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The Devil Judge / Devilish Judge 악마판사 [2021]


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18 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Ha ha, I've tried one episode++... somehow not liking it too much. But I do plan to give it a try again when more episodes aired and the reception out there is still good :lenny:



The more I watch of it, the more I like it. It's just brilliant in how it constructs Ji Sung's character, Yo-han and his dynamic with his reluctant Ga-on. 

This is a show beautifully rich in symbolism and has all the elements of a good old fashioned late 19th century European novel.  The best part of this is that it reminds me of Beyond Evil. 


I'm hoping that it will be as good as Sweet Home in how it plays out some of its critique on the herd vs the individual. 


@abs-oluteM I'm up to Episode 4 so far but I am intrigued. I had my reservations about the Ga-on character but I am really enjoying their back and forth now. Maybe I'm a bit of a masochist, but I like seeing Ga-on's uneasiness being around Yo-han and observing his activities. He can't put Yo-han in a box and it's driving him a little nuts.


@Chocolate Haha... sorry I get a bit carried away. But I'm really enjoying this show. There's nothing I don't like about it although I'm not generally a fan of "trial by media" because they usually end up being witch hunts. However, the show is doing a good job playing out the televised trials so far.



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"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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On 7/28/2021 at 11:11 AM, Chocolate said:

@40somethingahjumma Glad you are watching this and love reading your posts. Seems I also get to learn English - have never seen this word "discombobulated" and had to google lol!

omg this slice of comment is representing me too lol

 @40somethingahjumma just want you to know, you make my vocab knowledge in English widen up and I'm thankful! Hahahaha I'm waiting excited-ly for you to catch up all the latest episodes *ehem since no HP2 this week, I think it will be faster?? :MewHi:


anyway forgive this maknae if joke sometimes out of line cause I don't meant to XD


found this fmv & finally! It is really their bonding as brothers! Amazing edit (go like it on the yt)

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1 hour ago, bairama said:

omg this slice of comment is representing me too lol

 @40somethingahjumma just want you to know, you make my vocab knowledge in English widen up and I'm thankful! Hahahaha I'm waiting excited-ly for you to catch up all the latest episodes *ehem since no HP2 this week, I think it will be faster?? :MewHi:


anyway forgive this maknae if joke sometimes out of line cause I don't meant to XD




No problems dear! I hope to catch up (I'm currently on Episode 5 which was so good in all kinds of ways) but I've got another writing project on the backburner that needs attending to that I've neglected because of work commitments. So I'm not sure I'll be up to speed by the weekend.




If Devil Judge keeps going the way it does and doesn't flounder in the final act, it could easily be one of the year's best. Honestly it's the sort of show I really like -- not just because it has a distinctly Count of Monte Cristo feel to it but it has elements of a dark fairytale. To me it has much more of a fairytale quality than that of a dystopian world along the lines of 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 or even Sisyphus.  The sterile, palatial buildings point to that. Ga-on's presence into the Kang household sends me thinking of all kinds of literary references like Gatsby and The Secret Garden. When I watch Ga-on and Elijah on the grounds playing with the cat, I immediately thought of The Secret Garden. I guess he's meant to be the second Isaac. He represents all that Isaac was in character and he could be what Isaac was to Yo-han -- a lifeline out of darkness or some kind of buffer against a complete descent into the pit. He must have realised too quite quickly that the SFR is really a front for the degenerate wealthy set.


I've just found out that Kim Min-jung's character is a childhood connection for Yo-han. Gasp. She's been crushing on him all this time but trying to pull him into line? Their chemistry is good but Sun-ah is obviously a terrifying creature in her own right. I wonder when it was that she gained the upper hand over the chairman because that is one disturbing yet fascinating role reversal. 


The idea of castrating sex offenders isn't new and the brutality of it no doubt has a certain appeal in the populace because of the kind of victims that are involved. But it was extreme even for Yo-han whose real agenda for these televised trials is to get at those who were present at the Verena church and expose their hypocrisies and even weaken their public credibility. He's getting some pushback because well, they can't possibly let him have his way. And I'm fine with that because I can't wait to see what the devil judge has up his very large sleeves.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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New stills


“The Devil Judge” Previews Ji Sung And GOT7’s Jinyoung’s Thrilling Cooperation


Ji Sung and GOT7’s Jinyoung will finally be joining hands to fight evil in “The Devil Judge”!

“The Devil Judge” is set in an alternate-universe, dystopian version of Korea where the entire nation participates in a trial through a live broadcast courtroom show. Ji Sung stars as Kang Yo Han, a head judge with mysterious intentions: is he a hero of the people in a world filled with chaos, or is he a devil who wears the mask of the law?


