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19 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

ahahahah....I always thought he was good looking especially when I was watching some clips of his previous drama The Package. And here when fan service is served on a platter, how can I not take a bite. :MewWave:  


As soon as that scene came on screen I thought of you :laugh:

I liked The Package, but I feel like it's a largely forgotten drama. I don't hear the name come up very often...like no one ever says that was their favourite drama etc. But yeah, when I watched that drama, I liked JYH again!


11 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

She definitely need him, also to raise her body temperature.


Hahaha...that can easily be done if he goes swimming again  :smug:


11 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

OIB & HIA's background story could be a little bit more complicated? Her mother become ghost for 20 years, it must have a deep huge resentment to be able to stay that long? Or in other way, she's lingering to protect HIA? 


Yep, I reckon she's sticking around to to protect HIA and that's why she can't leave this world. It feels like there's something her mother knows that she can't communicate to her daughter? :thinking: She looks so sad all the time...but maybe that's coz she was murdered :idk:


11 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

I didn't know you love JYH, I think you often charmed by singer musician and actor as a package? 


Hahaha JYH was my main Oppa before Jasper :laugh:

I even went interstate to see him perform with CNBlue in Sydney. Wow what a shame cameras were pretty bad then. This is the best shot I got. Haha, his hair makes me laugh. 




You're not wrong, I do like a good musician :cool: Jasper is a guitarist of many years and now he sings. But then LJW can't actually play instruments, so :idk: But he can rap!


10 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

And I think even JYH looks bright & chatty he also might be introverted. As he said he prefer text messages over phone calls. 


10 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:


@JenLMy verdict JYH quite cute! I always thought he's very shy in interview, but he talks & laugh a lot in this variety ❤


I think so. I think he's rather charming and bright, but is pretty reserved as well so probably is an introvert outside of star life! He is rather cute in his behaviour...:heart:


6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Will Yong Hwa become Oppa for @SilverMoonTea @JenL and @ktcjdrama in April - May?


Hahaha well he was the prime Oppa many years ago but then he fell out of the running completely...I think I liked him more in his band boy/emo years and  he has 'matured' in his look these days. :laugh: I think he looks very different to when he was in Heartstrings but I can't quite put my finger on it...do you guys see a change? But I'm a sucker for charisma and I'm starting to feel the charm again, so let's see how long I last this time with Sell Your Haunted House before I start fangirling again :heiboi:


4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Okay gals... @mademoiselle @SilverMoonTea  @ktcjdrama @JenL this oppa here pass with flying colours...:1000:


Hahaha First adopter for the abs :lenny:


4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I love the fact that he's a con. 


Me too! I think he's good as a con because he's quite a charismatic actor :cool: Also maybe it's just basic me liking 'bad' boys again :PikachuFacePalm:


4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I am not a fan of noona romance because my shallow self need matching visuals.


I use to not really like them years ago...but so many dramas pair in the noona direction these days that I feel like all my favourite pairings/dramas have gone that way, at least in terms of the actors, if not the actual characters themselves. You can blame 18 Again (17 years between LDH and KHN) and DDSSLLS (8 years between GAR and LJW) from last year...:idk: Actually there's more when I think about it: Hotel Del Luna (4 years between IU and YJG), When the Weather is Fine (8 years between PMY and SKJ), Weightlifting Fairy (5 years between LSK and NJH)

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL Ahahaha! Jung Shin's hair was so long then! For me, the big difference is Yong Hwa has aged since I last seen him on screen in a drama. I notice the actors who went to army at age 30 all return looking so much older. Maybe it's because we couldn't see them for 18-24 months so all of a sudden they look old, or it's because they couldn't go facial every week for 2 years that their skin just don't look as good anymore, or because of intense training every day under the sun they couldn't properly moisturise their pretty face. :jiminbtssigh:


@JenL Hahahahahaha as you get older perhaps you're OK with it because the Oppa you like are getting younger xD


@abs-oluteM I'm OK with noona dongsaeng romance as long as visually they match or they have chemistry. It has been the trend for many years. Obviously I'm OK also because I adopted more younger Oppa than older bwahahaha! Edit: No to romance between KHS x RW though... coz RW is mine. :love::heart::wow:


Another reason I'm OK is mainly because there really isn't many same age actresses with good acting that can match the actors. I find there are more talented actors than actresses. Moreover back then most of the scripts are always more male oriented so there's little chance for the actresses to shine. However, a fair few actresses have been promoted to FL quite quickly due to success of one drama. Best example is Sweet Home and World of the Married. The supporting actresses from these dramas are now offered leading lady roles.

