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Do You Like Brahms? 브람스를 좋아하세요 ? [2020]

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Omg the synopsis  @wallflowersforjane!! Do you think it’s too fast ? Why am I worried ?


I am worried too! I am saying this without watching Ep 5 but isn't it too fast for her to have deep enough feelings for JY at this point to say that? I don't want her to say it and then for JY to reject SA because JK is coming around to confuse him again. 


Or he could reject SA because he thinks she might be rebounding from DY. And still subjecting them both to angst. 


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :BulbaConfused:


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I finished ep5. It's surprisingly heavy for most parts of it.


I understand that Joon Young felt cursed by his talent. I still cheered for Song Ah schooling him for the remark he made—since he's being oblivious of how many people, including Song Ah, wishing they have his talent. 


Jung Kyung - I... I don't understand her. It's because there's a lack of her backstory and we're not privy to her inner thoughts. She appears to have always liked Joon Young, then why did she not voice it for so many years? If she had liked Joon Young from the start, then I really can't like her very much since this means she never likes Hyun Ho and likely she used Hyun Ho to provoke Joon Young rather than taking the initiative to confess. Was she too proud or prideful to admit her feelings for someone with a lesser spec then?


As for that confession scene, I am a bit "???" Is that considered a clean rejection from Joon Young? It wasn't clear for me. The way things played out there's still traces of lingering feelings he showed for her. I need them to clean out their messy relationship since ma boy needs to be with ma girl, LOL.


Min Seong - I... I guess there's no right or wrong timing. She doesn't know Song Ah likes Dong Yun. However in that instant, I'd wish she would at least wait till they finished with the dessert before she talks about negative things. One would lose their appetite or out of courtesy be unable to enjoy the meal. LOL, can you tell I was drooling over wasted good food?


Jung Kyung's grandmother - I had hoped she is genuinely a nice and generous woman. I thought wrong. I also don't get her intention of approaching Hyun Ho. Is she hinting Hyun Ho that to be friends with Jung Kyung and Joon Young, Hyun Ho needs to up his social status?


Hyun Ho - Feel really bad for him and kudos to Sung Cheol for a great performance at the scene Jung Kyung break up with him, especially the part where his voice broke begging her not to leave him.


Professor Lee - Ok, I don't know whether this woman is good or bad news to Song Ah. In this episode she was looking down on Song Ah completely but we see in the next preview she offered to teach Song Ah. Ugh. I'm worried.


Editing error? - the scene where Joon Young and Song Ah had a phone call. I swear that should have happened right after he gave her the signed CD. He was wearing the same clothes, is he not?


Last but not least, I've re-watched (cut and official watch) the sweet scenes and my smiles were as wide as The Joker. Joon Young asking Song Ah out, isn't that considered a date! :wow:


OST #5 is out!

Can this be considered that Kim Min Jae is featured in the actual OST MV? (→so I can update his shrine accordingly, LOL)


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My eyes perked up at this lines:


"In the second part, as the holiday ends and they go back to school, there will be an unusual school life such as pressure from professors. Between love and growth, it will be focused on growth. While they are maintaining their relationship, they will suffer conflicts then they are resolved. So many events will be presented as a way to graduate safely from school and to develop themselves in music school."


I know it's actually the holiday period but could the PD be implying that these earlier episodes are the honeymoon period in JY and SA's relationship? And they might be going back to school as a couple.


Personally I really like the idea of this and how growth will be the driving theme in the second half. I would like them to stop dancing around their attraction for one another but are properly together and actively working on a relationship as they also face an uncertain future as musicians and as individuals. Again, very relatable to the young couples out there who are trying to work out how to continue chasing their dreams, to balance their career with their relationships.



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Live recaps

So I wonder what the music professor from last night wants with SA , but seems she is approaching SA and offering to teach her. 

Anyway , some sort of thing going on  at the foundation that involves the staff from the university...some talk or something. JK is there and HH came too. Did he take up the position in the uni. After the meeting is over, JK and HH talk...JK is not happy that he is there. She does want him to think they can reconcile ...she even tells him leave. Manager Cha came up to them teasing them that they must be going for a date. JK tells her straight up that she and HH have broken up. She tells Cha that it might be hard for them to play for together


SA overheard as she was there clearing up. Before that she had texted JY that she was very happy that the music professor had offered to teach her.