Previously, Kim Ga On (Jinyoung) was forced to choose between Kang Yo Han or Min Jung Ho (Ahn Nae Sang). After much thinking, Kim Ga On decided to stand with Kang Yo Han. To Min Jung Ho who blamed everything on Kang Yo Han, Kim Ga On said, “If there is no justice in reality and there is only a game… then I want to play a winning game too.”


The new stills preview Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On meeting a man in a creepy and secretive place. It seems like they’re in the middle of an interrogation, but the location isn’t anywhere near a general interrogation room, which makes viewers wonder what they’re up to.


It will be intriguing to see Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On’s synergy as Jung Sun Ah (Kim Min Jung) rises to power. What kind of tricks does Kang Yo Han have up his sleeve, and how will they work together to bring down the Social Responsibility Foundation? All eyes are on the two men’s next target, and their refreshing teamwork will provide a thrilling catharsis.


source: Soompi

Edited by mademoiselle
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6 Shocking Reversals From Episodes 7-8 Of “The Devil Judge”

Jul 31, 2021 by shalini


We’re already halfway through “The Devil Judge”! This week, it’s an all-out war between the elite and Yo Han (Ji Sung) as each side seeks to outmaneuver the other. Ga On (Jinyoung) continues to waffle back and forth on whose side he’s on, but the time for decision-making has finally arrived, and both sides still have a few tricks up their sleeves.


Here are the most shocking reversals from this week’s episodes!

Warning: spoilers for episodes 7-8 below.

1. Sun Ah’s advice to women


If last week gave us a peek into Sun Ah’s (Kim Min Jung) psyche, this week delves deep into what (or rather who) made her the tigress she is. During the lecture she provides at a center for troubled girls, Sun Ah veers off-script and gets personal. She paints a picture of her childhood as abusive and neglectful: with an alcoholic mother who turned into a devil when drunk, hunger, stealing to support herself, and a tragic backstory that appears to explain her character. Worse, she excitedly instructs the girls to garner evidence in any fashion possible when (not if but when!) they’re sexually assaulted and torment their assaulter forever, because the police won’t care.


It’s horribly grim watching the girls smile and agree, like they’ve already experienced how ugly the world is and are grateful to have pointers on how to navigate it.


Yet, how much can we trust what Sun Ah says? She’s known to bend the truth, as seen in her rendition of how she fell from the second floor of Yo Han’s home. Plus, the Sun Ah that Yo Han met was a manipulative, half-insane girl to begin with. Did her mother truly die of “tripping” down the stairs? Sun Ah pushing the director of the center for troubled girls down the stairs and her consequent murder of Chairman Seo (Jung In Gyeom) prove that nothing she says can be taken at face value.


What’s for certain is that her advice to the girls came from a place of intimate knowledge, because Chairman Seo is her sexual assaulter.


2. Chairman Seo’s death


Sun Ah may have the most powerful people in Korea in the palm of her hand, but before then, she was a young woman working her way up the Foundation’s corporate ladder, who caught the eye of the wrong man. She’s used that man as a shield to cover her real role in the Foundation for years, but a game has begun that warrants playing in the open, and that means the shield has to go.


Chairman Seo has little more to him than lechery. The man was so excited at the thought of Yo Han having created an opening for him to attack Sun Ah that he failed to see that this same opening gave Sun Ah free reign to get rid of him. He barely knows anything of the elite while Sun Ah’s been involved in every enterprise. Thus, it’s no wonder that when push comes to shove, the elite discard him in favor of her.


The scene is brilliantly acted, with an incredible performance by Kim Min Jung. Sun Ah brings up her vendetta for one last time. There’s pain and bitterness in every word when she asks Chairman Seo why he did that to her. He grovels one last time before she drives her blade home, and for a moment we see the real Sun Ah between all her cruel sweetness: a woman furious at the system that failed her but doomed to repeat its mistakes. There’s a fierce pride in her eyes at having cut him down at last. Now, she’s ready to hunt.



3. The man in the jail cell


Ga On’s been a frustrating character due to his determination to see nothing but evil in Yo Han. There are small moments when light shines through the cracks and the man sees reason, but he immediately runs to Min Jung Ho (Ahn Nae Sang) or Soo Hyun (Park Gyu Young), who promptly make up reasons for him to distrust Yo Han. And worse, Ga On just listens to them instead of following his gut, which has been screaming for weeks now that Yo Han isn’t a bad guy.