Edited by mademoiselle
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7 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

The most important question is...






Will Yong Hwa become Oppa for @SilverMoonTea @JenL and @ktcjdrama in April - May?

I doubt it... hahahaa... 


1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

@mademoiselle But I don't like Jang Nara 😭 I don't know why but her face turns me off, I'm sorry 😅


LOL... You're the first person whom I know to say that about JNR... but no worries, I have a couple of actresses that do that to me too (not gonna name names)... As for JNR, I love her and I think I haven't missed any of her dramas? Have to go check to make sure.


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@JenL @mademoiselle if the visuals are ok , noona dongsaeng is not an issue . I suppose chemistry is important too . I watch a lot of dramas with older actresses vs younger MLs as well -  oppa Kim Young Kwang always gets paired up with older actresses for instance  . Maybe I am less opposed to the idea  if the drama itself is not focussing on age gap . I’m also a little icky if it’s the other way round when the gap is visibly huge between an older ahjussi actor & a barely out of high school actress. Like that popular cdrama Dating In The kitchen .  It’s terribly shallow of me , of course . 

  • Haha 6

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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8 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

You're the first person whom I know to say that about JNR... but no worries, I have a couple of actresses that do that to me too (not gonna name names)... As for JNR, I love her and I think I haven't missed any of her dramas? Have to go check to make sure.

:wow2: I wonder who! Hahahaha!

That means you endured through The Last Empress and saw VIP too? After TLE, I refuse to watch VIP. xD


5 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I’m also a little icky if it’s the other way round when the gap is visibly huge between an older ahjussi actor & a barely out of high school actress. Like that popular cdrama Dating In The kitchen .  It’s terribly shallow of me , of course . 

Yeah nah, KYK + CKH do not match well at all. KYK + KHS look better but still was already a bit weird although she matches well with Joo Won in Alice.


Funnily I was actually OK with Dating in the Kitchen possibly because the guy didn't look old on screen and the girl didn't have a baby face (plus I only saw 5 episodes and gave up and only watched the kiss scenes, lol). I can't think of any ahjussi with younger actress except the recent Sisyphus. I'm excusing Goblin because Dokkebi is 939 years old so anybody is young to him in the plot and even though there was 12 years age gap between GY and KGE, KGE doesn't look that young and was at legal age in real life. I'll probably be more icky if it's men over 50s vs a 18-20+ years old.

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YH said NR like vampire haha... He said actually he felt no age gap. But when they play old song, he for sure felt left behind as he don't know. And he also don't know the old trend that was famous in 90's so much cos he's born in 89. 


I like their interaction in Problem Child, do try it. Now I'm quite excited and hoping for light romance if possible. 


Btw summoned @LaLa haha.... We're settled for life with our Korean translator here lols... 

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

For me, the big difference is Yong Hwa has aged since I last seen him on screen in a drama. I notice the actors who went to army at age 30 all return looking so much older. Maybe it's because we couldn't see them for 18-24 months so all of a sudden they look old, or it's because they couldn't go facial every week for 2 years that their skin just don't look as good anymore, or because of intense training every day under the sun they couldn't properly moisturise their pretty face.


