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Our Beloved Summer 그 해 우리는 [2021-2022]

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17 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

True that the push pull can be frustrating , and if this was any other drama I would have been cursing. But for some reason , this show keeps me engaged all the way. I attribute that to the story telling and the narration that we get from the characters.

Yes the story telling is very unique and the journey discovering each character has been enjoyable. The BGM also always so soothing accompanying the mulling by our characters. Can you believe I actually watch this on normal speed? 


I should go count how many times YS said the words chingu 😆 That is so her... but my favorite scene has to be CW finding his mother and just so naturally go to her and lay his head on her lap, and the conversation that followed. 

I do agree that I too wonder whether they have enough material for 16 episodes if it’s just a matter of the OTP denying and covering up their feelings for each other. There are no other significant subplots. Maybe this is the kind of story that will benefit for being a 12-episode drama. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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3 hours ago, JenL said:

Haha, @SilverMoonTea and I like when there's slow-burn romantic tension so that's definitely not my issue

I asked her to watch this since we often have same similar taste for some dramas, but she said she doesn't want to continue this since team leader jang is only cameo here, 🤣


43 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

See this ...lol

Oh my gosh!! 🤣🤣🤣 it's Pasha Ungu song!! Hahaha... ku ingin kau tahu.... "I want you to know..." this is quite representing the most for the video clip. 👏👏





30 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I should go count how many times YS said the words chingu 😆 That is so her... but my favorite scene has to be CW finding his mother and just so naturally go to her and lay his head on her lap, and the conversation that followed. 

Even woong protested that she keep emphasizing the word chingu a lot. Like she did it intentionally to annoy him. :laugh:


I love that the drama balanced with some of these formula, it's not just about the romance, there's friendship, and family bond. And probably this makes the story more fun even it actually deals with some frustrating plot. 

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Yes they are both in chingu land. :heiboi:


Spoiler recaps for eps 10


Yeon-soo, embarrassed by Kim Ji-woong's sudden visit, hugged Choi Woong and smiled brightly, saying, "It's the first day from yesterday. We decided to be friends." Choi Woong laughed awkwardly, saying, "I decided to do that."

To the unnatural words and actions of the two, Kim Ji-woong said, "Are the two of you filming a contest instead of a documentary?" But the picture of the two together is quite unexpected.

Yeonsu Kook tried to make excuses, saying, "This is a situation that can be misunderstood."


Kim Ji-woong said, "Don't get me wrong. Both of you must have decided to reconcile because you were tired of fighting,” he said calmly.


After returning home, Kook Yeon-soo said to Lee Sol-yi (Park Jin-joo), "Choi Woong looked at me and said let's be friends but I'm trying to get a confession."


To this, Sol Yi said, "A confession ? You are not catching a culprit now, you are in unrequited love.” Hearing this, Yeon-su Guk said, “I am just curious what he thinks.”




Lee Sol-yi (Park Jin-joo) said, "You're insisting that you go to find it now?  Going to use that pouch as an excuse to have lunch with Choi Woong.” She said, “What is the attractive point of Choi Woong?” 


 Yeon-su left Lee Sol-i who was teasing her and headed to Choi Woong's house. She saw NJ (played by Noh Jeong-eui) interviewing for the documentary , and after the interview, NJ said, “We decided to go on a date today. Oh , Miss  Yeon-soo. I enjoyed the documentary.” She grabbed Choi Woong's arm and led him.


Yeon-su held CW and made an excuse  to find the thing she had left behind in his house, and Choi Woong said, “Do what you have to do” and left with NJ.  ” And Guk Yeon-soo was jealous of NJ, who had established herself as a friend by Choi Woong’s side.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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More spoiler recaps for eps 10



NJ (played by Noh Jeong-eui) said, “I really hate to play a role like this. Can I ask you just one thing? What kind of relationship are you with  Yeon-soo?” and Choi Woong asked, “Before or now?” He continued, “I used to really like her. So much that I wondered if this could be possible. We decided to be friends now.”

NJ: “How does it feel to like someone that much? I wonder. No, don't say it...cancel. I'm not curious at all," she concluded the topic of Guk Yeonsu.


