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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. "Who is the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol?"

    • Jun
    • Dr. Cha
    • Grandpa
    • Stalker
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  2. 2. "What will be the Rara reaction after finding Jun is highscooler?"

    • Felt guilty and in debt to Jun and suggest a breakup
    • Will act like noona to Jun
    • Pretend nothing happened and go on with their relationship
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  3. 3. Ending of the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol will be:

    • Start with wedding, end with wedding of Jun & Rara
    • Time jump before the happy ending of Jun & Rara
    • Ambiguous ending
    • Separation ending
    • Others, you can share more in thread

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Ahhhh!!!!!! This episode was so frustrating. Those who didn’t want to watch this episode, can just wait till next week. Nothing gets resolved here. 


Basically the girl is a classmate of Juns. She likes him. Jun is on the way to meet with lalA and runs into the girl and she offers to take him to wherever he needs to go. He takes her offer cause she’s holding up all the cars. She gives him a drink and next think we know he’s sleeping. So he’s not able to meet with Lala anymore. Afterwards Lala isn’t able to reach Jun anymore. The detective goes and tracks him and takes those pictures of Jun and the girl. Jun meets with Lala and tells her “I thought our final goodbye should be in person.” He tells her he doesn’t like her anymore and that they should break up. In the epilogue we see that after he leaves her he watches her through the window and cries. Final scene Lala goes to the airport to meet her piano teacher and ends up seeing Jun there with the girl. So in the preview, we find out that Jun was the one that purchased the building. So obviously he’s pulling this noble idiocy because of some deal he made with his mom. 

I don’t like this development at all. I just don’t understand why Jun would leave her because he thought getting her this building would make her happier? At least it seems like Lala is going to go after him after finding out the truth. Don’t have much time, so will come back to write more later. 

edit: I’m just so confused, if what the show is presenting to us is accurate. Juns reasoning just doesn’t make sense. I feel like he’d never break up with her over the building. I can’t help but wonder if it’s something else? Is he sick? Does he think he’s sick cause his mom lied to him? What is it!?!


Edited by Mapleoaks5
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55 minutes ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

Ahhhh!!!!!! This episode was so frustrating. Those who didn’t want to watch this episode, can just wait till next week. Nothing gets resolved here. 


AGREED! If you haven't watch ep 14, skip it please! Worst episode ever, now this episode feels like a filler to me. Save your thoughts and hearts for next week. So glad I have BTS comeback to look forward to haha until the finale. :btslove: 

Edited by eNDe
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AHHHHH I'm just going to vent first because I can't contain my feelings!!! WHHHYYYYYYY??? :pandarage2:


It has gone down a very conventional makjung break up route. :lettalKWA:


This episode also played out exactly like it looked like it would. As in, I felt like we watched the entire episode by looking at the trailer and those stills. Because those were pretty much all Lala and Jun's story lines. The rest were the side characters (who I still love), but if they introduce a makjung storyline in the last 3 episodes, I feel like it's dangerous giving all that airtime to side characters because you're not going to wrap up things in good time. :letalQQ:


Also now the genre is feeling like melo instead of rom-com and I'm not sure I can deal. There were still nice moments in the episode, ie. HY and SK finally making things official. But I felt like there was a lot of filler and angst too. Not sure why the writers have gone down this path at all. :pandacop:


This better not have a sad ending. The only way to fix this now is like fluffing up the last episode with extreme skinship. :YesHalCat:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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21 minutes ago, JenL said:

This episode also played out exactly like it looked like it would. As in, I felt like we watched the entire episode by looking at the trailer and those stills. Because those were pretty much all Lala and Jun's story lines. The rest were the side characters (who I still love), but if they introduce a makjung storyline in the last 3 episodes, I feel like it's dangerous giving all that airtime to side characters because you're not going to wrap up things in good time. :letalQQ:


IKR! It's the first time I watched the episode and kept checking the time left to prepare myself for that stills scene...I can also say that this is the most predictable episode...I thought to myself if I'm really watching the same show. Each episode always seem to end quicker than I thought with more characters added into the picture eg RaRa's ex and Dr Cha's ex. 


Will the writer give RaRa and Jun a full episode at least?


Or I'm gonna be like in HY mode, grab Jun by the collar and tell him to return RaRa's tea cup! 

