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Mouse 마우스 [2021]

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8 minutes ago, Darkarcana said:

They say it’s 8 but I think it’s seven hahs but do take note. Grandma and Daniel are not under it cause no crosses are made, so I don’t think it’s complete yet


Yeah grandma, daniel and kim yeungsoon (SYH's friend) are not included. 


At first i thought PO will get killed after meeting KYS, since he found out that SYH is using his friend lying about his sickness on Sunday, turns out KYS who get killed. Really confusing. 


And we have to watch this until ep 20????

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44 minutes ago, Mouse said:

 It actually occurred to me as well that it may be the mom that’s doing the killings and YH might just be protecting her since she protected him as a child.


Woah woah woah, hold on there @Mouse 🤣 by "killings" you mean all of them? I'd only go as far as JH time. I don't think she knows about any of the current YH killings, but she is actively turning a blind eye on them.


I kinda jumped from my seat reading the possibility of deadly sins theory @Darkarcana. Kinda possible, but for now I don't really know how to connect the others with it except for the mukbang streamer. But very interesting.


I feel like the 'standard' should be something generic enough for GMC to figure out. 

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3 hours ago, Mouse said:


It also just occurred to me that if the boxer’s murder was done out of revenge, doesn’t that seem contradictory to the nature of a psychopath? I thought they are incapable of feeling empathy and emotion. I would think that a revenge murder is an emotion-driven murder. So that to me is confusing. The murder of the runner or the woman under the tunnel would make more sense. 

But didn't the Head Hunter kill Daniel's sister out of 'revenge' too? because she didn't want to give him any offspring? 

If JBR is a psychopath, can a psychopath be kind to animal?? 


Wow this discussion thread is going too fast for me~ :BulbaConfused: 

I hope it's not based on 7 deadly sins. Just because that formula has been used quite 'often' in other dramas. :P I'm expecting something new from this drama! 

Thanks @mademoiselle for pointing out the 'little brother/sister' dr Daniel Lee was searching in the first ep. What would be this dongsaeng's connection with the overall theme? 


On a lighter note..I'm not sure how I feel when I found out this drama is going to be 20-episode long. I already can't wait to find out who is who and what.. and I don't want to be tortured for the next 8 weeks (which almost equal to 2 months!!!) only to get to the end :jiminbtssigh: But on the other hand, I wonder if I'd miss this show and wish it would be longer when we get to the end. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@SnowBlob Hahahaha. Tell me about it. I cannot keep up with this thread & the theories, LOLLL. True this show will have to have enough interesting contents to sustain 20 episodes. At least the characters here are not yapping too much in circular (hahahaha, I'm sure you know what I'm referring to xP)


Not sure Daniel's dongsaeng will play a big part in the story or not, but since it's mentioned and was mistranslated I thought I'd share. Also I thought the actor playing Daniel is quite a well-known supporting actor so who knows maybe the dongsaeng is his twin and the actor gets to return playing another character? → As if the show isn't complicated enough! :laugh:


Sushi-ya @Darkarcana I see your OCD kicking in :lol: Actually that first picture is a 2 in 1 image, that's why I didn't put the 3rd in spoiler since I see it as 3 images, not 4 :laugh:

I don't think it is based on 7 deadly sins because this means you've to observe the victims and know them well enough to judge. I don't see one that fits gluttony, for example.

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@mademoiselle I certainly know what you're talking about (wink wink). How cool it would be if the actor playing Daniel would return to play the dongsaeng character...since I like him ! I've seen the actor in at least 1 drama and 1 variety (I still remember with this brain of mine!) but pretty sure I've seen him in more dramas. 

@Darkarcana some watchers' observations are just crazy...I would have not picked those kinds of clues out...(nor would I spend any time analysing each picture to find clues like that :pandajustright:).

I'm gonna check out the writer when I have time..want to see which other dramas s/he wrote in the past~

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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I just finished watching all four episodes. It took me a while to finish because I needed to watch this with a clear mind. I can't helpt but think that SH, JR could actually be red herrings. I don't think either of the are killers. There might be a third person that we haven't seen yet. 


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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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1 hour ago, UnniSara said:

I just finished watching all four episodes. It took me a while to finish because I needed to watch this with a clear mind. I can't helpt but think that SH, JR could actually be red herrings. I don't think either of the are killers. There might be a third person that we haven't seen yet. 