HH alone in the hall feeling very down. JK in a her studio/ house holding violin and sees something that HH had given her in the past. She breaks down in tears thinking about how he gave her that gift

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

Jung Kyung - I... I don't understand her. It's because there's a lack of her backstory and we're not privy to her inner thoughts. She appears to have always liked Joon Young, then why did she not voice it for so many years? If she had liked Joon Young from the start, then I really can't like her very much since this means she never likes Hyun Ho and likely she used Hyun Ho to provoke Joon Young rather than taking the initiative to confess. Was she too proud or prideful to admit her feelings for someone with a lesser spec from Joon Young then?


As for that confession scene, I am a bit "???" Is that considered a clean rejection from Joon Young? It wasn't clear for me. The way things played out there's still traces of lingering feelings he showed for her. I need them to clean out their messy relationship since ma boy needs to be with ma girl, LOL.



@mademoisellesia I finished episode 5 too and share many of the same thoughts!


I'm really confused by JK. Like honestly, it looked like she and JY had such a strong bond as teens, I don't see why she would deny her feelings for him and get with his good friend HH of all people. Without a backstory revealed yet, I feel like she's the kind of girl who gets upset over the smallest of things and probably accepted HH's confession to spite JY for not confessing to her outright or something like that. While I think she causes her own unhappiness, JK is still interesting in her complexities as a character - she obviously has a very challenging relationship with her stern grandmother and has never gotten over the death of her mother or the loss of her talents...so while I find her irritating in her relationship with JY and HH so far, I also feel sorry for her and her complicated issues.


I also feel the JY and JK rejection has interesting wording - like him telling her to endure her feelings, like he had done for so long? I 'm not sure that's healthy for anyone to endure for the sake of anyone else (In this case his friend HH). But I'm glad he stood strong even though it's clear that he can still falter when dealing with her. I think it takes time for someone to get over someone they've had a crush on for their whole lives - but the first step is to say No, which JY did.


On the other side of the love triangle, I actually find DY to be possibly more annoying that JK. He seems to be undecided about what he wants - he clearly like SA but why has he never told her?! Not only did he end up with her friend, he's done it twice with a one night stand included! I think I've seen some people say MS is not a great friend for always dumping on SA, but I think she's just caught up in her own problems because she likes DY, who seems to be quite insensitive! Like that rejection about pretending not to hear MS was pretty harsh. 


I have to say I really, really like SA...also she's so relatable to me. I definitely feel like there are things I've tried so hard to be good at and have only done so-so at in the end - And I understand the pain that comes with being surrounded by people who are effortlessly talented (Haha, can you tell I went to a selective school? XD) I'm glad SA was able to talk some sense into JY - It's such a privilege to be talented at things, even if there are definitely stresses that might come with the package. Also that performer who talked down to SA. Ughhhh - those are the worst people - talented but still insecure that they need to put others down.


Saved the best discussion for last - SA + JY's development - I think it's cute how they notice the little things about each other and about themselves, when they're with the other person. I like that JY always talks about how he feels better after seeing her. How he can just leave during the applause to find her. I felt the asking her out to dinner was kind of random, but I guess that's how comfortable they are with each other now that he's just moving onto the next stage....

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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JY receives the happy message from SA. As he was about to reply, a call comes in from his mum...sigh ...think she was checking if he has sent money. Seriously , his dad is so useless and such parasite. JY somewhat told his mum off in exasperation. Then hung up. But then he being the good son that he is, calls her back and promises to help / send money or something.


JK goes to DY's studio. She is there to get her violin fixed. She sees a group picture that had SA. She suddenly remembers the birthday song she overheard JY played in earlier episodes. She asked DY about how SA is or something. Anyway after some small talk , she was about to leave and then he wanted to talk to her about HH. She just told him that she and HH have broken up.