Yo Han hones in on the heart of Ga On’s cognitive dissonance. This isn’t about his parents being conned, and therefore him not wanting to resort to conman-ish tricks. This is about the lies he let Min Jung Ho and Soo Hyun feed him in order to keep surviving. Both Yo Han and Ga On buried their rage in order to survive, but while Yo Han channeled his into vengeance, Ga On warped it into naïveté bordering on the unfathomably ridiculous – a La La Land where everyone and everything will be rainbows and sunshine as long as one worships the sainted laws and systems.


But that delusion hinges on the illusion of justice, and Yo Han brings it crashing down on Ga On’s head. The conman who took everything from his parents? Gone. Replaced with an aging man who was either bribed or forced into substituting. Ga On’s faith in the almighty system finally shatters, and so does he. The righteous fury Soo Hyun asked him to hold back rears its head. And Ga On finally realizes just how horribly wrong he was about everything. 





Yet, predictably, Ga On still finds a way to distrust Yo Han, wondering if he is engineering the whole thing. Yo Han, on the other hand, is using every means he can to bring Ga On to his side, but perhaps he’s too focused on Ga On. Because there’s a third judge on that panel, and she’s had enough.


4. Jin Joo going over to the dark side




Judge Oh Jin Joo (Kim Jae Kyung) is an intelligent ambitious woman, and it’s become blatantly obvious to her that she’s being left out. Yo Han entrusts everything to Ga On, but absolutely nothing to her. Those two are in their own world, and she’s had enough of being on the outside looking in (likely a familiar position for her growing up underprivileged). So it’s no wonder that she finds Sun Ah’s offer so fascinating.


Among the many changes Sun Ah’s made upon becoming the Foundation’s chairwoman, one is to get herself as head of the committee that oversees Yo Han’s live court. It is yet unclear whether she means for Jin Joo to spy on Yo Han or actively sabotage him (likely the latter), but regardless of the mission, Jin Joo’s evidently in.


But Yo Han doesn’t include her for a reason. While Ga On has never been comfortable with the spotlight, Jin Joo’s actively sought it at every turn. She talks the talk: good intentions, helping people, etc, but somewhere deep down, she craves power and attention and has let it slip on more than one occasion. There’s nothing wrong with ambition but she’ll always side with the person who can give her the most exposure, as is clearly happening here. Yo Han didn’t want someone wishy-washy, but someone capable of commitment, someone who gets angry at power rather than swayed by it. Ga On fits the bill, and Yo Han’s doing whatever it takes to have him.


5. Yo Han being transparent




“If there is a devil, it is the self-pity of the powerful.” These words have been Yo Han’s guiding philosophy. Yo Han has never felt sorry for himself. His rage is directly outward. He knows exactly when he crosses the line, when he deserves Ga On’s rage, and when he doesn’t.


Yo Han might have set out to manipulate Ga On but has rapidly found himself pulling out all stops to earn his trust. He ceases holding his cards close. When Ga On cries, it’s like he can’t hold himself back and tells Ga On about how he felt when the elites barged into his hospital room post-fire and all but begged for free land and money.


He’s done everything possible to show Ga On who he is and what his intentions are. As he tells K (Lee Ki Taek), Ga On could be dangerous on the other side. Rather than have Ga On at his back with a knife, Yo Han wants him at his side, or else would have to get rid of him altogether, which is something Yo Han clearly can never go through with.


After even the prisoner-swap corruption fails to sway Ga On, Yo Han finally shows him his inner circle: K, Lawyer Go (Park Hyung Soo), among others. All were failed by the system Ga On’s worshipped for so long. Ga On tries to argue that they’re just people Yo Han bought, but is struck silent by the trauma they’ve been through.


Yo Han patiently waits as Ga On conducts his own background investigation into the conman who robbed his parents. He finds that it was Cha Kyung Hee who arranged for the conman’s release. Shaking, Ga On rages at Yo Han (for the 1000th time), demanding why Yo Han didn’t tell him sooner. Yo Han shuts him up by astutely pointing out that Ga On would never have believed him. He lays himself bare, says he would have done anything, even faked the prisoner swap himself if it meant having Ga On on his side. He waits for Ga On to finally see, to finally break free of the toxic ideals that have constrained him for so long. And oh boy, does Ga On deliver.



6. Ga On choosing Yo Han



The moment of truth is here at last. Surprisingly, it’s Min Jung Ho who brings things to a head, demanding that Ga On join with him and tear down the live court. With everything Ga On has seen and heard thus far, it’s impossible for him to agree. Instead of suggesting that they fight corruption, or tear down the elite, Min Jung Ho argues that it’s the court that needs to be dismantled, completely missing the root of the problem.


