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Do You Like Brahms? 브람스를 좋아하세요 ? [2020]

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• I like this scene. Not only did Joon Young (Kim Min Jae) smiles ever so brightly but Song Ah went against the kdrama cliche on letting the ML tie her shoe laces and ties it herself! :Niceu:


• Question. Is it selfish for Joon Young to ask Song Ah to wait for him? I know why he asked for it, but at the same time they are seeing each other already and it feels unfair on Song Ah's behalf.


• Great acting from actor Sung Cheol in this episode, on the part where Hyun Ho finally let Jung Kyung go.


• So in the end Director of Kyunghoo is just pretending to be a bad guy? Trying to teach them that "love" is no big deal? But love does! I can't help but feel that she's wrong in this.


• Lastly, I think Kim Min Jae needs a trim. Just the back. I can't help being distracted by his unkempt hair at the back :laugh:

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Live recaps

A bit late...we see SA practising for her grad school admission...It was the Master Class with JK ....her Professor and other student there ...( I think PEB really played this)....JK walks over and said some nice things at first ..then she said "BUT"...and went on to give some criticism...then she asked SA to start/ practise again from a certain page of the score


Scene pans to JY feeling frustrated while practising


Back to JK and SA...the assistant alerted JK that she had to go. SA thanked her for her time ..asked her something (not sure what this was - think about how to improve). JK gave some advice & left


Then as SA came out of the hall...JY was there ...and then JY mentioned he was waiting for her , and that every thing she said etc means a lot to him...same words as what she said to him yesterday.  he hopes she will wait for him a bit more

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I had some problems with my stream..missed a  few minutes


JY and his Professor  talking to lady regarding the competition...it was some sort of interview...think she decides if he goes for it?

Anyway...SA was looking at the notice board...he approached her and asked her what she was looking at...then she mentioned she looked tired..he was like do I ? Then she asked if he wanted to have lunch, but he could not - had an appointment ( how disappointing!)...as she walk away , JY looks downcast


JY had meeting with Cha's staff - the guy from the Cultural Foundation; think they are are arranging for him to do something ...the guy somewhat mentions about the other guy who won the competition. Think the guys wants him to have reality check that it won't be easy to beat the other guy or something. It was a tense meeting.

HH gets dropped off by a friend in front of uni ...So happens JK was dropped off...they greet each other with some small chat. Both went to some music shop / library ...it was awkward...anyway scenes of JK thinking about her old times with HH...he used to cheer her up a lot & always look out for her  ( was she regretting things?)


HH was walking along the road , and also thinks of the last argument they had at the hall...he also thought of their past...how he used to comfort her when she was frustrated..you can tell that for the longest time JK was always very troubled in her own thoughts.


SA having lunch while getting some work done..she gets a call ...meets MS. MS tells her that DY had turned down a blind date or something. Then MS asked how was the progress with JY...SA says nothing much..MS teased her a little , and SA got flustered. But MS feels that SA should not think it is okay to just wait / suffer in silence like that. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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JY having lesson with the professor ...the latter gets a call from someone which interrupted the class. JY still seems very uninspired...

Anyway JY finally has a meal with SA. SA seeing how down he was asking him how he's class was ..he was like it was ok..then asked her about hers...but he seemed very listless...SA then she remembered what MS says about protecting her feelings or heart or something...he remembered something the professor said (edit -

she asked him to be her pianist as she did not get on with the one she had , but he turned her down afraid of of the rumours it will get her in)..and sadly they seem to not open up to each other as much as before.

As he was walking her off...he asked her if she had time tomorrow..she was like I'm not sure ( nooooo this ship is not going anyway, cries)...both walk separate ways ...:nervous:

He at home , she in the bus deep in thought! Sigh...

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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HH practising at home...why is this entire episode so melancholy...he gets a call from someone from the foundation...they need him to play for something last minute for the Chairwoman?   ...

Anyway after the call, HH wanted to text JK ( i think) but hesitated)


Next day, SA in class...a lot of rumors going on about SA and JY dating ..her friends even ask her about it ...she said no!  Sigh ...poor gal...

He was at the noticeboard , thought of her...he was frustrated with  himself...then SA appeared ...they go to the park ( these is as per preview where they were wearing black!)


They started talking - he asking her how she was or something ...She was bringing up some stuff about the orchestra - I believe she was referencing the 1st time he saw her. I think she was telling him about her personal disappointments with regard to her music. I think he's telling her he can't accompany her ( those damn rumours!) ...she looked like she was gonna cry...then he said more stuff about not wanting her to be dissappointed further..he apologised and he left ...(eh what the heck???? )...


JY gets a call from chairwoman. She's discharged. He was glad


SA gets a call and she went to meet DY...he tells her that he likes her :thinking:...hmmm love triangle 2 is starting. He proceeds to tell her how his feelings develop as they became closer as friends...

SA at home - processing all this...

