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Hospital Playlist Season 2 / 슬기로운 의사생활 2 [2021]

Anticipations for Season 2  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Based on the second teaser, the doctors in Yulje seem to be excitedly talking about something “hot”. What do you think it is?

    • A new doctor couple in Yulje
    • Hong Do and Yun Bok’s choice of departments for their internships
    • The identity of Daddy Long Legs
    • Bong Salon is open for business
  2. 2. Among the hidden characters (mentioned but not seen) in season 1, who are you looking forward to the most in season 2?

    • Jang Mane (Woo Joo gf)
    • Yoon Shin Hye (Seok Hyeong ex wife)
    • Song Hwa’s 3 brothers
    • Jun Wan’s sisters
    • Other Lacking 5 parents.
  3. 3. Which of the stories left untold in Season 1 would you like to see in Season 2?

    • What happened in Hawaii?
    • How did the Lacking 5 choose their majors?
    • Where did Dr Ahn Chi Hong and Dr Bae go?
    • How did Dr Bong meet the Lacking 5?
  4. 4. How many new GS residents do you think there will be?

  5. 5. The couple whose story you are most interested in for Season 2

    • IkSong
    • WinterGarden
    • Bidulgi
    • GomGom
    • Any other couples (could be romantic or friend-ships)

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  • Poll closed on 09/22/2021 at 01:43 PM

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Today's episode is mostly Jun Wan focus, which I don't think we get very much since Season 1. I love that despite the tiredness in work and feeling low in his love life, he still think of a way to comfort a patient. All the time I thought he would use the sns for his personal life, but no, he surprised us by using it for his patient. And I am so happy that I cried when Eun-ji finally got her donor. It's lovely that Min-chan's mother came there to congratulate Eun-ji's mother. 


22 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

I totally did not expect the story with Ik-sun, Junwan and Ik-jun finding out to unravel in this way. Totally. 

Me too. So Ik-jun really have no idea at all about them, but now he knows. I don't think Ik-sun broke up with him because of her health condition though. I think she hasn't found out yet when she told him so. It was more of her feeling guilty for being a burden for him with this LDR thing. 


Finally we'll get more of GomGom couple next week. I have no worry about WG. The preview just trolling us.


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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20 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I don't think Ik-sun broke up with him because of her health condition though. I think she hasn't found out yet when she told him so. It was more of her feeling guilty for being a burden for him with this LDR thing. 

Yeah I think so too. Plus in her IG post she did set up a successful blind date for the Se-kyung dude, so she’s surely lying when she brought up that reason.


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Just now, im0202 said:

Yeah I think so too. Plus in her IG post she did set up a successful blind date for the Se-kyung dude, so she’s surely lying when she brought up that reason.


I admit I was a little upset at Ik-Jun for commenting too much on Jun Wan’s relationship with his “girlfriend” making Ik-sun feel bad to the point of breaking up with Jun Wan. LDR is never easy, and especially not when you don’t get support from people around you because it is a secret relationship. The only good thing is, Ik-sun will be back in Korea soon. But will we actually see her in Yulje? Somehow I remembered reading that the actress is not back in the casting (CMIIW) so I thought she would just be on phone calls throughout the season. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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I think the last time we got such a strong Jun-wan centred episode was in Episode 7 of S1. But yeah that was a bit of shocker in how his romance arc played out. And I'm not really a fan of noble idiocy generally because there's a kind of selfishness underlying it. Despite all that, I hope those two can sort things out when Ik-sun returns to Korea because it seems like they do love each other. What I also find a bit hard to believe is the implication that Ik-jun didn't know about Jun-wan and Ik-sun. I am really surprised about that. After all the trolling... was it really just trolling?


A great episode nonetheless. The highlight was Jun-wan's interactions with Eun-ji' mother. I hardly shed a tear in other more melodramatic K dramas but for some reason in HP, I'm bawling my eyes out in every episode. The most moving part was watching Min-chan's mum and Eun-ji's mum hugging each other, one congratulating the other in sympatico. This is where the show really excels -- in creating these sorts of everyday lowkey relationships and making them relatable. I am thrilled to bits for Eun-ji and her mother who have endured so much till now.