I feel like actors do age, but for some weird reason JYH's aging was more noticeable to me than say Gong Yoo's. I'm not even sure if it's skin related though I feel like you're right on all the points mentioned above. Not sure why...it's like he's got thicker. It's not weight gain, but he's just not as defined as he use to be? :thinking: I actually didn't recognise him after the first big gap he had with dramas. But it's not terrible, it's just not the same JHY with shaggy hair :laugh:


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:


@JenL Hahahahahaha as you get older perhaps you're OK with it because the Oppa you like are getting younger xD


Ahaha, you know, I'm not even going to deny this. It's true! :smug:

But I also think the industry has increased in noona pairings so I've just gotten use to it :lenny:


1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

@JenL @mademoiselle if the visuals are ok , noona dongsaeng is not an issue . I suppose chemistry is important too . I watch a lot of dramas with older actresses vs younger MLs as well -  oppa Kim Young Kwang always gets paired up with older actresses for instance  . Maybe I am less opposed to the idea  if the drama itself is not focussing on age gap . I’m also a little icky if it’s the other way round when the gap is visibly huge between an older ahjussi actor & a barely out of high school actress. Like that popular cdrama Dating In The kitchen .  It’s terribly shallow of me , of course . 


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm excusing Goblin because Dokkebi is 939 years old so anybody is young to him in the plot and even though there was 12 years age gap between GY and KGE, KGE doesn't look that young and was at legal age in real life.


I agree if the visuals are good and the chemistry is there, I'm all in these days :wow2: 

For both Noona or Oppa pairings!


I think most moderate age gaps don't bother me so much because I've know people in real life with huge age gap relationships and it seems normal so long as it's two consenting adults...so transferred into the drama world, it's a similar sentiment if visuals and chemistry are present. But I guess there's always things that can alter my feelings. For example, I don't like the characters in Goblin, but less to do with the age gap itself more to do with the feeling that Kim Go Eun's character made Gong Yoo's character look old and that bothered me? BUT - to tie into @Chocolate and @ktcjdrama's discussion about actresses they don't like (which for Chocolate is Jang Nara) - I think Kim Go Eun is an actress I find overrated and don't particularly care for? I can't tell if it's her or the characters she picks that annoys me, but I'm not a fan....so the age gap seems to be less of an issue compared to how I feel about the actors/actresses involved :idk:


1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

I'll probably be more icky if it's men over 50s vs a 18-20+ years old.


Yes I agree. Maybe another reason I feel icky about Kim Go Eun was her break out movie Eungyo where a 70 year old man falls in love with a 17 year old student played by KGE. And in my mind, I find it hard to disassociate that too :thinking:


59 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

YH said NR like vampire haha...


He's not wrong. She's so youthful that it puts me to shame :shocked2: She must be a vampire or how else can we explain her youth and beauty?? (LOL. Good genes)

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

That means you endured through The Last Empress and saw VIP too? After TLE, I refuse to watch VIP. xD

:laugh: I enjoyed TLE, except for the part where they butchered Oppa CJH's ending just because he couldn't join the 4-episode extension. And yes, I watched and finished VIP 😆

But I overestimated myself by saying I didn't miss any of her dramas. She is an old-timer, so she has 16 dramas under her belt (with a short hiatus to China), some are from before I was into kdramas and before streaming becomes as convenient as now. I've watched 8 for sure, and 1 which I'm not too sure because it is an old drama. Of all that I've watched, I'm gonna say that this drama is probably going to be her best (and my favourite) role and character just yet. 


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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This is the first time I go like “Unni,love youuu!” Rather than Oppa.:laugh: TBH, I am attracted to JNR over her strong woman character. So far, I’m liking her character, as for JYH sure, he have them abs, love itttt, but I don’t really like his fraud business minded attitude :shocked: I had like second hand embarrassment watching it...I don’t know why...But judging from the ending of ep 2, he will probably grow out of it...Ep 3 trailer looks gooodddd~ I love it! Can’t wait for it!

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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3 hours ago, JenL said:

I even went interstate to see him perform with CNBlue in Sydney. Wow what a shame cameras were pretty bad then. This is the best shot I got. Haha, his hair makes me laugh. 


I guess this was from late 2010 or 2011 era? Jung Shin's hair was pretty long back then. Yong Hwa's hair I think it's from WGM days so probably around late 2010.


1 hour ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Btw summoned @LaLa haha.... We're settled for life with our Korean translator here lols... 


