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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum since week 1 and I'm loving everyone's comments & the drama until now. I loved this week's episodes too (as well as ep 25-30 since the angst was perfectly done)!!

Btw, I read that some people were wondering about ep25-30 and getting worried about the angst, to make everyone's week better, I'd like to share a rough summary of ep 27-30 (the angsty part) since I summarized it for my friend already. I'll share it under spoilers so that people who don't want to get spoiled won't be spoiled and those that do can understand the story. :) Feel free to correct me btw because my Chinese is quite limited (so I might have understood the conversation wrong). 

EP 27


When SML tried to find out what happened to Shiyi's mom, he found the coroner that investigated Shiyi's mom's body. And then, the coroner told her that the cause of the mom's death is because she was shot using an arrow (so basically, the knife was stabbed after the mom was shot by an arrow). 


Then, Shiyi found a witness that lives near Shiyi's mom's death scene (shiyi went with her bodyguard that Lingyi assigned to her and Dongqing) and the witness said that on that day he saw a person with guards and that the person shot the arrow at the lady. Shiyi then saw Lingyi's arrow in the basket and then asked the witness how he got the arrow. The witness told Shiyi that he picked up the arrow on the scene – which then made Shiyi start to doubt Lingyi even though she still doesn't believe that Lingyi was the one who killed her mom.


After some time, Shiyi found Yu Ge's handkerchief has the same embroidery pattern as the pattern found at her mom's death scene. Right after, her bodyguard came to confirm that the witness does live near the scene (I'm not 100% sure about this one because I fast-fowarded it but I pretty sure that's what the bodyguard told Shiyi). So, she made Houye drunk and asked him some questions (I think Shiyi was asking Houye would he do the same thing like shooting an innocent person like he did before to Shiyi if he encountered the situation now) and Houye said yes. Shiyi then asked Houye "what about my mom?" and then Houye answered Shiyi "everything is my fault", which basically confirms (in Shiyi's opinion) that Houye was the one who killed Shiyi's mom. That's why Shiyi had Dongqing bring down the lanterns.

EP 28


Shiyi then told her findings to the teacher and SML, and I think they were going to keep investigating to be sure cuz it might be wrong. But Shiyi was worried while saying "what if Houye is really the one who killed my mom?". Because Shiyi was feeling unwell (prob due to the shock and disbelief and all) so she was going to go back to rest. But then, Shiyi became wobbly so the SML came to help/steady her.


At this moment, Houye entered the shop and saw the scene. Houye then told Shiyi to go back, but because Shiyi just found out all those things, Shiyi couldn't fully trust him and didn't want to go back (I mean... honestly speaking, in Shiyi's POV, it's a lot to take in, especially after Houye saying that when he was drunk). Houye then found out that the SML is Ou's family 2nd son. And then altercation happened, Shiyi slipped, and then Houye got stabbed. Houye told the concubines that the events on that day (that Shiyi was the one who stabbed Houye) must be kept as a secret.


When Houye was in "coma", Shiyi realized that she might have misunderstood Lingyi because she felt that she got the results/answers all so quickly (like, everything was going on so smoothly). Plus, she also said to Dongqing and Huopo "would a guy that told the concubines not to spill the stabbing event to anyone do something like killing an innocent?" So she basically realized her wrong, but it was just a bit too late because she realized it after hurting Houye (this event happened when Houye was in "coma").


Long story short, when Houye woke up, he immediately prepared to go to another province (according to the assistant general's voice over, Houye volunteered to go to another province to protect Shiyi. I'm not sure what Shiyi did but someone suicided (?) and if this was traced back, Shiyi might have to bear the brunt so to prevent all this and protect her from harm's way, Houye volunteered to go). The "amicable separation letter" was written by Houye in case Houye's mom found out that the person who stabbed Houye was Shiyi. So in case the mother-in-law does something bad to Shiyi, Shiyi should bring out that letter to save herself. Houye also told Shiyi that Shiyi should get married to someone else, but she shouldn't trust Ou's family's 2nd son (which then Shiyi told him that she knew him since 2 years ago and that he is currently helping her investigate her mom's death). Shiyi also told him that the SML introduced her to the coroner, that her mom was killed with an arrow, how the witness said he saw Houye shooting the arrow, and how the arrow looks exactly the same as Houye's arrow. 