Oh right... So this will defy dr. Daniel's theory. Since there are two person with "99% pyscopath gene" turns out to be good, they both are the 1% genius.

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After Episode 4 I feel like I should have waited to binge watch the whole thing. And then I was aghast to find out that this is a 20-episode drama! 


On the bright side, this is a better show than Vagabond and I'm cautiously optimistic from what I've seen so far that there's more substance in this to allow for a certain sort of protracted storytelling. But it all hinges on the next few episodes.


To be honest I had mixed feelings about the first episode. I almost dropped the drama because of it. I wasn't sure and I'm still not sure if the drama is buying into the biological determinism argument and the malarkey about the so-called "psychopath" gene. I'm thinking not... which would go some way to explaining why the drama is playing this relentless, crazy cat and mouse game with the audience regarding the identity of the cross-obsessed serial killer. Why is keeping his identity nebulous so important? It could be this guy and it could be that guy. As far as I'm concerned it's still early days and nothing is certain at this point in time. 


Admittedly Lee Seung-gi going where no lead actor has gone before would be interesting to say the least. I for one wouldn't necessarily object and he has the chops to pull it off. I was surprised initially by him taking on such a straight guy in extremis role so if it turns out that he's two-faced villain, that has its own merits. But even after the Episode 4 cliffhanger I can think of reasons why Ba-reum might have taken the boy without having to be the serial killer. Afterall taking the boy and keeping him safe demanding a ransom doesn't seem like the killer's usual MO. This could be BR's way of shaking up the investigation and getting himself much more involved in the details. Especially after Granny's death. The show is called Mouse after all and at the start of the show, there was a scene of a mouse biting the snake. I have no doubt that he has a dangerous side to him that he keeps hidden but whether he uses it for good or for ill, that remains to be seen. The only reason why I would be uneasy with BR being the villain of the piece is Jae-yi. In spite of the age gap, I really like the little thing that they have going between them. But it's also likely that nothing will come of it.


I really enjoy the police procedural - Criminal Minds side of things.  Moo-chi despite initial appearances is a good detective. There's nothing flashy about him to be sure but he's diligent and thorough. Bluster and bravado aside, he really does care about the victims. The way the crimes and subsequent investigations unfold is probably the best part of the entire show. I'm watching this mainly for that. Unfortunately the show tends a little too much towards tropes in other areas which for me diminishes what could be a far more compelling psychological exploration.


And yes, I do think there's more than one killer at play here even while the show is trying its best to lay it all on one person.







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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@40somethingahjumma really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this!


After watching episode 4, I am beginning to think we might be dealing with more than 1 killer. As to whether Ba Reum is a/the serial killer or not, I have mixed feelings. Do I think LSG can pull off such a complex character? Yes, I believe so. But at this point, I honestly don’t think this he is bad. But I guess we will have to wait and see. I do think there is more to him that meets the eye. 

In episode 4, the reporter sees a photo of BR and mentions that she had interviewed him and Chi Kook back in HS. Although this was mentioned in passing, I feel like there is more to it. Something happened in the past that made Chi Kook a target. 

In the preview for ep 5, it looks like Ho Yan gets beat up.  But by who, remains to be discovered. 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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'Mouse' side "Several speculations on the reversal ending of Lee Seung-gi's appearance, the truth will be revealed"

The production crew said, “There are many speculations from viewers about the ending of the reversal of the history of Lee Seung-gi appearing in the closed room of the last episode. The truth will be gradually revealed through future stories," he said. "Please look forward to the 5th episode that will make the hearts of viewers chewy once again with the breathtaking brain fights of monsters and hunters." 

Read the full article on: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/609/0000412929

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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@Warm Paws @Mouse i always wonder if Yohan did kill DL. The fact that he had to climb over the gate...how did DL managed to get in anyways? It’s a ploy in my opinion to indicate that it maybe Yohan, but I have bets that it isn’t.  Again, someone read the walls Yohan is reading and find out that there were a lot of ‘Questions.’ Like Why is he here etc so this board feels more like an investigation and not a theory like the real killer. 


Instead, many pointed out the possibility that PO being the killer over the umbrella he uses which is a 1 in a 100 made, he also indicated that his father is a political figure which might indicate that he is the 3rd child. And the coffee sachet that he took by accident is a little sus too. But that said, we can rule out him kidnaping when in turn he was at the crime scene of Yo Han’s friend when the livestream started.