This episode also reminds me why I am so fond of Jun-wan because even though it's not immediately apparent (although he's softened quite a bit) that he cares, he proves it with his actions. It also speaks to what a great actor Jung Kyung-ho is that the change in Jun-wan is gradual and perceptible. Even though it's obvious he's completely stressed out about personal stuff, he is the consummate professional and prioritizes his patients. He may be clueless about what his friends get up to but he's very aware of his patients' needs. I continue to enjoy watching the softening of Jun-wan and his evolving dynamic with Jae-hak.


Neurosurgery continues to feel empty without Ahn Chi-hong. I miss him so much especially when I see Seon-bin struggling by herself these days. I can't say I'm entirely surprised that Seok-min dropped out in a way although it feels like such a waste of so much investment because he always looked out of the zone and compared to Chi-hong, he didn't exactly have a way with people.


I am super happy to see the WG continue to bring on the cute. I have no problem with the aegyo. The show needs it especially when there's heartbreaking stuff going on elsewhere. It's fantastic to see Jeong-won so happy and see that translate into the job. And also to see him showing ambition, initiative and leadership is brilliant. It's what I had hoped. I knew he had it in him. I'm with Ik-jun about the "Wow".


I wanted to say too that I remember joking with @SilverMoonTea elsewhere about how many kids the WG will end up having. And reference was made of the stuffed toy pig. The stuffed pig scene with Gyeo-ul tells me that we've gone up from 3 pigs to 6. 

Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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3 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I wanted to say too that I remember joking with @SilverMoonTea elsewhere about how many kids the WG will end up having. And reference was made of the stuffed toy pig. The stuffed pig scene with Gyeo-ul tells me that we've gone up from 3 pigs to 6. 


I have to make confession here, I haven't watched HP S2 😅. Yes, yes, WG'ers & Iksong'ers throw me rocks & papers 🤣 In WG case, I'm quite satisfied with the kiss ending in S1 already. Iksong I'm a bit curious, but still not enough motivation to start this drama yet. Maybe I will someday 😅

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My take is that Ik-jun actually never knew about Junwan and his sister. He likes to believe he knows everything about everyone, but the truth is, when it comes to your closest and nearest (his sister), he has always not known enough. There was an episode in Season 1 where he realises this (after finding out from Chi-hong what happened to Ik-sun and her ex) and out of guilt, he visited her at her base. And that's the reality of family, isn't it? We take them for granted, no matter how close we may think we are to them. The irony is usually that - we think we're close and so there's always time for "later". So it didn't surprise me that he only put 2 and 2 together when he noted that Junwan's gf in London is actually Ik-sun, and she's the one who's been "making things difficult" for Junwan. If Ik-jun had known, I don't think he would have commented so carelessly about Junwan's LDR to her.


As regards the reason for their breakup, I reckon it's all to do with the dreaded "noble idiocy" which, I agree with @40somethingahjumma, is ultimately very selfish. It's about not really being fully invested in a relationship to realise that a key part of love is actually wanting to share the burden as much as the joys. There is more hurt caused to the other in not telling the truth than there is in hiding it. But there she goes, I believe contemplating the burden she is placing on Junwan for not being there to share his fatigue and tiredness, and her fear that she was going to add onto the burden by sharing with him her recently diagnosed ailment - afterall, she had seen how worried he got when she got into the car accident. I don't think she has another relationship going on and I do believe she broke up with him because she found out she was unwell. Ah. So annoying, but that's how the story rolls and y'know what? There are really people like that around. 