Houye then told her that "if he was the one who did it, why would he have left his arrow at the scene?". Shiyi then explained that "at first I didn't believe everything. but when she made him drunk, he confessed that Shiyi's mom's death is his fault." Then, Houye replied that what he meant by that statement was if he got to the scene earlier, her mom's death could have been prevented. He then couldn't believe that Shiyi would trust the SML's words more than him, and that he thought that after being married after quite some time, they trusted each other and understood each other. Houye also asked if he should bring the person who was with him on that day (I didn't understand which person exactly, but from what I understood, it's the person who was with him that day) but Shiyi said "no need" while crying. And then Houye left.


At night, Houye's assistant general said to him "you actually did all that to protect Shiyi right? And that you actually don't want to separate with Shiyi." Houye then replied "if my mom finds out, then she wouldn't let Shiyi off easily. if Shiyi actually uses it, then it means that it's Heaven's will."


(so yea.. basically, the letter was there to protect Shiyi and that both of them still loved each other)


EP 29


Mother-in-law finds out after "torturing" the concubines that Shiyi was the person who stabbed Houye. Xu family also got the news that Lingyi died in the fire. Shiyi wanted to go find Houye because she didn't believe that Lingyi would die. In her words, "he was even able to come back safely from the battlefield, a place that's very fierce/dangerous. i can't believe that he would die (from a fire)." 


Then, the 3rd sister-in-law came to Shiyi and told her to escape because Houye's mom wanted to punish/kill(?) her for harming her son/causing his death. But Shiyi didn't want to because she doesn't believe that Houye died. Dongqing then remembered that Houye left behind the "amicable separation letter" and that they can use it so the mother-in-law couldn't harm Shiyi. But Shiyi didn't want to use it and instead said "why is it still here? i told you to burn it."


Then, Shiyi was almost going to be punished by the mother-in-law, but then Shiyi asked her if she can have more time to wait for Houye because she doesn't believe that Houye died. the others also asked for the mom's leniency & the 5th bro also said something along the lines of "if Houye didn't die, could you bear let Houye lose another person he cares for/loves (if the mom kills Shiyi now & Houye was found alive)?" that's why as punishment and also to wait for Shiyi, the mom banished Shiyi to the outskirts/farmland(?).


Then, someone tried to kill Shiyi (this part I'm not sure). but yea.. the SML came because of the teacher's persuasion(?) and helped Shiyi and all.


EP 30


Houye didn't die. Him dying was all a ruse to find out the perpetrator or something. (I'm not 100% sure about this part, but one thing I'm sure of is that all of this was just his plan). Houye also told Shiyi that he found about Shiyi being banished to the outskirts when he met Shiyi's bodyguard on the way. That's why Houye was able to come to Shiyi's place. 


Then, Houye brought Shiyi back to Xu's mansion and then he said to the mom how everything is just a misunderstanding, that the injury is actually a small thing and that he's better now(?). (basically, Houye protected Shiyi. when they went back to Shiyi's place later on, Shiyi asked Houye why he protected Shiyi since everything was her fault and she deserved being punished. Houye said that as long as Shiyi is his wife, he won't let Shiyi suffer)

The mom actually doesn't actually believe what Houye said (since the mom asked the sister-in-law what she thinks about Houye's statement). But yea.. the main idea is that they're letting the issue go and that the mom is glad to see Houye finding someone he loves (because that's what the mom wants to see – that he finally finds someone he loves). The sister-in-law also said something like "Shiyi will be able to gain/regain(?) Lingyi's trust." (so yea.. not big issue on that front anymore)


Houye also told off Concubine Wen (because she was the one who told the mother-in-law that Shiyi was the one who stabbed him). 


Shiyi also told Houye about her newest findings (about Yu Ge's handkerchief) and said something like "maybe in Xu's mansion, there's actually a spy from Ou family?" but after Concubine Wen came, Shiyi said that "the spy is probably not Concubine Wen because Yu Ge is her reason for living. She wouldn't let place such a dangerous thing with Yu Ge."