Eh I'm not an expert for that. :psweatduck: I just could only share rough trans of what I understood. For an accurate translations you need a help from @stroppyse 


And yeah Yong Hwa got popular from an old video that his friend uploaded to social media because of his skiing abilities and handsome look. That's how he started his journey to K-entertainment industries x)


As I promised you over our chat on discord, here is rough trans of character descriptions Hong Ji Ah and Oh In Beom


Hong Ji Ah

A talented exorcist who has martial arts skills and resolute determination to not be defeated by special forces, but she hasn't been able yet to send her mother's spirit and has been living together for 20 years. One day she met with Oh In Beom, a special spirit medium has she has never seen before. With the expectations that she could send her mother's spirit with the help from Oh In Beom, she started a partnership with him but...


Oh In Beom 
A scammer with a perfect appearance, dripping voice and quick judgment based on excellent observation and logic. Even if he has to be a homeless person tomorrow, he is going to enjoy the present time where he can enjoy the liquor from the hotel suite room's mini bar. When he was doing his usual scam as an exorcist for dead people in a building, he met with a real exorcist Hong Ji Ah and was shocked to know the truth about him being the spirit medium. 

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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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46 minutes ago, LaLa said:


I guess this was from late 2010 or 2011 era? Jung Shin's hair was pretty long back then. Yong Hwa's hair I think it's from WGM days so probably around late 2010.


Correct! :Party01: I think it was 2011 actually. There was a huge K-pop concert that came out this way which included Girls Generation, CNBlue, 2PM, Miss A  etc. etc. I'm not a K-pop person but went to see JYH, so that was the height of my obsession :lol:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Regarding noona/dongsaeng relationships, I'm usually ok with it if both actors match in terms are visuals for their characters and chemistry too. I liked Legend of Fei but sometimes their age gap was really noticeable so I didn't feel the chemistry in certain scenes. Some current Chinese dramas with older females (Love Scenery and The Rational Life) I think are doing well because both male and female leads have chemistry. For Korean dramas, Search WWW, I thought had nice noona/dongsaeng relationship with Lee Da Hee and Lee Jae Wook (I didn't care for the main leads even though they had a noona/dongsaeng relationship too). Some of the I Need Romance series were good too. 


11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I’m also a little icky if it’s the other way round when the gap is visibly huge between an older ahjussi actor & a barely out of high school actress. Like that popular cdrama Dating In The kitchen .

What?! I loved Zhao Lusi and Lin Yushen together, hahaha! I guess I can kind of understand this. Some people were worried about it too. 


Jang Nara's dramas are a hit or miss for me -- not because of her acting but some of the storylines are just...interesting? Haha! I'm not a huge fan of Jung Yong Hwa, but let's be honest, I haven't watched that many of his dramas too. :eeeee:I'm currently watching a drama that has his bandmate and the bandmate's acting is not my favorite.:niu:




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@JenL Gong Yoo has aged too but he can look younger depending on hair & dress styling. As for YH, I think his face wasn't as smooth as it was before, you can see it in the drama. In FNC photos he still looks gorgeous thanks to photoshop xD


Oh that was in 2011. I remember there was a CNBlue concert some time 4-5 years later. Did you go to that one? I belatedly found out SF9 went to Sydney for KCON. Too bad I didn't know them then else maybe I'd be tempted to go watch RW dance/perform live. OK I probably won't, lol, I'm too lazy to travel just to stalk celebrities. Maybe if it is a full SF9 concernt I might consider since I've never been to a K-concert.


I knew KGE through The Coin Locker Girl (or Chinatown). She put in a fantastic performance so the image and acting performance stuck with me rather than Eungyo. I only found out about Eungyo much later. That was a super weird movie and it's supposed to be artistic, right? Few weeks ago on NF I clicked into Sleeping Beauty thinking it's the fairy tales we know but nope, it's another one of those weird film premiere at Cannes Film Festival - and this is Australian made.


I FF through it and read the wikipedia to try & understand but I don't. It literally features very old men in their late 70-90s having fetish sleeping with young, naked women so this girl did it for money and is sedated to go to sleep and the men are brought in to do whatever they want with her except intercourse. :psweatduck:


Leading actresses that don't work for me will have to be those that can't act well but is constantly paired with actors who are my Oppa. So most of the times, I'm forced to watch it. I also had this habit of wanting to give one or two leading ladies the chance to show improvement but to this day, I can say I'm still not woah by them.


