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Love Like the Galaxy 星汉灿烂 [2022]


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I can’t get over how sweet Zisheng and SS were during the banquet. It was so obvious to everyone how in-love the two of them are.


When Zisheng played the Zither(?), don’t really know what the instrument is called, you can see the pride and delight in SS‘S eyes and expression.  Even when she called for him to present his gift to the empress, you can see the pride in her face. 

And when he drinks the wine and she carefully wipes his chin, it was obvious that she dotes on him. 

Her choosing to drink from his wine cup is her wanting an indirect kiss :laugh: probably couldn’t help herself anymore. :smug:

And when she gave him a peck on the cheek!! Ugh so sweet! You can see how happy Zisheng was! 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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@Yana The man only has eyes for one woman. Hehehe. When Lady Luo came to him, he immediately turns cold and gives out that "what do you want?" vibe. :laugh:


@Mouse I've been trying to find an English name for the music instrument too. Previously I put it down as Guzheng but after seeing it close-up and heard the sound it makes, it's not Guzheng. The book says "Qin" and it looks like it is "Gu Qin" and it doesn't seem to have an official English name. Wikipedia gave a literal name as "ancient zither".


Shao Shang has definitely fallen for Zi Sheng. I mean, if someone makes you stare and wanna kiss kiss, that says something right? 😆

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ZS is a one woman man, he wears the blinder himself instead of his handsome war horse. As appealed as I'm about the recurring 报恩 thingy, I'm totally disgusted as those so called highborn ladies who declared about their virtue and high moral in one corner of their mouths and tried to seduced a taken man at the same time. The worst of the packs is of course ZS's dad's wife then Third Princess who is married but still trying to get close to ZS. Also Lady Luo, she is about to get marries but can't resisted the urge to get close in the pretense of saying goodbye. Princess YuChang just terrible.




ZS is playing guqin, it's smaller than guzheng only 7 strings and no bridge. I'm a sucker for string instrument except guitar I always pay attention when there is one on screen.

Edited by OsmanthusTea
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8 minutes ago, IpohBanana said:

ooh a kiss on the adam's apple would have been bordering on salacious but I bet it would have made the ratings hit the galaxy. LOL. Though I doubt it would have gotten past the censors. sigh.

Really?! Even kiss on adam's apple by mistake is taboo??? Boo.


BTS - Kiss at the birthday banquet


BTS of Wu Lei learning Guqin


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@mademoiselle @abs-oluteM @Chocolate @Mizv @Mouse @SheepMoonI think I finally understand why he kept harping on the pressure point, that darn 'ming-men' after she burst out crying. I think his message to her was "I am telling you which part of my body is the most vulnerable" [I trust you with my life], "Therefore, I ask you to trust me and tell me why you were so upset just now."


LOL, I was wondering why ZLS had to keep her arms crossed over her chest in that posture on the bed; if she didn't, Wu Lei would literally be in contact with her body... and that certainly won't do. Even when he lifted one arm off her for that pressure point part again, she still had one arm intact and he probably was resting on his elbow. Hhmmm... otherwise a lot of other parts would have been in contact with each other (I can imagine) and I am thinking not only the upper half but the lower half too (ahem).

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I'm finally caught up with this thread! I swear I woke up and it moved so fast I haven't had time to read everything! 


@mademoiselle Do you think, based on what we've seen, they will show the destruction of the Luo Family? I remembered you told me that the older Luo son did something bad. 


So cute, these two! :wow:



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34 minutes ago, Tofu said:

@mademoiselle Do you think, based on what we've seen, they will show the destruction of the Luo Family? I remembered you told me that the older Luo son did something bad.

I believe it will because it's quite an important part of the story. The part I'm not sure will be included is "General Wang was accused of abducting women from war as concubines and someone wanting him dead". Zi Sheng, General Wang and Shao Shang's dad were all sent to that punitive expedition (but different areas), the whole troop (Qiqi + Cheng Song + Shao Shang + Shao Gong) decided to find General Wang because of the accusation. They met their "own dangerous adventure" (because in the book, Shao Shang is very unlucky) and in the end Zi Sheng came to the rescue. I enjoy this part a lot (as there are additional to Zi Sheng and Shao Shang's relationship development) and it takes the story out of the palace.

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I've got my entire family watching this now and they are... of course completely addicted. 


The other half thinks that the drama hilarious (big fan of Nirvana in Fire) and the eldest thinks that A'Yao was "creepy" and "desperate" at the beginning.


They are now impatiently waiting for the "cringey" A'Yao arc to be over so that Niaoniao can finally get together with General Ling.

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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@mademoiselle you are this is so cruel!


It's like I am watching a striptease scene and the person is about to reveal it all and the room goes pitch black. I keep reading your comments - 'this part was interesting' and 'I enjoyed that part'... I have half a mind to go read the book and suffer all the bad translations. :PiplupCry:

just teasing, hah hah hah

now if I can just get you to indulge on us, pray tell why was she unlucky? And why on earth did the Cheng youngsters and Qi Qi embark on a dangerous adventure and why was it dangerous to begin with? :duckyes:


@OsmanthusTea indeed, I was about to say that if male actors didn't have enough self-control, I'd dare say that the actresses in some other dramas might have experienced an (unintended) hard, physical reaction from their male counterpart (keh keh keh). The director is playful and such a tease and I think he would be the sort who would purposely get them to retake a few kiss scenes just so that he can get them to have all that physical activity, even if it weren't necessary.

