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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. "Who is the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol?"

    • Jun
    • Dr. Cha
    • Grandpa
    • Stalker
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  2. 2. "What will be the Rara reaction after finding Jun is highscooler?"

    • Felt guilty and in debt to Jun and suggest a breakup
    • Will act like noona to Jun
    • Pretend nothing happened and go on with their relationship
    • Others, you can share more in thread
  3. 3. Ending of the Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol will be:

    • Start with wedding, end with wedding of Jun & Rara
    • Time jump before the happy ending of Jun & Rara
    • Ambiguous ending
    • Separation ending
    • Others, you can share more in thread

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4 hours ago, JenL said:

But if I think of it from the Korean context, where he's still in high school and being 19 there is like being 17 here...then that is when it gets weird


That's exactly the sentiment. It's as if a 17 year old in school is dating someone in their mid-twenties. Whether it's a girl or a guy, it's not really seen as an appropriate development which leads to my feeling slightly queasy about it.


However, because Jun is a guy, the Korean public at least are going to give it more leeway. One of the big initial controversies for Backstreet Rookie (Kim Yoo Jung, Ji Chang Wook) was that KYJ was playing  a high school character who falls for JCW and kisses him. The depiction of a minor making moves was considered offensive and shocking, even though both actors are legal adults. There were other problems with that drama, but that's for a different conversation.


4 hours ago, JenL said:

the height chart flashback has been the only time she thought about it. Jun, on the other hand likes Rara, but seems to hold back as much as possible due to his age and the big lie between them. I feel a time jump is the only way they can catch them up to each other and iron out the weirdness of the age difference/life stages.


I agree that the height difference scene was the first time she felt any stirrings of romantic tension, though she has drifted closer and closer to Jun since they both ended up at Eun Pyo City. In the scene where Jun asks how she would be if he suddenly disappeared, it's telling that LL is absolutely against it and even becomes a bit panicked by the thought. 


Otherwise, she hasn't really gone there with any of the male characters.


Knowing about Jun's secret now makes so much of his reactions make sense, both his freezing at any sign of potential skinship, but also why he's so restrained around her when he clearly likes her rather than making any move at all. It's like when Dr. Cha asks Jun why he lied about his age, and Jun doesn't tell Dr. Cha, but admits to himself that he didn't think he would ever see LL again. So, he didn't want to be seen by LL as some kid, even if their meeting was to be a brief moment. Jun was definitely attracted to LL from the moment he saw her, whether it was playing piano or in the wedding dress.

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Because of @JenL, @SilverMoonTea, and @stroppyse, I spent the last three days watching all the episodes released so far. :laugh:


Wow, that bomb at the end of episode 5! What did I get myself into?! Haha! The age difference is actually pretty interesting and I'm rather surprised (but also not) at how much people are able to overlook it. Backstreet Rookie got a lot of heat for it and even in Itaewon Class, the main leads did not develop a relationship until the female lead was in her late 20s. 


I think someone at the end of their high school years and someone out of college are just at different stages of their life. With that said, Ra Ra was babied by her father all her life which makes her oblivious to a lot of things. With Jun having to grow up a bit because he ran away from home, does that make him a bit more mature than her -- does it balance out the stages they are at in their life? I don't know. All I know is @JenL was right. Once you're committed, even something like this weird twist is not enough to deter you from watching. Haha!

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I actually like the twist to Jun's identity revelation. It makes the story more interesting and perhaps adds a bit more conflict later. I'm OK with the age difference and it's not the first time this has been used in kdramas, notably I Hear Your Voice came to mind and their age gap is even greater. Although back then I am not as in tune with the Knetizens reception but judging by the high ratings, I'd assume no much fuss was made? From a more general overview, the harsh criticisms are mostly directed at girls at minor with adult men rather than Noona Dongsaeng (even Goblin fell victim to this).


I think Jun being a teenager is a fitting explaining to the reason behind him running away from home. If he were an adult, then an adult would take on a much different approach since he's already independent and can stand up to his parents much better than when he's a minor.



I love it a lot when Rara flusters Jun.


Anyway, who do you guys think the real Dol Dol Sol Sol La La Sol is? Haraboji?? Dr. Cha? Can't be that creepy new character, can it?


The Swoon - @SilverMoonTea You got your wish of the promotion you want!

LMAOOOO... thank you Ara for making Jae Wook aegyo and act sexy. His awkwardness is entertainment for me. Haha

Edited by mademoiselle
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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I Hear Your Voice came to mind and their age gap is even greater.


True that IHYV was a noona romance with a greater age gap, both in the drama and in RL between the two actors. I think the gap was 6 yrs in the drama and 10 years in RL. However, the romance between SH and HS didn't really start until after he was old enough to have finished high school and reached majority (20 years old), though technically, he went missing for a year, failed to actually finish high school, and became an amnesiac, so there was a 1 year time jump in the middle of the drama. Before the time jump, SH was crushing by himself, and it looked as if HS was going to end up with the other prosecutor.


There haven't been many noona romances where the guy is a minor. There seem to be more romances where the girl is a minor. But there is more of a public outcry when the girl is very young, it's true.


Which is why I'm wondering if they're going to introduce a short time gap so that Jun can "grow up" enough to be acceptable for LL


2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I think Jun being a teenager is a fitting explaining to the reason behind him running away from home. If he were an adult, then an adult would take on a much different approach since he's already independent and can stand up to his parents much better than when he's a minor.


