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Go Ahead 以家人之名 [2020]

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hahaha.. I think tonight's episodes will be something to look up too!

With the Qixi special teaser today.. I'm even more hyped..



Translation from twitter : “If you got married, I would wait for you. Wait for you to get divorced. Or I will help you take care of your kids. If you never get divorced, I’ll be your brother forever.” 





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My thoughts on Epi 20:



ZB has unintentionally confused ZQ about his feelings for LJJ. LJJ is the only girl in his life & he wants to take care of her along with Li Ba for all his life. He doesn't trust anyone apart from his family & therefore doesn't want LJJ to date anyone. This was his sentiment even before he left for higher studies. He just wants to stay together with his family. He himself doesn't want to marry as well. His mother abandoned him when he was young & I am sure his biological dad might have also abandoned him once he had his own child. He feels the closest to Li Ba & LJJ & desperately wants to be a legal family member of their household so that no one can question his love & place in the family. Now ZB has presented him an option of getting married to LJJ so that he can legally become part of the family. I don't think he until now has any romantic feelings for LJJ. So it has even left him questioning his own feelings for LJJ.


He has become so self conscious around LJJ that he can't even sit close to her without being awkward. He was overthinking so much about sharing the spoon with her or eating her half eaten ice cream. In normal circumstances, he wouldn't even have given a second thought to these things- he would have continued eating with her spoon & might have even taken a bite from her ice cream to tease her. But now he over thinks all his gestures to her. Notice how they later on share the glass of alcohol without any fanfare when he was not being self conscious around her. I also like how both of them share their worry about LX & how he tries to comfort her. This right here is the way he normally is with LJJ- he is caring & very protective of her. But there are no romantic feelings involved.


I also liked how they behave like a true family when all the extended family comes for the visit. Also the life lesson that how people's behaviour changes towards you once circumstance change. Earlier, they hated him for mooching off of Li Ba but now he is an eligible bachelor for their daughters.


LJJ was worried about LX throughout the entire episode. She was not angry with him but was worried that he was in trouble because of his mom & sister. She waiting for him to come home. Made me remember the time when she was keeping a watch on the rooftop for LX to come home when little orange was admitted in the hospital. She truly becomes sad whenever LX is apart from her for any extended period of time. Everyone notices & comments on this.


We didn't see much of LX in the episode. He definitely didn't give into his mom's emotional manipulation & returned to LJJ. We didn't get to see how he achieved this but it definitely would not have been easy. I like how all of the 3 children mourn for LJJ's mom because they truly are a family. As soon as he paid his respect to her mom, he rushes to LJJ. He knew how worried she already was about his return & couldn't wait to return to her. He was in a vulnerable state of mind & hence could not control himself from showing his affection for her by kissing her. LJJ's reaction to find him kissing her was hilarious. She pretended to be asleep. But in the morning she was still remembering & wondering if it was a dream. 


Poor MY who was waiting for LX's return got her heart broken by seeing LX kiss LJJ. It was ironic that she had kissed him on cheek as an answer for his supposed proposal & had told him that he could answer her back when he returns & she had to see him kissing LJJ. I really feel sad for her. I am glad she is taking time to heal herself by leaving from the house shared with LJJ. It would be too cruel for her to be in their presence for now with her heart break so fresh. 


The morning breakfast scene was hilarious to watch with both LX & LJJ having a secret while TC & ZQ are teasing LX about his feelings for MY. I really love TC. She is so hilarious asking if LX had a crush on her if it is not MY. ZQ was also surprised to learn that LX might have feelings for MY or anyone else. 


The entire episode was as usual emotional, funny & heart breaking all at once. 

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My thoughts on epi 21:


Epi 21 continues with the breakfast scene with LJJ running away to her room as soon as possible. Her hiding & waiting for LX to leave the apartment was hilarious. She wanted to go to studio even on Sunday to avoid LX but fate spoiled her plan when she met LX who was also leaving for work. Her attempt to not take the same elevator as him was hilarious with LX dragging her with him into elevator after her excuse failed. She herself showed that she remembered him kissing her by proclaiming she was drunk & could not remember anything even without any prompting from LX. Her first reaction to LX wanting to change their status is a rejection that she won't marry him. I have to say that LX has some guts to demand she break up with her BF & his proclamation to marry her.


LJJ was thinking about LX even in the studio. Her break up scene with Shuran was so funny. She was trying to cajole him into not breaking up because she didn't want to get dumped in her 1st relationship so fast. Glad to see that they are still friends now. Her talk with her business partner was also useful for her to learn to differentiate between platonic & romantic love. I am sure that she will definitely be experiencing all the signs of romantic love with LX that were told by her senior. 