Ga On points (parroting Yo Han) that it’s not that the court is instigating all the madness overtaking Korea, but that the court (or Yo Han, really) reacted to a widespread problem that everyone knew existed and never did anything about. And judges like Min Jung Ho are responsible for that problem, for not doing their jobs and focusing more on pure ideals rather than on protecting people with the law.


The real instigators are out there, and they want Yo Han’s court taken down. Playing into their hands would be a real slap in the face to the memory of Ga On’s parents. At last, Ga On sheds his righteous mantle and walks into the dark. Because the light was so blindingly bright, he never saw what it was hiding. So, he finally takes Yo Han’s hand and prepares to fight a corrupt world.




YES! Ga On’s finally seen the light!


Next week’s preview shows things getting much darker, with Ga On fully immersing himself in vengeance and the fight for justice. Sun Ah ups her game by introducing a wrench in the live court in the form of Jin Joo. Cha Kyung Hee seethes as the elites close ranks and leave her out to dry. Soo Hyun’s gotten herself into a sticky situation, and put Elijah in danger by possibly being the worst cop in history (who leaves a minor in a wheelchair two feet away from a gunfight. She should have at least called for back-up and stayed with Elijah instead of leaving her unguarded!)


Every time it appears the stakes cannot get any higher, they go through the roof. But Yo Han and Ga On are fighting this dreadfully unjust game together now. So let the games begin!



Edited by Chocolate
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31 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

She looks lonely - no friends to celebrate with.


She called her "assistant" - but in reality, she only treats this person as a paid employee - reference back to an earlier scene where she expressed her displeasure on not getting to the witness of the first case earlier than Yo Han.

Feels like it is a scene which shows us (or let her realise?) that even though she got everything she wants now, she still isn't happy and has no friends or family.


That new still of Ga On looks so hot :love:

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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

That new still of Ga On looks so hot :love:

I am a little bit disturbed by the fringe falling on his eyes. I cannot stand hair on your eyes!

3 hours ago, Chocolate said:

She looks lonely - no friends to celebrate with.


She called her "assistant" - but in reality, she only treats this person as a paid employee - reference back to an earlier scene where she expressed her displeasure on not getting to the witness of the first case earlier than Yo Han.


Yes agreed. She merely uses this girl and the girl is somewhat afraid of her. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Saw a cut of the beginning. Yo Han & Ga On got there in time to rescue Elijah. Ji Sung was badass handsome there. "YOU DARE TOUCH MY NIECE?"


And I didn't recognise incorrectly, that crazy guy beating up others was Yo Han's Stan.

Who is Yohan's stan? His assistant? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 9 was good.




- Soo Hyun, sigh. I was really irritated by her. Not only did she put Elijah at risk (the ruffian was grabbing her when Yo Han arrived), she stuck her gun at Yo Han! Her only saving grace is she had the sense to arrest the gang and not Yo Han. Her character is meant to be all bluster and might as a police officer but in actual fact, she is neither very bright or effective. Is she even aware of the danger she put Elijah in so that she doesn’t do it again, since it seems they may continue to hang out together?


- Jin Joo likes the attention. Right from the start, we can see the difference between her and Ga On. She loved the clothes and meeting the rich and powerful when Yo Han brought her to the function, whereas Ga On went and was turned off. She’s also susceptible to flattery. Yo Han probably understood her character and thus never intended to rope her in for his cause. Wonder what harm she can do going forward.

- To find out where Do Young Choon is and also the secrets Cha Kyung Hee has found on her “partners”, they decided to bribe her assistant. The scene is quite funny and a lesson for Ga On and all of us - it is more painful to lose what one has. Ga On suggested using money and offered the assistant $2.5M worth of gold bars! It didn’t work. Yo Han comes in and starts removing gold bars - when there is only $1M left, the assistant caved lol!


- It was a totally unexpected resolution to Do Young Choon’s case. When Ga On first found him, he seemed to have turned over a new leaf and living a simple farmer’s life with his family. He was even carving little Buddhas as a hobby. When Ga On confronted him, he said he felt really remorseful and wanted to die, that he had no money left as all had been taken by Cha Kyung Her. So Ga On strangled him, and his family tried to pull him off. Ga On being the soft hearted person, was weakening when he saw the wife and daughter crying. Then Yo Han came and pulled DYC and GO out, leaving wife and daughter locked in the shed.


