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Mouse 마우스 [2021]

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I had a dream - or maybe I just woke up in the middle of the night and actually thought about it. Since BR's background is a big question mark till now, anything is still up in the air.


You know which character no one doubted at all about being good? BR's mom. We even call her the Good Mom. Everyone would have been duped if she's actually a psycho! Her husband died trying to save a kid chasing after a ball, so assuming he's good then BR could've gotten the psycho genes from the wife?? And here my thoughts are now drifting and thinking DL never mentioned anything about the gene being hereditary, but I think we're all assuming it is.🙃


Anyway. Plotwise, it does make sense that BR = JH and is the 7 deadly sins killer from the start, especially since YH is presumed dead. But I still can't connect the dots without childbirth switch, adoption, or brain transplant, all of which I didn't really want to see happen, but at this point, I'm actually now more open to anything. 🙃



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How I feel when I read all the theories and think about what I've watched in each episode





For me, the only possibility of the kids being switched is if they were switched at birth, unbeknownst to their mothers. Because from what I've seen of Ji Eun, YH is her son through and through. If she knew that her real son was still out there and it's BR, she would know or at least have some sort of inclination. Her memories are also all of YH.


I like the theory that we're potentially dealing with 2 MLs. So it's not just about BR. I don't think we know as of yet whether the young child in yellow raincoat and Jae Hoon are the same child or if they're 2 different children. I guess we'll have more answers if/when the aunt shows BR his childhood photos.


Also, I find BR's sense of smell changing to be somewhat interesting. Why can't he stand the smell of fermented soybean soup now when it was his favourite before? He would have had no reason to have faked that. Which clearly says to me that it's not just a matter of forgotten memories but rather there is almost a different person in him.



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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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1 hour ago, Mouse said:

For me, the only possibility of the kids being switched is if they were switched at birth, unbeknownst to their mothers. Because from what I've seen of Ji Eun, YH is her son through and through. If she knew that her real son was still out there and it's BR, she would know or at least have some sort of inclination. Her memories are also all of YH.


Yeah same. And if BR = JH, then some theories are saying that YH was adopted by JE after the step family incident with JH, which I don't really want to buy into because of multiple reasons. But I dunno, I'm sort of open now for anything. 🙂🙃 I'm trying to keep my mind free for anything to come.


1 hour ago, Mouse said:

Also, I find BR's sense of smell changing to be somewhat interesting. Why can't he stand the smell of fermented soybean soup now when it was his favourite before? He would have had no reason to have faked that. Which clearly says to me that it's not just a matter of forgotten memories but rather there is almost a different person in him.


Same. But I don't know how science works and how certain type of trauma changes what. 😅


Next episode, BY will take BR shopping then he'll learn that his favorite scent is Mint... then what? 🤣🤣🤣 Even if something similar does happen, I probably wouldn't know what to make out of it. 

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@Warm Paws :shocked2: you think about Mouse when you woke up in the middle of the night????? :PsyWhat: I would have not been able to go back to sleep if I did that....

5 hours ago, Warm Paws said:


You know which character no one doubted at all about being good? BR's mom. We even call her the Good Mom. Everyone would have been duped if she's actually a psycho! Her husband died trying to save a kid chasing after a ball, so assuming he's good then BR could've gotten the psycho genes from the wife?? And here my thoughts are now drifting and thinking DL never mentioned anything about the gene being hereditary, but I think we're all assuming it is.🙃


This ... never thought of this. It would be a total surprise to me if she were and that she had something to do with the plot line. If not, then maybe the writer is just trying to tell the audience that psychopathic can be something not genetic. 


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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6 hours ago, Mouse said:

Also, I find BR's sense of smell changing to be somewhat interesting. Why can't he stand the smell of fermented soybean soup now when it was his favourite before?

