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My Dear Guardian 亲爱的戎装 [2021]

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5 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

Hope so. I didn’t think much of it when it was just one channel saying it but when a second said it too, I was like errr… Guess we’ll have to find out. 

Counting down the hours! 😝


yes if you're watching it from YT dont trust it...its almost like they take the same characters and made up all sort of other stories plots...their own personal plots hahaha...so i never watch those in YT unless it pure trailers then yes i will watch it

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Heehee, @IpohBanana, it’s still evening on my side of the globe. Kind of feels like I’m waiting for Christmas morning. Am I crazy? 😅 Here’s hoping no one wants me to do anything in the morning so I can start watching. It is my vacay after all! Haha. 

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@SnT how many episodes are they expected to flood us with ?

@NiteWalker our leads also getting good buzz apart from the drama doing well 



New stills @IpohBanana @themarchioness

She must be feeling down because of the girl who died


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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44 minutes ago, SnT said:

I love how he is so powerful he throw every one off the platform. Li qin only need to stay on n hang on to the other lady till hjy is done w all the guys. Those guys are so funny they literally just go after him. 


yes he totally just toss ppl over effortlessly lols....


i think the most competitive one will be from He LaoShi and also Zhang ZheHan hahaha....he took the most times with both of them...the rest of them was just a flick or toss for him lols

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Zzh is naturally very sporty as well. But for strength hjy definitely got it. He gives a rugby player vibes.


I love the way he touch the animal.. So sure n not fearful at all. N end up he ask liqin makes the final decision even though she hardly touch it. 


Can see she is a thinker n very intelligent n he is a action guy n get things done type. Good match 

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12 minutes ago, SnT said:

Zzh is naturally very sporty as well. But for strength hjy definitely got it. He gives a rugby player vibes.


I love the way he touch the animal.. So sure n not fearful at all. N end up he ask liqin makes the final decision even though she hardly touch it. 


Can see she is a thinker n very intelligent n he is a action guy n get things done type. Good match 


HYJ actually train judo if im not wrong, he knew how to do it.....he demonstrate it once before also in Happy Camp....of course the person who partner with him coordinate very well with him...its somewhere in YouTube...i show it to you once i come across it again.

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Can I just say, I love the Brigade Commander and how much he cares for his soldiers’ love lives… It’s sooo sweet and fatherly. I loved too how he was all, “Am I too old? Why didn’t I understand anything your cousin said,” and LMZ had to reassure him nobody ever understands what she says. Lol. 

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11 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

Can I just say, I love the Brigade Commander and how much he cares for his soldiers’ love lives… It’s sooo sweet and fatherly. I loved too how he was all, “Am I too old? Why didn’t I understand anything your cousin said,” and LMZ had to reassure him nobody ever understands what she says. Lol. 

He also knows how to use work as a pretext to send the 2 guys to the hospital after the explosion, the right place at the right time, with the right people. Not just the typical boss, more like an uncle.

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13 minutes ago, IpohBanana said:

He also knows how to use work as a pretext to send the 2 guys to the hospital after the explosion, the right place at the right time, with the right people. Not just the typical boss, more like an uncle.

Haha, ikr? Even now LMZ’s like, “I think I need to go to the hospital to get checked out,” and the Brigade Commander’s like, “Really? I think that’s a good idea too.” No on-base medics will do for his men. 😉



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Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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4 hours ago, SnT said:

Can see she is a thinker n very intelligent n he is a action guy n get things done type. Good match 

Kind of like our drama here...:wow:


Eps 25

Since I had already seen the spoiler , I was expecting the scene of XC turning ZR down, and it was even better with subs. I loved that she was flat out clear that she no longer has feelings for him regardless of whether she and LMZ work out or don't  . The best line in that rejection speech was when she told him that she isn't as pathetic as he thinks she is pining for him for 8 years. She didn't miss out on life (friends, dating, college) just because she was heartbroken when he left. Well done Xia Chu.


And I am glad that LMZ came to get her. I am assuming they are together , right? She didn't push his hands away and was happy with the piggy back ride. Plus she clearly told ZR that she likes ( it was translated as love by IQIYI) LMZ. So I hope we ain't going one step forward & two steps back in the next eps. Anyway, it looks like LMZ made a cute key chain with a tracker for her. I do hope he tells her there's a tracker in there or it might be creepy for someone to track you without consent. Of course creepy level standard was already set by ZR's 3D holograms of he & XCs younger selves almost kissing! Yikes!


Oh I did feel sorry for Miss Shrieky. Can finally understand her behaviour and cry for attention better now. It isn't just ADHD , she was also sexually assaulted and I suppose ever since has lived with some form of guilt. I have warmed up quite a bit to her character in the last few episodes - she does make me laugh. Unfortunately can't say the same about MiGu , who continues to be spineless and cannot resist ZR's "charms". 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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31 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Since I had already seen the spoiler , I was expecting the scene of XC turning ZR down, and it was even better with subs. I loved that she was flat out clear that she no longer has feelings for him regardless of whether she and LMZ work out or don't  . The best line in that rejection speech was when she told him that she isn't as pathetic as he thinks she is pining for him for 8 years. She didn't miss out on life (friends, dating, college) just because she was heartbroken when he left. Well done Xia Chu.

I loved this scene as well. In addition to the parts you highlighted, I also liked where she told him that even if things didn’t work out with LMZ, it wouldn’t be him either. I hate in dramas where second leads always think if the competition was out of the way, they’d be the chosen to be the lead’s partner and that is never the case. It just wouldn’t be them! Ever! So I like when dramas make it clear: it will never be you. 

