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Start-Up 스타트업 [2020]


FUN BET : Who will Dalmi end up with ?   

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will Dalmi will end up with? Now think carefully as this is a bet. Winners can use a profile picture of their OTP. But LOSERS will have to use the face of DoSan's cousin , Nam Cheon Ho

    • Do San
    • Ji Pyeong
    • No one
    • It doesn't matter to me ( specially for Mademoiselle :P)

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  • Poll closed on 12/08/2020 at 11:09 AM

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@Chocolate I think your review is fairer than the one you shared. Hahaha...


I agree with you that the reason why the "romance" seems to be overshadowing the "start-up" storyline is because, well, that's how the writer has written it. Hence my post in Seonho's thread about what exactly this story is about - letters or startups? If you could pick a new title for this show, what would it be? Looking at her other shows, would it have been:


Pinocchio or Investigative Reporting?

While You Were Sleeping or Law & Order?




Start-up or Dear Dalmi?


Just saying.


As regards "life stages" and therefore not comparing Han Jipyeong with Nam Dosan - well, the writer presented them exactly as comparisons. And what's wrong with that? As many people who think Jipyeong is the better choice because he is exactly older, more stable, more established (nevermind he's the actual writer of those letters), there are people who also think Dosan is the better because he is exactly a peer, in the same time of life, understands the struggles of trying to start a business. Which brings me to my next point - no, Dalmi is not the prize to be won, but she's also not been presented that way. Right through it all, she's the one who holds the scepter in her hands. She's not a damsel in distress at all.

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@Chocolate you brought some very good points & I have to say that I had wanted more development for the sisters relationship in particular.  I agree with @ryanallright that Kang Hanna's In Jae was severely under developed , which is a waste.



But personally I am not surprised by the focus on the romance. As soon as there's a love triangle , it doesn't matter what the original premise of the drama is . While in this drama the writer is partly to blame, viewers too will naturally focus on that . Case in point was Hospital Playlist which was a slice of life looking at the ups & downs of 5 forty-year old doctors. ( Not sure if you saw this one) While romance is definitely an important aspect of life, it was clear that the writer of HP had intended to highlight the challenges these doctors face be it in their careers or personal lives. But all across many platforms , 80% of the discussions focused on the love lines & there were shipping wars everywhere. Lol!



Pre-released clip


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Why are they still in the Sandbox after 3 years? Do they not have to move out after the residency is over? 


@abs-oluteM While it’s true viewers like to talk about the romance, it did not dominate the storyline for Hospital Playlist, nor did it dominate for PHR’s other dramas. It is however more central in this show than the story about startups.  It’s centrestage actually, considering that’s the foundation of the entire web of relationships. 


@ryanallright as regards Kang Hanna and her lack of screen time, I realise PHR writes like this. If you look at all her “other” female characters in the “mandatory” cultural line of up of 2+2 for “leads”, the second female lead is always a flower vase. It was the same in Pinocchio and While You Were Sleeping. Do you even remember that there’s a second female lead at all in these shows? Injae this time has much more of a story presence (though not corresponding screen presence) in Start-up than any of the other female “second leads”. Ever. Don’t expect much. PHR has already given her more time than others before. 

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some spoilers for eps 13
Even if this happiness is just a fleeting moment , I’ll take what I get. Happy to see JP celebrating chuseok with DalMi & Halmoni 


JP telling DalMi to come to him whenever she has a hard time 



Lol! He’s bestie is still Youngsil. He decides to go buy some jewellery 



And practises how to confess . Somebody help this man :lol: . His dimples was in full glory here 😍




  • Heart Eyes 3
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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Aigoo . Looks like at the point JP was mentally preparing to confess with the jewellery box I hand , he bumps into DS. DS is now very successful & had come back for holiday, and decides to visit Sandbox



So the two men had some small talk . DS noticed the gift that JP was holding . JP decided to tell DS that the gift was for Dalmi

. JP asked if DS wanted to say hi fo DM but the latter said no. 