Edited by eNDe
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1 minute ago, eNDe said:


IKR! It's the first time I watched the episode and kept checking the time left to prepare myself for that stills scene...I can also say that this is the most predictable episode...I thought to myself if I'm really watching the same show. Each episode always seem to end quicker than I thought with more characters added into the picture eg RaRa's ex and Dr Cha's ex. Will the writer give RaRa and Jun a full episode at least? 


Yep, I felt sad because I couldn't even engage with the side characters as much this episode even though really good things happened to them because of this weird makjang Jun turning on Lala thing. Also I thought he wouldn't be able to look her in the eye, but he still did, which made me so sadddd :letalQQ::letalQQ::letalQQ:


I just don't like the direction they've taken because it's completely different from the whole other 13 episodes of DDSSLLS. It didn't feel right in the pacing (things start to drag if there's angst, but no moving forward to explain the angst, but just topping more onto it). Ughhh I really hope it's not going to be a sad ending or a mostly sad ending with like 10 minutes of happiness tacked on :pandarage2:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I am editing my post after re-watching the Ep. 14. It's a sad episode with little interactions from our OTP. I miss them being cute and happy. Anyway, I think this episode is a set-up for the big reveal of Jun being the true DDSSLLS next week. I still can't figure out the exact reasons for his actions (holding hands with the girl classmate, break up, airport scene, etc.)  this episode but found comfort that Jun is doing everything for Rara's protection. I think it was not a coincidence that Rara said in their beach scene that somewhere in Jun's rejection is a warm affirmation so the fact that Jun said his favorite "shiroh" in the break up scene speaks volume. The entire episode showed how the men (Seunggi, Dr. Cha) thoughtfully advised Rara not to look at one side of the coin only, Jun has gained good friends and allies indeed. I miss Grandpa and I hope he wakes up soon to give Rara one part of her revelation. The writer purposely withheld a lot of vital information this episode but I believe that it is necessary for the plot. Remember opening scene of Ep. 1, who knew it would be such an important  scene for our main characters. We have seen one layer of Ep. 14 hopefully all its layers will be revealed in the first half of Ep. 15 I just want it to be resolved quickly so we can have more sweet and happy moments with Jun and Rara. Rara remains kind, understanding, bright and positive person that she is amidst everything she's going through.  No wonder Jun is completely head over heels, how can one not gravitate towards such person. It's such a shame that it's ending next week, I saw some posts from naver that they are demanding season 2 for Rara and Jun! hahaha Why not? Drama gods, can you hear us?

Edited by Unnie0110
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Arrggghhhh! I wasn't sure whether to jump on this thread or not, but I did, and you've confirmed my fears. So, I guess Dr. Cha was just the cover for Jun to actually buy the building, and he made a deal with the devils (his parents) in order to get it done so that the LL, HY, SK, and HY's mother would still have their place.


In a way, it's showing his youth and some lack of maturity that he would do this on his own without telling LL what's going on with some noble idiotic idea that he's "letting her go" to live her own life since he's probably hocked his to his parents. But, after they've opened their hearts to each other, after knowing that she loves him, and that he loves her, that's when he's going to "let her go" without even talking to her about it?


It takes Jun's character progression all the way back to him being a little kid, or a kdrama hero, I guess.


1 hour ago, JenL said:

Also now the genre is feeling like melo instead of rom-com and I'm not sure I can deal. There were still nice moments in the episode, ie. HY and SK finally making things official. But I felt like there was a lot of filler and angst too. Not sure why the writers have gone down this path at all.


No, this is a k-drama rom-com, so I was expecting a separation of some kind, but this is still blech. Have I mentioned that Koreans seem to think that every drama has to have angst in it, which for rom-com's translates into separation angst? In her drama Shopping King Louis, there was a separation of the OTP there as well which lasted a couple of episodes. The only good thing about having the separation in ep 14 is that it shouldn't last too long since we're nearing the end.


We had better get at least one episode of extreme sweetness after this, plus a scene of LL kicking some sense back into Jun!

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I don’t mind separation if there is a clear reason and it makes sense to the character and storyline. When Jun and Lala first separated due to him being a runaway, that completely made sense to me and I felt was the right course of action. If they had to do yet ANOTHER separation, why go about it like this? Him holding the other girls hand?! Like what?! What was the purpose of that? Kind of cheapens Juns love for LL. Again, I hope the show will show us that the picture is not all that is depicted.  I just feel like the Jun being shown to us in ep 14 is not the Jun we’ve come to know and love from episode 1-13. 

