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On 1/28/2022 at 11:47 PM, Dhakra said:

Uh perfect! That's great. So I have to watch 6 episodes in total?

Yes. Today eps 6 was aired . Then the drama takes a 3 week break due to the Olympics and will resume on 25th Feb...


PSH and CTJ expecting a baby boy


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Happy Lunar New  Year...

What's everyone's plan ?

Am off to my sister's for reunion lunch. Used to be dinner but with new babies born last year, we are having it in the day. 


Have you all seen this ad from a few years ago ? It was hilarious and full of innuendos :smug:


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!


Jelly it's a public holidays for some of you. I'll be working and... man, we're not going to have to do 4th...5th...6th booster right? Right? Because... I'm suffering the side effects of the 3rd one (Moderna). I feel my covid arm is worse than when I had Pfizer and I'm having joint pain on my elbow where I've covid arm, along with chills and fatigue.

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!


Jelly it's a public holidays for some of you. I'll be working and... man, we're not going to have to do 4th...5th...6th booster right? Right? Because... I'm suffering the side effects of the 3rd one (Moderna). I feel my covid arm is worse than when I had Pfizer and I'm having joint pain on my elbow where I've covid arm, along with chills and fatigue.

Oh get some rest..I had not much side effects from all 3 of my jabs except for a sore arm.


Though this year there is some semblance of normalcy for CNY - at least we're allowed to return to our home towns (for those who live away from their families) and celebrations / dinners are allowed. But we're still cautious. Like my family we do a RTK Antigen Test ( Self test) ( similar to a lateral flow test) before gathering as some of the young ones are not eligible for vaccination yet. I do this with my friends too when we want to meet up for dinner. Self testing has become quite the norm for some of us in my country. Fortunately self-test kits are easy to get and not particularly expensive. I buy them by the dozens. Also some offices require staff  to self test weekly or bi-weekly for work as pre-caution as often a lot of cases are asymptomatic. Not full-proof but at least some level of precaution. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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9 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh get some rest..I had not much side effects from all 3 of my jabs except for a sore arm.


Though this year there is some semblance of normalcy for CNY - at least we're allowed to return to our home towns (for those who live away from their families) and celebrations / dinners are allowed. But we're still cautious. Like my family we do a RTK Antigen Test ( Self test) ( similar to a lateral flow test) before gathering as some of the young ones are not eligible for vaccination yet. I do this with my friends too when we want to meet up for dinner. Self testing has become quite the norm for some of us in my country. Fortunately self-test kits are easy to get and not particularly expensive. I buy them by the dozens. Also some offices require staff  to self test weekly or bi-weekly for work as pre-caution as often a lot of cases are asymptomatic. Not full-proof but at least some level of precaution. 

We can't get it here from pharmacies and some black heart businesses even mark up the price. I thought my company stocking up on RTK means we will have more access to it but nope, I was wrong. Only a certain individual at senior level gets to use as many as he likes. They are doing the zone isolation between offices after a few colleagues confirmed positive in the course of the last two weeks but it seems pointless when a few individuals are still going from one zone to another.

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

We can't get it here from pharmacies and some black heart businesses even mark up the price. I thought my company stocking up on RTK means we will have more access to it but nope, I was wrong. Only a certain individual at senior level gets to use as many as he likes. They are doing the zone isolation between offices after a few colleagues confirmed positive in the course of the last two weeks but it seems pointless when a few individuals are still going from one zone to another.

Oh ...for us buying a self test kit ( the ones approved by Ministry of Health) is super easy. Pharmacies, grocers, convenience stores have them. Govt send the older folks sets too ...like my mum got some free. I buy them from a reputable online pharmacy. I agree that the zone isolation thing is pointless ...

Will you celebrate the Lunar NY some how? Like in the weekend or something?

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Happy Lunar Near Year Everyone!! :hearties:


@mademoiselle @abs-oluteM Rapid antigen kits are easily accessible here too. You can go to the pharmacy and pick one up. In my state there are a lot of walk-in rapid testing locations for people to go get test if they don't want to pay for the kits. This week, the US government started sending out two test kits (total of four tests) to families if they requested one through their website. 

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Thanks all! After 1.5 days, I feel better now. I honestly hope there's no more shots from now on. I don't even like taking the flu vaccine offered for free each year.


I do wish the AU government will send free kits to our door step rather than give it to us after queuing up for PCR test to only be sent home with some free RATs.