[I recall watching a BTW of W-Two Worlds and the FL was commenting that the director made them do just that.]


@40somethingahjumma that must be so fun! I half wish my family would watch a drama so we could have something to discuss, the closest is my father but I don't think he would enjoy this one. But then again, I can imagine my other half saying 'this guy is so unrealistic' or 'this won't have happened in that era'...so, on second thoughts, forget it. I'd have a far more enjoyable experience watching dramas on my own (100% satisfaction guaranteed).

Edited by IpohBanana
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1 hour ago, IpohBanana said:


@OsmanthusTea indeed, I was about to say that if male actors didn't have enough self-control, I'd dare say that the actresses in some other dramas might have experienced an (unintended) hard, physical reaction from their male counterpart (keh keh keh). The director is playful and such a tease and I think he would be the sort who would purposely get them to retake a few kiss scenes just so that he can get them to have all that physical activity, even if it weren't necessary.

[I recall watching a BTW of W-Two Worlds and the FL was commenting that the director made them do just that.]



I remember in The Graham Norton Show Samuel L Jackson commented about doing an intimate scene with an actress. He said it's always awkward with around 15 men around watching. When he came in he is sort of have to asked, "Okay, what can I touch and what can I not touch??. I wanna apologise now for getting excited. ... I wanna apologise for NOT getting excited." :PsyWhat:


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@IpohBanana Ahahahahahaha! I was actually trying not to drop any spoilers, unless asked. Don't want to share too much that will take away all the fun and leave no more mysteries for everyone to go :PsyWhat: or :wow: .

3 hours ago, IpohBanana said:

now if I can just get you to indulge on us, pray tell why was she unlucky?

Because every time she goes on a trip, she gets into a life & death situation. Meanwhile her 3rd uncle is super super SUPER lucky, which is why in the drama we were shown he left them and on the way back to find them he never encountered any attack.

3 hours ago, IpohBanana said:

And why on earth did the Cheng youngsters and Qi Qi embark on a dangerous adventure and why was it dangerous to begin with? 

It wasn't supposed to be dangerous. General Wang as being accused. Qiqi couldn't wait at home so she wanted to meet her dad half way. She asked Shao Shang to join her. Qiqi at the time is already engaged with Cheng Song so he naturally wanted to go with her. Their mum sent Shao Gong along as well. Once they met up with General Wang, on the way back they were attacked.

And...I'm hoping this scene comes from this trip :wow:


Otherwise we will have to wait "5 years later"... :duckpout:


In fact I think it might actually be a scene from 5 years later because her hair is done differently and she was supposedly protecting some villagers.




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3 hours ago, IpohBanana said:


@40somethingahjumma that must be so fun! I half wish my family would watch a drama so we could have something to discuss, the closest is my father but I don't think he would enjoy this one. But then again, I can imagine my other half saying 'this guy is so unrealistic' or 'this won't have happened in that era'...so, on second thoughts, forget it. I'd have a far more enjoyable experience watching dramas on my own (100% satisfaction guaranteed).


I don't really have those sorts of issues with the other half. He's pretty good at suspending disbelief and we've watched so many things together over the years so I know what he likes. Besides he knows Wu Lei from Nirvana in Fire. The truth is, I'm far more critical than he is partly because I watch so much more stuff.  The hard part is tearing him away from what he wants to do. 


It is fun watching it with the "children" especially the 15 year old. I think I sometimes underestimate her ability to read between the lines. She sees right through Niaoniao in a way that surprises me. She was just saying some moments ago that A'Yao wasn't good for Niaoniao because he was easy to manipulate and he's just not that bright. (Maybe it's just parental influence rubbing off. But honest to God I've not said much about the show)


The best part about rewatching it with them is just listening to their predictions and speculations about who's going to show up and what happens next. They're always so chuffed about being right.

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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@40somethingahjumma I just recently had this conversation with my other half

TOH (the other half): what are you watching?

me: some older show, re-watching it as I really like the guy in that show; he's quite good looking, good body, really sweet to his wife and thoughtful 

TOH: totally unrealistic... I don't get why you wanna watch shows like that

me: [eyes rolling] Well, it's way better than reality. Why do you care anyway? I just wanna watch and 'syiok sendiri'.... a Malaysian saying that kinda means I wanna indulge myself and get a kick out of it  



As for Nirvana in Fire, I watched it years ago and he only recently watched it. He doesn't like sitting down to watch long drawn out dramas (you should hear the way he criticises wuxia and xianxia - you'd think they must have offended his sensibilities terribly), he prefers movies. So I was quite surprised that he did, not only that, he even googled articles explaining the backround of the story and I caught him listening to a video explanation of the characters once (he must have really enjoyed that show). And lately he's been watching dramas but the more serious sort that has got business context (the likes of I Will Find you a Better Home) or Republican era. [Obviously, we don't sit and watch dramas together, if you can't tell by now. LOL]


My boys erh... for the life of me, certainly not the elder one. As for the younger one, he will actually watch dramas with me sometimes... but not often. He tells me off for ff-ing parts so I can't watch with him too often lest I get told off, LOL.



@mademoiselle lol..... I like how you explain things in a general enough manner to satisfy my question yet lacking the details... it's really like dangling a toy in front of a cat :lmao2: so the pix you showed us wasn't quite from that scene but something else?


hhmmm.. you mean there's still quite a bit of 'drama and danger' that she's getting herself into after he returns from exile?? So from the way she jumped at him, had she forgiven him by then? Or was she just lost in the moment?


Edited by IpohBanana
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