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2 hours ago, bairama said:

BTW calling out Sandbox watchers here @ktcjdrama @JenL @gilaswan@Alice Wonderland @Chocolate @mademoiselle @Jane @abs-oluteM @im0202 who's else I hope I'm not missing anyone bcs I feel so happy and thankful to know there is a space in a relax atmosphere to write/read thoughts going on about the show, it's so fierce out there with all the wars of character omg TT I love you all!:pandalove:


Ahhh, thanks for being a great forum friend :hearties:


I find this space to be way more fun to chat in! Everyone's friendly and has interesting views and content to share :) I think people are open minded and capable of discussion without getting overly emotional which makes to great for sharing insights and theories and fangirling, no matter who they like :)

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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ahhh:heart: I sincerely hope this place, where people can gather in with fully freedom that all the decisions make are sincerely for the best of community members itself, have long life. Even the money are gathered just for the sake of this site holds on to offer the safe haven space, where all the facility can be maximized for the sake of member happiness, in hope it can be more fun space since it is truly from community for community:heart: so I'm very, very, thankful to meet all of you.

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

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Hello everyone! It feels like yesterday I joined JH but it turned already for months.  Time flew really fast. 


Thanks to @bairama for tagging me here. Well talking about fan wars of shippers are just pointless. Lol. I just don't want to get myself a headache even just reading them further. So I like to be here as well. We can discuss things or have different opinions in a healthy discussion. 


It feels good spending my time here to chat, playing games, joining some events, gushing over dramas, venting or just to leave a love here and there. All are so fun.


And I really appreciate the special events of certain drama threads and those cool podcasts! You are so great in dissecting those dramas in a such fun and intelligent way. Keep them coming!


Good luck for JH! Keep it up!

Cheers, wihaeyo! :CharmanderYay:

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Just inviting some folks from our recent Ruyi  & , Brahms, Gumiho thread to share some of your thoughts / feedback and wishes for our site as we celebrate our 100Days. Do check out @stroppyse posts at  the top for more info


@40somethingahjumma @SnT @Yana @gween97 @Beautifulthing @HerManyShows @liddi @OsmanthusTea @ktcjdrama @kimberlyamor  @cherrhys88


@TRaNz @abnoch  @Thong Thin @themarchioness @Tothestars @MAlbacome drop us a note too. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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I never regret joining Janghaven. It's become a must for me to visit this cosy space everyday, whether it is to just silently read and catch up with threads, or to post my own thoughts on something.

As I am definitely more of a reader than a poster, I hope that the regulars in this community don't get the wrong message when I don't respond to your tags sometimes! I still appreciate that I'm included in your thoughts. :heart:


I am very grateful that this space exists and I can't believe we're celebrating 100 days soon! 



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19 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Just inviting some folks from our recent Ruyi  & , Brahms, Gumiho thread to share some of your thoughts / feedback and wishes for our site as we celebrate our 100Days. Do check out @stroppyse posts at  the top for more info


@40somethingahjumma @SnT @Yana @gween97 @Beautifulthing @HerManyShows @liddi @OsmanthusTea @ktcjdrama @kimberlyamor  @cherrhys88


@TRaNz @abnoch  @Thong Thin @themarchioness @Tothestars @MAlbacome drop us a note too. 





Thank you for having me here. It's always a pleasure interacting with people who share the same interests as you. :Party02:


Here's to more months and years with y'all  :Party01:

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First of all: Congratulations!!

Some criticisms (which are of course my opinion and in no way meant in a negative/mean way <3)

-To be honest the forum confuses me.
I feel like I cant post anywhere because the posts seem to be a wikipedia- type of posts one you cannot reply to with fangirlisms (which i like to do alot =3). For example k-actor shrines. I would love to fangirl or post pictures of lee dong wook but i feel like i shouldnt/ thats not its purpose. (besides the fact he apparently SOMEHOW doesn't have a shrine yet XDD Will look into that hehehe) 

-Or the K-drama (and probably others that i havent looked into i think) forum that discusses only recent eps? I think the topics shouldn't have episode numbers in their names but just inside the topic discussions with spoiler tags, it will probably make more people comfortable to post as well.
And the tags in the front the name 2020/upcoming etc etc makes it even more confusing. i think it would be better to have the name of the drama in the front and upcoming/ongoing etc etc at the end (and include the tag ongoing, which will also promote the kdrama probably)

-Other than that I think (maybe in the future because JangHaven is not that big yet?) But the discord to get updated with more interesting/ interactive channels. And personally i would organize it differently, also use some visuals to make it more attractive (emojis, fonts, I have 2 channels of my own i can screenshot & show, if my ideas are interesting to you all)
And discord has awesome possibilities to use bots for so called ~roles~, so if youre a kdrama watcher you can click 'kdrama watcher' and see kdrama channels for example.



to end on a non-criticism note

-I really love the positivity of the people on the forum and discord, everyones very nice and it is no drama- environment. we need more of that in life =) The mods/important peeps are so easy to talk to as well and dont feel like they are 'more' than other non-mod forum users, and use the forum a lot themselves also which makes it feel even more like a family/community =3

Thanks for reading <3

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I personally really like this community because everyone are very welcoming and the members are nice to each other. Here, I can have a nice discussion rather arguments. Aside from that, I really enjoy all the events that are held here, it gave me the courage to participate in them and feel like I'm actually a part of this community. Thank you. 