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Watching the episode ...the one scene that really touched me was the one where Jun Wan makes eye contact with the female patient in the ICU. The hospital and fighting an illness can be a very lonely journey. Poor girl. The only thing that she could do was bat her eyelids and yet you can see how she remains positive. I am glad that JW and his team recognise that she's all alone , and makes it a point to show her some encouragement. More than the romances & the shipping , this to me is the real magic of the show. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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9 hours ago, gilaswan said:



As regards the reason for their breakup, I reckon it's all to do with the dreaded "noble idiocy" which, I agree with @40somethingahjumma, is ultimately very selfish. It's about not really being fully invested in a relationship to realise that a key part of love is actually wanting to share the burden as much as the joys. There is more hurt caused to the other in not telling the truth than there is in hiding it. But there she goes, I believe contemplating the burden she is placing on Junwan for not being there to share his fatigue and tiredness, and her fear that she was going to add onto the burden by sharing with him her recently diagnosed ailment - afterall, she had seen how worried he got when she got into the car accident. I don't think she has another relationship going on and I do believe she broke up with him because she found out she was unwell. Ah. So annoying, but that's how the story rolls and y'know what? There are really people like that around. 


My problem with Ik-sun's sudden burst of noble idiocy ie. lying about having met someone else supposedly to "make things easier for Jun-wan" is that it does nothing to resolve the issues underlying their relationship. Their problems stem largely from being in a long distance relationship. The deception blindsides Jun-wan and takes away his ability to make an informed decision. Despite being aware of the challenges, he wants the relationship to continue so he's clearly committed to navigating them. The reality is that Jun-wan is stressed because he doesn't know what's going on with her and as a doctor he is more concerned about the details than most. It actually turns out that he was right to worry because her dysfunctioning liver. The point that Ik-jun was trying to make was that she wasn't sensitive to the fact that in a long distance relationship like all relationships that needs to be give and take. It seemed to him like Jun-wan was doing all the giving. Instead of taking the criticism as a cue to improve, it's becomes an excuse to move on expeditiously. Because apparently when we hit a snag in the relationship, the solution is to walk out. /sarcasm Sometimes it can be if violence/abuse is involved. However it isn't as if no one in the history of the world never had relationship challenges. The benefits however of dealing with them head on can be personally enriching.


Is the writer telling us that Ik-sun hasn't really dealt with her past? The ex that lied to her when he'd change his mind about marriage? Or is it that she's just not that committed? I hope not. For Jun-wan's sake. I can't believe that Ik-sun is so naive as to believe that a relationship has to be smooth sailing all the way through.


I don't think it's an accident that this incident contrasts with Seon-bin and Seok-min's big fight about his decision to drop out. What was it that Song-hwa said to Seon-bin? If two people really love each other they will find a way. Few relationships are easy. If any. Everyone has to work at it. Communication. Give and take. Negotiation. Compromise. It's all part of the package.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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11 hours ago, gilaswan said:

My take is that Ik-jun actually never knew about Junwan and his sister. He likes to believe he knows everything about everyone, but the truth is, when it comes to your closest and nearest (his sister), he has always not known enough. There was an episode in Season 1 where he realises this (after finding out from Chi-hong what happened to Ik-sun and her ex) and out of guilt, he visited her at her base. And that's the reality of family, isn't it? We take them for granted, no matter how close we may think we are to them.


Totally agree. Plus, if he had known about them, he wouldn't have spoken to his sister as he did about Junwan having a selfish girlfriend.  If hew as going to call her out, he would've done so directly.  That's more Ikjun's style. 


As sad as it was to see Iksun take a step back, especially knowing how gun shy she is about relationships given her past experiences, and then learning how she's gt health issues on top, I don't really worry about her or Junwan. I have complete faith they'll figure things out and find their way back together. They just work so perfectly, how can they not?


It's kind of like Ikjun and Songhwa... whether she's ready to commit to them or not, they're already a couple. I mean, just as Ikjun is sitting there like the biggest 'lightbulb' there was in between two other couples, who should call him but Songhwa? And even his friends could predict it was her calling him. And who else but Songhwa appreciates all of Ikjun's wacky humor -- that has come up several times this season, especially. Honestly, it's just a matter of time for those two.


As for Junwan... this episode highlights all the reasons why I just love him so much. He's all gruff on the exterior but the biggest marshmallow inside. I love the little reveals that we can always get about his character... the way he cares about his patients (posting the SNS on behalf of the ICU girl, aw!)... the way he loves his friends (he actually doesn't want AJW to move out!)... just everything! 


Finally, the highlight of the episode for me had to be the scene with the two moms crying and hugging after the second one finally received word that her daughter was going to get a heart transplant. There aren't enough words to describe how emotional a moment that must've been for the moms.