This ship can sail back lol ! 
Saha & Chul San 



So DM had the ransomware problem at work. She remembered to call JP but as she was about to , DS called her.  So she ended up telling him the problem & he came to help her solve it . Later they had a chat & it’s clear there’s still some feelings there between them 



JP finds out the next morning about the problem she has & she tells him DS helped her solve it 



The 3 stooges deciding if they should stay on in SK or return to Silicon Valley 



JP is finally realising he needs to step on it if he wants to confess to DM. Seems he stopped JP here at the lift ( from meeting DM? ) 


Preview -


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

This was funny! Not sure why they’d need to use DS’s crazy cousin again to produce their promotional videos but definitely some comic relief here


The rationale was that the “money money money” segment generated a high number of views and was thus deemed “successful” lol.


At least the crazy cousin now has a better haircut. So we will not suffer so much if we need to change our DP hahaha.


Did you notice only Injae had to be “cartoonised”? Dalmi was her normal pretty self promoting the self driving car. So smart.

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Aiyo @Chocolate I think I have to prepare to change my profile pic to DS’s cousin . Think I may be betting on the wrong horse :laugh:

That chuseok scene was sweet but I know this is a short live happinesses for JP. I can’t believe in 3 years that JP never took a swing at the bat.  He’s only got himself to blame.  Anyhow I doubt he’ll hit a home run. It’s clear that DM & DS still miss each other ( in spite of the preview) . Even if DS stays away from her , it’s not like she has any feelings for JP , and I would rather him not be clingy & hoping she’ll change her mind.


Sadly the drama has lost its spark for me ( yes I do blame my bias) , and I don’t see any other plot development except for the pushing of the love triangle. And that’s rather tiring . Anyhow, for the love of KSH , I’ll watch till the end ! :lol:. I have suffered worse for other oppas . 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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So annoyed with episode 13. Hubby fell asleep cos it was that boring. This morning he asked me, "So, what happened?" I told him "nothing". The time jump was for naught. Hubby felt that the start with the SST boys on the yacht was just too pretentious and painful to watch, so he decided to sleep instead. Yah boy. Have to agree. 

What exactly was the time jump for? What did it serve? 

  • Dosan, Chulsan and Yongsan can now afford vacations on a yacht in the Atlantic Ocean?
  • SST can now afford an apartment by the Han River?
  • All supposed developments between Injae, mum and stepdad and stepbrother summed up in a 5s news clip?
  • Dalmi is still in Sandbox? Wae?? The startup started another startup and needs to stay in a startup incubator??
  • Jipyeong did nothing for 3 years?
  • Saha is still as curt as ever?
  • Injae still not spending time with mum and Halmeoni?

No one seems to have grown in 3 years! Except Jipyeong who has grown more handsome, not that Dalmi noticed. Even if the romance is trying to get milked to the end, there's really nothing left of it to tell. As @abs-oluteMputs it, the romance story line has gotten tiresome already. Everything is painfully predictable now, there's no tension anymore. I don't see how anymore twists can come. The boys very easily decided not to return to LA, they will quite certainly replace the engineer twins in Injae's company. Saha will join them as lawyer-cum-designer, Yay... Samsan Tech is reunited. No? Plot twist? The engineer twins have been the ransomware hackers all along. 

*roll eyes please*


I'm also gonna keep watching for KSH, but as far as HJP is concerned - as a character you've failed, but it's not your fault. You've been written like that. Getting Extraordinary You vibes here... Can HJP outgrow the limits of the character he's been written to be? Meh.


@Lynne @40somethingahjumma @bairama @Chocolate 


Edited by gilaswan
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Just done watching ep 11. So late huh? Lol. Yea.. Nice episode. It's so lovely to watch how all their hardwork is paid off with success and acknowledgement.


I love when the drama dare to show how their characters really does their jobs. It judges the writer does have the knowledge and clever. 


But sadly all their hardwork is likely to fall apart cuz they're too ahead of themselves and not to consider that the deal may come along with the consequences. 


I love Samsan Tech, I hope they can stay to their virtue and strive the success together in the end. 

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@gilaswan so trueeeeeeee. That bullets (yeah the bullets as in ms word) is just like the bullets from the gun for people who are rooting so much on developments, business, are all painful and.. Yes sadly it becomes all kinda predictable. Ep13 was a down like how come 3 years essence is just.. That? The core becomes so simplified. Like you said for example; Samsan tech. Okay, they were strating on a hut with misjudgement of talent then after 3 years they just want to tell viewers, see they now can afford luxury, but luxury not guarantee the thrill? Why not their struggle to hold on in SF? Are they really going the way when you touch SF its done? Noooo! Its another stage of struggle I believe. They really make it simple when the potential is so clear. I think they really target the youth in this drama, but also misjudging how youngsters see life. Sigh. It really hurts.