@ktcjdrama Oh yeah I remember now CJH is your Oppa. Agree, he was robbed for TLE! That was horrendous ending for him! And all the while I was hoping to see their romance (since they couldn't in Fated to Love You). Sadly, I just found out I've only seen 6 of her dramas. Oh My Baby is still in the to watch list. Is it worth watching?

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@mademoiselle , I have same history with @ktcjdrama where it comes to JNR shows . And the reason I ain’t watching Penthouse is because of the writer ( she wrote TLE)  . Oh My Baby - I personally liked it - watched it live & even recapped . Plot wise - the end could be tighter but I think it’s a pretty decent watch. JNR’s struggles in that show  I can completely empathise especially because my own sis & close friends had the same issues. I love Go Jun in that show. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I watched JNR since 2002 in Bright Girl & My Love Patzzi. Then Baby Faced Beauty, School 2013, Fated to Love You, One More Happy Ending. I dropped TLE and Oh My Baby. So it's quite a lot actually. I guess she shall be added to my limited fav actress list haha... 


I watched her in MITH as guest too, and you can see she's very serious with acting. She even practice to put her head under water and open her eyes, to give very strong performance of staring fiercely. 


@ChocolateSince you mentioned about her charity. I checked her wiki, and actually she also once under a lot of pressure of being celebrity and have stage phobia & panic disorder etc. Glad she came back strongly. I can felt her as quite sensitive as person. So probably she take everything to heart & it stressed her out. 


As of Yong Hwa I only watched him in Heartstrings & Mirae Choice. The first one he still quite raw, but I like the drama itself. I was more simple as drama watcher and enjoy everything that time 😂 Mirae Choice he showed great potential, but he's just a 2nd lead. And I kind of hate the storyline. 


So I guess this Daebak Real Estate combination is pretty good in a way. I also normally not that sensitive with age gap. I often enjoyed a couple with big age gap. Older woman x younger guy that worked for me : Signal & A Witch's Love. 

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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh My Baby is still in the to watch list. Is it worth watching?

Agree with what abs said above regarding OMB. A decent watch but story could’ve been written tighter. I was frustrated at certain points throughout the drama but I thoroughly enjoyed watching Go Jun in romance genre. 

7 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:


As of Yong Hwa I only watched him in Heartstrings & Mirae Choice. The first one he still quite raw, but I like the drama itself. I was more simple as drama watcher and enjoy everything that time 😂 Mirae Choice he showed great potential, but he's just a 2nd lead. And I kind of hate the storyline. 

I watched him in You’re Beautiful (love the drama), dropped Heartstrings very early on (just not pulling any of my heartstrings), finished Mirae’s Choice but I wiped that drama off my memory. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@mademoiselle , I have same history with @ktcjdrama where it comes to JNR shows . And the reason I ain’t watching Penthouse is because of the writer ( she wrote TLE)  . Oh My Baby - I personally liked it - watched it live & even recapped . Plot wise - the end could be tighter but I think it’s a pretty decent watch. JNR’s struggles in that show  I can completely empathise especially because my own sis & close friends had the same issues. I love Go Jun in that show. 

Yeah me too. After TLE no way I'm going near this writer's dramas (unless...:cry:)

I tried Oh My Baby episode 1 (and maybe 2, can't remember) but I had trouble seeing people making JNR's character feel terrible about her clock is ticking, her being single and unmarried and no kids. Worst of all she can't conceive. :lettalKWA: But I also know I just need to endure through those bit and might find it rewarding since it's focused on women. I read about Go Joon and it is nice to see for once he isn't playing a sleazy guy (hated him in Misty).


For now I'll focus on Hong Ji Ah coz she's super gothic cool and it's also lovely to finally see Yong Hwa as the male lead and no need to fight for the girl with Lee Dong Gun (side-eyeing Mirae's Choice). YH's pretty ok to me already by Mirae's Choice. The Package I believe I tried 1-2 episodes but it was too boring and the FL is one of the actresses whose acting credibility is low (didn't like her Into the World Again and that's a meh for me even with YJG in it).