ZQ has now allowed himself to believe that he can take care of LJJ & be part of the family by marrying her. It was hilarious to see him asking advice from ZB. Poor boy has no clue whatsoever about his own feelings & my heart is breaking for him knowing that he will be facing another rejection. His scenes with Shuran were also interesting. I was surprised to see that even Shuran believed that ZQ's disapproval of his relationship with LJJ was because he himself had feelings for her. It made me realise how people perceive ZQ & LX differently. Both of them had severely opposed LJJ's BF but people had noticed ZQ's reaction to be more strong in his offense. This is only because ZQ was more vocal about his opposition in front of outsiders as well.


LX was the one who was most opposed to LJJ's relationship but he only vented his feelings in front of his family & LJJ. He was not as vocal about it in front of the outsiders when we as audience know how he had blasted off on LJJ. Also he was slyly working to guide Shuran into breaking up with LJJ. He is one sly fox. He was the one who was successful in making Shuran realise that his feeling for LJJ were not of romantic nature & that he should end the relationship now in order to preserve their friendship. But nobody even suspects LX of having anything to do with her breakup. 


LX doesn't want to play the waiting game anymore & is going in full throttle to convince LJJ to give their relationship a chance to develop into romance. LJJ trying to avoid him but still sketching him was interesting. She has been engulfed in his thoughts since the time that he made the first move. I am glad that while she is definitely rejecting him but it is not a full outright rejection. She is just overwhelmed by her own feelings. She tried to make LX understand that he might be confusing platonic love with romantic love after returning back from Singapore because he feels guilt for leaving her. I am glad that LX told her that it had nothing to do with guilt because he had already had feelings for her since high school. Her reaction to his declaration & his invasion of her private space was hilarious. Though she avoids him but she is not showing repulsion or disgust towards him. So people who are criticising LX for pressuring LJJ should take a chill pill. He was already prepared for her rejection & does not want to give her time to run away from the situation. As long as LJJ doesn't outright reject him I think he will continue his pursuit strongly.


LX & Dr. Xixi interaction was so funny. He addressed him as elder sister & made his intention towards LJJ clear to her in one sentence. Her reaction was meme worthy.


I am not sure what is going to happen to the TC-ZB-MY love triangle. Lets see how things play out in the future.

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I wanted to make a separate post for discussing ZQ's mom.


She is currently coming across as a cold hearted Barbie Girl but I do think that she genuinely loves ZQ. She fought against her family to give birth to ZQ even when his father wanted to abort the pregnancy. I do think she loved him very much. Even as a child, ZQ was kind, polite & a responsible lad when he was introduced to Li Ba. So she definitely was raising him with the correct values. They were poor but he was loved by his mom.


I think she had to abandon him because she was facing some hardship & she thought that leaving him behind was the best option for him. She might feel that she is not worthy of even coming back into his life after abandoning him. She had returned when he was in high school to return the money that she had taken from Li Haichao. Though she behaved like a cold Barbie Girl even then, she definitely knew that she had lost all rights on him when she had left him behind. I believe that ZQ's nature of bearing all the burden by himself might also have some resonance in her nature.


She had decided to not look back & continue moving forward & I think she is still following that principle. I do hope that ZQ & her are given a proper reconciliation if she is going to marry Li Ba eventually. Her reason needs to be compelling enough for ZQ & the audience as well. Lets see how it all turns out in the show.

Can anyone tell me if the word "witch" - w replaced by b- is banned on the forum? It has converted into Barbie girl  in my post.🤪😆


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while some might think whatever reason ZQ's mom have for leaving him behind.....she had 18 years to come back to make amend....she can come back with a better reason


this is not something a mom should said to a son she never raise before





"I have a son, I dont need you to take care of me"


she had enough of living a poor life....maybe at the beginning she wanted to have ZQ because no matter what he is her son...and decided to leave him behind to find a better life....


so u need tons of times to make a better life...however when you had a better life did u try to come bk?


while ChenTing came bk to try to make amend while turning her nose up....at the very least she tried to come bk......after 9 years....ZQ's mom only came bk once to give money....then leave again....


one reason that i could think of is ZQ's donors, warn or threaten her against it....and telling her if she meddle he will make her life a mess.....