My take for ep 27-30:


So yea... seems like everything is good. I mean, there's that trust issue that Shiyi has to regain from Lingyi, but in general, both of them still love each other and all. Lingyi just feels hurt at the moment. But from what I see for ep 31 & 32's previews, they'll make up soon (most likely by ep 31 since when Shiyi wanted to open Lingyi's clothes to put medicine and Lingyi stopped her from opening his clothes, Shiyi said "why? are you shy?" while smirking hahahaha). And in ep 32's preview, it seems like both of them are in Shiyi's room again talking (and Lingyi was wearing his sleeping wear) so I'm sure they'll be fine. 

So all in all, ep 27-30 was angsty, but everything makes sense. If I was in Shiyi's position, I would probably do the same thing. I mean.. Shiyi was just too emotional since she found out so many thing so I'm not shocked that she couldn't think very rationally. No matter how rational and careful of a person she is, she was still in her teens and the evidence she got was quite substantial (the most important evidence was Houye's "confession"). So i understand both of them and why Houye & Shiyi said and did what they did. That's why i said that the conflict in ep 27-30 is so good. like, it's all so logical and I can actually understand their motivation. makes so much sense, doesn't it?

the most important part is that after this event, both Lingyi & Shiyi are on the same page, so both of them can only have a stronger relationship without any misunderstanding (since everything is out of the way). Well.. there's the SML, but Shiyi only has eyes for Houye so it's not like the SML can do anything to their relationship lol. 


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1 hour ago, gracebkk said:

Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum since week 1 and I'm loving everyone's comments & the drama until now. I loved this week's episodes too (as well as ep 25-30 since the angst was perfectly done)!!

Btw, I read that some people were wondering about ep25-30 and getting worried about the angst, to make everyone's week better, I'd like to share a rough summary of ep 27-30 (the angsty part) since I summarized it for my friend already. I'll share it under spoilers so that people who don't want to get spoiled won't be spoiled and those that do can understand the story. :) Feel free to correct me btw because my Chinese is quite limited (so I might have understood the conversation wrong). 

EP 27

  Reveal hidden contents

When SML tried to find out what happened to Shiyi's mom, he found the coroner that investigated Shiyi's mom's body. And then, the coroner told her that the cause of the mom's death is because she was shot using an arrow (so basically, the knife was stabbed after the mom was shot by an arrow). 


Then, Shiyi found a witness that lives near Shiyi's mom's death scene (shiyi went with her bodyguard that Lingyi assigned to her and Dongqing) and the witness said that on that day he saw a person with guards and that the person shot the arrow at the lady. Shiyi then saw Lingyi's arrow in the basket and then asked the witness how he got the arrow. The witness told Shiyi that he picked up the arrow on the scene – which then made Shiyi start to doubt Lingyi even though she still doesn't believe that Lingyi was the one who killed her mom.


After some time, Shiyi found Yu Ge's handkerchief has the same embroidery pattern as the pattern found at her mom's death scene. Right after, her bodyguard came to confirm that the witness does live near the scene (I'm not 100% sure about this one because I fast-fowarded it but I pretty sure that's what the bodyguard told Shiyi). So, she made Houye drunk and asked him some questions (I think Shiyi was asking Houye would he do the same thing like shooting an innocent person like he did before to Shiyi if he encountered the situation now) and Houye said yes. Shiyi then asked Houye "what about my mom?" and then Houye answered Shiyi "everything is my fault", which basically confirms (in Shiyi's opinion) that Houye was the one who killed Shiyi's mom. That's why Shiyi had Dongqing bring down the lanterns.

EP 28

  Reveal hidden contents

Shiyi then told her findings to the teacher and SML, and I think they were going to keep investigating to be sure cuz it might be wrong. But Shiyi was worried while saying "what if Houye is really the one who killed my mom?". Because Shiyi was feeling unwell (prob due to the shock and disbelief and all) so she was going to go back to rest. But then, Shiyi became wobbly so the SML came to help/steady her.


At this moment, Houye entered the shop and saw the scene. Houye then told Shiyi to go back, but because Shiyi just found out all those things, Shiyi couldn't fully trust him and didn't want to go back (I mean... honestly speaking, in Shiyi's POV, it's a lot to take in, especially after Houye saying that when he was drunk). Houye then found out that the SML is Ou's family 2nd son. And then altercation happened, Shiyi slipped, and then Houye got stabbed. Houye told the concubines that the events on that day (that Shiyi was the one who stabbed Houye) must be kept as a secret.