Woong Choi drove me to NJ's house, and NJ said, "It's a waste to end my off day  like this. Would you like to come up?” she made an unplanned invitation. However, Choi Woong refused, and NJ  said, “This really hurts my self-esteem” but “It’s just a one-sided love, the time will change things . Anyway, unrequited love isn't bad either. (We'll take it ) Slowly,” she exclaimed.




Choi Woong came to Kuk Yeon-soo's house with the pouch he had left at home, and Yeon-soo had no choice but to acknowledge her feelings by thinking  of Choi Woong back in the past  when he came to her wearing a school uniform. Guk Yeon-soo said, 'It's a big deal. I guess that's right. Crush. So, I must have never forgotten Choi Woong.' she thought and looked at Choi Woong.


Choi Woong ends up having  dinner with Yeon-soo & grandma

Yeonsu's grandmother asks Choi Woong at the table, "So, are you going to meet (date)  our Yeonsu again?"

Surprised, Yeonsu draws a line saying, “Let him eat,” and “He is my friend.”

After eating, the two leave the house. Outside the door, Choi Woong said to Guk Yeon-su, "Look. It's okay to be friends."

However, after returning home,   Yeon-soo said to her grandmother, “ Don't scold me. But why do I regret it so much. What do I  do grandma?  I don't want to be just friends with Choi Woong, I can't. But Choi Woong seems to want it to be like that.  What shall I do grandma ?” she cries.

At the end of the broadcast, a scandal between Choi Woong and NJ broke out. :poliWeird:



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

However, after returning home,   Yeon-soo said to her grandmother, “ Don't scold me. But why do I regret it so much. What do I  do grandma?  I don't want to be just friends with Choi Woong, I can't. But Choi Woong seems to want it to be like that.  What shall I do grandma ?” she cries.

Ah, this broke my heart. She should stop being his friend and tells him she still likes him. Misunderstanding clear and and they can sort it out what they should do for next. Well, this episode felt quite dry to me, hahaha


The preview seems more depressing, hahaha. Where is that fun go, ehh?? And 1 more week to wait, aigoo yaa... well, I'll just hit the sack. Zzzzz

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Episode 10


  • Todays episode begins with NJ :pandablush: Is there a better start to kick things off? I would buy all of her albums. Although....we never heard a song of her. Maybe for the best. 
  • The scene between NJ and Choi Ung were SO CUTE. :pandalove: NJ is such a lovely, nice person. The life of a celebrity really stresses her out, but she is so nice in person. And she is pretty smart too. I love how she outsmarted Choi Ung. I wouldn't mind if they dated :pandapray:
    And her smile? As if the sun rises. :pandajustright:
  • Sol-ji and grandmother joining forces, such a great scene. Well played. 
  • NJ stealing Choi Ung in front of Yeon Su was priceless. Especially Ji's question if he can film her face right now. She has such a major crush on him. If she would just accept it and tell him. It could be so easy. 
  • The scene with them in the cafe was also sweet. NJ really has to endure a lot of hate. Also liked that CU was ready to stand up for her and she prevented it. Also loved he comforted her. She really can be herself around him. 
    And their sentence about her not being as beautiful in real life, is just a blatant lie. 
  • Deep talk in the car aswell. NJ really is a natural talker and very straight to the point. They really seem to click. It's not going to happen, but I would really ship them too. They can learn a lot from each other and have chemistry. They would be a nice couple. He could be her calm place, the person she can lean on.
  • Choi really is a gentleman, but denying NJ's offer to go up to her apartment really was a power move. No wonder it hurt her pride. :laugh:How can anyone deny her? :pandablush:
  • I laughed so, so hard when Choi fished the big zucchini out of his soup. His face was priceless :laugh:
  • So all it was, was Granny scolding Choi and taking him in to finally make Yeon Su admitting her feelings and saying it loudly. Now the only one who is left to hear it, is Ung. 
  • JW peach story is so sad. :pandasadspoon: At first I hoped they would tackle their plot aswell and make sure they get closer, but after he talked about the peaches with YS, I was against it again. This is so sad. 
  • So today episode was called "Hello My Soul Mate", which is quite interesting, because it could fit many different characters. 
    NJ who has a crush on Choi.
    Yeon Su who finally admits her feelings for Choi and realizes she still loves him. 
    Cutter girl who seemingly presented a gift for Ji.
    Choi & Ji Woong, who have the biggest bromance and are just best friends. Choi joined him on the sofa, because he realized something was up and it's kinda tradition when Ji came over to have a sleep over.
    Choi who sees Yeon Su smile.


