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2 minutes ago, SnowBlob said:

@NiteWalker yes.. But starting today the curfew time is pushed back an hour. And since we sometimes have to do grocery at night..it's a good thing we get an extra hour to do grocery shopping


that's good....i guess it is honestly tiring when this things happen......go and do your groceries first....we can chat when u are freer :smile:

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28 minutes ago, SnowBlob said:

@TRaNz yay to 9pm curfew....an extra hour to do grocery!


its sooo stoooopid....like that extra hour...what for? its useless, almost like no difference to before.

Oh the extra hour for exercising and the playgorunds now open again....sorry are we kids now are we? like the whole Metro Melbourne? What a spastic.

Yeah im not amused with the new Stage 4 for another 2 weeks until sept 28th.....and then another version of stage 4 from sept 28th till Oct 26th. curfew is still there, only bare essentials open and 5km rule.

3 months of a stage 4 lockdown that isnt done anywhere else in the world. No worries.

Some useful leniency would have been great at each interval. but nahhhh lets make Melbourne economy trash....


sighhhhh...mihane Snowy.:letalQQ:


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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

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@TRaNz no worries mate..you can def ramble and say what you think here:heart:  i have been a homebody since forever and that's i think partly contribute to me not having a strong opinion against the steps so far (and parks being opened is also a good thing for our family because we have small children). Anyway..what we can do is just to hang in there until all these pass. Fighting!

@NiteWalker lol..noo..not going grocery tonight.. Probably tomorrow. :cool:

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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40 minutes ago, TRaNz said:

sighhhhh...mihane Snowy.


dont be sorry....some see its as a good thing some dont...


one of our state is again in lockdown due to the surge of cases too.....so i honestly cant tell you whether is this a good thing or not...


and i was turn away from my health screening last week just because i had a cough...and i declare it myself though...i didnt wait for them to find out either....and still they insist to send me home even despite me not showing any Covid-19 symptoms since my lung 'appear' clear as what they stated.


it just got me thinking....so hospital turn u away because you have a cough...then what is hospital for?

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Where I'm now, the cases spiked from less than 200 to more than a thousand new cases out of average 60-95,000 daily tests. After months of combined lockdowns and curfews, some thought that they can party in their homes. Which is still very much banned. And the authorities were very clear on that. 


How is it acceptable that 88% of the new cases are due to the still banned gatherings and socialisings at homes? 🤦


This week's supposed to be face-to-face classes. That's cancelled for another two weeks. The kiddos did their COVID tests before they can go back to school. I dunno if they'll be required to take another. 

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Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

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@NiteWalker hopefully you can get your health screening done as soon as it is possible xx. 

@MayanEcho your kids had to do covid test prior to returning to school? I'm not sure here..whether the gov subjected kids to covid test prior to opening school back to face-to-face learning last time. I hope your kids weren't too uncomfortable when the test was done on them. 



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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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1 hour ago, SnowBlob said:

@TRaNz no worries mate..you can def ramble and say what you think here:heart:  i have been a homebody since forever and that's i think partly contribute to me not having a strong opinion against the steps so far (and parks being opened is also a good thing for our family because we have small children). Anyway..what we can do is just to hang in there until all these pass. Fighting!


Yeah i get you. Just to me it seems so minimal from the changes hes put in place its like...you can do a bit more safely you know Dan......**sigh**


1 hour ago, NiteWalker said:


dont be sorry....some see its as a good thing some dont...


one of our state is again in lockdown due to the surge of cases too.....so i honestly cant tell you whether is this a good thing or not...


and i was turn away from my health screening last week just because i had a cough...and i declare it myself though...i didnt wait for them to find out either....and still they insist to send me home even despite me not showing any Covid-19 symptoms since my lung 'appear' clear as what they stated.


it just got me thinking....so hospital turn u away because you have a cough...then what is hospital for?


yeah its really tricky with wats allowed when it comes to getting tested for covid. I never understood it, some say you can go even if u dont have symptoms and some say you can only go if you have symptoms...its weird. I just stay away.



56 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

Where I'm now, the cases spiked from less than 200 to more than a thousand new cases out of average 60-95,000 daily tests. After months of combined lockdowns and curfews, some thought that they can party in their homes. Which is still very much banned. And the authorities were very clear on that. 


How is it acceptable that 88% of the new cases are due to the still banned gatherings and socialisings at homes? 🤦


This week's supposed to be face-to-face classes. That's cancelled for another two weeks. The kiddos did their COVID tests before they can go back to school. I dunno if they'll be required to take another. 


Damm, another wave coming it seems like. yeah some people just dont take it seriously and just go against the rules because they feel like it doesnt apply to them...its sooo frustrating to see things like that. Ruins it for others who have been abiding to the rules and changes placed out.



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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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@SnowBlob The schools with the health authorities organise it, and it's free. Kids are given a sched to come, 1 parent allowed to drop them and wait for them. It took less than 20min. After 2 days the results are sent via app or text with link. 


Only the kids go in to go through the process. I asked if it was painful or anything, but they said it was ok. With thousands of tests done daily, I guess the med staff are so skilled now in doing the swabs, even with kids. 🙂


1 hour ago, TRaNz said:

Damm, another wave coming it seems like. yeah some people just dont take it seriously and just go against the rules because they feel like it doesnt apply to them...its sooo frustrating to see things like that. Ruins it for others who have been abiding to the rules and changes placed out.


It's so frustrating. They do it because they know the authorities can't be everywhere checking each houses. In one house gathering case, one person infected more than 40 relatives. Tsk. 

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21 minutes ago, MMM8P said:

mornin :D


Hi dear...back to school?


@NiteWalker you're right..at least we have jobs. Kind of concern once they lift up the loan moratorium. Now , Malaysians are still living in a bubble without having to worry about the loan repayments. But come this October it is back to repaying loans , and I forsee this hitting hard on cashflows for a lot of folks and businesses. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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23 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Hometown flex latest ep is just hilarious! I non-stop laughing...

Ahh I've missed so many eps of this show already :letalQQ: Hope I've got time to watch it this weekend!

Can't wait for this week to be over... TT

Going to watch Brahms ep 5 now, but so sleepy :zzzz:

 @SilverMoonTea that pic perfectly describes me also lol. Work today was extra tiring somehow...


Edit: Thank you all staff who organised the badge event! I feel so lucky that I had 3 badges chosen. And plus I get to display them under my profile :hearties: Hope we get to buy more badges soon!!


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3 minutes ago, im0202 said:


Going to watch Brahms ep 5 now, but so sleepy :zzzz:

 @SilverMoonTea that pic perfectly describes me also lol. Work today was extra tiring somehow...


Finished Brahms, I need more of the couple.. 


I also a bit sleepy, but watching Missing : The Other Side now @ktcjdrama introduced me to this. Its pretty good crime / fantasy drama... 


Me too... this week I think will just never end...sigh 

Edited by SilverMoonTea
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