Chairwoman calls JY...didn't quite catch what the conversation was but JY went to her house to look for her after that...he returns a piece of paper / envelope to her. Is giving up on playing or something. She was not happy...tells him to go home. She seems disappointed with his decision..suddenly she faints or something. 


I think he was supposed to meet SA...she tried calling him he didn't turn up. Strangely JK turns up in front of SA and say something not to pleasant. JK gets a call from JY about her grandmother. She rushes off to the hospital. She met JY there. After briefing her , he was gonna leave. Then she grab his hand and asked him to stay

SA who had saw JK receive the call from JY could not sleep. She texted him and asked if everything was ok. But of course no answer...

Next morning, we see that JY bump into the mum outside the hospital . I think he finds out she is not well or is she needing  surgery? I think before this the mum had asked the chairwoman and even JK for help regarding his dad...JY was darn pissed off.  JK oversees the argument he was having with his mum. Anyway, he saw JK and he walked off. 


Min Seong, DY and some friends meet up. It was awkward but DY pretend like nothing. They asked where is SA...she was still at work. Some girl asked DY if he would go on a blind date


JY comes to look for SA after work. Then she asked about JK , she mentioned she was there when the call came...anyway these two shy beans walk in a bit of silence. She then mentioned that you know how we talk about being friends. But she does not want to be just friends. But....noooooo he says , i'm sorry ...what is this ?????

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Back at work...the other intern receives a big bunch of flower from her BF. Song Ah can only look on sadly


Some work stuff...the mother of one of the violinists who was supposed to some audition came ...some problem...she was speaking to manager Cha. I don't know exactly what but the mum was blaming her for something...SA however very gently stood up for herself and explained some stuff nicely to the mother. 


JY in hospital..so looks like his mum was the one who is sick. She is now in the bed. He was looking after her  a bit and then he left. (honestly I feel bad for him...all the burden on his shoulder)


JY met up with the guy professor/ teacher ..JY does not look comfortable

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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SA and her colleagues have team dinner


JK drinking alone in the pub thinking of JY and his mum.


JY goes to HH's convenience store . HH gets him a drink and they chat outside. He tells HH about his mum's surgery. HH asked if his mum is ok..he says yes ...but it is he , himself that is not fine. He does tell HH about his family troubles.


Back to SA team dinner...they start talking about JY, JK and HH friendship...they ask manager Cha some stuff about JY as she leaves. SA feeling weird. 


Cha had walked off to have a cigarette. She calls JY and tells him about what JK told him. I think she wanted to discuss what will happen going forward with their performance as a trio...


Anyway back to the team dinner...they continue talking about some stuff then suddenly SA says something about friends, and then she stop right in her tracks. Then somehow she  tells them about this guy that she feels like telling everything to when she is happy and sad ..so what is that ..the colleague says cuz you like that guy...



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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So JY finally finds out that JK and HH had broken up...He wanted to talk to HH more about it but he was too busy. Then he calls JK and asked her about it...she was crying and drunk as she was walking...he overheard voices of men disturbing her. He was like where are you. Anyway he tells her to meet him .


SA finished her team dinner...she was sending Manager Cha off who thank her for her hardwork. 


JK went to JY apartment to look for him. She waited for him inside


SA was passing his apartment, she was gonna text him if he was home...then she saw JK leave the place...she was so upset herself that she left.


I think JK left cause she saw some notes that JY had written and thrown away. Anyway JY came back after that and came back to his empty apartment. He read a note from JY

And our poor SA walked alone by the wall....cries


Did uni resume again. Looks like summer job is over...she was talking to her friend...then somehow she mentioned JY's name...she felt something sad saying his name.  Voice over as she walks the hallway...and then she passed him as he was signing stuff for some fans...he saw her...


He went after her ...called her a few times..she was trying to run away ...he caught up to her and asked her are you ok.? She turned her face away as she was tearing up. She finally turned around and said that she likes him . I like you JY-shi!

And they looked at each other...episode ends!

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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20 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

Why you've to say so clear you two are not dating, Joon Young ahhhhhhh. After all that flirting, how could youuuuuu?

They wanna torture us....girl clearly laid her feelings down. But I think he's got too many concerns , and perhaps some lingering feelings for JK . I dunno. What do you think?


