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Hot Ahjussi! (Sept 13 to 20)

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Didn't they say that old is gold? And some men age just like fine wine :wow:.  So please post away - tell me who is your favourite ahjussi or uncle ( seems like Uncle love is trending in the c drama world). Who looks better and better as they age? Who just looks fab no matter their age? Who is still in great shape ?


Ahjussi/ Uncle - definition - actors in their late 30s to 60s. Usually married , but in the  entertainment world, it doesn't really matter! 


Abs pics are not necessary though...I won't stop you :smug:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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I love JJH too @mademoisellesia He had some great kiss scenes in Misty.  





He was great in Designated Survivor 60Days . 

one of my new discoveries from that drama was also Go Joon . After years of playing supporting characters & villains , he’s finally landing lead roles. He was adorable in Oh My Baby and am looking forward to his new drama If You Cheat You Die  . @Ameera calls him her husband. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Approved of your taste @mademoisellesia JJH is one hot ahjussi I admired on-off. He have good chemistry in melodrama, I Have A Lover. Misty was a good drama too. 


Ok now let me introduce my dimples ahjussi. Lee Seo Jin (49). I knew him since Marriage Contract. Love the drama, he have good chemistry with UEE and I like the storyline too. He's such a tsundere. I think I'm going to rewatch this show again one day. 




I also like his real life personality from the variety show that I watched. He's so blunt, but occasionally also very sweet & caring. He have an elite background, study in US and from affluent family. I guess I admiring him and envy him at the same time. He's one of my role model. He doesn't seem to settle easily just to fit the traditional requirement of many common Korean. And he's doing just fine. 


He's been quietly on my list for long time somehow haha...

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@im0202 normally how long you love one ahjussi or oppa?


I also love your ahjussi especially in S1 , i made many gifs of him...this season , not enough cute moments....I love the intrigue of S1



You know who I miss ? Jo In Sung. Pleseas let this materialise



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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22 minutes ago, im0202 said:

@abs-oluteM My ahjussi of the moment:


Seeing all the Secret Forest screencaps all over the TL, I must say your ahjussi is very good-looking! Has he eaten anything already?


13 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Ok now let me introduce my dimples ahjussi. Lee Seo Jin (49). I knew him since Marriage Contract. Love the drama, he have good chemistry with UEE and I like the storyline too. He's such a tsundere. I think I'm going to rewatch this show again one day. 


Meanwhile I need to watch it for the first time. I added it to my Netflix list already!


Since I just watched Lee Sun-kyun in the Summer Vacation variety, I shall enter him here! His voice :OOF:

One of my early drama crushes because of Pasta!



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24 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

@im0202 normally how long you love one ahjussi or oppa?

Hmm depends but some for over 10 years already... Mostly will be for a few months at least lol. 

Oh my god don't get me started on Jo In Sung, he is on my long-time list :wow:

Recently got news that he may be coming back to dramaland aaaaaaaaaaaaah


5 minutes ago, wallflowersforjane said:

Seeing all the Secret Forest screencaps all over the TL, I must say your ahjussi is very good-looking! Has he eaten anything already?

Some raw(?) food that he didn't like in Ep 3 lol at this rate he's starving to death


Excuse me, let's not forget this ahjussi too. I have all but given hope on him coming back, be it in dramas or movies.:letalQQ:


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@wallflowersforjane I was also gonna ask you if you saw  My Ahjussi ? I heard it was  very good, but I have yet to. I saw him in the Diary of a Prosecutor though. That was so fun. But yes @SilverMoonTea they completely trolled us on the romance! 


Yoo Ji Tae in When My Love Blooms...this one called modest fan service ! YJT made my heart go :heart: in his role there cc @stroppyse @ktcjdrama






1 minute ago, im0202 said:

Excuse me, let's not forget this ahjussi too. I have all but given hope on him coming back, be it in dramas or movies.:letalQQ:

ooo who is this?

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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10 minutes ago, im0202 said:

Some raw(?) food that he didn't like in Ep 3 lol at this rate he's starving to death


Damn poor thing, this one. Sometimes I see the TL screencaps, SF seems almost like a comedy.


@abs-oluteM No, I didn't watch My Ahjussi! I heard it was very good too. I don't really know the drama synopsis even.


I am going to add Yoon Kye Sang (41)!




He looks so good in glasses. :wow:


@abs-oluteM Can one week be dedicated to Hot Men in Glasses? Even though I may die of swooning that week.




Edited by wallflowersforjane
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Omg @wallflowersforjane Chocolate oppa !!!! Ooo @im0202  this was once upon a time @SilverMoonTea's great ahjussi love. You know how hard she sold the drama to me...i watched it 


@mademoisellesia SSH looks good. Ooo I have never seen Won Bin in any drama I think. What happened to him?


@Darkarcana see I knew you are the true ahjusssi lover...better call @bluepebbles for her countless LJG photos. By the way , I'm surprised you did not post someone yet...you had his/ her profile pic all the time ahahahahaha


Where's @Chocolate


By the way @NiteWalker @Lynne @MayanEcho give me some chinese uncles please?



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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5 minutes ago, im0202 said:


Paging @SilverMoonTea remember this oppa/ahjussi? :lenny:

@wallflowersforjane I was part-timer for awhile, now taking a break from this oppa cos he got no new drama/movie since Chocolate lol


@abs-oluteM Haha, she recommended me Chocolate too! I hope he will come back to acting soon too. Oppa now becoming a carpenter https://zapzee.net/2020/06/11/after-the-break-up-yoon-kye-sang-leaves-his-agency-and-becomes-a-carpenter/


7 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

Song Seung Heon - 43 years old


He is still SO GOOD-LOOKING!


@Darkarcana OMG Joon-gi is 38 yo?! WOW!

Edited by wallflowersforjane
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1 minute ago, abs-oluteM said:

Ooo @im0202  this was once upon a time @SilverMoonTea's great ahjussi love. You know how hard she sold the drama to me...i watched it 

Ya I heard she managed to sell the drama to quite a few people and even revived a dead thread lol :SquirtleSquadCool:


2 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Ooo I have never seen Won Bin in any drama I think. What happened to him?

 His dramas all in the 2000s. He did a lot of CFs after his fame skyrocketed to the peak after the movie 'Ahjussi'. Then after that he didn't do any more drama/movie, just the occasional CF/modelling. I've stopped waiting for his comeback since it's been like a decade :/

4 minutes ago, wallflowersforjane said:

Oppa now becoming a carpenter


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11 minutes ago, im0202 said:


Paging @SilverMoonTea remember this oppa/ahjussi? :lenny:

@wallflowersforjane I was part-timer for awhile, now taking a break from this oppa cos he got no new drama/movie since Chocolate lol

He's still quite boyish, but yeah he also belong to ahjussi now... 


Haha yeah where is he now? Miss him and Dr. Kang... Actually we know each other cos of this Chocolate haha...


And how long was my love last? Lols...




* add, he become carpenter? Oppa build me a house :SquirtleNiceAhah:

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