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Bossam: Steal the Fate 보쌈 - 운명을 훔치다 [2021]

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CD comes home and sweet father & son scene. He slept with BW that night . ( I am getting the impression that BW and SK don't actually share the room) . Did CD tell the father how he felt about his real mum? 


Wahhh now BW's mum and sis talks in humble tone to her ...ahahahaah


DY came to see SK...DY need & should  let her go in his heart!. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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BW came out and CB asked why keep the woman there. BW told CB that she knew SK is princess. Then later, Cha Dol returned home, BW called him and asked him if everything is okay. Cha Dol said not okay. BW suggested that they sleep together that night. While sleeping, Cha Dol asked if BW likes being a yangban, he likes the time before much better. Cha Dol wanted to say something but changed his mind. BW knew that he wanted to talk about his mother, and he tried to comfort him. They had a good time joking together under the blanket... We need more of this family. I too miss their time as commoners.  


Next day, Mother and sister with SK. Awkward time.... but SK told the mother to just be the same as before. 


At DY's house, he saw the lady peddler following Lee's main guy. DY confronted him and was told that BW's wife has returned, so he went to visit BW's house. He announced his arrival and Jo received him. SK at first scolded Jo for allowing DY to enter. Anyway, SK met with DY and DY is concerned about SK, but she assured him everything is alright and sent him away. When he was outside the house leaving, CB saw him and he rushed inside confronting Jo why DY was there. As they were arguing in the kitchen, the croc woman overheard them, and she heard about the mentioning of DY's background. At night, she is thinking about it.


Next morning, monk came to visit with BW. He was received by mother and sister and SK. They had a talk, but the croc woman again is outside eavesdropping... oh no... Monk is suggesting something about the woman, but as BW and CB went to fetch that woman, she has gone missing. Not before she ransacked the whole room. Cut to that woman with something in her hand following the lady peddler, and she saw where the woman went, which is LC Lee's house. The peddler updated the main guy, and after she left, croc woman approached the main guy and asked if that's the house of LC. She told Lee that princess is alive. Lee asked where is she. Croc woman asked for some money, WY threw her a bag of money and the woman immediately said that princess is at the house of Kim Dae Suk while counting the money, she was about to leave but Lee asked for her to be captured and dealt with. Main guy led the woman away but DY saw them and asked who this woman is. She shouted please save her, that she just told Lee princess is still alive. DY turned to leave even after main guy told him not to get himself involved. DY was knocked unconscious from behind. At the palace, WY gave some instructions to a soldier about princess, a maid overheard and reported to Court Lady Kim. Cut to Lee bringing a lot of men to BW's house, but the one who opened the door calmly was SK herself, as if expecting his arrival already. She walked out and greeted him, but not with "Father in Law" but as Left Chancellor. End of episode.


Preview: I only caught that SK asking her father for his approval to wed BW.


Edited by ktcjdrama
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@ktcjdrama Thanks so much! I am actually annoyed that Jo and CB argued about SK's princess status etc so loudly - CD's mum overhears everything. She keeps eavesdropping on all the conversations around the house & it really didn't take her long to figure out that they were hiding SK here for a reason. Aiyo , I think because they are so prim & proper we can only get a kiss after they wed is it???? :idk:


Blood boiling scene I will put in spoiler...smhhhhh



I look forward to watch this with subs...surely very funny. Drunk Ba Woo.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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2 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I look forward to watch this with subs...surely very funny. Drunk Ba Woo.

Yeah... I think he mentioned about what's so great about being a king, cannot do this, cannot do that.


I am so happy that the crocodile is going to be dealt with by the Lees. I hope this is the last we see of her. Just pure awful this woman. The way she threw the clothes on SK one by one. Urgh!! I hope Lee will not use her as a bargaining tool with BW. Sorry, Cha Dol can do just fine without her... I remember that BW did tell his mother that Cha Dol's birth mother is a person that both he and Cha Dol think of not existing anymore.

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27 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

am so happy that the crocodile is going to be dealt with by the Lees. I hope this is the last we see of her. Just pure awful this woman.

me too....  I don't want another episode of her


Coming to think of it when I rewatch this bit ,  I was happy to see how shocked the mum & sis was finding out SK's real identity. I have been waiting for this day. I have never hated the YangBang word so much in my kdrama life ahahahah



I rewatch this also and he does tell his mum he loves her and emphasized it right? That he loves her very much



Finally  father & son reunited. I miss CD calling him aboji

 I am waiting for the preview on their channel ...a lot took place 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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The preview

Written preview translated 

Lee Yi-chum and Lee Jae-yong broke into Ba Woo 's house to catch Soo Kyung ! Meanwhile SK  begged her father  Gwanghae-gun to let her marry BaWoo .  Lee Jae-yong took out a knife at Dae Yeob , who betrayed his family.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Some historical information

- Mao Wen Long was the Chinese military general of Ming Dynasty, the one that caught BW and DY the first time.