Good point. Running away from home is a relatively childish way to deal with the problem rather than stand and fight it.


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I am here to share about an upcoming forum game that will be part of Jang Haven's upcoming 100th day celebrations!

This game is organised by members, with members, for members and staff to get to know one another better! Check out this thread for more information to sign up!



P/S: If you stumbled across Jang Haven recently, come join us and start chatting about the dramas you are watching. So many good ones this season that we can't stop talking about! :MewWave:

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@mademoiselle I'm also with you, I think this sudden age gap revelation make the drama even more interesting. No wonder Jun's love seems to be so pure, and it make me jump to think again about their first meeting. Jun seems to be sometimes quite impulsive, especially in the scene where she said bye and he said don't wanna. While knowing so well she's going to get married. I guess even he looked mature, but actually he's not yet there too. Same with the way he runaway from his problem with his dad. 


I also agree @Tofu since it's Lala the other party here, who've been living under her dad's shelter, actually from outside Jun still appeared to be more mature & capable 😅 And I don't think he have more time here, he was pressed by time looking by Dr. Cha as competitor haha.... 


I wonder too once this knowledge shared to Lala & Ha Yeong what will be the impact to them? 

I have a feeling Ha Yeong will be repelled by the fact he's actually as young as Seung Gi lols (btw I'm rooting for HY x SG, friends from 7y.o, wow!). I bet Lala will have confusion as well, now that it seems she also start to feel something for him (spotted when she's measuring his height).



I think its also very interesting knowing the actor & actress real life gap is 8 years and now in the drama they make it as 5-6 years gap too. 


I'm not sure if I want a time jump, I think their present time now is sufficient for them to grow up together. So far he's proven to be mature enough to care & protecting her. There's many other ML older in age, but not even as fine as Jun. So he have my blessing for romance with Lala, and they're so pure haha... It seems they also need that small boy as their cupid. He's very knowledgeable lols, he knew she play the same piano tunes everytime Jun come home and knew Jun's secret too lols :laugh:


Lastly, @JenL actually I was more surprised by the ending. That Mimi is actually the pianist prodigy dog? Bwahaha.... :cool:


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@SilverMoonTea Ahhh, so in love with those new KBS stills!! 


I chucked all of them here along with some other stuff:






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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@SilverMoonTea Yayyy, you're back :CharmanderYay: That was a cute video! Thanks for sharing! I like when people make music videos to pair their favourite songs with their favourite drama moments.


Speaking of music, I'm not sure if it was this forum or elsewhere which I mentioned it (or maybe someone else did), but I really liked when this scene happened at the end of episode 5 and they swapped from that floating classical music to that heartbeat-y dj music to signify romantic tension and the chaos within (see clip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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20 minutes ago, JenL said:


they swapped from that floating classical music to that heartbeat-y dj music for signify romantic tension and the chaos within (see clip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)

His eyes... when he looking at her... I'm the one blushing actually haha and I should be a veteran drama watcher :laugh: And the way he hold her waist... lol... maybe this ship not so pure afterall? 🤣 The highschooler seems quite passionate haha.... 


Btw, Lee Jae Wook x Go Ara Swoon clip so cute. LJW only left with few notes, but he played so well with that xylophones. And I was rofl when he said sunbaenim I can't looked chic whenever I see you... He's so sweet picked the rose hair band, but I have feeling she actually always want to become sunflower :laugh: I hope TMI interview will get sub soon? Or should we call stroppy help haha? I'm contemplating now... 



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11 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

His eyes... when he looking at her... I'm the one blushing actually haha and I should be a veteran drama watcher :laugh: And the way he hold her waist... lol... maybe this ship not so pure afterall? 🤣 The highschooler seems quite passionate haha.... 


Btw, Lee Jae Wook x Go Ara Swoon clip so cute. LJW only left with few notes, but he played so well with that xylophones. And I was rofl when he said sunbaenim I can't looked chic whenever I see you... He's so sweet picked the rose hair band, but I have feeling she actually always want to become sunflower :laugh: I hope TMI interview will get sub soon? Or should we call stroppy help haha? I'm contemplating now... 



Hahaha, I don't think any 19 year boys really do have pure thoughts :laugh: but so far he's been holding back as much as possible....


Or Rara accidentally headbutts him and everything goes back to normal :cool:


Hahaha, yessss...I died when he said "Sunbaenim, I can't looked chic whenever I see you." That boy is just so damn soft! I love it.



Haha, he was so shy this video. I guess he didn't want to look uncool in front of his more experienced co-star. I also thought it was sweet that he picked the cute rose headband for her to spare her from wearing anything embarrassing...but then Go Ara likes being funny and she probably thought she should even out their embarrassing challenges, so she picked the crazy sunflower accessory. But I laughed when he almost had a heart attack thinking she was telling him to wear it. He was probably like, "But I went easy on youuuu" :lettalKWA::laugh:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Moving away from the age gap, I want to know what kind of doctor Eun Seok is. I know they mention that he has "burnt out syndrome" but I feel like he has so much time on his hand. When does he have time to see his patients if he's always around everyone else? Haha!


This is probably one of my favorite scenes so far. I don't think Jun ever properly grieved the lost of his friend so this gesture from Ra Ra is very endearing. 








In the scene where Ha Young was naming why it's strange for all of them to know each other. When she said that Eun Seok is a divorcee, the smirk on Jun's face...haha!