Good luck and I will always support JangHaven! :wow:

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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First off, Congratulations on the site's 100 days milestone! :pandahappy:


I'm came across the site when Do You Like Brahms? was still airing and I was looking for articles/opinions/reviews about it. I signed up when I heard the podcast about it. I'm more of a reader than a "writer" or poster so if I don't respond to tags right away, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you guys, ok? :smile:

Anyway, I love the forum because, as some people have already said, everybody is very welcoming and friendly and it's always fun to interact with like-minded people.

 Good luck and here's to the next 100 days (months) more! :Party01::Party02:

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Jang Haven = JH = Just Heaven


Okay, I’ll stop being cheesy... 😆

I really love and enjoy this smaller community where we can talk amiably about dramas in the threads. I am here for the dramas in case you haven’t guessed from my username, haha. Whenever a drama thread move at lightning speed (usually due to (repetitive) social media promotion materials) that’s when I will grow quiet. I like to read written thoughts more than viewing pictures. Of course I still happily welcome gifs, memes, and stills. At times when I have more time to spare, I do wander to non-drama threads and drop a post or two 😉


O, almost forget to mention, one of my favorite features here is the Movie and Drama Reviews! 


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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100 days? Time has certainly flown! 


The amazing staff whom I have had the pleasure of interacting with in varying degrees over the past years, are the real reason that I, very much a creature of habit, was initially drawn to join a new forum. The community is smaller (it's early days yet!), navigation is familiar in some ways, unfamiliar in others (Trophies? Medals? Eh?) While I am not very active thus far (real life and certain viewing fare that almost no one else is watching, take responsibility!), the threads I do participate in have been nothing but warm and welcoming, and it is always a joy to visit. If I have one thing I miss, it would be smaller face emojis (I'm old school!), but that's about it! 


To cap it off, Happy 100th Day, JangHaven, and wishing you many many more 100 days to come! Keep up the good work!

Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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:Party01: Happy 100th days JangHaven :Party02:


Times fly so fast. It feels like only yesterday when I can't wait for the community open to public. 

Personally I am more in lurking mode rather than active as a poster. I would be active for some period and then go back to lurk around again. I hope other members won't misunderstand when I don't respond to the mentions sometimes. Appreciate the thoughts of you thinking and including me in your posts. I'm just a shy person and takes time to open up to others. After joining JangHaven, I gained new friends. :smile:


I hope in the upcoming days, the community will grow bigger with people who seek a comfortable place for them to share their loves for their dramas, actors or pairing with other fans. 


Cheers to many more days, months and years to come! :duckhearts:

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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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On some points I feel you @Jesscisu, that wiki!! Hahahahaha😂😂 you can always start spazzing even the page feels like more wiki since there aren't other spazzers (yet?) and rest will follow.. Or summon people to join the hail party, for example I think many of us crazy for ethereal handsome LDW, I see @Tofu spazzes him on Tale of The Nine Tailed A LOT😂😂 and @abs-oluteM will gladly to join. I will be grateful too if I can see yall spazz him I will harvest the prince charming!! Sorry if I get too excited about this thinking😂😂


And for the discord thing!! Truuu I hope it can be developed to that point, and of course think it is :Niceu: to have help on it💚

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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Congratulations on 100 days.  I’m very new to this forum. I came for Ruyi but am looking forward to joining more discussions. I’m typically only a reader - I like to research spoilers etc, but my enthusiasm for Ruyi and the general kindness here has me posting  - I shock myself sometimes.  I struggle trying to figure out navigation, like I press a bottom and it takes me out of the thread I was on. It’s operator error for sure. Thank you for creating this space. You’ve made this difficult time a little easier to handle. 

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100 Days already?!


Wooooww! Congratulations JangHaven and to all the very hardworking people behind this. You guys really created a community, a family here ❤


It seems like it was just yesterday when I had to STUDY hard and prepare myself for the Oppa quiz ala Trivia Bot style & join the Discord Launch party to win a chance for an early registration in JH. Hahaha. Time indeed flies so fast. I'm so happy to feel so welcome here and my prayer is that JangHaven continues to expand and become an even bigger community in the near future! Fightinnngg!!!


Looking forward to spending more drama discussions, chilling out in the lounges & oppa spazzing with all of you!


Edited by -StrongTower-
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In the strong Tower, I take refuge.


So far my top 2020 K-Dramas are 1. Hospital Playlist 2. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season Two 3. CLOY 4. IONTBO

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:Party02: :Party01:


This time last year, if someone told me I would join a drama forum - write out my thoughts (maybe do some scene analysis) about TV shows, participate in a podcast, plan a forum game, and chit-chat and karaoke with people from all over the world - I would honestly have been a little incredulous. 


But I have done all that and more!


Having been here since the beginning, I have witnessed how hard the JangHaven staff have worked to build this community. They have infused warmth and friendliness into every corner of the forum and that has set the tone for a space that is respectful, genuine and, most of all, FUN!  I truly enjoy every second, minute and hour that I spend here - reading everyone's thoughts, exchanging views, chit-chatting about everything under the Sun, playing games, and just spazzing about our favourites!


It's been such a privilege to watch JangHaven grow over the last 100 days, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

 Here's to the next  :1000: !





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