Grandma, grandma wise, I find it odd that Yohan is there just waiting for someone to come in and not run away, suggestively because we know grandma is holding on to the white frame version of the photo, and the killer is holding one without the frame, there is a likely chance that two killers is involved. Yohan hurt grandma but may not kill her and then someone entered to finish the kill.  Logically wise, Grandma will not take two of the same photos..

Photo reference:





Yohan and his mom. It’s off but I don’t think he is JH, cause you know mother hates JH, so why did she cook and clean for him you see? Normally she wouldn’t have think about caring for him. Let alone, she call him Yohan and not by his ‘real’ name. If Yohan is the cross killer, he would have finish off Chi kook in the hospital he have many chances, but why did he try to kill BR instead?

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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@Darkarcana responding to multiple points:


I agree. The entire DL scenario is questionable. 


Umbrella handle looks the same too. Wonder what makes it limited ed though. It looks like a normal umbrella for now. 


Grandma and killer. Yeah, the other guy standing there when BR was checking on grandma felt weird. 


As for the mom, I kinda disagree with you. I never felt that she 'hated' JH. Even when she was strangling him, it felt more of remorse or pain. The fact that she got hit and all while protecting JH from getting beaten by the stepdad shows to me that she loves him despite what he is. 


Re Chi-Kook. True, but Chi-Kook was a special case to begin with. He's the only survivor, and it was said that his wounds were intentionally done that he wouldn't die from them. (Actually now I'm getting confused. I'm not sure anymore if it was Chi-Kook or even for this show LOL) 

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@40somethingahjumma I too love BR and Oh Bong-Yi's relationship. I agree the first episode almost made me drop it too. They had to many stories being told in that episode.

I love Oh Bong-YI , she is so cute and her stroy really touched me. So did Jae Hoon's story. He had a really hard life and it was so depressing to see. I would hate for Oh BongYi to be alone. She clearly have not been able to move on from what happened to her. 


@Mouse. @SnowBlob




BY's grandmother wanting them to get together. 







Haelmoni is my hero 




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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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I am curious to find out what the "standard" is for these murders and whether Mu Chi actually found it out or if he is bluffing. 


Something that is throwing me off as well is the murder of YH's friend... he ended up getting killed too. But by who, again remains to be revealed.


I wouldn't be surprised if we are dealing with more than 1 killer and if in fact there is more than 1, I wouldn't be surprised if they are secretly working together - like YH and BR being secret friends or something :lol:


Because whenever I think of Chi Kook, one cannot help that it is related to BR somehow. 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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50 minutes ago, Mouse said:

I wouldn't be surprised if we are dealing with more than 1 killer and if in fact there is more than 1, I wouldn't be surprised if they are secretly working together - like YH and BR being secret friends or something


Why would YH try to kill BR though? Or we don't really know what he was trying to do... 


The entire 3 gene test results thing is actually throwing us off. I mean, it made us think that there's a possibility of 3 psychopaths... But we just know that 3 people were tested (2 presumably positive), but c'mon, what about everyone else? Assuming that the bill was never passed (or even if it did, actually) then we could be dealing with x amount of psychopaths 🤣

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3 minutes ago, Warm Paws said:


Why would YH try to kill BR though? Or we don't really know what he was trying to do... 


The entire 3 gene test results thing is actually throwing us off. I mean, it made us think that there's a possibility of 3 psychopaths... But we just know that 3 people were tested (2 presumably positive), but c'mon, what about everyone else? Assuming that the bill was never passed (or even if it did, actually) then we could be dealing with x amount of psychopaths 🤣

You’re right in that the true culprit here is that darn gene test! It’s not even conclusive and yet it’s got all of us hung up on it. For all we know, none of them is the killer and maybe they’re all just trying to figure out who the serial killer is but doing it in their own ways..

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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Oh Bong Yi is the character I am looking forward to its development. What will her reaction be once she finds out Ba Reum has the genes of a psychopath.
This scene was amazing . They would make the perfect married couple. 








Then she finally admits she does like Jung Ba Reum. I think Haelmoni asked him to take care of Ba Reum if anything happens to her.





Haelmoni seemed to have been planning on killing the man who hurt her granddaughter but never got the chance to do it.  @Mouse  @Warm Paws 


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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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