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Vincenzo 빈센조 [2021]


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Episodes 3 and 4 were definitely a step up in the right direction but at what cost indeed! I'm a bit sad about that because the camaraderie between the two men has been especially good. The best. But storytelling wise it made sense on some level because Cha-young needed some kind of wake-up call. Something earth-shattering to change the trajectory she was on. I never thought she was as comfortable in Wusang as she herself believed. I wonder now if she was trying to convince herself more than her father during their arguments. To be frank and blunt, she seemed from what I've seen little more than just a highly paid grifter -- and that's how the character has been written thus far. That said, things are looking up for her and perhaps Vincenzo is the partner in crime she's been looking for her entire life. 


To be honest, I'm relieved. I wasn't sure about this show from the first two episodes especially regarding how much of the slapstick we would have to be able to tolerate in order to keep watching. I don't mind some humour but what I really like about the show are the poignant emotional beats. I was worried that this show would be a lot of flash, a lot of bang but with not a lot of substance. Thankfully the most recent episodes proved otherwise. I'm exceedingly fond of a good antihero style thriller. Men and women going outside the law to get things done because the enemy is just too powerful and ubiquitous.  


The second half of episode 4 was especially good to my mind. The revenge plot played out like a decent heist. I was amused that Vincenzo replicated his payback scheme from Italy with some notable changes. In so doing he also fulfilled the wish of his de facto mentor and paid tribute to the man who was frustrating but in every way a genuine champion of justice. Hong Yu-chan might have been an idealist, but he wasn't naive. Far from it. He always knew what he was up against and there was nothing arrogant about him. He just wanted to be the people's last best hope even if the struggle seemed hopeless. It could just be Yoo Jae-myung's performance and the way he imbues Yu-chan's personality with so much passionate earnestness. I'm glad he cottoned on to who Vincenzo was which goes a long way to explaining why he decided to trust him and take him under his wing so soon despite initial misgivings. Yoo-chan was absolutely the type to pick up strays. In that regard his influence on Vincenzo will remain.


There was something cathartic about seeing the entire Babel warehouse going up in smoke. It's not just because they're a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut answerable to no one. No one should be above the law. But they ruthlessly used people and disposed of them when they didn't fit into the company's larger goals. The word "monster" has been thrown around by characters in the drama to describe what Babel and Wusang represent. For me, "machine" would work just as well. Or better. They are a soulless corporatist engine that mows down opposition without batting an eyelash. This is not capitalism in its classical sense -- certainly not as Adam Smith envisaged it. Corporations have a knack however of not liking opposition and have enough resources at their disposal to cause a world of hurt to their competitors. 


Taecyeon being the main villain was not entirely a surprise (the thought had crossed my mind) but good for him for breaking out of the nice guy mould and doing something different. The elephant in the room now will be how much he cares about Cha-young and how far he will go in playing his dual role. Just because he is nice to Cha-young doesn't make him a good guy. Afterall deception is involved. That said, I like my bad guys to have some complexity to them. Let's hope this is what Taec saw in this role.


The show is going from strength to strength. I love what Song Joong-ki brings to the table here. He's a really fine actor and this is one role that I can get on board here. Plus he looks darn good in Italian-style suits.

Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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ok ok ok.... this drama has touched double digit rating... continuously maintain its top slot and reaching its personal best at 4th episode... i could not be enough happy and proud of Song Joong Ki... he chose an amazing project.... and he needed this to cement his position as an A lister once again.... Especially after such a media hyped divorce....as  if everything just fell flat after that... 

Secondly when all the other A listers are falling flat in domestic market , it was a good move by SJK who chose thriller as genre rather than romance...and excelling at that as well..

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Episode 4 was exciting. The pace was fast too. In half an episode, we see Vincenzo finding the people responsible for HYC's death and taking "revenge". Makes me wonder what's in the next 16 episodes 😆


Just some minor gripes about the Babel warehouse:

  • Vincenzo throwing away his lighter - the lighter can easily be linked to him and it's metal - will it melt in the fire?
  • HCY taking off her mask - CCTV? The guards can also identify her.
  • Thought they cared about not injuring people - though the workers had been asked to "leave", obviously many were still around as we can see people running around after the explosion. Don't think they can assume everyone would be far enough not to get hurt.
  • This is Korea, not Italy. Such a massive explosion and belonging to a powerful company, there should be a manhunt. Especially as Vincenzo and HCY are small potatoes. It can't be so easy to get away with it, especially if the police start looking at who has motive.