So according to the preview, NJ will be in a dating scandal with Choi. People will talk about it, so it only will make things worse. YS will dump Choi Ung, because he probably thinks they are seeing each other. NJ will seemingly admit it in front of her, to take her out of the picture and make sure an old love stays old. This is probably also her best bet to make sure something is rolling.

I thought at first, maybe a dating scandal will put a stop to her wish of pursueing Choi, because an idol having a dating scandal would most likely endanger her career. A lot of fans turn their backs on their favorite idol once they start dating. On the other hand, NJ is also too big to fail, maybe she is already famous and successful enough, that her career can manage a dating scandal with another soon-to-be celebrity. 


Yeon Su ending her "friendship" with Choi could also backfire and delay things, since it might empower him in his thought she might leave him again. 

Very very interesting episode again. Can't wait for the next one.
Aigoooooo one weak is so long :scaredpanda2:

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3 hours ago, Dhakra said:

Although....we never heard a song of her. Maybe for the best

There wasnonce her song played btw, I forgot in which scene, early episodes of her appearance, lovely sunday or somehing sounds like techno song. 


3 hours ago, Dhakra said:
  • How can anyone deny her? 

He is the one who can say No to him and I think that what makes her even more interested. Cuz he said things as it is. No flattery liie others might do for her.


3 hours ago, Dhakra said:

I laughed so, so hard when Choi fished the big zucchini out of his soup. His face was priceless :laugh:

Ah, you remind me that this is the best scene of all last night episode, lols. 

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Ugh. So, from the ep 11 preview, it seems that YS tells CW that she can't be friends with him, but she is in turn told by NJ that NJ and CW are dating. So, basically, they're now going to get even angstier than they already were.

Ikr, for me it is so frustrating since ep 9. But even so, it is more frustrating to wait another week to know what's going to happen next. 

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3 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

There wasnonce her song played btw, I forgot in which scene, early episodes of her appearance, lovely sunday or somehing sounds like techno song. 


He is the one who can say No to him and I think that what makes her even more interested. Cuz he said things as it is. No flattery liie others might do for her.


Ah, you remind me that this is the best scene of all last night episode, lols. 


Techno? :pandathink: NJ making techno music would make her even more awesome! 


Sure, sure, he clearly is the one who isn't like the others and gets even more interesting, the more he unwillingly shows no clear interest in her. Still, it's NJ :pandablush: I hope the dating scandal will put a little spice into their relationship :pandasipsip:

YES, I KNOW this isn't going to happen, he probably wants to just get rid of the rumor and when he finds out, NJ spreads that they are seeing each other, he will dump her and make things right.

But let a SLS dream. :pandajustright: Choi Ung & NJ. Their kids would be called NJuniors. 



The scene was so hilarious :laugh: The fact that they just let it in the soup and YS's grandmom probably put it in his bowl on purpose, because she thought he dumped her and made her cry. 

I also liked the scene where YS revealed she dumped him and you could clearly see how granny wasn't able to understand a word and struggled to know what kind of things she should do now. She was a little overwhelmed. 


@abs-oluteMYeon Su should have asked Choi if he likes Messi :laugh:



Edited by Dhakra
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The title of episode 10 is "Hello, soulmate". Who is soulmate with who here? I can't tell, lol! With how it ended, I feel it's more like Woong and Ji Woong are the soulmates. :P


Not much progress here but I like that we get some more backstories of NJ and Ji Woong, and Yeon Su being honest to her feelings with someone else even if it isn't Woong. She's been suppressing it for so long, so it's a good sign she's come forth with it and also let Halmoni knows it's not Woong who breaks up with her. I think it's important for their relationship to clear up this part with Halmoni.