This will be a rant, rant, rant.


And well, I'm really entertained by my bro reactions towards all of that. He also frustrated how writers make Jipyeong did not able to clarify his relationship with Dalmi in 3 years around the fam. Lol. I was very wishing when we got the scene of him joining chuseok food preparation, Jipyeong already either with Dalmi or just friend with her. So that I can smile in relief when seeing him smile so pure because he already 'done' with that. 3 YEARS. Okay, I understand the characters are busy to level up their careers path, okay (UHM OKAY TOO THAT THEY REALLY SKIP SO MANY OF THE POTENTIAL INSPIRATIVE STRUGGLE SCENES).. But still.. I believe there were SO many open chance for him to get more closer and talk about the letter intimately with Dalmi around those busy days and to think he is becoming so close with grandma..


Why skip these things without some significants happened in the focused romance thing🙄🙄 he really did nothing beyond that, but then after near the time Dosan probably come back for good to Korea he is finally think about that? As a genius investor, as I believe he is good in making strategy, this one seems so illogical for Jipyeong character even he may lacks of romance guide or etc. The writers seems to want drag his feelings to Dalmi as Dosan's rival all along to the end. I will really pissed off if they make him dirty to not having silver lining at all and just disappear after all of these in the end.


The timing is so dramatic and make the drama feels literally a romance drama. It feels so far now from that cool drama opening (I never skipped the animation until now, and result to feel more sad with how ep13 run).

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  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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I'm probably in no position to comment since I've only watched one episode and various compilations that different ones have put out on YT

For a number of reasons I couldn't get past the first episode. I didn't like the fake Do San pen pal angle and alarm bells rang out after the first episode that this was not a show for me. There was a lot of positivity from people's whose opinions I respect so I naturally assumed that it was just grumpy old me becoming cynical about the use of certain types of romance tropes. My thinking was to revisit the show when it was all done.


On hindsight when I look back, I think I didn't like the approach the writer took re: young tech entrepreneurs. I was expecting something else much less romance oriented. But she began the whole thing with a teenage arc with a series of connections shrouded in deception. Already the show was pointing to a love triangle... a fairly complex one that involved an identity switch and that the love triangle would probably take precedence over the entrepreneurial side of things. Right from the start I was very uncomfortable with the deception and the possibility of a identity substitute arc. Which I expected would come back to bite certain characters -- and from everything I've heard, the person who has suffered most from this is Good Boy or Han Ji-pyeong.


However, I've been following the conversations on this drama here and on Discord, and I've been really intrigued by the love for Han Ji-pyeong. So on the weekend I watch a whole bunch of clips featuring the character. It's true, I think that Kim Seon-ho is an acting powerhouse and he probably towers over most of the younger cast. He does everything effortlessly. I've just finished rewatching Two Cops and it's obvious even when he plays second fiddle to a seasoned campaigner like JJS, he holds his own. But it's more than that because when I look at the scenes and how his character moments and interactions are framed, I can see why he's got a lot of love internationally. 


Whether people like it or not, they did sign up for an extended love triangle. The entrepreneurial stuff was destined to be window dressing. It was there from Day 1 that the complexity of the love triangle would play out to the bittersweet end. Particularly because the bits that I've seen remind me so much of Cyrano. The mentoring of Do San by JP, when Do San asks DM why she likes him... that is all Cyrano. The confession reminded me of Sydney Carton. But when I looked at some of the Chuseok stuff that people posted, the Colonel Brandon feels that I felt earlier became stronger.



The thing I am keen to know is how the writer intends to resolve the love triangle. If she follows the Cyrano template closely then it's also possible that we'll see an open ending or one where DM ends up unattached to either. That is if she's the Roxanne character and if they ever revisit the letters. 


This is the irony for me. I am more interested in the love triangle now that it could break with convention. (Although I'm told it's unlikely)

It would be very radical for a K drama to do this. For DM not to end up with DS at the end of Episode 16 would be totally out of the box. 

But wonderful and fascinating.



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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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