When Houye was in "coma", Shiyi realized that she might have misunderstood Lingyi because she felt that she got the results/answers all so quickly (like, everything was going on so smoothly). Plus, she also said to Dongqing and Huopo "would a guy that told the concubines not to spill the stabbing event to anyone do something like killing an innocent?" So she basically realized her wrong, but it was just a bit too late because she realized it after hurting Houye (this event happened when Houye was in "coma").


Long story short, when Houye woke up, he immediately prepared to go to another province (according to the assistant general's voice over, Houye volunteered to go to another province to protect Shiyi. I'm not sure what Shiyi did but someone suicided (?) and if this was traced back, Shiyi might have to bear the brunt so to prevent all this and protect her from harm's way, Houye volunteered to go). The "amicable separation letter" was written by Houye in case Houye's mom found out that the person who stabbed Houye was Shiyi. So in case the mother-in-law does something bad to Shiyi, Shiyi should bring out that letter to save herself. Houye also told Shiyi that Shiyi should get married to someone else, but she shouldn't trust Ou's family's 2nd son (which then Shiyi told him that she knew him since 2 years ago and that he is currently helping her investigate her mom's death). Shiyi also told him that the SML introduced her to the coroner, that her mom was killed with an arrow, how the witness said he saw Houye shooting the arrow, and how the arrow looks exactly the same as Houye's arrow. 


Houye then told her that "if he was the one who did it, why would he have left his arrow at the scene?". Shiyi then explained that "at first I didn't believe everything. but when she made him drunk, he confessed that Shiyi's mom's death is his fault." Then, Houye replied that what he meant by that statement was if he got to the scene earlier, her mom's death could have been prevented. He then couldn't believe that Shiyi would trust the SML's words more than him, and that he thought that after being married after quite some time, they trusted each other and understood each other. Houye also asked if he should bring the person who was with him on that day (I didn't understand which person exactly, but from what I understood, it's the person who was with him that day) but Shiyi said "no need" while crying. And then Houye left.


At night, Houye's assistant general said to him "you actually did all that to protect Shiyi right? And that you actually don't want to separate with Shiyi." Houye then replied "if my mom finds out, then she wouldn't let Shiyi off easily. if Shiyi actually uses it, then it means that it's Heaven's will."


(so yea.. basically, the letter was there to protect Shiyi and that both of them still loved each other)


EP 29

  Reveal hidden contents

Mother-in-law finds out after "torturing" the concubines that Shiyi was the person who stabbed Houye. Xu family also got the news that Lingyi died in the fire. Shiyi wanted to go find Houye because she didn't believe that Lingyi would die. In her words, "he was even able to come back safely from the battlefield, a place that's very fierce/dangerous. i can't believe that he would die (from a fire)." 


Then, the 3rd sister-in-law came to Shiyi and told her to escape because Houye's mom wanted to punish/kill(?) her for harming her son/causing his death. But Shiyi didn't want to because she doesn't believe that Houye died. Dongqing then remembered that Houye left behind the "amicable separation letter" and that they can use it so the mother-in-law couldn't harm Shiyi. But Shiyi didn't want to use it and instead said "why is it still here? i told you to burn it."


Then, Shiyi was almost going to be punished by the mother-in-law, but then Shiyi asked her if she can have more time to wait for Houye because she doesn't believe that Houye died. the others also asked for the mom's leniency & the 5th bro also said something along the lines of "if Houye didn't die, could you bear let Houye lose another person he cares for/loves (if the mom kills Shiyi now & Houye was found alive)?" that's why as punishment and also to wait for Shiyi, the mom banished Shiyi to the outskirts/farmland(?).


Then, someone tried to kill Shiyi (this part I'm not sure). but yea.. the SML came because of the teacher's persuasion(?) and helped Shiyi and all.


EP 30

  Reveal hidden contents

Houye didn't die. Him dying was all a ruse to find out the perpetrator or something. (I'm not 100% sure about this part, but one thing I'm sure of is that all of this was just his plan). Houye also told Shiyi that he found about Shiyi being banished to the outskirts when he met Shiyi's bodyguard on the way. That's why Houye was able to come to Shiyi's place. 