I like the chit-chat NJ and Woong share. I feel sorry for Ji Woong too, especially how hurtful it is that his own mother did not remember he's allergic to peach. Did his mum perhaps re-marry and abandon him...? His mum doesn't even remember it was his birthday but Woong's mum does that is why she insisted cooking for him. I'm surprised Woong didn't remember either.


I'm looking forward to find out/confirm whether Woong is adopted in the next episode. I see a flashback again in the preview.


It's dragging on but I'm invested enough and care about the characters now so I wouldn't drop it. No matter what's coming I'll watch it till the end. I am really that fond of Woo Sik as Choi Woong.

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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Not much progress here but I like that we get some more backstories of NJ and Ji Woong, and Yeon Su being honest to her feelings with someone else even if it isn't Woong. She's been suppressing it for so long, so it's a good sign she's come forth with it and also let Halmoni knows it's not Woong who breaks up with her. I think it's important for their relationship to clear up this part with Halmoni


I agree with you. I also think Yeon Su's admission to halmoni that the break-up was actually her fault and is a regret is a step forward for her to be honest with herself. Then, she can be honest with Ung as well. I am curious how she will try to reverse just being friends.


When halmoni was treating Ung harshly during dinner, I liked that Ung didn't choose to get up and leave in the middle of it when Yeon Su told him to. I thought it showed respect that he didn't mind halmoni's misunderstanding of him and rather appreciated her food instead. Based on how much halmoni fed Ung, I can tell she likes him, but was trying to support Yeon Su. Anyway, it was sweet of Ung to bring Yeon Su's pouch to her because she had said that it was precious to her.


Ji Ung's relationship with his mother is just so sad. I hope it's not too late for them to mend it. It's a good thing he has Ung and his parents, but I know it's not the same as having the same love and warmth from your own family, especially your mother.


I enjoyed Ung and NJ's scenes together, but I don't see any sparks...at least not yet or any from Ung. How people outright judge NJ is so unfair, but I liked the advice that Ung offered her. She doesn't need their understanding. There's no need for her to want that. Who cares. Let them see and believe what they want. It's fine as long as you understand yourself. (I think it's so true. I know I'm more happier in life when I don't care what others think of me and as long as I know myself the best.)

Edited by peperomia
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As much I love this show and the couple, I wish it was not a 16 episode series. I think the show would have faired better with 12 or 10 episodes, there's just too much of stretching the angst and miscommunication between the couple right now. It's gotten incredibly frustrating to watch.


I don't think NJ is important to the story at all. I don't hate her like many fans seem to, like on twitter, but her character provides no purpose in the progression of the story. She is not the catalyst in bringing the OTP together, she didn't bring them closer; heck, she didn't bring about any change in CU or any other character either. She's just there. A pretty face, that's all and now she is turning clingy and into the typical second FL, creating misunderstandings and pushing the OTP apart just so she can obsess over her latest crush for 2 months. I don't mind the SL's shooting their shot with clearly unattached two individuals but please don't stoop to villain/vamp levels. It's just so freaking boring in this day and age especially when the guy is obviously still hung up on someone else and not interested even 1% in you. I wonder if the writer is aware that she is showing how arrogant celebs are, thinking no one they express interest in, can reject them. If they do, they can't graciously accept it and move on. They basically hound them for time and attention. NJ please do better and bow out when CU rejects you. 


JiUng just broke my heart in episode 10. I wonder what the deal with his mom is. Where does she go off to? She did that when he was a child too. It made me so sad when I saw her cook him a B'day dinner but keep cut peaches for him. She really does not care. How incredibly sad to not have anyone wish you a B'day too? Shouldn't CU have dragged him out for a dinner with the family or for drinks? When JU said "Does she really not know or does she not want to know." I think he not just meant it for his mom but also he wondered that about YS. Does she really not know his feelings for her or does she not want to know? Is YS willingly being blind? 