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The translation of the BTS for ep 5,6. I'm still thinking that the true couple is Jun and MiMi. Actually, it seems the entire set is in love with Mi Mi.


Video Title: DDSSLS, The BTS of La La and Jun’s thrilling romance (feat. mosquito ajusshi Sunwoo Jun)


caption: In front of the sandwich cafe. Today as well, looking very good, Jun
caption: Here, there. Suddenly busy eye?!
Jun: Did you see that??
caption: Michael Jun-dan!! Flying here and there to catch mosquitoes, Jun.
Jun captions: beaming beaming
Jun: I’m going to catch them all.
caption: Mosquitoes, where are you!!
caption: Going to get revenge!! Because of these darn mosquitoes, yesterday I was sooo!
Jun: Because of these darn mosquitoes, yesterday, I was soo…
caption: I’ve come to finish this war!!
caption: Excited Jun. Even while catching mosquitoes, he is a cute beauty
caption: He’s protecting the staff from the mosquitoes. After the wasp ajusshi, he’s the mosquito ajusshi. k k k
caption: Satisfied Jun. Jun’s mission clear.


The remainder in the spoiler since it's quite long.


caption: La La’s selfie time. Capturing Ha Young and Seung Ki inside the cafe as well~
caption: Focused on getting the photos taken, La La
caption: La La, look behind you. Holding her pose by herself, La La.
caption: Having met in front of the store. Taking another one with the good looking part timer.
LL: That’s good.
Dr. Cha: Yes, that’s good.
LL: It looks so good!
caption: (excited) It looks so good~ (hearts)

caption: Confused… Since Jun is really making the shakes.
LL: He’s really making the shakes.
Dr. Cha: He keeps making things.
caption: He seems like a real worker. He keeps making things these days. k k k ~
LL: Jun could set up his own store.
caption: Jun’s Store is more natural. It’s easy to say Jun’s Store.

caption: Sunwoo Jun (aka Smoothie Master)
line caption: cosy together
caption: Sitting together cosily. Jun’s fan club(?)
Jun: Your two backs are really good. (he’s referring to the widths and breadths of their backs/shoulders)
LL: The two of us…??? Me and Ha Young???
Jun: No! Eun Seok and Seung Ki
caption: Gesturing hand. No! Eun Seok and Seung Ki
LL: You like them?
Jun: They’re too cute~ (hearts)
Jun: Can’t you get closer to them to shoot them??
caption: It’s so cute, I have to take a picture of them~
caption: Sunwoo Jun (aka La La On Set Photographer)

HY: All the reasons to be unable to even get married and have to be single are all right here.
caption: An explosive reveal. I’ve already been married once.
Dr. Cha: I’ve already been married once.
Dr. Cha: I’ve already been married, and already divorced.


Jun: What? What? What? What? What is it?
caption: Rehearsing with the PD, Jun
caption: Jun’s acting which is completely what the PD wants (hearts)
Jun: Your expression looks as if you’re satisfied??

PD: This is a little awkward, but I think it’ll be a really good scene.
caption: (thud thud) La La Jun’s lovely loveline
PD: You will have to both look at each other.
caption: A couple-y scene. An embarrassed Jun’s laughter

Jun: La La is supposed to think that I’ve grown taller
Jun: but actually, I have not grown taller
caption: It’s wrong! Actually, my height is the same~

caption: Is she too close?? Rehearsing the scene with La La
caption: Insistent La La. We have to do this so that we can be sure next month.
LL: We have to do this so that we can be sure next month.
Jun: Got it. Got it. Are you going to be that mad? (me: since they’re in rehearsal, he’s asking if that is how she’s going to deliver her lines in the scene when they shoot)
caption: Teasing, playful La La Jun
LL: Yes. So when you do this, I was going to bump into you. (falls and screams, but is caught in Jun’s arms)
caption: (La La Jun’s romantic power +1 is rising.)
PD: Right then, go ahead and drop this book
caption: Romantic power overflowing! The skill to drop the book with emotion.
LL: Okay, later. Later.

caption: On the hot set, lending her little fan, La La.
Jun: It’s okay.
caption: Here, there, looking for something, Jun
caption: What is that?? Picking up a suspicious object, Jun
caption: The wind is blowing~ It’s an air conditioner called an ‘elephant’s nose’.
LL: It’s an air conditioner called an “elephant’s nose”.
caption: A totally hot day. Our only hope!
LL: It’s our only hope.

caption: Both slowly getting closer and closer together, La La and Jun (hearts)
caption: At an unfortunate moment, bursting into laughter, Jun
PD: Again
caption: Heartbeat!! Sounding as if it’s here and there, the sound of Jun’s heartbeat
LL: Just hold still for a moment. We have to do this so that we can measure it next month.
PD: Cut.
caption: Perfect!! It’s done~ A safe pose.
LL: Done.
Jun: Done.
LL: It was a safe pose.