Regarding CMH, hmmm, she seems evil in this episode. But a really evil person would not jump away from some bloody clothes, and would not cower in a corner, scared of a truck. Though I do like the idea that Vincenzo and HCY are able to bring down all the baddies with their own ingenuity, without inside help. Will wait and see.


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@Chocolate Haha I've the same thought as you.

8 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Vincenzo throwing away his lighter - the lighter can easily be linked to him and it's metal - will it melt in the fire?

The fingerprints will at least be removed, so even though say someone has a picture of him holding it, it is only a circumstantial evidence that's not enough to pin him down.

8 hours ago, Chocolate said:

HCY taking off her mask - CCTV? The guards can also identify her.

Exactly the same thought!

8 hours ago, Chocolate said:

This is Korea, not Italy. Such a massive explosion and belonging to a powerful company, there should be a manhunt. Especially as Vincenzo and HCY are small potatoes. It can't be so easy to get away with it, especially if the police start looking at who has motive.

Ditto! I feel like Vincenzo should have hired people to do the dirty work and not do it himself. To me, a smart mastermind don't dirty their own hands. I think the show wants to create a vigilante that brings the bad to justice but if they must - at least wear a mask like Batman? But I can't imagine SJK in a mask so... scrap that. Now Vincenzo is putting himself at risk and he doesn't have his Italian mob brothers to help him, I don't know how the rest of the show would be like. I'm actually surprise Taecyeon show hand so quickly as the Big Bad. Indeed let's wait and see how it all play out.

Edited by mademoiselle
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14 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


How does the tweet relate?



Wouldn't it affect his current show? If actors can be replaced for a DUI, this bullying is more severe.



19 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm actually surprise Taecyeon show hand so quickly as the Big Bad.


Ah, but it was only for us viewers to see. His identity can still be a secret in the show. Wonder how long he will continue to hang around HCY. He remains an intern of Wusang right? So technically, no more working relationship with HCY.


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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@Chocolate Haha I've the same thought as you.https://twitter.com/Koreaboo/status/1366744313317654529?s=20

The fingerprints will at least be removed, so even though say someone has a picture of him holding it, it is only a circumstantial evidence that's not enough to pin him down.

Exactly the same thought!

Ditto! I feel like Vincenzo should have hired people to do the dirty work and not do it himself. To me, a smart mastermind don't dirty their own hands. I think the show wants to create a vigilante that brings the bad to justice but if they must - at least wear a mask like Batman? But I can't imagine SJK in a mask so... scrap that. Now Vincenzo is putting himself at risk and he doesn't have his Italian mob brothers to help him, I don't know how the rest of the show would be like. I'm actually surprise Taecyeon show hand so quickly as the Big Bad. Indeed let's wait and see how it all play out.

Hi.... I think he didn’t hire anyone because it will put extra pressure.  Like when chinese man made that room for gold, he had to kill everyone who was involved so no one know anything.  

But Vincenzo (apart from dramaland theory for dramatic effect obviously ) use emotions so there won't be any sound in near future about this incident. He didn’t have to kill them to vanish any link with him in this incident. That's why he along with them carry out this mission.  Obviously there will be manhunt but these people cannot be the prime suspect as they are commoners. 

I agree about HCY mask removing was a stupid mistake, that may be in future lead to something.  

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Oops, that link was a mistake which I've no idea how it even got there! @Chocolate


Dunno what will happen to the actor. Will have to wait and see.


Yeah TC will continue to be undercover for now but narratively we know and I thought the mystery could go on a bit longer (for us).



It probably doesn't matter in the sense that Big Bad intern is already onto Vincenzo (the first person that pronounced his name properly). Personally I'm just worried coz I wanted him to keep himself hidden longer, like Taecyeon is doing, especially because he's on his own (with a bunch of commoners).

Edited by mademoiselle
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I have just watched the last few minutes of ep.6... Whoaaa!! That was some leveled-up white truck-of-doom....! Just when you think the trope is overly used, and have no shock factor anymore, they came up with this leveled-up truck. Yes, I jumped too because I only knew he was killed but I didn’t know the how. 