I honestly think YS really does not know. In her 5 years of dating CU, she didn't even know when JU's B'day was. He is just a school mate, her ex's BFF who she is not close to. If she ever comes to know about his feelings, she is going to be really surprised. 


Speaking of, everybody is sure that CU now knows JU likes YS from the clips he watched BUT I didn't think so after watching the scene. He was told JU and CR are editing the clips. CU just seemed like he was missing YS and regretting his decision of being just friends after watching her clips of having fun and laughing brightly. It was a look of longing and self reflection of his feelings for her IMO.  I don't know why but I am expecting CU to say I love you to YS soon, maybe with a picture drawn of them together or just her, showing that like the buildings and the trees, she too is permanent in his life.  


I will flip a table if YS goes to break the friendship with CU in the next episode but he is there to confess his love to her instead. I have this head cannon of what YS will say during the friendship break up. That she doesn't think them being friends will work. Can they smile and support the relationship when they date someone? Will he attend each other's marriages when they wed someone else? It's better to end this here and now with the documentaries shoot also ending soon. 


Coming to CU and YS. I am one of the very few or maybe the only one who don't hate or blame YS for breaking up with CU. Before the break up, CU didn't have any ambition, any drive to do anything or even earn. But he did think YS getting a job, straight out of graduation instead of getting a higher education to get a better job with higher pay was a waste. To anyone it would seem like he was planning on leeching off of YS bringing the big bucks while he lazed around. She was afraid he would freak out about the mountain of debt, burden and responsibility on her and leave her so she left him instead. Selfish, yes but totally understandable. 


BTW is anyone expecting YS's Halmoni to die? Someone on twitter said the character description about YS or her grandmother says something about loosing her only family. If true, it may bring CU and YS closer if he takes care of her after the loss. 


Everytime I post, I write a freaking essay. :laugh:

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I love ep.10... I didn't think there was no progress. In fact, for me there is a big progress in that YS finally acknowledging her true feelings. I am so glad she could finally let it out to her grandma, instead of keep pretending it doesn't matter. That part was shot really beautifully and very powerful, I thought. YS off the running tap, and a unique angle at the drop of water from the tap, all quiet, and then the clear and crisp OST/BGM started. The water drop feels like her tears, and I started welling up as well. I cried as she opened up to her grandmother and asked grandma to scold her instead. What can a grandmother do except to hug her crying granddaughter.... 


The second time I cried was when JW was telling YS about how his mother does not know/care/remember that he is allergic to peaches, even though having witnessed him at death door once because of that. I'd really like to know what's the backstory with his mother. Is she working somewhere? It seems like she is back this time knowing that it's his birthday soon and wanting to spend it with him? What is it that made their relationship so sour and tensed? I hope they will show it and it'd better be a good one. That JW has just been misunderstanding her and she has a valid reason for staying away... Maybe it will be like the mother-son relationship in C-drama Go Ahead. Although here, with the cut peaches I should probably not hope for much?


Soulmate... Woong and Ji Woong for sure. Haha.... Love their bromance, then and now. Ji Woong once again held back from asking "the" question to Woong after he saw YS and CW together being "friends". Just like when he deleted her phone number when YS and CW broke up. However, this might not do him any good. Maybe he should just express it once and see what it will bring about for his relationship with YS. Otherwise, it's going to always be a "what-if"...


Preview... hm, I'm really not looking forward to NJ lying to YS that she and Woong are seeing each other. She's been cool so far and I don't want her to become a clingy FSL please.


Forgot to say thanks to grandma who let out the "secret" that YS was crying a lot when the two broke up. That's definitely news for CW and I'm sure he noted it well. Probably the reason he stayed on for dinner, despite being polite, is hoping that grandma spill some more, haha... Yeah, sometimes we do need outspoken people like grandma in our lives. 

In ep.9, YS also kinda get a hint of how CW is feeling because she opened and saw that folder of his drawing when he was at his lowest.... 