(And, again, I have to ask, what does ZR think he’d do with XC even if she did pick him? She’s not going to want to live the life he’s living…. Just saying. 😝)


34 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

And I am glad that LMZ came to get her. I am assuming they are together , right?

Haha. They are in an interesting state of affairs. When it comes to their relationship, their last status was she asked for time and he said he’d wait for her. But after that, we see how every time she has news to share, whether it’s good or bad, the first person she always reaches for is LMZ. He is so ingrained in her life, even if she wants him to keep his distance, she’s the one who keeps pulling him closer. I think LMZ is wise in just letting her figure things out on her own. After all, it’s not like she’s going anywhere. She’s still dancing around him. 😉


38 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

it looks like LMZ made a cute key chain with a tracker for her.

Hahaha, that was adorable! I know it’s because he wants her to keep the tracker on herself, which is why he does it, but it’s clever and cute. I don’t find his actions creepy like ZR’s because it’s coming from a protective place and he’s keeping her in the dark for her own security and peace of mind, but he does at least warn against her meeting privately with ZR again and I’m glad, this time, she agrees and doesn’t push back. She’s figuring out ZR is bad news. If only MIgu would too, sigh.


41 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Of course creepy level standard was already set by ZR's 3D holograms of he & XCs younger selves almost kissing! Yikes!

OMG THAT WAS SOOOOO CREEPY. I think this drama is determined to make me dislike holograms. 😂


41 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh I did feel sorry for Miss Shrieky. Can finally understand her behaviour and cry for attention better now

These were two heartbreaking episodes for Shrieky Cousin and her dad… I hope he’ll be alright! 

Anyway, just skim watched through the raw episodes, so I’ll watch them again subbed later tonight. It’s so good having more MDG eps to watch this week… you all know I’ve been dying. I’m like a wilted flower now brought back to life, haha. 

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1 hour ago, themarchioness said:

These were two heartbreaking episodes for Shrieky Cousin and her dad… I hope he’ll be alright! 

Oh yes I just completed ep 26 and gosh the description by Rao Zi about what happened to her - the broken glass stuck to her body &  given she was sexually molested  - I don't even want to imagine what that means and what she had to go through. But I think given that he saved her & with his life in the balance, the father & daughter may have a chance of reconciling.


You're right about the Brigade Commander in your earlier post. He is very thoughtful where it comes to his troop and such a fatherly figure where he is concerned with their welfare. Even in eps 26, he was quick to ask TY to follow LMZ to the office.


So even though they aren't  "official" , LMZ and XC are already "together" , as far as I am concern The shaving scene was sweet and LMZ knowing he isn't always going to be able to be with her , reminds her again about safety precautions when he gave her the keychain. But my favourite bit was at the end , when XX was hugging TY. The look they (LMZ & XC) gave each other across the hallway said so much more than words or any skinship could. His was a look of relief that she was safe (the explosive parcel was intended for her after all) and her teary eyes show how happy she was to see him in such an overwhelming situation. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Seriously i could not watch some part of the 25 26 dealing w cousin n her dad. My heart really breaks n i want to cry hearing their story n how dad detect the long yi is the culprit n the bomb i kinda hv yo skip a bit. I will watch when i feel less disturb.. Mayb i hv daughter. I cannot hear story of little gals being put through those dark monstrous doings. 


I hate migu n i honestly hate her now. Zr really treat her like standby. Moment xc reject him it is he turn around n look fir migu for sexual release. Migu is stupid to think that is love. I don know what emoji to use. I basically skip those sick interactions btw that 2. One evil n one stupid. N the creepy hologram. If i was watching it like xc, i will get goosebumps n shivers. 


Lmz is seriously worry about xc n who wouldnt. The story is running so deep n dark now. Longyi raping xx. That is likev8 years ago again. Alot of things happening 8 years ago. Captain died. Zr n father thingy causing zr to dissappear , xx was assaulted, it is coming together now. They must be all related to lau ye. Look like lauye holds grudges very deep. He ordered to capture xc to spite lmz besides threatening her father. Now xc rejected zr, I think he will harden his heart n start to harm xc. 


Love how xc just squat in the middle of the walkway. Haha... I mean if ur bf is angry w u. Squat there n cry. Voila he will piggyback u home. Magic.!!!! Show u girls do not need to use the hard way or any logic. Just be illogical if ur man is a iron guy. Haha lol. 


For me how lmz is angry is not about jealousy. It's pure worry hevfear zr will harm xc. Imagine if commander din ask him go hospital. He would not hv known xc is zr. It must be creeping him up. But i m so glad our gal, did not argue w him when he says don be alone w zr. She just nod n say ok. Smart gal. She trusts lmz more!!!!


Looks like ep 27 daddy coming into the pic. Walking in at very 'appropriate' moments... Oops lmz lmz... 



Edited by SnT
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16 minutes ago, SnT said:

Looks like ep 27 daddy coming into the pic. Walking in at very 'appropriate' moments... Oops lmz lmz... 

This is me after seeing  Daddy Xia walk in & disrupts what could be potentially a hot kiss..



Sigh ...I need a LMZ massage though!

  • Haha 3

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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5 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

HYJ actually train judo if im not wrong, he knew how to do it.....he demonstrate it once before also in Happy Camp....of course the person who partner with him coordinate very well with him...its somewhere in YouTube...i show it to you once i come across it again.

He's trained & competed for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 

ahahah we can learn from him




The leads were at the Sina HQ to promote the show



And IQIYI's HQ to promote the show


Not a fan of his hair color though :idk:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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