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Do You Like Brahms? 브람스를 좋아하세요 ? [2020]

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I realised I haven't penned downy any long-form thoughts about the past few episodes in awhile!


I find that the mood of the episodes have changed so subtly, growing in intensity and tension. Ironic that we have moved back to a college setting that is usually identified with freedom and light.


I was most struck by the glimpses we got of the four leads' families. I thought it shone a light on how their upbringing and family life have influenced the ways they approach life and react to the issues they are facing. JY's family we have been seeing for awhile. He had resigned himself to parents who leeched off him. But with the reveal of his mother's state of health, it seems that like mother like son, in that they try to shield their loved ones from tough news to seem like all is well (or normal, at least). I wasn't surprised to see that HH has a very warm and supportive family. It makes total sense seeing that he's such a stable, level-headed sort of guy, which he would have to be to deal with JK's moodiness (and I don't think the current mood she is in, is a one-off). SA's family, we have also seen a bit of. Her mother doesn't seem to be as shrewish as in the first introduction scene but her father is still the one that stands out as SA's emotional pillar. I am rather envious that they have such a close relationship to be able to drink together. It seems to me that SA and her father is very deliberately contrasted with JK and her father. (JK's family, oh boy, I think we are scratching the surface with this one). I don't think JK's father is as aloof as we have been led to think based on what he said to her in Ep 8 (can't remember the exact words). My sense is that he is distant by choice because she pushes him away.


Song-ah continues to impress with inner strength and determination to be better. I almost spit out my water when the professor revealed that JK would be teaching the masterclass. I thought it was absolutely right of SA to take up the opportunity to be taught by JK, she knows she can't avoid JK forever and she can't let romance stand in the way of her own improvement. I am really looking forward to SA and JK connecting and becoming better friends. They have a lot to help each other. SA needs JK's musical tutoring while JK really needs some emotional support and a female friend to confide in. I really like the idea that its JK who helps SA become a better musician, rather than JY. SA gets to own her progress away from her romantic interest while JK will get the professional validation she's been craving for. 


Joon-young, I am worried for him. Even without the Ep 9 preview, the amount of stress he is under is increasing. I don't know what a new relationship with SA will mean, but I am hoping hard that it will help to ease rather than add to the stress. So far, most of the complications of their relationship has been coming from JY's side, I am guessing that those from SA's side will begin to surface now with DY confessing to her.


I don't like JY's piano tutor but that man does drop quite a few truth bombs. However JY really needs to sieve through them to apply it to his context rather than accepting it wholesale. When the piano tutor spoke about his method to winning competitions. I was reminded that it was the total opposite of what the maestro told him in JK's house in Ep 3. I am pretty sure that this piano tutor is part of how JY has come to lose his joy in playing the piano. With that said, I also very curious about his backstory though, with the hints about his less than stellar academic background and his previous relationship with Team Leader Cha (whom I loveeee). So he can't be all that bad?




Edited by wallflowersforjane
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Ahhh since today is Brahm's day

K pop map had these really nice gifs of the kiss here


I could not extract it out :D

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Ahhh since today is Brahm's day

K pop map had these really nice gifs of the kiss here


I could not extract it out :D

Hahaha naughty KPOP Map. They took it off Twitters' Giffers.

I need some swooning chingus for More Than Friends thread. Will you guys join me? @abs-oluteM @SilverMoonTea @wallflowersforjane @im0202 @ktcjdrama @LaLa

Edited by mademoisellesia
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On 9/28/2020 at 2:58 PM, wallflowersforjane said:

@mademoisellesia Omg, more couple pictures. More pain is coming. 

So we have blue checked shirt and this new olive shirt, 2 happy days? 

This couple is very nerve-wrecking.

Should it be 2.5 happy days? 

1st - the day they kiss (surely he doesn't just send her home after that!)