Edited by abs-oluteM
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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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5 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

They wanna torture us....girl clearly laid her feelings down. But I think he's got too many concerns , and perhaps some lingering feelings for JK . I dunno. What do you think?

Lol I've to come back to you on that tomorrow. Need to watch it with subs 😅 but he perhaps worry dating is distraction & he needs to focus on competition? this is one guess.


They ended it at her confession & make us wait for a week! So mean.

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1 minute ago, mademoisellesia said:

Lol I've to come back to you on that tomorrow. Need to watch it with subs 😅 but he perhaps worry dating is distraction & he needs to focus on competition? this is one guess.


They ended it at her confession & make us wait for a week! So mean.

I think scenes are not in order. What we see at the end of tonight will be after all the nice moments in the preview. 

Anyway...good night :D

1 hour ago, JenL said:

I'm really confused by JK. Like honestly, it looked like she and JY had such a strong bond as teens, I don't see why she would deny her feelings for him and get with his good friend HH of all people. Without a backstory revealed yet, I feel like she's the kind of girl who gets upset over the smallest of things and probably accepted HH's confession to spite JY for not confessing to her outright or something like that. While I think she causes her own unhappiness, JK is still interesting in her complexities as a character - she obviously has a very challenging relationship with her stern grandmother and has never gotten over the death of her mother or the loss of her talents...so while I find her irritating in her relationship with JY and HH so far, I also feel sorry for her and her complicated issues.

ok..good thing you explained this...cause I don't get JK . I don't get how JY and JK who supposedly love each other never got together before HH and JK did. But I still wonder if JY has any lingering feelings for JK now that we're having this time jump. I think that is somewhat holding him back from realising his feelings for SA

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 6


You are right, @abs-oluteM, Joon Young has too much on his plate in this episode. He needs to sort them out (with Jung Kyung; with Jung Kyung and Hyun Ho; with his parents). He needs to become independent and break free from Director Nah/Kyung Hoo Group too. He also needs to change his door's passcode (Jung Kyung's birthdate is 0715, although this is also now Song Ah's birthdate 😫)


1) Joon Young and Omma

I saw the invisible lighting strike moment when Omma blurted out Jung Kyung has been giving money to his parents behind his back. Is that why Director Nah said she's disappointed at Joon Young—assuming he knew her grand-daughter has been helping him and he was being ungrateful? And that she does not want a misunderstanding because she wants them to draw the line?


2) Song Ah and Professor Lee

Professor Lee is definitely bad news. I almost cried when Song Ah said the Professor never recommended her to any schools (great acting there by Eun Bin and affecting me with her emotions). I cursed when the Professor lied through her teeth. I can only hope that she would later discover Song Ah is an unpolished gem and become sincere in nurturing her into a violinist. Otherwise giving Song Ah false hope and getting her to do 2 more years of graduate school is just cruel! Is school fees cheap? I doubt it. I'd imagine Song Ah's school fees are paid by her parents or she's taking loan. That will become a burden on her later on if she didn't succeed.


The above two scenes turned out very memorable for me due to the emotions & actor's acting. I wonder what happened between Joon Young and his piano teacher.


I genuinely wish the drama take the less realistic route for the finale and show me Song Ah succeeded with hard work (even though she isn't gifted) and Joon Young overcome his hardship and learnt to love his talent/playing piano (this is for certain he would) because people need positivity in life and needs to continue having a dream.


And...and...and... what happened after Song Ah tells Joon Young she doesn't want to be the type of friend thing? They cannot possibly just end with Joon Young apologising and then all silent walking to the bus stop??!!


So little OTP (sweet) moment, maybe this will keep @SilverMoonTea's interested a little while longer. @wallflowersforjane What week are we on now? 😁


14 hours ago, JenL said:

On the other side of the love triangle, I actually find DY to be possibly more annoying that JK. He seems to be undecided about what he wants - he clearly like SA but why has he never told her?! Not only did he end up with her friend, he's done it twice with a one night stand included! I think I've seen some people say MS is not a great friend for always dumping on SA, but I think she's just caught up in her own problems because she likes DY, who seems to be quite insensitive! Like that rejection about pretending not to hear MS was pretty harsh.