Next day , she went to visit Cha in the foundation


HONESTLY this episode is driving me nuts 

JK comes to see JY asking him to be his accompanist again. He was like no, I won't do it...then both somewhat yelling at each other, JK half tearing up ( seriously frustrating - JK please stop bothering , JY needs to just stop feeling indebted - it is that feeling that is holding him back from fully moving on)



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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JY calls SA - asked her where she is , if she is free? 
She told him he was at the foundation ...then he asked her if she can wait for her there...he has something to say to her. She waits for him at the studio . She thinks of her conversation with Cha...hmm seems like Cha somewhat knows that JY is the one SA likes...she tells SA to be patient with JY for now , there's a lot that he's going through


While waiting, she sits at the piano...JY finally comes in..she gets up...she was like why do you want to meet. He then tells about his feelings in the past with regards to JK....is he asking for her understanding? (ehhh this is not right). Then she mention something about whether  JK also waiting for him...he then said he didn't want her to misunderstand..she was angry ..why would you worry if I misunderstood...then finally it is because I like you. I really do...and says a few times to her that he likes her ...he walks to her and they Kisssssssssssss...yayayayayayayayaayayayayay...._PD Please don't zoom out...Okay nice long kiss...( think they need more practice :D) but this was super sweet!


-eps ends-


ahahah i was too happy to look at preview :D 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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8 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

Look at the end of that preview...

noooooo can't they give us one episode of happy...gahhh he looks depressed and uninspired... 

It was a proper kiss...quite fitting for two shy peeeps ...

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 minute ago, abs-oluteM said:

noooooo can't they give us one episode of happy...gahhh he looks depressed and uninspired... 

It was a proper kiss...quite fitting for two shy peeeps ...

I have to watch the full thing. It is not complete video I saw lol. Could have been better shot, why show me so much "head shot"? I wanna see more lips movement. But it's better than expected, really. I thought they were going to give me Extraordinary You kind of kiss.


Yeah, that depressing look doesn't look good. If Song Ah can't cheer him up too...ottokae!?

On 9/16/2020 at 3:54 PM, wallflowersforjane said:

We are officially on two weeks! KMJ may need to do something else soon. I can feel her losing interest. But it also depends if there are other oppa challengers. Hahaha!

Week 3! 😝🥳 @abs-oluteM

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OMGGGGGGG I CAN'T BELIEVE THE KISS IS HERE! I was thinking Ep 10 because Ep 8 feels so early?! But I am not complaining, the earlier they kiss, hopefully we get even more kisses down the line?


4 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

• Lastly, I think Kim Min Jae needs a trim. Just the back. I can't help being distracted by his unkempt hair at the back


I was thinking that too! The front is getting a bit much too, his fringe is drooping from the weight!


1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:

Week 3! 😝🥳 @abs-oluteM


Er, I am not sure if I was calculating correctly here. But the pinned post in the Dabang thread is definitely correct. :psweatduck:

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I watch the kiss scene too much, I'm getting immune :Yikes:. Need new materials (BTS!!) to swoon. And, my good mood keeps getting pulled down from seeing this kind Joon Young from next episode's preview + what Joon Young said (albeit out of context): I don't want the people I like to suffer or get hurt because of me. I just want them to think that I'm always doing fine.


Even though I was happy we got a kiss, I am concerned that Joon Young was rushing himself to go to Song Ah. Not because he was ready but because he had to, since she's feeling anxious and appears like she's about to leave him. It is also concerning that now that Song Ah becomes one of that people he likes, is he going to conceal himself (at first) too? He's definitely not telling her he's entering the competition again and is not doing well in his piano lessons.


As a whole, this week's episodes are still considered heavy although I don't mind because life is not all roses all the time and we know Song Ah's path to become a violinist is not going to be easy. Same for Joon Young too but his hardship just keeps coming at him without a break is quite suffocating to watch on his behalf.


Is it too early for me to hope that Song Ah and Jung Kyung will become good girl friends? At least Jung Kyung behave professionally in the master class and actually gave Song Ah notes. Uri Song Ah is no pushover/dumb dumb too that she's noticing Professor Lee is not teaching her anything. Meanwhile Joon Young's piano teacher is pressurising Joon Young in the most unhealthy way.


My little gripe - Did Kim Min Jae only spent a month++ learning Traumerei and Moonlight Sonata? Is this the end of his real piano scenes? *Wails* They could at least find a sit-in that had fingernails look similar to his. :cry:

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Encouraged by @abs-oluteM to post this here: 

Joonyoung said ‘I like you’ to Songah 4 times and there were slight differences each time. This video cut off the first 2 times though.

1st time: johahaeyo (simply means ‘I like you’. He said that to stop Songah after she turns to face her back to him)

2nd: joha handago-yo (emphasizing what he said first time, something with a similar effect to ‘I said I like you’)

3rd: johahae (more informal without the 'yo’)

4th: johahaeyo (again, ‘I like you’)

Edited by im0202
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The standard Kdrama formula, first kiss in ep.8 😁 I am not complaining... But I do miss our giggly grinning shy couple! They’ve been rather serious around each other lately... I guess it’s better that way? To show that they can stay together through thick and thin? I wanna see more of my giggly OTP though... 


If they get together so early, our @SilverMoonTea might quickly lose interest though... there goes my hope of winning the bet lol...

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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