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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I like the old PD of documentary he is like us watcher, get the idea of who is having feeling to who


ep 10 I get a bit of comedy when CW eats at YS home with grandma Idk if I just need laugh but it is really funny how he acted in hesitate to eat that big cut of zucchini 😂😂


and also I think to put in simple terms, YS-CW has different love language, while YS is more words affirmation, CW is on the other side: quality time/acts of service? And they are so passive to gettin' equilibrium of that~ so it's goin' on & on + interesting how they have different philosophy of life due to condition


to open up her feelings to grandma is a big development for YS I guess

I really like the idea of this drama but sometimes it feels draggy with too much longed frames + just bgm

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

The title of episode 10 is "Hello, soulmate". Who is soulmate with who here? I can't tell, lol! With how it ended, I feel it's more like Woong and Ji Woong are the soulmates. :P


His mum doesn't even remember it was his birthday but Woong's mum does that is why she insisted cooking for him. I'm surprised Woong didn't remember either.


I would say the title refers to them aswell, the epilogue was so heartwartming and cute, especially with what Choi said. I am all ears, it showed which great friendship they share. They're brothers.


Oh true, CW mom packed a meal for him and insisted that his son delivers it. She was totally aware of it. I didn't notice it at first. 


8 hours ago, peperomia said:

I enjoyed Ung and NJ's scenes together, but I don't see any sparks...at least not yet or any from Ung. 


Oh, don't worry. I see enough sparkles for the both of us. :pandasipsip: But yeah, they pretty much all came from NJ. She was like a firework on her own. 



3 hours ago, YourHighness said:

I don't think NJ is important to the story at all. I don't hate her like many fans seem to, like on twitter, but her character provides no purpose in the progression of the story. She is not the catalyst in bringing the OTP together, she didn't bring them closer; heck, she didn't bring about any change in CU or any other character either. She's just there. A pretty face, that's all and now she is turning clingy and into the typical second FL, creating misunderstandings and pushing the OTP apart just so she can obsess over her latest crush for 2 months. I don't mind the SL's shooting their shot with clearly unattached two individuals but please don't stoop to villain/vamp levels


NJ really doesn't do anything, her role never took off, which is a bit sad, given the fact they she won an award for this role. 

As much as I love her character and beauty, plot-wise, the drama would be the absolute same if her role wasn't present. Nothing would change, she did not have an impact in anyone's life. 

I doubt, against her opinion, that she was responsible for Choi Ung's career to take off. During their first encounter, Choi was able to set a price for his pictures to 15 Million Won, so he was quite successful already. 

I will never see a SL trying to find her luck and finding love to be a villain/vamp though. She will create a fuss and misunderstanding, but this is probably the only chance she has. 


@abs-oluteMwill have flashbacks when I say this, but NJ is someone who tries, everything in her power, to make it work. I can sympathize with that. That's attractive for me at least. 

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4 hours ago, Dhakra said:

NJ really doesn't do anything, her role never took off, which is a bit sad, given the fact they she won an award for this role. 

As much as I love her character and beauty, plot-wise, the drama would be the absolute same if her role wasn't present. Nothing would change, she did not have an impact in anyone's life. 

I doubt, against her opinion, that she was responsible for Choi Ung's career to take off. During their first encounter, Choi was able to set a price for his pictures to 15 Million Won, so he was quite successful already. 

I will never see a SL trying to find her luck and finding love to be a villain/vamp though. She will create a fuss and misunderstanding, but this is probably the only chance she has. 


@abs-oluteMwill have flashbacks when I say this, but NJ is someone who tries, everything in her power, to make it work. I can sympathize with that. That's attractive for me at least. 


She won an award for this role? But it' still on air. Although, you know these awards really don't mean anything. It's just the networks way of appeasing popular shows, celebs and their companies. It's just for bragging rights really and most of them are bargained for or bought. This is why I always feel pity for fans who spend hours and hours "voting" for their celebs to win a certain category. Everything is fixed beforehand. I've worked in this entertainment industry so I am speaking from experience. 


I agree. Her character is pretty useless. I would have given her character props if her presence was the reason why YS realized her feelings but that isn't so. She is the most redundant character in the show. IMO, I think YS is the one who deserves the credit for CU's popularity and career. She leaving him is why he is so successful, focused and wealthy. 