I read somewhere someone said that it's the frontal lobe responsible for sense of smell? Seems like it's gearing towards brain transplant after all.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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9 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

you think about Mouse when you woke up in the middle of the night????? :PsyWhat: I would have not been able to go back to sleep if I did that....


I know! 😆 Must have been one of those dreams you continue to think of when you half wake up. The other night I actually dreamt of dreaming (yes, Inception) that I got stabbed while in bed. 🤣🤣 I tried to scream myself awake inside the dream the moment it happened.


Thanks @Chocolate

LOL. Writer is really just teasing us now. "You found out faster than I thought. How boring" they probably thought that that's what the audience will think with this reveal, so they had HH speak it himself. 🤣🤣


Honestly though, if this is real then I think I'm fine with it now. In my comment above, I'm not saying that the transplant thing will make things boring, but I'm reacting to how fast the reveal would be (if real, of course). I was expecting more of a gradual reveal for the audience and for BR himself. 


It's true that the gradual reveal would be a nice story, but maybe sort of predictable already and the writer thought of that. So making BR learn that he has a killer inside his head (who the original killer is, we don't know) from early on does make it an unexpected twist for me. It'll be interesting how he'll cope for another 12 episodes. 

2 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

HH gets a pardon in exchange for saving Ba Reum? This is a complication to all our theories 😅😂


Eehhh? How on earth will the public respond to that? 🙃🙃 I still don't know who's who in terms of politics, but this surely is one intense strategy.

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GUYS. THROW YOUR FOUNDATION AWAY. We need to restart, ep 9 flipped and scattered everything. 


YH Is a genius who wants to jump off the building


HSJ was never a psychopath, but he was in deep jealousy over Daniel Lee that he ended up killing people for experimentation. (This in turn means, JH is never his kid. YH is. So JH is NOT YH)


Daniel Lee is just as corrupt as HSJ


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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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6 hours ago, Darkarcana said:

(This in turn means, JH is never his kid. YH is. So JH is NOT YH)



Wait, @Darkarcana how did you arrive at that based on ep 9? I'm still trying to process what I watched. 🤣


So ep 9 cliffhanger:


They'll transplant the other part of YH's brain in order to save MC, then together with BR, they'll complete the puzzle of the current and previous set of murders. MC and BR will figure out the real shiz almost simultaneously, and they'll have a Hollywood face-off ending. 🤣🤣🤣jk jk


I think I'm opposite to your cliffhanger expectations @Darkarcana 🤣 I thought BY (bird) part would be a dream, and this time, I'm thinking it to be real. 🙃 (but prob not cause BR is still on the job in the next ep preview(?))


Also, I wonder if part of ep 9 will be some sort of a parallel to how the writer is duping us:



The police thought MC killed WJP, and MC thought that it was detective Park's wife, who actually just got there after Man Ho killed WJP. BUT, did WJP really do everything he's accused of? Who knows?? 🤣🤣🤣


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1 hour ago, Warm Paws said:

Wait, @Darkarcana how did you arrive at that based on ep 9? 


Because HSJ was never born psychopath, but due to jealousy, he turned. Then, YH is indeed his child because HJ knew about it. Then if he is JH, why would he try to jump off the building when he himself once said that “I am the God.” Etc. JH/Cross killer should have that god complex, so he wouldn’t be suicidal, but YH is after getting bullied.


I maybe wrong though, who knows, Choi ran is Choi ran, there might be a twist loll


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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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@Darkarcana ooohhh. I get where you're coming from now. 



However, JH proclaiming he is god was only shown after Moo Won's death. And YH scene was a flashback to when he was still in school, so a lot could have changed from his mindset since then. But then again, I do sort of want YH to be a good guy now just cause it makes more sense (over-all plot-wise) moving forward from this point on, even though I was very firm that YH = JH = 7 deadly sins SK before the time jump. 🤣


I wonder what made HH change his mind though. I'm thinking he got duped as well? He thought he's saving his son YH's memories by transferring it to BR thinking YH was a psychopath killer and his heir. But this very act is actually going to be the real downfall of HH cause he put the YH's 'good' inside BR's 'bad'.