Dong Yun is like the biggest arsxhole a girl can meet. He should refer to Lee Jong Suk's Romance is A Bonus Book on how to reject a girl. Due to lack of backstory and clarity of their dating timeline, I assume he went out with Min Seong already (she's a cellist in the photo) and then secretly harbour feelings for Song Ah. The one night stand is definitely inappropriate and it was done because of needs (don't blame it on alcohol).


Maybe Hyun Ho and Min Seong can pair up. Both were being mistreated/used by their lovers so they would understand each other's pain. They seem to be the loving, devoted kind and both a cellist so it'd be nice to see them move on and find happiness.

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AND THE ENDING. I AM  :BulbaConfused:  SONG-AH!


The Ep 7 Preview! Okay at least I am consoled by those fluffy scenes in there. But still OMGGGGGG!


1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:

So little OTP (sweet) moment, maybe this will keep @SilverMoonTea's interested a little while longer. @wallflowersforjane What week are we on now? 😁


We are officially on two weeks! KMJ may need to do something else soon. I can feel her losing interest. But it also depends if there are other oppa challengers. Hahaha!

Edited by wallflowersforjane
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@abs-oluteM, I also feel sorry for Joon Young. I find that lack of financial stability can make life less enjoyable and for Joon Young, his parents persistently leech off him for money not a few times, but endlessly according to the discussion that Cha and his music teacher had in that cafe. He holds everything in and I can see how these pressures can eat away at his love for piano. Before he gets paid for a concert, his money has already been spent because of his parents. Even when he’s not working, he has to look loans to pay off some financial incident with his parents. They obviously believe he has money or access to money because he’s a pianist. So it’s no wonder to me that he might have associated his piano with the financial burden he bears. Added to that are the people constantly disparaging his talent simply because another pianist was more successful than him. What they fail to realize is that there will always be someone who can do it better. Does that mean that a pianist should give up just because they encounter someone who does it better? 

It might be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t like the way Song Ah responded to Joon Young about his failure to appreciate his talent. She could have said it differently instead of sort of accusing him and complaining about those who work hard  versus those who are talented. I’m sure talented people work their butt off too. I don’t know why people are under the impression that talented people don’t work hard. Like Chiaki-sempai in Nodame Cantabile said, he played his violin until his nose bled. He didn’t get that good at playing the violin without endless practicing and sacrifice. When other people are out there relaxing, partying, and playing, talented people are practicing, practicing and practicing. That’s how they grow into better musicians. I never saw anyone aiming to be a professional musician who didn’t practice their tail off. Did we not hear what Joon Young said about competitions and how the place the competitors stayed at was full of piano music from dawn? DY also said he began to like playing less and less. Why is that? He probably felt pressured. It isn’t easy to be aiming for the top and it isn’t easy to stay on top without constantly bettering their playing.

I do hope that Song Ah succeeds though. By all accounts everybody except DY seem to think she’s bad. I want to see her give it a good try under a solid teacher before she makes a final decision on her career. However, I’m not sure what they mean by she lacks talent in the violin. If she follows the music notes, is it that her sound/tune is off or not quite right? They haven’t really shown us what exactly is wrong with her playing. I hope we see more of her issue soon. 

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Watching:  **  KDrama:  |  Love in Your Eyes  |  Again My Life  |  **  CDrama:  |  Reset  |

Plan to watch: |  Gaus Electronics |  Hospital Playlist 2  |  

Re-watch: |  Happiness  |

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Hello @Celebrianna:wow:Glad you're watching this. I just got off the subbed episode and oh my, it was angsty. I was quite annoyed at a number of things . For one, I felt bad that SA was so happy with doing the whole grad school thing - but unfortunately the invitation from the professor did not come from a place of genuine care/ concern.  It seem to me  that the prof was trying to build some sort of connection with the foundation especially because she realised that Manager Cha has a soft spot for SA. It would break SA's heart when she  finds out the true motive to the Professor's offer. And boy, did I feel mad when JK told SA not to come between her and JY. I get that JK is jealous and so this was expected. But still.....