@Lodestar as much as i want to comprehend her.....i have to take more times to really comprehend her.....every characters in this drama is nicely form and every single one of them have their own story to tell


and yes the words you mention is a censor :) 

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5 hours ago, Lodestar said:

She had decided to not look back & continue moving forward & I think she is still following that principle. I do hope that ZQ & her are given a proper reconciliation if she is going to marry Li Ba eventually. Her reason needs to be compelling enough for ZQ & the audience as well. Lets see how it all turns out in the show.

Can anyone tell me if the word "witch" - w replaced by b- is banned on the forum? It has converted into Barbie girl  in my post.🤪😆



I agree with just about everything you wrote @Lodestar, but to your point about He Mei deciding to not look back and move forward with her life, I would add that I think a primary reason for that is because of ZQ; she's doing it for him.  There's no question He Mei could have handled the abandonment of her child better, but I do believe she sincerely thought handing him over to Papa Li was the better option for ZQ.  It's also noteworthy that she didn't just abandon him at random, but made sure first that ZQ would be in a loving, warm, welcome home.  Which is why I don't think she's as cold or callous as she may come across right now.  We see her urging the cab driver to drive faster not with any joy on her face.  We see her telling herself to not look back with much feeling and determination in her voice.  And we see her standing outside the doors of ZQ's coffee shop, looking in, and watching him.  These things tell us she does still care about him, but she doesn't want to see him.  Probably because doesn't want to hurt him any more and believes he's in a better place without the disruptions she would add by reappearing in his life -- that's what I choose to believe, at least, and suspect will be the nature of her story.  But, I guess we'll have to still wait and see.  🙂


1 hour ago, NiteWalker said:

this is not something a mom should said to a son she never raise before


so u need tons of times to make a better life...however when you had a better life did u try to come bk?


while ChenTing came bk to try to make amend while turning her nose up....at the very least she tried to come bk......after 9 years....ZQ's mom only came bk once to give money....then leave again....


@NiteWalker, I think a lot of the things He Mei says are deliberate and not an actual reflection of how she feels.  She's purposefully portraying herself as someone who's cold hearted, who doesn't care, and who's dropped her son, moved on, and never looked back.  But I suspect that's not true.  As I indicated above, I think she's trying to cut the chords because she thinks that would be better for ZQ -- to let him think of her as a heartless mother so he can stay the course in his present life.  (I agree with @Lodestar in that mother and son are very similar in that regard.)  It's for those same reasons that she doesn't try to come back and when she does, it's to watch ZQ from afar.


I actually think she's preferable to Chen Ting in that way.  I don't think Chen Ting's tried to make amends with LX at all.  Rather, the only thing she has ever shown us is how she wants her cake and to be able to eat it too -- she throws away her son, but then returns expecting open arms.  While I don't entirely blame her for the divorce and leaving as she did (there were clearly issues there stemming from the death of her child), I do think she could've been more understanding and less demanding when she did return.  She continues to place demands on LX and expect certain things from him that I honestly do not understand why she thinks she's entitled to them just because she's his mother.  So yeah, she may have come back, but i don't know how that has been any better than He Mei staying away.  In fact, I would prefer her to stay away if this was going to be the way she behaved.


To put it simply, right now, Chen Ting's actions come across as selfish whereas He Mei's are selfless.  




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Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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4 minutes ago, themarchioness said:


@NiteWalker, I think a lot of the things He Mei says are deliberate and not an actual reflection of how she feels.  She's purposefully portraying herself as someone who's cold hearted, who doesn't care, and who's dropped her son, moved on, and never looked back.  But I suspect that's not true.  As I indicated above, I think she's trying to cut the chords because she thinks that would be better for ZQ -- to let him think of her as a heartless mother so he can stay the course in his present life.  (I agree with @Lodestar in that mother and son are very similar in that regard.)  It's for those same reasons that she doesn't try to come back and when she does, it's to watch ZQ from afar.


which was why i stated that the only valid reason will be something to do with ZiQiu's donor after all.....


if it is something to do with ZiQiu's donor i guess there is a valid reason and why we can see the happy family pictures that include ZiQiu's mom after all...

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4 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


which was why i stated that the only valid reason will be something to do with ZiQiu's donor after all.....


if it is something to do with ZiQiu's donor i guess there is a valid reason and why we can see the happy family pictures that include ZiQiu's mom after all...


I don't feel that way at all and don't know why it has to be because of her ex that she stays away in order for it to be valid.  Her decision to stay away because she believes it to be in the best interest of her child is sufficient reason for me.  (It may be misguided thinking, but it is no less sincere -- actually, it's similar logic to the suspicions we all have in why ZQ stayed in England all these years rather than coming home.)