(video card break)

caption: Having totally fallen for MiMi, Eun Seok
Cha: Apparently, she’s going to play the piano with these paws, Mi Mi is going to.
caption: Time to shoot.  Time to go, MiMi!  You have to be filmed now.
Cha: Time to go, Mi Mi. You have to be filmed now.

caption: Holding a perfect post, the great actress, Mi Mi
PD: Let’s go.
Staff: Yes
LL: She’s too pretty. Too pretty.
PD: Earlier when she was by herself, she played the piano.
LL: Did she play well?
caption: Acting like Mi Mi’s mom. Our Mi Mi is able to play the piano well.
LL: Our Mi Mi is able to play the piano well.
LL: When she’s holding her pose, she’s too cute~
LL: Mi Mi. Play “mi.” (she means the note)
LL: “Mi” is right there! That’s right!!
caption: Arm action. You just saw her arm move, didn’t you!?
LL; You just saw her arm move, didn’t you? That is “mi”!
LL: So smart, our Mi Mi~

caption: Having matching checked couple shirts. The two of you are a couple today.
Staff: The two of you are a couple today.
Jun: Say “hello”.
caption: Healing time together with Mi Mi (hearts)
caption: Comb Comb. First day as Mi Mi’s stylist.
caption: Totally adorable!! Our actress has so much hair~
Jun: She has so much hair.

Jun: I’ve become really close with Mi Mi~
caption: He’s become very close to Mi Mi. Having bonded with Mi Mi.
Jun: Now when I tell her to turn around, Mi Mi does. (me: he’s taught her a trick it seems)
HY: You must like that~ You must like that~
Jun: That’s right.

caption: A sudden confession?! Sister La La is pretty~
HY: Sister La La is pretty.
caption: Right behind the camera. Watching the whole thing, La La.
caption: Sister La La. In the time since i last saw you, you’ve really become even prettier!
HY: You’ve become even prettier.
LL: Oh really?
LL: Ha Young, what would you like to eat??!!!

caption: Unni will do this for you at least. PD, please light our Ha Young well.
LL: PD, please light our Ha Young well.
HY: Am I just going to disappear completely now?
caption: Jun is also doing it. Please light our Seung Ki up well as well~

caption: KBS 2TV Wed-Thur Drama. “<Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol> , please love it a lot”

LL: Wed-Thurs night at 9:30 pm, let’s meet on KBS.
LL: Please look forward to us.



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2 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

@stroppyse thanks so much for bts translation. If it's not too difficult for you, do you think can help translate this Netflix interview as well? Not too sure if this going to be translated soon tho... 


Okay. I'll work on it and try to post it when I can. It may take me a couple of days to find enough time to finish it. For what it's worth, I did make a start of it today and I'm about a quarter of the way through.  However, here is a translation of the terms of the quiz and the first question and set of interactions for your amusement.



TMI Quiz Video


GAR caption: What!!
LJW caption: Ice
GAR caption: glasses
GAR caption: You don’t know it even if I do this?
LJW caption: whining whining
Lee Jae Wook: This is really too hard! Really…

Title: TMI Quiz
Q. This is a quiz about each other’s little habits and flaws.
Q. If they get at least 12 answers right, they will receive Netflix goodies.
Q. They will each get 2 chances for hints.

GAR: I’ll go first.
Q: Go Ara had a cameo in <Hospital Playlist>. So the question is whose ex-girlfriend did Go Ara play?
GAR caption: (Get it right!)
LJW: Ah, of course I watched it <Hospital Playlist>
LJW: Right answer! Jo Jung Seok
GAR: Ohhhhh. Dingdongdang. (sound signifying correct answer used on K-game shows)
LJW caption: (I’m complimenting myself)
caption: Ding Dong Dang. Right Answer: Jo Jung Seok
LJW caption: thanks to me
LJW: That was good. Very good.



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@stroppyse I hope you don't mind but I set your translations to timings on the video so it's properly subbed, crediting you for the translations (I was just in the mood to see the writing matching the actions :BulbaOWO:)...And I've left it as an unlisted video on my channel so far so it can't be easily found, but if you didn't mind it being public, it could be potential Janghaven promotional material. Let me know what you think. (I can also make the video private if you would prefer not to have it shown though, so no pressure. Also I'm not sure if Netflix will plan to do another cull as they seem to be removing additional content these days for show they distribute)

Thanks so much for the translations though!!! You are a shiny gemstone :hearties: :CharmanderYay:


Also feel free to correct if anything is wrong...Considering I understand no Korean, I think I matched most of it thanks to your clear translations :) 


Instructions for subs: Turn on 'CC' at right hand bottom of the screen to see Eng subs.

[Video moved to a later post on pg. 6 of this forum]


People who might also be interested:

@SilverMoonTea @Tofu





Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Hi @JenL


This looks really good. Thanks for producing a subbed version of the video. The timing goes a little off at one stage.


At 1:27 is this part from my translations

Jun: What? What? What? What? What is it?
caption: Rehearsing with the PD, Jun
caption: Jun’s acting which is completely what the PD wants (hearts)
Jun: Your expression looks as if you’re satisfied??


Btw, I tend to translate a bit more literally from the Korean which means it can sound a bit arcane in English, though still correct. So, the second line could also be written "Jun is rehearsing with the PD". If you intend to sub more, you're welcome to either re-edit as you see fit, or I can translate so that it flows better in English.


Anyway, at 1:37 is when the PD says:

You will have to both look at each other.


The sub catches up at 1:41 and is fine for the rest of the clip.


I'm fine if you want to publish it, especially since it has the credits for JangHaven. Though as you say, Netflix will probably do a clean up at some point. Thanks again!



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Hello, may I join this forum? :smile:


Waaa.. thank you so much @JenL for the subbed BTS


Here some new stills





So Jun and Rara really met at graduation recital. He came with Kim Ji Hoon (the one that sat beside him and say Rara is his type it's Kim Ji Hoon!)..