- Later Jin Dynasty, the one that caught BW and DY when they were escaping.

These two are currently warring. Since BW and DY wearing the Ming's military uniform, they were captured to get information.


The letter from Lee Yi Cheom is for Mao, asking him to kill off BW. So the marshal (Kang, a prisoner-of-war) who had a talk with him in the tent was wondering why BW wants to save DY, the son of LYC who wants him killed. BW said that if DY is killed, Joseon will surely join hands with Ming and war will happen, since LYC is in charge of Left State Council. Marshal Kang commented, Joseon still the same, at the verge of warring and still busy with internal seizure of power. BW said they have to prevent war no matter what. Marshal Kang told him that he will try to speak to the other general (Ah Min).


BW told General Ah Min that Joseon does not want to be involved in the war between Ming and Later Jin, that's why the King sent them to persuade Mao. What's with the secret letter then? asked the general. BW explained, that's the exact proof that King does not want to help Ming, which is why LYC had to send the secret letter to Mao. If DY is killed, it will only give LYC reason enough to join hands with Ming. General Ah Min asked what will Joseon hand out then for their release. Marshal Kang slipped BW information that Ah Min is the nephew of Later Jin King, and if BW could convince him, war can be prevented. BW said that they will make sure Mao cannot leave the place where he is hiding currently. Kang reminded BW not to promise something that he cannot deliver. BW said that this promise is to be fulfilled by LYC, and he has a request to ask of Ah Min, which we don't get to hear.


Later at the palace, BW reported to the King. LYC came in and asked the King to send back BW and DY to Mao, but King told LYC that he didn't know LYC has been communicating to Ah Min. King produced the letter brought back by BW-DY, it's from Ah Min to LYC, saying he received his letter and will hold him to his promise of keeping Mao away, but one day if Joseon and Ming join hands, Ah Min guaranteed there will be war. (I guess the fake letter is the request that BW asked of Ah Min). LYC immediately said this is false claim, that he's never been in communication with these outsiders, but King said he wasn't going to reprimand LYC, instead he wanted to commend him for doing so. LYC realised he has no choice but to follow what's in the letter.


Outside, one of the things that LYC talked about with KJJ is that hasn't the western faction been wanting to join hands with Ming to fight against the outsiders (Later Jin). KJJ answered that looking at the current situation, it is not a wise move for now. LYC wondered if that's KJJ's personal opinion or it's of the whole western faction.



Edited by ktcjdrama
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King's talk with BW


King asked if BW is upset that he was about to sacrifice. Since no reply, King assumed he must be sad, because a King who doesn't even hesitate to sacrifice his own daughter, would surely don't mind sacrificing a small official like BW. Then King mentioned the POW Kang. It's been 4 years since he was captured and King wondered how he was. If only Kang did not surrender just as King ordered, he would've been hailed by the people as a hero instead of living cursed as traitor like now. There is no talk/promise when he will be released and King could only let this trusted aide of him continue remaining in a dangerous place. That's the price to pay for being a king, he told BW. What would you have done if you were in my place? This is also not something you want to answer, right? It's okay, just say anything, I won't hold it against you. 

BW replied that he is just an ordinary person. The things that he treasures are just people and things around him. If he cannot take care/protect the people around him, what's the use of being a king? If I were you, I would throw this position to the person I hate the most and run away far. King asked why give it to the most hated person, isn't that giving them a benefit? BW said it's not benefit, but something that can choke them. Then he continued with asking actually what is good being a king? Waking up early in the morning, have to greet hundreds of officials, have meetings listening to petitions, cannot sleep well even late into the night, be confined to the palace for the rest of his life, cannot go out to enjoy the sceneries and nature, and have to hear frequently people saying "that cannot be done, please kindly reconsider". Cannot do this, cannot do that... being hassled by the ministers all the time. And when something happened in the country, everyone blames the king. Too much rain, drought, earthquake, all the king's fault. Even when young men and women could not marry also the king is to be blamed. (This refers to those going into full service in the palace). BW said that's just crazy nonsense while looking at the King, and that's when he caught himself and apologised.


