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Sisyphus: The Myth / 시지프스: The Myth - [2021]


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With the plane scene, they really only need to show us a couple shots of the cabin panic, and that'll be more than enough. Just focus on the cockpit scene. Or could it be they've paid so much for all the extras anyway, may as well make them act a bit more and shoot a bit more? LOL...

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@im0202 there is subtle romance but i think this will not be romance focussed drama... very few actors are there who can make me watch the first episode of a drama on the first day itself.... shin hye is one amongst them.... Cho Seung Woo looks a bit old compared to shin hye.... but either way i am hooked from first episode itself... 


@abs-oluteM needless to say that its an amazing write up..!

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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

have you guys watched the 1st eps yet?

Yep I watched it just now. Office work is killing me. I agree with everyone's views that the plane crashing was bad, it was laughable. Moreover the 3.5 minutes scene was not required. I believe he spoke to Eddy on phone for more than 3 minutes and still ended up with 1 minute left, god knows why? I know it's fantasy mystery genre but the copilot did not contact the destination airport for reporting the situation. 

I loved the brothers bond right from first scene. Tae sul's guilt for misbehaving with his brother and then regretting as he passed away.

Now some theory time.. I believe it's Seo hae's nth time going back to past. She had a diary with her with some events noted. She calls Tae Sul to ask him not to open the suitcase. I wonder why she does not know where the suitcase fell. Is it because each time the person go backs to past there is no guarantee where he/she will land? 

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I tried episode 1. Not bad. Overall a very gripping first episode. The whole from the future to save someone and that someone did something great (or bad) that someone wants him/her dead scenario reminds me of Terminator. Expecting PSH to go, "Hasta-la-vista, baby" any time soon. Hahaha. I'm just being cheeky


I won't start speculating yet coz we're only at the first episode. But I'm curious as to why PSH is flickering if she's "human". Even if she's radioactive, doesn't mean humans can just flicker...



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11 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

With the plane scene, they really only need to show us a couple shots of the cabin panic, and that'll be more than enough. Just focus on the cockpit scene. Or could it be they've paid so much for all the extras anyway, may as well make them act a bit more and shoot a bit more? LOL...

I like the part where he flirts with the stewardess...ahaha cause in my mind I keep thinking this is not what Shi Mok will do . :cool:


7 hours ago, pompyavi said:

Now some theory time.. I believe it's Seo hae's nth time going back to past. She had a diary with her with some events noted.

Ooo never thought of that till you said it. Possible. So along these lines , the part where we saw her with her dad would be her 1st time then. From the character chart we know there will definitely be scenes with her mum since they put her there. 


2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I won't start speculating yet coz we're only at the first episode. But I'm curious as to why PSH is flickering if she's "human". Even if she's radioactive, doesn't mean humans can just flicker...

At first I thought  she's coming in the form of a hologram but then again , she was actually eating and the waiter guy who saved her could physically carry her. So when she flickers I wonder if it is because she is being dragged back to her timeline. 


Anyway I have recommended one of @Chocolate' s post regarding the sigma which may provide some clues for later episodes.


Stills for tonight ( cr Sports Donga)



@stroppyse @40somethingahjumma will you be watching this? @gilaswan do you like this kind of genre?



This article contains some good insights about what to expect 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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This is first K drama that I've managed to get the entire family to sit down to and commit to. I'm not sure if that's a cause for celebration or a headache in the making when we try to coordinate our schedules to watch it. No. 2 was complaining that she'd be in school when the husband intimated that he was going to watch the next episode in the morning before work. Although he's been feeling under the weather so he might not go in at all. The eldest kept spitting out questions all throughout the show ... as if I knew all the answers to them. Not sure they were rhetorical either. That said, she knew immediately who Sisyphus was and impressed her father with her knowledge of Greek mythology. 


The drama was off to a very decent start. Very promising and arguably the most expensive looking of the recent spate of sci-fi dramas of the last I dunno... six months? Gotta to say the tech in Han Tae-sul's room looks mighty slick. What's more the quality of the writing seems to be ("seems" being the operative word here) a lot more confident than most. The highlight for me in this first episode is definitely Cho Seung-woo as Han Tae-sul (the only name I can remember so far thanks to the number of times it's said). The husband pegged him as an Elon Musk type pretty much straight away. Apparently Musk doesn't get on that well with his board of directors either. Heh. But back to CSW... he's great and particularly so after Stranger 2 playing a completely different type of character. It's clear that Han Tae-sul is patterned after many a tech entrepreneur. And he's a fun sort of bloke who's carrying the usual sort of K drama deceased family member baggage. However he's not handling it too well and pops a lot of pills, does nutty stuff in general to get by.


It feels like despite all the hush hush conspiratorial tones, the show is having fun with everything. I love these sorts of dystopian conspiracy stories and this one sort of... kind of reminds me of that Matt Damon movie The Adjustment Bureau from eons ago. I mean the mysterious people in PPE are even called the Control Bureau. Somebody is at least. Honestly, I have no idea what's going on but I like what I'm seeing so far. Park Shin-hye's character is interesting and there's something about the way she was zapped from where she was to where she is now that reminds me of Terminator. There's no doubting she can put up a bit of a fight.