This my thoughts and guesses

- Kim Ji Hoon is younger brother of Kim Ji Ah (Rara friends from college) and he brought Jun with him to his sister recital. Kim Ji Ah told Rara that his family struggle too last year (Kim Ji Hoon passed away last year) and she didn't Rara since they're not really close and Ji Ah didn't want to share burden to others too. 

- Rara and Kim Ji Ah is not really close as friend so maybe that's the first time too for her met Kim Ji Hoon.

- Kim Ji Ah also good friend of Dr. Cha ex-wive. So she invited her and Dr. Cha too (that's why everyone is there that day haha)

- Jun surprised to see Rara again on her wedding day. He ask her why she talk banmal to him, maybe because he want to check if she remember that they already met before. Jun is friend of her friend younger brother, so she naturally think that Jun is younger than her that's why she talk in banmal to him. But she don't remember at all..omo omo Rara

- Jun maybe already has crush on her at their first encounter. That's why he lie about his age?


Can't wait tomorrow episode 

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11 hours ago, stroppyse said:

At 1:27 is this part from my translations

Jun: What? What? What? What? What is it?
caption: Rehearsing with the PD, Jun
caption: Jun’s acting which is completely what the PD wants (hearts)
Jun: Your expression looks as if you’re satisfied??


Btw, I tend to translate a bit more literally from the Korean which means it can sound a bit arcane in English, though still correct. So, the second line could also be written "Jun is rehearsing with the PD". If you intend to sub more, you're welcome to either re-edit as you see fit, or I can translate so that it flows better in English.


Anyway, at 1:37 is when the PD says:

You will have to both look at each other.


Thanks @stroppyse for the fix up!!! I felt like there was something missing, but I think I got a bit cross eyed from the timings yesterday :laugh: (what normally happens when I choose to sub)


I'll fix it up after work today...and I think I'll share it with others to try and get more people here to join us, but it'll be a limited time share (what I've seen other translators do with their translated Youtube vids for Start Up to hide them from Netflix.)


@Just_Me Hello! Welcome to the thread! We love new people...And thanks for the stills! I'm such a sucker for the new pictures :SquirtleNiceAhah::heart:  I bet there'll be a cute first meeting too!


@Tofu is right...I'm a little too obsessed with this drama!

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Here is a complete translation of the TMI Quiz video. I've left the first 2 questions asked in the post itself, then put the remainder of the video translation in the spoiler since it's so long.


I've translated everything I heard them say plus all the captions, a lot of which were things as they were saying them, some of them rather fast moving.  A little cursory timing data has been put in since it is such a long clip. There are also a few explanatory notes where I thought it might be confusing to understand what the joke might be. Hope it makes sense and you all enjoy. Feel free to ask if something doesn't make sense.


Tagging @SilverMoonTea since she was the one who requested this.



GA caption: What!!
LJW caption: Ice
GA caption: glasses
GA caption: You don’t know it even if I do this?
LJW caption: whining whining
Lee Jae Wook: This is really too hard! Really…

Title: TMI Quiz
Q. This is a quiz about each other’s little habits and flaws.
Q. If they get at least 12 answers right, they will receive Netflix goodies.
Q. They will each get 2 chances for hints.

GA: I’ll go first.
Q: Go Ara had a cameo in <Hospital Playlist>. So the question is whose ex-girlfriend did Go Ara play?
GA caption: [Get it right!]
LJW: Ah, of course I watched it <Hospital Playlist>
LJW: Right answer! Jo Jung Seok
GA: Ohhhhh. Dingdongdang. (sound signifying correct answer used on K-game shows)
LJW caption: [I’m complimenting myself]
caption: Ding Dong Dang. Right Answer: Jo Jung Seok
LJW caption: thanks to me
LJW: That was good. Very good.

Q: Go Ara is known for being crazy about her nephew. Next question, what is Go Ara’s nephew’s name?
GA caption: Here’s a hint (meaning her expressions as she’s saying the names)
captioned: 1. Ha Joon  2. Hyung Joon  3. Hui Joon
GA caption: [shameless]
GA: I’ve given them exactly the same.
LJW: Ha Joon, Hyung Joon, Hui Joon?
LJW caption: [Even though he’s forcefed, he doesn’t know]
GA: Yes
GA caption: Surely not
GA: My nephew’s name?
LJW caption: [Life’s biggest worry - around his head, [fiddling his fingers]
LJW: Ha Joon?
GA: Oh! Correct answer!
caption: Correct answer (arrow)
Editor: What number is Ha Joon?
LJW caption: [pupils] [earthquake] (meaning he’s in shock/disbelief)
LJW captions: why are you doing this to me
GA caption: please
LJW caption: self-conscious
LJW: No. 1. No 1 Ha Joon!
LJW caption: I knew it!
LJW captions: relieved relieved
caption: Ding Dong Dang. Correct answer 1. Ha Joon


The remainder of the translation for this video in the spoiler for length.