I still can't get over the Heungbu and Nolbu thing and think that it's still sort of significant. Like BR's head gets cracked, but is it wealth or destruction that came out of it? and wealth or destruction for whom?


1 hour ago, Darkarcana said:

I maybe wrong though, who knows, Choi ran is Choi ran, there might be a twist loll


True, a double twist... no, triple twist? 

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I gave 'laughing' reaction to two posts above due to @Chocolate 'confused' reaction LOL... I was also confused but dared not giving the confused reactions.. but choco did and I was like :PsyWhat:



10 hours ago, Darkarcana said:


  Hide contents

HSJ was never a psychopath, but he was in deep jealousy over Daniel Lee that he ended up killing people for experimentation. (This in turn means, JH is never his kid. YH is. So JH is NOT YH)


Daniel Lee is just as corrupt as HSJ



Hmmm I somehow thought that too ... that HSJ was not a psychopath only later to rethink about this.. true that he didn't start murdering ppl just because he wanted too. Instead he had a goal in mind that was to advance the ability to transplant people's brain. In saying that... isn't that also a psychopathic trait? He enjoyed killing people... felt no remorse... :idk: So for me... HSJ is still a psychopath.. unless the drama later on proves otherwise. 

And... @Darkarcana why do you think Daniel Lee is just as corrupt as HSJ?


#teammoochi here... is hoping that the ending isn't real but I'm pretty sure it is... but let's hope that 


he doesn't die... injured but saved in the end~~~


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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1 hour ago, SnowBlob said:


Hmmm I somehow thought that too ... that HSJ was not a psychopath only later to rethink about this.. true that he didn't start murdering ppl just because he wanted too. Instead he had a goal in mind that was to advance the ability to transplant people's brain. In saying that... isn't that also a psychopathic trait? He enjoyed killing people... felt no remorse... :idk: So for me... HSJ is still a psychopath.. unless the drama later on proves otherwise. 



Agree with you here @SnowBlob


And some lightheartedness while we wait for the next episode :lol:



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I am at lost reading the posts above me ~ all this abbreviations of names JH, YH ... JH is not YH :BulbaConfused:

I vote for: it was all in Ba Reum's head that he is killing Moo Chi, but then Bong Yi saw him and dropped the bag. So did he perhaps kill the cat instead? There's no way he was bashing Moo Chi to the point of having blood splattering all over his face and then the next episode he's still investigating another case.


I cannot say I am impressed with the direction of the plot re: the brain transplant. See? This is me feeling torn and having a dilemma of wanting Ba Reum to be a (born) psycho and also wants him to be good. But I think what I really want is Ba Reum to possibly be a dark character that chooses to be good.


Han Seo Joon is still a psychopath. He doesn't think what he did was wrong or sinful. He killed without feeling guilt. He thinks he is God and above everyone. That to me is psycho enough.



Edited by mademoiselle
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uWu our psychocat BR 😺


You're born a psychopath (unless you have a brain transplant 😅😅). HH was a psycho from the start and became a serial killer to be able to realize his ambitions. He was triggered. There's this misconception that psycho = murderer. No, a psycho can be that boss who didn't want to approve your vacation leave because business comes first. They don't need to kill for them to be classified as such. But ofc my boss could have already imagined killing me a hundred times or so. 






Edited by jeijei
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So muchi will be dead? Why BR blamed muchi? Because muchi didnt shoot YH in the head that could killed him immediately, so YH's brain would never be transplanted to his head.


BR's expression changed right away after muchi called him bastard, so his "other side/personality" triggered after someone mocked him? 


@Darkarcana those clues in ep 4, think i cant rewatch, so much headache lol! Yohan died, Muchi died, just killed them all!!!! :shocked2:


I think my craziness will be triggered by this drama lol

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