Heartstrings was cute but all of the actors/actresses are super duper green and stiff. It's not memorable drama. Didn't watch You're Beautiful this one would likely be worst since it aired earlier than Heartstrings (and I'm not a fan of JGS).

5 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Older woman x younger guy that worked for me : Signal & A Witch's Love. 

Signal doesn't have noona-dongsaeng romance ah. Kim Hye Soo likes Cho Jin Woong. No loveline for Lee Je Hoon.


But A Witch's Love, aigooo, I actually watch PSJ kissed UJH. I think I was ok but it is true that she's way too old for PSJ, especially visually.  Hahahaha. I remember other kdrama chingu deul complained about the age gap that time since the TW version was just 8 years apart. @Tofu How did you feel about this one? xD

5 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Since you mentioned about her charity. I checked her wiki, and actually she also once under a lot of pressure of being celebrity and have stage phobia & panic disorder etc. Glad she came back strongly. I can felt her as quite sensitive as person. So probably she take everything to heart & it stressed her out. 

Nara was attacked a lot. Poor thing. She worked with PBG in Hello Monster and they had a dating rumour and she got attacked for it. And was it in Problem Child or other promotional interviews, she also mentioned people attacked her about her young looks. These people - karma will get them!


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21 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

 That's a huge prejudice! LOL. LOL. I'm gonna be naughty & wish for a Hyun Bin x Jang Nara pairing so you have no choice but to watch her  Bahahaha.


So I watched both episodes in case @mademoiselle's curse comes true 😂 Plot is not bad. It's an easy watch without having to think too much.


I think only Korean dramas have so many female leads who are older than the male leads. Probably partly because the actresses all maintain themselves so well that they mostly don't look their age. And could it be because a lot of the writers are females too?


This is now added into my calendar 😭


Edited by Chocolate
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11 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

So I watched both episodes in case @mademoiselle's curse comes true 😂 Plot is not bad. It's a easy watch without having to think too much.



Hahahahahahaha this is hi-la-rious! BTW, it's not a curse; it's a wish. :eeeee:

13 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

I think only Korean dramas have so many female leads who are older than the male leads. Probably partly because the actresses all maintain themselves so well that they mostly don't look their age. And could it be because a lot of the writers are females too?

There's a lack of leading actresses born in the late 80s-90s versus the actors. There aren't many good actresses between Kim So Hyun (21) and Park Bo Young (31)/Park Min Young (35). Their star level plays a part in casting too. Production / broadcast station would want to cast actress and actor that can draw high ratings domestically and also appeal to overseas market. The buzzworthy actresses are much older (in 40s-50s). Back then once the actor enter into the movie world, it is unlikely they will do many dramas. Because of COVID, some of the these movie stars are also doing more dramas now.


Like you said the writers are females, they tend to give male leads meatier roles (because most viewers are female and what to do, we all love our Oppa deul more than the Unni).


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47 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Didn't watch You're Beautiful this one would likely be worst since it aired earlier than Heartstrings (and I'm not a fan of JGS).

YB is more watchable than Heartstrings for me. The songs were great there. I love JGS there and in Love Rain (in Beethoven Virus and Marry Me Mary, he didn't leave much impression). After that, not sure, seems like something has taken over him which made him lose his appeal for me, which is sad because I think he can act well.


YongHwa was alright too in YB. For me, his chemistry with PSH is better in YB than in Heartstrings. I remember there were dating rumour... of course, haha... YongHwa has definitely changed a whole lot in Daebak. I am pleasantly surprised... but pretty sure still not enough to make him into Oppa List haha...


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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6 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Hahahahahahaha this is hi-la-rious! BTW, it's not a curse; it's a wish.


Take it back! Take it back! :nervous:


6 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Like you said the writers are females, they tend to give male leads meatier roles (because most viewers are female and what to do, we all love our Oppa deul more than the Unni).


Haha I thought it would be the opposite. Female writers would give more opportunities to female actors and won't be so concerned about age, as long as they look compatible on screen. Afterall they are female, so they understand the feeling of being considered "too old".


But it's no wonder that Korean skincare is selling so well :laugh:


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2 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Take it back! Take it back! 


3 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Haha I thought it would be the opposite. Female writers would give more opportunities to female actors and won't be so concerned about age, as long as they look compatible on screen. Afterall they are female, so they understand the feeling of being considered "too old".