To say more... I need more. Such a bother waiting for the entire clan to assemble. Or I could take sneak peak in the morning without anyone knowing.


Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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Quick thoughts after watching the first 2 eps back-to-back:



The plane scene in ep 1 dragged a little for me. Agree with @ktcjdrama on this bit. Chuckled at the duct tape part - it reminded me of this movie that Dwayne Johnson was in and he used duct tape a lot as well lol (forgot the title!)


I don’t know what to feel about action scene in ep 2. On one hand, the masked one-shot of PSH vs the Control Bureau was great - I could follow all the action and direction throughout the entire sequence (very impressed with it and we don’t get such good action sequences often in kdrama).
On the other hand (rant incoming), the shooting/running sequence after this was really bad. The bureau goons really have to go back to shooting practice lol. They had so many opportunities to take easy shots at the two but you’re telling me not a single shot landed?! And where are the normal Seoul police? There’s a shooting(s) happening in broad daylight with tens of shooters and none of the public or the lady landlord called the cops? 


Well overall I still enjoyed the 2 eps and am pretty intrigued by the whole premise. Not going to crack my head coming up with theories though because work keeps me busy enough. Interested to see how the rest of you find the drama so far!

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24 minutes ago, im0202 said:

On one hand, the masked one-shot of PSH vs the Control Bureau was great - I could follow all the action and direction throughout the entire sequence (very impressed with it and we don’t get such good action sequences often in kdrama).
On the other hand (rant incoming), the shooting/running sequence after this was really bad. The bureau goons really have to go back to shooting practice lol. They had so many opportunities to take easy shots at the two but you’re telling me not a single shot landed?! And where are the normal Seoul police? There’s a shooting(s) happening in broad daylight with tens of shooters and none of the public or the lady landlord called the cops? 

Hahaaa same feeling here. Not just the bureau goons, but SH missed a lot of shots she fired too. And yes, I really enjoyed seeing PSH doing all the fighting scenes herself. But what’s with the masks? I thought they were going to throw some gas bombs to subdue her. Did you notice that the men in black were actually retreating when she actually came out of the room. LOL so many of them yet they’re afraid of her. 

Anyway, still enjoying the episode a lot. There are mysteries but there is progress too to keep us hooked to the story. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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17 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Did you notice that the men in black were actually retreating when she actually came out of the room. LOL so many of them yet they’re afraid of her. 

Hahaha exactly my reaction!!! I was so confused when I saw that, like why are you guys falling back and disappearing instead of shooting/ apprehending her LOL.


Have no idea what are the masks for too. Maybe just an excuse so they don’t have to pay the masked extras as much as the unmasked ones? 😂


Another part that made me ??? was the beginning in ep 1 where SH was running from the bureau goons at the train place and she was just chilling on top of a carriage.... I mean what happened to the drones that were just flying around? They just disappeared into thin air lol


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I haven't read any of the comments above to avoid spoiler but just watched the trailer and wowww....Cho Seung Woo is NO LONGER Hwang Shi Mok :laugh:  I think I'll give this a try when I have time. Or otherwise wait until the drama finishes and I can binge watch it~~ 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@ktcjdrama @im0202 The masks I suppose is because they think that these beings may carry unknown virus / germs but it didn't make sense why some wore and the others didn't . LOL!  As much as I admire PSH's fight scenes , it was ridiculous that she managed to fight her way through that many men who conveniently didn't shoot her at times allowing her to run off.  :pandawhat:


Anyhow, I am intrigued with the photos that Tae Sul developed. They contained future photos that included them getting married. ( So I supposed there will be romance.) But since she had  dreamt that she got shot by the Control Bureau on her wedding day , and it definitely happened in the present timeline, this means that  this is not the 1st time that she has travelled from the future to the past. ( though I am amused at why she hadn't learned to eat bananas properly in the previous visits :Ghastlel:) So it is possible that she tries to come back each time to reset.  From reading , the future that she comes from is 2035. And the impression we're getting is that she was born in that timeline.


 Since the DNA of the ashes did not match the brother's,  I suppose that hints that  the brother is alive and I am assuming the brother took these photos. So, does this mean that  the brother is able to travel from the present to the future - even though he is not from that timeline? 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Just finished Ep 1, looks promising. Will continue Ep 2


LOL, at the duct tape scene and the cockpit scenes. Like said by @ktcjdrama... those cabin scenes which makes my head 

goes spinning as well. 


Am curious why PSH insist to look for CSW when her father told her not too and what is so special about the suitcase.


I have not scene any of CSW drama, but his acting chop is not bad, to me so far for Ep 1.


Let see for coming episodes, who knows I  might adopt him as my next oppa ! 







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13 hours ago, im0202 said:


Another part that made me ??? was the beginning in ep 1 where SH was running from the bureau goons at the train place and she was just chilling on top of a carriage.... I mean what happened to the drones that were just flying around? They just disappeared into thin air lol

I am guessing we’ll see more of this scene. How she managed to escape. Those ppl are surrounding the right spot, surely they know to look on top of the train and not just below the train?