2nd - Meeting Min Seong & have lunch together

3rd - Ice cream date (potentially another kiss)


You're making me laugh... come come, make some time for More Than Friends. It might heal us from this nerve wrecking couple. Ong Seong Woo needs to be whacked with his vain comments but he does so many things behind her back (that only viewers see) so can't even be fully mad at him, LOL. 

Edited by mademoisellesia
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2 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

Should it be 2.5 happy days? 

1st - the day they kiss (surely he doesn't just send her home after that!)

2nd - Meeting Min Seong & have lunch together

3rd - Ice cream date (potentially another kiss)


You're making me laugh... come come, make some time for More Than Friends. It might heal us from this nerve wrecking couple. Ong Seung Woo needs to be whacked with his vain comments but he does so many things behind her back (that only viewers see) so can't even be fully mad at him, LOL. 


Can't believe we are counting days right? I like your calculation of that 0.5 day. :MewGiggle:


I aim to finish up MTF today! ROY can wait till tomorrow. Gosh, so many dramas, I am not even impatient waiting for new episodes when there's so many to watch all the time!

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4 minutes ago, wallflowersforjane said:

I aim to finish up MTF today! ROY can wait till tomorrow. Gosh, so many dramas, I am not even impatient waiting for new episodes when there's so many to watch all the time!

A-ha, yes! I find it helpful to ease frustration of waiting for new episodes coming out. Haha.


I like MTF more than ROY. Let me know what you think when you're done with both episodes. I'm enjoying 18 Again too although I think now the Top 2 are Brahms and MTF, then Alice and 18 Again.

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Live recaps

They repeat the kiss scene......yayayayayaay...it added the part where he tells JK in flashback that he likes Song Ah - shi.


But they didn't kiss long ..and now they are talking ...they should go back to kissing. ( how come her lipstick looks so touched up, lmao)

She asked him to do a pinky promise over something and they sweetly giggled. I think he agrees to be her accompanying pianist. She was pleased, but I think she says it's fine , does not need him to do so.  These two are such a cute and awkward couple, so polite lol!


JY goes home , he opens his drawer (missed what was inside) ...and he closed it back.


Our Song Ah , at home touching her lips thinking of the kiss and confession. Lol! Sure cannot sleep


Next day , SA tells MS about dating JY...MS was so excited ..she was practically screaming JY's name ..kkkkk...then JY appeared in front of them...MS was shocked. MS and JY exchanged introductions. The pair asked MS to join them for lunch but MS did not want to be 3rd wheel and left.


JY and SA had lunch in cafeteria. Her classmates popped over and teased them if they were dating. SA wanted to somewhat refute but JY immediately said yes. ahahah...those gals were so excited and started telling everyone , news even got to SA's ex colleague at the foundation.


SA and JY - sweet scenes of them talking in college hallway. Then later on when SA was practising in one of the rooms...JY came to see her . He wanted to see her play. She was abit shy...then she needed to wipe something and took out her hanky...he took it ( eh will this replace JK's hanky?) 

oh damn, they had this moment where they look at each other like gonna kiss...but then SA's alarm went off ,and the moment gone...aigoo...come on. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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SA went to see Manager Cha and another colleague from the foundation. After that as she was leaving, SA I think wanted to tell about her and JY. Before SA could say anything, Cha seems to have read her mind , and was happy for her.


Meanwhile, the guy who is now JY's manager has a meeting with that awful dude from the school concert ( the one who was not nice to SA)


Next morning, JK joins her grandma who was chairing a meeting for the university academic staff. HH was with friends who started talking about JY. They thought that JY and him are still close. It made HH uncomfortable and unhappy. HH wanted to join his friend to do something, but the guys was like  this would not be comfortable for JK etc..and then HH tells them that he & JK had broken up.


Grandma have lunch with JK's dad. They discuss some stuff related to JK

HH's friend don't seem to have much tact , annoy him even when finding out about JK breaking up with him.


SA practising. ...with her professor...the latter praised her for improving but I honestly don't know how genuine and attentive she was to SA...she  does not really seem to pay attention and  I am surprised she keeps telling SA she was good today. I hope it is true.