You'd think so, right? But SK is sexist. Even if the female writers wanted to, they probably were asked to change the script. But it'd be unfair to say there aren't any female focus dramas in recent years. The female characters are getting more feisty and spunky these days but Oppa's dramas still definitely sell better lo~


Some writers are also quite traditional, like the MoA's writer. Her story is always centred aroudn the male lead.


7 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

YB is more watchable than Heartstrings for me. The songs were great there. I love JGS there and in Love Rain (in Beethoven Virus and Marry Me Mary, he didn't leave much impression). After that, not sure, seems like something has taken over him which made him lose his appeal for me, which is sad because I think he can act well.


YongHwa was alright too in YB. For me, his chemistry with PSH is better in YB than in Heartstrings. I remember there were dating rumour... of course, haha... YongHwa has definitely changed a whole lot in Daebak. I am pleasantly surprised... but pretty sure still not enough to make him into Oppa List haha...

I actually watch Daebak starring JGS. That was quite good. I enjoyed it (and YJG was in it!) ^ ^


I can't watch YB - one it being too old (the fashion is hahahaha). Yeah I was told about the dating rumour but it was debunked, they were just buddies (she's also buddy with Hongki). I remember back then there was fan wars between YH/PSH ship versus Goguma ship (who's the WGM lady??)

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10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@JenL Gong Yoo has aged too but he can look younger depending on hair & dress styling. As for YH, I think his face wasn't as smooth as it was before, you can see it in the drama. In FNC photos he still looks gorgeous thanks to photoshop xD


Haha, I've noticed for Gong Yoo, but for some reason it seemed more gradual than for Jung Yong-Hwa. I thin mainly because for JYH, his face shape has changed a little? :thinking: But never mind he still hold his star power.


10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh that was in 2011. I remember there was a CNBlue concert some time 4-5 years later. Did you go to that one?


Ah yes, they actually came to Festival Hall. I didn't go because I had exams then :letalQQ: but then again, I think I was moving away from my CN Blue love then? I might have been towards the last couple of years. 


10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I belatedly found out SF9 went to Sydney for KCON. Too bad I didn't know them then else maybe I'd be tempted to go watch RW dance/perform live. OK I probably won't, lol, I'm too lazy to travel just to stalk celebrities. Maybe if it is a full SF9 concernt I might consider since I've never been to a K-concert.


Rowoon was down for KCon and I missed him ?! :lettalKWA: Well I guess that was years ago and I wouldn't have known who he was since it was pre EY days. I totally would have done a stalk :laugh:

I feel like I don't believe they're a real person till I see them with my own two eyes 


10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I knew KGE through The Coin Locker Girl (or Chinatown). She put in a fantastic performance so the image and acting performance stuck with me rather than Eungyo. I only found out about Eungyo much later. That was a super weird movie and it's supposed to be artistic, right? Few weeks ago on NF I clicked into Sleeping Beauty thinking it's the fairy tales we know but nope, it's another one of those weird film premiere at Cannes Film Festival - and this is Australian made.


Ugh yeah arthouse films that are about creepy super old guys who like young young women really freak me out. And so KGE will have that attached to her unfortunately as well as that Goblin character who I did not find charming, but rather annoying. As for that Australian Sleeping Beauty film... I remember that...it had that actress who was in A Series of Unfortunate Events. I thought it was a rather poor choice for her since she was offered some other roles but turned them down to do that? :shocked:


10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Leading actresses that don't work for me will have to be those that can't act well but is constantly paired with actors who are my Oppa. So most of the times, I'm forced to watch it. I also had this habit of wanting to give one or two leading ladies the chance to show improvement but to this day, I can say I'm still not woah by them.


Any names? Please drop and share :lenny:


9 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@mademoiselle , I have same history with @ktcjdrama where it comes to JNR shows . And the reason I ain’t watching Penthouse is because of the writer ( she wrote TLE)  


People are really into it but I don't see the appeal from the snippets I've seen on social media :idk:


8 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

As of Yong Hwa I only watched him in Heartstrings & Mirae Choice. The first one he still quite raw, but I like the drama itself. I was more simple as drama watcher and enjoy everything that time 😂 Mirae Choice he showed great potential, but he's just a 2nd lead. And I kind of hate the storyline. 