 I  too feel terribly bad for Joon Young's circumstances . To constantly feel indebted to Jung Kyung and Director Nah, and to perpetually have to play over the years for the sake of money has left him feeling burnt out. Most people would think that JY is living the dream doing what he loves and being recognised for it;  little do they know how unhappy he is. It was so sad that he now feels this talent  is a burden. And even sadder when he told HH that he barely has $3000 in his bank despite playing non-stop over the years. I hope these years going back to complete his studies will bring a much needed respite and pause so that he can reassess what he wants to do with his life.


Talent and hard work does go hand in hand. Realistically speaking, it is hard to succeed without a combination of both. But talent also can be honed - perhaps SA needs a good tutor/ mentor that can lead her to the next level. I do hope to see her play with some orchestra at some point as that was clearly what she dreams off. It would come full circle for her; especially because we met her in the 1st episode being asked to leave in what was to be her very 1st public performance.


Yes @mademoisellesia money/ family problems and this love entanglement with his childhood buddies are reasons why he is unable to  pursue something deeper with SA. For me , it is clear that JY has these growing feelings & those notes he tried to write her at the end confirms that.  I admire SA because, she was brave enough on two occasions to acknowledge how she felt . The ball is now in JY's court

@wallflowersforjane hmmmmm I too think that @SilverMoonTea's interest is ahem starting to wane :OOF:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 9/16/2020 at 10:10 PM, Celebrianna said:

I do hope that Song Ah succeeds though. By all accounts everybody except DY seem to think she’s bad. I want to see her give it a good try under a solid teacher before she makes a final decision on her career. However, I’m not sure what they mean by she lacks talent in the violin. If she follows the music notes, is it that her sound/tune is off or not quite right? They haven’t really shown us what exactly is wrong with her playing. I hope we see more of her issue soon.

Hello, this is what I think:

Talents can vary and for music, I believe it comes hand in hand with lots of practice. Talents can help learn the music quicker but practice is needed because the brain and the muscles in the fingers need to work together to produce a beautiful piece of music. A musician lacking practice will have stiff muscles and it'll show in their playing. A musician capable of following the music notes note-by-note doesn't necessarily mean the music is well-played or is conveyed well as music is also about emotions and interpretation. Nodame is a genuis who doesn't understand the history of the musical pieces and what the music piece is conveying so she interprets it as she likes & adds extra notes to the musical pieces she plays. Her musical tone colour (timbre) is beautiful; she has good ears and enjoys having fun with music but she lacks the basics and techniques. Therefore she struggles to keep up on these vs those who was exposed to  learning the basics & techniques early.


My understanding is that Dong Yun saw and admired Song Ah's passion and love for playing violin. He didn't acknowledge she was good at it. Song Ah was late in picking up violin so I imagined the most common issue would be she is lacking experience and techniques. Her music probably doesn't have beautiful tone colour (timbre) either so the teacher & her classmates aren't impressed. If she has any of the musical talent/s that Chiaki or Nodame have then she may have more of an advantage to excel faster.


On 9/16/2020 at 11:08 PM, abs-oluteM said:

Yes @mademoisellesia money/ family problems and this love entanglement with his childhood buddies are reasons why he is unable to realise or perhaps pursue something deeper with SA. For me , it is clear that JY has these growing feelings & those notes he tried to write her at the end confirms that.  I admire SA because, she was brave enough on two occasions to acknowledge how she felt . The ball is now in JY's court

I really like Song Ah played by Park Eun Bin too. As proof, I have been collecting Eun Bin's pictures this afternoon. I don't usually go out of my way looking for actress coz I love Oppa more :P And even though she comes off so sweet, considerate and sometimes you wish she's feisty against people who is mean to her, she is head strong and is courageous to speak her mind when she wants/needs to. Like in episode 1 she did challenge the conductor's authority by voicing out she had practiced a LOT for the piece indicating, her strong wish to perform. And again like you said she tells Joon Young her feelings.


Hahahaha yeah I think @SilverMoonTea's interest has diminished. She's not even swooning anywhere. :facts:

Edited by mademoisellesia
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