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My Fanfics

Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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Thanks for posting during the Wise Doctors Event and beyond! I almost can't watch the romantic couples any more because they might end in sadness? Breakups are part of being a couple as well as being happily together, I guess. Still, the cases and hospital life continue to enthrall.


Please keep posting and appreciating this drama until the end. Can't wait to see what the next episode brings!


Points will be awarded shortly.

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Firstly , I have to say that the actress playing IkSun - Kwak Sun Young was very good at that scene when Ik Jun told her about JWan. Her facial expression changed in an instant from happy to sad, surprised that JWan has been so stressed and to find out from her brother's unbias perspective that she had been rather selfish. Part of me wonders if  there is some truth to that. In some ways it feels to me that the one who loves more is Jun Wan. He is the one who seems more emotionally invested. So I feel it more for JWan. ( maybe I am being bias since I adore JKH ) Not saying she's a bad person. To be fair , unlike the other ladies , we rarely got much of Ik Sun's growth / journey or perspective for that matter  since she is not part of the hospital. I would think she would have chosen a more matured route of handling this so I  am surprised. I was also surprised that Ik Jun didn't know. 


@40somethingahjumma I miss An Chi Hong too. His story had so much potential - I could easily see how he could assume the post of Chief Resident for the NS team. They need not have written him off just because he got rejected by SH last season. This is still a sore point for me. His character was more than just a catalyst for IkJun to realise his feelings. Plus all the star residents are females (Gyeol, Min A) ...it would have been nice to have a guy in the mix.  :zzzz:


You know it is quite interesting how  the IkSong scenes parallel that of  Rosa and Jong Su. The exact same vibes. The closeness they share , the way they laugh at each other / tease each other. It was already there in S1 but feels a lot more apparent in S2. Is this a sign for where IkSong is headed? There were definitely plenty of IkSong moments in eps 4 though eps 5 preview sees SH wanting some time off from everything.



An OST for my dear WG ship :D . 6 piglets = 6 children right....lets get going then! 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 7/8/2021 at 11:07 PM, im0202 said:

Anyway, I’m confused about Ikjun’s reaction at the end when he looks/stares at Junwan after Iksun tells him not to mention about her condition to Junwan. I wonder if he was aware or could guess what had happened.


To me his stares to Jun Wan when Ik Sun asks him to keep her condition hush hush from him is that he's trying to figure out if they're arguing or perhaps break up. And maybe he also wonder if what he said to nudge her for being more attentive to Jun Wan who was under lot of stress made their relationship turn sour or not. Ik Sun condition is quite dire but if he is going to treat her at Yulje, there's no way that Jun Wan won't find out about it. Especially when the doctor in charge of Ik Sun after her accident last year was him. Based on the medical chart Jun Wan would surely got the notice that his patient is coming back to the hospital for some treatment, wouldn't he? :thinking:


I am on the side that saying Ik Jun knew all along about Bidulgi. He didn't just find out about it. He's waiting for either Jun Wan or Ik Sun to tell him the truth, but that didn't happen even until Ik Sun left to UK. And for him to say that Jun Wan gf is a little bit selfish and only care for herself because he wants to share about the facts of Jun Wan condition to Ik Sun too. On the phone call that they were having at night (the one that Ik Jun overhead) Ik Sun felt that Jun Wan sounds tired and she asked what happened to him. However Jun Wan brushed it off and asked more about herself. That's why during the video call she has with Ik Jun she especially asked him about Jun Wan. After the call ended, we're shown that Ik Sun finally realized or got the clear picture that Jun Wan was struggling but he didn't want to share it to her. She didn't know the reason and seemed to be questioning herself whether she indeed act selfish like what Ik Jun said or not. When we got a short glimpse of her again, she was in deep thoughts. 


