secretary he fired would have told her about the slush fund. About Lee Hang Jae, I wouldn't be able to trust him again if he was capable of betrayal. The thing that threw me off is whether this betrayal was him following Jin Yang Chul's wish pushing Do Joon to the edge of the cliff because he said to Do Joon "Do you think Grandpa would have deleted the video footage?". But then his scene with Seong Joon tell us otherwise. I chose to believe he did betray.

8 hours ago, peperomia said:

Do you guys think Do Jun will use the slush fund to acquire SY? I hope not. Instead, I would prefer that this gift from grandpa helps him solve who murdered him (Hyun Woo). Perhaps use it as bait to catch that person. I want to see Do Jun obtain SY through his own means and intelligence.

At this point I don't know what he will do/use it for. I'd think the slush fund's existence is important to find the murderer. But I don't think he needed to use this money yet because he's got 800 million from Dong Ki and then he's asking 1.6 billion from Young Ki for the shares he acquire from Dong Ki. And then in the next episode's preview, somehow he became the one owning the most shares of Soonyang Group. Ottokae? Did he use this money to make a collateral for more shares with someone else, like a couple of board directors.

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