Brilliant Yo Han pretended he had dug up all the money and set fire to the shed and the pile of money. And DYC runs and tries to save the money from burning, as expected. But it was all just paper. His family sees this and leaves him. Yo Han gives Ga On a knife but he throws it away and agrees to use DYC as bait to get Cha Kyung Hee. Ga On then returns the money to the victims of DYC’s scams.


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8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Yo Han orchestrated this entire scenario?

just a little cent of before I watch the episode. I LIKE how this fandom talk about Yohan in 'orchestra' word because it really feels like that!! He is that human orchestra conductor, kapellmeister :pandachamp:

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Episode 9

Agree. Soo Hyun made me cringe for her actions. I'm fine with her hanging out with Elijah etc., but she should NOT have stop the car and went tackling those idiots herself. I get that a person's life is in danger at that moment but by going in alone, she endangered more lives. She should have stayed in the car, call for backup, lock the car door or Elijah should have before doing all those stunts! *#&(*&$(*&#$


Thank god Elijah would still call her samchun up for help and they were nearby. And I will say it again, Ji Sung looks so handsomely badass in that scene. Choke away, Judge Yo Han. Hahaha. That TV personality guy is insane and now I'm worried because now he knows Elijah, and she's Yo Han's weakness. At one point I even wonder if Sun Ah was behind this. But it doesn't seem like she was. Then again, a fan can easily turn against their idol so this TV personality could easily work with Sun Ah/Cha Kyung Hee later. Our heroes should always be cautious.


I was being suspicious about the housekeeper's cooking for a while and wonder if she's a bad cook and finally it has been confirmed. I think she didn't start off being a bad cook but over the years, in worrying about their health, she decided to put in those yucky healthy ingredients that damage the flavours. LOL!


It was so sweet of Yo Han and Elijah to gulped it down without telling her the truth, knowing her good intentions. Awww. LMAO at poor Ga On. And omg, I just love the below scene and crave more of this happy family and precious, harmonious moment. And Yo Han's smile in the car. *Melts* Ga On has melted the ice sculptures and brought warmth back into the house. I was so touched I nearly wanted to cry.




Ok, Sun Ah. I'm a little bit bugged by her "Can't Master Yo Han be a little bit nice to me?" — the way this line was said, it carries a hidden meaning which I interpreted that she genuinely wants to Yo Han to be nice.





I am quite worried they outright bribed Cha Kyung Hee's secretary like that. Man like this knows no loyalty. They can sway both ways. I agree that was a funny scene whereby Ga On offers him 2.5 millions and it didn't work. Yo Han makes his grand entrance by taking it away, his façade falters. Dang, he lost himself 1.5 millions! And bloody hell! Just exactly how rich is Yo Han to own GOLD BARS (it awakens my Vincenzo's vault dream again :lmao2:). I honestly can't even guarantee I wouldn't be moved by those gold bars.


In regard to Judge Jin Joo, I understand her ambition to succeed especially having worked so hard all her life and from a less prestigious background. However I'm disappointed in the set-up of her character, purely because I expected more from this actress and it doesn't seem like she has a meaty role (give me back the Veronica Park's sass and quirk!). I honestly hope the writer has more up his sleeves for Jin Joo, be it become corrupted or maybe deliberately acting this way tasked by Yo Han. I mean, our hero is a Maestro who ensures he has the upper-hand before the game starts. If he truly knows his Art of War, he would be planning for the "big picture" and I don't see why he hasn't already made Jin Joo a deal to pretend to be the betrayer. Ga On is more of the wild card here and the harder one to persuade because he could neither be bought by fame, money nor career advancement promises.


Just me obsessing about height of these K-celebs...





Both Kim Jae Kyung's and Park Gyu Young's profile says they are 168 cm. Does this look like they were 10 cm apart? :eeeee:


Edited by mademoiselle
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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Waaah The Devil Judge is dominated by Jin Young's fans on Twitter. If look into Ji Sung's tags, it's another idol. :lettalKWA: Ahjussi's fans where are you? Need some handsome ahjussi GIFs.



Some korean accounts do make Jisung (Yohan) gifs though, you just need to scroll more! Haha

@mademoiselle For you: 


Just seen Ep 9. This scene made me a little confused. Sometimes I don’t know if Sun-ah is really infatuated and has an unhealthy obsession with Yohan, or she is simply pretending (craves power and wealth instead)?


Next episode, we will see the the crazy Yohan-cult guy on trial. When Yohan choked him and said how dare he set his hands on his niece, it was so hot. But I couldn’t find a gif of that scene. Maybe @mademoiselle or @abs-oluteM will have more luck? 😂

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