Then, Houye brought Shiyi back to Xu's mansion and then he said to the mom how everything is just a misunderstanding, that the injury is actually a small thing and that he's better now(?). (basically, Houye protected Shiyi. when they went back to Shiyi's place later on, Shiyi asked Houye why he protected Shiyi since everything was her fault and she deserved being punished. Houye said that as long as Shiyi is his wife, he won't let Shiyi suffer)

The mom actually doesn't actually believe what Houye said (since the mom asked the sister-in-law what she thinks about Houye's statement). But yea.. the main idea is that they're letting the issue go and that the mom is glad to see Houye finding someone he loves (because that's what the mom wants to see – that he finally finds someone he loves). The sister-in-law also said something like "Shiyi will be able to gain/regain(?) Lingyi's trust." (so yea.. not big issue on that front anymore)


Houye also told off Concubine Wen (because she was the one who told the mother-in-law that Shiyi was the one who stabbed him). 


Shiyi also told Houye about her newest findings (about Yu Ge's handkerchief) and said something like "maybe in Xu's mansion, there's actually a spy from Ou family?" but after Concubine Wen came, Shiyi said that "the spy is probably not Concubine Wen because Yu Ge is her reason for living. She wouldn't let place such a dangerous thing with Yu Ge."


My take for ep 27-30:

  Reveal hidden contents

So yea... seems like everything is good. I mean, there's that trust issue that Shiyi has to regain from Lingyi, but in general, both of them still love each other and all. Lingyi just feels hurt at the moment. But from what I see for ep 31 & 32's previews, they'll make up soon (most likely by ep 31 since when Shiyi wanted to open Lingyi's clothes to put medicine and Lingyi stopped her from opening his clothes, Shiyi said "why? are you shy?" while smirking hahahaha). And in ep 32's preview, it seems like both of them are in Shiyi's room again talking (and Lingyi was wearing his sleeping wear) so I'm sure they'll be fine. 

So all in all, ep 27-30 was angsty, but everything makes sense. If I was in Shiyi's position, I would probably do the same thing. I mean.. Shiyi was just too emotional since she found out so many thing so I'm not shocked that she couldn't think very rationally. No matter how rational and careful of a person she is, she was still in her teens and the evidence she got was quite substantial (the most important evidence was Houye's "confession"). So i understand both of them and why Houye & Shiyi said and did what they did. That's why i said that the conflict in ep 27-30 is so good. like, it's all so logical and I can actually understand their motivation. makes so much sense, doesn't it?

the most important part is that after this event, both Lingyi & Shiyi are on the same page, so both of them can only have a stronger relationship without any misunderstanding (since everything is out of the way). Well.. there's the SML, but Shiyi only has eyes for Houye so it's not like the SML can do anything to their relationship lol. 


Oh my goodness you are just the best to recap these episodes so that we know!  Thank you!

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2 hours ago, gween97 said:

hi, i'm interest with this drama because i see the trailer is interesting, hope this will end with a good ending, i just started watching this drama today:pandapopcorn:

Hello dear! Long time no see. Yes drama is very addictive so far . 

Thanks @SnT I am relieved to hear that . My mandarin is elementary at best & like @Mouse having subs is crucial . 

@gracebkk welcome to JangHaven & the thread . Thanks so very much for the explanations / recaps . it will help me get through the week till the subs come out 

Welcome too @Chele. Glad you joined us . 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Welcome to JangHaven @gracebkk and @Chele!


@gracebkk THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for providing those episode summaries because I'm still waiting for subs and it's been killing me seeing the raw versions and not understanding what was going on. The impression I got from watching the RAW versions were apparently wrong when I read your interpretations! I'm so relieved that both Shiyi and LingYi are smart and considerate of each other which is definitely serving them well in handling these circumstances. They've both done extremely well considering they haven't been working together so I imagine they are a force to be reckoned with once they are truly honest with each other and start working on problems together.


Forgot to mention that Shiyi is beginning to realize how much Houye really cares for her.. if he's going out of his way to think of ways to protect her even when he's doubting her. 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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Thank you for the warm welcome & you’re welcome @Chele, @abs-oluteM & @Mouse. ^^ Glad my recap helped! Let’s get through this week together because most of the angst have now passed. We’re in for a lot of sweet scenes now (since many of them haven’t been shown yet and we still have 15 eps left). 