Of course trying your luck in love doesn't make you or anyone a villain. What does make you one is forcing your attention on someone who is clearly not into you, lying and hurting someone to get your way with an unwilling partner. If CU had been receptive to her attention, I wouldn't have a problem with her behavior but since he is not, her behavior is borderline vamp-ish IMO.  


I don't have a problem with someone trying their best to make it work but it has to be mutual, if it's not, it's stalking and forced. I don't find her desperate attempts to get CU's attention admirable at all honestly. If the situation was reversed and a guy was stalking an unwilling girl(who clearly rejected him) who is still in love with someone else, lying to the other guy she loves while trying to make it work with her, would that be admirable? I am getting the creeps just thinking about it so why give NJ a pass for her behavior?

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6 hours ago, YourHighness said:

She won an award for this role? But it' still on air. Although, you know these awards really don't mean anything. It's just the networks way of appeasing popular shows, celebs and their companies. It's just for bragging rights really and most of them are bargained for or bought. This is why I always feel pity for fans who spend hours and hours "voting" for their celebs to win a certain category. Everything is fixed beforehand. I've worked in this entertainment industry so I am speaking from experience.


Yeah, it was one of those Rookie Awards that they give out like candy on a childs birthday party. For her role as NJ, it had a little bit of taste, because well, a tree would have the same impact as her role. 


6 hours ago, YourHighness said:

I agree. Her character is pretty useless. I would have given her character props if her presence was the reason why YS realized her feelings but that isn't so. She is the most redundant character in the show. IMO, I think YS is the one who deserves the credit for CU's popularity and career. She leaving him is why he is so successful, focused and wealthy. 


What bothers me the most is that her character had potential, she could have filled a role in CU's life that was needed. She could have been his "mentor" in the celebrity world. After their talk at the restaurant very early on, with him raising in popularity, she could have been something that Yeon Su never was. His backup, the one who tells him things he sometimes needs to hear. 

The issue with her role was simply the fact that CU was completely into YS from the very first second. There wasn't a single moment in this drama where the viewer doubted Ungs love for Yeon Su. We knew from the moment they met each other again, that both still have lingering feelings. So NJ was on her backfoot from the very start. 

If all roles are clear, what purpose does she have? She only could have been a temptation for him, something he never experienced before. 


The one who deserves praise for CU's career is CU himself. Yeon Su may have pushed a button or two, but in the end he followed his dreams and was able to make his talent into money. I'm sure he would have found his way either way. He would have been successful, with her on his side aswell. Her words inspired him, even while she was still around. Maybe he would be even more successful with her as support and without insomnia. 


But that's all pure theory. 

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Beautiful MV of OST 7 - Tree on The Hill 


I read some viewers aren’t happy that CW suggested to YS to be just friends after kissing her. The way I see it, he concluded that was the best way because instead of responding after the kiss, YS chose to run away. What can CW think about that except that she was not happy being kissed? So no, I don’t blame CW for wanting to just be friends because of his fear for abandonment. Both are sending mixed signals, not just Woong. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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I don't think I can ever watch Itaewon Class again seeing that I love this couple more. Kim Dami and Choi Woo Shik are meant to act together forever, maybe not forever. I'm exaggerating a bit here just to show how much I like seeing them together. Haha! 



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On 1/5/2022 at 9:00 PM, Dhakra said:

@abs-oluteMwill have flashbacks when I say this, but NJ is someone who tries, everything in her power, to make it work. I can sympathize with that. That's attractive for me at least. 

Yes, I appreciate that she is quite forward with how she feels. I thought at least in the latest episode we got to see her side of the story , how she met CW and why she would fall for him. At least it makes sense to me why she'd be attracted to him. 


Funnily I like seeing Ji Ung's story too. And his relationship with Woong and family are so precious. Maybe I have always felt bad about how he thinks that he is not the main character of his story. But even given his background ( a mother who was never quite present ) etc, he turned out making something of himself ,and he's got his act as an adult together. While I root for CW and YS to reunite, in some ways I think he should just tell YS how he feels, get rejected , get closure and just move on. I know easier said than done but it is so that he has no regrets. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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