I’m really hoping this gets solved in the next episode because i don’t need 10 minutes of happiness tacked on to the end like @JenL said. I feel like so many dramas start out really great and then lose their steam or throws all these random scenarios at the end. It does such a disservice to the great writing it’s shown thus far. 

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Just finished it


Most of drama (at least that I watched) let us the viewers know some secret or get better understanding bout situation faced by characters in drama even before themselves. But this drama... writer-nim keep secrets from us too..we are as confuse and sad as Rara now...and broken hearted too:letalQQ::letalQQ::letalQQ:..



This is the first Episode that I don't want to rewatch

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33 minutes ago, Just_Me said:

Just finished it


Most of drama (at least that I watched) let us the viewers know some secret or get better understanding bout situation faced by characters in drama even before themselves. But this drama... writer-nim keep secrets from us too..we are as confuse and sad as Rara now...and broken hearted too:letalQQ::letalQQ::letalQQ:..



This is the first Episode that I don't want to rewatch


On the other hand, I will admit that this writer knows how to wring emotions from us. She gave us 13 episodes of sweetness, fun, and reason....then she lowered the boom with this second separation that makes so little sense.


I haven't watched the episode yet, and I will probably wait to watch it over the weekend rather than rushing home to watch it. I have a feeling I may need an entire gallon of ice cream and coffee to help me through this episode.

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I do wonder what this means though from the trailer. When they first met, was there a secret thing that was revealed? Maybe he was a sickly kid when Lala met him and she's remembered that? I need a bigger reason for his actions :letalQQ:

I need explanations!!!


Also me whenever there's a side profile pic of LJW: Jawline :BulbaOWO::hearties:




Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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WAHH?! I was waiting for episode 14 so I can watch it with episode 13 since the reactions wasn't the best yesterday. Now I don't want to watch episode 14 either -- I skimmed over all your posts because I was too sad to read them in their entirety. I'll have to go back once I watch both episodes. :pandasadspoon:


But really, Jun....I trusted you. :PiplupCry::yoongibtspls:

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This is honestly why I think I sometimes watch BTS videos more than the actual dramas...I have joked a lot over the years that I often watched dramas so that I can understand the in-jokes of behind the scenes, rather than the BTS being supporting content :laugh:


Happy moments with the stars being silly/ having fun. :BulbaOWO:


KBS knowing we be hurting so they dropped this video this morning. :hearties: A cheer up since we've all been down a little this week!



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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30 minutes ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

@Unnie0110 you have a lot of faith in this drama and writer!!! I’ve been burned by too many dramas that have crashed and burned at the end, so I will cautiously be watching and really hoping what you say may be true, will be true. 


Yes, I will have hope until the final two episodes. We have been pleasantly surprised by this drama thus far so I hope and pray that they did not change the writer for the last 4 episodes and brought in a makjang expert! hahaha True to your words, many kdramas have started great, with intriguing plots and lovable characters only to disappoint us in the final episodes and break our kdrama-loving hearts. For now, I do not want to spend the next few days hating Jun! hahaha I was reading on Naver about Ep. 14's scenes and knetizens were all expressing disappointment with Jun and the writer. :laugh: Otokke Junah?! Otokke LJW!?!

Everyone is behind Rara on this one, not only Eunpo folks but all DDSSLLS fans, Jun better have a convincing, heartfelt and believable explanation for his silly actions next week or else as I have said in my previous now deleted comment, he does not deserve our pure sunshine Rara. :cool:  Drama gods, please bring our Jun back! hahaha

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11 hours ago, eNDe said:

IKR! It's the first time I watched the episode and kept checking the time left to prepare myself for that stills scene...I can also say that this is the most predictable episode...I thought to myself if I'm really watching the same show. Each episode always seem to end quicker than I thought with more characters added into the picture eg RaRa's ex and Dr Cha's ex. 


Will the writer give RaRa and Jun a full episode at least?


Or I'm gonna be like in HY mode, grab Jun by the collar and tell him to return RaRa's tea cup! 


I think I was disappointed because it wasn't only predictable but also there wasn't much more than what we'd seen - so literally we'd all seen the bits during the week with the girl. The only extra bits were her back story about how she knows Jun and likes him (which felt unnecessary to me given there's no time to expand on this and Jun obviously never cared about her much anyway...though he's holding her hand???) and the epilogue with Jun crying over what he did while looking at Lala...which was only a very short, heart-breaking segment. :letalQQ:


The last episode has to be a full Lala and Jun episode right?? Don't answer that one. I've been burnt wayyyy too many times before)


10 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I am editing my post after re-watching the Ep. 14. It's a sad episode with little interactions from our OTP. I miss them being cute and happy. Anyway, I think this episode is a set-up for the big reveal of Jun being the true DDSSLLS next week. I still can't figure out the exact reasons for his actions (holding hands with the girl classmate, break up, airport scene, etc.)  this episode but found comfort that Jun is doing everything for Rara's protection.