Edited by themarchioness
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My Fanfics

Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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30 minutes ago, themarchioness said:


I don't know why it has to be because of her ex that she stays away.  Her decision to stay away because she believes it to be in the best interest of her child is sufficient reason for me.


that.....however....something about the ex is disturbing.....


Edit: @themarchioness u might be right, from the latest development.....


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EP. 22-23

Remains to be a tight story... 

I'll get back about this tonight once I have more time.


Picture updates from the official weibo for Chinese Valentine's day 2020.08.25

“He’s quiet and indifferent, but in front of her, he’s gentle and smiles. She’s lively and outspoken but with him, she’s innocent and cute”


















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1 hour ago, Lynne said:

EP. 22-23

Remains to be a tight story... 


Totally agree, and you know how I appreciate a tight story. 😉


This drama is determined to make me shed tears at every turn.

Also, I have a real craving to get a small watermelon so I can cut it in half and start eating it from the center.  (Normally I save that part for last, so my last bite will be the sweetest!)  I suppose this is at least a healthier craving than what I normally get from the dramas... haha.  

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My Fanfics

Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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hahahah i dont feel so alone then @themarchioness


it honestly touch a core....what all these kids been thru and done for each other so they can have a better life together....


Father Li & Father Ling is just like a bickering pair of parents to me.....


Father Li is playing the role of mother and well Father Ling is a father of course hahahaha....and both are essential to one another....


while they portray the mother to the be the worst in this drama......i hope the mothers will come around....


the MiNi which is name by @OsmanthusTea hahahaha.....from the last scenes seems to be good too.....i just hope the ChenTing will be this good going forward....i dont want to see the kids in another turmoil......




seems like MingYue will not be moving away....however their friendship is patch up after LingXiao apologize to MingYue for not noticing her infatuation and putting her right.....


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22 hours ago, Lodestar said:

I wanted to make a separate post for discussing ZQ's mom.


She is currently coming across as a cold hearted Barbie Girl but I do think that she genuinely loves ZQ. She fought against her family to give birth to ZQ even when his father wanted to abort the pregnancy. I do think she loved him very much. Even as a child, ZQ was kind, polite & a responsible lad when he was introduced to Li Ba. So she definitely was raising him with the correct values. They were poor but he was loved by his mom.


I think she had to abandon him because she was facing some hardship & she thought that leaving him behind was the best option for him. She might feel that she is not worthy of even coming back into his life after abandoning him. She had returned when he was in high school to return the money that she had taken from Li Haichao. Though she behaved like a cold Barbie Girl even then, she definitely knew that she had lost all rights on him when she had left him behind. I believe that ZQ's nature of bearing all the burden by himself might also have some resonance in her nature.


She had decided to not look back & continue moving forward & I think she is still following that principle. I do hope that ZQ & her are given a proper reconciliation if she is going to marry Li Ba eventually. Her reason needs to be compelling enough for ZQ & the audience as well. Lets see how it all turns out in the show.

Can anyone tell me if the word "witch" - w replaced by b- is banned on the forum? It has converted into Barbie girl  in my post.🤪😆


I am totally agree with you regarding HeMei. She’s a total opposite of CT. I even think that the little boy whose hand she was holding isn’t hers. She keeps presenting herself as a bad and unfit Mom but I think she’s making a sacrifice so her son can has better life and feels a shame to come back after 18 years or she’s involved with something that can put her love ones in danger.

CT is a complete entitled female dog who loves only herself. She makes excuses for her own mistakes and justified it by playing a victim card. She can’t even get along with Little Orange. 

Another character that I wanna mention is ZQ’s Aunty. OMG, that lady is so heart wrenchingly pitiful. She’s beaten down flat to the ground by the hard life that even her vibes is so sad. She’s a superb actress though, her expression and body language emitted sadness and suffering to the tee....

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2 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:

Another character that I wanna mention is ZQ’s Aunty. OMG, that lady is so heart wrenchingly pitiful. She’s beaten down flat to the ground by the hard life that even her vibes is so sad. She’s a superb actress though, her expression and body language emitted sadness and suffering to the tee....


she was having a hard time herself and she always remind ZQ to be grateful....not because of anything else, she was worried that Father Li might decided to throw ZQ out and she had to take him in no matter what, she cant afford it....


i believe whatever she did, wasnt because she wanted to....it was because she know she cant provide for ZQ and after all the things....and she had to go bk to ZQ for help weigh heavily on her.....

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