I’ll be back after finishing ep.4. I haven’t read any posts above this to avoid spoilers. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Hello @Hilltrickster...happy you joined us here.

I am watching way too many dramas for my own good :pandawhat:, but there's no denying this and Beyond Evil are the best . What I like very much about this story is the use of the antihero trope that @40somethingahjumma mentioned.


Here  the very institutions that are supposed to protect the the average citizen cannot be trusted. I appreciated Hong Yu Chan's ideals (and there's a clear need for more folks like him) - I know he still believed that the system would punish those who are wrong and defend the weak. Unfortunately cartel corruption here goes up to the very top from the early scenes of Choi Myung Hee with her former bosses in the prosecution office. Babel group has practically spread their hold everywhere. His death is a clear indication that this isn't a level playing field and hence there's a need for Vincenzo's view of needing a monster to fight a monster.   Of course, it won't be right to serve one's own style of justice if it breaks the law.   But within the context of this show, the legal system can still be of use provided the protagonists use out of the box methods like they did in episode 4 to provoke the villains to react.


TVN released a special poster for Taecyon now that he has  been revealed to be the big bad!

Looking forward to how he will take on this role. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I love this article from Sports Donga. SJK is getting a lot of good comments for his role here. 



tvN's Saturday-Sunday drama "Vincenzo" has been doing well every episode due to Song Joong-ki's passionate performance as the dark, cold-blooded mafia lawyer, Vincenzo Cassano. However, viewers are enthusiastically cheering for Song Joong-ki's  "Dark Hero," who has decided to defend the people of the shopping mall.


In episodes 3 and 4, broadcasted last week, Vincenzo revealed a warm side to him , when he  intervened in the daily life of the people of Geumga Plaza in order to protect the gold. It was unexpected of him to installing electric pads directly at Nanyangsa Temple and reprimanding,  Youngho, the son of the snack bar owner Kwak Hee Soo about him smoking. In addition, there were funny scenes as he was trying to leave the room & escape the argument between  Hong Yoo-chan and Hong Cha-young regarding the  the Babel Pharmaceuticals lawsuit


However,  when lawyer Hong Yoo-chan died due to the orders of Wusang lawyer Choi Myung-hee, Vincenzo regained his original coldness. As a mafia lawyer who confronts evil with evil, he does not hesitate to threaten Choi Myung-hee by locking her in a laundromat and threatening her with a truck. In addition, when Babel Pharmaceutical officially announced the release of narcotic painkillers, he decided to  set on fire  Babel Pharmaceutical's raw material storage warehouse, giving it a sense of exhilaration!


As a result, Song Joong-ki's performance, who is able to showcase various sides of Vincenzo , is driving viewership  and drawing enthusiastic responses. The 4th episode of the show maintained its No. 1 spot in the same time slot, including cable and final episodes, and numerous favorable reviews and posts about Song Joong-ki are constantly being posted on various SNS and online communities.

Such a heated response to Song Joong-ki is expected to intensify over time. This is because we are more excited about what kind of cruel punishment the angry Vincenzo will make against the variant villains and what fun he will portray with the people of Geumga Plaza.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 2/28/2021 at 10:14 AM, abs-oluteM said:

But do you remember what was the catalyst that changed her mind? I just remember at one point her superiors sent her to some small town to serve.

I don't remember very well now... Need a rewatch, haha...


On 3/1/2021 at 12:36 AM, abs-oluteM said:

I love that dad’s assistant joins them too - who knew he was a special effects make-up artist before !  This team is gonna be quite kick ass . 

I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a jack of all trades. Reminded me of Father Han in Fiery Priest who turned out to be so talented.


21 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Just some minor gripes about the Babel warehouse:

  • Vincenzo throwing away his lighter - the lighter can easily be linked to him and it's metal - will it melt in the fire?
  • HCY taking off her mask - CCTV? The guards can also identify her.
  • Thought they cared about not injuring people - though the workers had been asked to "leave", obviously many were still around as we can see people running around after the explosion. Don't think they can assume everyone would be far enough not to get hurt.
  • This is Korea, not Italy. Such a massive explosion and belonging to a powerful company, there should be a manhunt. Especially as Vincenzo and HCY are small potatoes. It can't be so easy to get away with it, especially if the police start looking at who has motive.