Q: Go Ara made her debut in <Sharp>. What is the name of Go Ara’s character in this drama?
LJW: When was <Sharp> …
LJW caption: When?
GA: In 2003
LJW: If it was in 2003, it was when I was 6 years old…
LJW caption: I was 6 years old
GA caption: What!!
GA: Oh really?!
GA caption: He’s a baby. A BABY
LJW: Then, now I
LJW captions: pupils earthquake
LJW captions: 6 year old baby
LJW: as a 5 year old (me: he’s referring to the fact that he was actually 5 years old even though that year he turned 6. Koreans count their official age as all turning that age in the New Year regardless of when the actual birthday is)
GA caption: Chance! Chance!
GA: If he uses a chance, then may I give him a hint?
Editor: Yes.
GA: It’s the “Ok” as in a jade bead. (the Korean word for jade is “ok”)
caption: Ok bead
GA caption: self conscious
GA: The “lim” as in when you do the limbo.
caption: Lim bo
LJW: Is it Ok Lim?
GA: Try guessing the last name.
LJW caption: loading loading
LJW: Yah. How do I do this…
LJW: Park
LJW: Lee
LJW: Kim
GA captions: ddaeng (sound meaning incorrect answer)
GA: It’s Lee Ok Lim

Q: Go Ara has been a promotional ambassador a number of time. Next question, the organization that Go Ara did not act as a promotional ambassador for is:
captioned: 1. Seoul Metropolitan Police  2. Good Neighbors  3. Korean Tourism Board
LJW caption: ice
GA: The one I didn’t promote is ~
LJW: The correct answer!
LJW: No. 3?
Editor: What is no. 3?
LJW caption: Are you going to be like this?
LJW: Korean
caption: exchanging glances
LJW: Tourism
LJW caption: Maybe not?!
GA: Correct answer!
caption: Ding Dong Dang. Correct Answer: 3. Korean Tourism Board
LJW: Aw, this is really too hard! Really…
LJW captions: whining whining

Q: At a very young age, Go Ara walked the runway at an Andre Kim fashion show. What was Go Ara’s age at that time?
GA caption: Are they kidding?
LJW captions: Ice. [This is not a still of him.] (me: lol. They’re noting how frozen in place he is.)
GA: I don’t even know this.
GA: Think of what the earliest age that one can be a model might be.
LJW: 14 years old?
LJW caption: 14 years?
Editor: Ddaeng!!
LJW: Oh what?
LJW caption: hate you
LJW: You’re being really hateful.
GA captions: Netflix goodies… Netflix goodies… Netflix goodies…
GA: (The correct answer is) When I was 15

Q: Go Ara is known to be actually proficient in 3 languages. What foreign language  did Go Ara speak in the movie <Papa>?  
LJW: <Papa>?
GA: Yes
LJW caption: He has a hunch
LJW: I had just worked with that PD on my last project.
GA: Ah~
LJW captions: Just trust me
LJW: Of course, I saw it~
GA caption: I trust you
LJW: Correct answer! English
caption: Ding Dong Dang. Correct answer: English
GA: Correct answer!
LJW: That was right, right?
GA: That was right.

Q: In <Miss Hammurabi> , Go Ara acted in the role of Park Cha Oreum. What was Park Cha Oreum’s job?
GA caption: Taken aback. Taken aback.
GA: Will he know this?
LJW captions: For now, ice
LJW: How many questions have I gotten right so far?
caption: <In reality> 4 questions right
LJW caption: If we want to win the goodies…
LJW: Let’s just get half, so two more right. Just two.
GA: Park Cha Oreum’s job was?
LJW: What kind of job would be one that vehemently insists on standing up for what’s right? (note: LJW is making a play on the character Park Cha Oreum’s name’s meaning.)
LJW: Like a detective or something like that?
GA caption: dejected
LJW caption: Let’s just laugh and see
GA caption: Pow! Pow!  (note: In Korean, “pow” can be said as “park”)
GA: It has to be right! (note: GA is making a play on the character name since she’s saying “It has to be Park Char Or-ra”)
GA caption: If you can’t get it right
GA: Pow!
LJW: I’ll use a chance!
GA caption: [it’s a career that everyone knows]
GA: It just has to not be said directly, right?
GA: Here!
GA caption: Seriously
GA: Quiet!
GA: They’re laughing too hard right there…
GA caption: that’s right
GA: They do say “Quiet”, really!
GA caption: unfairly treated
GA: Before I went in
GA: “Now, quiet. Be quiet please.’ is what they did.  
LJW caption: So cute (heart)
GA: Quiet
GA caption: Seriously
GA: Please speak.
GA: You there may speak.
GA: Eyeglasses ttak! (me: ttak means they’re shoved up forcefully)
LJW floating captions: Please speak. Please speak.
LJW: Please speak. Please speak.
LJW: Eyeglasses ttak. What could that be?
LJW: This is really hard.
LJW caption: [Doesn’t have any clue.] (note: the captions literally says “even 0.1 doesn’t know” which means doesn’t know even a tenth of it)
GA captions: acting explosion
GA: Let’s look at the pictures
GA: Ha!
GA: OK. OK. Ok.
LJW captions: What is she doing
GA: Glasses ttak!
GA caption: Ttak!!
GA caption: [glas] [ses]
GA caption: You don’t know even when I’m doing this!?!
LJW: A judge?
GA caption: Happy!!
LJW: Correct answer! A judge
LJW caption: A judge!
GA: Oh! Ding dong! Ding dong!
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: judge
LJW: That was right?
GA: Yes!!
LJW: Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! This is what should have been done. (he means a gavel)
LJW captions: Aish!!!  Bang!
GA: No, no, no
GA: Bang bang bang is!
LJW: Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! This is what should have been done.
LJW: Sunbae-nim
LJW captions: Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! Sunbae-nim.
GA: Judges don’t actually use that
GA: a judge’s gavel
LJW: Ah~ Really?