3 hours ago, Thong Thin said:


I have not scene any of CSW drama, but his acting chop is not bad, to me so far for Ep 1.

For me, he is one of the best actors out there. Do check out his other dramas, you will not be disappointed. One of my bucket lists is to watch him perform live on stage. He is originally a stage actor btw. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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46 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I am guessing we’ll see more of this scene. How she managed to escape. Those ppl are surrounding the right spot, surely they know to look on top of the train and not just below the train?


For me, he is one of the best actors out there. Do check out his other dramas, you will not be disappointed. One of my bucket lists is to watch him perform live on stage. He is originally a stage actor btw. 


Just checked NF, he is appearing in Stranger and Life..


Any recommendation for these two ?

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2 minutes ago, Thong Thin said:


Just checked NF, he is appearing in Stranger and Life..


Any recommendation for these two ?

I watched  both and I liked them. I would think Stranger's story line is a lot more intriguing . Just a note that Life is quite heavy with hospital politics, it does not focus as much on what the doctors do but more on how a hospital is run. But you get to see what a versatile actor CSW is. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@ktcjdrama I did get a chuckle or two out of the impending plane disaster although I agree that they took their own sweet time resolving that moment. Still his living will was a hoot. On hindsight I wondered if it's to showcase him as some kind of genius as he seems to be MacGyvering here, there and everywhere. Plus I'm guessing that we were meant to take a long, good look at the co-pilot.


I'm praying hard that this show will go more the way of Circle rather than Alice. Although right now I'm being reminded of Nine more than anything else. Especially because of the brother thing.


CSW is really rocking it!

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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This is how they did the plane scene

BTS I am still surprise why the folks from the Bureau didn't look up when they were trying to catch her when she was on top of the train

 . LOL!



ELLE interview 


I hope his best friend, the VP ( played by Tae In Ho) will not betray him later. The psychiatrist - the ex girlfriend is the Chairman/  the main investor's daughter. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Article from the Korea Times

Blockbuster TV series 'Sisyphus: The Myth' off to a good start

By Lee Gyu-lee


JTBC's new big-budget series "Sisyphus: The Myth" got off to a good start Wednesday with a 5.6 percent viewership rating.


The mystery fantasy series revolves around a genius engineer named Han Tae-sul (Cho Seung-woo) who runs a world-class business called Quantum and Time Company. Despite his success, Han suffers trauma from his brother's death 10 years ago.


One day, he meets a woman from the future named Gang Seo-hae (Park Shin-hye) who seems to hold the key to his brother's death, introducing him to dangerous secrets of the world.


The first episode shows Tae-sul becoming a hero after he saves airplane passengers by putting his genius mind to work to prevent a crash. Meanwhile, Seo-hae, who lives in a war-torn century in the future, travels to the current year with a warning from her father not to meet Tae-sul.

(JTBC's new series 'Sisyphus: The Myth' scored a 5.6 percent viewership rating for eps 1 and 6.68 % in eps 2) 

JTBC has high hopes for the series, which is the network's 10th-anniversary project with a production budget of over 20 billion won ($18 million).


Cho said he was excited to star in the series and praised the storyline. "When I picked up the script, I went through six episodes. I remember being so immersed in the story," he said during an online media conference, Wednesday. "The concept that the future and present coexist felt really interesting."


The series' director, Jin Hyuk, known for the hit series "Master's Sun," noted his latest work started with the question "how would people respond to a disaster or tragedy?"


"When I first started the project four years ago, some people were saying how there could be a war (in Korea). And I was surprised to see how people outside the country didn't react much while Koreans could have been in imminent danger," he said. "(The genre) is science fiction so it is a fantasy, but it's also based on reality," he said.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I agree with the earlier posts.

  • Because of the title "Sisyphus", I thought it would be like Edge of Tomorrow, whether the protagonists get killed and then wake up and try again until they find the solution to get past an event without dying. So when Seo Hae was killed during the "wedding", I thought when she woke up, it was another try. Tae Sul was shot in the interrogation room, then he woke up in his bed and his bodyguard/driver said he found him and brought him back - I thought he died, and woke up for another try. Not so sure now because of how the scenes just carried on.
  • It seems we need to "suspend reality" for some parts as mentioned earlier. I too found it nonsensical that Seo Hae and Sun were jumping along rooftops and yet the Control Bureau knew exactly which building they stopped at and climbed up the stairs so quickly. In that sense, the writing for this drama does not seem "perfect/top-line" which makes me worry that it could deteriorate later (crossing fingers).
  • I find Park Shin Hye's fight scene mediocre. She doesn't look convincing as someone who is "super" trained to fight and rescue. She was better in Alive where she had a gun, but not so great at hand-to-hand combat.
  • But I was pleasantly surprised a few times. I expected Tae Sul to escape after blowing up the shack, but he was caught by the Control Bureau! The unexpectedness bodes well.
  • Tae Sul seems to be a genius. Not only is he an expert on quantum physics (?), he can also do DNA tests! 😂


What I really liked


Love his high-tech room but especially this art piece. I think I can replicate it 🤔😆




Edited by Chocolate
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