Regarding CMH, hmmm, she seems evil in this episode. But a really evil person would not jump away from some bloody clothes, and would not cower in a corner, scared of a truck. Though I do like the idea that Vincenzo and HCY are able to bring down all the baddies with their own ingenuity, without inside help. Will wait and see.


Haha, everything you said about the Babel explosion crossed my mind. The lighter part, I was more thinking of what a pity he threw away his lighter which I assume has special meaning? Anyway, they could've just shown him wearing gloves for this. Although yes, proper investigation would show it's arson, but Babel does not go the proper way anyway. As for the people, I think because they're supposedly spraying disinfectants, everyone has to go out of the building? but actually, idk and idc, haha... The massive explosion was just for dramatic sake for me. In RL, the said company goes bankrupt already. CMH, I still think she is a baddie. Her jumping away is probably only because she's always been getting other people to do the dirty job. She probably didn't expect to be visited while she is doing her laundry. Which makes me think, can she not afford to buy a washing machine for her place? Or she just loves to dance in laundromat? 


26 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Looking forward to how he will take on this role. 

O yeah... I hope he nailed it well. I'm excited for him!


Forgot to add. The victory with Babel explosion, does not really make me do fist pumping. It's just too early. I'm still holding my breath that our mafia ala Korea team will be hit hard here and there in the remaining 16 episodes.

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

The lighter part, I was more thinking of what a pity he threw away his lighter which I assume has special meaning?

I also thought the lighter has a special meaning, but then again, this is the second time he threw away the lighter. LOL. So I guess it's just a lighter and flipping it open & close helps him look cool, I mean, think. :laugh:

1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

As for the people, I think because they're supposedly spraying disinfectants, everyone has to go out of the building? but actually, idk and idc, haha...

They are spraying flammable liquid - wouldn't there be a strong odour? Kerosene definitely will be strong. I was thinking ethanol at first but ethanol evaporates too quickly. But yeah let's move on... hahaha.

1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

Forgot to add. The victory with Babel explosion, does not really make me do fist pumping. It's just too early. I'm still holding my breath that our mafia ala Korea team will be hit hard here and there in the remaining 16 episodes.

Yeah nah. The good guys don't get away with it too early. The big bad always manage to come back and do worst to them first. I just wish there's no more of those "I'm going to do this this this to you" to the Big Bad. Why would one pre-warn the villain what you intend to do to them? So silly. I've seen it in many other kdramas, so I hope it doesn't happen here.

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Very cute...this is subbed


This weekend's cameo

Shin Seung-hwan will appear as So Hyun-woo, a lawyer in charge of the case of the Babel Chemical Industrial Accident Victim Group, and will interact with Song Joong-ki and Jeon Yeo-bin.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Drama is number 2 on Good Data Drama Rankings and SJK is number 4 for the actors one



Accompanying article for the new stills posted above





Amid the dark heroes' straight-forward revenge without brakes, the images of Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young, who visited the villains in the photos released arouses curiosity. Before the real fight, he started to identify the enemy. First of all, it is interesting to see him approaching Jang Han-seo (Kwak Dong-yeon), the chairman of the surface area of the Babel Group. What will be Vincenzo's new strategy ?  The following photo showed Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young visiting Wusung law firm. The eyes of Choi Myung-hee and Han Seung-hyuk (Jo Han-cheol), who faced the two people who set their feet in determination, shine sharply. A war of nerves without retreat adds curiosity to the fiery war that will unfold.


In the fifth and sixth episodes, which will air this week, Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young will continue to cooperate to break down the Babel Group. The activities of Hong Cha-young, who learns  about the real mafia Vincenzo and the villain's method, are exciting. Babel and Wusung , who suffered huge losses as Babel Pharmaceutical's raw material storage warehouse that was tburned down, will come up with countermeasures. It raises questions about what kind of counterattack Jang Jun-woo (Taecyon) will show, who revealed his creepy side. "The punishment  without mercy begins now. "Please look forward to the brilliant and persistent combination of Vincent and Hong Cha-young."



Jun Woo ( Taecyon ) and Han-Seo ( KDY ) should be siblings right? 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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