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Eps 15 with subs made me even more annoyed. I mean  CD's birth mother is some piece of work. Nevertheless , there were some moments I liked mainly involving CD. I loved it when CD rushed & hid behind SK and called her omoni . Loved it too when he told annoying woman off about how she ran off with another man in the middle of the night. BW clearly made sure his son knew that his birth mum was not worth pining for eh? I also loved it when he sneaked out at night because he couldn't sleep and told SK that unlike his birth mum, he felt comfortable with SK from the very first time he met her.


It was also to my relief that BW had never fallen in love with that woman . From CB's stories , she tricked him into sleeping with her when he was drunk. At least I feel better that there will be no lingering feelings to start with.  That  Yangbang token is of course fake as we know but sadly the BW's mother is so concerned about things like that. Though she claims it is for CD's future , I can't help but see her as a very shallow person that is easily bought over by material things. Younger sis is a bit better than the mother.


Anyway , the King and Lee continue their psychological war. While I am least surprised that the King initially would be willing to sacrifice BW ( after all he had no qualms doing the same to his daughter) , it was clear that the King had developed a soft spot for BW and was affected by it.  Fortunately , SK's intelligence and timely letter to the monk saved BW from the 1st capture. I hope the King would give his blessings for them to marry in eps 17  - if not how else are we gonna get our kiss? !!!

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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57 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

the King and Lee continue their psychological war.

One of the things that I love about this drama is that we don't see just one side always winning, but a good balance of one party winning at one time, then the other side gained steps, then the table turned again, and so on. This makes an interesting watch instead of us cursing how stupid can one party be, or how evil the other side is.

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Finally watched with subs...it really tests my patience!  thanks @ktcjdramafor explaining in detail the political stuff.  Honestly I was lost what was happening.  Really dislike the ex wife.  Wasnt surprised she tried to sell out the Princess.  I hope there are no more scenes with her.  Nobody cares about her  anyway. 


I wonder if DP is a secret birth hidden from the king.  maybe he is acutally brothers with the Princess.


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I got to rewatch Eps 16 again.  I waited and stayed up way too late watching it and now can't recall it enough to comment. I did love the reunion scene.  And I remember thinking - how can this ex-wife be gotten rid of....and then the brilliant writer came up with a great way :)  I hope we don't see her again.  She deserves what comes to her.  I'm started to rewatch show from beginning.  There are so many great scenes and I get to notice how often / frequent BW mentions the beauty of SK.  And now I sit and hope for 10 rating next week.

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BW's heartache & pain for having to raise CD alone, and being cheated by his 1st wife, is clearly being paid off dearly with him found SK in his life. I guess the title Bossam Stealing The Fate is indeed very meaningful, even stealing have negative connotation, in this case it changed both fate to a beautiful one. This drama is quite clever in a lot of aspects. 


SK's character is very well built up. I think it might be the best princess character I ever watched in Joseon drama. It surprised me, she actually have a choice about how she's going to spend her time, after her husband's death. She choose to serve filial piety to in law's family, eventhough it's not really required. 


The way she handle BW's 1st wife is really showed a lot of dignity. She doesn't even considered her as a rival or as threat to her position at all. She trust BW wholeheartedly, and confident on her own love. 


She also never disrespect mom and sis in law. About this 2 characters, I tried not to judged them so much. Afterall they're BW's last survived family. I guess there must be something good come from them too. And I'm glad they start to show characters improvement. As the mother from older generation, I think it will took more time to change her. 


All in all, I really have to thank @gilaswan for recommending this drama. It was not in my list at all in the beginning 🥰

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2 hours ago, 1217akkum4 said:

So happy that Bossam gets more popular these days. It's scheduled to air in Taiwan and Japan. I doubt that it will air on TV in my country though, sigh...


Well-made historical drama 'Bossam', overseas popularity 'Bossam'


We can only hope Netflix will pick this up. I hate to say this, but currently NF is the top global OTT platforms and this drama deserve a spot there. 




Bossam Jung Il Woo is ratings stealer.


Actor Jung Il-woo has proven the power of a historical craftsman. He is leading the popularity of the drama with his special charm that causes viewers to become over-immersed.


The MBN Saturday drama 'Bossam Stealing Destiny' (directed by Kwon Seok-jang, writers Kim Ji-soo, Park Chul,), in which Jung Il-woo is appearing, is continuing its storm, reaching the highest rating of 10% for an MBN drama last week.