Thanks @Unnie0110! Your post made me feel a lot happier :CharmanderYay::hearties: ....even though I'm a jaded drama watcher from many years of getting burnt over and over again (My reaction every time a drama goes down the wrong track -> :pandaroar:. Hahaha, why do I still watch dramas? For the BTS of course...haha) 


10 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I think it was not a coincidence that Rara said in their beach scene that somewhere in Jun's rejection is a warm affirmation so the fact that Jun said his favorite "shiroh" in the break up scene speaks volume. The entire episode showed how the men (Seunggi, Dr. Cha) thoughtfully advised Rara not to look at one side of the coin only, Jun has gained good friends and allies indeed. I miss Grandpa and I hope he wakes up soon to give Rara one part of her revelation. 


This was a lovely thing to say because it's very true :BulbaOWO::heart:


Jun has always said no, but in his heart and actions, he always says yes to Lala, so I'm going to hold onto that. It's also true that all the guys had faith in Jun because they trust him and I was actually quite touched when Dr Cha spoke up for Jun and said he would never play Lala like that. I was actually comforted by his words even though the scenes were crushing me. :letalQQ:


10 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

The writer purposely withheld a lot of vital information this episode but I believe that it is necessary for the plot. Remember opening scene of Ep. 1, who knew it would be such an important  scene for our main characters. We have seen one layer of Ep. 14 hopefully all its layers will be revealed in the first half of Ep. 15 I just want it to be resolved quickly so we can have more sweet and happy moments with Jun and Rara. Rara remains kind, understanding, bright and positive person that she is amidst everything she's going through.  No wonder Jun is completely head over heels, how can one not gravitate towards such person. It's such a shame that it's ending next week, I saw some posts from naver that they are demanding season 2 for Rara and Jun! hahaha Why not? Drama gods, can you hear us?


I have faith in Jun...but out in the real world, I'm not sure if I have faith in the writers when they use these tropes and there's not a lot of time left  :laugh: I want it to be resolved as quickly as possible...I feel like being like Jun's mum and yelling at them while throwing cash :pandatakeit: Anything to make it better again!


One of my favourite dramas of all time is Weightlifting Fairy precisely for this reason: All issues were resolved relatively quickly in that drama and it allowed for a very satisfying wrap up of loose ends and enough OTP happy moments. That drama remains one of the most well paced dramas I've ever seen. DDSSLLS had a similarly fun feel and pacing, but the last 2 episodes have been completely different and it's been puzzling. But yes, I love Lala and Jun and I demand happiness for them!! :pandacop:


Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 hour ago, JenL said:

KBS knowing we be hurting so they dropped this video this morning. :hearties: A cheer up since we've all been down a little this week!


Don't be thinking that just because you drop a little BTS of that sweet beach kiss scene that we're okay with where you left us this week, KBS! Not sure that I even want to translate any more BTS' of this drama right now. :GengarPout:Who wants to watch/read them anyways. Think I'll just sulk and watch older episodes. :Rip:


Doesn't help that this was a hard week in RL, and I was hoping to escape to a happy place watching LL and Jun. Instead... sorry for being grumpypuss about this.


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3 hours ago, JenL said:

I do wonder what this means though from the trailer. When they first met, was there a secret thing that was revealed? Maybe he was a sickly kid when Lala met him and she's remembered that? I need a bigger reason for his actions :letalQQ:

I need explanations!!!


Also me whenever there's a side profile pic of LJW: Jawline :BulbaOWO::hearties:


I think on airport scenes they make Jun wear the same outfit(including the glasses) on purpose to trigger Rara memory of their very first meeting. It's sure has something that Jun doesn't want Rara to remember. 

On Ep.12 while Jun convince Rara about their age gap and wink to her and Rara said "This must be how you feel back then" , Jun look flustered. Also when Rara told Jun that she remember their encounter on her recital , Jun ask her "That's all?" And looks relieved when she said "Yes". Jun has a chance to tell her everything but he stood keep it secret even the reasons why he look at her with such a strange way. So must be something so memorable for him, but not for Rara?!?! And he prefers her not to remember about it?