Q: On <Men on a Mission>, what is the snack that Go Ara mentions she likes?
LJW: It’s one of those from the past, isn’t it?
GA: I do like things from the past.
GA caption: [grandma’s tastebuds]
GA: Savory things
caption: sa~~~~~vory
LJW: Even today
GA captions: soft tender
GA: soft, tender things
LJW: There was a gift for sunbae-nim in waiting room
LJW: that was prepared specially for her
GA captions: that thing?
GA: Do you have a monaka, too? (monaka are bean jam filled wafers)
LJW: Yes
GA captions: excited excited
GA: Monaka is delicious
LJW: What are you doing? Why did you say the correct answer?
GA caption: I didn’t realize
GA caption: [all I can do is go GREAT!]
GA: Oh, I didn’t know.
GA: There is one more!
GA: You have to get this one right
LJW: You had one on the shooting set once, didn’t you?
GA: No. I haven’t eaten it on set.
GA: I stopped eating them
LJW caption: whine whine
LJW: What if I can’t get it right?
GA captions: stopped eating them
LJW: How do I get it right?
GA: It’s too…
GA: Because I kept eating one more.
LJW: Ah!
LJW caption: [wide] [open]
LJW: Correct answer
GA: Yes?
LJW: Yang gaeng! (sweet red bean jellies)
GA: Ding dong dang!
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: yang gaeng, monaka
LJW: yang gaeng
LJW caption: this is tiring;
GA: You’re right~

Q: Go Ara appeared on <Newsroom> to promote a movie and showed this. What is this?
GA caption: Surely, this
GA caption: How far did you dig for this?
GA: <Newsroom> really?
LJW caption: covers his mouth
GA caption: Shock!
GA: You dug very thoroughly
LJW: Isn’t this it? Isn’t it?
LJW caption: pen [flick]  pen [flick]
GA: This. Ommo!
GA caption: Ommo!
GA: Oh this is really embarrassing.
GA caption: embarrassment
GA captions: shame shame
LJW: Magic.
LJW caption: Aren’t you a legend?
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: Magic
LJW: This is a little thing
LJW: in sunbae-nim’s dark history
LJW caption: Happiness

Q: Go Ara has sung an OST in a production that she was in. What is this production?
LJW: Correct answer! <Reply>
Editor: Which one!!
LJW caption: Again? (meaning he thinks she’s picking on him)
LJW: You are very exacting…
LJW caption: (whiner)
LJW: I’m so scared!!
GA: Ah~ You really can’t not know this.
GA caption: (There will be revenge)
GA caption: (sunbae pose)  ( a sunbae is the senior person, so this is her pose of making the junior person possibly suffer)
GA: This is really
GA caption: heh heh
LJW: The <Reply> series
LJW captions: (ser) (ious)
LJW: they made a lot of them
LJW: There’s 2 of them? 2?
GA: There are 3 of them
LJW: That’s right. There are 3 of them.
LJW caption: That’s right. That’s what I’m saying.
LJW caption: (quick attitude change)
GA: There were 3 series.  
GA captions: sneering sneering
LJW: Correct answer! <Reply 1994>
GA: Ohooo~~ That’s right.
Caption: Ohooooo~
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: <Reply 1994>

LJW captions: (eagle) (eagle) Time for revenge (the eagle caption indicates that he’s eagle-eyed and focused)
LJW: Is it my turn yet?
Editor: You’ve gotten 8 answers right
Editor Ara-nim has 6 questions…
GA: There are 6 questions?
LJW captions: (eagle) (eagle)  Let’s calculate this correctly.  
LJW: Since 12 questions are needed, don’t we only need 4 questions right…
Editor: Yes, 4 questions;;
LJW captions: The goodies are mine!
LJW: That’s right.

LJW caption: Let’s go!
LJW: I’ll start now.
Q: The season that Lee Jae Wook likes is?
GA caption: Correct answer
GA: Correct answer!
GA caption: (Must be a genius)
GA: Winter!
LJW caption: (giving a look) (helping)
GA: Isn’t that right?
GA: That’s so not right.
GA caption: So not right
LJW caption: (eagle) (eagle)
GA: Sorry…
GA: Correct answer! Winter
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: winter
LJW: She was right.
GA: That was right?!
LJW caption: (teasing)
GA caption: (did you see that?)

Q. Next question. What was Lee Jae Wook’s debut?
GA caption: (focused) (focused)
captioned: 1. <Memories of the Alhambra>  2. <Search: WWW>  3. <Extraordinary You>
LJW: If you don’t know this
LJW: I will also be a bit, sunbae-nim
LJW: upset. I think.
GA caption: (it’s not coming to me)
LJW caption: Sunbae-nim, go ahead and answer
GA: No. 1 <Alhambra’s Memories(?)>
Editor: You have to say the full name.
GA caption: Wait;
GA: Oh, wait a minute
GA: Correct answer! No. 1 <Memories of the Alhambra>
GA caption: Memories!
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: 1. Memories of the Alhambra

LJW caption: This is severe.
LJW: How will she get this right?
Q: In an interview, to the question of “a secret about yourself that others don’t know” Lee Jae Wook responded “this toe is the longest one”, but which toe would that be?
GA caption: Why?
GA caption: A toe?
LJW: How would she know?
GA caption: You didn’t want to give us the goodies?
LJW caption: You didn’t have to do this
LJW: You must have really watched a lot! Interview footage.
GA caption: chance! chance!
GA: I’ll take a hint on this one. Chance!
LJW caption: (name) Lee Jae Wook
LJW: My last name
GA caption: Ah hah
GA: Correct answer!
GA: The second toe!
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: second toe
(note: “Lee” but pronounced “ee” is one of the ways that you can say “2” in Korean.)
(note on the note: Lee = Yi = Rhee and numerous other spellings, but they are all pronounced “ee” in Korean, however, that’s a funny way to spell a name in English, so a consonant was attached when romanizing the name.)
GA caption: Your parents have helped us!!