When she lied about liking someone else, Ik Sun was beyond afraid with Jun Wan reactions to that. If he replied it with a joking tone or try to ask more about her explanation, maybe something would be different. However Jun Wan immediately asked if the one she likes is Se Gyeong. That means deep inside he has been questioning about her and lost his trust in her. Jun Wan could have brought up about the fact that he didn't know that Se Gyeong is a man, not a woman but I guess they never talked about it. The way Ik Sun was crying seemed to tell us that she thought the worse scenario that she's cheating on Jun Wan. Add it with her impending results of health check up and Jun Wan stress at work, I guess both weren't in their right mind to address the issue. 


I do hope that in the upcoming episodes when Ik Sun did indeed come back to SK and has her treatment at Yulje, she can have a proper time to talk it out with Jun Wan. They both love each other but her past failed love and Jun Wan insecurities and their lack of communication needs to be solved with face to face talk. 


It's a touching but also sad every time I watch about a donor from brain dead patients. Especially the donor for the children patients, whose ages are still also young. :letalQQ:

I'm glad that Eun Ji finally got her turn for donor and for her mother to finished the marathon and see her friends near the finished lines. 


On 7/9/2021 at 7:24 AM, SilverMoonTea said:


I have to make confession here, I haven't watched HP S2 😅. Yes, yes, WG'ers & Iksong'ers throw me rocks & papers



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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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34 minutes ago, LaLa said:

On the phone call that they were having at night (the one that Ik Jun overhead) Ik Sun felt that Jun Wan sounds tired and she asked what happened to him. However Jun Wan brushed it off and asked more about herself. That's why during the video call she has with Ik Jun she especially asked him about Jun Wan. After the call ended, we're shown that Ik Sun finally realized or got the clear picture that Jun Wan was struggling but he didn't want to share it to her. She didn't know the reason and seemed to be questioning herself whether she indeed act selfish like what Ik Jun said or not. When we got a short glimpse of her again, she was in deep thoughts. 


When she lied about liking someone else, Ik Sun was beyond afraid with Jun Wan reactions to that. If he replied it with a joking tone or try to ask more about her explanation, maybe something would be different. However Jun Wan immediately asked if the one she likes is Se Gyeong. That means deep inside he has been questioning about her and lost his trust in her. Jun Wan could have brought up about the fact that he didn't know that Se Gyeong is a man, not a woman but I guess they never talked about it. The way Ik Sun was crying seemed to tell us that she thought the worse scenario that she's cheating on Jun Wan. Add it with her impending results of health check up and Jun Wan stress at work, I guess both weren't in their right mind to address the issue. 

So true about this.. All I can see from what happened to Bidulgi is mostly on communication stress fufu


When the band song comes out, the song said much about moving on from 'bad past' and filling the future with the goods. There was special moments when the cam focus after Ikjun have eyes on each one of the members except Junwan.

I wonder what it is really means, is it will be a long journey for Bidulgi or will resolved soon~

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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On 7/11/2021 at 1:45 AM, LaLa said:

I am on the side that saying Ik Jun knew all along about Bidulgi. He didn't just find out about it.


I thought that IJ had suspicions maybe, but didn't know for sure until he got confirmation from IS about not telling JWan. I wasn't sure when he made his comments about JWan's girlfriend being selfish whether he fully realized it was IS he was talking about.


On 7/11/2021 at 1:45 AM, LaLa said:

I do hope that in the upcoming episodes when Ik Sun did indeed come back to SK and has her treatment at Yulje, she can have a proper time to talk it out with Jun Wan. They both love each other but her past failed love and Jun Wan insecurities and their lack of communication needs to be solved with face to face talk. 


I think once IS is back in SK, and JWan finds out about her illness, that they will figure it out. A lot of their problems do seem to be from the LDR. If they could see each other or even talk more frequently, they could probably share more of their days and concerns rather than trying to be bright and cheerful for the other person.


I agree with the advice that SHwa gives Seon Bin. As long as both parties still want to be with each other, they can get over the various problems that they face. It's really if at least one person is ready to leave the relationship for good that it may not recover from a disagreement or a fight or circumstances.


IS was clearly being all "bubbly" on the calls with JWan because she didn't want him to worry, but she was probably too wrapped up in her acting to fully appreciate JWan's stress or exhaustion herself. And now, thinking that she is one of JWan's burdens, she's lying so that he would get over her. It's just such a Korean way to do things. The noble idiocy and wanting to save a loved one "pain" seems engraved into the Korean DNA? It's just that it discounts the effect on the other person to be treated that way, and the greater pain once they discover the truth. And, no one can hide the truth forever.