Ahhhh, writer-nim why did you do this to us??:letalQQ:


Don't tell me that Rara actually the one who make Dodosolsollalasol username for Jun on that day? So she can reach out to him to pay for debt( I bet Rara ask Jun to pay for her juice cause she lost her wallet) since he didn't want to give his number. Omoo..me and my imagination:psweatduck:..:laugh:sorry just feel so frustrated with the last night episode.


2 hours ago, JenL said:

KBS knowing we be hurting so they dropped this video this morning. :hearties: A cheer up since we've all been down a little this week!

They know how to console us after throw us into the dark pit:heart:


7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

On the other hand, I will admit that this writer knows how to wring emotions from us. She gave us 13 episodes of sweetness, fun, and reason....then she lowered the boom with this second separation that makes so little sense.


1 hour ago, Unnie0110 said:

Jun better have a convincing, heartfelt and believable explanation for his silly actions next week

Yes, writer-nim better has really really really good reasons for this separation:heiboi:

Jun give Rara everything except the truth behind his actions and reasons for breakup..:letalQQ:


Edited by Just_Me
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9 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

I think it was not a coincidence that Rara said in their beach scene that somewhere in Jun's rejection is a warm affirmation so the fact that Jun said his favorite "shiroh" in the break up scene speaks volume.

Yess, I hope Rara remember this and like Dr CHa said in preview "There must be some reason we don't know about". 

(The reason we all dying to know:letalQQ:)

I hope to see Rara not giving up Jun just like that and try to figure out the real reason behind Jun actions.


@Unnie0110 you have such a strong heart to rewatch last night episode:cry:


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Doesn't help that this was a hard week in RL, and I was hoping to escape to a happy place watching LL and Jun. Instead... sorry for being grumpypuss about this.

Should I start make compilation Jun-in-short to cheer up my fellow Jun-in-short club? :heiboi:.. :MewGiggle:I hope you going through this week just fine and feel better..:PikaSwag:

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Whhhyyy? What is wrong with me? You all warned me. My instincts told me to skip it. But, nooooo. I couldn't do that. And, now I seriously feel even worse, if possible. I hated episode 14. I'm actually a ball of rage about it, and contemplating just dropping me this drama now. I don't think there is any explanation that the writer can give us that will take away the taste of bile in my mouth right now.


Jun made LL cry. The epilogue made me dislike Jun's actions even more. He did it deliberately, but I don't care how much he thought he was hurting.


LL was at the airport to meet her piano teacher coming back to Korea from Germany, and saw Jun and the other girl getting on the plane. If Jun actually left with the other girl, my guess is that we're going to be subjected to another time jump. The condition for Jun's parents to buy Grandpa's building was probably for Jun to go to school overseas. Which he probably does. The other girl getting on the same plane was probably a coincidence or because she insisted on tagging after him. I don't really care why. And, because Jun was going to have to go overseas for at least 4 years (the length of study for an undergraduate degree in an American university), he broke up with LL rather than having her wait for him. If this is the story line, then it's just stupid, and I take back every bit of praise I ever said for this writer.


I know in the preview for the next episode, there is a scene of LL going to Jun's house to try to see him while Jun drives away with his mother. Plus, there is some mention of LL remembering something that he had hoped she wouldn't. That last part infuriates me ever more. Why does he keep things from her??? Even now? Especially now?


I hope all my speculation is false and the drama is going to do something else instead to make me eat my know-it-all attitude right now when the final episodes play out next week.  But that's next week.


Right now, I feel like a word that the swear filters on JangHaven won't let me use, so I'm going to go be grumpy and sulky somewhere else. Maybe I'll calm down over the weekend. :shocked:

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6 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Whhhyyy? What is wrong with me? You all warned me. My instincts told me to skip it. But, nooooo. I couldn't do that. And, now I seriously feel even worse, if possible. I hated episode 14. I'm actually a ball of rage about it, and contemplating just dropping me this drama now. I don't think there is any e:love:xplanation that the writer can give us that will take away the taste of bile in my mouth right now.


Jun made LL cry. The epilogue made me dislike Jun's actions even more. He did it deliberately, but I don't care how much he thought he was hurting.