Q: In <Memories of the Alhambra>, the role that I had of Marco was an exchange student to this country. What is that country?
GA caption: These people…!
LJW: She didn’t know the palace, so how will she get this right? (he’s referring to GA’s struggle with remembering what the Alhambra is)
GA caption: dejected
GA: Correct answer
GA: Italy
GA caption: Ddaeng (meaning wrong)
GA: Italia
GA caption: self conscious
LJW: Spain

Q: Lee Jae Wook has said that when he’s acting, he is the character’s blank.  What is this meaningful word that helps him convince the viewers rather than himself?
captioned: 1. lawyer  2. spokesperson  3. CEO
LJW caption: CEO?
GA caption: Correct answer
GA: Correct answer! No. 2 spokesperson
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: 2. spokesperson

Q: Next question. What is the name of the character that Lee Jae Wook played in <Search: WWW>?
captioned: 1. Lee Jang Woo  2. Baek Kyung  3. Seol Ji Hwan
GA caption: I’m ruined.
GA caption: Whatever
GA: Correct answer! No. 1 Lee Jang Woo
GA caption: Ddaeng
Editor: Correct answer is no. 3 Seol Ji Hwan!
GA caption: Sorry~~~
GA: Seol Ji Hwan~
LJW caption: Netflix..  my goodies..  Netflix goodies..
GA: Should I use my chance and go again?!
LJW: No!!

Q: Lee Jae Wook had determined his goal for this year as this. What is it?
GA: This year’s goal.
GA caption: self conscious
LJW: This is too hard to get right.
GA: Correct answer!
GA: <Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol> to be a big hit!
GA caption: Daebak!
GA caption: Ddaeng
LJW: It was to be prolific writer.
GA: Oh, a prolific writer.
GA: Prolific writer. Fighting.
GA caption: Fighting
GA: Fighting!

Q: PD Kwang Kyung Taek has said about Lee Jae Wook that his refreshing mask and “this” are his attractive points, but what is “this”?
captioned: 1. Naturalness  
GA caption: nodding
captioned:  2. tall height  
GA caption: nodding
captioned:  3. vocalization
GA: Correct answer! No. 1 Naturalness
Editor: Why??
LJW: Please stop!
LJW: Is the reason important?
LJW: That is the correct answer.
caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: 1. Naturalness

Q: Next question. Because of its texture, the food that Lee Jae Wook dislikes is?
captioned:  1. abalone  2. octopus  3. sea squirt
GA caption: Correct answer!
GA: Correct answer. No. 3 sea squirt
LJW: Correct answer
Caption: Ding dong dang. Correct answer: 3. sea squirt
GA: Because it bursts?
GA caption: Pop!
LJW captions: Eww (yuck face)
LJW: It once burned the roof of my mouth.

LJW: I’ll ask the final question.
Q: In <Memories of the Alhambra>, what is the job of Marco, the character that Lee Jae Wook played?
GA caption: whine whine
GA: Ah~ job
GA: Oh, a hint!
LJW: Hint
Editor: Give it (the hint) to her in motions.
LJW: With actions?!
LJW: Ha…
LJW captions: tap tap tap (sound of keys typing)
LJW caption: giving up
GA: Correct answer~
GA: Pro gamer!
LJW caption: Ruined
LJW captions: (eagle) (eagle)
LJW: My gaze is like this
LJW: Like this!
LJW: Ah!
LJW: Game! Ergh!
LJW captions: tap tap
GA caption: (why is he like that?)
GA caption: (is he a bank teller?)
LJW: He’s not a bank teller.
GA: Of course not!
GA: It’s nothing to do with stocks or anything, right?
LJW: Right. Right.
GA: Wait a minute.
GA: Correct answer
GA: Pro gamer!
LJW caption: (I didn’t even have any expectations.)
GA: What was it?
LJW: He was a hacker.
GA captions: That’s right. That’s right.
GA: Hacker
LJW: Yes, like this,
LJW: after just a lot of pain and suffering, the TMI quiz has ended

captions: Ara 6 questions . Jae Wook 8 questions. Between them, they’ve gotten 14 answers correct. Success.
LJW: I like it so much.
LJW: Netflix
GA: I’ll have to go around carrying this.
GA: Thank you
GA/LJW: So, let’s meet on Netflix.
GA/LJW: Bye!



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@stroppyse You are amazing!! Thanks for the new translations of that Netflix TMI quiz :BulbaOWO::wow::hearties::CharmanderYay:


Also I fixed up the video, so all the subtitle should be correct now. Also made the formatting a little easier to read. And I put Janghaven at the start and end of the video as well as in the video links ^^ Yayyyy. I'm putting it in a few places for DDSSLLS fans...hopefully they will come join our little community!



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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