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On 2/1/2022 at 2:45 PM, mademoiselle said:

Thanks all! After 1.5 days, I feel better now. I honestly hope there's no more shots from now on. I don't even like taking the flu vaccine offered for free each year.


Surprisingly my 3rd booster (all pfizer) have less effect than the 1 & 2. I heard Moderna have more side effects indeed. 


Not fans of all these jabs either, but I suspect it will never ending one 🥴


Holiday ended, so sad. It was so fast. How I spend it :


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1 hour ago, SilverMoonTea said:


Not fans of all these jabs either, but I suspect it will never ending one 🥴

To make you feel better , my boy takes an influenza jab every year - he's done it for 11 years. 

I personally don't mind getting vaccines as long as they can help us manage the pandemic. 


Just like covid jabs it may not 100% guarantee you won't catch it but it reduces risk and severity of the illness. My kid caught influenza A from the hubs once ( though he was vaccinated) but he recovered quickly & had mild symptoms ( just high fever for a couple of days which could be managed by anti viral tabs and panadol). My hubs, with no flu jab,  suffered high fever for over a week - doesn't come down even with panadol etc and had extreme fatigue and tiredness. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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My experience with flu shot is completely different. Never have flu shot, rarely fall sick. Once decided to get flu shot - got so sick that year I had severe cough for more than 3 months and maybe 6. It was so bad that I had muscle spasm in my chest. The GP thought I might have a heart attack and sent me for X-ray. And then I had to go to Physio for the muscle spasm.


So never again I wanted to take flu shot. As for this COVID vaccine, I think if it slowly becomes the norm, I might not go for it anymore. It's such a pain! Coz...


I couldn't get an appointment on a Saturday thus I had it on Sunday. Took Monday off since I feel unwell. Payroll didn't want to process it as sick leave because I did not have a medical certificate. I disputed it by providing my vaccine certificate and saying everyone who has the effing jabs suffer from side effects can attest to it. And with that, they process it as sick leave!



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On 1/5/2022 at 1:18 AM, Jane said:

Wow, so many of you calling out for me to watch it! I do have it on my Netflix list and I want to start it soon. I was surprised to find out that the filming of a documentary is part of the premise of the drama and how the OTP reconnects? Will let you all know if I do start it within the live airing period!


Haha I'm still half way through Our Beloved Summer. It's such a beautiful drama...but it does take stamina to get through the push and pull of emotions. I like my relationships to be less prickly...but I know there's a lot of sweetness after the part where I stopped, so I should just continue! :popcorn:


On 1/5/2022 at 1:18 AM, Jane said:

I hope you are feeling better too! For me, I felt like I only had so much capacity at that particular moment to engage positively. And maybe it's because I had a good December break so I feel like I am ready to face more of the world again in that positive frame of mind. :)


Still waiting for last year's issues to end, but oddly ennough there's been no update and it's out of my control....but going ok! Super glad your break was good and you feel ready to face the world again! :CharmanderYay:


On 1/5/2022 at 5:25 PM, mademoiselle said:


@Jane I used to write diary too but it was just on a normal notebook. Eventually stopped writing after internet became an essential part of my life and kdramas are more readily available that I spend more time on it than putting feelings into words. I definitely have more things to write back then because there were more interactions with school mates and dramatic events happening.


This is sooooo me as well! I use to write every day. But now even with my 365 day journal, I can't seem to find the motivation! It's all the dramas I tell you :BulbaConfused:


On 1/6/2022 at 12:18 AM, Jane said:


And then you can decorate around the ticket or write little notes around it!


Yes, I love doing this. It's so cute when you add stickers too :wow2:


On 1/6/2022 at 12:28 AM, Jane said:

@mademoiselle Oh yes I take business cards too as part of my dream to scrapbook but they always end up being thrown away eventually. :nervous:


This is me too! I get lazy and stick the business cards into a notebook but then forget about them.. haha :lol:

On 1/6/2022 at 1:21 AM, Chocolate said:

The only time I wrote anything in a diary or journal was during school days when I had crushes. Those were fun to read after a long time and and I am reminded of crazy things 😂 But I worry someone opens my drawer and finds it. And what happens if I suddenly die! They will know all my secrets!