Jung Il-woo was at the center of 'Bossam', where the combo of actors' acting, directing, and scenario achieves harmony and creates a high-quality drama. Jung Il-woo is showing an overwhelming atmosphere with his impeccable ,passionate acting, and filling the drama with his chemistry with the other actors.


Through makeup preparation for over two hours, he did not only perfectly portray the visuals that melted the values of Bau, who lived with his beliefs in a difficult world, but also complete the character with lively facial expressions.


In addition, at the filming site, he studies the script during his spare time and performs an immersive performance, demonstrating the aspect of a 'history craftsman'.


For Jung Il-woo, who showed excellent concentration by expressing the process of gradually changing characters with dense acting, 'Bossam' was an opportunity to confirm once again that he  is 'the king of viewership'. In addition, Bau, backed by Jung Il-woo's outstanding acting skills, remained a valuable character in his acting life.





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I finished the subbed episodes yesterday. Just grateful that BW is back & that awful woman is being dealt with by Lee . And most importantly that he told his mother that he loves SK - and he loves her a lot. While I am sure SK knows that from his actions, I hope for him to say that to her. ( maybe follow up with a kiss...I am still concerned that there isn't any and we're down to the last 4 episodes! )

On 6/22/2021 at 9:50 PM, ktcjdrama said:

One of the things that I love about this drama is that we don't see just one side always winning, but a good balance of one party winning at one time, then the other side gained steps, then the table turned again, and so on. This makes an interesting watch instead of us cursing how stupid can one party be, or how evil the other side is.

Yes agreed. I think the fact that we don't just have one villain but a number of grey characters - all trying to push their own agenda has made this a very interesting story. As much as I want more OTP scenes, the rest of the plot has substance, so I don't find myself fast-forwarding. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@SilverMoonTeaI’m glad you’re enjoying the drama! I was initially quite disappointed that there was no thread for it and no one seemed interested in the show, but it’s gaining so much love now! :eeeee:


I’ve finally watched the latest episodes - subbed! I have one very trivial question to ask, but it’s been bugging me, so I have to ask it. Why does Bawu’s clothes look less luxurious than Daeyeop’s? I mean, look at the fabric. Daeyeop’s is textured and has prints on them; Bawu’s is plain! Even when they left the (was it?) Later Jin’s camp and we’re gifted civilian clothes to wear, why did Bawu get the less fine looking set? I mean, they’re both leaving enemy territory and as far as I could tell, Daeyeop was hated much more than Bawu, so it couldn’t have been that they gave him better clothes! :idk:


But yeah. Fashion aside, I’m liking the character development in Bawu’s mum and sister. Sister’s getting a little more astute in her observations, and while mum’s old habits die hard, you can tell she’s getting a bit more sensible in how she should be managing the household. What I don’t get about the whole ex-wife kerfuffle though, was that I’m sure Chunbae would’ve known she’s not a noble by birth and the pendant would certainly have been fake. Could he not have told mum that? In any case, the women is gone! Yay!


The other thing that is curious is that Court Lady Kim is so powerful, but it does not seem “logical” in the scheme of history. Not unless the writers were doing this out of artistic liberties in simply wanting to “rewrite” female influence in history when it might not actually have been there. 


Im looking forward to a confident Sookyeong again. From her father’s description of her, she had always been that way — a girl of strong character. Her marriage into Left Councillor’s family robbed her of that confidence though it is certainly her strength of character that has kept her going. And it’s so true how many of us as children grew up strong in character but circumstances robbed the confidence from us. The story of Sookyeong is so wonderful therefore. She is indeed “stealing” it back. Or more correctly, reclaiming what is rightfully hers. 



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2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

psssst MBN, this isn’t the ship we’re hoping to see )

No need to whisper... let's shout it out lout to them!! 


1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

Why does Bawu’s clothes look less luxurious than Daeyeop’s? I mean, look at the fabric. Daeyeop’s is textured and has prints on them; Bawu’s is plain!

Maybe because the family smuggled silk? Haha...


1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

’m sure Chunbae would’ve known she’s not a noble by birth and the pendant would certainly have been fake. Could he not have told mum that?

He did. When she produced that name pendant, he shouted "where did you steal that from?" but Mother wouldn't listen of course.


1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

The other thing that is curious is that Court Lady Kim is so powerful, but it does not seem “logical” in the scheme of history.

Not sure about this, but I've read somewhere that her character existed in history and she did have quite some power.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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