Otherwise, I appreciated JWan this week. He has always cared about his patients, but his bedside manner is improving. If anything, he drives himself too hard, and being the head of the department now, he seems to cover all the shifts and surgeries that the others can't do. No wonder he looks exhausted. Plus, missing IS while she's in the UK and now worrying about her as well. I'm honestly not sure which would be worse for him, hearing from IS that she's met someone else or that her liver is in a serious condition. Both are sure to cause him stress. I just hope this IS-JWan thing doesn't drag out, mostly for JWan's sake since I think it's better for him to deal with the truth. And, once IS is in SK and in the hospital, JWan will finally get the truth.


Then again, perhaps IJ will tell JWan in the next episode? As fellow doctors and with his little sister involved, I can't imagine IJ not at least consulting with JWan.



I liked SHwa chewing out SB over SB's actions with the patient. Also, this drama seems to want to show the new doctors who care about the patient more than any hospital pecking order. It's right that if SB was that concerned about the patient post-op that she fight harder to get the patient the attention he needed. It's telling that SB thought she was going to be scolded for raising her voice to a senior fellow instead.


It's all the little stories that make this drama so appealing to watch. The stories where the doctors interact with the patients are the ones that I seem to care about more, though I appreciate sweet, dating JWon as well, of course. :heart: I still miss ACH as well.


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I like how finally JunWan got the spotlight this episode :) It reiterated once again how JunWan,although cold on the outside, is such a caring person and soft on the inside. We also got to know about his fear of being alone and that's why JWon is still living with him up until today (awwww :duckhearts:). I really like the 'twist' where we later found out why JunWan wanted to learn more about social media use. At first, I thought that he was gonna post more of his stuff for public to see...if it were truly so, i honestly would be uncomfortable on that decision. So when I found out that he did this for the sake of the patient who had no visitor, I was so very happy with that. 


I hope next eps will clarify on when IJ found out about Bidulgi. At this stage, I cant be sure. His advice to IkSun about JunWan's gf being selfish also didnt seem right to me? I mean.. IJ was saying that the gf only cared and talked about herself but from what I remember IkSun did ask about how JunWan was going etc during their phone calls. So :idk: 


I'm super glad that Eun Ji finally got her turn for the heart transplant. It's a happy ending for both mothers. :Party02:


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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56 minutes ago, bairama said:

I can't stop bawling on if I rewatch that exact scene.. The marathon session is finally over.. :heart:

It was a very touching moment for me too:hearties: I couldnt imagine if Eun Ji ended up not getting any transplant. It would just be too heartbroken (although it probably would be how it could turn out irl)

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@SilverMoonTea ahahaahah not surprising , since I love Jun Wan loads. 

You got Kim Joon Wan (Jung Kyung Ho)!

Kim Joon Wan can seem very prickly and not the most nicest guy in the world, but deep down, he’s got boatloads of aegyo. You can trust Joon Wan with your life, and he’s one to always have the answers for most of life’s problems - he’s just that wise. Having Joon Wan on your side would be one of the biggest wins.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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59 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

This quiz quite fun.. I got Mi Do as my bff, well sounds quite close except I not sure if I fancy camping or ruling the world 😅


I got Mi Do too as my results. Uh I don't know if the description is close enough but it's true that I'll always root for my friends. Having her as bff is fun too. I'll probably give my portion of food away to her if she asks hahaha


@SilverMoonTeaare you waiting for the season to finished airing before you start to watch? :lenny: Or is that my spoiler enough to make your curiosity away? LOL

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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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13 minutes ago, LaLa said:


@SilverMoonTeaare you waiting for the season to finished airing before you start to watch?  Or is that my spoiler enough to make your curiosity away? LOL

Haha good question, I felt like watched 12 eps in S1 already enough for me 😆😅. I actually only knew few spoiler. I do saw some Uju ordering burger and kind of miss him, but still haven't got motivation to start this 😅


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