JY meets JK for coffee. They talk about him playing Brahms , didn't really catch it but it was quite a calm talk..more importantly, JY tells JK he is dating SA.


SA got some miss calls or something which she realised after her practice. It was HH 


Back to JK and JY , JY repeats what he says about him seeing SA. I think JK was relatively calm , given the news. Hmm then HH on the phone asked SA if she was seeing JY..SA was surprised but she say yes. He says good for her.


HH happened to be standing outside the cafe , when JK and JY came out. HH then tells JY that he wants to speak to him alone. They ask JK to leave.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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HH then asked JY , aren't you seeing SA, why are you meeting JK. Then JY mentioned that he just wanted to sort out things with JK as JK wanted him to be her pianist. JY tells HH that JK knows about him and SA. HH then felt bad ...he tells JY how can you hurt JK like that ( after all JK broke up with him for JY). JK came in to where the two guys were, HH said some things to her , then they (HH & JK ) walked off.


JY's agent guy came to see JY's professor. They discuss JY's performance I suppose. There was this flashback scene of the Professor, Chairwoman and Manager Cha discussing JY's progress. Then there was also a flashback scene of professor hearing some audience saying something not so pleasant about JY.


JY now went to see Cha...lol..he shyly told Cha that he was seeing SA. She was happy, she basically wanted him to be happy and to open himself to SA. Not to clam up. But JY says he wants to make sure that the people he cares for don't suffer. He wants to protect them.  But Cha says he still needs to confide in SA or something. He smiled .


MS and SA meet and chat. MS gets a message from someone about a blind date. She asked SA if she should ( as I suppose she was still waiting for DY)..SA asked her to go for the date. She might find someone she likes.


After that SA was about to go home..then she decided to call JY..and the love birds meet as per stills  released...ahhh you can see Seoul Tower from afar ..they have ice-cream...ahahahaha we can call them Ice Cream couple....

They are so cute discussing if he likes the ice cream flavour she got him as he was not eating it , he was like I really like it and he looked at her ...she was gonna grab it from him to tell him that she'll get him another ...they had that moment..then he looked at her , and they kissed....:wow: ( edit saw the vid again : she kissed him 1st , then he kissed back ) 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Next day , SA peeks in to the room where JY was practising...then she decides to come in...he got her to sit down. These two are the cutest, they still talk very politely and sweetly to each other. So much talking - think they were talking about their teachers etc ( wait for subs) ....she did ask him for his opinion about his professor but I felt he wasn't very forthcoming about telling what he felt. After she left him to practise, he thinks of some stuff that his professor ask him to do -maybe ask him to play something that he does not seem so keen to do...


OH no...depressed JY at the piano..unable to play..he just kept tapping the keys in anger and he started throwing his music notes. He took a bunch of meds to calm himself down.


Then there was this scene of him in the hotel room after winning a Chopin competition and he did not seem happy despite all the congratulatory messages that he was sent - think this was flashback. Back to the present - JY washing his face in frustration in the toilet.


SA with her friends having a meal. DY was there...MS called . They asked to put her on speaker phone. Before SA could tell her that she was on speaker, MS blurted out that she must have been to busy dating JY to answer her or something. DY heard ...so now he knows too that SA and JY are together. The other friends  were so excited to hear that . After the rest left, SA and DY were alone , and they chatted. Anyway SA just wanted DY not to hold out hopes for her ...she tells DY that she really likes JY a lot.  DY was of course sad. But I guess he wanted to know if she did like him before. She said yes , she did but then it was not possible...omo...MS had just come in and overheard what SA had said...SA turns around and saw stunned MS there...

-eps ends_



ooooo there are some angsty friendship stuff..not important...MOST important ahem , is that SA visits JY at him home....kkkk he was quickly tidying his bed !! Omo!! Can we expect a bed scene  with this innocent ice-cream couple. :laugh:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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