Before I forget, I just remembered


the reason why Houye wrote the letter is because he didn't know when he'll be able to come back. that’s why he wrote that letter for Shiyi, because he knows that if his mom finds out about who injured him, Shiyi will be in for a big trouble & he wants her to avoid that (since Houye won’t be there to protect her).


I’m not sure if he’s worried he won’t be able to come back (i forgot this part.. have to rewatch this scene again to remember it), but yea... the main idea is that he doesn’t know when he’ll be back. 


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No raining scenes so far right. The one she walked n fall n dong ching pick her w umbrella. N i wonder what will happen again to cause that n oh dear they still hv not consummate? 


N looks like ep 31 on, table is turned d. Shiyi need to go after houye d. Which will be a nice change to see her determination n her optimistism in doing so. N how he will be putty in her hands. 


My comfort is first kiss occur d. N it was a real good one. Beautifully executed to show how she accepted him into her hesrt d. 



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7 hours ago, SnT said:



I actually surprisingly enjoyed 25 26 a lot. It is really about trust. N that point i pity qiao. I feel like it is said women of that time need to resort to scheming, n calculating to stay alive n they pass that on to their daughter shu or di. Qiao is a result of being to stubborn in wanting lingyi n thus losing her way. 


same i really love it....while at first they only show us the front part, the later part when they reveal how they trap Qiao was really nice and also how HouYe went to Lou Mansion upon hearing what the chamber lad said.....instead of going into his own home....


his first though was to get to ShiYi....

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Actually i see houye knows he loves shiyi.. N the way he loves her is very encompassing - no matter what he will put protecting her the first place. He says in ep 26 to qiao... To him Love is mutual adoration n affection, respect, trust n do what is needful for the other person like give them what they really need not what u think they need (my translation for cheng quan). 

N shiyi says houye already did all that for her in ep 27. So i guess its her turn now to show him she loves him by giving him the affection. N letting him knows how much she loves him. Aftrr this I think her trust is unwavering d. She alresdy hv respect for him. N lastly the prison scene will show him how much needful she can do for him. 


I stop at ep 27 mid way for now cause want to prepare myself for the tears but i cam say the storyline is tight. The separation has good logic. I mean when she was presented by such strong evidence n being so young, she is alresdy terribly smart. So deep down houye forgive her d n it was clesr he did not believe she has any misconduct w ou more he is worrier shiyi being used by ou. But hurt is there, so sll shiyi need to do really is sooth thst hurt by showing her love for him. 


Our houye is setting one very high standard for c drama husband. This year 2021 best hubby of the year is xu ling yi. Haha... 

Edited by SnT
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6 minutes ago, SnT said:

Our houye is setting one very high standard for c drama husband. This year 2021 best hubby of the year is xu ling yi.

He is very gentleman&patient, sweet and compassionate. I agree that he’s the best C- drama husband this year..


I wish to see Shiyi chase him hard..😂😂 he probably will be over the moon if that happens 

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19 minutes ago, SnT said:

Actually i see houye knows he loves shiyi.. N the way he loves her is very encompassing - no matter what he will put protecting her the first place. He says in ep 26 to qiao... To him Love is mutual adoration n affection, respect, trust n do what is needful for the other person like give them what they really need not what u think they need (my translation for cheng quan).


also he told Qiao anything you force is not love.....from the beginning Qiao love him, however he has never felt much at all for her despite her always trying to parade herself infront of him....


he always was courteous with her...and thats all he has for her courtesy as a cousin or relatives....she should have realize that since she had love him for eons and he had never even look her way once

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@NiteWalker surprising indeed at the reception of audience to this show. 

By the way all you fans of Wallace, we have a new badge of him that you can buy .  @SilverMoonTea , @Tofu made your dream come true. :smile:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

@NiteWalker surprising indeed at the reception of audience to this show. 

By the way all you fans of Wallace, we have a new badge of him that you can buy .  @SilverMoonTea , @Tofu made your dream come true. :smile:

Muachhh @Tofu. Purchased. U know how to make chaebol go bankrupt! 

@OsmanthusTeawelcome to Marquis harem clan 🤣



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13 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

@NiteWalker surprising indeed at the reception of audience to this show. 

By the way all you fans of Wallace, we have a new badge of him that you can buy .  @SilverMoonTea , @Tofu made your dream come true. :smile:


oooo u have new badge for wallace? i think @UnniSara like wallace too as well as @movingwheel

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