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13 hours ago, im0202 said:


@JenL I have learned to ignore rude people online lol. So many expect translations/subtitles to fall from the sky. There’s so much work that goes into subtitling.

There’s another type who annoys me to no end - they request for videos that have already been subbed (when they can just check my channel or twitter thread first). I respond/not respond according to my mood lol.


Smart move! I probably should just ignore comments I don't like. And block repeat offenders. Yep, I enjoy subbing....I just don't enjoy those people....they make me feel a bit like this cat :KittyGun: (Sorry can't stop using. New favourite emoji. Relevant with so many things in life)


13 hours ago, Jane said:


And they will be the same people who ask for information when it's literally in their face!


Soooo trueeee :poliWeird:


12 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

So far the thread is like a mini Team JP club. But we also do feel bad for DoSan. 


Hahaha if you guys decide to do a Start Up event with badges, I can only see you guys making a JP badge, rather than a Dosan-DalMi badge :laugh: I don't know if anyone would want a Dosan-DalMi badge as much as JP badge on our thread :smile::lenny:


10 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

So to cheer u up, join us watching 18 again, it has good storyline trust me and @LaLa spilled me a bit that it has a good ending too. I haven't done yet so if you start now you have me and the rest of others who still watch this in slow pace, to give you a company. 


I'm only up to Episode 4! If anyone starts 18 Again now we can watch together :CharmanderYay: I'm surprised this drama was so underrated. There's not much discussion on it on other forums either? I wonder why. I don't know if it was aesthetically marketed, especially for a very rehashed story trope.

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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15 hours ago, im0202 said:


@JenL I have learned to ignore rude people online lol. So many expect translations/subtitles to fall from the sky. There’s so much work that goes into subtitling.

There’s another type who annoys me to no end - they request for videos that have already been subbed (when they can just check my channel or twitter thread first). I respond/not respond according to my mood lol.


some ppl just want to be spoon feed

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20 hours ago, Jane said:

I nagged someone last week about it! I don't care anymore, if I don't tell them, how will they learn! That's my weakness. I feel like I have to respond so that they will learn or I can't stand the thought of leaving them hanging.  Eek, on those rude people though! So unnecessary and demanding!

Would it help if you lose your temper? My former colleagues like to test my patience.

20 hours ago, JenL said:

Yes!!! Sameeee...This is literally why I respond. I hope they'll learn to be better people! But I think we may just be expecting too much. Some people will just always be like this "Where's my subs?"

If you never tell them straight then they will never learn. Some can be very thick.:idk:

20 hours ago, im0202 said:

@Jane I second Hot Stove League and Stranger both!!! Have to avoid spoilers for Stranger though LOL they are everywhere...


@JenL I have learned to ignore rude people online lol. So many expect translations/subtitles to fall from the sky. There’s so much work that goes into subtitling. There’s another type who annoys me to no end - they request for videos that have already been subbed (when they can just check my channel or twitter thread first). I respond/not respond according to my mood lol.

@Jane You'll see a very different Park Eun Bin in Hot Stove League :D


@im0202 I totally understand what you mean. Last night I was watching live for 18 Again on an app which allows people to live chat. It's nothing new but each time it is annoying to no end because there will forever be people complaining, "can't understand a single word, why no subs?" and "when is the sub coming out?". That app is already designed in a way that you can watch live first without sub and if you wait a bit they will release the subs in pieces while the show is still playing live. But still, you see people asking where/when/how...? Like dude, just WAIT for it!


Hahaha - I'm guessing you may respond if the request is polite and ignore if the request is not?

20 hours ago, Jane said:

And they will be the same people who ask for information when it's literally in their face!

I had an ex-colleague literally refused to read an SOP from customer and wants me to summarise verbally, even had the gall to tell me something like "It was too long".

7 hours ago, JenL said:

I'm only up to Episode 4! If anyone starts 18 Again now we can watch together  I'm surprised this drama was so underrated. There's not much discussion on it on other forums either? I wonder why. I don't know if it was aesthetically marketed, especially for a very rehashed story trope.

Maybe because the actors are not popular enough. Lee Do Hyun's previous role as Go Cheong Myeong in Hotel Del Luna split viewers into halves. Some really hated his character thinking his decision was selfish. Also it aired at the same time as Record of Youth and Do You Like Brahms so it's a rough competitions against RoY, and even rougher with mega melodramatic makjang Penthouse!

Edited by mademoiselle
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Now that 18 Again has ended and we have happy ending, those on the fence can now check it out. I know we are sounding like a broken record and being naggy, but honestly we pinky swear it is worth it. So worth it that we're selling so hard.


Tagging @stroppyse because I remember you said you want something light and this isn't heavy at all. @Tofu Check it out too and I promise this is not even half as heavy as Brahms! I swear! Plus Lee Do Hyun is really a raw gem that needs to be realised! Who else...? @Lynne? @NiteWalker ? @MayanEcho? @Chocolate @Phikyl @OsmanthusTea? @Jane, you too!!! @Mouse??


There are many of us that are giving it our thumbs up. :btsnamjoonlove: BTS said so too :mine:

While I am at it, I recommend Do You Like Brahms? too :laugh:

Edited by mademoiselle
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15 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Tagging @stroppyse because I remember you said you want something light and this isn't heavy at all. @Tofu Check it out too and I promise this is not even half as heavy as Brahms! I swear! Plus Lee Do Hyun is really a raw gem that needs to be realised! Who else...? @Lynne? @NiteWalker ? @MayanEcho? @Chocolate @Phikyl @OsmanthusTea? @Jane, you too!!! @Mouse??


There are many of us that are giving it our thumbs up. :btsnamjoonlove: BTS said so too :mine:


lets me think first.....hahaha i have left the kdrama sections for a long times now.....

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@mademoiselle Nah, it's too small to be worth losing my temper. I prefer to turn it into a teaching moment. If I lose my temper, it must be worth it. :MewGiggle:


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I had an ex-colleague literally refused to read an SOP from customer and wants me to summarise verbally, even had the gall to tell me something like "It was too long".


Yup, I have this exact colleague right now! He's been asking us to remind him of things he should do or asking us to summarise the previous emails for him. Hello, we are not your secretaries. Go make a to-do list or scroll your mouse down a few emails. Goodness, the audacity of some people!



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@Jane OMG. Nightmare colleagues. Reminds me all those terrible memories.


Summarising emails I'd say depends on the situation. I'd do it if I'm asking someone to do something and there's just way too much to read through. I'd still attach the email as reference. These days I get emails I was never part of the email chain and all of a sudden I was asked to do something and someone sent me a 10-20 pages of long emails then it is courtesy that the person summarises and explains what is required from me and which stage it is at instead of "Hey you, please assist customer Z. Oh, it is urgent. Need it by tomorrow" I have to read through everything and piece the puzzles together and finish it in less than a day.


@MayanEcho Wow. 59 episodes! They are 30 mins per episodes, right?


@NiteWalker Really?! Then you have come back to kdrama land. Did you like/enjoy it?

Edited by mademoiselle
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10 hours ago, Jane said:

@mademoiselle Yeah, that scenario is reasonable to get a person up to speed. But ugh, this person is just lazy to scroll down. And trust me the emails aren't long or difficult.

Ugh. They are everywhere. I know how you feel. I hope he'll improve or situation will be better soon for you and everyone.

7 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

@mademoiselle 45min each 😅 

Sigh. People like this colleague of yours doesn't want to take the responsibility. 

Haha 45 mins not too bad and based on when I watch Dating in the Kitchen, 45 minus 5 mins for the opening & closing themes. 

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