LL was at the airport to meet her piano teacher coming back to Korea from Germany, and saw Jun and the other girl getting on the plane. If Jun actually left with the other girl, my guess is that we're going to be subjected to another time jump. The condition for Jun's parents to buy Grandpa's building was probably for Jun to go to school overseas. Which he probably does. The other girl getting on the same plane was probably a coincidence or because she insisted on tagging after him. I don't really care why. And, because Jun was going to have to go overseas for at least 4 years (the length of study for an undergraduate degree in an American university), he broke up with LL rather than having her wait for him. If this is the story line, then it's just stupid, and I take back every bit of praise I ever said for this writer.


I know in the preview for the next episode, there is a scene of LL going to Jun's house to try to see him while Jun drives away with his mother. Plus, there is some mention of LL remembering something that he had hoped she wouldn't. That last part infuriates me ever more. Why does he keep things from her??? Even now? Especially now?


I hope all my speculation is false and the drama is going to do something else instead to make me eat my know-it-all attitude right now when the final episodes play out next week.  But that's next week.


Right now, I feel like a word that the swear filters on JangHaven won't let me use, so I'm going to go be grumpy and sulky somewhere else. Maybe I'll calm down over the weekend. :shocked:



My same sentiments after I have watched it the first time. I thought of dropping the drama and will just forever hate the writer for ruining Jun and Rara. DDSSLLS is my happy pill? what happened to my happy pill?! Was Jun abducted by aliens and was replaced by a clone?! For everything he did after buying those engagement rings made no sense at all!  "Yes, Jun I am talking to you!  and if you will not have a grand EPIC explanation next week, we're all jumping ship to Dr. Cha!" 

He better not crash their wedding again. haha I was hurt after I first watched it, Jun made Rara cry, our puppy lovesick Jun!

But the second watch made me think, the title was "Furtive Tears"  or "Secret Tears" and the opening title scene focused on Jun's face, a rainy window and Rara's hands on the piano. It made me think that maybe just maybe there's a logic in there somewhere for the secret tears were not of Rara's but Jun's. Anyway, I really hope Rara will smack him once for all of us :mad: once everything is clear and happy. I hope his grand reveal as the true DDSSLLS make us forget all about this dreadful Ep. 14. And they better show us one freaking awesome Ep 15 and 16! It will be a long wait till Wednesday but here's to Ep. 8 Jun who made a "hot" salad for Rara:laugh:

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Ohmygosh @Unnie0110, thank you so much for somehow making me laugh! I'm glad I saw your notification and checked what you had to say. :smile:


I'm still angry about Jun, but starting to calm down now.


21 minutes ago, Unnie0110 said:

"Yes, Jun I am talking to you!  and if you will not have a grand EPIC explanation next week, we're all jumping ship to Dr. Cha!" 


Totally! I won't even care of Jun is DDSSLLS. If the explanation for his actions is stupid, I'm jumping ship anyway. Even if I think Dr. Cha's ex-wife is going to be a headache to anyone he might date/marry.


21 minutes ago, Unnie0110 said:

But the second watch made me think, the title was "Furtive Tears"  or "Secret Tears" and the opening title scene focused on Jun's face, a rainy window and Rara's hands on the piano. It made me think that maybe just maybe there's a logic in there somewhere for the secret tears were not of Rara's but Jun's.


I never thought the furtive tears referred to LL. I always assumed that they were Jun's. LL is the one who has been open and honest about anything and everything! The only even mildly underhanded thing she might have done is to run away from the debt collectors who would have come after her to pay her father's supposed debts, and even that was on the advice of Secretary Moon.


Jun is the one who keeps all things bottled inside of him, and who always seems to have secrets and things that he won't share with anyone.


21 minutes ago, Unnie0110 said:

Anyway, I really hope Rara will smack him once for all of us :mad: once everything is clear and happy.


I don't care when LL smacks him as long as she smacks him good and hard for making her (and us!) cry.



Actually, thank you to everyone on this thread for sharing your feelings, thoughts, and insights. It does make it hurt a little less to be able to read about your reactions and share my own. Otherwise, there would be a LOT more broken glass in my flat about now. :love:

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I rewatched it just now too because when I first watched it raw I forwarded through a lot to see if the preview was punking us. Second time fully watching it, my heart feels all twisted. Poor Lala, no matter what excuses/reasons Jun has, he did her dirty. He could have just been upfront about his reasons for breaking up, instead of doing this. I don’t know how the show will be able to redeem this and turn the ship around. It’ll have to be DANG good for them to fix this mess. I’m like Lala though, still have a sweet spot for Jun and desperately want a happy ending for them. I know they will end up together, but again, they really need a dang good reason to clear up this past episode. There’s so much crap in 2020! This show was supposed to be our escape!!!

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