Hahaha I reread my diary about my crushes and it was sooooo cringe :psweatduck::laugh:


On 1/7/2022 at 2:43 PM, Tofu said:

I'm glad everyone is getting their vaccine or booster. I've been working a lot with COVID positive clients which is why I haven't been as active the last few days. The trend I've been seeing is that the ones who are vaccinated have milder symptoms than the ones who are not. Many were asymptomatic and continued to stay that way. At most, some developed a cough and/or stuffy nose. The ones that are not vaccinated are having more symptoms (fevers, chills, sore throat, loss of taste/smell, cough, congestion, fatigue, etc.). Even with our employees, those who are not vaccinated on average are out for 2-3 weeks while the vaccinated ones are ready to come back in just a few days. 


I still have to get my booster. I think I'll be going to a walk in centre next week.Hope you've been ok with your work @Tofu (Just noticed that I'm catching up with messages from a month ago) Hopefully there's less covid patients you have to deal with now? :psweatduck:


On 1/10/2022 at 5:05 PM, mademoiselle said:

2020 has better dramas than 2021, @Tofu

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Although I shouldn't complain since my VIP bias gave me two dramas in a year :pandaheadstomp:

The upcoming dramas in 2022 don't entice me as much until I get some teasers LOL. Maybe Big Mouth and Tomorrow although Big Mouth might be more Oppa driven than plot driven. I'm sure you know this year seems to be back to Lawyer theme again, I don't know how I feel about that.



I'm still feeling this way! There's no drama that really screams out to me as a must watch though there's a few I will try to start. Still got to finish my half watched dramas. I've just been on my Taiwanese drama bender since Dec...But I plan to finally start All of Us are Dead tonight if I finish the last 4 episodes of  Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty - I finally managed to enjoy one C-Drama :CharmanderYay: But will be sad to finish it because i'll miss that bromantic chemistry :letalQQ::laugh: 


On 1/11/2022 at 11:16 PM, mademoiselle said:


Time flies! Can't believe we've fought COVID for 2 years now but CRIES. The shelves are emptied for toilet papers again :jinbtscry:


Yeah a month later and I was still shocked that my local grocery store ran out of TP the other day. Luckily it's not what I was buying, but it was strange to see an empty isle again!

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 1/26/2022 at 11:07 AM, mademoiselle said:

And it's going to be the same every single day... soooo yuckkkkyyyy. I can feel the temperature in my room rising up already and we're not even hitting midday yet! :jinbtscry: My electric bill is going to be sky-high...


I'm sooo glad the weather has cooled down this week. That week of intense heat made me feel so gross. :cry: But ;lately I've still been feeling bored. I think it's because I'm still wfh, but the lack of seeing people and change is driving me mad. I know @SilverMoonTea also didn't like it - are you back in the office Tea or still wfh?


On 1/26/2022 at 11:07 AM, mademoiselle said:

Yeah why is the government / police not policing this? The shops don't even check whether the people entering is vaccinated anymore. My company is also getting lax and after a few positive cases, they started doing the zoning isolation again BUT it's not going to work since the people who makes up the rules breaks them themselves.


I know right....everything is super lax here. It's kind of sad. On the one hand, I feel less stressed if I accidentally forget my phone while running out to buy milk or something. On the other hand, it's not great. I still don't go out as much as I use to because I can't quite trust that I won't end up getting sick if a shopping centre is over crowded etc :letalQQ:


On 1/26/2022 at 11:24 AM, SilverMoonTea said:

Yes they given new name. There is two 10y.o boys murdered 2y.o boy. They only served 8 years in prison too 😰 I suggest not to read this case before sleep, as its gruesome. James Bulger is the victim name. Its famous in UK. I never understand how such young boys can do that, humanity fail me. 



I think I remember reading the real case. Was this the one where the body or killing was done near some train tracks? It's so creepy when children kill because they're suppose to be innocent and even if naughty...not violent :cry:


On 1/26/2022 at 1:30 PM, mademoiselle said:

LOL, like Mouse maybe these boys are just born with a murder gene. You and @Chocolate are into crime dramas, if you could study criminology, would you? I think at a point in time I was interested but now that I'm older, I want to live my life peacefully (and be happy) so I don't think I want to always channel a criminal's minds coz it's so disturbing.


Yes, some people are born with abnormally smaller emotional/empathy part of the brain, but much larger side of the brain for pain tolerance and quick to anger/ violence which is why they are psychopaths.


Hahaha, I studied criminology for a few sems...but it was realllllly dry. Just a lot of theory about police and crime. Rather watch crime dramas @SilverMoonTea @Chocolate :smile:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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