Yeah if I think about it, I've only seen him in Heartstrings and The Package. :laugh: I thought I'd seen more of him, but meh, my memory is poor :laugh:


8 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I watched him in You’re Beautiful (love the drama), dropped Heartstrings very early on (just not pulling any of my heartstrings), finished Mirae’s Choice but I wiped that drama off my memory. 


I'm going to say I never watched You're Beautiful, so maybe I'm missing bits from the drama and being unfair...but I have strong not-so-great feelings towards this drama.


I really was not a fan from what I saw at the time. I just felt like the main guy was super toxic compared to the second lead. I also once saw someone's review which said "It was like an abusive version of Snape getting with Bella Swan" :laugh: And that made me not want to watch it forever. I really don't like dramas where main leads mistreat female leads for a good half of it and then become clingy/ jealous and female leads still likes them. It makes no sense to me because this is the definition of abusive?! :lettalKWA:


My memories of Heartstrings was that the drama was pleasant, but the acting was stiff and the story sort of had unnecessary detours :idk: The music was good - I tend to like dramas about music/ musicians for some reason. 


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Signal doesn't have noona-dongsaeng romance ah. Kim Hye Soo likes Cho Jin Woong. No loveline for Lee Je Hoon.


Haha should I watch Signal? Everyone seems to love this one, but I missed it when it aired. 


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

she also mentioned people attacked her about her young looks. These people - karma will get them!


You can get attacked for looking young?! :shocked2: Would they prefer her to age herself? People sure are weird!


3 hours ago, Chocolate said:

I think only Korean dramas have so many female leads who are older than the male leads. Probably partly because the actresses all maintain themselves so well that they mostly don't look their age. And could it be because a lot of the writers are females too?


I kind of like this about K-dramas to be honest. Because they also have a long way to go with equality between genders due to having strong traditions which sometimes don't take into consideration women's needs or feelings. But it's nice to see them empower female actresses in this way. Besides, we're conditioned to be ok with large male-female age gaps, so it makes me feel weird when people complain about an actress being just 2-3 years older than her co-star. In real life I have a friend whose boyfriend pursued her being 4 years her junior and another friend whose boyfriend is 6 years younger (but he looks and acts really mature). So I guess it's not as uncommon as people think these days? :idk:


Also, a Korean friend told me that the reason for older female pairings and younger male pairings is often because they want younger actors to learn from the more experiences actresses. At the moment, a lot of main/well known actresses are in their 30s-40s whereas there's a lot of younger actors in their early 20s. To make sure those younger actors get acting experience, they pair them up with someone who has been in films/TV for awhile. This goes other other day around as well with younger females, older actors also. But tI think there will be a bunch of new actresses entering the field too (lately there's been a lot of side actresses moving quickly into first roles like Go Min Si, Park Gyu Young and Park Hye Eun) and it may swing back a little towards same-age or older male-younger female pairings for some dramas. :MewHi:

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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19 minutes ago, JenL said:

Haha should I watch Signal? Everyone seems to love this one, but I missed it when it aired.

Hell yes!!! The fact that all the cases are based on true events made it even more interesting!

22 minutes ago, JenL said:

But tI think there will be a bunch of new actresses entering the field too (lately there's been a lot of side actresses moving quickly into first roles like Go Min Si, Park Gyu Young and Park Hye Eun) and it may swing back a little towards same-age or older male-younger female pairings for some dramas.

Yeah it's good to see them getting more chances to shine. The industry needs more female leads who can act.

24 minutes ago, JenL said:

You can get attacked for looking young?! :shocked2: Would they prefer her to age herself? People sure are weird!

Yep, I read it from here: https://www.soompi.com/article/1464113wpp/jang-nara-and-jung-yong-hwa-share-thoughts-on-marriage-jang-nara-talks-about-stress-from-malicious-comments

25 minutes ago, JenL said:

Any names? Please drop and share 

Bahahahahaha no. Actress' stans are scarier than Oppa's stans.


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